It has become one of the most high-profile and long-awaited events of the past spring. IN last week May celebrities officially became husband and wife, arranging a grand ceremony in Florence. You think that you have already seen everything about a celebrity wedding, but we will prove to you that this is not so.

Yes, we've already been lucky enough to see a fabulous Givenchy bridesmaid dress, the newlyweds' first kiss as spouses, and even Kim and Kanye's stylish Just Married leather jackets. We even cried a little when we learned that West invited the legendary Andrea Bocelli to sing a romantic ballad during the ceremony. True, later it became known that at the festive table there were places for famous singer was not found: he was offered only a glass of water and asked to leave the event. However, this is a completely different story. Today we remember how it went and what photos were left for the newlyweds as a keepsake.

Cake in six levels, festive table from solid granite, golden toilet bowls and an abundance of white flowers - the wedding of celebrities took place in the best traditions of Italian baroque. Edition E! managed to get rare footage from the ceremony, including the first photo of the star family. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West posed with their daughter North West on the roof of the historic Fort de Belvedere after the ceremony.

Kim, Kanye and their daughter North

In another frame, Kanye West is actively explaining something to his relatives: mother-in-law Kris Jenner, sister-in-laws Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Standing in a room lit by the sun, the rapper gesticulates and tries to keep up a conversation with the ladies. In Chloe's arms sits his daughter North, who is looking at dad intently.

The groom surrounded by the Kardashian family

And Kanye met at a party with friends in 2004, when both were trying to break into the stars of the first echelon: Kanye in the field of hip-hop, and Kim dreamed of it-girl fame. The guys became friends, but that same spark flared up only two years later. Kanye was dating designer Alexis Pfeiffer at the time and was seriously considering a marriage that, as we know, never materialized. In 2009, Kanye was already dating model Amber Rose, but the thoughts of his longtime hot girlfriend never left the rapper. And he was not stopped by his own relationship, nor by the fact that Kim had an affair with football player Reggie Bush.

They cheated on their partners with each other

Rumors of Kim's infidelity spread immediately after her breakup with Reggie Bush in 2010. Amber Rose had already left Kanye at that moment and admitted that Kim and Kanye met in secret. “Kim called him, sent candid photos. I wrote to her and asked her to stop it. There was no response,” Amber told The Breakfast Club radio show.

After breaking up with their halves, Kim and Kanye continued to get closer, but ... they never became a couple! Kim began to prepare for the wedding with basketball player Kris Humphreys, which became part of the reality show of the Kardashian family. The rapper had to wait two years before the story with Chris finally came to an end: a chic wedding shown on TV turned into a 72-day marriage and sawing income with an angry Humphreys, who swore to reporters that his wife used him to increase the rating of the show.

Luckily for Kanye, Kim didn't have to go through the divorce for long, and she gladly accepted the dating invitations. Kim and Kanye went to the movies, walked around New York, sat in restaurants and went to basketball games, increasingly moving away from the status of friends and turning into a full-fledged couple. In June 2013, the former friends had a daughter, Nord West.

They signed a prenuptial agreement

Kanye, in love, wanted to do without this document, but nevertheless allowed Kim, who had already experienced two divorces, to take care of the papers.

So, in the event of a divorce, Kim for each year life together get a million dollars. Kim would also like to be able to keep all of her husband's gifts after the divorce. Her profits from filming the show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as well as from sales of her clothing line and other projects, will not suffer in any way.

They got married in Versailles and Italy

Kim and Kanye's lavish wedding consisted of two parts. First, the young met their star guests at a pre-wedding party at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. Lana Del Rey performed at the pre-party, guests were fed truffles and champagne, and fireworks lit up the sky late at night. But the wedding ceremony was decided to be held in the Italian fortress of Fort Belvedere near Florence, where the daughter of Kim and Kanye was conceived. Both the bride and the groom, and little North, who was 11 months old at the time of her parents' wedding, chose Givenchy outfits for the ceremony. Wedding Dress Kim was personally prepared by designer Ricardo Tisci. The approximate cost of the wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (not counting the Paris party) is $ 3 million.

Coming to its logical conclusion. On the eve of a number of Western publications published messages about the upcoming divorce star couple. Citing sources, the media write that Kim has already held several consultations with lawyers about the divorce and is "close to starting to draw up the necessary documents for the procedure." In turn, the well-known journalist Yan Galperin, author of the best-selling studies “Brangelina” and “Without a mask. Michael Jackson. Last years life,” states that the divorce proceedings can start exactly on the two-year wedding anniversary of Kardashian and West, in the last week of May.

There are several reasons for the crisis in the family. According to Galperin, the main one is Kanye's constant pressure on his wife and his inability to compromise and accept someone else's opinion.

“Kanye is the leader, he controls everything, and before a certain moment Kim didn't mind,” the journalist says. The stumbling block is, among other things, the issue of children. “I know that Kim doesn’t want a third child right now, but Kanye is used to getting what he needs,” said Jan Halperin.

The couple love each other, but in a certain sense, the social reporter argues, this is also a marriage of convenience, which cannot be durable. The situation is complicated by the fact that the rapper has financial difficulties due to his indiscretion and excessive attempts to please his wife with expensive gifts. As a result, Kim focused on her money with Kanye - as previously reported, she now earns more than her husband and is not ready to become his "sponsor". Did not add harmony to the relationship of the star couple and West's recent flirtation with model and actress Emily Ratajkowski. “Kanye naturally drooled at the sight of Emily and kept trying to talk to her, while Kim was there and looked very unhappy, and Emily pretended not to notice anything. An awkward situation arose, ”reported on last week source to one of the tabloids.

Representatives of Kardashian and West did not give official comments.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian with daughter North

Rumors appear in the press every now and then that Kim Kardashian is suppressing Kanye West, squeezing all the juice out of her husband with a fragile mental organization. However, the rapper is also not a bastard and does not give himself offense. Western journalists found out that Kanye came up with a set of strange rules for Kim, which she must strictly follow.

Kanye West is one of the most controversial figures in modern show business. However, one thing can be said with certainty: he knows how to draw attention to his person, and low self-esteem- it's not about him. It's easy to write a song with perhaps the most provocative title I Am a God, compare yourself with such artists as Pablo Picasso and Stanley Courbrick - please. And how many emotions Kanye caused at the MTV Music Awards in 2016 when he announced that he would run for president in 2020!

Many believe that Kanye has become a typical henpecked man, but inquisitive minds believe that this is just the role of a talented musician, for some reason beneficial to him. There is an opinion that in fact Kim Kardashian just portrays a temperamental fury manipulating her husband. In fact, her life is completely subordinate to Kanye. In order not to incur his wrath, Kim has to follow a set of rules drawn up by West. Whether they were originally put forward or written "in the course of the play" is not known for certain. The main thing is that we, studying this list didn't get bored for a second. Imagine what it's like for Kim...

Without looking away

Kim quite often finds time to support Kanye at the concert. It turned out that the husband strictly forbade Kardashian to look away from him when he performs on stage. The rapper probably loses his temper when he sees his wife start texting or filming herself for Instagram, losing eye contact with him.

In fact, this is a popular feature of many artists who find it easier to find a pair of kind and beautiful eyes and perform as if for them.

In any case, now Kim is doing her best to keep her eyes on the stage. Sometimes this behavior seems strange, but for Kardashian it does not play a big role, because she is happy while he is happy.

Smartphone from the table

When Kanye and Kim eat together, she should keep her phone as far away as possible. Imagine how hard it is for an it-girl, who is used to demonstrating to the public every step she takes. However, West is adamant, and if Kardashian wants to spend time with him, then nothing else has the right to occupy her attention.

At the same time, the rapper is not at all obliged to adhere to the same rules. However, everything is simpler here, because social networks mean much less to him. Of course, we understand that chatting and scrolling through Instagram during romantic dinner- it's pretty rude to a partner. However, Kanye should have known who he married.

Head in the cold

Kanye loves hoodies. He can wear them almost every day, regardless of the season. And so that the rapper does not feel hot, a rather cool temperature is maintained in his and Kim's house. But Kardashian, as you and I know, is a big fan of undressing ...

Maybe that's why the spouses regularly leave for different houses, cities and even states. Heat-loving Kim takes time to warm up.

Separate wash

West is extremely careful about his wardrobe. In some places, it even begins to look like paranoia. Kanye categorically insists that his clothes are washed separately from any other. Of course, for such things in their house there is a housekeeper (and, by the way, not one), but Kim is obliged to ensure that her laundry does not accidentally fall into the same washing machine with her husband's T-shirts, because this can cause a very noisy scandal.

Yes, it is a huge waste of energy, water and human resources. However, Kardashian dutifully does the will of her husband. I wonder if this strange rule also applies to the dryer?

Girlfriend control

Every time Kim wants to meet her buddies, she has to ask Kanye for permission, and he doesn't like most of his wife's girlfriends.

It's good that Kim has so many sisters - otherwise she would feel very lonely and isolated from society. By the way, Kanye himself is not at all obliged to report to his wife. The rapper is free to spend his time whenever and with whom he wants.

Do not share with the press

After Kim became pregnant for the second time, Kanye strictly forbade her to find out the sex of the child. It is not known why West was so categorical on this issue, but he ordered his wife to refrain from any interviews on the topic of the future baby. For Kardashian, accustomed to sharing with the world any events of her life, this was incredibly difficult.

As a result, the reality TV star still found out the gender of the unborn baby, but kept it a secret for a long time. Somehow, the information leaked to the press, and Kardashian had to confirm the information that she and her husband were expecting a son. One can only imagine how furious Kanye was.

What should she wear

During her first pregnancy, Kim was regularly criticized for frankly unsuccessful outfits. It was then that Kanye decided that the second time he would decide what to wear to his wife. Now we understand why Kardashian paraded in shoes and went out in crop tops and transparent clothes even on later dates.

How comfortable was pregnant Kim in such outfits, one can only guess. After all, she's part of the Kardashian family, and these women have always been more comfortable walking around in heels and skimpy clothes.

He is for natural

Before Kim appears on the red carpet, a professional makeup artist works on her face for several hours. However, few people know that her husband prefers to see her without makeup. West demands that while at home, Kardashian washes off all makeup, and does not allow her to use even lip gloss.

It's nice that Kanye appreciates natural beauty Kim, but she should be able to decide for herself whether to put on her makeup or not.

No exes!

Surely most men vehemently rebel against their lovers communicating with their exes, but sometimes the circumstances are such that this cannot be avoided. The rule works for everyone except Kim. We can’t even imagine what kind of fight West could make if Kardashian tries to contact Ray Jay or accidentally bumps into Kris Humphreys in a restaurant.

Kim does not violate her husband's ban. However, Kanye himself can freely communicate with both Amber Rose and Alexis Phifer, the designer whom he almost married. It seems unfair to us, but Kardashian, apparently, is happy with this alignment.

All in public

If Kanye had the opportunity, he would ban Kim from the show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. That's just reality brings too much money to the family. In addition, it is unlikely that Chris Jenner will allow his daughter to suddenly disappear. Inventive West was not at a loss and imposed some restrictions on the filming process.

For example, Kim cannot take part in any spin-offs (that is, parallel filming, sequels, and other offshoots from the main show). In addition, West insists that their children and himself be in the frame as little as possible. Rumor has it that Kanye's caution is due to the fact that he has something to hide and he prefers to hide some personal features from a multimillion-dollar public.

His children

Do you think only Kim is forced to obey the rules that Kanye dictates? No matter how. Surrogate mother their third child was also under the control of the rapper. On the one hand, we understand that West took care of the unborn baby and some of his rules were quite logical. However, even here Kanye managed to go to the extreme.

It is absolutely normal to control the nutrition and health of a surrogate mother. However, Kanye demanded that the woman who was to give birth to his child should wash only with a certain soap, live in his house with Kim in the last trimester of pregnancy. And Kim was supposed to look after her. As long as the surrogate mother was not in the same room with the rapper, he regularly came to her without warning to ensure that she complied with all the prescribed rules.

She must match

If you think that Kanye chooses clothes for Kim only while she is pregnant, you are greatly mistaken. The rapper has influenced the image of the reality TV star. It turned out that West allows himself to throw things out of his wife’s wardrobe that seem “cheap” to him. He is not limited to clothes, combing through stocks of accessories. It was thanks to his intervention that Kim stopped wearing large sunglasses, changing them to trendy narrow ones.

Maybe Kim would like to wear the same thing that she wore before, but she is simply afraid that her husband will invent new and new rules. On the other hand, West is probably too responsible for how a woman looks next to him. We think the rapper should loosen his grip a little.

She must shine

All security guards Kanye hires are required to wear black. According to the rapper, bright colors or patterns on the clothes of bodyguards can distract attention from him.

So Kim's bodyguards must adhere to the same simple dress code. Although Kardashian herself, they say, does not like it at all, she does not dare to argue with her husband.

Speakers in line

Kanye, as it turned out, can be jealous of his wife not only for her ex boyfriend but also to the guard. For the sake of his peace of mind, the rapper strictly forbade his wife to talk to his bodyguards. Once Kim broke this rule ... The ensuing reaction will surely remain in her memory for a long time.

As soon as Kanye found out that his missus had spoken a few words with one of the bodyguards, he immediately fired the guy, and his wife threw a tantrum.

wedding secret

In early 2014, acquaintances and friends of Kim and Kanye received an invitation to their wedding. In the column "Place" was the capital of France. However, the real marriage took place in Florence. Kardashian could not tell anyone about the details of the upcoming celebration, but the tongue must have itched.

Why did Kanye have to make things so complicated? They say he simply wanted to confuse the paparazzi so that they could not ruin his holiday. Or maybe West decided to once again prove his exclusivity and impress the bride. In any case, the wedding of the rapper and reality show stars in the media have been discussed for more than one day and even a month. The only caveat: Kim herself was strictly forbidden to participate in discussions and even politely thank those who actively expressed their enthusiasm.