The song "Bullfinches" dedicated to Yulia former lover Trofim

On January 3, relatives, friends and numerous fans commemorated Alexander Abdulov on the anniversary of his death. The young widow Yulia MESHINA, who has been living alone with her daughter Zhenya in a country estate in Vnukovo, also remembered him. Friends do not leave Julia in trouble: the widow is surrounded by influential people, wealthy men ready to solve her problems.

After the death of her husband, Julia went out accompanied by different men, which secular reporters instantly attributed to her as lovers. At first they wrote that a woman had an affair with a friend Abdulova businessman Alexey Orlov. He still helps her in business, accompanies her on various trips, supports her in every possible way, but romantic relationship both deny.

Recently, a new rumor has swirled around the widow. New Year's Eve children's event Yulia came to the Olimpiysky with her daughter Zhenya and accompanied by a respectable gentleman. It turned out to be one of the founders of the Slavneft company Alexander Mukhin. However, there is most likely no intrigue behind their joint publication. The oligarch went to the holiday with his granddaughter - Zhenechka's girlfriend.

- Julia is not averse to getting married again, - one of Meshina's friends told us. - But now she will not go for a mere mortal.

Few people know, but before the wedding with Alexander Abdulov, Yulechka shattered more than one man's heart! Is it true, love relationship always turned out to be unusually short for some reason.

Julia is used to relying on strong men. In childhood, these were father Nikolai Veniaminovich, who owned a hotel in Paris, and uncle Vitaly Meshin- Director of the alumina refinery in Nikolaev. Happiness collapsed in the dashing 90s. The brothers were charged with embezzlement of $37 million. Vitaly went to jail, and Nikolai divorced his wife and fled to Africa.

Julia does not like to remember this period of her life. As well as about his first unhappy love, which ended in an abortion.

Moscow men

While studying at Odessa University, Yulia began a stormy romance that ended in a wedding. She was 17, he was -18. The guy was already starting his own business, which wealthy parents helped him run. But the early marriage was short. Julia became pregnant, but her husband was not ready to become a dad. And besides, he took a walk on the side. The girl did not forgive the betrayal and went to Moscow to cousin Xenia. In the capital, she became close friends with the producer Igor Markov, who was engaged in the promotion of an aspiring singer Lera Maskva.

Igor did not consider Yulia a family man, - Elena Meshina's friend told us. - Yes, and he cheated on her with others. And Yulia wanted a reliable support. Relations deteriorated when Markov became addicted to drugs. After a year and a half, Julia left him.

The girl got a job as an office manager to Shabtai Kalmanovich, at that time he was still sponsoring an aspiring singer Zemfira. Constantly communicating with artists, Julia met the singer Trofim.

The next man in her life was the singer Sergey Trofimov, Elena said. - It was to her in 2001 that Trofim dedicated the song "Bullfinches". I know for sure that the lines: “Today I spent the night with my beloved woman” is about Yulia. They had a secret love.

Chansonnier during this period experienced a difficult relationship with his first wife Natalia. The wife found out about his affair with Julia and filed for divorce. However, Meshina did not work out with Trofim either. Constant touring and the women surrounding the singer quickly bored her.

The secret behind seven seals

After the death of Abdulov, rumors spread that Zhenya was not his daughter. Many believed. After all, Ksenia Alferova is not his own. Evil envious people chatted as if the actor was completely barren. So, former mistress Abdulova - actress Victoria Lanovskaya once she said: - I didn’t hold a candle, but I give one hundred percent that this is definitely not Sasha’s child. I lived with him for almost two years and unsuccessfully tried to get pregnant, although both he and I were much younger. But Sasha was a wise man. Perhaps all this suited him. Especially when he found out that he would soon die.

There were also rumors that in Odessa doctors performed in vitro fertilization on Abdulov's wife. But Alexander Gavrilovich doted on his little daughter. True, he did not have long to enjoy family happiness: three years later, the actor was knocked down by cancer.

Julia always left men with her head held high. She didn’t ask them for anything,” Elena says. - As a rule, her relationship did not last more than three years. Who knows if Abdulov had remained alive, whether they would have been together or not. Sasha really loved women.

Valdai heritage

After the death of Abdulov, Yulia ended up in difficult situation: she needed to pay money to the heirs - Sasha's mother and his brother Robert. She definitely decided that she would not sell the estate in Vnukovo. It was necessary to urgently find $ 1.5 million as compensation for the inheritance.

- Yulia was helped by Sasha's friend Alexei Orlov, - Elena explains. - He has his own construction company. When Zhenechka was born, Sasha invited Alexei to become godfather. They were almost relatives, together they owned a house in Valdai, where they came to fish.

Yulia offered to sell the Valdai estate, but Orlov wanted to keep the property.

He helped Yulia and gave the required share to pay the actor's relatives, continues her friend Meshina. - But do not think that Yulia is not going to return this amount. She is a decent person and will return everything. She persuaded Alexei to sell the house after all, and with her one-third part she will partially pay him off. However, no one has yet bought the Valdai house.

It is now being sold for seven million rubles, - Roman, the caretaker at Valdai, told us. - I built this house myself: Sasha and I were friends. Before the crisis, it could be sold for nine million, but now the price has been dropped.

Abdulov's mother and brother still could not come to terms with the fact that Yulia got the bulk of the property.

Somehow, after the cemetery, we went to Yulia, - says Robert. - They gave the girl a bicycle, but they didn’t even go into the house. I have never seen such a greedy woman. How can she sell Sasha's inheritance! Our elderly mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna, having learned about this, was very worried.

We asked Yulia Abdulova herself to comment on the rumors hovering around her.

There are no changes in my life,” the widow said. - My daughter Eugenia knows everything about her father. She is very similar to Sasha's mother. Alexey, who helped me with the money, is Sashin and my friend, and rumors do not interest me. I paid off in full with my husband's relatives.

On the birthday of Alexander Abdulov, his widow and friends will meet to remember the actor. And we remember the story of the last love of Alexander Gavriilovich. Wife Julia brings up only daughter actor Zhenya - the girl is already 10 years old. her dad, National artist passed away nine years ago. And now Yulia Abdulova constantly remembers her husband: “The best and strongest! Darling! Thank God that they remember and love! I did not see such a force that Sasha had among the environment "...

About the first meeting

Everywhere they say that Sasha first saw me at a film festival, but this is not so, - Yulia Abdulova said in an interview with Andrey Malakhov. - We met when we flew to common company to Kamchatka to fish, I was with ex-husband... On the first date, Sasha invited me to Odessa - after filming in St. Petersburg, he flew to Moscow, changed clothes and rushed to Odessa for one day, where we celebrated the old New Year. Its director Lena was then very angry and said: “Why on earth are we flying to Odessa, who is there to break loose for a day for her sake?” ...

Yulia's ex-husband was smart, successful, handsome man. “But not mine - too cold, or something, but I have always lived with feelings ...” Abdulova confessed. Even then, during the first meeting in a common company, the woman felt that the actor was a person of the same hot temperament as she was. After that very first meeting, Abdulov began to call, offer to meet and escaped for one day to Odessa, where Yulia was resting. After that meeting, the woman flew to Moscow, packed her things and left her husband ...

Yulia's parents were worried about their daughter and did not immediately accept her relationship with famous artist: Dad didn't even talk to her for a few years. Reproaches that the woman coveted a successful actor and his wealth surprised Yulia, because she was from a wealthy family. The chosen one of the actor said that Abdulov, when they met, had a more modest standard of living than hers, and she more expensive than gifts were mutual feelings, passion and mind of the future husband.

About relationships

The couple spent four happy years together. Since Abdulov was a holiday man, he arranged surprises for his beloved woman. Once on Yulia's birthday on tour in Sochi (a woman accompanied him on business trips), Alexander agreed with the owner of the water park and it was closed to visitors - they set the table and the actor arranged a candlelight celebration for his wife and their guests.

He gave gifts, beautifully looked after, the couple practically never parted. Yulia Abdulova admitted: “I have never been alone in my life - I was easily carried away, got married easily, without hesitation, then left. Everything before Sasha was easy and simple for me. And with him - differently, for real.

... In one of the clinics in Tel Aviv, where Alexander Abdulov was examined, in the ward he celebrated his daughter's birthday with his friends and wife - Zhenya was then six months old. Abdulov asked Alexander Oleinikov to bring pork stew and black bread from Russia - he feasted and decided to turn on the TV. There at that moment they showed a football match between Lokomotiv and Spartak - the players took to the field in T-shirts with portraits of their favorite actor. Alexander Gavrilovich could not hold back his tears ...

Almost 10 years have passed since that moment, this spring Spartak became the champion of Russia in football and a flower bed appeared on the grave of a devoted fan of the football club with an inscription in red and white flowers “Sasha, we are champions!”

... Six months before the death of the actor in July, his daughter Zhenya was baptized - many guests gathered. “Sashka looked at me intently and said:“ You are a little housewife big house“, - Yulia Abdulova later recalled in an interview. And so it happened. The widow of the actor is busy raising her daughter. Zhenya goes to school, attends many circles. Julia does not accept numerous filming offers - she only agrees to those projects in which Zhenya herself wants to participate. The girl starred in a music video, in feature film"Love and Sax".

"She's a 100% dad. Zhenya looks so much like Sasha! If you look at the photos of Sasha and Zhenya, you can immediately see whose daughter this is. Zhenya has a good Abdulovsky potential. She can't sit still, just like Sasha. Zhenechka is on the move all the time: she makes short films for her video channel, invents some stories, tells them, communicates and easily finds a common language with people, - Irina Dmitrakova, friend of the Abdulov family, told - Zhenya is a good kind girl. She has no star disease. This is happiness. Julia does not attend secular parties, does not promote herself in the name of her husband, this is Yulia's charm.

The whole life of Yulia Abudlova is subordinated to Zhenya, the personal life of the widow is not arranged. new meeting did not happen, besides, it is quite difficult to find a second such “one hundred percent man” - this is how Julia speaks of her husband.

Photo: frame "Tonight", Channel One.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova lives in the Ivanovo region, she always looks forward to visiting her daughter-in-law with her granddaughter Zhenya.

I have always been proud of Sasha. Because, however, he is very good, kind, he will give his last, ”she said in an interview with the Tonight program. - I never said that with health ... In the hospital, I asked to come home on New Year's Eve, I felt, apparently, that he was going to say goodbye. Standing by the window, I went up: “Sasha, what are you looking at there?” “Mom, the car should come. I feel so bad, my heart is beating, and the medicines are left in the hospital, I have to go and take them.” The nanny comes down from the second floor with Zhenya, Sasha took her in his arms, kisses her, and I think to myself: “Lord! This is the last kiss ”... And he loved Yulia very much. We adopted her into our family, she is good. My granddaughter is now in the first place, she came with Yulia, ran, said that she likes it here. Zhenechka, dear, dear girl, I love you madly, please come.

Yulia Abdulova says that she has established a wonderful relationship with Sasha's mother. After the death of Alexander Abdulov's brother Robert, Lyudmila Alexandrovna lives with his wife Alya. Julia visits her mother-in-law together with Zhenya, sometimes they are accompanied by the daughter of the actor's middle brother. Everyone notes how little Zhenya looks like a grandmother - not only outwardly, but the girl’s character is the same - imperious, firm.

After the death of her husband, Yulia Abdulova was forced to sell all the jewelry that her husband gave her. But after she entered into inheritance rights, the financial problems were resolved. This is what she said in an interview. And in another she also said that the friends of Alexander Abudlov at that time allocated a certain amount to them and Zhenya for life.

The widow admitted that the actor did not save money "for a rainy day" - he lived for his own pleasure, after touring with an entreprise in the regions he could rent a yacht with his own money and arrange a holiday for colleagues. Gathering guests, he never offered to chip in, he paid for everything himself.

“Sasha's salary was increased 2 years before his death, he received four and a half thousand dollars in the theater ... - the actor's widow Yulia Abdulova said in an interview. - Sasha was no businessman. Even on the films that he made himself, he did not earn a penny, as I understand it, he made pictures for his own pleasure. It was difficult to call them business projects. Sasha, of course, thought to make money on this, but something did not work out. He worked a lot: in the theater from morning to evening, wrote scripts at night, thought about how to make a film ... He rarely refused to shoot. For example, once it was inconvenient for him to refuse a director he knew, when he invited him to shoot some kind of picture, Abdulov was promised only one and a half thousand dollars for the work.

Abdulov helped both friends and strangers- did a lot of charity work.

After the death of her husband, Julia took up astrology, graduated from the Pavel Globa Institute - this hobby helped her to distract herself.

Zhenya Abdulova. Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva ("Express newspaper").

Julia Meshina was born in November 1975 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Yulia's family was well off, so from childhood the girl got used to living in abundance.

Yulia's father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, was the manager of a profitable hotel, which was located in the capital of France, Paris. The girl was spoiled by her own uncle, who at that time worked as the director of a large plant, which was located in the city of Nikolaev. All childhood and youth of Yulia were carefree. Julia's family was very friendly.

In the early 90s, during the collapse Soviet Union, family well-being collapsed in an instant. Yulia's uncle was arrested by the police. Nikolai Veniaminovich was forced to leave the country, having previously annulled the marriage with his wife. Yulia's father was charged with embezzlement of more than $37 million, and for such a crime the prison term was quite large. According to Yulia, she does not like to remember that time.

Years passed, the girl finished school and entered the Odessa Institute. She really liked studying, it helped her to escape from memories. Julia was 17 at the time. But at such a young age, the girl had already begun a serious relationship with her first love. The feelings were so strong that Julia married her chosen one the same year. At the time of the wedding, Julia's husband was 18 years old.

With the help of his parents, Yulia's husband at that time had his own business, which brought in a good income. The guy's family was also quite wealthy and had many business connections.

This marriage lasted a very a short time. Julia really wanted to have a baby, there was a moment when the girl even became pregnant. But the husband had his own plans for later life, in which there was no place for children. Having a permanent high income, which was much different from the income of ordinary guys, he wanted to walk and have fun. Such adventures led to constant random connections.

Julia is a person who is not able to forgive betrayal. Constant worries and tears weighed heavily on her, and she left for the capital.

In Moscow, Julia immediately found herself. She was distinguished by expressive female beauty, and therefore she had plenty of fans. The girl had many friends and lovers. These were pretty famous people, for example, Igor Markov, who produced many projects, various businessmen such as Shabtai Kalmanovich, famous singers- Sergey Trofimov. But all these relationships had no foundation.

And so Julia meets Sasha Ignatenko, who was the son of the director news agency ITAR-TASS. Soon they got married. Julia's life is getting better again.

Various meetings, parties began, Yulia met new people. And so, at one of the parties, she met Alexander Abdulov. Although the girl did not pay attention to other men, she immediately liked Alexander. Fate put them at the same table, where they immediately found a common language. Again, love flared up in Julia's heart with renewed vigor.

The lovers carefully concealed their relationship, and only after Yulia's official divorce did information about her relationship with Abdulov appear.

Alexander was not very eager to tie himself marriage bonds, because, as he himself said, the only love of his life was Irina Alferova. However, feelings prevailed, and they got married in 2006. The celebration was quiet, and a year later the couple had a daughter, who was named Zhenya. And everything would be fine, but Abdulov began to rapidly fade away - the cancer made itself felt.

And on a January day in 2008, Abdulov was gone. The wife still can not come to her senses. The onset of depression even brought Julia to the point that she was already starting to drink too much. Only faithful friends helped the woman and brought her back to life.

Today Julia is fond of astrology. According to her, astrology is a path that can lead a person to faith.

Young Zhenya Abdulova honored the memory of her famous father

On May 29, one of the most prominent actors of Russian cinema, Alexander Abdulov, would have turned 60 years old. This year, exactly five years since the People's Artist of the Russian Federation died of lung cancer. Today, despite pouring rain, from the very morning, relatives, friends and admirers of his talent came to the grave of the actor and his monument at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

People brought large armfuls of flowers, among which the actor's favorite yellow roses prevailed, and they warmly remembered the tragically departed artist.

By noon, at the cemetery, when, after a long morning rain, the weather suddenly cleared up and the sun came out, Abdulov's relatives and friends began to gather - those who had been with Alexander throughout his life in moments of joy and sadness.

Of course, the first to arrive was Abudulov's mother, 92-year-old Lyudmila Alexandrovna. The woman was brought in by relatives. All the time the old woman sat on the chair carefully prepared for her and peered into the face of her beloved Sasha, engraved on the monument.

A difficult fate fell on Lyudmila Abdulova - she had to outlive all her sons (following Alexander, his elder brother Robert passed away a year and a half ago). The old woman, broken by grief and sadness, with special trepidation and tears in her eyes, spoke about her son Sasha, who never forgot her, helped and cared for her all his life until the very end. last day own life.

But the main thing at the Abdulov memorial on the day of his anniversary was a six-year-old fair-haired girl - his own daughter Zhenechka. The girl came to Cemetery Vagankovsky together with her mother - Yulia Abdulova. Now Zhenya already understands who her dad was during his lifetime, how he loved her and how the whole country grieved when he passed away five years ago. Zhenya went up to the monument, hugged her grandmother, and was silent. But a child is a child - soon the little girl was chatting and playing with her friend.

The widow of Abdulov, Yulia, kept calm, for five years she had already managed to get used to the pain of losing her husband. Julia thanked everyone who came that day, and for a long time remembered how Abdulov valued his loved ones.

Each of her beloved husband's friends on this day bowed low at the monument to Alexander and expressed words of support to the actor's mother and wife. In the forefront were the closest: Leonid Yarmolnik - the one with whom Abdulov was calm, whom he trusted and with whom he was friends long years. Producer Igor Krutoy arrived at the cemetery - Abdulov was also friends with him during his lifetime. Igor Yakovlevich arrived at the cemetery with several bouquets.

At the grave of Abdulov, two dozen people spent about forty minutes. And after the relatives left, a string of admirers of talent reached the monument - each of them left flowers at the grave.

The granddaughter is the spitting image of her paternal grandmother, just a copy of her! And Yulia had to pay for her love for Abdulov with her relationship with her parents ...

Alexander Abdulov is an icon of Soviet cinema. He starred in many films that eventually became classics of cinema. What are only "Carnival", " Ordinary miracle"," The most charming and attractive. He won the hearts of all the women of that time.

In 2008, the beloved people's artist Alexander Abdulov passed away. Here, on Earth, he left many loving and beloved people. And among the closest - mother, wife Julia and daughter Zhenya. Julia has become last love actor, perhaps the strongest and brightest. To this day, his wife remembers Alexander Gavriilovich with unchanging tenderness and admiration.

His wife Julia is raising the only daughter of the actor Zhenya - the girl is already 10 years old. Her dad, a people's artist, passed away nine years ago. And now Yulia Abdulova constantly remembers her husband: “The best and strongest! Darling! Thank God that they remember and love! I did not see such a force that Sasha had among the environment "...

Sasha and Julia met when they flew in a common company to Kamchatka for fishing. So, unromantic and even somewhere prosaic. And on the first date they flew to Odessa, when Alexander had a break between filming in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They agreed on characters and temperaments - both passionate and open.

In Abdulov, Julia found something that was not in her first husband. However, at the time of the first date, she was still married. And then, without further ado, she packed her things and left. She had to pay dearly for her love: her parents did not immediately accept her daughter's choice, her father did not even talk to her for several years.

Together they lived 4 happy years. Alexander Abdulov often arranged surprises for his wife: either he would arrange a birthday in the water park, or he would prepare some unusual gift. Julia herself admitted later that only next to him did she feel truly loved.

Julia recalls how they were examined in one of the clinics in Tel Aviv. Alexander Gavriilovich asked the producer Alexander Oleinikov to bring him stewed meat and black bread from Russia, and then turned on the Lokomotiv-Spartak match in the ward.

When he saw that the players took to the field in T-shirts with his photo, he could not hold back the tears. He had six months to live when Zhenya was baptized. Many guests came and Abdulov said to his wife, seizing a moment: “You are the little mistress of a big house.” Now the girl has become a real outlet for her mother, she gives all her strength to her upbringing.

Julia is both happy and sad to look at her daughter: “She is a 100% dad. Zhenya looks so much like Sasha! If you look at the photos of Sasha and Zhenya, you can immediately see whose daughter it is.” Julia herself avoids parties and social life, does not seek to arrange her personal life. She says that, if you look objectively, then she will not meet another such “real man”.