
The development of images consists in the restoration of silver halide microcrystals in areas of the film exposed to radiant energy. In tank development, the radiographic film is fixed in a stainless steel frame before being immersed in the solution. To remove air bubbles from the film, it is necessary to smoothly lower it together with the frame into the developer, then slightly raise it 2-3 times and lower it again. After that, the tank is closed with a lid until the development is complete. The duration of development is usually indicated on the packaging of the film. At the same time, they start from optimal temperature developer solution (+ 18 °C). However, in practical work it is not always possible to maintain a stable temperature of solutions (this requires sophisticated equipment). In addition, as the amount of developed film increases, the developer becomes depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the development time in consideration of the temperature of the developing solution and the amount of developed film.

At proper organization photochemical process as in the project, processing 1 m 2 of radiographic film requires about 1 liter of developer and about 1 liter of fixer.

It is obvious that the calculation of the surface of the developed film allows you to get a clear idea of ​​the state of the developer. If the development time at a stable temperature of the developer increases by 2 times, this means that the developer has become unusable and can no longer be used.

With a significant amount of work, the use of a refreshing reducing agent solution is very effective. The latter contains the same reagents as the developer, but at a higher concentration. The reducing agent is added to the tank in such a way that the level of developer in it remains constant, despite the partial entrainment of the solution along with the developed film. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain a stable activity of the developer for a longer time and increase the area of ​​the developed film by almost 4.5 times. Permissible is the addition of 1 liter of reducing agent for each liter of developer. After that, the developer should be replaced with a new one.

The developed radiographic film is removed from the developer and kept for some time over an open tank, allowing the remaining solution to drain, then the film is washed in clean water or lowered for 20-30 s into a "stopping" solution, which is an acidic bath containing 1 liter cold water 10 ml of 30% acetic acid or 30 g of boric acid.

Fixation consists in dissolving the silver halides, which remain unreduced and are capable of decomposing under the action of light. For this purpose, a standard acid fixer is used (a solution of sodium thiosulfate, to which some acid salt or acid). The duration of fixation depends on the temperature and concentration of the solution, the degree of its depletion, etc. 40% concentration of sodium thiosulfate is considered optimal. As the temperature of the solution increases, the rate of fixation increases. But at the same time, the mechanical strength of the gelatin film decreases. The temperature of the fixer is allowed to fluctuate from 10 to 24 C. It is desirable that it correspond to the temperature of other solutions. When working in hot climates, use a standard tanning agent.

The time required to fix radiographs is determined by the lightening of the emulsion layer (disappearance of the milky white color). Fixing is considered complete if the radiograph is in the fixing solution twice as long as it is necessary to completely clear the film. As the fixer is depleted, the duration of fixation increases. If the duration of film clarification increases by 2 times, then the fixer must be replaced.

Rinse radiographs preferably in running water for at least 30 minutes. If this is not possible and the films have to be washed in stagnant water, then it should be changed every 5-10 minutes, increasing the washing time to 1 hour. chemical reaction. The same amount of a solution containing 0.01 potassium permanganate and 0.1% sodium hydroxide is added to the wash water sample. If traces of thiosulfate remain, the permanganate's characteristic pink color will change to green or yellow, indicating insufficient film washing.

To dry, x-rays are hung on metal hooks or clips in a dry, well-ventilated room, where they are kept for several hours at an air temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. During drying, the films must be placed so that they do not touch during air movement, otherwise bonding and damage to radiographs are possible. It is better to dry the films in special drying cabinets.

Tags: X-ray film development technique
Description for announcement:
Start of activity (date): 27.10.2012
Created by (ID): 6
Keywords: x-ray at home



for automatic and manual chemical-photographic processing of medical X-ray films:

developer-regenerator concentrate RENEX PR,

fixer-regenerator concentrate RENEX FR.





RENEX reagents are intended for chemical-photographic processing of medical X-ray films in processors and in installations for manual film processing (tanks-tanks). RENEX reagents are available as concentrates of RENEX PR developer-regenerator and RENEX FR fixer-regenerator, each of which consists of part "A" with a volume of 5 liters, packed in a canister, and part "B" with a volume of 1 liter, packed in a bottle.


RENEX reagents are designed for processing almost all types of medical X-ray films, both general purpose and special ones, made according to the technology using flat silver halide crystals in emulsion layers:

Blue-sensitive, general purpose;

Green sensitive, general purpose;



Developer-regenerator RENEX PR when diluted for automatic processing (up to 20 liters) allows processing up to 50 m2 of film, when diluted for manual processing (up to 30 liters) allows processing up to 75 m2 of film;

Fixer-regenerator RENEX FR when diluted for automatic processing (up to 20 liters) allows processing up to 35 m2 of film, when diluted for manual processing (up to 40 liters) allows processing up to 80 m2 of film.


RENEX reagents are supplied in the form of concentrates for the preparation of ready-made solutions.

RENEX PR developer-regenerator concentrate consists of two parts: part "A" (canister of 5 liters) and part "B" (bottle of 1 liter). This amount of concentrate is intended to prepare 20 liters of working solution for automatic film processing and 30 liters of working solution for manual processing.

RENEX FR fixer-regenerator concentrate consists of two parts: part "A" (canister of 5 liters) and part "B" (bottle of 1 liter). This amount of concentrate is intended to prepare 20 liters of working solution for automatic film processing and 40 liters of working solution for manual processing.

Reagents are supplied in cardboard boxes, in which two sets of concentrates are packed.



4.1. For the preparation of solutions, it is necessary to use tanks made of corrosion-resistant materials, the most optimal use is plastic containers with a volume of 25 liters, which are included in the kit for automatic processing machines. Before preparing fresh solutions, empty the containers from old solutions and rinse them with running water.

4.2. The sequence of preparation of working solutions from concentrates is clearly shown on the labels pasted on containers “A” with developer and fixer concentrates. For the preparation of working solutions, ordinary tap water with a temperature of 10-30 ° C is used.

4.3. Preparation of developer-regenerator for automatic processing of x-ray film. Prepare a container of corrosion-resistant materials (free from old solutions and rinse), with a volume of at least 25 liters. Pour 14 liters of tap water at a temperature of 10-30 ° C into the container, pour the contents of canister "A" into the container with continuous stirring, then, without stopping stirring, pour the contents of bottle "B" into the container. The developer is ready for use.

4.4. Preparation of a fixer-regenerator for automatic processing of x-ray film. Prepare a container of corrosion-resistant materials (free from old solutions and rinse), with a volume of at least 25 liters. Pour 14 liters of tap water at a temperature of 10-30 ° C into the container, pour the contents of canister "A" into the container with continuous stirring, then, without stopping stirring, pour the contents of bottle "B" into the container. The fixer is ready for use.


Before using new solutions, it is necessary to empty the tanks of the processing machine from the remnants of old solutions and thoroughly rinse the roller blocks and supply hoses, according to the operating instructions for the processing machine;



When using RENEX reagents for automatic processing, it is necessary (using a thermometer) to control the temperature in the tanks of the processing machine.

When processing films for general radiography, the temperature of the solutions should be 33-34°C; when processing mammographic and fluorographic films, the temperature of the solutions should be 35°C. RENEX reagents make it possible to process the film in a cycle from dry to dry in 90-120 seconds or more.


- reducing the sensitivity and contrast of the film;

- overexposure of patients;

- Poor diagnostics.



6.1. The sequence of preparation of working solutions from concentrates is clearly shown on the labels pasted on containers “A” with developer and fixer concentrates. For the preparation of working solutions, it is allowed to use ordinary tap water with a temperature of 10-25 ° C.

6.2.Preparation of developer-regenerator for manual processing of x-ray film. Prepare a container of corrosion-resistant materials (free from old solutions and rinse), with a volume of at least 25 liters. Pour 20 liters of tap water into a container, at a temperature of 10-20 ° C, pour the contents of canister "A" into the container with continuous stirring. The developer is ready for use. The best way is to prepare the developer directly in the developer compartment of the manual film processing unit.

Preparation of the regenerator for manual processing. Pour 4 liters of tap water at a temperature of 10-20 ° C into the empty canister "A", then add the contents of the bottle "B" to the canister. The regenerator is ready for use.

6.3. Preparation of a fixer-regenerator for manual processing of x-ray film. Prepare a container of corrosion-resistant materials (free from old solutions and rinse), with a volume of at least 45 liters. Pour 34 liters of tap water at a temperature of 10-20 ° C into the container, pour the contents of canister “A” into the container with continuous stirring, then, without stopping stirring, pour the contents of bottle “B” into the container. The fixer is ready for use. The best way is to prepare the fixer directly in the fixing compartment of the manual film processing unit.


To mix the solutions, use plastic or wooden (hardwood) spatulas, different for developer and fixer. The use of metal spatulas is prohibited.



7.1. When using RENEX reagents for manual processing, the recommended development time is:

At 20°C 4-5 minutes;

At 23°C 3-4 minutes;

At 26°C 2-2.5 minutes.

To restore the volume and activity of the developer during processing, it is recommended to add a developer regenerator to the working tank in the amount of 0.2 liters per 1 m2 of film.

By regularly adding developer regenerator to 1 liter of working solution, at least 3 m2 of general purpose x-ray film can be developed.

In 1 liter of fixer, at least 2 m2 of general purpose x-ray film can be processed.


Keep sets of concentrates and ready-made solutions of reagents separately from unexposed X-ray films. All work on dilution of concentrates and manual processing is recommended to be carried out with rubber gloves.


RENEX reagent concentrates should be stored in their original packaging, in cardboard boxes, at an air temperature of +10 to +25°C.

Reagent boxes should be stored vertically.


10.1. The spent fixer solution should be handed over to the silver-containing waste collection service.


11.1. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of RENEX reagents until the date indicated on the package, subject to the storage temperature conditions established by this passport.

11.2. The shelf life of working solutions of developer and fixer prepared from concentrates is at least 30 days from the moment of dilution at a storage temperature of +15 to +25°C.

Obtaining images with the results of x-ray control when using radiographic film is possible only after its development. The quality of the image and the reliability of the control depends on the control conditions, the choice of equipment and materials, the correct calculation of the transmission time, but also on the characteristics of the reagents used for processing. The composition of the developer affects the gradient and graininess of the image, while the concentration of the fixer affects the lightness and stability of the image.

Reagents for manual processing

ReagentsAGFA . Developer G128 and fixer G328 in 5 liter cans, the volume of the finished solution is 25 liters. The canisters are sealed with a film to preserve the concentrates. The use of AGFA NDT film type reagents is recommended. Reagents are supplied in packs of four 5 liter canisters.

Reagents T-roentgen-1. Dry developer and fixer for diluting the solution with a volume of 15 liters. Development time - 4 minutes, fixing time - 10 minutes at a temperature of (20 ± 1) ° C. For processing 1 m 2 of film, 1 liter of developer is required. It is recommended to use reagents with Structurix AGFA, Fomadus, RT-1 films.

Reagents Krok-roentgen-T. Concentrate set. The kit includes a developer, a fixer and a reducing agent for diluting a solution with a volume of 30 liters. Development time - 4 minutes, fixing time - 10 minutes at a temperature of (20 ± 1) ° C. For processing 1.5 m 2 of film, 1 liter of developer is required. It is recommended to use reagents with Structurix AGFA, Fomadukh, PT-1 films.

Reagents "X-ray-2T". The set of dry mixes consists of a developer, a fixer and a regenerator. The volume of the finished solution is up to 15 liters. To process 1 m 2 of film, 1 liter of developer is required. Short-term storage of reagents together with other chemicals(up to 3 days).

Reagents "TRT-301". The set of dry mixes consists of a developer, a fixer and a regenerator. The volume of the finished solution is up to 15 liters. Working solutions can be prepared drinking water, without additional boiling or distillation. To process 1.8 m 2 of film, 1.5 liters of developer are required. Short-term storage of reagents together with other chemicals (up to 3 days) is allowed.

Reagents "TRT-310k". A set of concentrated solutions consists of a developer and a fixer. The volume of the canister is 5 liters, the volume of the finished solution is 20 liters. To process 1.2 m 2 of film, 1 liter of developer is required.

Reagents for automatic processing

ReagentsAGFA . Developer and fixer in 5 liter cans for use in processors. Can be used for manual processing. The volume of the finished solution for automatic processing is 20 liters, for manual processing - 25 liters. The use of AGFA NDT film type reagents is recommended. Reagents are supplied in packs of four 5 liter canisters. We also supply a starter AGFA NDT G135 to compensate for the alkaline environment of the developer (consumption: 1 liter of starter per 80 liters of developer).

Reagents Krok-roentgen-MT. A set of concentrates for film processing in processing machines. The kit includes a developer and a fixer for diluting a solution with a volume of 20 liters. The development time is 2 minutes at a temperature of (27 ± 1) ° C. For processing 1 m 2 of film, 0.8 liters of developer is required. It is recommended to use reagents with Structurix AGFA, Fomadukh, PT-1 films.

Reagents "TRT-311k". Developer and fixer in 5 liter cans for use in processors with a cycle of 8-12 minutes. The volume of the finished solution is 20 liters. Developer consumption - 700 ml / m 2, fixer - 900 ml / m 2.

Sales consultants can help you choose the right reagent for your application and materials.

We will deliver to all cities of Russia, as well as to the CIS countries and Customs Union(Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Republic of Moldova, Kyrgyzstan).

Consultations on the selection of reagents by phone +7 343 227-333-7 in Yekaterinburg and +7 495 640-71-00 in Moscow or e-mail [email protected], Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

In order for the dental office to always please its customers with an ideal service, you need to observe many nuances. In particular, it is very important to choose the right developer for x-ray film. If the developing materials are of high quality, then the treatment will bring optimal results.

How does an x-ray film developer work?

The developer is a ready-to-use solution that is used in the processing of x-ray films. There are 2 types of solutions - developing and fixing. The first allows you to make the image visible, and the second fixes it after development, preventing various defects. Solutions cannot be used separately: to obtain a high-quality image, both must be applied at once.

The Stommarket online store sells only reliable developers. These are "Rapid Access" and "Fixer Rapid Access" from the famous company Kodak. Professionals around the world trust this brand, because its products have been proving their exceptional quality for many years. Kodak developers are not expensive, but the image is perfect. This allows you to save time for employees and clients, as well as optimize the treatment process, saving the client from additional costs.

Both solutions work very quickly. It takes about 30 seconds to fully process an x-ray. One bottle of developer is enough to develop at least 100 pictures. Therefore, buying a developer for x-ray film in the Stommarket store is a reasonable decision for any dentist.

Why buy a developer?

If you are just starting your own dental office, you may not be aware of the importance of x-rays. The fact is that X-rays can detect defects in teeth that are inaccessible to the doctor's eyes. Such defects are about 30%. Sooner or later they become visible, but it is much easier to cure them at the inception stage. And to detect problems at such an early stage is possible only with the help of x-rays.

It is easy to understand that the X-ray film developer, which is very inexpensive, is an indispensable thing in dental office. The online store "Stommarket" guarantees the quality of its products, so both the office staff and its visitors will be satisfied with your purchase.