Why are hare riddles so popular? Yes, because these are the most charming soft animals that children love so much. In addition, such riddles are very popular in kindergartens and at various children's events. After all, everyone knows the features of bunnies, what they are, his habits and appearance. In order for the child to get the right impression about hares and rabbits, you can ask him interesting riddles that will develop his imagination and ingenuity. Plus, they are sure to lift your spirits.

We have collected for you the most popular riddles that are already familiar to many, so there will be no difficulties in solving them. Introduce your child to bunnies and rabbits, these are very funny animals that any child will love.

Runs from the hill
I pinched my ears.

white on white
Written by white.
The redhead will go
Find White.
(Fox and hare)

fast jump,
warm fluff,
Red eye.

Long-eared is very dexterous
Eats carrots in the morning.
He is from the wolf and the fox
Quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray,
What is tumbling?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, do you know him?

long ears,
Quick paws.
Gray but not a mouse
Who is this? …

An eared beast, gray in summer,
And in winter it is snow-white.
I wasn't afraid of him
Chased it for an hour.

White in winter and gray in summer.
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone.

fluff ball, long ear,
Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

cross-eyed, small,
In a white coat, in felt boots.
Gray belly, long ear.

Gray in summer and white in winter.

small, grey,
Jump along the path, jump,
And with a spout poke, poke.

Forests hide many troubles.
Wolf, bear and fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety
Takes away from misfortune ...
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal? ...

Running up the mountain, somersaulting down the mountain.

Not a lamb and not a cat,
He wears a fur coat all year round.
Fur coat gray - dressed,
Fur coat gray - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

He likes to gnaw carrots,
He eats cabbage very cleverly,
He jumps here and there,
Through fields and forests
Grey, white and oblique
Who, tell me, is he?

He jumps across the field - he hides his ears,
Will stand up as a column - ears upright.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Long-eared - White side.

Cowardly jumper:
short tail,
pigtail eyes,
Ears along the back
Clothes in two colors -
For the winter, for the summer.

Gray Column stood in the forest.
Afraid of the wolf and the fox.
He plays hide and seek with them -
Running without looking back

Cap rides on the forest
Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility.

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Running Champion
On white snow.

Guess what the hat is:
A whole bunch of fur.
The hat runs in the forest
Gnawing bark at trunks

Tail shorter than ear
Quick habits.
I rush that there is a spirit,
I run without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course … !

Fragile and small. It is of small weight.
Runs in a shiny coat through the forest.
He loves clearings, clearings, edges ...
Wedge tail and long ears.
Summer bed - under a bush in a hole.
Females make nests of grasses for themselves,
If the kids should appear.
Lynxes and wolves, eagles and foxes
Very dangerous for this genus.
Nature rewarded him with agility.
Eats dandelion, chicory, alfalfa…
But in winter it eats badly:
Rags of herbs, seeds, bark ...
Tough blizzard sometimes.
Guess the name of the animal as soon as possible!
Right. This is, of course,…

What kind of animal is such a forest,
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
Who stands among the grass
Ears more head?

Straight across the field
Jumping white collar.

This bunny in winter and summer
Runs in a gray coat.
(Hare hare)

Straight across the field
Jumping white collar.

fluff ball,
long ear,
Jumping smartly
Loves carrots.

Run up the mountain
And from the mountain somersault.

What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a column under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head.

small, white,
Jump through the woods!
On the snow poke-poke!

White on white
He wrote where he ran.
The redhead will read
Find White.
(Hare and fox)

yellow tangle
Behind white - lope.
(Fox and hare)

Jumping across the field -
hides ears,
Stand up like a pillar -
Ears up.

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess live
Who is this? (Bunny)

And eared, and big-eyed,
And much to be afraid.
Climb into the bush - and sleep,
Eat a stalk - and full. (Hare)

Not a lamb and not a cat,
He wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer
For winter - a different color. (Hare)

In winter, white
In summer it is grey. (Hare)

Who loves carrots
And jumps smartly
Spoils beds in the garden,
Run away without looking back? (Hare)

What kind of animal is this forest
I stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head? (Hare)

When getting acquainted with the world around children, riddles are extremely helpful. Indeed, in these miniature literary works often contains a lot of information. For example, a riddle about a hare for children can tell a lot about this animal.

Activities around the world

By the way, the material about this cute little coward will be absorbed by the kids faster, especially if the riddle about the hare for children is folded into a short poem. For example, this:

  • Gray animal of the forest
    Like a pillar under a pine tree
    Frozen in the middle of the grass -
    Ears are bigger than the head!

From this quatrain, the kids will learn that these bunnies are not such simpletons! In order to deceive predators, they often use such a technique as freezing in a posture. And in a dense forest among the same gray tree trunks - try to find him! Here is a riddle about a hare for you, which gives an important and interesting information. By the way, it also contains lines indicating everything notable features this animal, allowing you to accurately guess who we are talking about. These are words about big ears.

Fine art class

The riddle about the hare for children is used by educators in other classes. For example, before drawing this animal, you can offer the kids the following poem:

  • They say he's oblique
    They say he's barefoot
    He, though small,
    Yes, fast and daring.
    He rolls down the hill
    Somersault, with ears flattened!
    And although they are long,
    Not visible in the box.

After the children find a clue, you should consider a picture that shows bunnies, photographs, figurines. Appropriate to suggest step by step master class images of a hare - this will make it easier for kids to work on a drawing.

Modeling lesson

In conversations, the teacher focuses the attention of the children on the main features of the object that will be useful to them during creative work. For example, in a modeling lesson in a conversation, an adult can use and short stories, and poems, and children's riddles about a hare.

  • In the summer he was gray
    Turned white in winter.
    With teeth he is in the forest
    Gnaw all the bark off the trees!

From the text we can conclude that one of the features of this animal are large strong teeth.

  • Gray coward -
    Short tail.
    Jumps very dexterously
    Gnawing loves carrots.

From here, the children should conclude that the hare has a very short tail.

  • That's the ears! So long -
    Amazing length!
    That beast will sit under a bush -
    Like a round bun.

This riddle points to two external features hares: their long ears and the manner of sitting when its spine resembles an arc.

Speech development classes

Riddles about hares with answers that rhyme in the last line of the verse give kids the first experience of choosing a rhyme. So imperceptibly, children get acquainted with versification in practice.

  • He runs from the fox
    Under the bush lies-trembling
    Gray coward.
    The name of? ( Bunny.)

It is very important after reading the riddle to ask the children to find answers to the questions:

  1. Why are hares afraid of foxes?
  2. How do small animals escape from predators?
  3. When are hares gray?
  4. Why does a bunny have a white coat in winter?

Riddles at matinees

And, of course, you can’t do without them at children’s holidays. Toddlers compete to solve the most different riddles, receive either sweet prizes or special tokens, which are counted at the end of the competition, and the winner is selected.

  • Under a bush I sometimes lie down,
    I look at the world with squinting eyes.
    My tail is a short fluffy ball,
    But the ears are very, very long!

Riddles develop in children logical thinking, the ability, by some signs, to guess what subject is being discussed, to learn something new about the world around us, to notice the figurativeness of Russian speech: comparisons, epithets and personifications.


Hare, a very popular character found in Russian art. A hare can be found in fairy tales, in poems, in songs. Did not bypass the hare with their attention and riddles. Riddles about a hare are found in in large numbers. We tried to collect the most interesting ones on this page.

An eared beast, gray in summer,

And in winter it is snow-white.
I wasn't afraid of him
Chased him for a whole hour ... (Hare)

Long ears, called oblique,

Very afraid of being caught by a fox,
Jumping, winding, but this is not a dance,
So escapes from predators ... (Hare)

They say I'm cowardly
In fairy tales supposedly boastful.
It's not right my friends
I'm just careful! .. (Hare)

In a warm fur coat
Who rushes into the garden in winter,
To a bit from the apple tree
Gnaw a piece of bark at lunch? .. (Hare)

What kind of forest animal

I stood up like a column under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass
Ears larger than the head? .. (Hare)

Long-eared, long-legged

Hurries along the forest road.
Who is white in winter
Rides like mad? .. (Hare)

Gray Column stood in the forest.

Afraid of the wolf and the fox.
He plays hide and seek with them -
He runs without looking back ... (Hare)

Curly tail, slanting eyes,

Long-eared and barefoot
Jumped over the bush to escape
From a red fox ... (Hare)

cross-eyed, small,

In a white fur coat, in felt boots ... (Hare)

He jumps across the field - he hides his ears,

Will stand up as a pillar - ears upright ... (Hare)

Cap rides on the forest

Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility ... (Hare)

Bush in the forest.

Under the bush - a crunch,
bare heels,
Eyes slanting ... (Hare)

Running Champion

On white snow ... (Hare)

Forest Handsome

Eared ... (Hare)

He was Russian, but snow fell,

Fluffy fur turned white
And invisible in winter
A wolf with a red fox! .. (Hare)

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:

Wolf, owl, fox.
Runs from them to escape
With long ears ... (Hare)

He likes to confuse traces

How to save yourself from trouble
And often changes coats,
But the coward is just creepy.
He sits under a bush
And trembles with fear.
And his name is Kos
Long-eared and barefoot ... (Hare)

Long-eared is very dexterous

Eats carrots in the morning.
He is from the wolf and the fox
Quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray,
What is tumbling?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, is he familiar to you? .. (Hare)

I am gray, I am white.

With long ears, not big, not bold.
You see how deftly I dodge with jumps,
Maybe the red-haired cheat will not catch up? .. (Hare)

Who is oblique and very dexterous,

Do you like sweet carrots?
Although two teeth are visible in the mouth,
He gnaws at her not badly ... (Hare)

What kind of animals for snowstorms

Have you put on new coats?
Warm fur in winter cold
It's like the first snow!
Do not walk in such beauty
Neither a she-wolf, nor a fox! .. (Hare)

Afraid of the wolf and the fox

And a hunter in the forest
From prickly hedgehog,
Trembling is also hiding
After all, the worst coward
This little ... (Bunny)

Long ears, slanting eyes.

Very cowardly both in life and in a fairy tale.
He hides from the fox and the wolf.
Favorite food: cabbage, carrot...(Hare)

Who in the winter three days in a row

Gnawed the outfit from the trunks
Early in the morning at dawn
At the aspens on the mountain? .. (Hare)

Sometimes it is gray and sometimes white;

Leaves traces, skillfully winds.
He is afraid of the fox, he is afraid of the wolf.
Cabbage is only afraid of him ... (Hare)

fluff ball,
Long ear.
Jumping smartly
He loves carrots ... (Hare)

Riddles about a hare with answers will introduce the child to the most popular hero folklore and fairy tales. A lot of proverbs, poems, cartoons, children's stories and riddles are dedicated to a small long-eared and fluffy animal. In them, he is presented either as a cowardly character, or as a dexterous hero who knows how to win not by force, but by intelligence. For many children, the fairy-tale bunny has become a favorite character and the most popular costume for children's parties.

Children's riddles about a hare

In our online selection, parents and caregivers will find the most best riddles about a hare for children. Interesting riddles will train attentiveness and children's memory. And for kids, good riddles will become a fun pastime and introduce them to a funny jumping bunny. Difficult riddles be sure to sort it out with the child, tell why he is called “oblique”, “white”, “timid” and “fast”. It can also be said that although everyone strives to offend him, the bunny often comes out the winner, thanks to its natural ingenuity.

Gray animal of the forest
Like a pillar under a pine tree
Frozen in the middle of the grass -
Ears are bigger than the head!

They say I'm cowardly
In fairy tales supposedly boastful.
It's not right my friends
I'm just careful!

Through the woods
By snowball

fluff ball,
long ear,
Jumping smartly
Loves carrots.

An eared beast, gray in summer,
And in winter it is snow-white.
I wasn't afraid of him
Chased it for an hour...

They say he's oblique
They say he's barefoot
He, though small,
Yes, fast and daring.
He rolls down the hill
Somersault, with ears flattened!
And although they are long,
Not visible in the box.

I am gray in summer
I forget about frost.
You, my friend, know me:
Long-eared timid…

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head?

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess live
Who is this?..

fast jump,
warm fluff,
Red eye.

Long ears, fast paws,
Grey, but not a mouse.
Who is this?..


Jumping like a frog
long ears
Skok - jump for a bush,
Through the field and into the woods.

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Guess what the hat is:
A whole bunch of fur.
The hat runs in the forest
It gnaws bark at the trunks.

Like a whirlwind, flies, escaping
From the enemy, shy ...

white on white
Written by white.
The redhead will go
Find White.

hare and fox

Likes red carrots
Gnawing cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through the forests and through the fields,
Grey, white and oblique
Who say he is...

This gray rodent -
Lop-eared stomp.
Hiding from misfortune in the bushes
The coward dozed off...

Straight across the field
Jumping white collar.

In the summer he was gray
Turned white in winter.
With teeth he is in the forest
Gnaw all the bark off the trees!

Jump-jump, coward!
The tail is short
Ears along the back
pigtail eyes,
Clothes in two colors:
For winter and summer.

Forests conceal many troubles,
Wolf, bear and fox.
There the animal lives in anxiety,
Takes away from misfortune.
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal?

And eared, and big-eyed,
And much to be afraid.
Climb into the bush - and sleep,
Eat a stalk - and full.

White walks all winter,
And in the summer you look - gray.

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, owl, fox.
Runs from them to escape
With long ears...