It turns out that tomatoes can not only be salted and, but also dried. True, drying tomatoes in Russia is not particularly common; it is more trusted in Europe and Asian countries. Dried tomatoes are used in stews, sauces, pizza, first courses. Today we will tell you how to properly dry tomatoes at home.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare tomatoes suitable for cooking in this way. Medium-sized fruits should be taken, which contain not a large number of juice. Tomatoes must be ripe, free of spots and rot. A more fragrant product will turn out if you dry tomatoes grown not in a greenhouse, but in a garden, preferably your own, because only in this case you can be sure that the vegetables are not stuffed with dangerous chemicals.

Tomatoes suitable for drying are washed well, the stalks are removed, cut into small rings (the cooking time directly depends on the thickness), the tomatoes should not be peeled, but it is better to peel the seeds.

There are several ways to dry tomatoes for the winter:
1. In the oven,
2. In an electric dryer,
3. In the sun.

And now more about each method.

How to dry tomatoes in the oven

Put the slices of tomatoes prepared for drying on a baking sheet. We send it to the oven, preheated to 80 degrees. At this temperature, it will take up to 15 hours to dry the tomatoes. Don't forget to turn the tomatoes over periodically and make sure they don't dry out. Ready dried tomatoes should not break when pressed.

How to dry tomatoes in an electric dryer

Drying tomatoes in an electric dryer is practically no different from performing this procedure in the oven. Put the tomatoes cut into portioned pieces on pallets, if desired, you can sprinkle with seasonings - black pepper, thyme, and send to dry at a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Don't forget to swap trays around to ensure even drying of the vegetables.

How to dry tomatoes in the sun

Sliced ​​tomato slices must be laid out on non-metallic grates. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Expose to the sun. Cover with gauze on top. During the day, tomatoes should be turned over. At night, tomatoes should be brought indoors so that they do not gain excess moisture. Tomatoes, depending on the variety, the size of the slices and the intensity of the sun, will be ready in 5-10 days.

Drying tomatoes is a rather laborious task, but it's worth it. However, it is not enough just to dry the tomatoes, they should also be stored until winter.

How to store dried tomatoes

You can store dried tomatoes in several ways:
1. Put dried tomatoes in a bag and send to refrigerator. So they will not lose their properties within two months, if stored in the freezer, then the shelf life of the product will be increased to 6 months.
2. Put dried tomatoes in a pre-sterilized glass jar, add seasonings (pepper, garlic, rosemary, basil), pour olive oil and roll up. In this way, tomatoes can be stored for at least six months.

How to cook delicious, refreshing summer heat milkshake with ice cream at home? Not everyone knows a simple recipe for a milkshake, and sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicacy. You will find recommendations for preparing this great dessert drink in a blender in your own kitchen in this article.

You can save money on going to a cafe and using a blender. The main rule is that the drink must be created on the basis of dairy products.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of each stage of making a cocktail in a blender:

We offer another milkshake recipe that you can easily make at home.

Pour half a liter of milk into a blender, add white vanilla ice cream (4 tablespoons), 3 tablespoons of strawberry syrup, half a peach and strawberries (previously diced), beat. Pour crushed ice into the finished mass and pour into wine glasses. Serve with a straw and a piece of peach.

Now you know well how to make a milk treat in a blender and you can treat your household to a delicious, refreshing drink on a hot summer day. But this material would not be informative enough without publishing recipes in video format.


Culinary Etude 27.05.2018

The people of my generation will forever remember the delicious milkshake that was made in Soviet grocery stores. Roaring like a turbine of the Dneproges, the Voronezh mixer presented everyone with a bubble, surprisingly delicious drink. Who knows the recipe for that milkshake from childhood?

Now a milkshake is prepared by many cafes and restaurants. But I have not felt that same, right taste for many years. Basically, we are offered cold milk with foam, nothing more. How to make a real milkshake at home and what is the secret of its preparation?

This question will be answered today by Irina Rybchanskaya, who is well known to you from previous publications. Let's listen to Irina.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina's blog! In our family, a milkshake is at a premium. We are preparing it all year round from homemade milk familiar cow.

In summer - with berries picked in their own garden or in the Carpathian forests. In winter, we most often use frozen berry preparations as a filler. You can read Irina's articles about and.

In addition to berries, I use apricots, peaches and bananas for making milkshakes. Very unusual taste has a drink made with avocado.

A classic milkshake is made with ice cream. But today we will consider less high-calorie cooking options - without ice cream.

milkshake calories

How many calories are in a milkshake? The calorie content of a drink with the addition of creamy ice cream ranges from 100 to 140 kcal per 100 g, without ice cream - 90 - 100 kcal per 100 g. In addition, milk and fruits "live" in the refrigerator much more often than ice cream.

The finished drink should be poured into clean, dry, very cold glasses. Place the glasses intended for serving the milkshake in the freezer for ten minutes or in the refrigerator for twenty.

This is my favorite recipe. Milkshake with a banana has a wonderful texture, it does not contain a single gram of refined sugar, it is prepared easily, simply and quickly! Let's figure out how to make it in a blender.


  • One ripe banana;
  • one glass of milk.

How to do

  1. Wash banana, peel, break into pieces in a blender bowl.
  2. Work with a blender for about 25 - 30 seconds. Our goal is to grind it, but not turn it into mush.
  3. Pour milk over the banana, beat until thick and firm foam.

My remarks

  • To get a banana milkshake with a dense consistency, with good foam, you need to put the milk in before cooking. freezer. As soon as the first ice begins to form in it, we take it out and proceed to cooking.
  • Freezer milk - main secret, thanks to which the milkshake of our childhood was thick, with many bubbles and foam from the bottom to the top of the glass.
  • If you are not very pleased with the crunch of ice in a cocktail, then strain it through a strainer before drinking.

This recipe is also one of my favorites. It's easiest to make in a blender. The more powerful the blender, the better the milkshake with strawberries will turn out.


  • 120 g fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 15 g sugar.

How to make at home

Sort fresh strawberries, wash well.

Defrost frozen strawberries until they are easy to process in your blender.

Remove the sepals from fresh strawberries. Load it into a blender bowl, pour sugar.

Work with a blender until smooth.

Pour in the milk from the freezer if you are using fresh strawberries. If you are using frozen milk, then it is enough that the milk is just very cold.

Beat until thick, stable foam.

Serve garnished with strawberries.

You can drink a strawberry cocktail through a wide straw.

You can also make other milkshakes in the blender. I give you some simple recipes with photo.

Blackcurrant milkshake recipe


  • 80 g fresh or frozen blackcurrants;
  • one small mint leaf;
  • top of mint stem for garnish
  • 150 - 180 ml of milk;
  • 15 g sugar.

  1. Sort fresh currant berries, wash, dry on a clean towel. Defrost frozen berries, but not completely. They must stay very cold.
  2. Pour blackcurrant berries into a blender, add sugar, mint leaf, mash.
  3. Pour milk into a blender (from the freezer, if the berries are fresh and just cold, if frozen), beat until a thick consistency is obtained.
  4. Serve with whole currants, garnish with mint or lemon balm.

My remarks

Instead of blackcurrant, you can use redcurrant, blackberry, black raspberry. After preparing the puree from these berries, it must be filtered through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, and then continue to prepare the drink.


  • 180 ml of milk;
  • 125 ml of natural yogurt;
  • one ripe banana;
  • one tablespoon of good cocoa.

How to do at home

  1. Wash a ripe banana, peel it, cut it into thick rings, put it in a container, send it to the freezer for half an hour.
  2. Freeze milk until the first ice appears.
  3. Put banana pieces, cocoa powder in a blender, beat.
  4. Pour milk, yogurt, beat until a drink of a lush, thick consistency is obtained. Chocolate milkshake is ready. As you can see, cooking it at home is very easy!

Avocado milkshake recipe

Please watch a wonderful video on how to make an avocado milkshake.


  • 2 medium sized ripe avocados
  • 150 ml sweetened condensed milk;
  • 225 ml of milk;
  • two cups of ice cubes.

Let's watch a video recipe for such a milkshake.

Milkshake with raspberry and peach

The combination of peach and raspberry gives a very delicate taste and excellent texture to this interesting drink. For a thick consistency, use a ripe but not too soft peach.


  • A handful of raspberries;
  • one small peach;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml natural yoghurt.

How to cook at home

  1. Remove the stone from a cleanly washed peach. If the skin is easily removed, then remove it. Cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Wash the raspberries quickly by immersing them in cold water several times.
  3. Place raspberries, peach slices, yogurt, slightly frozen milk in a blender bowl, beat until fluffy.

Milkshakes with grapefruit

With grapefruit, apple and banana


  • One medium grapefruit;
  • one large sweet juicy apple;
  • one ripe banana;
  • 180 ml of milk.

How to do

  1. Peel the grapefruit, peel the slices from the films.
  2. Wash the apple, peel, remove the core with seeds, cut into small pieces.
  3. Remove the peel from the banana, cut the fruit into thick washers, place in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Process grapefruit, apple, banana in a blender bowl until smooth, pour in frozen milk, beat well.

With grapefruit, beetroot, apple and carrot


  • One large grapefruit;
  • one medium juicy young beet;
  • one small juicy young carrot;
  • one large sweet apple;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml cream (20% fat).

How to cook

  1. Wash beets and carrots thoroughly hot water with a brush, peel, cut into small arbitrary pieces.
  2. Wash the apple, remove the seed nest, cut into pieces.
  3. Peel the grapefruit, remove hard films from the slices.
  4. Place pieces of beets and carrots in a blender, work until puree is obtained, add apples, prepared grapefruit, beat until smooth.
  5. Pour cream, milk from the freezer, beat.

Milkshake with quail eggs, honey and nuts

I want to give you another recipe that is very popular in our family. When someone is sick, and then cannot recover for a long time, then we will certainly prepare this healing protein drink.


  • One glass of milk;
  • one teaspoon of honey;
  • 4 - 6 quail eggs;
  • a handful of walnuts or hazelnuts.

How to cook at home

  1. Lightly fry the nuts, rub in your hands to remove the husk, grind with a blender.
  2. Wash quail eggs thoroughly with warm running water and baby soap, place in a strong soda solution for half an hour. The solution is prepared as follows: in a liter warm water dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda, cool the solution, place quail eggs in it.
  3. Rinse the eggs clean water, wipe dry, break into a blender bowl, send milk from the freezer there, honey.
  4. Shake, pour into glasses and serve immediately.

Coffee milkshake with chocolate and mint


  • 120 ml of strong coffee;
  • 40 g of high-quality dark chocolate;
  • 80 ml cream (20% fat);
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • 3 mint leaves.

How to cook

  1. Put grated chocolate into strong hot coffee, cool.
  2. Put mint, torn into pieces by hand, into a blender, pour cooled coffee, cream, milk from the freezer. Blend with a blender until fluffy. The finished drink can be sprinkled with ground nuts.

Pear milkshake with cinnamon


  • One ripe pear;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • one teaspoon of sugar (optional)
  • 50 ml cream (33%);
  • cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

How to cook in a blender

  1. Wash the pear, cut in half, remove the seed box, cut into small pieces, place in a blender.
  2. Send there the cinnamon, cream and milk from the freezer.
  3. Shake until you get a thick drink, pour into tall glasses and serve immediately.

Dear readers, we looked at how to make a milkshake with a blender at home with the addition of various ingredients. The proportions of products can be very different. You need to experiment and find the composition and proportions of the products that you like best.

If you are a vegetarian, then the same drinks can be made using coconut milk and cream - it will turn out no less tasty and nutritious!

If you have any questions about the ingredients or cooking technology, I will be happy to answer them in the comments!

I wish you all, dear friends, health and well-being, a peaceful sky and the joy of life! Rybchanskaya Irina blog author Essay of a culinary amateur.

Dear readers, if you are interested in others cooking recipes, I invite you to our section "Culinary Etude". You can go to the category by clicking on the button

Delicious recipes for the whole family

Every moment of our life is precious! Sometimes a misunderstanding, a heatedly spoken word or circumstances separate loved ones forever... Take care of each other and be happy...


See also Raspberry smoothie - a bright taste of summer

Having a blender in the kitchen, you can not only quickly prepare a variety of sauces, smoothies and purees, but also delicious milkshakes. Total 3 simple ingredient: milk, ice cream and a handful of your favorite fruits - and the dessert drink is ready.

Milkshakes are especially loved by children. But any adult will not refuse a glass of a refreshing sweet drink. In addition, today such cocktails are no longer commonplace: they are prepared from a variety of ingredients. There are recipes for those who want to lose weight, and for vegetarians, and for an incorrigible sweet tooth. As additives, you can use sweets, jellies, chocolate, cereal bars, caramel, cookies and much more.

How to diversify milkshakes

Try different types milk, not just cow's. Use vegetable: almond, coconut, rice, soy, or homemade oats. Vegetarian cocktails are also prepared on their basis.

Add ground chia or flax seeds, spirulina, nuts, acai or goji berries, protein or whey powder to milk drinks. So you turn the dessert from just a treat into a healthy full-fledged snack, and it’s also very tasty.

You don't have to drink an unsweetened smoothie while dieting, but sugar isn't the only option. Add dates, stevia, grape sugar, bananas. The latter, moreover, will add not only sweetness to the drink, but also make it more satisfying.

Milkshake recipes in a blender

Although initially milkshakes consisted of milk, syrup and some fruit, today the variety of recipes for their preparation is not limited. Try options, choose your favorite, mix ingredients from different recipes.

Healthy breakfast milkshake

Mix in a blender 2 bananas, peeled and cut into circles, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese and a large glass of milk. Whisk the mixture thoroughly high speed. Consume for breakfast or snack.

Banana milkshake for sweet tooth

The recipe is for 2 servings. Mix 2 peeled bananas, 400 ml of milk and 200 g of ice cream in a blender bowl. Whisk the mixture. Serve cold in tall glasses. Instead of bananas, you can use 300 g of fresh sweet strawberries.

Invigorating milkshake with coffee

Prepare a large cup of strong black coffee and pour it into a blender. Add 2 cups milk, 3 tbsp. l. caramel syrup and a glass of ice. Turn the blender on high and blend the mixture. When serving, garnish the cocktail with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Bicolor milkshake with strawberry and mango

A beautiful drink and a very tasty combination of fruits in it.

Divide a glass of almond milk and natural yogurt without additives into 2 parts. Blend one part in a blender with one glass of mango pulp and pour into large glasses in equal portions. Whisk the second part with two glasses of fresh strawberries and carefully pour into glasses over the mango base. When serving, crush a few biscuits and sprinkle over the drink.

Vegetarian milkshake recipe

In a blender, combine the products: a glass of almond milk, 2 chopped bananas and dates, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa without sugar, half a glass of ice. Whisk ingredients and serve immediately.

Milkshake with pumpkin

Boil and grate 150 g of pumpkin, transfer to a blender bowl. Pour 300 ml of milk there, add 3 tsp. vanilla sugar, a pinch of cinnamon. Whisk the mixture until smooth. Pour into glasses and top with whipped cream. Such a bright cocktail will be useful and will appeal to children. To add freshness to the drink, shake it with half a glass of ice.

Refreshing vitamin milkshake

Kiwi contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. A cocktail with its addition will be a great helper on hot days. In addition to valuable nutrients, kiwi contains the hormone serotonin, which normalizes brain function.

For one serving, peel 3 kiwifruits and cut into random pieces. Put in a blender, add 100 ml of milk and 100 g of ice cream, a tablespoon of lime juice and a few ice cubes. Whisk until smooth, serve immediately.