
To acquaint children with the habits, characteristics of the behavior of wild animals of our region, their benefits for nature.
To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about wild animals, their adaptation to living conditions.
Exercise children in the formation of relative and possessive adjectives; in the use of genitive and dative case nouns, lexical work: "habits".
Develop speech, thinking.
Raise interest, desire to learn more about wild animals.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fiction:
D. Zuev: “Secrets of the Forest”, “Wolves”, “Summer rolled in July”;
G. Skrebitsky: "Squirrel", "Hare", "Hedgehog";
I. Sokolov - Mikitov: "Bear Family", "Moose";
A. Klykov: "The Fox".
2. Examination of illustrations.


Illustrations depicting animals, medallions for participating teams, medals "Friend of Nature" for rewarding.

Lesson progress:


Guys, today we will play KVN. To do this, you need to split into 2 teams, come up with a name for your team, choose a captain, write a motto. The team that answers the questions correctly wins and gets the most points. To calculate the points, you need to choose a jury.

(After the competitions, the teacher evaluates the results of the teams, assigning points. After all the competitions, the teams should have the same number of points).

1 competition: "Team greeting"

1 team:

"We are kids - kids,
We love animals from the bottom of our hearts.

2 team:

"One two three four five,
We love all the animals in a row.

Competition 2: "Riddles about animals"

(Riddles are guessed by teams in turn).

Not a tailor, but all my life
Walks with needles.

Under the pines, under the trees
lies a bag of needles.

Jumping on the branches
Not a bird
Red, but not a fox.

And who is in the hollow
Live in warmth?

Who, forgetting worries,
Sleeping in his lair.

Sleeping in winter
In summer, the beehives stir.

Who is cold in autumn
Walks angry, hungry.

tail fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

He jumps across the field, hides his ears
Stand up like a pillar
Ears up.

3 contest: "Guess whose tail?" /show illustrations/

the fox has a fox; a hare has a hare;
the wolf has a wolf; the bear has a bearish;
in squirrels - squirrel; in the elk - elk;
at the boar - boars; deer have deer.

4th contest: "Empathy Contest" /image of different animals/

By gait - a fox, a wolf, a bear, a hare;
On the horns - elk, deer;
Jumping - squirrel, hare;
By onomatopoeia - wild boar, wolf, bear.

Competition 5: “Name the signs of animals” / What? Which?/

fox - / cunning, red, fluffy /;
hare - / cowardly, long-eared /;
bear - / brown, clumsy, clumsy /;
squirrel - / nimble, fast /;
wolf - /evil, grey, toothy, scary/;
elk - /horned, strong/.

Physical education minute "Everyone has their own home"

At the fox in the deaf forest
There is a hole - a reliable home.
(Children bend their fingers on both hands, one for each couplet)

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter
A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.
Under the bushes prickly hedgehog
Heaps up the leaves.
From branches, roots, bark
Beavers make huts.
Sleeping in a lair clubfoot
Until spring, he sucks his paw.
Everyone has their own home
Everyone is warm and cozy in it.
(Strikes with palms and fists alternately)

Competition 6: “Who will give what?”

Meat - /wolf/;
Honey - /bear/;
Carrot - / hare /;
Nuts - / squirrel /;
Apple - / hare /;
Grass - /moose/;

Competition 7: "Name the fairy tales in which wild animals meet"

"Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf";
"Hare - brag";
"Hedgehog and Hare";
"Two Greedy Little Bears";
"Teremok" and others.

8 contest: "Name your mother"

Teddy bear - / at the bear /;
fox cub - /at the fox/;
Hare - / at the hare /;
hedgehog - /at the hedgehog/;
Wolf cub - / at the she-wolf /;
elk - /at the moose/;

9 competition: "Competition of captains" /answers to questions/

1. What is the difference between wild animals and domestic animals?
2. How does a person take care of wild animals?
3. What benefits do wild animals provide?
4. What habits of wild animals do you know?
5. Where do wild animals live? / in a hole, in a den, in a hollow /.
6. How do animals adapt to life in winter time? /molt, hibernation/.


Guys, our KVN is over. All participants were active, tried to help their team, answered all questions correctly. The game ended in a draw, friendship won. Thank you all for your participation. All participants are awarded medals "Friend of Nature".


1 slide

On the trees, hop-hop,

Yes nuts click-click.

(After each answer, the teacher shows a picture of the animal).

And how did you guess?

What squirrel?

2 slide

- Walks clubfoot in summer

And in winter he sucks his paw.

How do you understand the word clubbing?

The teacher explains: "Walking clubfoot - stepping with your heels apart, awkwardly, awkwardly."

What bear?

3 slide

Redhead, cunning, steals chickens.

What does cunning mean?

What else is a fox?

4 slide

- The crawler is crawling

Needles are lucky.

What else can you say about a hedgehog?

5 slide

- long ear, a ball of fluff,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

What else can you say about a rabbit?

6 slide

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

And how to call these animals in one word?

Why do you think so? Where do they live?

Why are these animals called wild?

Playing a one-to-many game

One fox, many...

One Hare - many ...

One Bear - many ...

One wolf - many ...

One Hedgehog - many ...

One squirrel - a lot ...

"Name the Baby"

At the wolf

At the bear-

"The Fourth Extra"

Name the odd animal and explain why.

1. Cow - wolf - fox - bear.

2. Fox - camel - wolf - bear.

3. Wolf - fox - rooster - hedgehog.

4. Fox - bear - wolf - walrus.


Now we will turn into bunnies with you.

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Need to warm up the paws

Paws up - paws down

Get up on your toes

We put the paws on the side

On toes skok-skok-skok

Stomp with your right foot

Stomp with your left foot

Right foot again

Left foot again

And now squat down so that the paws do not freeze.

"Say the opposite"

The bear is big, but the hare ... The wolf has a long tail, and the hedgehog ... The squirrel is weak, and the wolf ... The fox is dexterous, and the bear ...

Now we will continue the conversation about wild animals, their dwellings. How do you understand the word "dwelling"?

"A dwelling is a habitat for animals away from human habitation." You know the names of some animal dwellings.

What is the name of the squirrel's house?

Squirrels settle in the hollow that remains after the woodpecker. They warm it with moss, dry leaves and grass. - And who knows the poem about the squirrel?

What is the name of the bear's home?

The bear arranges a lair in a large hole, always in a dry place, under a tree turned upside down with roots, and falls asleep there.

Who else sleeps in winter?

And what kind of dwelling does a hedgehog have?

Hedgehogs sleep for six months. They climb under a pile of leaves, grass, branches, and sometimes under the roots of old trees.

And who knows the poem about the hedgehog?

Where do you think the hare lives?

Hares do not build a permanent home for themselves. They rest, sleep under a bush. In winter, they can hide in a snow hole. The pits and bushes are different every time.

The dwelling of which animal did we not name?

The dwelling of a wolf is called a lair - a small pit, there is a lot of grass, leaves, twigs in it. From above, it is covered with branches, old branches, so the snow does not fall into the pit. The wolf in the den sleeps, hides, rests. What is the name of the wolf's home?

Who knows the poem about the wolf?

Game "Field of Wonders"

- Now you need to answer complete offer on my questions.

What animal?

Animal dwelling.

What does it eat?

Do you think it is good for animals to live in the forest?

How should people behave in the forest?

Olga Sidorova
Summary of the lesson "Wild animals"

Subject: Wild animals.

Target: Enrich children's understanding of animals. Note characteristics representations wild animals. Make sure that each animal needs a home, food, warmth, etc. Develop children's interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

Lesson progress:

Guys, remember how we went to the forest to visit the hedgehog. Good autumn in the forest. Beautiful, quiet, it seems - there is no one in the forest. But it's not. There are many forest dwellers in the forest. I'll tell you riddles, and you guess who This:

1. Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail is beautiful.

Who is this? (Fox.)

2. He looks like a sheepdog.

Whatever a tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf.)

3. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This is a forest animal (Bear.)

4. What kind of forest animal

I stood up like a column under a pine tree

And stands among the grass

Ears more head? (Hare.)

5. Not a bird on the branch

small animal,

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

Who is this? (Squirrel.)

6. Coat-needles,

He will curl up - prickly,

You can't take it by hand.

Who is this?. (Hedgehog.)

Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles.

Guys, who knows how you can call everyone with one word? (Animals.) Everyone has animal four paws, tail, muzzle, body covered with hair.

Where do these people live animals? (In the forest.)

These animals live in the forest, away from the person. They are called « wild animals» . (Choral repetition.)

(The teacher at the stand attaches trees in the forest, the children settle animals in the forest repeating that it « wild animals» . Children with a teacher are considering animals.)

Guys, take a look animals something similar to each other?

(Children's answers: they have paws, tail, hair, muzzle, eyes, ears, etc. all animals are alive).

Guys, look, think and tell me how you

Guess where the rabbit is? (Ears are long).

How did you guess it was a fox? (The tail is fluffy).

How did you guess it was a bear? (He's big, clumsy).

Right, animals similar to each other, but each has characteristic differences: in an elk-horn, in a hedgehog-needle, in a squirrel-tassel on the ears. Let's sort the animals by size. Biggest first animals, then smaller and the smallest.

(Children with the help of a teacher arrange animals in order).

Do you guys have a house where you live with mom and dad? (Eat).

And what do you think, wild animals in the forest eat at home where do they live? (Various answers).

Everyone has it animal have your own house in the forest, only these houses are all different, where to whom comfortable:

Bear - in the den

Fox - in mink

Hedgehog - in a mink

Squirrel - in the hollow, etc.

Now imagine that you are not children at all, but different animals. Think who is what wants to be an animal. (Children enter the image. Imitate the habits of different animals. The teacher tries to guess who portrays whom. The teacher praises the children for accurately copying the movements.)

Now imagine that you are just children again, you went into a dense forest and met a bear there.

A game "At the bear in the forest."


Bunny sleeps under a bush

The squirrel sleeps in its hollow.

And the boys are sweet

They sleep in their beds.

(First we will work with the right handle, then with the left. We bend the thumb and press it to the palm - this is our "pillow".)

This finger is a bunny.

(We bend the index finger and put it, like on a pillow, on the thumb pressed to the palm. At first, the baby repeats the actions of the adult. The adult helps him bend his fingers correctly.)

This finger is a boy.

(Bend the middle finger, put it on the thumb.)

This finger is white.

(Bend the ring finger.)

This finger is a girl.

(We bend the little finger, You get a cam with a thumb inside.)

Everybody sleeps! Ts-s-s-s!

(Without unbending the cam, we press it to lips: ts-s-s-s)

Related publications:

Synopsis of the GCD "Wild Animals" summary of the GCD for the middle group on the topic: "Wild Animals" Program content: Purpose: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge about wild animals.

Relevance of the topic: Ensuring the versatile development of the child, the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the world, development.

Lepbook "Wild Animals" Lepbook contains: 1. The game "Guess whose footprints" 2. The game "What does the animal eat" 3. Cut pictures of Animals 4.

Once again, going to my favorite MAAM portal, I saw a Lepbook publication (thematic folder). I really liked the idea: it is convenient, functional,.

This year our group has new layouts: "Domestic and Wild Animals". The mock-ups are made of cardboard boxes with a forest painted on them.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about wild animals. Tasks: - to cultivate interest in wildlife, a sense of empathy, a desire to help; -form.

Natalia Ishkova
Summary of the lesson for children of senior preschool age "Wild animals of our forests"


direct educational activities.

Area integration "Knowledge" And "Speech development".

For children of senior preschool age on the topic« Wild animals of our forests»


Educator Ishkova N.N.

Voronezh 2016


Activate dictionary by lexical topic « Wild animals»

Learn to form relative adjectives from masculine nouns, singular.

Learn to agree adjectives with nouns

exercise in practical use nouns with suffixes –ONOK, -ENOK

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Subject pictures with the image wild animals, ball, pictures of cubs animals, pictures with a silhouette image animals, plot picture with the image of the forest, traces animals, pictures depicting tails wild animals.

Lexical material:

Subject (names wild animals, their cubs, body parts, watering place); adjectives (hare, wolf, badger, bear, fox)

Lesson progress:

Org. moment.

The teacher thinks puzzles:

Runs through the snow - winds,

by the summer he changes his coat,

You can't see it in the snow

The wolf and the fox are offended (hare)

She is small, the fur coat is magnificent,

Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts (squirrel)

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest. He steals chickens in the village. (fox)

Day and night he roams the forest,

Day and night looking for prey.

He walks and wanders in silence,

Ears gray upright (Wolf)

Walking in summer, resting in winter (Bear)

caregiver: Remember what animals were mysteries?

Children: About a hare, a wolf, a squirrel, a fox, a bear.

IN: What is it animals?

D: wild.

IN Q: Why are they called that?

D: Because they live far from man, they look for food for themselves and build houses for themselves.

IN: What body parts do you have animals?

D: list body parts animals.

Main part.

caregiver: Today we will learn how to name body parts correctly animals.

A game "Whose tail?"

IN: Listen to what I say. The tail of a wolf is a wolf's tail.

This is the tail of a squirrel - whose is it?

This is the tail of a wolf, whose is it?

This is a badger's tail, whose is it?

caregiver: Who heard what changed in the words?

Children: The last part of the word.

IN: Have you noticed that bear and fox tails are called slightly differently? Listen: the bear has a bear's tail, and the fox has a fox's tail.

IN: You have envelopes on your tables (pictures depicting tails wild animals

A game "Guess whose tail?"

IN: Let's play a game with you. I will name what is drawn in my picture, and you - what you have. I have a fox tail, and you, Petya?

Peter: I have a badger tail.

Vasya: I have a fox tail, etc. d.

IN: Well done, you guessed everything correctly. Do you want to turn into animals and take a walk in the forest clearing? To do this, you need to guess which of the animals was who in childhood and follow the animal tracks.

A game "Who was who?"

IN: The fox was a fox

D: The bear was a bear cub

The badger was a badger, etc.

Children take turns guessing and they are put on masks depicting cubs animals, they follow the footprints laid out on the floor, go to the carpet, stand in a circle.


Autumn day on a forest path

The animals went to the watering place.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

A fox cub followed the mother fox.

A baby squirrel was jumping after the mother squirrel.

A badger ran after the badger.

Behind the mother hare is a nimble hare.

The she-wolf led the cubs.

Both mothers and children want to get drunk.

Children imitate the walk of animals, in the end "lacking" water from a reservoir.

A game "Who is whose cub?" (with a ball)

Children stand in a circle on the carpet.

IN: I will throw you a ball and ask who has which cub. For example: Wolf cub whose cub? And you answer: wolf cub - wolf cub.

D: Squirrel cub

Hare - hare cub and. etc.

IN: Well done. 1-2-3-4-5 - we turned into children again.

IN: While we were walking in the clearing, our animals hid. (A picture of a forest is hung on the board, no animals are visible, only tails are visible, you can use interactive whiteboard). Let's take a closer look and say who hid where. I will complete the task first. I see a badger tail. The badger hid behind a bush.

D: I see a squirrel. The squirrel hid in a hollow.

I see a wolf. The wolf hid in the lair. Etc.

IN Q: What did we learn today?

D: We learned to correctly name whose tail and whose cub.

IN: Animals left us their portraits as a gift.

Distribute animal silhouettes.

IN: but they need to be colored.

Petya, whose portrait will you paint?

Peter: I will paint a rabbit portrait.

IN: Ask Vanya, whose portrait will he paint?

Well done, you did very well.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Wild animals of our forests" Speech development, familiarization with the outside world. Topic: "Wild animals of our forests" Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about our wild animals.

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Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group "Wild animals of our forests" Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of wild animals; To form the ability of children to perceive by ear the figurative content of the story "Like a hare.

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Abstract of the OOD in the senior group of the ZPR "Wild animals of our forests, their cubs" Synopsis of OOD in senior group ZPR No. 19 "Wild animals of our forests, their cubs" Purpose: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about wild animals.