Many fans of the creativity of the booty king of Pop Music Philip Kirkorov were quite surprised when he learned that he became a father. This became known when awarded the prestigious Music Prize "Golden Gramophone" in November 2011. And also, the news was disclosed that Natalia Efremova is the mother of Kirkorov's children.

By the way, long before it became known that the mother of Kirkorov's children Natalia Efremova photo, many fans could not figure out how lonely, albeit luxurious, the men appeared kids.

The most interesting thing is that Philip Kirkorov constantly turned out to be in the center of various scandals, and rumors went around his name. The fact is that the marriage of Primateonna and then another young Kirkorov for a long time was considered fictitious. As the fans did not believe that Bulgarian's Bulgarian could marry a woman who was older, although more popular than him.

At the same time, after the couple broke up, Kirkorov again accused that he could not hold a beloved woman next to him. Even the scandalous rumors appeared that the singer - ordinary gay. These rumors went on the Internet and periodically appeared on the first lanes of the magazines, however, they came up after they were changed by Natalya Efremov tags - the mother of Kirkorov's children's biography, a photo attached to them.

Then the people stunned the news that the mother of Children Philip Kirkorov photo Natalia Efremova gave him a daughter. About which he did not fail to communicate directly from the stage. The fact is that the appearance of a small princess was told right from the scene during the presentation of the Golden Gramophone's Music Prize. Moreover, the concert organizers talked about the fact that Philip Pobrosovich himself learned that he became a dad right before the event from the phone call.

As soon as the king of pop music went on stage, he happily reported that he became a dad little princess. At the same time, many fans could not even be surprised, but simply joined with their favorite.

What is the name of Kirkorov children

After the shock from the news was hammered, the question was the question of the name of Kirkorov's children and who is their mom. Spearly report that the first to the world appeared the charming daughter of king pop music. Which received double and unusual name Alla Victoria. The first was devoted to the most beloved and single woman "Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, but the second is received, according to Kirkorov, in honor of the woman who endorsed this charming miracle.

However, Kirkorov's children, when they were born, was announced that their mother is name Natalya Efremova, but no mythical Victoria. What became a mystery to everyone who watched the fate of the kids.

With a boy who was born a few months after his sister, everything was not so simple. He received a beautiful name - Martin, which was to attract attention to him and allocate among the crowd of peers, although Philip once said that he called the Sain in honor of the singer Ricky Martin.

Few, who knows, but the guys also have a double name Martin-Cristo, and the second is given, not in honor of Jesus Christ. And just as the National Bulgarian name.

For quite a long time, especially when Kirkorov's children were born, the date of birth of children became open to all fans, it was not clear how kids could be born with an interval of five months. Each one was clear that only different women could carry them, but their names were still kept secret. For a long time Persistent rumors were going that Mother Mother could be Anastasia Stotskaya, who gave birth to twins, but one guy gave Philip.

The reason for this news was the incredible similarity of the little Martin and Sasha - the son of Nastya, and at the same time it became known that the dates of birth at the boys were different. Kid Kirkorov younger than the child Anastasia Stotskaya for a whole year, so the relationship is excluded.

It is rumored that a mother of children could be some close friend or even a devoted fan of Philip Pedrosovich, and Alla-Victoria and Martin-Cristo were conceived not in a test tube, but a natural way. However, this information was not checked, was not commented, therefore remained at the level of ridiculous rumors and assumptions.

How old is the children of Kirkorov

It should be understood how many years to children of Kirkorov, in order to adequately judge their development, upbringing and appearance. The fact is that the daughter and son of Philip is far from the royal twins, as many fans think. Alla Victoria a few months older than his brother Martin-Cristo, which means that the kids can be considered weather. In this case, they were most likely different womenBecause seven months of the age difference is too small.

The fact is that the younger Kirkorov was born absolutely docking and healthy. So, it is not necessary to talk about the pregnancy of one girl. Children of Kirkorov, whose age in the current year amounted to seven and six years, respectively, call their mother to his mother's female friend and the godfather Mama Natalia Efremov.

Since the mother of Children of Philip Kirkorov is unknown, then after reports of kids about a certain mother Natasha, who lives with them in one house or often comes to take care of the babies, Paparazzi immediately caught fire with a desire to deal with those mysterious ladies.

Children of Kirkorov, the date of birth of which allows you to talk about the fact that the daughter got the character traits inherent for Sagittarov. Namely, calm, dreamence, variability and creativity. Little Alla Victoria for Eastern horoscope He received a sign of a cunning, cute, ridiculous, good, lucky, sociable rabbit.

The year of birth of her brothers belongs to the period when the dragon rules, hanging the boy by nobility, a sharp sense of justice, intellectual deposits, stability and courage. At the same time, the zodiacal circle gave Martin-Cristo sign of intuitive, mysterious, insightful, economic introvert - cancer.

Who gave birth to kirkorov

Recently, many magazines and Internet resources appeared a photo of Natalia Efremovoy - Mother of Kids Kirkorov. The relationship of which with the kids is not yet documented. At the same time, the versions are considered, according to which the Mom has become an unknown American woman under the contract on surrogate maternity. At the same time donor biological material Could not be the king of pop music. At the same time, they rumored that two unknown surrogate mothers put eggs, taken from Anastasia Stotskoy and Natalia Efremova. Who were best girlfriends Philip and could not refuse him to honor the mothers of his children. This explains what two absolutely different kids were born: a daughter similar to Visually on Natalia and son, which like two drops of water look like little Son. Stotska.

However, from the versions on who gave birth to Kirkorov, the most believable is the one that Alla Victoria is born from a surrogate mother in the States. And Martin was born from an ephony natural way. It is worth noting that Natalia Efremova, 1967 r. Kirkorov's mother's mother photo - a successful business woman who has also received higher education, becoming a military translator. The woman was accustomed to the title of Lieutenant. What proves her perseverance and purposefulness.

Since 1998, Natalia has been pretty profitable business, namely, the sale of branded brand clothes, which Philip Kirkorov often acquired. At the same time, the woman will grow up the twentieth son Egor, born from the first spouse.

With Natalia Philipp sign for more than ten years, she gradually became the man with whom you can talk to souls. Currently, Natasha and Andrei Malakhov became the godded parents of kids, so before God they are their mom and dad.

It is worth noting that Efremova decided to become constantly living with the children's "Mom" only so that they grow in a full family, and Kirkorov was not considered in the Star world by the father-single.

The Russian King of Pop Music, the owner of a multitude of awards and honorary premiums Philip Pedrosovich Kirkorov in 2011 was born daughter. Happy father called the girl with a beautiful double name Alla Victoria. And seven months later, the son of Martin appeared.

Children talented singers gave birth surrogate motherwhose name is today's day It was covered by a secret. Kirkorov's children have already grown in the photo of the son and daughter now (filmed in 2018) can be seen with them only their father. We find out who is the mother of two adorable children of Philip Kirkorov.

Philip Kirkorov was in love with adolescent age in Alla Pugachev. When he grew and began to speak sololy, then everyone immediately noticed a youthful love in Alla Pugachev.

The Bulgarian young man always dreamed of being near the primordial. Fate turned to young talent and brought these two people to a single union.

After parting, Philip remained the most devoted fan of Alla. Daughter he called in honor of his beloved, which was and will be devoted all his life. The second part of the dual name went to the girl from Mother Singer, Victoria.

Who is the mother of kids kirkorov

The whole truth opened when journalists of the famous TV program "We speak and show" visited luxurious house celebrities. The singer thoroughly hid his personal life from prying eyes. When Kirkorov showed his luxurious mansion and introduced journalists with his children, then an unexpected event was happening.

Children of celebrities showed guests their drawings, where the Philip family was drawn everywhere and another woman.

Photo Natalia Efremova, Mother of Kids Kirkorov

As it turned out that this woman is the biological mother of children. Natalia's name is. She, as it turned out, all this time was directly involved in the upbringing of his children.

Kirkorov and Mom of his children - Natalia Efremova

Natalia Efremova 48 years old. She was born in Lviv in Ukraine in the family of the military. Businesswoman has a higher education. She graduated from Higher educational institutionwhere military translators are taught. In 1982, Natasha's family moved to Novosibirsk, and then to the capital of Russia.

Natalia has a son Egor. To him on this moment 20 years and he lives in Moscow. Natalia met Philipp Kirkorov more than 10 years ago, when was the general director of his corporate store. Currently, Efremova, despite the fact that she has three children, did not quit the business and heads two large companies.

The similarity of Natalia and Mom Philip is evident. They are very similar outwardly and, probably, this circumstance has become decisive for a singer when he thought about choosing a surrogate mother for his future children. Victoria, Mom Singers died twenty years ago due to severe illness.

Natasha could often be seen next to the singer at all events related to the children of Showman. Many considered it by the godmother of Alla Victoria and Martin. The press has long noticed the incredible similarity between this woman and the children of the singer. But the pop king simply did not answer all the questions as defined on this topic.

Recall that in the distant 2011, the singer told the public, which found a woman who is suitable for the role of his children's mother. Then this situation caused a resonance in society. Only recently it became clear that Natalia is really their mother (Alla Victoria and Martin).

Full family

Recognition of children has become a shock for journalists and the host itself. Kirkorov had to tell that Mom Natasha does not like to communicate with the press, it is far from show business. Philip said that their family does not differ from others russian families. She is full, where children raise both parents.

In addition to Natalia, Kirkorov's children and his very now in the house there are still father of singer and aunt. In 2018, all the star family flew to Bulgaria to the weekend, which immediately told the public of the press.

Kirkorov explained that due to his profession, he is not much time and therefore Natalia has to independently conduct the economy and raise kids. Children, said the singer, except for us with Natasha, there is still grandparents who stay in the house during my tour. They also participate in family affairs. The journalist noted that around Natalia Vitates many rumors, according to which she lives far from their children, somewhere in America. As it turned out, all these years a woman lived in Russia, quietly engaging in business and the upbringing of Alla Victoria and Martin.

Alla Victoria and Martin

After exposing, Kirkorov decided to finish the conversation about the family and led the journalists to show their apartments. It turned out that children have spacious rooms furnished with completely cozy furniture.

The singer tries to develop children comprehensively, by attaching them to music from small years to music, foreign languages, singing and reading. Also, children have their own big gaming zone, where Alla Victoria and Martin feel kings.

In fact, Kirkorov's children are ordinary children who go along with everyone in kindergarten, communicate with peers, walk and hurt. Martin is very similar to his dad, and the singer's daughter has a brighter type of appearance than the entire star family. Father specifically gave them to kindergarten so that children had the opportunity to communicate with other children. Everything free time Children of Kirkorov painted in minutes.

Excess questions

Matched journalists when they got into the star bedroom, decided to find out in children who sleep in the parent bed. Kirkorov rigidly pressed all attempts to get so deeply in someone else's life, but the frequency children again issued the truth. It turned out that on the big bed in the bedroom on the right side sleeps their dad.

As TV presenters themselves admitted that they did not decide to ask the star the question of how Mom Natasha gets along with a portrait of Alla Pugacheva, who hangs over their bed. Kirkorov hung in his bedroom not one portrait of the prima donna, and two. The latter hangs on the side of the wall. Alla Pugacheva was and will remain for Kirkorov Muse, which inspires him throughout his life, even if from afar.

Vocals for small stars

IN lately The singer began to actively attach children to vocal singing. Little Martin even recorded a song with a dad at the opening of one popular restaurant. The boy has already successfully tried himself as a model.

Alla Victoria also decided to keep up with his brother and starred on the cover of a popular children's magazine. But Dad believes that there is little beautiful appearance and incredible charm, and it's time to give daughter to gymnastics.

We wish health, success is small, but already popular asterisk. Of these, it will be real big stars Our show business that eclipses the public with their talent and beauty.

Once in the transfer of Philip Kirkorov's children, the kids themselves said that Mom Natasha lives with them. Philip did not deny, but on the contrary confirmed that they have the most ordinary family: Mom, dad, children. The news shocked all people who are not indifferent to Kirkorov. Indeed, Philip has a close girlfriend, godmother Alla Victoria Natalia Efremova. Can she be a biological mother of Children Philip Kirkorov?

Biography of the alleged Mother of Kids Kirkorov

Natalia Efremova's biography is quite interesting. Woman is a radical Muscovite from the military family. Enrolling the Institute of Military Translations after school, was able to reach the title of Lieutenant. Once Natalia was married, where his son gave birth to a son in 1996. In 1998, a woman began his own career, enrolling in a supermode boutique "Prestige", which is located on Kuznetsky. Here it has achieved significant success. A year and a half became the deputy general Director, and after became co-owner of his business. Natalia knows several foreign languages.

Dating Philip and Natalia

It's no secret that Kirkorov is an avid fashionista, trying to attend all new exhibitions where you can buy branded things. In the boutique, they met Natalia Efremova and were friends for 10 years. She became a godfather's mother of Kirkorov's daughter Alla Victoria, while the godfather is - the famous leading Andrei Malakhov. If you compare their photos, you can see, a woman and daughter "King" externally look very similar, which encourages the wave of rumors.

Rumors and speculation

For the first time, Natalia Efremova fell under the sights of cameras in the christenings of the daughter of Kirkorov. Then at the end of 2012 came to the "Christmas meetings" with the participation of Philip, where he became the object of attention of the representatives of the "yellow press". After that, she stopped appearing in public together with Kirkorov, his children. But according to rumors, she still lives in the Kirkorov family in the house on Nikolina Mountain, helps him to raise his son and daughter, so "the status" of children of children was entrusted after her.

Given the similarity of the Ephraim and Daughter of Philip, it can be assumed that it is its genetic mother. In the mother of the son of Martin, Anastasia Stotskaya has long been recorded, comparing the son of the singer and son Philip in the photo, discovering the obvious similarity between them.

From a medical point of view, a mother can be one woman, and there are two different. The future mother of children takes only an egg cell, which is fertilized by sperm. After that, embryo is satisfied with different surrogate mothers. Infants can be born with a small difference in terms of how it happened in the family of the singer, Martin was born 5 months after Alla Victoria.

Having created a traditional family model, Philip Kirkorov protects children from psychological injury. Whoever children Natalia Efremova, her mother, reliable warm shoulder for them.

Dad Single, Whatever Loving, Carelessly, cannot replace the mother, especially in such little Age. Let children pop king russian pop There will be dad and mom so that they grow in warmth, love and did not feel loneliness. The whole truth about Children of Kirkorov is represented in the video.

Philipp Kirkorov finds the ability to simultaneously be open to his fans and reliably protect his personal life from curious. Any fan of the pop king is confident that many years in his heart lives love for the only woman - Alla Pugacheva.

Nevertheless, Philip Kirkorov's first wife has long been enjoying family happiness with Maxim Galkin, which built a real fabulous castle for Primateonna.

In the fact that adult successful an interesting man For many years, the monk is life, sighing about the first wife, is difficult to believe. It is not surprising that Philip Kirkorov's personal life regularly becomes the subject of the most incredible rumors and loud sensations.

Everything in the life of a popular artist changed five years ago, when Philip Kirkorov became a father.

Philip Kirkorov and his children, the history of the birth of Alla Victoria and Martin, rare family photos

When in November 2011, the media reported that Philip Kirkorov was born a daughter, many did not immediately believe, deciding that this is another "newspaper duck".

When Kirkorov confirmed latest newsThey eclipsed another sensation - the wedding of Maxim Galkina and Alla Pugacheva.

The reporters felt deceived: how did Kirkorov managed, who is constantly under the sight of the cameras, become a father, and no one suggested such a turn?

With doubled forces, journalists began to search for mom's mother Philip Kirkorov's daughter.

Nikolay Baskov was the first to report media representatives that Phillip Kirkorov had a child American. Later, a happy father indirectly confirmed the words of colleagues:

We decided that the birth would be held in America, due to the fact that too late learned about pregnancy and to transport the mother of the child was already difficult

However, to find out at least some information about the new wife of Kirkorov did not manage to journalists.

During the Captain Alla Victoria, who passed when the baby was three months old, happened interesting case. Alla Pugacheva, who was present in the christening wished former spouse Another boy, whom a joke suggested to call Maxim.

Kirkorov promised the first wife that the name of the baby would definitely begin to begin at the letter M. As the time has shown, the singer did not joke, he already knew that he would soon be a dad again.

Four months after Christening, Alla Victoria born the second child of Kirkorov - Son Martin.

And again the name of the mother of the second child of the artist remained unknown. No matter how hunted paparazzi behind the king of the Russian pop, they could not make a single photo at which Philip Kirkorov and his wife were present.

Gradually, the excitement around the events in the personal life of the artist began to fade. Kirkorov did not hurry to demonstrate their children to the general public, enjoying the paternity away from curious eyes.

On the page Instagram Philip Kirkorov, occasionally, it was possible to see the pictures of children, but it was impossible to consider their faces.

In April 2015, Philip Kirkorov first showed how his children look like, inviting the shooting group of one of the central TV channels.

Now the fans of the artist were able to consider who Alla Victoria and Martin look like. Most agreed that the kids are very similar to Philip.

After the children of Kirkorov became the heroes of Teeth, the singer no longer hid them. In instagram, you can often see new photos of Children Philip Kirkorov.

New photos of 2016 immediately collect hundreds of comments and "Likes" from the star subscribers.

Philip Kirkorov and his wife Natalia Efremova: What did you manage to learn about the mother of the singer

When the program was shuffled with children of Kirkorov, his daughter, showing children's crafts, said that they help her "Pope Philipp and Mom Natasha". It was then that for the first time it became clear that the kids had a real mother, and, it means that Kirkorov had a new wife ...

About who is such "Mom Natasha" is almost nothing known. After recognizing the daughter, Philip Kirkorov himself reported that they have a truly ordinary family, and the mother of children spends enough time with Alla Victoria and Martin:

We have a normal family. Just mom is not a public person. We have enough attention, we have a dad star, grandfather star. And she does not love it all. But children live in a full-fledged family.

Such revelations only got curiosity to the Person of the wife of Kirkorov, but no more specific information was not possible.

An even more artist told everyone, saying that in addition to the dad and mom, the kids have attentive maternity parents:

We are fine, Alla Victoria and Martin have a dad, and mom. More children are stunning godparents - Mom Natasha and Pope Andrei Malakhov. They are real mentors for children. I'm not talking about myself - I am ready to give life to all of them well.

It turns out that "Mom Natasha" and the mother of children of Kirkorov is not the same woman.

No matter how hard the reporters were trying, they did not manage to find out anything about the native mother of the artist's children - Philip Kirkorov's wife, which he hides from other people's eyes. But about the shaft "mother of Natasha" some information was found.

Philip Kirkorov's wife Natasha (this is exactly what many fans of the performer) is engaged in business. Natalia Efremova has his own business in the trade sector.

Philip Kirkorov and Natalia Efremova met many years ago. They were brought together with a common interest - both love branded clothes.

Natalia owned by branded boutiques in Moscow, and Kirkorov often appeared there to choose something from the "Versace" or Ferret collections.

Grateful Alla Victoria avoids publicity, so trying to appear in a society in a nonsense clothing and in dark glasses.

Philip Kirkorov, one of the most bright representatives Russian pop, successfully engaged in creativity, but fans are also interested in his marital status.

About novels pop king information a bit. There were rumors about his connection with the singer Anastasia Stotskoy, and the most bright relationships were definitely marriage with the primitive - Alla Pugacheva.

None of the beloved singer did not make it happy with his children, so in 2011 the artist used the services of a surrogate mother who gave birth to the daughter - Alla-Victoria, and in 2012 - Martin-Christina Kirkorov.

In an interview with Journalists, NTV Philippe argued about his decision:

"Families that are not able to become 100% happy (and 100% family happiness are children's laughter nearby), for a long time in our civilized world this question is solved. And I, so let's say, not the discoverer. "

Alla Victoria

Baptism Martin

Natalia Efremova - "Mom" Children of Kirkorov

Kirkorov still did not admit to who is a real biological mother of kids. The same woman to endure them simply physically could not, since the age difference in children is 7 months.

The media found out that the Krestan's mother of Children of Philip is his close and old girlfriend - Natalia Efremova.

She is a businesswoman friendly with a singer for more than 10 years and is the main woman in his house. The artist does not apply to the nature of their relationship, and Natalia herself does not seek to communicate with the press.

The artist's children call Efremov Mom and live together. The media notes that Alla-Victoria appearance looks like Natalia, their relationship is quite likely.

For the first time in the public, Kirkorov's children appeared in April 2015. 2-year-old Martin and 3-year-old Alla Victoria gave an interview with a journalist of the NTV channel - Leonid Zakoshansky.

Then fans and found out for the first time about "Mama Natasha", which lives with children in the singer's house.

"Just our mother is not public," the Kirkorov explained.

Acquaintance with children of Kirkorov

The daughter of pop king Alla Victoria was born on November 26, 2011 from the surrogate mother, as the father reported on the air of the Channel One. Her name was given in honor of Mother singer - Victoria and his former wife - Alla Pugacheva. The girl loves attention, grows bold and open.

The kid Martin-Christine was born in America on June 29, 2012, Kirkorov called him in honor of his beloved foreign artist - Ricky Martin. The boy has a calm character, good temper, grows modest and courageous.

Children teach two at once foreign languages - English and Italian, fond of sports, modeling clay and plasticine, show their acting abilities. Their schedule is very saturated - the guys are engaged in dancing, karate, walk on tennis.

Sadik they have stopped attended, as the father was not pleased with their pedagogical approach. Attacking the artist helps to engage in his aunt - Marie.

Alla Victoria and Martin with grandfather

"Philipp is not strict dad, very good. He does not trust the fashion methods of upbringing and raising them in his plan and relying on his intuition. Children adore him and respect. "

In this video, Kirkorov children's vacation are shown in Miami:

The pop king indulges the kids in every way, surrounding their luxury and expensive gifts.

He seeks to instill cultural and moral values. The artist brings in them love for animals, often leads them to children's ideas. The family visited the speech of the sea lions in the Greater Moscow Circus.

"Fabulous spent today in a circus on Vernadsky and celebrated 1 year old sea Lion. Prince is royally! " - Shared Philip in social networks.

The birthdays of children are always celebrated with a scope.

4th anniversary of the Philip daughter

5th anniversary

6th anniversary

3th anniversary of the son of Kirkorov (in a gray T-shirt)

4th anniversary of the son

5th anniversary

At the festival there are numerous star guests: Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin with children, Yana Rudkovskaya, Ani Lorak. For this, the most expensive restaurants are removed, one of the loved ones in Philip - the Moscow Chalet Birch.

Kirkorovy-younger adore not only relatives, but also fans of the singer. Recently, one of the fans of the singer presented them with passport covers handmade. They were decorated with pearls, gold embossed and initials of children.

Philip is taking off children to secular life, but does not insist that they go to his footsteps of the artist.

"If they come to this, then I will not mind, but I don't want to push them at such a young age," he explained the press.

On the transfer "Evening Urgant"

Children at the concert Philip Kirkorov (2018)

At the birth date of the Father (2018)

On the podium

Speech in ballet "Todes"