Full name: Ivan Andreevich Urgant

Scenic pseudonyms: Ivan Urgant

Age: 40 years

Father: Andrey Lvovich Urgant

Mother:Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva

Zodiac sign: ♈Aries

Place of Birth: Russia, St.Peterburg

Nationality: Russian

Height: 195 cm

Family status:

Children: Valeria Urgant, Nina Urgant, Niko Kutalia, Eric Kikannadze

Activity: Actor, TV presenter, Showman, musician, producer

Annual income: 8.5 million dollars (2018)

Instagram: @urgantcom


Ivan Urgant - russian actor Theater and cinema, musician, television lead, humorist and showman. Fans love him for an inexhaustible sense of humor, and with interest to the biography and personal life of Urgant.

Where and when Ivan Urgant was born

The boy was born on April 16, 1978 in one of the hospitals of the city of Leningrad RSFSR (Russian St. Petersburg). His mother and father were soviet actors. They consisted B. civil marriage, However, a year after the birth of the son parted.

Little Vanya with Mom

To the question of which nationality of Ivan Urgant, the actor himself answers that he is half Russian, to a quarter of a Jew, another quarter Estonian. It happened, because his mother is Russian, and the Jewish, and Estonian blood flows in the veins. His grandfather in the father's line was a purebred Jew, and the grandmother is nee Estonian.

Family Ivan Urgant: parents and sisters

According to the Mother and Father's lines, almost all relatives were associated with the theater and cinema, so the Biography of Urgant, from the very beginning, closely intertwined with the world of art.

Father Urganta

Dad, Andrei Lvovich Urgant, born in 1956 - St. Petersburg actor film and theater, showman and television host. He graduated from Leningradsky state Institute Theater, music and cinematography (Ligitmik). The audience is familiar to the movies in the movies: "Streets of broken lanterns", "Devolnaya power", "Master and Margarita", "Love-carrots", "Voronina", "White Guard".

Ivan and father Andrey Lvovich

Andrei Lvovich's mother (grandmother Vanya), Urgant Nina Nikolaevna - People's Artist of the RSFSR, the audience know her for the famous role in the painting "Belorussky Station". Father (grandfather Vanya), Millander Lev Maksovich - Honored Artist of Russia, half a century worked in the Leningrad State Academic Theater.

Mother Ivana

Mom, Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva, born in 1951, originally from Khabarovsk. He arrived in Leningrad to study in Ligitmik, where he met his first civil husband. In 1982, Valeria married the St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Ladygin, who brought up her son on the rights of the stepfather. There was a good relationship between them, Ivan in an interview repeatedly said that the stepfather loves himself and considers the second dad.

Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva

In 1986, Valery Ivanovna entered the troupe of the Leningrad Academic Akimov's comedy theater, where he worked in the future. On February 1, 2015, Mom Ivan Urgant died.

Sisters Ivan Urganta

Showman has three sisters. The only one-in-law - Maria, born in 1984. She married a Turkish businessman and now lives in the Netherlands. In 2004, Vanya had a nephew Emir, and in 2015 - the niece Gabrielle.

Sisters Valentina and Alexander

Mother's sisters - Valentina Ladygin, born in 1983, and Alexander Ladygin, born in 1988. With the elder brother Ivan they had a merry carefree childhood.

Ivan Urgant in childhood

The childhood of the future star of television passed in the family of Mom and stepfather, the appearance of younger sis, the boy sincerely rejoiced. The house has always been noisy, the children played together. He did not jealous mom to his sisters, but on the contrary I took the girls under his custody as an older brother.

Childhood Vanya Urganta

Parents talked to Love and appreciate art, read a lot, listen to good music. Often the boy took to her grandmother Nina Nikolaevna, her grandchildly she adored and "wounded" his gifts. IN school years Vanya had many friends and hobbies.

How did Ivan Urgant

He graduated from the Leningrad Children's Music School No. 18, was engaged in sports. Early began to manifest itself with his excellent sense of humor, in the classroom was one of the first fidgets and Shaluns. But at the same time he studied well, he was very erudite, possessed an exacerbate sense of justice, did not tolerate rudeness and rudeness.

Ivan Urganta 18 years

After school, he continued his studies at the Academy of theatrical Art of St. Petersburg, wanted to devote his life to acting skills.

Career Ivan Urganta: TV, cinema and theater

In the creative biography of Ivan Urgant, it was not immediately going smoothly, despite the fact that during his studies held his debut on theatrical scene. In the formulation of MacBet in the BDT named after Tovstonogov, he played the role of the guard. The famous Alice Freundlich was also involved in this performance. Already in 2010, the Urgant took part in the formulation of the Theater named after Pushkin "Mad Money", he was invited to the role of Savva Vasilkova.

Ivan Urgant in the formulation of "Mad Money"

But after receiving a diploma on acting education, the theater did not become the main profession for him. Vanya worked as a bartender and a waiter, a different show in the night of St. Petersburg clubs. Beautiful improvisation and his witty jokes did not remain unnoticed. Soon Ivan began to appear on radio stations: "Super-Radio", "Russian Radio", "Hit-FM".

Ivan Urgant on Radio

Work on television began with the information program "Petersburg courier" on the fifth canal. In 2000, he moved to Moscow, and after a year he made his debut on the TV channel "MTV Russia", where the transfer was carried out: "Cheerful Morning", "Total Show", "Expresso". From 2003 to 2005 he worked on the TV channel "Russia", where the show "Pyramid" and "People's Artist".

Team "ProjectorParisHilton"

From 2005 to 2018, Ivan Urgant - TV presenter of the Channel One. Here it creative career It has developed the most successful. Did not have time to end one show, as immediately started new project And Vanya was invited to such programs: "Big Premiere", "Circus with Stars", "Wall on the wall", "One-story America". Since 2006, he is the leading and face of the popular culinary show "Smak". Then the projects "ProjectorPerisHilton" and "Evening Urgant" were followed, which made Ivan the star of domestic television.

Ivan with the guests of "Evening Urgant"

Vane and his acting EducationHe is in demand in the domestic cinema, he starred in many cash films: "Tin", "Christmas Trees", "Freaks", "Vysotsky. Thank you for living, "Myths. Most often, he gets the roles of a good and responsive young man.

Ivan Urgant in the picture "Christmas trees"

Ivan plays on several sorrows tools: guitar, piano, accordion, flute, drums. It has a pleasant baritone. In the 90s, he performed under the pseudonym Void, and in 1999 he released his album "Star", together with Maxim Leonidov. Since 2011, he developed a performer career under the pseudonym "Grisha Urgant".

Grisha Urgant.

Today Ivan Urgant is one of the most sought-after and promising leading on television, a wonderful movie actor, a master of improvisation. With such a baggage, he approached his 40-year anniversary.

Personal life

Family status: It is married (Natalia Avtandilovna Kikanadze)

Ivan Urgant has been married to Natalia Kiknadze for 10 years. Spouses raise two common children and two children Natalia from the first marriage. All about TV presenter and Showman.

Autumn 2015 for russian TV host Events are rich in: September 21, Natalia Kikanadze's wife presented him with the third daughter Valery, named after the late Mother of the Showman, and on November 10, Maria Andreevna Urgant (1984), Sister Ivan, gave birth to a nephew in Holland, where she stays over 15 years.

- I managed for 3 hours 20 minutes, - shares Masha. - Son was called Gambiesel Urgant Gonzalez. He is beautiful, like a hobbit. I do not redeemed!

Gifts and greetings

The first sister of Urgant (according to Mother) congratulated the favorite man - Cuban Alonso and Son Emir (2003 of birth). The first child was carefully preparing for replenishment, developed a methodology for upbringing and actively participated in the organization of Mama-Party.

"Emir has long wanted his brother or sister," says Maria. - Now it's just crazy about happiness: "I am very glad that I will become an older brother! I love you, mommy".

Friends pressed the girl clothes for newborn and sets for nursing mothers. From the famous relative of gifts has not yet been received. But in the telephone conversation, Ivan from his heart congratulated, wished the health of the child and his mother and said that he was preparing a warm welcome for his sister. They meet infrequently. The last meeting of relatives took place over a year ago - in winter, when Masha attended his hometown.

Wants to see the baby and grandfather, Andrei Lvovich - his daughter promised to visit in the summer. But before the birth of Gabriel, the trip was canceled. Masha convinced her father that as soon as the baby was strengthened, she would certainly introduce him to his family.

"It's just wonderful! - Don't hide my grandfather's emotions. Before the appearance of Gabriel, Andrei Lvovich was already rejoiced by two grandchildren: younger Nina, the daughter of Ivan Urgant and Emir. Recall that before the appearance of the baby, the daughter informed about the joyful news by phone, but did not give out, who was waiting for, daughter or son.

Why did the child born out of marriage?

Maria Andreevna Urgant, the daughter of actor from the first marriage, lives in Apeldoorn (community in the province of Netherlands) since 1996, where he devoted himself to charity and teaching, gave birth to children from different men. The first husband, the Turkish entrepreneur with whom she is in good relationship. The second beloved was the Dutchman, who lives with Masha 2 years in unofficial marriage. Judging by the information from the close environment, the couple intends to legitimize their relationship after the baby is strengthened.


Stepfather, raising a popular TV presenter, gave the first interview with Komsomolskaya [Exclusive, Audio]

Amend text size: A A.

Ivan Urgant - Action is a bright phenomenon on our TV. Colorful appearance, sharp jokes, thin mind, brilliant expression. In popularity, he eclipsed by the recognized macho of our screen.

All weekend Ivan in every home and family - we spend the morning in the kitchen with his program "Smak", rest under his jokes in the "ProjectorParisHilton", "big difference". And the Internet in the meantime, rumors from the life of this charismatic guy are flooded. "Ivan Urgant grew up without parents, his grandmother raised him!", "Dad and Mom threw Vanya!", "Where is Mom Vanya, why no one knows her?!" - Such topics are interpreted on the network. And the question arises: so who brought up Ivan so smart, erudite, intelligent? And where is the truth in the speculation, and where is the lie? The TV host itself does not respond to these peres. Classified his life and reckoned, believing that his first-class humor would have enough for her eyes. But what is there - Urgant and the truth is "our all" on television. Actually, so fans of the idol want to know about it as much as possible. We asked to tell the TV presenter of the most relatives and loved people to him.

Mom Urganta gave birth to Ivan two sisters

Father Star "ProjectorParisHilton" and his famous grandmother who played in the Belarusian Station, know everything. But about mom knows little. If Andrei Urgant often gives an interview, flashes on the television screen, then the moms are not visible anywhere. She was not shown in any telecast about the Urgant dynasty. Surely it is considered star family non-graphic person?

I know Vanya Urgant from ornament, "said Singer Rosenbaum told" KP ". - Vanya Ros and brought up in the family of Mom and stepfather. Very intelligent, pupil people. Mom Vani know less than the father. But she always made a pleasant impression. She is an actress. Ivan's stepfather from the famous acting Leningrad family ... And Vanya for me is just Vanya ... When I see it on the screen, I do not switch the TV.

Mom Ivan - Leningrad actress Valery Kiseleva. With the father of Ivan Andrei Urgant met while studying at the Leningrad Institute of Theater and Cinematography. When the son was born, the young father moved to live to Valeria in her room in a communal service. Hot water There was no, and the Urgant Sr. decided to temper the child. Baby liked coolness water treatmentsBut the neighbors on the communal decide that this mockery of the child was declared the police. Hardened to cancel. As they tell, Mom Ivan did not like too much that civic husband It happens drunk, they rumored, interested in girls ... Charter from attempts to remake Andrei, she kicked him out.

With Mom Vanya Leroy, we lived a year and a half and parted. I did not trade it at anyone, I just understood that I was absolutely not ready for the role of dad and her husband. Lera, as wise womanI was forgiven and let go, - Andrei Urgant is recognized now.

We called Valeria Kiselevoe. But mom itself the famous Son. It turned out to be undiscoverable and not acting modest.

I dont like public performance, - Valery told us. - With Vanya we see, love each other. But I do not want to tell about him.

Wrote that Ivan grew up at grandma?

No, what are you! Vanya has always been with me, in our family. I had fate. For Vanya, I am glad. He has his own family now. He is a faithful family man. He has a caring wife, a beautiful daughter, my granddaughter. I have nothing more to say.

They say you were very offended by Andrei Urgant, Father Ivan?

Not. What to talk about it now. I have long been happy with my husband.

Valeria Kiselevva's husband - St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Ladygin. We asked Dmitry a few questions.

"Vanya Ros leader"

According to the manner of communication, it is felt that Dmitry Ladygin is a true Leningradian and an intellectual. Something his manner of communication resembles Ivan Urgant.

Dmitry Mikhailovich, this marriage with my mother Ivan Urgant you have the first?

Yes! First and last. In my case - getting into a dozen immediately. We found each other with my wife almost immediately. Lera turned out from the second attempt. We studied at the same institute, only at different courses. They knew each other's unable. Although I added attention to Lero. Then she had a novel with Andrei Urgant. No, I did not make any attempts to get acquainted closer. It happened only when I returned from the army. And both got married, and live. Of course, I knew that she had a son. She always loved Vanya very much. Wan then there were four years old. The fact that Lera has a child, I was not embarrassed at all. I tried to find a common language with a boy. Of course, I understood that if he did not accept me, then the relationship with his wife would not be collaborated. But everything somehow happened by itself ... I came to their family, and they began to live easier. Vanya stretched to me. And I tried that the boy would not feel discomfort. Children are directly, they are quickly adapted. Probably saw that his mother is good, and it all felt, reflected on the microclimate in the family ... A year later, we had a daughter Valentine's daughter with Lero. Vanya looked at the new member of the family with interest ... (By the way, in parallel, Andrei Urgant, the father of Vanya, his daughter was born in another family. - Approx. Ed.). There was a time when Vanya called me dad. Although I did not insist. Somehow it happened in itself. Then, when he became a teenager, began to call on behalf. Always communicated like relatives. Five years later, Alexander's daughter was born. Vanya rejoiced his sister's appearance. We had a noisy house. The children played together, noisy. I did not see Vanya somehow jealous to the sisters. On the contrary, they took them under the custody, protection, like an older brother.

Three children grew in your family. Lit for all time, attention?

Time did not always have enough. I left for shooting, worked a lot. We have such a life - often in the road. Lera is a very good mother. Good man. We are not starry people, simple ... I treated my children as personalities ... Personality should be inviolable, free, to have the right to your opinion, to do what she wants ... Well, naturally, I gave some guide moments ... on vacation always tried together and try now where to go. In Finland, we love to ride, ride on the roads are good ... And in our family all theatrians. My dad was the Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He worked at the theater - the Theater Festival "Baltic House", where I work now. Played brilliantly!

Step Urgant Damp Ladygin: "Vanya called me dad"

He put me a love for the theater. And I, in turn, instilled in my children. In our family everyone loves and appreciate art. Kids I taught to read good books, listen to good music. Vanya since childhood - big books.

Rosigated and an erudite child, grabbed everything on the fly ... He had a natural sense of humor. And in our family, we all love humor, jokes ... An exacerbated sense of justice has an acute sense of justice. Never tolerated rudeness, rudeness. I myself live and advise children to live according to such a law - do not do what I would not want to make you.

Children we S. early years Charged to fulfill home duties. The easiest. Prepare, for example. Vanya gladly experimented in the kitchen. We all love to cook in the family. BUT favorite dish In the family - potatoes. By the way, I am now looking with pleasure "Smak".

Vanya jealous mom to you?

I do not think. I did not seem so. He loves mom very much ... If he was from his side of the resentment, emotional bursts - I calmly treated with understanding. And the transition period is complex.

Could you clap the door?

Yes, anything could be. What did I do in such cases? Usually reacted calmly. He was a pronounced leader always and commanded the house, early learned independence, quickly matured. But in order to go there to someone, no, there was no such thing. He is not aggressive. Not fought, did not betochille. I will not say that forced us to worry ... I learned quickly responsibility. Said - will do. We could talk to any topics. Trusting has developed a relationship. I tried to show my own example how to behave. What you need to restrain emotions, resentment. He taught trying not to offend people, relate to respect.

Called to school?

Only on pleasant reasons. Vanya studied well. Girls liked in the classroom.

Why did Ivan go early to work? The schoolboy began to wash the dishes in the restaurant.

It was his decision. He decided that he needed money for pocket expenses, on flowers to girls. He did not want to ask for money from me or his father. We lived poorly. When the restructuring began, there was little work. We lived like most Petersburgers. Vanya and daughters understood the price of the work, were not trains, understood the position of things.

Now we live more or less, pah-pah ... at least stability is certain and some material well-being. Vanya helps us. He is a secured man.

And you thought he would become a star?

I wanted it, but somehow I didn't really seriously seriously perceived his music. But he was confident, he knew what he wants. And then I look that he really achieved success! I'm glad for him!

Do you like "ProjectorParisHilton"?

I like more "Smak". I don't get to the "ProjectorParisHilton", and if I get, then I often do not understand what is happening there, so I don't really like this. It must be closely sitting down and see, and I somehow it does not work.

How is the relationship with the daughter-in-law?

She is a normal girl. Everyone finds that it looks like Mom Ivan ... They studied together at school together ... Probably fate ... granddaughter brought, pretty girl.

Ivan often comes to visit you?

It comes, but mostly exclusively at work. He is a busy person.

Ivan Urgant: "I consider stepfather the second dad"

Ivan, and who do you think a real father? Schid or native dad? - We asked Ivan.

I think I consider my second dad and I love it very much. He brought up me. So write.

Did you have a nickname in your childhood?

Yes. Urri! I do not tell my personal. - Ivan does not change himself and is ready to speak only about work.

Andrey Urgant: "I am a negligent father"

Andrei Lvovich, if you believe information in the media, Ivan was with you extramarital child And you started communicating with my son when he was six years old ...

No. Lord with you, much earlier. Born guy of blue color. That is, in asphyxia. Especially Nina Nikolaevna, his grandmother, then frightened. And I was immensely happy, taking the son from the maternity hospital. True, Vanya then could not tell me: "Dad, sorry!" He was born in civil marriage. But there is such a document with an unusual wording - "Act on the establishment of paternity". I went and designed it. And, frankly, even if I were not the biological father of Ivan, I would still adopt him. Of course, provided that Valery Ivanovna (Mom Ivan Urganta. - Approx. Ed.) Wouldn't mind. But it seems to me that our relationship is obvious, and it is not even necessary to carry out genetic examination ... I hope that Ivan is also proud of our dynasty.

I joined the vanitary education quite late, unfortunately. He grew up and brought up in the family of his mother, a wonderful actress Valeria Kiselev. And when she married Dima Ladygin, also an excellent actor, - then in their common family. I know that in the house of Valeria was the Spartan regime - no one eats meat, and generally allowed a little goodies. But when Ivan appeared at her grandmother, here he began "Pier." They even had their own secret password: "fried chicken and fried potatoes."

Internally, perhaps, Vanya matures me, which paid him not enough time. Although I do not say that. I remember how one day herso, the conversation was in souls, I leo annoyance, they say, I hope, I will not wait for the moment when I need his help. But, fortunately, Ivan grew up a strong person and morally, and physically. We have a healthy and warm relationship with him.

In Ivan "with home comfort" full order?

Dreams of dachas and any other material benefits We came true, and we earned something above average. And I, and Vanya at first were drunk material ideas. But I wonder what at some point we both understood that the hearth should be present inside a person. The Institute of Marriage Vanya refers with a huge pitue. And I respectfully treat Ivan's choice. I have a beautiful daughter-in-law!

Nina Urgant: "Son and grandson - my rear"

Nina Nikolaevna, what is needed to raise such men?

I do not know. Son I raged alone. We lived in the theater hostel. Worked a lot: a month was played 37 - 38 performances. Grandfather paid less attention. He was brought up by my daughter-in-law Valery Kiseleva. She is a very good actress. We now support relationships. I think all the time: what happiness that I have a son, grandson is a good strong rear. I'm calm.

What is the concern for men manifest?

Vanya often calls me. Now he has a family. He spends more time in Moscow. By grazing, I just brought me to show, I almost don't know the daughter-in-law ... Andryusha and Vanechka gave me a new car. I had a "Zhigul", and now a small Japanese machine appeared. I'm driving myself. That is, the son and grandson consider me strong, young, healthy and can not agree that I have already older than old age.

Ivan Urgant is the idol of the current young generation. Do you feel it?

For me it became a surprise. Andrei found himself when he was thirty. Vanya everything has happened much earlier. Although Andryusha, I think, owns a profession more than Vanya ... Vanya, of course, very popular with young people. I go around the city. People are suitable: "Thank you for the grandson." In the courtyard "dudzhuryat" of the Girls of the years at 13 - 14: "Your son Vanechka likes so much. Could you take autographs from him? " I answer: "Of course. When he arrives, I will take a photo with autographs and give you. " They believe that Vanya is also my son!

Natalia's wife: "With Wanney, I like a stone wall"

Today, the Urgant does not hide what is happy in marriage with the former classmate Natalia Kikanadze. Natalia liked him even then, while studying, but did not accept his courting. After school married a businessman, born two children. Urgant was also not alone. He married 18 years old on a girl Karin and quickly divorced. She went abroad and married there. Ivan in Moscow on television met the TV presenter Tanya Gevorkyan. They lived together. Ivan called Tatyana his bride. But then the gaze fled ... then Ivan learned that his former love Natasha Kikannadze is also alone. He took her from Peter to Moscow. His dream, so that Natalia was his wife, came true. Today they live in a huge arranged mansion. Natalia is a housewife, brings up three children (from Ivan she gave birth to daughter). Ivan - the miner disappears at work. But the weekend they certainly spend together. Love to walk, go through the restaurants, look at the guests to friends ... Ivan's wife is not a party. But at the premiere of "frills" he took her with him. We have seen them together - from the outside they impress happy people. Natalia all the time he was very shy and confused by the cameras facing in her side. She pressed her daughter from the first marriage.

Natalia, you rarely see you on the parties! Did you like the film?

I came to support, rejoice at Ivan. I'm happy for him. He is a good actor ... and good husband. I'm with him as a stone wall.

Are you happy?

Ivan himself to the question of journalists, whether their shared daughter looks like him, with the inherent humor answered: "Yes. At first, when it was born, I was like a wife. And now, when the bristles appeared, you still find out my traits in it. " And seriously, it seems, Ivan with great responsibility refers to marriage, children. "Dad always told me:" Never play for children! " I remembered it, "Ivan jokes. But seriously admitted in one interview, which does not share children on their own and strangers. Moreover, he grew up with stepfather.

Tanya Gevorkian: "Sometimes I regret that we are not together"

We called former bride Urgant Gevorkian.

Tanya, when you met, you were more famous than Ivan, now it's not a shame that when he became rich and famous, got another?

This is past. What to discuss now. There are more successful and rich men than Ivan. You do not know who I am now ... Every person has his own life, and therefore it would be foolish to return to the past ... Yes, Ivan represented me with his family. I saw his mother. I knew the whole family. The person has everything in order with his family. Mom Ivan does not appear on the covers of glossy magazines, but this does not mean that it is not a good actress.

They wrote that you did not want to give birth to children and it annoyed Ivan!

On the Internet they wrote that I and Vanya were rivals, something competed in something ... it's quite ridiculous. What is there to hell with Vanya! In a sense of humor with Vanya, no one can do, even men. I adequately appreciate my strength. Between a man and a woman who live together can not be any competition!

Then why did you break up? They said that you did not want a family, children, and he wanted ...

We broke up therefore. Parting was severe. But it happened. I have my own personal life. I can not say that she is worse than with Ivan. Perhaps sometimes I regret that we are not together. But no matter what is done, all for the better. Now I have everything well in my personal life.

Help "KP":

Dmitry Ladygin was born in 1955. He graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of the Theater of Music and Cinematography.

Since 2001, he has been working at the Baltic House of the Festival of the Festival. He starred in films: "Starshina", "Foundry", "Streets of broken lanterns", "Gangster Petersburg", "Killy Stower-3", "Secrets of the investigation-6", "Menta Wars-1".

Ivan Urgant - Action is a bright phenomenon on our TV. Colorful appearance, sharp jokes, thin mind, brilliant expression. In popularity, he eclipsed by the recognized macho of our screen.

All weekend Ivan in every home and family - we spend the morning in the kitchen with his program "Smak", rest under his jokes in the "ProjectorParisHilton", "big difference". And the Internet in the meantime, rumors from the life of this charismatic guy are flooded. "Ivan Urgant grew up without parents, his grandmother raised him!", "Dad and Mom threw Vanya!", "Where is Mom Vanya, why no one knows her?!" - Such topics are interpreted on the network. And the question arises: so who brought up Ivan so smart, erudite, intelligent? And where is the truth in the speculation, and where is the lie? The TV host itself does not respond to these peres. Classified his life and reckoned, believing that his first-class humor would have enough for her eyes. But what is there - Urgant and the truth is "our all" on television. Actually, so fans of the idol want to know about it as much as possible. We asked to tell the TV presenter of the most relatives and loved people to him.

Mom Urganta gave birth to Ivan two sisters

Father Star "ProjectorParisHilton" and his famous grandmother who played in the Belarusian Station, know everything. But about mom knows little. If Andrei Urgant often gives an interview, flashes on the television screen, then the moms are not visible anywhere. She was not shown in any telecast about the Urgant dynasty. Is it considered in this star family of non-grants person?

I know Vanya Urgant from ornament, "said Singer Rosenbaum told" KP ". - Vanya Ros and brought up in the family of Mom and stepfather. Very intelligent, educated people. Mom Vani know less than the father. But she always made a pleasant impression. She is an actress. Ivan's stepfather from the famous acting Leningrad family ... And Vanya for me is just Vanya ... When I see it on the screen, I do not switch the TV.

Mom Ivan - Leningrad actress Valery Kiseleva. With the father of Ivan Andrei Urgant met while studying at the Leningrad Institute of Theater and Cinematography. When the son was born, the young father moved to live to Valeria in her room in a communal service. There was no hot water, and the Urgant Sr. decided to temper the child. Baby liked cool water treatments, but the neighbors on the communal decide that this mockery of the child was declared the police. Hardened to cancel. As they tell, Mom Ivan did not like too much that a civilian husband is drunk, they rumored, interested in girls ... Charter from attempts to remake Andrei, she kicked him out.

With Mom Vanya Leroy, we lived a year and a half and parted. I did not trade it at anyone, I just understood that I was absolutely not ready for the role of dad and her husband. Lera, like a wise woman, I was forgiven and let go, - Andrei Urgant is confessed now.

Andrey and Ivan Urganta

We called Valeria Kiselevoe. But the mother of the most famous son turned out to be undiscoverable and not in the actors modest.

I do not like public speeches, Valery told us. - With Vanya we see, love each other. But I do not want to tell about him.

Wrote that Ivan grew up at grandma?

No, what are you! Vanya has always been with me, in our family. I had fate. For Vanya, I am glad. He has his own family now. He is a faithful family man. He has a caring wife, a beautiful daughter, my granddaughter. I have nothing more to say.

They say you were very offended by Andrei Urgant, Father Ivan?

Not. What to talk about it now. I have long been happy with my husband.

Valeria Kiselevva's husband - St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Ladygin. We asked Dmitry a few questions.

"Vanya Ros leader"

According to the manner of communication, it is felt that Dmitry Ladygin is a true Leningradian and an intellectual. Something his manner of communication resembles Ivan Urgant.

Dmitry Mikhailovich, this marriage with my mother Ivan Urgant you have the first?

Yes! First and last. In my case - getting into a dozen immediately. We found each other with my wife almost immediately. Lera turned out from the second attempt. We studied at the same institute, only at different courses. They knew each other's unable. Although I added attention to Lero. Then she had a novel with Andrei Urgant. No, I did not make any attempts to get acquainted closer. It happened only when I returned from the army. And both got married, and live. Of course, I knew that she had a son. She always loved Vanya very much. Wan then there were four years old. The fact that Lera has a child, I was not embarrassed at all. I tried to find a common language with a boy. Of course, I understood that if he did not accept me, then the relationship with his wife would not be collaborated. But everything somehow happened by itself ... I came to their family, and they began to live easier. Vanya stretched to me. And I tried that the boy would not feel discomfort. Children are directly, they are quickly adapted. Probably saw that his mother is good, and it all felt, reflected on the microclimate in the family ... A year later, we had a daughter Valentine's daughter with Lero. Vanya looked at the new member of the family with interest ... (By the way, in parallel, Andrei Urgant, the father of Vanya, his daughter was born in another family. - Approx. Ed.). There was a time when Vanya called me dad. Although I did not insist. Somehow it happened in itself. Then, when he became a teenager, began to call on behalf. Always communicated like relatives. Five years later, Alexander's daughter was born. Vanya rejoiced his sister's appearance. We had a noisy house. The children played together, noisy. I did not see Vanya somehow jealous to the sisters. On the contrary, they took them under the custody, protection, like an older brother.

Little Vanya with Mom

Three children grew in your family. Lit for all time, attention?

Time did not always have enough. I left for shooting, worked a lot. We have such a life - often in the road. Lera is a very good mother. Good man. We are not starry people, simple ... I treated my children as personalities ... Personality should be inviolable, free, to have the right to your opinion, to do what she wants ... Well, naturally, I gave some guide moments ... on vacation always tried together and try now where to go. In Finland, we love to ride, ride on the roads are good ... And in our family all theatrians. My dad was the Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He worked at the theater - the Theater Festival "Baltic House", where I work now. Played brilliantly!

Step Urgant Damp Ladygin: "Vanya called me dad"

He put me a love for the theater. And I, in turn, instilled in my children. In our family everyone loves and appreciate art. Children I taught reading good books, listen to good music. Vanya since childhood - big books.

Rosigated and an erudite child, grabbed everything on the fly ... He had a natural sense of humor. And in our family, we all love humor, jokes ... An exacerbated sense of justice has an acute sense of justice. Never tolerated rudeness, rudeness. I myself live and advise children to live according to such a law - do not do what I would not want to make you.

Children from early years have learned to fulfill their homework. The easiest. Prepare, for example. Vanya gladly experimented in the kitchen. We all love to cook in the family. And the favorite dish in the family is potatoes. By the way, I am now looking with pleasure "Smak".

Vanya jealous mom to you?

I do not think. I did not seem so. He loves mom very much ... If he was from his side of the resentment, emotional bursts - I calmly treated with understanding. And the transition period is complex.

Could you clap the door?

Yes, anything could be. What did I do in such cases? Usually reacted calmly. He was a pronounced leader always and commanded the house, early learned independence, quickly matured. But in order to go there to someone, no, there was no such thing. He is not aggressive. Not fought, did not betochille. I will not say that forced us to worry ... I learned quickly responsibility. Said - will do. We could talk to any topics. Trusting has developed a relationship. I tried to show my own example how to behave. What you need to restrain emotions, resentment. He taught trying not to offend people, relate to respect.

Mom Ivan Urgant - Valery Kiseleva

Called to school?

Only on pleasant reasons. Vanya studied well. Girls liked in the classroom.

Why did Ivan go early to work? The schoolboy began to wash the dishes in the restaurant.

It was his decision. He decided that he needed money for pocket expenses, on flowers to girls. He did not want to ask for money from me or his father. We lived poorly. When the restructuring began, there was little work. We lived like most Petersburgers. Vanya and daughters understood the price of the work, were not trains, understood the position of things.

Now we live more or less, pah-pah ... at least stability is certain and some material well-being. Vanya helps us. He is a secured man.

And you thought he would become a star?

I wanted it, but somehow I didn't really seriously seriously perceived his music. But he was confident, he knew what he wants. And then I look that he really achieved success! I'm glad for him!

Do you like "ProjectorParisHilton"?

I like more "Smak". I don't get to the "ProjectorParisHilton", and if I get, then I often do not understand what is happening there, so I don't really like this. It must be closely sitting down and see, and I somehow it does not work.

How is the relationship with the daughter-in-law?

She is a normal girl. Everyone finds that it looks like Mom Ivan ... They studied together at school together ... Probably fate ... granddaughter brought, pretty girl.

Ivan often comes to visit you?

It comes, but mostly exclusively at work. He is a busy person.

Ivan Urgant: "I consider stepfather the second dad"

Ivan, and who do you think a real father? Schid or native dad? - We asked Ivan.

I think I consider my second dad and I love it very much. He brought up me. So write.

Did you have a nickname in your childhood?

Yes. Urri! I do not tell my personal. - Ivan does not change himself and is ready to speak only about work.

Andrey Urgant: "I am a negligent father"

Andrei Lvovich, if you believe information in the media, Ivan was with you an extramarital child and you began to communicate with my son when he was six years old ...

No. Lord with you, much earlier. Born in blue guy. That is, in asphyxia. Especially Nina Nikolaevna, his grandmother, then frightened. And I was immensely happy, taking the son from the maternity hospital. True, Vanya then could not tell me: "Dad, sorry!" He was born in civil marriage. But there is such a document with an unusual wording - "Act on the establishment of paternity." I went and designed it. And, frankly, even if I were not the biological father of Ivan, I would still adopt him. Of course, provided that Valery Ivanovna (Mom Ivan Urganta. - Approx. Ed.) Wouldn't mind. But it seems to me that our relationship is obvious, and it is not even necessary to carry out genetic examination ... I hope that Ivan is also proud of our dynasty.

Ivan's stepfather - Actor Dmitry Ladygin

I joined the vanitary education quite late, unfortunately. He grew up and brought up in the family of his mother, a wonderful actress Valeria Kiselev. And when she married Dima Ladygin, also a wonderful actor, then in their common family. I know that in the house of Valeria was the Spartan regime - no one eats meat, and generally allowed a little goodies. But when Ivan appeared at her grandmother, here he began "Pier." They even had their own secret password: "fried chicken and fried potatoes."

Internally, perhaps, Vanya matures me, which paid him not enough time. Although I do not say that. I remember how one day herso, the conversation was in souls, I leo annoyance, they say, I hope, I will not wait for the moment when I need his help. But, fortunately, Ivan grew up a strong person and morally, and physically. We have a healthy and warm relationship with him.

In Ivan "with home comfort" full order?

Dreams of dachas and any other material benefits have come true, and we earned something above average. And I, and Vanya, at first, were worn by material ideas. But I wonder what at some point we both understood that the hearth should be present inside a person. The Institute of Marriage Vanya refers with a huge pitue. And I respectfully treat Ivan's choice. I have a beautiful daughter-in-law!

Nina Urgant: "Son and grandson - my rear"

Nina Nikolaevna, what is needed to raise such men?

I do not know. Son I raged alone. We lived in the theater hostel. Worked a lot: a month was played 37 - 38 performances. Grandfather paid less attention. He was brought up by my daughter-in-law Valery Kiseleva. She is a very good actress. We now support relationships. I think all the time: what happiness that I have a son, grandson is a good strong rear. I'm calm.

What is the concern for men manifest?

Vanya often calls me. Now he has a family. He spends more time in Moscow. By grazing, I just brought me to show, I almost don't know the daughter-in-law ... Andryusha and Vanechka gave me a new car. I had a "Zhigul", and now a small Japanese machine appeared. I'm driving myself. That is, the son and grandson consider me strong, young, healthy and can not agree that I have already older than old age.

Ivan Urgant is the idol of the current young generation. Do you feel it?

For me it became a surprise. Andrei found himself when he was thirty. Vanya everything has happened much earlier. Although Andryusha, I think, owns a profession more than Vanya ... Vanya, of course, very popular with young people. I go around the city. People are suitable: "Thank you for the grandson." In the courtyard "dudzhuryat" of the Girls of the years at 13 - 14: "Your son Vanechka likes so much. Could you take autographs from him? " I answer: "Of course. When he arrives, I will take a photo with autographs and give you. " They believe that Vanya is also my son!

Natalia's wife: "With Wanney, I like a stone wall"

Today, the Urgant does not hide what is happy in marriage with the former classmate Natalia Kikanadze. Natalia liked him even then, while studying, but did not accept his courting. After school married a businessman, born two children. Urgant was also not alone. He married 18 years old on a girl Karin and quickly divorced. She went abroad and married there. Ivan in Moscow on television met the TV presenter Tanya Gevorkyan. They lived together. Ivan called Tatyana his bride. But then the gaze was fought ... then Ivan learned that his former love Natasha Kikannadze is also alone. He took her from Peter to Moscow. His dream, so that Natalia was his wife, came true. Today they live in a huge arranged mansion. Natalia is a housewife, brings up three children (from Ivan she gave birth to daughter). Ivan - the miner disappears at work. But the weekend they certainly spend together. Love to walk, go through the restaurants, look at the guests to friends ... Ivan's wife is not a party. But at the premiere of "frills" he took her with him. We have seen them together - from the outside they produce the impression of happy people. Natalia all the time he was very shy and confused by the cameras facing in her side. She pressed her daughter from the first marriage.

They say, Ivan's spouse is very similar to his mother

Natalia, you rarely see you on the parties! Did you like the film?

I came to support, rejoice at Ivan. I'm happy for him. He is a good actor ... and a good husband. I'm with him as a stone wall.

Are you happy?

Ivan himself to the question of journalists, whether their shared daughter looks like him, with the inherent humor answered: "Yes. At first, when it was born, I was like a wife. And now, when the bristles appeared, you still find out my traits in it. " And seriously, it seems, Ivan with great responsibility refers to marriage, children. "Dad always told me:" Never play for children! " I remembered it, "Ivan jokes. But seriously admitted in one interview, which does not share children on their own and strangers. Moreover, he grew up with stepfather.

Tanya Gevorkian: "Sometimes I regret that we are not together"

We called the former Bride Urgant Gevorkian.

Tanya, when you met, you were more famous than Ivan, now it's not a shame that when he became rich and famous, got another?

This is past. What to discuss now. There are more successful and rich men than Ivan. You do not know who I am now ... Every person has his own life, and therefore it would be foolish to return to the past ... Yes, Ivan represented me with his family. I saw his mother. I knew the whole family. The person has everything in order with his family. Mom Ivan does not appear on the covers of glossy magazines, but this does not mean that it is not a good actress.

They wrote that you did not want to give birth to children and it annoyed Ivan!

On the Internet they wrote that I and Vanya were rivals, something competed in something ... it's quite ridiculous. What is there to hell with Vanya! In a sense of humor with Vanya, no one can do, even men. I adequately appreciate my strength. Between a man and a woman who live together can not be any competition!

Then why did you break up? They said that you did not want a family, children, and he wanted ...

We broke up therefore. Parting was severe. But it happened. I have my own personal life. I can not say that she is worse than with Ivan. Perhaps sometimes I regret that we are not together. But no matter what is done, all for the better. Now I have everything well in my personal life.

Help "KP":

Dmitry Ladygin was born in 1955. He graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of the Theater of Music and Cinematography.

Since 2001, he has been working at the Baltic House of the Festival of the Festival. He starred in films: "Starshina", "Foundry", "Streets of broken lanterns", "Gangster Petersburg", "Killy Stower-3", "Secrets of the investigation-6", "Menta Wars-1".

At the end of September, the 37-year-old Ivan Urgant became his father for the second time - the TV presenter and his wife Natalia Kikanadze was born a daughter called Valeria. In 2013, Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Nagiyev were leading the Golden Gramophone Prize. Ivan Urgant was born on April 16, 1978 in Leningrad in creative family. Parents - Andrei Lvovich Urgant and Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva - Actors. Photo of Ivan Urgant caused a powerful resonance.

Vanya's parents broke up when the boy was fulfilled a year. After the divorce Mom Ivan married the Leningrad actor Dmitry Ladygin, who raised the boy. Ivan Urgant: "Father first and only once was married to Masher's mother's mother. True, they divorced ex-wife Father married again, and they with Masha now live in Holland. At 18 years old, Ivan signed with the St. Petersburg girlfriend Karina Avdeeva, but their marriage lasted only six months.

Ivan Urgant: "In the last school class, I was tall, strong, financially not secured young man, who regularly asked money from Pope. A few my friends, as well as me, also needed money. In 1998, Ivan released the Debut Album "Star", developed in collaboration with Maxim Leonidov.

From 2001 to 2002, Urgant led the "Cheerful Morning" show on the MTV Russia channel. From this point on, Career Showman went to the mountain. On television, Ivan got acquainted with Tatiana Gevorkyan, who worked on the same channel widhem. Roman broke out between young people. The couple did not hide her happiness, Ivan finally moved to Moscow, where they alone with Tanya removed the apartment. Ivan Urgant: "With Tanya Gevorkyan, we met right at work.

In 2005, TV presense Ivan Urgant and Tatiana Gevorkian announced that they were going to get married. New Choices Ivana became Natalia Kikanadze, the niece of the famous sports commentator and the director of the channel "Sport" Vasily Kikannadze.

However, after graduation, they were separated: Natasha married a Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia and gave birth to him two children. To the moment new meeting With Ivan Natalia was already divorced.

In 2009, Urgant and Posner recorded a documentary cycle of France called "Tour De France". In 2011, together with Alexander Tsekalo, Ivan opened the restaurant "The Garden" on the Yakiman Embankment. Ivan voiced Hugh Jackman in the tape "Wash!" (2006) And Chris Pretta in the militant "Particularly dangerous" (2008).

Biographies of celebrities, star news, interviews, photos and videos, stars ratings, as well as tape events from Celebrity microblogging on 7days.ru. The name of Urgant - Estonian roots. Ivan Urgant once complained that in full-time Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandson - his family in last time I was going when my mother was pregnant.

Grandfather Lev Millinger became famous, playing on the stage of the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater, Grandma Nina Urgant - the star of the Soviet film "Belorussky Station" and the Alexandrinsky Theater. But the family of Ivan Urgant is difficult to call a prosperous: his parents officially officially registered their marriage. After graduating from the Gymnasium at the State Russian Museum, Ivan Urgant entered the second course of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Art.

In the 1990s, Ivan Urgant was looking for himself, speaking in various clubs under the pseudonym of Void. Then Showman began to seriously get involved in music, learned to play guitar, piano, block flute and drums.

Do you like Ivan Urgant?

Two years later, Ivan Urgant was in the capital, where his main place of stay was the Ostankin Telbashnya. On the first channel Ivan Urgant fell in 2005 as a leading "big premiere". In 2010, Ivan Urgant led the Muz-TV awards ceremony in a pair with Ksenia Sobchak. With foreign counterparts, the transmission "Evening Urgant" combines only the format and rules game. In all the rest of Ivan Urgant turned the project to the national product.

Ivan Urgant in Instagram:

Ivan Urgant became a real celebrity, a media person who learns every passerby. Ivan Urgant has already performed the main roles of Alexander Strizhov in the full-length movie "180 cm and above" (2005), Konstantin Khudyakov drama "He, she and I" (2007), Comedy "Three and Snowflake" (2007). The new pseudonym led to a cardinal shift the image of Ivan Urgant. In one of the interviews, Ivan Urgant was just mentioned that all songs from his new album are copyrighted.

Vanya Urgant is just charm) True, with Tanya Gevorkyan, I liked it more. And the Urgant is used to hang out under his feet: then Posner, then Sobchak-Mixed-Horror !!! At least someone wrote about I. Vigant the truth! He has no talents! Move Smak, Floodlight Paris Hilton, evening urgant does not need special talents. Here they write: "Jokes of Ivan, ordinary and nothing. Such a talent in Russia, except urgant, no one no longer compete with him oho-ho-ho-ho!

Ivan Urgant also congratulated his sister, but so far only by phone. In 2011, Ivan Urgant again took up musical creativity, and appears under the name of Grisha Urgant.