Bill Gates is an American businessman and philanthropist. Founder of Microsoft. For a decade and a half, he was considered the richest man on the planet according to Forbes magazine. He created the largest Bill and Melinda Gates charitable foundation, in which he invested more than $28 billion.

You can learn a lot from this person. I will highlight three lessons from Bill Gates.

Don't reinvent the wheel

Bill Gates vividly illustrates one of the laws of winners: you don't have to reinvent the wheel. The way of the inventor and the way of the winner are different destinies.

Bill Gates is a very talented programmer, creator of the BASIC programming language. But after concluding an agreement with IBM to supply an operating system for personal computers, Gates did not invent this operating system - he bought it from Seattle Computer Products. Then he renamed this operating system from QDOS to MS-DOS and adapted it to IBM computers.

Later, he did this more than once: he bought Skype, Wunderlist, Nokia, etc.

He also did not invent the famous Windows operating system: he simply copied Apple's Macintosh.

Create a team

At Microsoft, he created a real team of like-minded people. In many companies, they talk about the team, team building, teamwork, forgetting that the team is characterized by a common, team goal. And in many companies, each employee has his own goal: to get his salary, which is not related to the success of colleagues and the organization.

At Microsoft, many employees are shareholders, so they are united by one common goal: a consistently high value of the company's shares. To achieve this goal, they often work 24 hours a day.

Help people

Bill Gates is strong, wise, successful person. Taking care of himself, he began to take care of other people. His foundation invests in the fight against tuberculosis, malaria, AIDS and other health care needs. He invests in the development of education and culture of different countries. In February 2010, Gates made a proposal to all billionaires to transfer half of their fortunes to charity.

  1. Life is unfair - get used to it!
  2. The world doesn't care about your self-worth. Life will require you to finish the job BEFORE you feel confident.
  3. You won't get $60,000 a year straight out of high school. You don't become the vice president of a company with a satellite phone in your car before you make money off them.
  4. Do you think the teacher is too demanding? Wait until you become the boss.
  5. Serving hamburgers is not below your dignity. Your grandparents used a different word for handing out cutlets - they called it Opportunity.
  6. If you got into a puddle, it's not your parents' fault, don't whine, learn from your mistakes.
  7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They became them by paying your bills, washing your clothes, and listening to you talk about yourself. So before you start saving the world from your parents' generation, clean out the toilet in your own room.
  8. Your school may have done away with the division into leaders and losers, but life is NOT. Some schools don't give bad grades and give you as many tries as you need to get the correct answer. It has NOTHING to do with real life.
  9. Life is not divided into semesters. You will not have summer holidays and there will be few employers who are interested in you to FIND YOURSELF. Search at your own expense!
  10. Television is NOT real life. In reality, people usually have to go to work, and not sit at a cafe table.
  11. Be courteous to nerds and nerds. It is possible that soon you will work for one of them.

In this article you will learn:

Bill Cipher- demon, villain, character from the animated series Gravity Falls.

There have been many villains and antagonists in the history of world cinema. Animated films in this category often lose to traditional cinema, as the villain needs to be played much more accurately than the hero, and animators rarely manage to draw a quality opponent of the heroes. However, when it is possible to create such a character, it becomes truly unique. This feeling is familiar to all fans of the animated series Gravity Falls, in which Bill Cipher acts as the main antagonist of the story.

An evil yellow triangular demon capable of changing the world and entering a person's mind is already a rather frightening image. Enormous charisma, cruel humor and Napoleonic plans to capture the whole world add originality to the character. This image successfully competes with the famous villains in the history of cinema. In the original version, Bill was voiced by the main creator of the entire series, Alex Hirsch, and in the Russian translation, Mikhail Tikhonov became the voice of the demon.


Bill Cipher is an otherworldly being that lives in a dimension (or dimensions) different from ours. This demon supposedly knows everything, including events that will happen in the future. Previously, his goal was to fully manifest himself in our world, for which he made contact with Stanford Pines, brother (great-uncle of the main characters of the series - the twins and). The fact is that Bill can only briefly appear in the world of people, besides, his forces here are very limited. For a full-fledged influence on the Earth, a demon needs a portal or an extensive crack between dimensions. Bill Cipher tried to create a similar path with the help of Stanford.

The past of the villain is revealed in one of the episodes of the second season. Then Dipper, using an ingenious machine, tried to read the thoughts of his grandfather, and later to erase his memory (the guy was frightened that Bill had moved into Stanford's brain). This prompted Stan to open up about his past. When the young explorer led his scientific activity in Gravity Falls, he learned of Bill's existence. In the cave, Stan found information about a creature that knows the answers to all questions. After an unsuccessful attempt to summon this creature, Stanford was upset, but Bill Cipher began to come to him in his dreams. In his diary, the scientist speaks of the triangle as a polite and attentive creature that seeks to cooperate. Bill helped Stan build an interdimensional portal, but did not have time to get into our dimension. Stanford found out about Bill's plans (to get into the world of people, bring evil demons with him and destroy the Earth, after having fun), broke the deal, and closed the portal.

In the series itself, Bill Cipher does not appear very often, although images of him can be found everywhere, in every episode. This is explained by the ability of the demon to observe what is happening in the world through such "windows". He must have urged the citizens of Gravity Falls to portray the All-Seeing Eye as often as possible. The following is a list of episodes in which Bill Cipher plays key role appearing in the flesh:

  • "Brainscrapers". The Yellow Triangle makes a deal with Gideon to help him get the Mystery Shack documents. In return, Gideon agrees to help Bill in the future. The heroes in this episode have to fight the demon that enters the mind of Stanley Pines. In a fight for their grandfather's health and life, the twins and their friends successfully oust Bill, but he claims he will be watching over Gravity Falls.

Bill and Gideon
  • Dipper and Mabel vs the Future. The twin sister, frustrated, runs away into the forest, where she meets an old acquaintance from the future named Blendin. His body and mind are under Bill's control. Mabel, unaware of the danger, gives Blendin a crack between dimensions enclosed in a sphere, and the villain destroys the fragile shell. This allows Bill Cipher to finally get through to our world and set up Weirdmageddon.
  • "Weird bug". First of all, he declares himself the new owner of the city and burns the statue of the founder. After that, Bill opens a large portal through which his demon friends (Eight, Teeth, Locker, Empty, Kryptos, Amorphous, Hexagon, Pyronjaca and Zantar) enter Gravity Falls. The villain puts Mabel to sleep and places him in a tangle-dungeon, gives Dipper to be torn to pieces by his henchmen, Preston Northwest disfigures his face. Ordinary citizens of Gravity Falls turn into stone statues if they fall into the field of view of Bill's flying eyes. Stanford Pines impersonates himself in an attempt to destroy Bill, who turns an old enemy into a golden statue. Cipher later kills the Time Child herself and is about to take control of the entire world, only to discover that an impenetrable barrier surrounds the city.


Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram. Buy gold! Bye!

End of Weirdmageddon

Bill was almost at the goal of breaking out into the world, he disenchanted Stanford and tried to trick him out of the secret of how to remove the shield, but the old man did not succumb.

Meanwhile, a team led by Dipper and Mabel attacked Cipher's hideout on a robot, the Shacktron, made from the Mystery Shack. They managed to pull out Bill's only eye, but the Cipher did not remain for long. He defeated the robot and rushed to the shelter, where the heroes drew a pentagram capable of exorcising the demon.

Bill turned everyone into his decorations and erased the circle. Dipper and Mabel Bill decided to kill, but Stanfor stood up for the children, agreeing to reveal the secret of how to break the dome over the city. The cipher entered Stanford's mind and was horrified when he learned that it was the empty mind of Stan, disguised as a brother.

Bill was unable to get out of Stan's mind as his memory was erased.

Thus, the demon named Bill Cipher was defeated forever.


The demon villain looks like a regular yellow triangle, sometimes pulsing. In moments of anger and anger, the color of the triangle changes to red. The only eye located in the center of the figure, equipped with four eyelashes above and below, becomes the same color. Bill wears a black bow tie and a tall black top hat a few millimeters from his head. The demon has arms and legs that can move freely along the perimeter of the triangle, but Bill prefers to fly and act on the surrounding space with the power of thought.

Bill and Dipper


Bill Cipher is intelligent, vicious and charismatic. He talks fast, makes weird jokes, and likes to tease. Probably Bill is a sadist (likes to hurt others) and a masochist (when he is in Dipper's body, he hurts himself in every possible way). He is very powerful, and also definitely crazy, and he himself confirms this.

  • Bill Cipher has several reflections in world culture, but the main one is the supposed symbol of the Freemasons called the "All-Seeing Eye".
  • Cipher's famous line "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram" is a reference to the theories of Albert Einstein and the film The Matrix.
  • The age of the demon is no less than 1 trillion years!

Princess Who best hero Moana? Which Gravity Falls are you? The richest comic book characters
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Bill Cipher (orig. Bill Cipher) - a magical creature, a powerful demon that can enter the human subconscious, as well as the main antagonist of the series. He has been appearing in Gravity Falls since being summoned by Ford over thirty years ago. Known for his cryptic demeanor and sadistic humor. The main antagonist of Gravity Falls despite not playing important role before the events of season 2.

:star2: ABILITIES:star2:



Cross-dimensional consciousness

manipulation illusion


intuitive ability

Laser control


Molecule manipulation

Transformation of fears

Physical body control

Vision of the future (one of the possible abilities)


Size manipulation



:star2: HISTORY:star2:

Trillions of years before the events of the series, Bill Cipher originated in the second dimension. Bill, however, despised the place, describing it as a dimension of "flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams". He freed himself, but burned the entire dimension along with everyone he once knew, including his own parents. After Bill learned of a prophecy that it was possible to merge the Nightmare Dimension with the third dimension, Bill manipulated countless people into becoming a physical being and freeing that dimension.

Without physical form, Bill could only visit the dreams of the inhabitants of the dimension. Among his targets were the natives who lived in what would once be the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. He asked a shaman named Modoc to build an interstellar gate leading to the Nightmare dimension. The gate was built, though made of twigs. After Modoc learned of a prophecy that foretold an apocalyptic event, he set himself on fire in an attempt to stop Bill's reign. The valley was nicknamed "cursed land" and the natives hurriedly left it. The natives managed to defeat Bill using the zodiac with ten symbols, they left a picture in the cave depicting their fight with Bill, as well as information on how to summon him, and that more importantly, the warning: "never read" what is written there.

At the end of the twentieth century, a young scientist named Stanford Pines, who had spent the last six years researching the city's many anomalies and oddities, wondered why there are so many anomalies in Gravity Falls and where do they come from? He found a cave filled with mysterious hieroglyphs, which gave him hope to learn the answers, as the message in the cave spoke of an entity with endless knowledge. Despite the warning, Ford cast the spell aloud, calling Bill into his mind. Bill admitted that the brash and insecure but brilliant Ford would be his ideal pawn. He deceived Ford by presenting himself to him as a muse, inspiring great minds. He informed Ford that the source of the city's anomalies is another dimension, the oddities of which have leaked into this world. With Bill's help, Ford prepared blueprints for a universe portal under his house, and also hired a friend from the university, Fiddleford McGucket.

On January 18, 1982, Ford and Fiddleford performed the first test of a working car, which quickly went awry. He dragged the dummy with him into the Fiddleford portal. Although his experience with the device was brief (Ford quickly rescued him), Fiddleford returned with horrific visions predicting an apocalyptic catastrophe. McGucket asked Ford to destroy the car, but he did not agree to give up his life's work, after which McGucket left the project. During a conversation with his former ally - Bill, Ford learns that the portal will allow the demons to bring chaos and destruction to the universe. Frightened and betrayed, Ford closes the project and creates the "Mentem" project, able to protect against Bill's influence. Unfortunately, fear of Bill's imminent return leads Ford to abandon his research and hide the portal's instructions. Bill spent the next thirty years waiting for the portal to reactivate.

:star2: PERSONALITY:star2:

Bill is a sentient and physically irreverent demon who finds most things amusing (although no one is sure why). Incredibly strange and charismatic, has a fast speech. Although it can be taken as annoying, it is worth taking it seriously; for when he is angry, he has a force to be reckoned with. Judging by the gift he made to Gideon - crazy (deer teeth!); Moreover, he himself understands that he is crazy and confirms this.

When Bill took over Dipper's body, he revealed himself to be a masochist, different ways inflicting pain and finding it "fun". However, Bill knows little about the physical limits of a person.

:star2: SUMMONING RITUAL :star2:

To summon Bill, you need a picture of the victim. The eyes should be crossed out and the picture should be surrounded by eight candles in a circular formation. Then the following incantations should be cast: "Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium! Your eyes will glow blue. The sky will turn gray. Next, you need to say the phrase “Zhdesem Sdrovkab” five times in a row (reversed phrase “Backwards message”). A triangle appears. One eye opens and turns into Bill's normal appearance.

:star2: CHAOS PREVENTION :star2:

In order to prevent chaos (if Bill is in the head of the victim), you need to place 9 candles around the person, put your hand on the forehead and say the spell: “Fidentus omnium. Magister mentium. Magnesium ad hominem. magnum opus. habeas corpus. Inceptus Nolanus overratus. Magister mentium. Magister mentium. Magister mentium. After casting the spell, you will enter the mind of a sleeping person and you must stop Bill in any way, as he is able to harm his victim by stealing important memories and using them for his own selfish purposes. It is advisable to use the spell while the person is sleeping, because if you get into the mind of a wakeful person, it will be impossible to get out of it.

:star2: ABILITIES:star2:

Bill's powers are focused on mind manipulation. He is described as a Demon of the Mind and exhibits some of the traits characteristic of demons, such as making a contract with the summoner. When it is called, everything around is placed in a kind of trance. At the same time, the world loses colors, becoming black and white, and Bill himself can influence the environment as he pleases, for example, he can remove all the teeth from a deer, and then return them back. The people watching don't know they've fallen asleep until Bill leaves, at which point they realize that their eyes have been closed for the entire meeting. Bill can enter a person's mind through their dreams. While inside the mind, he can manipulate absolutely everything, including its shape and landscape. He can communicate with his summoner via video call, using his body as a monitor. In essence, he can use his entire body as a projector or monitor.

Being inside the mind, he can also collect information from everyone who is also in the mind, bringing their dreams, ideas to life. Made dreams seem to have own life, as in the case of Seiler and Kraz.

Bill is at least close to being omniscient. He knows "many things", including the truth of many conspiracies, as well as future events such as the destruction of the Gideon Bot, the imprisonment of Gideon Gleeful. Bill also has a divine ability, he is able to look at the world through any image of himself. This explains why throughout the show, he is featured in almost every episode.

Bill also has the ability to expel a person's soul from their body, subsequently taking possession of their body. A person removed from his body is stuck in the world of ghosts, unable to influence the rest of the world until he finds a vessel for himself. The vessel cannot be alive, Dipper, after being expelled from his body, used the sock to warn Mabel.

Initially, Bill's abilities were limited, requiring him to have someone to interact with the world. After the destruction of the interdimensional crack, he was able to exist and freely use all his abilities in the physical world. Bill put Mabel to sleep with a snap of his fingers and also unleashed Weirdmageddon, he is able to manipulate time and matter; surpasses even the Child of Time, splitting it into molecules.

Despite all his power, he also has weaknesses. Bill can visit dreams and do whatever he wants there, but this requires a preliminary deal. According to the prophecy, ten people gathered in a circle can stop him, however, this requires a certain sequence. When entering the physical world, Bill is exposed to unpleasant influences, such as pain. Initially, he views these things as "fun", but after prolonged exposure, it becomes a heavy burden on him. While in anyone's mind, Bill is nothing more than thoughts, and can therefore be destroyed by means such as a memory eraser.

:star2: QUOTATIONS:star2:

Deer teeth! Hold, give! Bill Cipher

I laugh at your stupidity! Bill Cipher

Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye bye!Bill Cipher

Darkness is approaching, the day will soon come when everything that is dear to you will change!... Until then, I will wait. And keep a close eye on you!...Bill Cipher

How can you stop me if you don't exist? Bill Cipher

Finally! After so many years! The gates between the worlds are open! What was predicted a billion years ago has happened! My day has come, this world is mine! Bill Cipher

:star2: INTERESTING FACTS:star2:

~ When Alex Hirsch came up with Bill, he planned to make him green instead of yellow, but he did it yellow, because he looked too much like a leaf in green.

~ Bill turns green during his cameo in "Fight Fighters".

~ It is based on the All-Seeing Eye, which is often found on US banknotes.

~ His name is a combination of Bill, referring to the All-Seeing Eye that appears on banknotes, and Cipher, which is an encryption or decryption algorithm.

~ This may also be a reference to the names Lou Cipher (Lucifer) and Bill Zeebub (Beelzebub), which are the main aliases of Satan.

~ On the page about Bill in Diary #2, the banknote says: "Semper vigilantum", which in Latin means "Always Watching".

~ While making a deal, Bill's hand lights up with a blue flame.

~ Both Gideon's diary and Dipper's diary contain sections about Bill, but at the same time, Gideon's diary contains instructions on how to summon Bill, and Dipper's diary contains instructions on how to stop him if he is summoned.

~ Also, unlike Diary #2, Diary #3 lists his name as Bill Cipher.

~ In the game Rumble's Revenge, one of the translated cryptograms reads: "I will return to Gravity Falls ...", foreshadowing his appearance in the episode "Prisoners of the Mind".

~In the episode "Prisoners of the Mind", Gideon summons Bill using a spell. When rewinding, Gideon repeats the words "reverse message".

~ David Lynch, director of Twin Peaks, was originally approached to voice Bill, but after he turned down the lead, Alex Hirsch took on the role with a "bad impression of him."

~ According to the code from the episode "Sock Opera", it is made of pure energy, not skin and bones.

~ When Bill says "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram" he is referring to Einstein and the Matrix. It is also a reference to Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger.

~ In one of the video letters, Gideon writes that he can't wait for the book club to meet with Dipper and Bill Cipher.

~ In the episode "A Tale of Two Stans", after seeing the portal on the other side, McGucket says the encrypted phrase: "Bill Cipher is a triangle!" Afterwards, he says in verse: "When the earth becomes the sky in Gravity, be afraid of the one-eyed beast."

~ Bill is at least one trillion years old, hence older than the universe and time.

~ In the ending, Bill is shown to be from the second dimension.

~ Bill's "flat world" story is a reference to Edwin Abbott Abbott's novel Flatland. At the AMA last April, Bill stated that "Edwian Abbott Abbott has a decent idea [about Bill's origin]."

~ According to Alex Hirsch, Bill previously had a family.

~ One of the Gravity Falls books says that Bill Cipher saw how his dimension was burned.

~ Bill is not the cause of the anomalies and oddities in Gravity Falls. On the contrary, it is they who attract him to the city.



  • Personal qualities of Bill Gates
  • Books by Bill Gates

Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and thinker Alfred Adler, creator of the system of individual psychology, said that successful people are driven through life by the desire for superiority. Bill Gates, acknowledged as the father of the computer software industry, is the epitome of Adler's portrait of the successful person. US Today writes that "Gates is a man who competes even in who can throw the best party, and in business he proves himself to be decisive, combative and ruthless." Ink magazine describes Gates as "a restless bundle of energy."

The success story of Bill Gates is reminiscent of the American dream. Working hard, he achieved not only the prosperity of the company, but also the title of one of the richest people on earth. Now Gates' net worth is about $57 billion. the richest people world in 2011, annually published by Forbes magazine, Bill Gates took second place, with a fortune of $ 56 billion. I suggest you read the biography of Bill Gates and find out the story of his success.

Success Story, Biography of Bill Gates

Childhood and youth of Bill Gates

And the success story of Bill Gates began in the city of Seattle, Washington, just over half a century ago. date of birth Bill Gates is October 28, 1955. He was born to William Gates, a corporate lawyer, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a board member of First Interstate Bank.

Bill Gates went to the most privileged school in Seattle. His parents expected him to follow in his father's footsteps and attend Harvard Law School. However, Gates did not excel in grammar, civics and other subjects he considered trivial, by the seventh grade he became interested in mathematics and dreamed of becoming a professor. In 1968, when Bill and his schoolmate Paul Allen were in middle school, the school decided to buy computer time from General Electric. At that time, systems based on the DEC PDP-10 microarchitecture ruled the market.

It changed Bill's life. He and Allen got carried away in earnest, they even skipped classes in order to study all available computer literature. At the same time, Bill wrote one of his first programs - a simple simulator that allowed you to play against the machine. The school management underestimated its students, the computer time bought for the whole year was used up in a few weeks. Fortunately, a new student entered Lakeside, whose father was the chief programmer at the Computer Center Corporation. The school's new contract allowed Gates and his comrades to continue their experiments.

Young hackers quickly figured out the intricacies of the machine, found vulnerabilities and began to cause trouble - they cracked the protection, caused the system to crash several times, changed the files that recorded information about the computer time used. Noticing this, the CCC suspended them from working with computers for several weeks.

Meanwhile, the company's business began to suffer from constant failures and weak protection. Remembering the destructive activities of Lakeside computer scientists, the CCC invited
them to identify flaws and security holes. In return, the company offered endless computer time. Of course, Bill and his comrades could not refuse. That's when they went headlong into computers. The time of day lost its meaning, the guys hung out in the laboratory for hours. In addition to finding bugs, they studied every material about automated computing that came to hand and improved their skills.

In 1969, the Computer Center Corporation was in trouble again, and in 1970 it declared itself bankrupt. Lakeside students lost their jobs and access to computer time. There was nothing to do, I had to use my brains in a slightly different direction - to find a new place for self-realization. Fortunately, Paul Allen's father was working at the University of Washington at the time and had access to a computer center. Young programmers got down to business - they were looking for where they could apply their knowledge. The work itself came to them already in 1971, when Information Sciences hired the guys to write a program that would compile payrolls. In addition to unlimited computer time, employers agreed to pay developers every time their software made a profit.

Another Gates project in school years became a program for scheduling classes. The loophole embedded in it constantly redefined Bill in classes with the most beautiful girls. In the tenth grade, Bill no longer studied computer science, but taught it.

A group of little programmers regularly received orders. Bill Gates, according to him, was the initiator: "I was the guy who said:" Let's call real world and offer to sell him something.” And the most interesting thing is that he really found and sold - for example, he developed a program for optimizing traffic and sold it for $ 20,000. This is 15 years old!

The parents were somewhat frightened by such a hobby for their son and, by a strong-willed decision, removed him from computer projects. For a whole year, Bill did not approach the subject of his passion, reading biographies of great people from Napoleon to Roosevelt. But by the age of seventeen, Gates received an offer to write a software package for the distribution of energy at the Bonneville Dam, which his parents no longer objected to. Per annual work Gates received $30,000 for this project.

The last year of study at Lakeside brought Gates and Allen a new part-time job - TRW encountered a bug that Bill and Paul had found in Computer Center Corporation's computer. However, this time they were given a task of a completely different level - to correct the mistake. It is believed that it was at TRW that Bill Gates began to develop programming skills. Then they first started talking about creating a software company.

In 1973, Bill Gates entered Harvard University, intending to either follow in his father's footsteps or become a professor of mathematics. According to him, he was there in body, but not in soul. For most of his time at Harvard, he played pinball, bridge, and poker. How many stories do we know when a child prodigy under the influence of circumstances or environment over the years, he became the same as everyone else, but for Bill Gates, this rule, fortunately, did not work. Focus on victory, competitive spirit and a great desire to do better and more than others haunted him.

Gates' friend Paul Allen unexpectedly got a job at Honeywell in Boston, and he and Bill continued their nightly programming sessions. In 1974, Allen learns about the company's MITS personal computer Altair 8800. Gates plucked up courage and offered the company that created this computer new language programming BASIC. He, of course, was cunning that the language was designed specifically for Altair, but the program went literally the first time. This option suited the managers, who offered young people to work on writing programming languages.

In the same year, Bill Gates proposes to create a software development company and gives it the name Microsoft (the first version had the spelling Micro-Soft). Despite the painstaking work of employees, the company at first experienced certain difficulties with the distribution of its products. The firm did not have sufficient funds to hire a good sales manager, so the mother of Bill Gates performed this function.

The first five Microsoft customers went bankrupt, but the guys did not despair and returned to Seattle in 1979. That year, Bill Gates was expelled from the university for absenteeism and poor progress, but this fact did not greatly upset the unfortunate student, since he received an offer from IBM to create an operating system for the world's first personal computer.

However, Bill Gates was forced to refuse IBM, because at that time he did not have the development to create an OS. Therefore, the head of Microsoft was forced to recommend that IBM seek help from its competitor, Digital Research, which would subsequently receive the task of developing the OS.

Meanwhile, Microsoft, having made time work for itself, buys the "raw" operating system 86-DOS for $50,000 from Seattle Computer and invites OS creator Tim Patterson to work. Bill Gates' company significantly improved 86-DOS, and MS-DOS soon saw the light, which Microsoft offered as an OS for the IBM PC, thus ahead of Digital Research. In September 1980, IBM entered into an extended contract with Microsoft. This contract was destined to change the history of the personal computer industry. Both IBM and Microsoft benefited. controversial issue who won more. Gates' main competitor - Digital Research - changed the direction of the business and no longer participated in the competition (you can see how events unfolded in biopic"Pirates of Silicon Valley").

In 1981, Microsoft becomes a corporation, the management of which is shared by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. In the same year, IBM introduces its PC with 16-bit MS-DOS 1.0 operating system. In addition, the computer software includes other Microsoft products - BASIC, COBOL, Pascal and others.

During this period, it begins to develop rapidly. The first representative offices of the company appear in Europe and Great Britain. In 1982, Gates convinces IBM management that MS-DOS should also be licensed to other computer manufacturers, thereby competing with Apple, which by that time was selling its computers based on its own OS.

Then Microsoft thinks about creating an operating system based on the graphical interface that Apple already had at that time. But first, Microsoft is experimenting with GUI capabilities on its Word and Excel programs, which were designed specifically for Apple Macintosh computers.

In 1983, Microsoft creates the Mouse manipulator (mouse) for more convenient data entry into a computer with a graphical interface. In the same year, the corporation introduces a text editor for MS-DOS. In addition, Bill Gates' company announces Windows - operating system extension for MS-DOS as a universal operating environment for graphical applications.

In 1986, Microsoft shares go public. During the day, their value on the exchange rises from 22 to 28 dollars. In March 1990, the company announced the accrual of dividends on shares, while the shareholders were able to receive one more share as a gift.

Microsoft certainly dominates the industry - it owns 44 percent of the profits of the entire market software products. This hinders the growth of their closest competitors. In 1991, Mitch Kapor, founder of rival Lotus, told reporters, “The revolution is over. Bill Gates won. The current software industry is the Kingdom of the Dead.”

People magazine considers Gates to be the epitome of a true entrepreneurial innovator. He says, "Gates is as much to the programming world as Edison is to the light bulb: part innovator, part entrepreneur, part merchant, but always a genius." Playboy, to all the praises of Gates, in 1991 added a story in which Microsoft is mentioned as the savior of the programming industry. "The role of DOS as a unified component of most PCs has helped solidify the position of the US as the epicenter of the global software industry." And Forbes magazine in April 1991 put a photo of Gates on the cover and asked the question: “Can anyone stop him?”

In 1993, the number of registered users of Microsoft Windows is 25 million. Thus, Windows becomes the world's most popular operating system with a graphical interface. Microsoft also releases Windows NT, a line of operating systems designed for workstations and servers.

Two years later, Windows 95 was launched into production. The excitement that accompanied the sale of Windows 95 was so great that even people who did not have a computer stood in line for this operating system. In January 1996, 25 million copies of Windows 95 were sold.

In 1996-97, Microsoft introduced the next generations of Windows NT (4.0 and 5.0), which were significantly improved compared to the first version of this software.

In 1998, Windows 98 was born, which looks no different from Windows 95, except for improved internal features. Then comes Windows 2000, which is considered by many users to be Microsoft's best enterprise operating system.

Microsoft's ideology was and is a monopoly aimed at capturing "absolute power", and such things are not welcome in a modern democratic civil society, because everyone is equal in rights, and free competition is the engine of business and progress.

Unfortunately, against the backdrop of the success of their enterprise, Microsoft top management does not understand these simple truths and is constantly striving to capture a larger piece, which manifests itself in an aggressive marketing policy. In the mid-1990s, Microsoft went to war with Internet browser maker Netscape because it decided that the entire world should use its own browser, Internet Explorer, and included the latter in the next version of Windows.

Here the patience of the US antitrust authorities ended, which in 1998 filed a serious lawsuit against Microsoft, accusing the corporation of dishonest treatment of competitors and consumers. Gates, who left the post of CEO of Microsoft and became the head of the board of directors and "chief software architect" (the title of the position he invented himself), was then summoned for questioning by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who questioned him in total for about 17 hours.
The people present at the interrogation characterize Gates's behavior as evasive and unfriendly, he was cunning and tedious all the time, finding fault with insignificant trifles (in particular, demanding clarification of such terms as "compete", "ask" and "we") and denying conversations on the essence of the important topics. In response to the most sensitive questions, Gates said “I don’t remember” so often that even the judge himself began to smirk. Although prosecutors note that everything that Gates "did not remember" (mainly threats against competitors and dishonest business moves), is easily confirmed by the many emails that Gates sent or received.

Microsoft's top management once promised to "extinguish" and "strangle" Netscape, but refused to repeat this before the court. The process started in 1998 ended only by 2002, the corporation was forced to pay fines and penalties and to change approaches to business. The corporation promised, but changed little in its ideology, the wave of lawsuits against Microsoft does not stop to this day.

Other achievements of Bill Gates

In 2001, a new Microsoft operating system, Windows XP, went on sale, which fell in love with users and today is the most massive operating system in the world. By the end of 2006, Windows XP sold 538 million copies.

In 2004, Gates became an Investor when he connected his financial interests with the famous Warren Buffett. They co-founded Berkshire Hathaway. It's a company that combines funds from Geico (car insurance), Benjamin Moore (paints) and Fruit of the Loom (textiles). At one time, Gates acquired a stake in Bothell, a biotech company. As well as his corporation is a kind of fund in which the whole world invests.

Six years after the introduction of Windows XP, the next generation of Microsoft operating systems, Windows Vista and a new version office suite Microsoft Office 2007.

On March 2, 2005, the British Foreign Office announced that Gates would be made a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, for his contribution to UK business and his efforts to alleviate world poverty. This is an analogue of the knighthood, which can only be received by a citizen of the United Kingdom, giving the right to be called "sir".

In June 2007, 34 years after entering Harvard, Bill Gates will receive a diploma from this educational institution. Leadership of one of the most prestigious universities The world decided to give Gates, who left his studies of his own free will in 1975, a diploma for special merits.

In early January 2008, at the opening of the Consumer Electronics Show, the head of Microsoft Corporation announced (this statement was called the main event of CES-2008!) That in July he was leaving Microsoft. Gates said that he intends to come to grips with the management of the company created in 2000 together with his wife charitable foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose main goal is to support projects in the field of education and health. With the money of this fund, the development of an AIDS vaccine is being carried out, assistance programs are being created, including medical assistance, to developing countries and their starving population, a lot of resources are spent on educational and scientific initiatives.

Gates' critics, however, point out that in percentage terms, Gates spends much less on philanthropy than is common among wealthy people. In addition, part of his donations goes to buy computers for schools, and the money allocated includes the cost of buying Windows and Office, that is, sent back to Microsoft.

Since the end of June 2008, Gates has moved away from active management of Microsoft. He transferred his authority to CEO Steve Ballmer, while simultaneously expanding the area of ​​responsibility of Craig Mundy and Ray Ozzy. It is this "troika" that now determines the course of the company. Despite this, Bill Gates does not break with the company for good. He remains the chairman of the Board of Directors (but without executive powers), and also remains the largest (8.7% of Microsoft shares) shareholder of the corporation.

After resigning from Microsoft, Bill Gates founded the third company "bgC3" means Bill Gates Company Three (Bill Gates' Third Company). In the certificate of registration, bgC3 is positioned as a “research (scientific) center”. bgC3 is not a commercial company, it will not engage in venture capital investments. In accordance with normative documents, bgC3 is engaged in the provision of scientific and technological services, works in the field of analytics and research, and also creates and develops software and hardware.

Despite the departure of Gates, Microsoft continues to develop new products. For example, on October 22, 2009, Windows 7 went on sale, which is the successor to Windows Vista, but at the same time has better functionality. As of March 2011, sales of the Windows 7 operating system in the world reached 300 million units!!!

Personal qualities of Bill Gates

One of the most important character traits of Bill Gates is the ability to recognize the talent and intelligence of another person. "I don't hire fools," he claims. Sometimes Gates himself conducts an interview with a candidate for a vacant position and, if necessary, personally calls and persuades the right person. Despite the fact that Bill Gates values ​​his time very much, he understands that the main thing in business is intellectual capital. His team is a team of the best minds, the strongest programmers. Highly professional specialists are the real wealth of Microsoft. In terms of management theory, Bill Gates is the first intellectual property capitalist.

The desire to be the first always and everywhere, to do anything better than others, is a quality that has been inherent in Bill Gates since childhood. And it has borne fruit - dominance in the world market of the computer industry! Needless to say, more than 80% of all personal computers have software Microsoft is an undeniable success. But Bill Gates seems to be indifferent to him too: “Success is a bad teacher. He makes smart people think they can't lose."

Pragmatism in literally everything and hard work is another feature of this person. Work, work and work again - such an attitude is the core of the brainchild of Bill Gates. He considers rest a sign of weakness, so he works many hours every day, because he is convinced that if you stand in one place, the value of what you have achieved very quickly comes to naught. . Where, where, and in the world of computers, this is most noticeable. No wonder they say that if you have mastered a new program, then it is already outdated. This is for us, ordinary users, but what about the creators?!

Family and hobbies of Bill Gates

Gates is known as a strong family man - in 1994 he married Melinda French, who became Melinda Gates, in 1996 they had a daughter, Jennifer, in 1999, a son, Rory, in 2002, a daughter, Phoebe. Bill first met Melinda in 1987 at some Microsoft press briefing in New York. She, as it turned out, had been working for his company for a long time. Melinda left the service, marrying the "master". Now they live in luxury home near Seattle (Microsoft headquarters is also located in the Seattle suburb of Redmond), land and property taxes from which amount to about a million dollars a year.

The house is crammed with various kinds of electronics. It is located on the shores of Lake Washington and has an area of ​​40,000 square feet. The cost of the house is $40 million. The “House of the Future” consists of three interconnected pavilions made of glass and pine wood. On the hill - a garage for 30 cars. In the corner of the garage stands the museum's Mustang, Bill's first car. The first pavilion is mainly for the entertainment of guests. The Reception Hall overlooks the Olympic Mountains across Lake Washington. A good three dozen monitors make up a flat screen that spans the entire wall of the hall.
The visitor to the "house of the future" receives an electronic pin encoded with his "preferences" - movies, pictures, music, television shows. The system "learns" your tastes and remembers them during your first visit to the house.

The central pavilion is a library (for it, Gates purchased a number of different cultural property, among which - a collection of works by Leonardo da Vinci "Codex Leicester". It has been on display at the Seattle Museum of Art since 2003). Above the hall hangs a giant dome with wooden inlays. Next to the library is a trampoline. Gates loves to jump on it, believing that jumping on a trampoline, as well as swinging in a chair, contributes to the concentration of thought. The "House of the Future" has a swimming pool that smoothly turns into a Japanese bath. Sometimes at night, Gates comes here to relax with his wife, Melinda. There is also a trout lake nearby. When the construction of the house began, Gates settled on a severe architectural style. But, having married, he made concessions to the softer Melinda. First of all, concrete was sacrificed for her elegant taste. Architects and builders rebelled, but resigned. The hostess of the present reigned in the “house of the future”.

What programmer doesn't like to drive fast?! Gates is a jerk. First, he had a Porsche 911, which he drove through the deserts of New Mexico. Paul Allen even had to get him out of prison, where he ended up for a speed violation. Gates then bought a Porsche 930 Turbo, which he dubbed the "Rocket." Then came the Mercedes, the Jaguar Huv, the Porsche Carrera Cabriolet 964, and finally the -959, for which he paid $380,000, but which he could not bring into America: the car did not meet US environmental standards. . In her absence, Gates "satisfied" with the Ferrari 348, which he soon ruined while riding in the dunes. For all that, Gates never used seat belts.

Bill Gates reads a lot and also likes to play golf and bridge.

Bill Gates often visits schools and always shares his experience and vision in his speeches global problems. Each time he finishes his speech, he talks about 11 things he thinks they won't teach in school. He talks about how a politically correct upbringing has created a generation of children who are out of touch with reality and unable to survive in a harsh world.

    1. Life is not fair - get used to it.
    2. Society does not care about your SELF-ESTIMATION at all. ACHIEVEMENTS are expected from you first of all.
    3. You WILL NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You don't become a chauffeur-driven VP until you've earned both.
    4. If you think that the teacher is too harsh on you, that's just flowers. Wait until you have a boss.
    5. Frying hamburgers - below your dignity? Your grandparents thought differently. For them, frying hamburgers was an opportunity to get hooked in this life.
    6. If something doesn't work out for you, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine, LEARN from your mistakes. Change your attitude towards failure.
    7. Parents were not always as boring as you now think. Maybe constant concern for you made them like that? They feed you, clothe you, constantly listen to how wonderful you are. So before you criticize your parents' generation, start with yourself.
    8. Perhaps in your school it is not correct to openly call a loser a loser and there are no losers left in your school, but not in life. In some schools it is no longer possible to repeat the year because you are given MANY attempts to PASS the exams, as it takes to transfer to another class. In life, everything is COMPLETELY different.
    9. Life is not divided into semesters. You won't have summer vacation and your employer won't help you FIND YOURSELF. You will have to do it yourself in your spare time.
    10. Not shown on TV REAL life. In real life, you won’t be able to sit in a cafe all day and chat with friends.
    11. More kindly with the "nerds". One of them might be your boss after graduation.

Books by Bill Gates

Few people know that Gates is also a writer. In 1995, Bill Gates wrote the book The Road Ahead, in which he outlined his views on the direction in which society is moving in connection with the development of information technology. The book was co-written with Nathan Myhrvold, Vice President of Microsoft, and journalist Peter Rinearson. For seven weeks, The Road to the Future was number one on the New York Times bestseller list. The book was published in the United States by Viking and stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of 18 weeks. The Road to the Future has been published in more than 20 countries. Over 400,000 copies have been sold in China alone.

In 1996, when Microsoft refocused on the Internet, Gates made significant adjustments to the book. The second edition reflects the idea that the emergence of interactive networks is an important milestone in the history of human development. The second edition of the book, published in paperback, also became a bestseller.

In 1999, Bill Gates wrote Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought, a book that shows how information technology can solve business problems in a whole new way. This book, co-authored with Collins Hemingway, has been published in 25 languages ​​and is sold in more than 60 countries. Business at the Speed ​​of Thought was critically acclaimed and was featured on the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and bestseller lists. By the way, he was one of the first who offered the world the ideas of forming lean logistics. It is curious that Bill's book was published in 25 languages ​​of the world, that's how he became known even where his company's products were not even used.

It is also written and rewritten about the investor himself and the richer. There are at least a hundred publications in official sources that can be called reference books on the biography of this person. Perhaps Bill is not the only one who did not escape the compromising facts from his biography, described by various meticulous journalists, but it was he who went his own way with heroic fortitude, not paying attention to public clowns. "Janet Lowe. Bill Gates Speaks" - this book has become one of the most published in the last century. It evaluates the idea of ​​​​Bill's personality, as a personality that is bright and influencing the world in a scary concept. Almost diabolical escapades were found in his labor activity, and in Billet itself the rudiments of the idea of ​​the destruction of the world.

Not so long ago, a film was made about Bill Gates. It was titled "Bill Gates: How a Freak Changed the World". And as you might guess, it tells a story about the childhood, growing up and business path of Bill Gates - a man who will go down in history forever. There is another film, Pirates of Silicon Valley, but it is dedicated not so much to Bill Gates, but to all those who stood at the origins of IT technologies: Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, etc.

Whatever people say about Gates, it is impossible not to recognize his influence. He is famous, he is famous, this world needs him more than the world needs him - that's for sure.

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Not so long ago, an animated series for viewers was released on the screens different ages called Gravity Falls. It quickly gained a large following due to its gripping mystery story and interesting characters. In this article we will talk about the main villain of the animated series - Bill Cipher.

Who is Bill Cipher?

This is a very powerful creature, a demon by nature, which is able to penetrate into the subconscious of people. He first appeared in the town of Gravity Falls 30 years ago when Ford set off an explosion. Has a mysterious demeanor and sadistic tendencies. In the 1st season of the series, he appears sporadically, but in the 2nd season he becomes one of the key characters.

Bill's origin

So, before answering the question of who Bill Cipher is, you need to find out how and when he appeared. Bill's story begins trillions of years before the events of the animated series. It originated in the 2nd dimension, which he despised and called the place of "flat minds with flat dreams." Cipher managed to escape from his native dimension, after which he burned it along with his family.

He soon learned that it was possible to merge the third dimension with the Nightmare dimension. From that moment on, it became his cherished dream. But first he needed to become a physical being, since in spiritual form he could only visit other people's dreams. His first victims were the natives who once lived on the lands of Gravity Falls. Bill managed to convince the tribe's shaman to build an interstellar gate. Soon he learned about the intentions of the spirit, after which he destroyed the gate and set himself on fire. The Apocalypse was stopped, but after these events, the tribe was forced to move, and the land of Gravity Falls was called cursed. An image of the culprit of these events can be seen in this article. A photo of Bill Cipher is presented below.


Thus, we see that this ancient demon haunted the inhabitants of a city called Gravity Falls for many centuries. Bill Cipher has a peculiar sense of humor. He is very strange, but charismatic, speaks quickly. Bill is a clever manipulator, able to pretend to be anyone for his own benefit. So, Ford was deceived by him first, and then Dipper. He is not always taken seriously due to his constant jokes, but this quickly passes, as soon as Cipher gets angry. He doesn't do anything if it doesn't suit him. Therefore, any deal with the Cipher is beneficial only to the demon himself. Bill admits that he is insane. This is evidenced by his actions and behavior.


Reminds me of the yellow triangle Bill Cipher ("Gravity Falls"). It bears some resemblance to the All-Seeing Eye and the Egyptian pyramid. Bill has only one eye with a black vertical pupil. It usually moves through the air and rarely descends to the ground. He has thin black arms and legs. Bill wears a black bow tie and a matching top hat that floats above his head. Its limbs can move throughout the body. He sometimes appears with a golden or black cane. When Cipher gets angry, he turns red and his bow tie and top hat turn white.


Now we know who Bill Cipher is. However, we have not yet discussed his abilities. So, the main gift of Cipher is mind control. In addition, he has the characteristic abilities of a demon. For example, the conclusion of contracts for the fulfillment of desires with the one who called him. After Bill's command, everyone around is in a kind of trance, he does not concern only the demon himself and the person who wants to make a deal. At the same time, the world becomes black and white, and Cipher gets the opportunity to influence it. So, he can take all the teeth from a deer, and then return them back. The people present at the same time do not notice anything and wake up from their stupor only after Bill leaves.

The demon can get into the human mind. Here he is able to manipulate anything. In addition, in someone else's head, all information about the dreams, thoughts and secrets of a person is available to him. Bill has vast knowledge of both the past and the future. In addition, he is able to follow what is happening through any of his images. This explains why Cipher is always aware of what is happening.

He can expel a person's soul from the body, as happened with Dipper. After that, the demon can move into an empty shell. At the same time, the human soul finds itself in a world of ghosts, where no one notices it. It cannot affect reality. Initially, Bill's powers had limitations. But after the dimensional rift was destroyed, he gained almost unlimited power over reality.

summoning ritual

We first learn who Bill Cipher is when little Gideon summons him to find out about the code to Uncle Stan's safe. The ritual requires a photograph of the victim. At the same time, her eyes should be gouged out. Then the image is placed in a circle, along the edges of which there are 8 candles. Then you need to read the spell, which is written in one of Ford's diaries. After reading, the caller's eyes begin to glow blue, and the sky turns gray. Then 5 times "Zhdesem Sdrovkab" is pronounced. A gray triangle appears, in the middle of which one eye opens, after which the creature takes on the usual appearance of Cipher.