She conquers with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they would be interested to know if she is married and who Ani Lorak's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them are legally married.

Ani Lorak's personal life

Ani Lorak's personal life developed in different ways, and not always there were only cloudless days in it. The parents of Carolina Kuek, this is the real name of the singer, broke up before her birth, so her mother, who had two more sons in her arms, and then a third was born in a new marriage, sent her older children to a boarding school.

In the photo - Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales

Mom, father and grandmothers did not indulge the girl with their attention, and Ani constantly felt lonely and useless, and her main dream was to quickly escape from the boarding school. In the seventh grade, she took the documents and transferred to a regular school, but this did not make her life better - Carolina constantly heard ridicule in her address and endured bullying - her peers openly laughed at the poorly dressed "fatherless".

Anya's parents dedicated themselves creative professions- my mother was a radio announcer, and my father was a journalist, a penchant for creativity manifested itself in her too - she loved and knew how to sing and with early childhood She took part in various competitions, and at fourteen her professional career began.

The talented young singer was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and did everything possible to make Ani turn into real star. As often happens, between the producer and the young singer, despite the solid age difference of seventeen years, there was mutual feeling, Yuri divorced his wife, and soon they began to live together.

It was Thales who offered Carolina a stage name, turning her real name around - this is how Ani Lorak turned out. However, this civil marriage did not last long, and the reason for parting with her first husband was new love Ani Lorak. She openly admitted to Yuri that she fell in love, but Thales decided not to immediately put an end to their relationship, they continued to work together, and Ani suffered from a new love.

Her lover was a wealthy, famous and wealthy man, but married, and, assuring Lorak that he would soon divorce his wife, and everything would be fine with them, in fact, he was in no hurry to change something in his biography and leave the family. Tired of enduring this uncertainty, Ani broke up with him and returned to Thales, but it was no longer possible to restore what was between them before, and they parted completely. And after a few years of loneliness, the singer met her true love.

Who is the husband of Ani Lorak

Ani met Murat while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel, one of the owners of the tour operator Turtess Travel, where the singer stayed, and fell in love with her at first sight, and soon Lorak reciprocated. After several days spent together, they had to part, but they continued to talk on the phone until Ani realized that this romance would lead to nothing - after all, she and Murat are from different countries, they speak different languages And don't continue the relationship. So they would have parted forever, if a year later the singer had not flown to the same hotel to shoot a video, and their beautiful romance began from this meeting.

In the photo - Ani Lorak with her husband

Murat Nalchadzhioglu arranged romantic weekends for Anya, gave flowers and gifts, and in 2006 moved to Ukraine. This fairy tale lasted all three years, until Ani finally agreed to become his wife - she delayed this moment because she was afraid that the stamp in her passport would ruin their relationship, but this did not happen, and after Murat proposed to her, she decided to marry him. They played two weddings - one in Kyiv, the other in Turkey.

In the photo - the wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Murat Nalchajioglu: biography

Many are interested in the question - how old is Murat Nalchajioglu? The singer's husband is almost the same age as her - he was born on June 12, 1977 and a year older than his wife. His biography is somewhat similar to the biography of Anya herself - Murat also began an independent life early, at the age of fourteen he began to earn money in order to help his mother raise three sisters after the death of his father. After moving to Ukraine and marrying Ani Lorak, Murat turned from an average businessman into successful businessman and continues to develop his business - he owns several restaurants in Kyiv, manages entertainment clubs and is not going to stop there.

Children of the singer and her husband

The children of Ani Lorak have always been the ultimate dream of the singer and her husband, because for complete happiness their family lacked only happy children's laughter. On June 9, 2011, the daughter of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajioglu Sofia was born. Having decided on the birth of a child, the spouses were worried about how the birth would go, because by that time Ani was thirty-three years old, and she was afraid that various complications might arise.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon photos of the singer's daughter appeared on the network. A year after the birth of Sophia, they baptized her in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became the godfather.

Ani Lorak successfully combines career and motherhood, and her husband helps her in this. The singer says that her husband is a wonderful dad - he always walks with his daughter, plays with her, sings songs to Sophia, and her daughter loves him. Ani calls her family an island of happiness, and considers her a real gift of fate.

Rumors about Ani Lorak's divorce from her husband

Anya knows that celebrity marriages they are not distinguished by strength and constancy, but she knows well how to avoid this, and tries to do everything so that their family exists forever. However, he and Murat also had to experience certain difficulties in relations, and rumors often appeared in the media that Ani Lorak's husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu was divorcing her. This was especially often talked about when Murat moved from Turkey to Kyiv, and then everyone disapproved of the fact that the singer was marrying a Turk.

In the photo - Ani and Murat with their daughter Sofia

Some tension in relations at the beginning of married life was also caused by the singer's lifestyle - Ani often toured and therefore was very rarely at home, which is why Murat once doubted whether she needed him at all. Fortunately, they managed to survive the disapproval of society and some relationship problems, and now the couple are still happy together.

Murat Nalchadzhioglu learned Russian for the sake of his wife, although it was not easy for him, and now they communicate in Russian in the family. Ani tries not to lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her husband and at home does not allow herself to look untidy. Lorak is sure that a woman should be a source of tenderness, love and warmth, and then her man will never stop liking her. They often have to be far from each other, but even at such moments, Ani and Murat try to always be in touch and remind each other of their love.

Ani Lorak - talented Ukrainian singer. Her songs are very popular throughout the post-Soviet space. Creative biography celebrity is rich in all sorts of achievements. The fate of this wonderful artist will be discussed in our article.


The year of birth of Ani Lorak is 1978. The future singer was born on September 27 in the city of Kitsman (Ukraine). Her sonorous name is a stage name that the girl received while still very young and participating in the Morning Star project. In fact, the singer's name is Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek, and the usual "Ani Lorak" turned out when the name of the future celebrity was read the other way around. The girl's father worked as a journalist in the newspaper. At one time, he received a professional musical education, and also graduated from the philological faculty of a local university. The mother of the future singer was a radio announcer. At the time of the birth of the girl, the eldest son Igor was already in the family. Another brother Ani - Sergey - died in Afghanistan in 1987. Ani Lorak's parents quickly broke up, the girl grew up in an incomplete family and lived in a boarding school until the seventh grade. Even at the age of four, she wanted to sing and began to take part in various vocal competitions. In 1992, at the local Primrose festival, the young singer managed to win the first prize. After that, she signed the first contract with Ukrainian producer Yuri Thales.

Career development

The year of birth of Ani Lorak is 1978. This means that the girl managed to visit both an October and a pioneer. Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR fell just in the formative years of the singer. However, despite the hard times, she managed to succeed in show business. Back in 1995, the girl took part in the Morning Star project. Here she had to take a pseudonym, because a singer named Carolina had already participated in the competition. In the same year, Ani Lorak was recognized as the discovery of the year. The biography of the girl was decorated with this title in 1994, according to the results of the survey "New Stars of the Old Year". The promising singer was awarded the Golden Firebird prize of the Tauride Games. At the festival "Chervona Ruta" Ani won first place. In 1995, in the fall, the girl completed work on her first album. Two years later, Lorak announced another solo record called "I'll be back." The first big tour of the singer took place in 1999. She visited with concerts large cities of the USA, Hungary, Germany, France and Ukraine.

Career Peak

In 1999, Ani Lorak, whose biography is described in this article, meets the composer Cool Igor. At this time, the singer has already been awarded the title of the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. The result of the collaboration of the famous composer and eminent performer was the song "Mirrors". They then signed a contract that was effective from 2000. In 2001 and 2004, Ani Lorak released two successful albums that made her even more famous and in demand. In 2005, the singer began to conquer the world stage. She released the English-language album "Smile" and made her first attempt to get to Eurovision. Until she succeeded, and on next year she released her seventh solo record called "Tell" ("Tell"). During her work, Ani launched 10 albums, shot twenty-three video clips and a biopic and gave two solo performances at the National Palace of Arts "Ukraine". The performance of this woman is simply amazing.

Film career

For the first time on the television screen appeared in 2002 Ani Lorak. The biography of the girl was enriched by work in the film "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", where the actress played Oksana. The shooting of the musical took place on the territory of the Mariinsky Palace in St. Petersburg. In addition, the singer embodied the image of the beautiful Zemfira in the musical "Gypsies" and portrayed a medical lieutenant in the musical film "Take the Overcoat". On account of Ani Lorak - the role of Franchetta in the film "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro." The girl also voiced the Kid in the Norwegian cartoon "Karlson, who lives on the roof" and the Bee and the Cat in the Estonian version of the animated film "Lotta in the Land of Inventors".

Eurovision Song Contest

Ani Lorak, whose biography is well known to all devoted fans of the singer, tried twice to perform at this competition. In 2005, she was the best in the national selection, but at the last moment, another group was invited to the competition instead. In 2008, the singer again tried to get to Eurovision, and she succeeded. She brilliantly performed at the competition and took an honorable second place. She was known and loved all over the world.

Personal life

Singer Ani Lorak, whose personal life is constantly under the guns of cameras, got married in 2009. Murat Nalkakioglu, one of the co-owners of TurTess Travel, became her husband. The singer's husband is of Turkish origin. However, for the sake of his beloved, he moved to Ukraine. The future spouses met on vacation in Antalya in 2005. Their romance was stormy and widely reported in the press. Two years after the marriage, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Philip Kirkorov became her godfather. Ani Lorak lives in peace and harmony with her husband. The personal life of the singer is inexplicably harmoniously combined with a crazy work schedule.

That, in fact, is all. Now you know how the fate of Ani Lorak developed. The biography of a celebrity shows us the incredible performance and dedication of the singer. I would like to wish her further success in her career and personal life.



Ani Lorak is one of the strongest vocalists of our time. A singer of incredible beauty, her unique voice of 4.5 octaves captivated millions of listeners around the world! Serve people with a song - that's it life credo. To be sincere and real, to sing with the soul, to believe in goodness and bring light, to go forward and never give up, no matter what happens on her way. Diligence and perseverance since childhood helped her, by right, to win the status of the Diva of our show business.

In 2018, Ani Lorak presented the grandiose show "DIVA", which marked the beginning of a new stage in musical career singers. The show made an unprecedented sensation, was noted by music critics and continues to collect prestigious music awards in the Best Show nomination.

The singer, who was destined to become the idol of the nation, was born on September 27, 1978 in Bukovina, a region kissed by God and giving the world many talented people.
The desire to become a singer from Carolina appeared at the age of four. Then she had already firmly decided what she wanted to achieve in life. The girl often performed at various school competitions.
In 1992, she won the popular Primrose competition. It was there that Carolina met her ex-producer Y. Thales. As a consequence, at the age of 14, she signed her first professional contract.
In 1995, she won the Morning Star television competition - then she took the pseudonym Ani Lorak (the name Karolina, read from right to left), since a participant with the name Karolina had already been declared at the competition.
The singer moved to Kyiv in 1995. By this time, the name of Ani Lorak is becoming widely known in Ukrainian show business.
In 1996 she received the Grand Prix of the Big Apple Music World Competition for Young Performers (New York City).
At the age of 19, she became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Ani Lorak is the silver medalist of the international song contest "Eurovision-2008", was awarded the "Artistic Award Eurovision Song Contest", which is awarded to the best artist of the contest.

For all my time creative activity Ani Lorak became the owner of prestigious titles ("Best Singer", "Person of the Year", "The Most beautiful woman”,“ Fashion Singer ”,“ Song of the Year ”,“ Best Concert Show ”) and hundreds of awards (MUZ-TV Awards, RU.TV, MUSICBOX, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo, Fashion People Awards, ZD Awards, EMA,“ Golden Gramophone" and others). She performed on the stages of the world's most famous concert venues, and is not going to stop there.

She has 2 grand shows - "Carolina" (2013) and "DIVA" (2018), 16 albums, a biographical video, 50 video clips, as well as many "gold" and "platinum" discs.

The singer devotes a lot of time to charitable activities. UNICEF and the UN in Ukraine expressed gratitude to Ani Lorak for her assistance and assistance to HIV-infected citizens of Ukraine as the UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. In 2005, Ani Lorak was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav IV degree with the award of the Officer's Cross "for strengthening the international prestige of Ukraine, high professionalism, high creative achievements, charitable activities and fidelity to chivalric ideals.

Ani Lorak successfully performs on the stages of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, UAE, Turkey, Israel, Germany, USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Malta, Hungary, Poland. The singer has an important mission - to unite as many people around the world as possible with her creativity and make them happy.

Ani Lorak is not only a well-known recognized singer in many countries. She is a People's Artist of Ukraine, a successful actress, model, TV presenter, poetess. She has everything that any woman can dream of: success, talent, intelligence, beauty, charm, youth, loving husband Turkish Murat, daughter Sophia.

Little Ani Lorak with her mother and brothers

The young singer was born in Kitsman in Ukraine. Fame came to her after participating in 1995 in the TV show "Morning Star". From an early age, the young talent took part in various vocal competitions, conquering the stage from the age of 4.

Carolina Kuek's parents divorced before her birth. She was brought up in a boarding school until the 7th grade, as the family lived in poverty. It was difficult for mothers to feed their children. Carolina was not only daughter in family.


From my real surname she had to refuse. Thanks to the producer, Carolina got a pseudonym. He read her first name and last name backwards. In the future, he will civil husband singers.
Ani Lorak continues to work fruitfully, doing what she loves.

The career growth of the singer begins in 1995. During this period, she receives the first award at the Taurian Games, records the album "I want to fly." Ani Lorak deserves popular recognition, becomes popular. Lives in the capital - in Kyiv, together with the producer from 1996-2004. They were not officially scheduled.

The singer takes part in 2008 Eurovision, representing Ukraine. Won an honorable second place, performing the song "Shady Lady". To date, the singer has released 2 "platinum" discs, and 5 "gold".

Personal life of the artist

The singer married Turk Murat in 2009. She lives with him now. Turk Murat moved to his beloved from Turkey to Kyiv, and at first did not even know about the star status of Ani Lorak. Daughter Sofia was born in 2011, inheriting her father's surname. Philip Kirkorov becomes her godfather.

In her house there is complete harmony and love. The couple bought an apartment in a Kyiv new building on the 24th floor. The area of ​​the love nest is 300 m2. This is a duplex penthouse with a terrace. Luxurious stylish apartment is made in discreet colors: white, gray, brown, beige. The apartment has a separate spacious dressing room, where the singer keeps her casual clothes and costumes for concerts.

The singer, despite the recent events in Ukraine (the war in the Donbass), continues to perform on tour in Russia. Currently, he lives and works more often in Moscow, actively touring the cities of Russia. Ani is not going to leave Ukraine.

She officially stated:

“Of course, in Ukraine, I’m not going to change my place of residence, but I’m going to perform in different countries peace."

In an interview, she notes that all families in her country now want only peace, prosperity, well-being for their children. Politicians have an ambivalent attitude towards the singer. The singer's concerts were disrupted by nationalists who did not like the singer's touring activities in Russia. For his daughter in the social. networks, her father interceded, saying that Ani Lorak is out of politics and only earns her living.

No one in Russia would have known about Murat Nalchadzhioglu if this man had not become the husband of the singer. A resident of Turkey, who is not related to show business, does not like publicity and, together with star wife tried to protect family life from prying eyes. However, this did not save the marriage from collapse.

Childhood and youth

Murat, a Turk by nationality, was born in an ordinary poor family on June 12, 1977. Lovers of horoscopes can easily determine the sign of the zodiac under which the sultry Turk was born - Gemini. As the horoscope says, the Gemini man is charming, instantly falls in love, easily conquers women. But building a long-term relationship with him is not an easy task.

The young man was left without a father early, and he, the only man in the family, had to support his widowed mother and three sisters. Murat was lucky - in his youth he had a rich patron. This man, who helped make a career in the tourism business, Nalchadzhioglu considers the named father.

Career now

Thanks to the patron, Murat Nalchadzhioglu became the manager of a five-star hotel. Now Murat owns a part of the shares of the tour operator Turtess Travel, for which he also has to say thanks to the same patron.

The Turkish businessman owns The Lounge & Mangal restaurant in the capital of Ukraine and the Biruza Beach Club beach complex. He is also in charge of the Kiev institution "Dali Park" - a restaurant, a bar, a hookah bar, a club and karaoke at the same time.

Personal life

Murat Nalchajioglu and Ani Lorak first met in 2005 in Antalya, where the singer was vacationing. The young people immediately liked each other, but Ani, as a reasonable girl, did not rush into the pool of passion with her head. A year after they met, living in different countries, the couple communicated via SMS and rare phone calls.

And even here, Ani first thought whether it was worth messing with a completely a stranger. But you can’t escape fate - a year later, Ani Lorak arrived in Turkey at the same hotel, already at work, and not on vacation. And Murat was waiting for his beloved.

In 2006 future husband Ukrainian star moved to Kyiv. For several years, Murat was waiting for the singer to become his wife, gradually learning Russian. Ani Lorak, in an interview with Antenna-Telesem, shared that the first Russian book that he read was history. Nalchajioglu fell in love with this character so much that he made a tattoo on his shoulder with the image of an unprecedented animal.

Despite the fact that he is far from music, Murat supported his beloved, even went with her to Eurovision in 2008, where the singer took second place. In 2009, the couple finally got married. First, the young people legalized relations in the Kiev registry office, then in Turkey they staged magnificent celebrations on the occasion of the marriage. And in 2011, Murat and Ani became parents - their daughter Sofia was born. The name of the baby came up with the father.

Temperamental, easy to communicate, Ani Lorak's husband, according to the singer herself, is a family man. Perhaps that is why not only complete biography, but the height and weight of Murat Nalchagioglu is a mystery to the public, which knows about a Turkish citizen basically only what is connected with his star wife. The couple tries not to flaunt their personal lives and rarely go out together.

The media has little reason to write about Nalchajioglu, but reporters will always find something to please lovers of someone else's personal life. So, they wrote about Murat that because of his wife’s too busy schedule, he almost left Kiev for Turkey, which had already become a second home for a man. In 2016, the Internet was full of rumors that Murat and Ani were on the verge of a divorce - photos and videos from Nalchajioglu's parties with outside beauties that got into the Network did their job. But then the couple kept the family together.

While Ani Lorak was performing in Baku at the Heat-2018 festival, Murat was noticed at the Dali Park club in a compromising situation. On July 30, a video was posted on the Web where a burning brunette hugs beautiful girl, whispers something in her ear, sings a duet with her in karaoke.

His companion's name is . A Kiev resident sells clothes and shoes through Instagram, travels a lot and often visits Dali Park. Most likely, there Nalchadzhioglu met a girl whom many media called his mistress.

In January 2019, fat is known to be Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajioglu. On this moment the couple decides on property issues.