It all started five years ago, when an ordinary medical examination discovered a malignant tumor of the mammary gland in the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Tatiana Ogryzko...

It is impossible not to recognize her even from the back - only gymnasts can have such chiseled figures. Tatyana Ogryzko looks around, smiles and waves her hand in greeting. The 1993 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Champion seems to have not changed at all since her sports career.

And even more so, she doesn’t look like a person who has undergone a lot of radiation sessions this year alone, after which, not only to smile, I don’t want to live ... We go with her to a cafe where there will be no ginger, with which Tanya is used to drinking tea, so let's order a latte. And after the conversation, I will drive her to Komarovka, where Tanya will need to buy herbs - from the same grandmother who knows a lot about this.

Did Tanya tell her? Well, maybe only as a healer. In general, she is not inclined to talk about her problems. And our interview becomes possible only at the initiative of her friend, who announced through American websites that she was raising money for the treatment of a famous Belarusian gymnast.

And it all started five years ago, when an ordinary medical examination revealed a malignant tumor of the mammary gland in the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Tatiana Ogryzko...

Then we managed on our own, - Tatyana begins her story. - I could leave work and calmly be treated. Although at first, as they say, lay vlezhku. They operated almost immediately. Then there was the most terrible - "red chemistry".

What is it and with what to compare? I don’t know, it seems to me that a drug addict should experience similar feelings - when he breaks. It twists all the bones, you can neither sleep, nor lie down, nor eat, nothing at all. During this procedure, hair falls out, I went in a wig for a year.

They did it once every three weeks. You just start to come to life, like bang - and again you are nothing. I don't want to remember this nightmare. Forgetting him is like a bad dream. Then I had 42 radiation doses in Borovlyany. Then they did an operation - a safety net, so that the metastases would not go down. And since there were side effects, I thundered into the 9th hospital. But this is normal, because each chemotherapy causes a new sore to come out. This I later found out.

For another year they were injected with a drug that suppresses the growth of tumors. Everything seems to be back to normal. And this spring, my ribs and back began to hurt. It feels like I got a sports injury. Therefore, I went to the doctor - taped, injected painkillers, but nothing helped.

They sent me for a CT scan. They found stains in the rib, in the shoulder and in the bones. They did a point irradiation, it seems that the pain subsided. And then in August everything started to hurt again. Have made KT in August - have found out a stain on a parietal bone. Well, all over again. One of these days I will do a new tomography and I will look for a clinic where to be treated further.

Most likely in Germany. There is a clinic in Berlin where I have already been. It is one of the best in Europe, in any case, it has the latest generation devices, of which there are only a few in the world. Rehab is different. Yes, and a sister nearby, friends ...

How do you deal with all this psychologically?

To be honest, sometimes the roof goes. They tell me: "Tanya, you need to move away from everything." But I can not. depressive state wins. I take pills because only they help to somehow calm down. 24 hours a day I live with the thought that I have cancer - I wake up, I cook breakfast, I work, I fall asleep ...

I live in fear. I'm sure any other disease is much easier to bear. And when you have cancer, you don’t know how long the pills will last, how the body will behave tomorrow, what will happen to the children. I have two of them. Eldest son is 16, daughter is eight. Ilya supports me, and Sonya, it seems, does not even understand what is happening to her mother.

Lots of people around. They give advice. Someone says: "Ay, I'm not afraid of death!" And I'm afraid... I don't want to die, I still have to live and live.

- Who else supports you?

Husband, parents, family. I am glad that Irina Yurievna Leparskaya does not forget. I have good friends - especially from gymnastics. Natasha Grinberg and Natasha Sovpel. Sveta Savenkova, who was still in the group in the USSR national team, came up with the idea of ​​​​collecting money through the site - it is arranged in such a way that you can see who is participating.

To be honest, I did not expect so many people to remember me. Lena Vitrichenko, Yana Batyrshina, Amina Zaripova, Margarita Mamun, Zhenya Pavlina...

Sisters Yurkina from artistic gymnastics. Galya Savchits is the daughter of Galina Krylenko. Lena Shamatulskaya - she played for Belarus, and then left for Moscow. There are a lot of girls who were gymnasts and are now married, and I just can't identify them under other names. Thanks to all of them...

- You are still not aloof from your favorite sport - you work in an aesthetic gymnastics club.

Yes, last year we even went to the World Cup. Of course, non-professionals work with us, so the result was not the most outstanding. But this work is more of a hobby. I need money, so I'm busy in one more place. Don't ask me which one, I don't want these conversations. Any work is honorable and necessary.

- Two jobs - isn't it too much?

No exit. I am a former athlete, I must be hardy. In sports, it’s always the same as it was - after an examination, any normal doctor remains shocked and advises him to end his career. And their sports colleagues know that we will never do it. Injuries, fractures, ruptures - all this is just commonplace. You won’t surprise anyone with them, just as you won’t find a single absolutely healthy gymnast.

- You also did not listen to the advice of "normal" doctors.

I loved gymnastics too much. Let it be hard, but that life would be lived again - if there was a chance to start all over again. Although, you know, when she finished her career, she pulled away from her for many years. I could not look at photographs, diplomas, medals and cups. I put everything in a bag and sent it to the balcony so that nothing even caught my eye.

I reviewed my 1996 Olympics for the first time only two years ago. She took out a cassette from the mezzanine, cried and put it back. Children ask: "Mom, where are your medals? Let me see at least." And really ... What kind of world champion am I, even if this gold medal is not there? And she really doesn't.

- Lost...

Thank God no. The 1993 World Championship was held in Alicante, Spain, and right there I gave the award to Galina Aleksandrovna Krylenko. She was then the head coach of the Belarusian national team and deserved that medal no less than me. I think it's the right move. But sometimes I want to ask her back at least for a week - to show Ilya and Sonya. Even though it doesn't look pretty. She gave it away, and now she asks for a gift back, right?

Fine. By the way, I have no doubt that there, in Spain, you were sure that there would be many such medals ahead. However, the 1996 Olympics was the most resounding failure for the Belarusian team in the history of participating in the Games.

We performed with Larisa Lukyanenko just gorgeous. I'm telling you this as a professional. But in the all-around final we were simply pushed away from the podium. That's the whole story, very typical for such a subjective sport as rhythmic gymnastics.

Fate gave me a sign that I had to finish. I had a torn Achilles tendon before Atlanta. Then, as usual, similar problems began to appear with the other leg, which in this case had to be loaded to the fullest. About a year and a half after the Olympics, I trained and finished. At 21. At that time she was already an old woman. It is now almost up to 30 years old they go out on the carpet.

- And then?

At first, naturally, I rested. Then she went on maternity leave. Managed to get into business. Husband Sasha helped open a store in "Parking". But it went bankrupt - the rent was terribly expensive, and we did not buy the goods directly, but from intermediaries. Therefore, when I began to get into debt, I realized that the project should be closed. Then she gave birth to Sonya, and then this oncology began.

I got into aesthetic gymnastics, consider it by accident. Still, we live in the same world with the former "artists". Many of them undertook to master this the new kind. I liked working with children, even very much. The level, of course, is weak, like a health group, but I have such a character - if I do something, then I set maximum goals. Are we preparing for the World Cup stage, are we going to the World Cup? Everyone, children, we begin to prepare seriously so as not to disgrace the country!

You turn on the full program. You strangle these poor girls, then you come home and you can’t even speak. You fall onto the bed. Sonya asks: "Mom, check the lessons." And I have no strength at all. After all, I showed everything myself, stretched the children, and this kind physical exercise I'm basically banned. So, easy work, sitting, sorting through some papers. Better yet, walk through the forest and breathe the air, as doctors recommend.

In short, I got carried away ... My back hurts, it hurts, bridges, stretching, making exercises. Nerves. Parents. Half of the children went to another club, we need to look for new ones, you can’t leave the rest. The new ones have arrived - it is necessary to train, catch up, because at the World Cup you definitely need to perform well. Well, it's good not to be the last.

- Didn't you?

No, and even the penultimate did not. What can be done in six months? But the girls did well, fought, resisted! Good team. The Cup stage, by the way, was also in Spain, in Barcelona. Of course, memories came flooding back... I haven't seen those girls with whom I competed for a long time. I would be happy to chat. We have good company was. She was especially friends with Yana Batyrshina and Amina Zaripova. They are just as fun and sociable as me. There has never been a rivalry between us, once someone looks askance at someone or envies something.

I also communicated well with Lena Vitrichenko and Katya Serebryanskaya. But both of their mothers are coaches, so you won’t be especially liberated at the banquet after the competition. But for us it was the very longed-for moment when you could finally give yourself the opportunity to eat whatever your heart desires, without thinking that tomorrow you have to get up for a morning workout ...

- Our girls are generally great, especially Amina. The coach of Margarita Mamun - the Olympic champion, sounds the same!

The Russians have always had good gymnasts. When I was already leaving, the star of Alina Kabaeva began to light up. Even after her first starts, it was clear that in rhythmic gymnastics new leader which will revolutionize it. One felt in this little girl, whom everyone liked without exception, some kind of invincible force.

- I can imagine with what tenderness you look at photographs taken in the 90s.

I don't watch at all. Recently there was a stage of the World Cup, they asked, and so I found a box, took it. Will have to pick up. You know, those memories for me are both bright and painful at the same time.

You look at that seventeen-year-old Tanya and you understand that she was stupid, ugly, in addition, also lazy. She would have my today's head, and she would have done much more than she could then. But this is normal for an adult. I tried to convey the same thing to my girls, with whom we were preparing for the "peace". That you need to work here and now, to the maximum. And then you will experience the thrill of it. And if you do something, you will regret it later.

I remember myself: I got married during my career, this, in my opinion, has never happened in rhythmic gymnastics. I need to train, but I have completely different thoughts in my head. How to break faster to your beloved. You will make a suffering look, they say, something hurts, I can’t take it anymore. They will let you go - and you are happy that you freed yourself faster. Oh what a stupid...

Although, probably, all young girls who sit in the hall for eight hours a day do this. They all really want to break free, to see another life. But it turns out that the one with daily two-time training, during which you curse everything in the world, was the best and happiest part of it ...

- You're only forty. You can make up for everything.

Can. And I will try, of course. If I live.

Tatyana Ogryzko's performance at the 1993 World Championships

It all started five years ago, when an ordinary medical examination revealed that the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Tatyana Ogryzko had a malignant tumor of the mammary gland…

It is impossible not to recognize her even from the back - only gymnasts can have such chiseled figures. Tatyana Ogryzko looks around, smiles and waves her hand in greeting. The 1993 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Champion seems to have not changed at all since her sports career.

And even more so, she doesn’t look like a person who has undergone a lot of radiation sessions this year alone, after which, not only to smile, I don’t want to live ... We go with her to a cafe where there will be no ginger, with which Tanya is used to drinking tea, so let's order a latte. And after the conversation, I will drive her to Komarovka, where Tanya will need to buy herbs - from the same grandmother who knows a lot about this.

Did Tanya tell her? Well, maybe only as a healer. In general, she is not inclined to talk about her problems. And our interview becomes possible only at the initiative of her friend, who announced through American websites that she was raising money for the treatment of a famous Belarusian gymnast.

“Five years ago, when an ordinary medical examination revealed a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, we coped on our own,” Tatiana begins her story. — I could leave work and be treated calmly. Although at first, as they say, lay vlezhku. They operated almost immediately. Then there was the most terrible - "red chemistry".

What is it and with what to compare? I don’t know, it seems to me that a drug addict should experience similar feelings - when he breaks. It twists all the bones, you can neither sleep, nor lie down, nor eat, nothing at all. During this procedure, hair falls out, I went in a wig for a year.

They did it once every three weeks. You just start to come to life, like bang - and again you are nothing. I don't want to remember this nightmare. Forgetting him is like a bad dream. Then I had 42 radiation doses in Borovlyany. Then they did an operation - a safety net, so that the metastases would not go down. And since there were side effects, I thundered into the 9th hospital. But this is normal, because each chemotherapy causes a new sore to come out. This I later found out.

For another year they were injected with a drug that suppresses the growth of tumors. Everything seems to be back to normal. And this spring, my ribs and back began to hurt. It feels like I got a sports injury. Therefore, I went to the doctor - I taped, injected painkillers, but nothing helped.

They sent me for a CT scan. They found stains in the rib, in the shoulder and in the bones. They did a point irradiation, it seems that the pain subsided. And then in August everything started to hurt again. They did a CT scan in August - they found a spot on the parietal bone. Well, all over again. One of these days I will do a new tomography and I will look for a clinic where to be treated further.

Most likely in Germany. There is a clinic in Berlin where I have already been. It is one of the best in Europe, in any case, it has the latest generation devices, of which there are only a few in the world. Rehab is different. Yes, and a sister nearby, friends ...

How do you deal with all this psychologically?

- To be honest, sometimes the roof goes. They say to me: “Tanya, you need to move away from everything.” But I can not. Depression wins. I take pills because only they help to somehow calm down. 24 hours a day I live with the thought that I have cancer - I wake up, I cook breakfast, I work, I fall asleep ...

I live in fear. I'm sure any other disease is much easier to bear. And when you have cancer, you don’t know how long the pills will last, how the body will behave tomorrow, what will happen to the children. I have two of them. Eldest son is 16, daughter is eight. Ilya supports me, and Sonya, it seems, does not even understand what is happening to her mother.

Lots of people around. They give advice. Someone says: "Ay, I'm not afraid of death!" And I'm afraid ... I don't want to die, I still have to live and live.

Who else supports you?

Husband, parents, family. I am glad that Irina Yurievna Leparskaya does not forget. I have good friends - especially from gymnastics. Natasha Grinberg and Natasha Sovpel. Sveta Savenkova, who was still in the group in the USSR national team, came up with the idea of ​​​​collecting money through the site - it is arranged in such a way that you can see who is participating.

To be honest, I did not expect so many people to remember me. Lena Vitrichenko, Yana Batyrshina, Amina Zaripova, Margarita Mamun, Zhenya Pavlina ... The Yurkina sisters from artistic gymnastics. Galya Savchits is the daughter of Galina Krylenko. Lena Shamatulskaya - she played for Belarus, and then left for Moscow. There are a lot of girls who were gymnasts and are now married, and I just can't identify them under other names. Thanks to all of them...

- You are still not aloof from your favorite sport - you work in an aesthetic gymnastics club.

— Yes, last year we even went to the World Cup. Of course, non-professionals work with us, so the result was not the most outstanding. But this work is more of a hobby. I need money, so I'm busy in one more place. Don't ask me which one, I don't want these conversations. Any work is honorable and necessary.

- Two jobs - isn't it too much?

- No exit. I am a former athlete, I must be hardy. In sports, it’s always the same as it was - any normal doctor after an examination remains in shock and advises him to end his career. And their sports colleagues know that we will never do it. Injuries, fractures, ruptures - all this is just commonplace. You won’t surprise anyone with them, just as you won’t find a single absolutely healthy gymnast.

- You also did not listen to the advice of "normal" doctors.

- I loved gymnastics too much. It may be hard, but that life would be lived again - if there was a chance to start all over again. Although, you know, when she finished her career, she pulled away from her for many years. I could not look at photographs, diplomas, medals and cups. I put everything in a bag and sent it to the balcony so that nothing even caught my eye.

I reviewed my 1996 Olympics for the first time only two years ago. She took out a cassette from the mezzanine, cried and put it back. Children ask: “Mom, where are your medals? Let me have a look." And really ... What kind of world champion am I, even if this gold medal is not there? And she really doesn't.

- Lost...

- Thank God no. The 1993 World Championship was held in Alicante, Spain, and right there I gave the award to Galina Alexandrovna Krylenko. She was then the head coach of the Belarusian national team and deserved that medal no less than me. I think it's the right move. But sometimes I want to ask her back at least for a week - to show Ilya and Sonya. Even though it doesn't look pretty. She gave it away, and now she asks for a gift back, right?

Fine. By the way, I have no doubt that there, in Spain, you were sure that there would be many such medals ahead. However, the 1996 Olympics was the most resounding failure for the Belarusian team in the history of participating in the Games.

We performed with Larisa Lukyanenko just gorgeous. I'm telling you this as a professional. But in the all-around final we were simply pushed away from the podium. That's the whole story, very typical for such a subjective sport as rhythmic gymnastics.

Fate gave me a sign that I had to finish. I had a torn Achilles tendon before Atlanta. Then, as usual, similar problems began to appear with the other leg, which in this case had to be loaded to the fullest. About a year and a half after the Olympics, I trained and finished. At 21. At that time she was already an old woman. It is now almost up to 30 years old they go out on the carpet.

- And then?

- At first, of course, I rested. Then she went on maternity leave. Managed to get into business. Husband Sasha helped open a store in Parking. But it went bankrupt - the rent was terribly expensive, and we did not buy the goods directly, but from intermediaries. Therefore, when I began to get into debt, I realized that the project should be closed. Then she gave birth to Sonya, and then this oncology began.

I got into aesthetic gymnastics, consider it by accident. Still, we live in the same world with the former "artists". Many of them undertook to master this new species. I liked working with children, even very much. The level, of course, is weak, like a health group, but I have such a character - if I do something, then I set maximum goals. Are we preparing for the World Cup stage, are we going to the World Cup? Everyone, children, we begin to prepare seriously so as not to disgrace the country!

You turn on the full program. You strangle these poor girls, then you come home and you can’t even speak. You fall onto the bed. Sonya asks: "Mom, check the lessons." And I have no strength at all. After all, I showed everything myself, stretched the children, and this kind of physical activity is basically forbidden to me. So, easy work, sitting, sorting through some papers. Better yet, walk through the forest and breathe the air, as doctors recommend.

In short, I got carried away ... My back hurts, it hurts, bridges, stretching, drawing up exercises. Nerves. Parents. Half of the children went to another club, we need to look for new ones, you can’t leave the rest. The new ones have come - it is necessary to train, catch up, because at the World Cup you definitely need to perform well. Well, it's good not to be the last.

- Didn't you?

- No, and they didn’t even become the penultimate one. What can be done in six months? But the girls did well, fought, resisted! Good team. The Cup stage, by the way, was also in Spain, in Barcelona. Of course, memories came flooding back… I haven't seen those girls with whom I competed for a long time. I would be happy to chat. We had good company. She was especially friends with Yana Batyrshina and Amina Zaripova. They are just as fun and sociable as me. There has never been a rivalry between us, when someone looks askance at someone or envies something.

I also communicated well with Lena Vitrichenko and Katya Serebryanskaya. But both of their mothers are coaches, so you won’t be especially liberated at a banquet after the competition. But for us it was the very longed-for moment when you could finally give yourself the opportunity to eat whatever your heart desires, without thinking that tomorrow you have to get up for a morning workout ...

Our girls are generally great, especially Amina. The coach of Margarita Mamun, the Olympic champion, sounds the same!

The Russians have always had good gymnasts. When I was already leaving, the star of Alina Kabaeva began to light up. Even after its first starts, it was clear that a new leader appeared in rhythmic gymnastics, which would make a revolution in it. One felt in this little girl, whom everyone liked without exception, some kind of invincible force.

- I can imagine with what tenderness you look at photographs taken in the 90s.

- I don't look at all. Recently there was a stage of the World Cup, they asked, and so I found a box, took it. Will have to pick up. You know, those memories for me are both bright and painful at the same time.

You look at that seventeen-year-old Tanya and you understand that she was stupid, ugly, in addition, also lazy. She would have my today's head, and she would have done much more than she could then. But this is normal for an adult. I tried to convey the same thing to my girls, with whom we were preparing for the “peace”. That you need to work here and now, to the maximum. And then you will experience the thrill of it. And if you do something, you will regret it later.

I remember myself: I got married during my career, this, in my opinion, has never happened in rhythmic gymnastics. I need to train, but I have completely different thoughts in my head. How to break faster to your beloved. You will make a suffering look, they say, something hurts, I can’t take it anymore. They will let you go - and you are happy that you freed yourself faster. Oh what a stupid...

Although, probably, all young girls who sit in the hall for eight hours a day do this. They all really want to break free, to see another life. But it turns out that the one with daily two-time workouts, during which you curse everything in the world, was the best and happiest part of it ...

You are only forty. You can make up for everything.

- Can. And I will try, of course. If I live.

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She is idolized, feared and often called the "general in a skirt." It is not surprising that Irina Yuryevna answered the first offer to participate in our section “Formula of Love”, as if she had chopped with a saber: “There is no time, ahead is the Olympics! No time for lisping ... ”Bringing two medals from London, at the same time celebrating an anniversary in foggy Albion, and after resting in Turkey, Leparskaya relaxed slightly:“ Okay, let's talk about your love ... ”Sasha fell in love with Ira from a tiny photo in the Komsomol ticket. IN sports school in Smolevichi, where Irina was exiled by distribution, a camp was organized in the summer. And Sasha came to visit a friend, a counselor.

By this time, Irina had been sleeping on an air mattress in a sleeping bag right on the table in the office for a year, thus escaping rats. There were simply no other conditions.

When I first came to Minsk, I thought: “There are so many windows in Minsk - and there is life behind everyone. And I don’t even have such a window ... ”I dreamed about it then.

Sasha achieved his favorite year. At first, Irina did not take him seriously. Still: she is already 22, and he is only an 18-year-old student ...

Every day after classes at the institute, Sasha came to Smolevichi with the words: “Marry me!” And he always left with the same phrase: “Anyway, you will marry me!” With his perseverance, he took it.

I remember that before the wedding, I went to my mother in Novorossiysk, and Sasha was worried: “The wedding day will come, I will put on a suit, buy flowers, I will come to the registry office, but you are not there, you have not arrived ...” “And what will you do?” - I ask. And he answered: “I’ll think that for another year I’ll ride these trains to Smolevichi for you ... But I have no way out!” I didn’t believe it: “So what - are you going to ride? Then I'd better come to the registry office this year, another year is too much! (Laughs.)

Alexander was worried that Irina would not appear at the wedding, and he would have to seek her for another year.
Photo: from the family archive.

“In 10 years we have changed 10 rented apartments»

Irina Yuryevna receives me in an office that looks more like a closet - a tiny room without windows, it seems, is suffocating without sunlight and a breath of fresh air. In the republican center for Olympic training in rhythmic gymnastics, eminent champions Lyubov Cherkashina, Melitina Stanyuta and very little ones, who are still only dreaming of victories, train side by side. The gymnasts have been living for the fifth year in anticipation of a new building. But what is this!

After the wedding, my husband and I have been waiting for our housing for 10 years and have changed 10 rented apartments over the years, - Irina Yuryevna does not hide. - And even after painting in the registry office, we went to celebrate with friends in Uruchcha.

- And they say that the housing problem destroys relationships!

If that were true, we would have fled a long time ago. Nonsense! Leparsky said every time: “Dusya (he calls me that from the first day), they are kicking us out again. But I have already found another apartment…” So I studied Minsk by moving.

Irina Yuryevna cannot imagine her life without gymnastics and numerous wards who lived in her family for many years. First - Larisa Lukyanenko, Olya Gontar and Lena Ivanova.

We had a sofa, a sideboard, two armchairs, a coffee table and three of these children who had nowhere to live. They moved with them.

Larisa Lukyanenko came in 1988 from Ust-Kamenogorsk and lived with us for seven years, - Irina Yurievna continues the story. - Leparsky called her Foal. Remember the movie "Three Fat Men" when the little prince says: "I'm a child!" From there it went - "The same child." She is like a daughter to him, and Sasha still calls her Foal.

Then Olya Gontar appeared, followed by Lena Ivanova from Slutsk. Her mother brought us a bag of potatoes, said: “Irina Yuryevna, we have no money, but we have potatoes. Feed Lena and eat yourself!

Irina Yurievna loves children, and when the gymnasts grew up and went home, she had a wonderful goddaughter.

Now I have my beloved Andrianochka. She has both mom and dad, but she also has Ira. I can't live without her, and she can't live without me. It so happened that my husband and I have no children of our own. And when all the gymnasts stopped living with us, this niche was filled by Andrianochka, whom I baptized at the age of three months. Now she is 11, and we have such a close relationship that is not a burden to anyone: neither dad nor mom. Nobody is jealous. Here is our child.

Irina Yurievna with her beloved goddaughter Andriana.
Photo: from the family archive.

"Marriages collapse from idleness"

Irina Yuryevna admits that she did not set any conditions for her husband before the wedding. And what to take from a student with a 40-ruble scholarship? But Sasha looked after beautifully.

He could take and buy me a bottle of French perfume for 40 rubles. And nothing that later I had to pay for the apartment from my salary. It has this: "Do not live to eat, but eat to live." Sasha is not picky about food: there is kefir with potatoes - and it's great!

- Yes, you and your husband are lucky: not everyone will eat in the culinary opposite the house while the wife is all at work ...

This issue has already been resolved. We are both on diets now, Sasha has protein. He wants to lose weight, remove the stomach, build muscle. Therefore, if there are chicken breasts, rice and kefir in the refrigerator, life is good. He says so: “Don’t buy anything, because I’m losing weight, but I can’t refuse.”

I know how to cook deliciously, but there is not enough time for everything.

- Psychologists often scare families with relationship crises: a year, three, seven ...

Marriages collapse from idleness. I don't remember the first year or the seventh. Maybe crises once loomed on the horizon, but we did not have time to notice them and quickly forgot the bad.

We rarely see each other, even though Sasha works through the wall, manages our fitness center. But my job involves constant traveling. Now I am very happy for my husband, who is resting with our friends in Dominican Republic. Oh, it's easy to call! - and Irina Yurievna listens to her husband's report: “The ocean is warm, the pool is hot. We play volleyball and tennis. Lots of food but chicken breasts no, trouble. Therefore, sometimes we drink mojitos, cappuccinos and eat fruits. This is my first time on such a vacation and I really, really like everything!”

And thank God! - rejoices for his wife Irina Yurievna.

- Aren't you afraid to let your husband go alone?

Yes, I'm not afraid of anything, - Irina Yuryevna cuts from her shoulder, but thinks for a second: - If he is not afraid to let me go, why should I be afraid to let him go?

Husband needs leisure: volleyball, billiards, chess, dominoes. And for me best holiday with Andriana, if she is nearby, my vacation has taken place.
For many years, Alexander Valentinovich has been a faithful assistant famous wife: both at home and at work.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

“My husband is sure that we won the Olympics thanks to him”

- You and your husband cook in the same pot. Can't find a scythe on a stone?

We are one team. Why quarrel here? And the kids love him. Sasha is kind, knows how to occupy them, to interest them. Him good head: At the age of 30, he multiplied four-digit numbers in his mind. The husband graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, worked for two years in distribution at a ball bearing plant. Then I needed money for a wedding.
Then he left the profession and began to help me. But he did not regret a single day that he connected his life with gymnastics and children. Leparsky is so worried about us that he never watches competitions on TV. And then Olympic Games in London said: “It is you who think that you won there, but in fact it is me. I closed my eyes and ears, sat under the table concentrating and praying. That's why you won! So tell Carrot (he loves Lyuba Cherkashina, he calls Carrot from childhood) that I did everything right.
Some people call Irina Leparskaya a "general in a skirt".
Photo: Viktor DRACHEV

I always need his help. Leparsky is a man who will do everything right. True, at the same time he often grumbles (laughs).

- Irina Yuryevna, women also often go on about emotions and will not remain silent where it would be appropriate to restrain themselves ...

Yes, my tongue is my enemy, that's for sure. And in my personal life too. Yes, my husband is the same!

- Not difficult together, talkative? Did you thresh the dishes?

Yes, never in my life!

How do you release steam then?

Sasha goes headlong into computer games and I don't post anything at all.

- Some rush to clean the apartment.

God forbid! I used to clean, now there is someone to do it. We have two floors, and time is short.

- Admit it, do you turn on the “general in a skirt” at home?

In our family, the opposite is true: Leparsky leader. I can’t calmly turn off the light, close the door - everything is wrong. Everyone is already used to it and does not pay attention to its constant buzzing. Because they know that it does not happen to be kinder.

My husband, in principle, says everything correctly, I just don’t want to do it. Since childhood, I have been very absent-minded, I lose everything. The whole school knew my red blouse: every morning I came in it and every evening I left without it.

But everything I need to know is all in my head and no one knows so much.

Irina Yurievna is sure that in family life there is no need to re-educate anyone. There must be two people who can live side by side. Moreover, life should be easier with this person than without him.

"Marriages in gymnastics rarely last long"

- Irina Yurievna, you once said that the meaning of sport is to defeat yourself. What is the meaning of family life?

This is the whole meaning of life - to conquer yourself. Discipline, organize. Diligence, attention, respect, culture - all this is useful not only in gymnastics, but also in life. If she takes on one thing - she quits, then another - she quits again, so she will change her husbands.

And I'm also sure that the seal in the passport keeps the couple from rash decisions. Today we had a fight, in emotions you shout: “That's it, I'm divorcing you!” And in the morning you will calm down, you will think: “So this seal must somehow be removed? To do something for this, but why? Oh, well, they forgot ... ”And there would be no seal - they fled, and then there would not be enough pride to return.

How do you celebrate wedding anniversaries?

On the day of our wedding, Larisa Lukyanenko, our "Same Child", was born. When we celebrated her birthday, Marina Lobach (the first Soviet Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics. - Ed.) always got up towards the end of the feast and said: “And I have another toast. I want to raise my glasses to Irina Yuryevna and Alexander Valentinovich, because today is their wedding day!” This went on for many years.

We don't take dates seriously. Once a friendly company congratulated Leparsky on his 33rd birthday. Stormy so: the age of Christ! The day before, I specially brought a gift from Spain for my husband - a figurine in the form of a cradle with Jesus.

A big feast, toasts, and at the end of the evening my husband quietly says to me: “I went to my mother this morning, and she said that today I’m not 33, but 32 ...” I say: “So why were you silent ?!” And he answered: “People like it, so be it. IN next year Let's celebrate again."

What a wise husband you have!

That's why we lived 30 years together. But marriages in gymnastics very rarely last long. The husband of a rhythmic gymnastics coach is a very rare specimen. Many say so: “How lucky you are with Leparsky!” And I understand it perfectly.

For a happy family life, you need to turn on less passions, a kind of Romeo and Juliet, which either converge or diverge. You just need to live.

Many are sure that Leparskaya is a sorceress who has champions at the snap of her fingers.
Photo: from the family archive.

“I know that our fate has come true in heaven and nothing needs to be changed”

- And you are not jealous of your husband: the head of the fitness center is constantly surrounded by young graces ...

What are you, no! For my Leparsky, they are still “children”. I do remember one incident, though. Many years ago, my husband gave me a diamond ring. I almost never wear jewelry, and it lay for a long time. And once Sasha suggested: “I want to tell you for a long time: let's give your child a ring with a diamond.” I was surprised: “How can you give my ring to someone ?!”

- Wow offer!

I, too, was outraged. But then I thought, thought and decided: “And the truth lies. Give it back! And we gave the ring to Larisa, let the girl wear it. Therefore, there is no jealousy between us. Our relationship is based on trust and common interests.

- And what about love?

Everyone has their own recipe. Probably, there are Romeo and Juliet, who lived their whole lives in love. There are couples who from the first day feel like they have been together for a hundred years. But there are also those who converged on a great passion, but she took it and burned out like a match in a year. And there was nothing left but annoyance.

Everyone has their own story, while everyone has at least a little, but there was love. single formula happy relationship No. But one thing is certain: we must meet suitable friend other people.

- And when did you realize that you were suitable for each other: before or after the wedding?

Even now I think that we are not suitable, - Irina Yuryevna laughs. - But I can not imagine myself or him with someone else.

- Why do you think you won't?

More often in my thoughts, I do not pay attention to everyday trifles. And the husband is Virgo according to the horoscope, which is boring and pedantic. Everything should be laid out on the shelves, everything should work. There can't be anything in the house that's broken, or loose, or leaking. Everything works like clockwork!

- How wonderful it is!

Aha! The door lock has recently been repaired. I looked and said: “Why did you do this? Before you, the castle opened better. “But it seems to me that now it’s better ...” It’s just that the husband often has extra details, unnecessary ones (smiles). Then, however, he agreed, said that after the vacation he would return everything to its place.

But we also have a lot of common ground: we both like to finish what we started. And I am also firmly convinced that our destiny has come true in heaven and nothing needs to be changed. Without Sasha, I'm like without hands. They come to ask for meter readings, and I answer: “Please come back in a couple of weeks, my husband will return from vacation, he will tell you everything ...”

It is important to know that you cannot live without this person. And what is happening inside between you - yes, whatever! After all, hot lava sometimes breaks through the earth too. But the Earth exists - and it is a single organism. Once this ball was formed - and that's it.

Of course, we swear, like everyone else. But the next day, Sasha will definitely smile and say “Dusya! ..”. We never find out anything, we never procrastinate. I can freak out, but an hour later I forgot why. I don't like messing with it. And thank God that he is the same! We don't wind up. Otherwise, so much could have already been picked up that it would not be clear why they are still together. And, probably, they would have already fled. So my advice to you: stop doing stupid things, live productively. And you will be happy!

Irina LEPARSKAYA is the head coach of the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team of Belarus. She was born in Novorossiysk, graduated from the Institute of Physical Education in Minsk, worked as a coach in the Dynamo society.

Honored Worker physical culture Belarus, Honored Coach of Belarus. Among the star pupils of Irina Yuryevna are winners of the world and European championships Larisa Lukyanenko, Tatyana Ohryzko, Olga Gontar, Evgenia Pavlina, Svetlana Rudalova, Valeria Vatkina, Melitina Stanyuta. As well as champions and medalists of the Olympic Games - Marina Lobach, Yulia Raskina, Inna Zhukova, Lyubov Cherkashina.

2016-11-18 11:43:01


And it all started five years ago, when an ordinary medical examination revealed a malignant tumor of the mammary gland in the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Tatiana Ogryzko...

Then we managed on our own, - Tatyana begins her story. - I could leave work and calmly be treated. Although at first, as they say, lay vlezhku. They operated almost immediately. Then there was the most terrible - "red chemistry".

What is it and with what to compare? I don’t know, it seems to me that a drug addict should experience similar feelings - when he breaks. It twists all the bones, you can neither sleep, nor lie down, nor eat, nothing at all. During this procedure, hair falls out, I went in a wig for a year.

They did it once every three weeks. You just start to come to life, like bang - and again you are nothing. I don't want to remember this nightmare. Forgetting him is like a bad dream. Then I had 42 radiation doses in Borovlyany. Then they did an operation - a safety net, so that the metastases would not go down. And since there were side effects, I thundered into the 9th hospital. But this is normal, because each chemotherapy causes a new sore to come out. This I later found out.

For another year they were injected with a drug that suppresses the growth of tumors. Everything seems to be back to normal. And this spring, my ribs and back began to hurt. It feels like I got a sports injury. Therefore, I went to the doctor - taped, injected painkillers, but nothing helped.

They sent me for a CT scan. They found stains in the rib, in the shoulder and in the bones. They did a point irradiation, it seems that the pain subsided. And then in August everything started to hurt again. Have made KT in August - have found out a stain on a parietal bone. Well, all over again. One of these days I will do a new tomography and I will look for a clinic where to be treated further.

Most likely in Germany. There is a clinic in Berlin where I have already been. It is one of the best in Europe, in any case, it has the latest generation devices, of which there are only a few in the world. Rehab is different. Yes, and a sister nearby, friends ...

How do you deal with all this psychologically?

To be honest, sometimes the roof goes. They tell me: "Tanya, you need to move away from everything." But I can not. Depression wins. I take pills because only they help to somehow calm down. 24 hours a day I live with the thought that I have cancer - I wake up, I cook breakfast, I work, I fall asleep ...

I live in fear. I'm sure any other disease is much easier to bear. And when you have cancer, you don’t know how long the pills will last, how the body will behave tomorrow, what will happen to the children. I have two of them. Eldest son is 16, daughter is eight. Ilya supports me, and Sonya, it seems, does not even understand what is happening to her mother.

Lots of people around. They give advice. Someone says: "Ay, I'm not afraid of death!" And I'm afraid... I don't want to die, I still have to live and live.

Who else supports you?

Husband, parents, family. I am glad that Irina Yurievna Leparskaya does not forget. I have good friends - especially from gymnastics. Natasha Grinberg and Natasha Sovpel. Sveta Savenkova, who was still in the group in the USSR national team, came up with the idea of ​​​​collecting money through the site - it is arranged in such a way that you can see who is participating.

To be honest, I did not expect so many people to remember me. Lena Vitrichenko, Yana Batyrshina, Amina Zaripova, Margarita Mamun, Zhenya Pavlina... The Yurkina sisters from artistic gymnastics. Galya Savchits is the daughter of Galina Krylenko. Lena Shamatulskaya - she played for Belarus, and then left for Moscow. There are a lot of girls who were gymnasts and are now married, and I just can't identify them under other names. Thanks to all of them...

Even now you are not aloof from your favorite sport - you work in an aesthetic gymnastics club.

Yes, last year we even went to the World Cup. Of course, non-professionals work with us, so the result was not the most outstanding. But this work is more of a hobby. I need money, so I'm busy in one more place. Don't ask me which one, I don't want these conversations. Any work is honorable and necessary.

Two jobs - isn't it too much?

No exit. I am a former athlete, I must be hardy. In sports, it’s always the same as it was - after an examination, any normal doctor remains shocked and advises him to end his career. And their sports colleagues know that we will never do it. Injuries, fractures, ruptures - all this is just commonplace. You won’t surprise anyone with them, just as you won’t find a single absolutely healthy gymnast.

You, too, did not listen to the advice of "normal" doctors.

I loved gymnastics too much. Let it be hard, but that life would be lived again - if there was a chance to start all over again. Although, you know, when she finished her career, she pulled away from her for many years. I could not look at photographs, diplomas, medals and cups. I put everything in a bag and sent it to the balcony so that nothing even caught my eye.

I reviewed my 1996 Olympics for the first time only two years ago. She took out a cassette from the mezzanine, cried and put it back. Children ask: "Mom, where are your medals? Let me see at least." And really ... What kind of world champion am I, even if this gold medal is not there? And she really doesn't.


Thank God no. The 1993 World Championship was held in Alicante, Spain, and right there I gave the award to Galina Aleksandrovna Krylenko. She was then the head coach of the Belarusian national team and deserved that medal no less than me. I think it's the right move. But sometimes I want to ask her back at least for a week - to show Ilya and Sonya. Even though it doesn't look pretty. She gave it away, and now she asks for a gift back, right?

Fine. By the way, I have no doubt that there, in Spain, you were sure that there would be many such medals ahead. However, the 1996 Olympics was the most resounding failure for the Belarusian team in the history of participating in the Games.

We performed with Larisa Lukyanenko just gorgeous. I'm telling you this as a professional. But in the all-around final we were simply pushed away from the podium. That's the whole story, very typical for such a subjective sport as rhythmic gymnastics.

Fate gave me a sign that I had to finish. I had a torn Achilles tendon before Atlanta. Then, as usual, similar problems began to appear with the other leg, which in this case had to be loaded to the fullest. About a year and a half after the Olympics, I trained and finished. At 21. At that time she was already an old woman. It is now almost up to 30 years old they go out on the carpet.

At first, naturally, I rested. Then she went on maternity leave. Managed to get into business. Husband Sasha helped open a store in "Parking". But it went bankrupt - the rent was terribly expensive, and we did not buy the goods directly, but from intermediaries. Therefore, when I began to get into debt, I realized that the project should be closed. Then she gave birth to Sonya, and then this oncology began.

I got into aesthetic gymnastics, consider it by accident. Still, we live in the same world with the former "artists". Many of them undertook to master this new species. I liked working with children, even very much. The level, of course, is weak, like a health group, but I have such a character - if I do something, then I set maximum goals. Are we preparing for the World Cup stage, are we going to the World Cup? Everyone, children, we begin to prepare seriously so as not to disgrace the country!

You turn on the full program. You strangle these poor girls, then you come home and you can’t even speak. You fall onto the bed. Sonya asks: "Mom, check the lessons." And I have no strength at all. After all, I showed everything myself, stretched the children, and this kind of physical activity is basically forbidden to me. So, easy work, sitting, sorting through some papers. Better yet, walk through the forest and breathe the air, as doctors recommend.

In short, I got carried away ... My back hurts, it hurts, bridges, stretching, making exercises. Nerves. Parents. Half of the children went to another club, we need to look for new ones, you can’t leave the rest. The new ones have arrived - it is necessary to train, catch up, because at the World Cup you definitely need to perform well. Well, it's good not to be the last.

Didn't they?

No, and even the penultimate did not. What can be done in six months? But the girls did well, fought, resisted! Good team. The Cup stage, by the way, was also in Spain, in Barcelona. Of course, memories came flooding back... I haven't seen those girls with whom I competed for a long time. I would be happy to chat. We had good company. She was especially friends with Yana Batyrshina and Amina Zaripova. They are just as fun and sociable as me. There has never been a rivalry between us, once someone looks askance at someone or envies something.

I also communicated well with Lena Vitrichenko and Katya Serebryanskaya. But both of their mothers are coaches, so you won’t be especially liberated at the banquet after the competition. But for us it was the very longed-for moment when you could finally give yourself the opportunity to eat whatever your heart desires, without thinking that tomorrow you have to get up for a morning workout ...

Our girls are generally great, especially Amina. The coach of Margarita Mamun - the Olympic champion, sounds the same!

The Russians have always had good gymnasts. When I was already leaving, the star of Alina Kabaeva began to light up. Even after its first starts, it was clear that a new leader appeared in rhythmic gymnastics, which would make a revolution in it. One felt in this little girl, whom everyone liked without exception, some kind of invincible force.

And she “gotten” to the title of honored coach, heading the national team of Belarus

She was born in Novorossiysk, but has been living in Minsk for more than thirty years, of which she has been leading the national rhythmic gymnastics team of Belarus for more than ten years. Among her pupils are Marina Lobach, Tatiana Ogryzko, Larisa Lukyanenko, Olga Gontar, Evgenia Pavlina, Yulia Raskina, Inna Zhukova. Especially for SV, the honored coach of Belarus told why she ended up in Sineoka, how she persuaded the future Olympic champion Marina Lobach to return to the gym, and why she took Inna Zhukova, unclaimed in Russia, under her wing.

- Initially, I was not going to be a coach, - Irina Leparskaya recalls. - My certificate was good - only one four in Russian. Of all the school subjects, I loved chemistry the most. So I decided to enter the Faculty of Chemistry at the then Leningrad University. But my girlfriends dissuaded me: they say, there is nothing interesting at this faculty - only girls study, they sit and sniff reagents that are harmful to health. It scared me so much that I decided: well, this chemistry, I’ll go to the sound engineer. But on the math exam, I got a failed ticket in advance. Failed for me. There were integrals, but we didn’t go through them at school at all, because we studied old program. I returned home upset: how am I, an excellent student, and did not enter! But I didn’t grieve for long: okay, I think it didn’t work out this year - I’ll definitely do it next. But now ... in foreign language. In the meantime, I decided to work, because the money was needed. I remembered my gymnastic past and began to work with the girls in the House of Officers. During classes with children, I realized: this is mine. And I decided: no more shying away, if you enter, then only to the Institute of Physical Education for a coach.
- After graduating from the institute, you were assigned to the regional center of Smolevichi. Many people were willing to work rhythmic gymnastics?
- When I was informed that a request had come to me from Smolevichi, I did not even know what kind of city it was. Frustrated, she took a train ticket, but instead of the regional center, she arrived ... in the village of Smilovichi near Minsk. Messed up directions. She returned to Minsk in tears and took a new ticket. Frankly speaking, the conditions in Smolevichi were not the best. I had to live in the office of the director of a sports school for two years. At night she slept on the table in a sleeping bag - she was saved from rats. I really did not have enough children to work out the rate. We needed 36 people. I had to go home by myself and gather a group from all over the area. I even found those girls who once did gymnastics, but then left. Among them was 9-year-old Marina Lobach
(future Olympic champion in Seoul). True, when I came to her house, she did not want to train again in any way. “I have already learned everything, I even know how to do a somersault and I won’t go back,” she stubbornly. But I still managed to persuade Marina to return to the hall.
- When did you see the talent in her and realized that she would become a great athlete?
- Probably, at the republican competitions between sports schools in Slutsk. There Marina took first place and received the first category. Experts unanimously declared that I should show this girl in Minsk. But she herself was not enthusiastic about this idea. “Take it, take it, and then I’ll run away home anyway,” she promised me. To prevent Marina from running away, as promised, I went with her to Minsk for a whole year. There she could train under normal conditions.
- The story of your acquaintance with your future spouse is very romantic ...
- Yes, Sasha fell in love with me from a photograph. And so it was. In the summer, a pioneer camp was placed in our sports school. My future husband I came to Smolevichi to visit my friend, the counselor, and the beds for the counselors were put up just in my office. My Komsomol card with a photo remained on the desktop. Sasha looked into it and realized that he was gone. When we met at school, he proposed to me. But of course I didn't take it seriously. Sasha went to Smolevichi for a year, convinced that he wanted to marry only me. And he convinced me. And now we have been living together for 28 years. And we even work side by side - through the wall. My husband is the director of a fitness center where our athletes do general physical training. So in Smolevichi I found both a husband and a future Olympic champion. But I really didn’t want to go there after college ...
- Inna Zhukova, like you, was born in Krasnodar Territory. How did it happen that you drew attention to your compatriot, who later became the first number of the Belarusian team?
- Inna studied with my first coach. It was she who asked me to take Zhukova to help her. Then it was difficult to see the future Olympic medalist in Inna. After all, at that time she was in the third ten at the championship of Russia, so she was so calmly released to Belarus.
- Open the secret - how to educate champions?
- For this, many factors must coincide, as in the Rubik's cube. A striking example is Olya Gontar. Although she did not succeed in achieving much in sports due to an injury, she became a standard in gymnastics. Until now, when a capable girl appears, they immediately say about her: “This is the second Gontar.” And at the same time, there is the example of Inna Zhukova, who, even with a back injury, managed to become the silver medalist of the Olympic Games. After that, Irina Viner told me that she would not let anyone go to Belarus again.
- You have been leading the Belarusian national team for more than 10 years. What, in your opinion, needs to be done for the further development of gymnastics?
- We are waiting for the center, which we were promised to build by 2012 by order of the President. Of course, for so many years we have already become attached to the old building. Much here is made by our hands. But in order for Belarus to continue to compete on equal terms with strong gymnastic powers, we need a whole infrastructure. And that means you need a center. Looking forward to it coming...