Question. How does the right hand do so that it does not know the shuytsa?

Answer. When the mind is not distracted and with a strong desire to please God lawfully strives, striving with all means so as not to deviate from what is due: then it has no thought of anything else, and of no other member, except for serving it to the intended goal, like an artist in In each case, the mind directs its thought to only one tool that is useful to it.

Rules summarized in questions and answers.

St. John Chrysostom

With you, when you do alms, let left hand yours doesn't know what the right one is doing

Having thus denounced the hypocrites and touched them in order to shame the listener as well, Christ again heals the soul suffering from the disease of vanity, and, having said how alms should not be done, shows how it should be done. How should one create? " Let him not know", He says, " your left hand, what does your right hand do". Here again He does not understand hands, but strengthens His thought: if it is possible, he says, not to know yourself, and if it is possible to hide from the hands that serve you, then try about it. Therefore, they do not sufficiently explain these words, who think that the Savior commands them to hide from evil people. Here He commanded to hide from everyone.

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Athanasius the Great

I do charity to you, He says, that is, let not the fleshly desires know that the Holy Spirit counsels. But is it possible for a person who gives alms to prevent his shuitsa from helping him in the work of charity? Without a doubt, it is necessary for everyone to have both hands, one another, cooperate in doing good. And when the left hand holds money, or a purse, then the right one sows a beautiful seed in the field of the hearts of the poor, to reap not an ear of wheat that rests on a straw stalk, but eternal and immortal life established on the cross. But the Only Begotten desires that the thoughts of the flesh do not know what the right hand of the Holy Spirit is doing, and that they do not interfere, no matter how they are, good intention and generous will, saying: “For many years we must have food for ourselves, and money for expenses, and different clothes, and cleaned houses, and silver tableware, and slaves for service, and villages, and fields for income. For the right part of the Holy Spirit does not at all care about all this and does not desire this, believing the Master's word: seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you(Matthew 6:33). In this sense, let the shuitsa not know what the right hand is doing. For when the mind, with a firm and strong desire to please God, striving in every possible way not to deviate from what is due, strives lawfully; then he has no thought of any other member, except for that which is useful to him in the proposed work, just as the artist at all times has in mind one tool that is useful to him. Moreover, if in faith there is no reason for unbelief, if light by its nature is not the cause of darkness, if the devil does not dare to appear with Christ; it is clear that what is contrary to reason is incompatible with reason. And if the opposite of reason cannot be agreed with reason; then he who is elevated to the understanding of the virtues does not know a situation contrary to this reason, but he knows only virtue. And therefore, he does not know either the right hand in excess, or the lack of shui; because in both he clearly sees the opposite of reason.

From the Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Ambrose of Milan

I am doing alms to you, so that your shuyets will not be taken away, what your right hand is doing

Your generosity will not be valuable if you bestow out of vanity, and not out of mercy. Your (true) mood gives the name to the cause itself, since the latter is valued by your motives for charity (quomodo a te proficiscitur, sic aestimatur). Pay attention to what a moral judge you have. He invites you to advice (on the question of how to evaluate (suscipiat) your deed; while he first addresses your mind. "Let your left hand, he says, doesn't know what the right one is doing". He does not speak of the body, but that even the sincere (unanimus) and your brother should not know about your deeds, so that in your vain pursuit of a reward here, you will not lose the fruit of retribution there. Perfect generosity is manifested when a person (quis) is silent about his act, when he secretly comes to the aid of his neighbors in their needs (necessitatibus singulorum); such a thing is glorified by the mouth of the poor man, and not by his own.

About the duties of the clergy. Book I

St. Chromatius of Aquileia

But with you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Here the Lord is not talking about the hands of the human body, which can neither see nor speak, but by the right and left hands are meant the corresponding people or deeds. Finally, we read in the Book of Kings that the hand signifies a person when it says: Do I not have ten hands in Israel?(2 Kings 19:43), that is, the ten tribes of Israel. Therefore, without a doubt, by the right hand are meant the righteous, by the left - sinners, as Solomon said: "The Lord recognizes the right parts, the bad ones on the left." The same understanding of right and left is most clearly shown by the Lord in the Gospel when he announces that the righteous will gather on the right, and the sinners on the left. So, this right hand of the righteous, doing something according to the Lord's decree, is commanded not to know the left, that is, we will not boast before sinners and unbelievers about what we do piously and with faith.

Treatise on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

I am doing alms to you, so that your shuyets will not be taken away, what your right hand is doing

Our good deeds must be hidden not only from people, but also from ourselves, so that not only people do not corrupt our souls with praises, but our very heart does not flatter us, and does not commit adultery, violating the holy union with holy humility. Don't let your slut take away what your right hand is doing.

ascetic experiences. Part I

Rev. Isidore Peluciot

But with you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Not in secrecy and secrecy, dear head, is this God's law commanding: so that your shuytsa will not be taken away, what your right hand is doing, - on the contrary, it is not obscure, but very clear and obvious to those who are attentive. Because following good deed if we have vanity and a desire to show ourselves, then the Lord says: let not a single good deed be done by you passionately, and let your success not be accompanied by an arrogant thought, but if you do something good, do not put yourself on display, do not magnify yourself, do not pursue for local applause, and expect future crowns.

Letters. Book I

Bliss. Hieronymus Stridonsky

Art. 3-5 With you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly. And when you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love in synagogues and on street corners, stopping to pray in order to show themselves to people.

And not only charity, but if you do any of the good deeds, the left hand should not know, because if it does, then the deeds of the right hand immediately lose their purity (commaculantur).

Truly I say to you that they already receive their reward.

Not God's reward, but my; because they are glorified from the people for whose sake they did good deeds [exercised in virtues - exercuree virtutes].

Bliss. Theophylact of Bulgaria

But with you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

He said this exaggeratedly: if possible, hide it from yourself. Or put it another way: the left hand is vain, and the right hand is merciful. So let vanity not know your charity.

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evfimy Zigaben

Art. 3-4 But I do alms to you, so that your slut will not steal away what your right hand is doing, as if your alms will be in secret: and your Father, see in secret, He will repay you in reality

Having said how one should not do it, he goes on to say how one should do it. Here, with his left hand, He designated relatives and relatives, because for you there is nothing closer and more related than your hand. Even they, he says, let them not know about the alms of your right hand. Or is it hyperbolic speech: right hand let it be hidden even from the left, which signifies the necessity big secret in this case. And yet another way: the right hand is virtue, and the left is vice. Therefore, let vice not know about the deeds of virtue through participation in them, but let good be accomplished without the participation of vice. Quite naturally, he added that you will have God as your witness, Who, like a father, rejoices at seeing the good deeds of His children, and that you will not lose what you give, but from Him you will fully receive the reward for almsgiving. He did not say where alms should be given from, namely, from honest wallets, because everyone knew that. Moreover, He has pleased those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Ep. Mikhail (Luzin)

But with you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Let your left hand not know And so on. This seems to be a folk saying, meaning that a good deed should not be performed in such a way that it attracts the attention of people, but that it be as secret as possible. “Here he does not understand hands, but strengthens his thought, that is, if it is possible not to know yourself, and if it is possible to hide from the hands that serve you, then try about this” (Chrysostom; cf.: Theophylact). It is clear that this does not prohibit explicitly giving alms, as long as there is no proud desire to become famous from people; it is forbidden to explicitly give alms only with this selfish desire.

Explanatory Gospel.

Lopukhin A.P.

Art. 3-4 With you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly

In order to explain these verses, it must be remembered that the Savior does not make any prescriptions or give any instructions regarding the very methods of charity. It can no doubt be expressed in thousands various ways according to convenience and circumstances. Someone said that a deed done for the benefit of neighbors, or a word, chores, etc., are just as good a deed for them as material alms in the form of kopecks, rubles, and provisions for life. The Savior points not to the ways of charity, but to what makes it true and pleasing to God. Charity must be a secret, and a deep secret. “But when you do alms, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” But even the most open, wide charity does not contradict the teachings of Christ, if it is all imbued with the spirit of secret charity, if explicit and visible to people the benefactor has fully assimilated or is trying to assimilate the methods, conditions, motives and even habits of the secret benefactor. In other words, the impetus for charity should be an inner, sometimes little noticeable even to the benefactor himself, love for people, as their brothers in Christ and children of God. There is no need for a benefactor if his cause comes out. But if he takes care of it, then his business loses all value. Explicit charity has no value without the intention of keeping a secret. This will be easier and clearer from the further interpretation of prayer. Now let's say that neither Christ himself nor His apostles prevented obvious charity. In the life of Christ, there are no cases when He Himself would provide any financial assistance to the poor, although the disciples who followed the Savior had a cash box for donations (John 12:6; 13:29). On one occasion, when Mary anointed Christ with precious chrism and the disciples began to say: “Why not sell this myrrh for three hundred denarii and give it to the poor?” The Savior even, apparently, objected to this usual charity, approved Mary's act and said: “you always have the poor with you” In. 12:4-8; Matt. 26:6-11; Mk. 14:3-7). However, no one will say that Christ was a stranger to all charity. His charity is characterized by the same words that were spoken by the Apostle Peter when he healed the lame from birth: “silver and gold I have not; but what I have, I give you"(Acts 3:1-7) . The charity of the Apostle Paul is well known, he himself collected donations for the poor in Jerusalem, and his work was completely open. However, it is quite clear that such charity, although quite obvious and open, differed sharply in spirit from the charity of the hypocrites and did not aim at glorifying people.

Trinity leaflets

But with you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

How should charity be given? Do you have Christ teaches, when you do charity, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.. Not only hide yourself from people, even those close to you, like your right or left hand, but, if possible, hide your good deed from yourself. Know that an old, sinful person lives in you, who acts in your sinful thoughts and desires; hide from the old man that which your new person- your conscience, enlightened by the light of the Gospel and strengthened by the Spirit of God.

Trinity sheets. No. 801-1050.

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Exactly this popular expression surfaced in the author's memory immediately after reading the interview with the commander of the Joint Operational Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Sergei Naev. And if looting and all sorts of other indecencies that his subordinates in the Donbas do not disdain to deal with can still be attributed to not owning the true situation (although this is not realistic, since the commander-in-chief is obliged to own the full picture), then with everything else the situation looks even ridiculous. For example, "painting" the achievements of the armed forces of Ukraine, Naev allowed himself to compare the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the strongest piece on the chessboard

Sergey Naev

“Comparing the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2014 and 2018, I can say that there have been tremendous changes, and we are not resting on our laurels. I will not go into details of the organization of logistics support, I will only say that this is a titanic work of hundreds and thousands of people. So that every soldier is dressed, fed, armed, and nothing interferes with the fight against the occupier, ”the commander of the Joint Operational Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine opened up.

However, the previously published words of the former head of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anatoly Gritsenko are fundamentally different from the pretentious statements of Naev. The armed forces of the Square, according to Gritsenko, are in a completely deplorable state. The disastrous state of the Ukrainian army is evidenced by the fact that officers and soldiers have to buy spare parts for cars and consumables at their own expense.

Also, the ex-head of the defense department noted that there is no qualified commanding staff in the army, in connection with which many dismissal reports have already been filed.

“According to my information, an entire unit of the JFO, which passed the certification of NATO partners, wrote reports of dismissal not because of financial support, but because there was no one to properly assign the task,” he explained, ”Anatoly Gritsenko emphasizes.

An important aspect showing the real picture taking place in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also shown by statistical data on the so-called non-combat losses. For example, in January 2018, half of the non-combat losses in the Ukrainian army were suicides - 11 out of 22 cases. According to the Ukrainian resource "112 Ukraine", the Ukrainian Defense Ministry admitted at the beginning of the year that they had failed to achieve positive results in reducing suicide cases in the Armed Forces of Ukraine . The publication provides excerpts from the data of the Ministry of Defense for official use.

“The increase in the number of suicides in the army compared to January 2017 was 47%. In January 2018, 22 servicemen died in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for non-combat reasons. Of these, 11, and this is half, committed suicide (five cases occurred in the ATO zone. Careless handling of weapons led to the death of three fighters (two of them in the ATO), another soldier died in an accident. Seven more were designated as dead from an accident (for example, deaths due to alcohol fall under this category). The Ministry of Defense decided not to disclose the true causes of the death of these fighters. According to media reports, three officers and eight contract soldiers committed suicide. Six people committed suicide while on duty. Six deaths at once fixed in last week January, there were two more unfinished attempts, ”wrote the Kiev edition.

About total corruption in “the most strong army Europe”, as Petro Poroshenko sometimes calls the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and there is no need to say. By the way, Anatoly Gritsenko also acknowledged the fact of corruption. And a representative of the operational command of the DPR recently released intelligence data, according to which Ukrainian military personnel store several tons of fuel every day, which they then sell to the local population. In addition, dozens of ammunition are stolen every day, which are “withdrawn from the zone of operation of the occupying forces or transferred to the “Right Sector” ( the structure is prohibited in the Russian Federation - ed.).

By the way, about the "Right Sector". In an interview, Sergei Naev touched on this delicate topic.

“There is a law on the integration of Donbass. It clearly spells out what forces and means can be involved in the JFO. This law does not provide for the participation of the "Ukrainian Volunteer Army", "Volunteer Ukrainian Corps" of the "Right Sector". I am like

a citizen of Ukraine, as the commander of the JFO, I respect the law and must comply with all legal requirements. There is simply no other way. You can’t say that “the law is the same for everyone, but we will make an exception for someone”? I'm so not used to it. I am a military man. I understand "black", "white", but "gray" - I do not understand. If the law is the same for everyone, then it is for me and for the DUK fighter ( Volunteer Ukrainian Corps "Right Sector" - Ed.)",- said the commander of the Joint Operational Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, answering a journalist's question regarding the conflict between the so-called OOS and the "Right Sector".

At the same time, Naev stressed that the "Right Sector" would continue to be able to fight in the Donbass, unless, of course, it joins the ranks of some official military formation. But whether the radicals will go for it is a big question, and, consequently, the conflict between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the Right Sector DUK will gain momentum.

Yuri Kvinto, especially forNewsFront

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From the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew (ch. 6, verses 2-4) says: “So, when you do alms, do not blow your trumpets before you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and in the streets, so that people glorify them. I tell you truly, they already receive their reward. But with you, when you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing. So that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will repay you openly.”
Sometimes there is an Old Slavonic version of the expression: “May your shuytsa not know what the right right hand is doing.”
The meaning of the expression: if you do good deeds, then you should not be proud of them, count them, skimp on them, and, moreover, do them for show - good should be done for the sake of good itself, not for the sake of vanity.
It is usually used ironically - about the confusion in the work of the state apparatus, institutions, when their bureaucratic links make decisions that contradict each other, give instructions that are opposite in meaning.

Meanings in other dictionaries

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

(according to the Holy Scriptures on almsgiving) Cf. And how, sir, he does good deeds! One hand gives, the other does not know. Saltykov. Benevolent speeches. On the road.Wed. He loved to do secret charity, i.e. with his right hand he gave the beggar a penny, and left his left in error, allegedly gave the ruble. Saltykov. All year round. September 1st.Wed. With you, when you give alms, let the left hand not know what the right hand is doing. Matt. 6...

Swan, Cancer and Pike

The expression was formed on the basis of the name of the fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer” (1816) by I. L. Krylov (1769-1844): When there is no agreement among the comrades, Their business will not go smoothly, And nothing will come out of it, only flour. One day Swan, Cancer and Pike took a cart to carry with luggage, And together the three all harnessed to it; They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving! Luggage would have seemed easy for them: Yes, the Swan is torn into the clouds, Cancer ...

The lion is preparing to jump

The title of a Hungarian film (in Soviet distribution since 1970) directed by György Reves (b. 1927) based on his own script. The script is based on the story "The Plague of the 20th Century" by D. Lebovich and D. Ivkov. Hence the name of the interview of militia lieutenant colonel A.I. Gurov, which was sensational at the time, “The lion jumped! Diagnosis organized crime» (« Literary newspaper”, July 20, 1988). Allegorically: ...

Do good without boasting - Hidden misfortunes - A widow's mite - A feast for the poor and crippled. A favor without hope of return - Material mercy and moral mercy - Good deed - Pity - Orphans - Ingratitude for a good deed - Exceptional good deed

Do good without boasting

§197. Be careful not to do your alms before people so that they can see you: otherwise you will not be rewarded from our Heavenly Father. Therefore, when you do almsgiving, do not blow your trumpets before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that people may glorify them. I tell you truly, they already receive their reward. With you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly. ("The Gospel According to Matt.", Chapter VI, Articles 1-4.)
§198. When He came down from the mountain, many people followed Him. And behold, a leper came up and, bowing to Him, said: Lord! if you want, you can cleanse me. Jesus, stretching out his hand, touched him and said: I want, be cleansed. And he was immediately cleansed of leprosy. And Jesus said to him: Look, don't tell anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and bring the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them. ("The Gospel of Matt.", Chapter VIII, Articles 1-4.)
§199. To do good without boasting is a great merit; hiding the giving hand is even greater merit, this is an undoubted sign of great moral superiority, because in order to see things from greater height than usual should not be taken into account real life, but to be identified with the life to come: in a word, one must rise above humanity in order to refuse the satisfaction that comes from people's praise and wait for God's approval. He who values ​​people's approval more than God's, proves that he has more faith in people than in God, and that the present life is more important to him than the future life, or even that he does not believe in the latter: if he says contrary, he acts as if he himself did not believe what he says.
How many there are who do good only in the hope that the beneficiary will shout about it; which in the light give large sums, but in the shade they will not give a penny! That is why Jesus said: "Those who do alms have publicly received their reward"; indeed, the one who seeks glorification on earth for the alms he does, has already rewarded himself: God does not owe him anything anymore: he only needs to receive punishment for his pride.
So that the left hand does not know what the right gives - figurative expression, which perfectly characterizes a modest beneficence; but if there is real modesty, then there is also feigned, simulation of real modesty. There are people who hide the giving hand, trying to make it still a little visible, and look around to see if anyone is watching how they hide it. An unworthy parody of the rules of Christ! If proud benefactors lose their value in the eyes of people, then what will God have! They also received their reward on earth. They have been seen: they are happy to be seen. That's all they can get.
What will be the reward for the one who makes the one who has been blessed by him feel his beneficence, who demands manifestations of gratitude, makes him understand his position and exaggerates the price of his sacrifice? Oh, for him there is no reward even on earth, since he is deprived of sweet satisfaction and does not hear the blessing of his name: this is the first blow of his pride. The tears he calls for the sake of vanity, instead of rising to Heaven, fall on the heart of the unfortunate. The good that he does remains useless for him, since he reproaches them; every good deed that is reproached is like a coin without a price.
A favor without boasting has a double merit; besides material almsgiving, it is moral almsgiving. It guards the sensitivity of the one to whom it is made; it forces one to accept alms without causing suffering to self-esteem and preserving human dignity, because the service will be accepted by those who would not accept alms. So, to turn a favor into charity through the manner in which you give it, it means to humiliate the one to whom you give, and to humiliate someone, it means to show pride and anger. True mercy, on the contrary, always delicately, resourcefully hides the beneficence and avoids the slightest offensive manifestation, since any moral suffering generated by need: true mercy knows how to find soft and friendly words that make the borrower feel good, while alms given with pride, suppresses him. With truly high charity, the benefactor, changing roles, finds a way to seem himself in favor of the one to whom he does the service. This is what the words mean: so that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Hidden misfortunes

§200. In times of great calamity, mercy awakens, and we see people with noble impulses seeking to alleviate misfortunes; but next to the general calamities there are thousands of private ones that pass unnoticed: people groan on miserable beds without complaining. It is that hidden and restrained suffering that true generosity reveals without waiting for a request for help.
Who is this noble-looking woman, dressed simply but decently, accompanied by a young girl dressed also modestly? They enter a gloomy-looking house, here they should be familiar, since at the door they are greeted with respect. Where are they going? They go up to the attic: there lies the mother of the family, surrounded by small children; at their entrance, joy shines on these emaciated faces; it is because those who enter will soothe all their sorrows. They brought the necessary, and their soft consoling words make you accept alms without blushing, since these unfortunate beggars are not professional. The father is in the hospital, and the mother cannot meet all needs. Thanks to those who have come, these poor children will not experience hunger and cold; they will go to school warmly dressed, and the mother will not be deprived of milk for the smallest. If someone is sick among them, no material concern will repel those who come. From there, they go to the hospital to give their father some sweets and reassure him about the family. At the corner of the street a carriage is waiting for them - real shop things that they deliver to their poor, who are visited by them in turn; they do not ask them either about religion or about opinions, since for them all people are brothers and children of one Father. When their detour is over, they say to themselves: We started our day well. What is their name? Where do they live? Nobody knows this. For the unfortunate, the name says nothing; they are comforting angels. In the evening, a whole choir of blessings rises to the Creator for them: Catholics, Jews, Protestants - they all bless them.
Why are their clothes so simple? Because they do not want to offend poverty with their luxury. Why does a mother force her daughter to accompany her? To teach her how to use charity. Her daughter also wants to do charity, but her mother says to her: “What can you give, my child, if you have nothing of your own? If I give you something to give to others, will it be your merit? "and the merit will be yours, is it fair? When we go to tend the sick, you help me; to give labor means to give something. Does that seem insufficient to you? very simple: learn to do useful work and you will change your dresses for these little children ; in this way you will give away something that will come from you." This is how this Christian mother teaches her daughter to apply the virtues taught by Christ. Is she a spiritist? Isn't it all the same!
At home, this is a secular woman, as her position requires it; but her actions are unknown, since she wants approval only from God and from her conscience. Meanwhile, one day an unforeseen circumstance brought a girl who brought her a job to her: the girl recognized her philanthropist and wanted to bless her: "Hush," she said to her, "do not tell anyone." Thus spoke Christ.

Widow's mite

§201. And Jesus sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the people put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in a lot. When a poor widow came, she put in two mites, which is a kodrant. Calling His disciples, Jesus said to them: "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than anyone else; for all those out of their abundance have put in as a gift to God, but she out of her poverty has put in all her livelihood that she had." ("The Gospel of Mark", ch.XII, pp. 41-44; "The Gospel of Luke", ch.XXI, pp. 1-4.)
§202. Many regret that, due to lack of a source, they cannot do as much good as they would like, and if they want wealth, then, as they say, in order to make a good use of it. The intention, of course, is commendable, and perhaps even sincere in some, but is it true that it is completely uninteresting for everyone? Are there not among them those who, desiring to do good to others, would be very pleased if they began with themselves, gave themselves more pleasure, more than the missing surplus, and gave the rest to the poor? Such a back thought, which they may not be aware of, but which they would find in the depths of their hearts if they looked there, detracts from the merit of intention, since true charity thinks about others before about itself. The sublimity of mercy lies in seeking in one's own work, in one's own strength, mind, talents, the missing source for the realization of one's magnanimous intentions: this is the sacrifice most pleasing to the Lord. Unfortunately, most people dream of easier ways, wanting to get rich suddenly and without difficulty, embarking on chimeras, such as finding a treasure, receiving an unexpected inheritance, etc. What to say about those who hope to find help in spirits in searches of this kind? Of course, they do not understand and do not know the sacred purpose of Spiritualism, and still less the mission of spirits, which God allows to communicate with people: that is why they are punished with disappointment. (See The Book of Mediums, §§294,295.)
Those whose intentions are free from all self-interest, when it is impossible to do as much good as they would like, should take comfort in the thought that depriving oneself in order to give alms to the poor has more weight in the eyes of God than the gold of a rich man who gives without losing anything. The pleasure of being able to help the poor on a large scale is certainly great, but if it is denied, then one must submit and confine oneself to doing what is possible. But is it only with the help of gold that one can dry up tears, and should one remain inactive because one does not possess it? He who sincerely desires to be useful to his brothers can find thousands of cases for this: let him just look - and he will find them, if not in one way, then in another, because there is no one who, owning his abilities freely, could not some service: to console, mitigate physical or moral suffering. For lack of money, does not everyone have his own work, time, rest, part of which he can devote? This, too, is the mite of the poor, the mite of the widow.

A feast for the poor and the crippled

§203. He also said to the one who called Him: “When you make dinner or supper, do not invite your friends, nor your brothers, nor your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also call you, and you will not receive a reward. But when you make a feast, call the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, that they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." Hearing this, one of those reclining with Him said to Him: "Blessed is he who eats bread in the Kingdom of God!" ("The Gospel of Luke", ch.XIV, verses 12-15.)
§204."When you make a feast," said Jesus, "do not invite your friends, but the poor and the crippled." These words, which seem absurd if they are taken literally, become sublime if you delve into their essence. Jesus could not say that instead of friends, one should gather the poor from the street around one's table. His language was almost always allegorical, and for people unable to understand subtle shades thoughts needed strong images, making an impression with sharp colors. The essence of his thought is found in the words: "Blessed be you, that they cannot repay you," which means that you need to do good without the hope of reward, solely for the pleasure of doing it. In order to make a memorable comparison, he says: "Invite your beggars to the feast, as these cannot repay you." The word feast should be understood not as a treat in the literal sense again, but as a complicity in excess, which you use.
These words can, by the way, be applied in a more precise sense. How many there are who invite only those who themselves can invite them. Others, on the contrary, find satisfaction in inviting those of their relatives or friends who are less happy: who does not have such? It means sometimes doing them a big favor. Without inviting the blind and crippled, they nevertheless apply the rule of Jesus, if only towards their loved ones they do it with benevolence, without boasting, and if they know how to hide the good deed under sincere cordiality.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

From Bible. The Gospel of Matthew (ch. 6, verses 2-4) says: “So, when you do alms, do not blow your trumpets before you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and in the streets, so that people glorify them. I tell you truly, they already receive their reward. But with you, when you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing. So that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will repay you openly.”

Sometimes there is an Old Slavonic version of the expression: “May your shuytsa not know what the right right hand is doing.”

The meaning of the expression: if you do good deeds, then you should not be proud of them, count them, skimp on them, and, moreover, do them for show - good should be done for the sake of good itself, not for the sake of vanity.

It is usually used ironically - about the confusion in the work of the state apparatus, institutions, when their bureaucratic links make decisions that contradict each other, give instructions that are opposite in meaning.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(LE) author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PR) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) of the author TSB

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Left, right where is the side? From the poem "Street" by the Vologda satirist poet of the XIX century. Vasily Sirotina: Since I'm going to my place from the tavern, The street seems drunk to me. Left, right where is the side? Street, street, you, brother, are drunk. The music for this poem was written by the composer A. Debuque

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The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing From the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew (ch. 6, verses 2-4) says: “So, when you do alms, do not blow your trumpets before you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and in the streets, so that people glorify them. I tell you truly, they already receive their reward. At your place

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Whatever the fool does, he does everything wrong From the fairy tale poem “Not So” by the poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964): Whatever the fool does, He does everything wrong. It doesn't start all over, but it ends at random. From the ceiling he builds a house, carries water

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From the book I know the world. Criminalistics author Malashkina M. M.

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Left lane As in the rules. According to the rules, the left lane cannot be occupied if the right lane is free. Exceptions - overtaking, turning left and U-turn - of course, in permitted places. It's simple, isn't it? As it really is. In the RPDD, this paragraph is also formulated extremely simply:

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Grip (right hand) Now consider how to hold the cue correctly. Hold the cue without tension, using the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand, while the cue should not touch the palm of your hand. It is important to maintain a light grip throughout the game.

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Wrist rest, or bridge (left hand) To strike accurately, it is very important to make the right wrist rest, or bridge, for the cue. At the same time, the position of the left hand should be natural and at the same time set the cue in a stable position. The fingers of the left hand, like the hand itself,

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Computer - the right hand of a detective Do you remember what an important discovery for detectives was the method of fingerprinting? Is it realistic to compare a fingerprint left by an unknown perpetrator at a crime scene with millions of known fingerprints? This is impossible without a computer. In the XXI