In the event that the balance is empty and there is no money to replenish it, the operator offers us to borrow a small amount from him for several days. How to take the promised payment on Tele2 for 100 rubles in two ways, we will tell you this time. You will see, there is nothing complicated here.

Briefly on the topic

You can take the promised payment on Tele2 for 100 rubles using the short command *122# or on the operator's website, through a personal account. And another way is through applications on your smartphone. Commission for the service when taking this amount - 10 rubles.

Two ways to get money into a debt account

If you have a small minus or zero on your account, or maybe there are not enough funds on your account to pay for the tariff, you can always make the promised payment to Tele2 for 100 rubles. This service is available with almost any balance: with a negative balance - up to -30 rubles, and a positive one is not limited. The loan is provided for 3 days, and a commission of 10 rubles is charged for its use.

How to take the promised payment on Tele2 for 100 USSD rubles with the command:

  • Enter through the dialer or keyboard, if the phone is push-button, USSD-command *122# .
  • Click on "Call".
  • After a second, a window will appear on the screen, where there will be a list of the amounts that you can. Choose the option from 100 rubles.
  • Click "OK".

The second option is to use the opportunities personal account, which is available to every Tele2 user if he is registered on the site. So, in order to do this:

  • Log in. Here you will immediately be taken to the profile menu.
  • At the top of the screen, look for the "Balance" button, click on it.
  • Now you need to scroll the screen up, - we are looking for the inscription "Promised payment".
  • Click on “Select an available amount”, and then on “110 rubles for 3 days”. Extra 10 rubles. is a fee for using the service.
  • Click on "Connect".

Please note: the option is available when using Tele2 communication from 1 month and only on condition that it is in this moment not connected. That is, to get another loan, you must first pay off the previous one. And one more limitation: the tariff plan can only be prepaid.

3 way - application:

  • Log into the app on your smartphone
  • We immediately see "Balance" and.

  • Select the desired amount, it will be displayed immediately with a commission and validity period.

  • Click on "Connect".


For many subscribers, the question of how to borrow money in Tele2 if it runs out at the most inopportune moment is relevant, so the mobile operator has provided such an opportunity.

At the beginning of the mass distribution of mobile communications, there were few options for paying for the services of operators. The most common method was special express payment cards, later it became possible to pay at the box office, through terminals, as well as on the Internet. In addition, companies began to offer the opportunity to stay in touch, even if it is already negative, and there is no money in the account. One of the popular options was the opportunity to borrow money on Tele2. She remains in demand today. There are other services similar in functionality, for example, you can send a beggar with Tele2. Most other operators have such services.

How to borrow on Tele2

The amount available for the OP is minimum 50 and maximum 300 rubles, and the maximum value depends on the activity of using the number (that is, the frequency and size of payments), as well as on the duration of possession of this number.

You can find out what the maximum available amount will be by requesting *122# - the system will report the maximum allowable loan at the moment. It remains only to activate it.

The timing of the provision of funds varies, and depends on the size of the loan:

When using the service, it is necessary to return not only the borrowed amount, but also the commission on time. To replenish your account, you can choose any of the methods offered by the operator.

The opportunity to re-borrow in Tele2 appears only a day after the repayment of the previous loan.

Service control commands

The promised payments are available on all tariffs - not only on advance, but also on the so-called credit. In fact, you can borrow on Tele2 with just two commands. *122# - to get acquainted with the maximum available loan amount. *122*1# - to process the promised payment. It is also possible to activate the service on the operator's website, in the Personal Account. These teams operate in the capital and the region, in other regions they may differ.

Who can borrow on Tele2

If the subscriber has run out of funds on his balance sheet, and there are no opportunities for replenishment right now, you can still stay in touch - for this you need to borrow money on Tele2 using the promised payment (OP), in accordance with the conditions established by the operator. Naturally, the use of debt service services is not available to everyone, and only a subscriber who meets certain requirements can use it. So, let's look at how to borrow in Tele2 and how this system works. The main conditions are:

  • The duration of service in the operator's network is at least 60 days, and the countdown starts from the day when the contract for a certain number was concluded. If the subscriber is considering how to change the number to Tele2 while maintaining the tariff, he will again have to wait two months (or another period, depending on the region) to use the OP.
  • Before you borrow money on Tele2, you need to familiarize yourself with the state of the account. If the debt exceeds 30 rubles, the OP will be unavailable. In this case, it remains only to use the standard payment methods - for example, put money into the Tele 2 account using a bank card, or in some other way.

If the conditions declared by the mobile operator are met, you can proceed directly to the registration of this service. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in its use. You can read more about the promised payment service on Tele2 in our other article on the site.

Promised payment How to get money to your Tele2 account

What to do if the money on the balance has run out, but you urgently need to call or go online? You can quickly credit a small one and continue communication as if nothing had happened.

How to get the Promised Payment

One of the main priorities of Tele2 is to provide uninterrupted communication and Internet access under any conditions, even if the subscriber's account runs out of money. Especially to help in such unpleasant situations, Tele2 offers a convenient service, thanks to which you can instantly borrow a small amount of money into your account.

To find out if it is possible to charge money within the Promised Payment service on your subscriber number and how much you can receive, use the free command
In a response message, you will receive information about the amount of the available Trust Payment, the commission charged for the service, and instructions for activating it.

If you have already used the Promised Payment service before, just send a command to activate the service, if it is available for your Tele2 number.

Terms of Service

After activating the service, you will receive an SMS notification, which will indicate for how long the " credit of trust". After this time, your balance will be deducted from the amount of the promised payment + commission for the use. Shortly before the write-off of borrowed funds, you will be sent another notification about this.

The cost of the service is from 1 to 20 ₽, depending on the region of service and the amount you borrow (minimum 50 rubles). The exact cost for your room will be indicated immediately upon receipt of the promised payment. Please do not forget to replenish your subscriber account with an amount sufficient to pay off the debt and the commission for using the “credit”. There is only one restriction on the use of the service - only those subscribers who have been served in the Tele2 network for more than 120 days can receive a trust payment (in some regions this period may differ).

In order not to get into such a situation in the future and not to borrow money, activate the free service. Upon reaching the specified balance, with your bank card the set amount will be automatically debited and transferred to the balance of your number. And all this - without any commissions and additional actions on your part. Why borrow when you can just always stay in touch?

Each subscriber had to find himself in a situation where it was necessary to make an important call, but at the same time, money ran out on the mobile balance. To save their own customers from such problems, operators cellular communication offer special services. They will make it possible to borrow money from the company for communication. Such a service is also available from the popular Russian operator Tele Two.

If a person regularly has to deal with the problem of zero balance, it does not hurt him to learn how borrow on body2. Services mobile operators, allowing you to continue using cellular communications with a negative zero balance, are in demand today.

For various reasons, the opportunity to immediately replenish the account is not available from time to time for many subscribers. In this case, the promised payment comes to the rescue. This service makes it possible to borrow money from a tele2 operator on credit. These funds are credited to the subscriber's number for a particular period.

The money provided on loan is debited from the subscriber's account a few days after crediting. There are opportunities reuse service, but only after a day has passed from the date of repayment.

loan applicants

The promised payment makes it possible to borrow additional money on Tele2. It makes it possible to make a payment and use all cellular services, megabytes of the Internet, even if there are no personal funds on the mobile balance. But not everyone can borrow money from an operator. To figure out how to get the Internet on tele2, just study the instructions for making the promised payment.

There are certain conditions on the basis of which money is issued to get out of the minus. Firstly, those subscribers who use Tele2 services for at least 15 days can receive credit funds. What is meant by this? This means that the current customer number has been served for more than 15 days. If a person has been a subscriber of this mobile operator for a long time, but has changed his number in the last 15 days, this function will not be activated.

Secondly, at the time of connecting the function of the promised payment, the account should have no more than 30 rubles. In addition, the balance should not be negative. The maximum debt, exceeding which it is impossible to take credit funds, is 10 rubles.

If the question arose of how to get traffic on tele2, the promised payment service will come to the rescue. More detailed information You can find out about the possibility of granting a loan by typing *122# in a special USSD command. A response message will be sent, which will contain the necessary data regarding the available payment amount, service validity periods and commission rates.

Potential loan amount

What amount can be issued on credit from the operator? trust payment and its size depends directly on the period of use by the subscriber of the services of the mobile operator Tele2. Today 4 options provided:

  • 50 rub. Such a limit can be received by users who are Tele2 subscribers for at least 15 days. Credit is provided for a day. After this period, the loan must be repaid. At the same time, a commission for using the service is equal to 5 rubles.
  • 100 rub. They give subscribers who use Tele2 communication services for at least 120 days. Credit funds are available in this case for a period of 7 days. Commission for the use of money for mobile account is 10 rubles.
  • 150 rubles are received by users whose number has been serviced for more than 180 days. To calculate the amount of funds that will eventually be written off, you need to add a commission of 15 rubles here. This size is provided for Tele2 subscribers using mobile number for 365 days or more. Cash provided for 10 days. As soon as the specified period passes, 200 rubles are debited from the account.

Service connection description

Many tele2 subscribers face the problem of lack of money in the account. How to borrow in this situation? There are several ways to borrow money. 2 options available:

  1. Through a special USSD request. To activate the service, dial *122*1#. As soon as the specified request is sent from the mobile, the minimum available amount will be credited to the account. You can find out in advance what loan amount is available in an individual case. To do this, simply dial *122# on your phone.
  2. Using a personal account on the official website of the operator. The function is easily activated after switching to the specified system.

After connecting the service, the user gets the opportunity to use all the features, including sending SMS messages, mobile calls and using Internet traffic. As soon as the deadline for granting the trust payment specified by the operator expires, the loan amount is written off together with the commission. You can reconnect the service to the subscriber's account only a day after the previous loan is repaid.

Before the expiration of the promised payment, you must definitely replenish your account. If this is not done, the service will be suspended.

The promised payment is a convenient feature that allows you to use communication services to the fullest extent, even if the mobile balance is close to zero. The TELE2 operator supports customers and makes it possible to keep in touch with friends and family at any time.

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