Target: To consolidate the understanding and correct use of prefixed verbs of movement in the speech of children.


1. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Wintering Birds".

2. To form word-building skills: the formation of onomatopoeic and prefixed verbs.

3. Teach children to choose words with the opposite meaning (adjectives, verbs).

4. Work on a sentence with a prefixed verb.

5. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, the amount of verbal memory.

6. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to develop the ability of children to observe the animal and plant world.


  • pictures depicting wintering birds;
  • chips;
  • action word symbols on the board;
  • cardboard decorations: house,
  • feeder, tree;
  • ball; cardboard titmouse on a stick Dunno;
  • pictures of birds;
  • pencils;
  • crackers.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment: - What time of year is it now? (- Winter.)

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (- Wintering.)

The speech therapist shows pictures of wintering birds (woodpecker, bullfinches, sparrow, magpie). Invites children to solve riddles.

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

Jump for the grain!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (sparrow).

And in winter it knocks, it hammers trees,
But they are not crippled, but only healed.
Who is this? (woodpecker).

Spinning, chirping,
Busy all day. (magpie)

II. Consolidation of lexical material.

Quiz. - I'll ask questions. Whoever answers first gets a token. Whoever has the most chips is the winner!

1) Answer the questions:

Which bird sleeps during the day and flies at night? (- Owl.)

Why does the crossbill need a cruciform beak? (- To peel the cones and get the seeds out of the cones.)

2) Task "Finish the sentence":

The owl sleeps during the day, and at night ... (hunts).

The magpie has a long tail, and the jackdaw ... (short).

The tit is yellow-breasted, and the bullfinch is ... (red-breasted).

3) Task "Remember, repeat, find an extra word and explain why you think so":

Bear, woodpecker, badger, fox.

Starling, titmouse, rook, swallow.

Crow, bullfinch, nightingale, sparrow.

4) The task "What can birds do?"

"Pick up action words for the word 'birds'. What are birds doing?"

(flying, singing, pecking, drinking, waving, knocking,...)

5) The task “How do birds talk?”

The crow says “kar-kar”, so what is she doing? - Croaks.

Sparrow - ... (chirps), owl - ... (hoots), magpie - ... (chirps),

titmouse - ... (whistles), dove - ... (coos).

The quiz is over. Let's count the chips and find out who the winner is.

III. Explanation of new material.

The speech therapist offers to listen to a story about a sparrow:

"Sparrow slept soundly, got up early, from the nest flew out. The sparrow flew, looking for food. Suddenly I saw a feeder. Around the feeder circled, in the feeder flew into, crumbs pecked. Sparrow from the feeder flew out. To the nest flew up. Into the nest flew into. I spent the whole winter like this."

1. Acquaintance with the symbols of action words.

The speech therapist pays attention to action words:

Guys, what kind of bird is in my hands? (- Tit.)

(The speech therapist shows a picture of a titmouse.)

I will start the sentence, and you will end it with an action word. These action words are indicated by an arrow on the cards. Try to decipher them.

(On the board are cards with action word symbols.)

Speech therapist: - Tit To feeder ... (flew up), from feeders ... (flew off).

Tit V feeder ... (flew), from feeders ... (flew out).

Tit through feeder ... (flew), under feeder ... (flew).

- Around feeders ... (circled around).

2. Selection of action words with the opposite meaning.

Ball game "On the contrary":

3. Consolidation of new material.

I will tell a story about a flock of sparrows, and you will suggest action words. (The speech therapist, when telling a story, points to the corresponding symbol of the word-action, the children complete the sentence.)

"Sparrows slept soundly, got up early, from the nest ... ( flew out). Sparrows flew, looking for food. Through the trees... ( flew over). Under the feeder... ( flew by), into the feeder ... ( flew in), crumbs pecked. From the feeder... ( flew off), around the tree... ( flew around), again to the feeder ... (they flew in). They flew all day, foraging for themselves. And in the evening in the nest .. ( flew in). We spent the whole winter like this!"

IV. Fizminutka. "Sparrows". Visual gymnastics.

Now you are sparrows - "flock of sparrows, fly out for food!"

(The speech therapist gives tasks, and the children complete them.)

Sparrows flew up to the Christmas tree, flew away from the Christmas tree, flew around the Christmas tree, flew behind the Christmas tree, flew up to the feeder, flew to the house, flew into the house. And now, sparrows, blinked their eyes, closed them tightly, opened them, looked left and right, up and down. Wings waved, flew to their places.

V. Work on prefixed verbs in sentences.

1. The game "Correct the mistake in the sentence."

Help Dunno - say the correct word-action.

1) Crows flew up from the feeder. (fly off)

2) Crows through the bush flew away. (flyed)

3) Owl in the hollow flew off. (stuck)

2. Game "Come up with a proposal"

I will say an action word, and you come up with a sentence with this word.

Speech therapist:

Arrived. (Crows flew to the feeder.)

Flew around. (The woodpecker flew around the tree.)

VI. Consolidation of the concept of "Wintering Birds".

(Speech therapist distributes a picture with a contour image of birds.)

Find wintering birds and circle them.

Pictures: swallow, bullfinch, dove; woodpecker, bullfinch, crane.

(Children do the task.)

2. Fixing the case construction: nouns Rod.p. unit.

Whom did you circle? (- I circled the bullfinch. I circled the dove. etc.)

VII. Outcome of the lesson: Evaluation of the work of children.

Surprise moment: - Guys, what do birds like? - (Seeds, grains, crumbs.)

You were my sparrows and I treat you with crackers.

(Children are offered croutons “from the feeder”.)

Subject: "Attachment Verbs".

Target: Refine and expand the predictive vocabulary.


    Enrich the vocabulary of children with prefixed verbs on the topic "Transport".

    To teach children to differentiate in meaning verbs that have different prefixes and a common stemdrive.

    To consolidate the vocabulary on the topic Transport, the ability to classify transport into water, land, air.

    Continue to form an idea of ​​the ambiguity of words.

    Continue to develop coherent speech.

    To consolidate the ability to restore the sequence of events based on picture material.

    Develop visual perception, logical thinking, memory.

    Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Cultivate interest in learning activities.

Material: layout of the road from Bibishka's house to the Truck's house; pictures of different types transport, wing, tail, nose; split pictures: rocket, boat, plane, helicopter, boat, steamer; a set of pictures to reconstruct the events in the story, red pencil.

Lesson progress:

    Organizing time.

Finger gymnastics. Children stand in a circle.

One two three four five -

Squeeze and unclench fingers

Bus, boat and moped,

motorcycle, bicycle,

Car and plane

Ship train, helicopter.

Alternately squeeze the fingers of both hands into fists, starting with the little finger of the left hand.

    Main part.

1. Classification of pictures depicting transport into water, air, land.

Children are invited to visit the transport exhibition.

On three easels one picture is attached: a boat, an airplane, a bicycle. The rest of the pictures are laid out on the table near the easel. At the top is a note:“The exhibition could not be organized. Everyone got sick."

Children are invited to help organize the exhibition. Match the pictures with the right pictures.

2. Work with split pictures.

Children sit at tables. On the tables are trays with split pictures (boat, plane, boat, helicopter, rocket, ship) and a black and white sample image.

Children with low level development - pictures with vertical division into 4 parts.

For children with an average level of development - pictures with a vertical-horizontal division into 4 parts.

Children with high level development - pictures with a diagonal division into 4 parts.

3. Working out the polysemy of words.

The speech therapist shows a picture depicting a nose, wing, tail and offers to name the transport, which also has a nose, tail, wing (based on cut pictures).

4. Practicing prefixed verbs.

Children are offered to hear a story about a small car and are invited to the layout.

Look, here in the garage lives a small car, it is very cheerful and always beeps loudly when it meets someone. ( Children examine the typewriter, come up with the name Bibishka) Bibishka decided to go to visit her friend Truck. She left the garage and drove down the road. He sees a big puddle on the road. Bibishka drove around the puddle and drove up to the bridge. I drove onto the bridge, drove off the bridge, drove further and came to visit. All actions are demonstrated by a speech therapist on a layout, children pronounce prefixed verbs. On the way back, in turn, the children drive each section of the path and pronounce the appropriate verb.

Then the children are offered to return to the tables, where each has a picture showing some part of Bibishka's path. Children say what Bibishka is doing in their picture.

Children with a low level of development - went, arrived;

Children with an average level of development - moved in, moved out;

Children with a high level of development - drove up, drove around.

5. Development fine motor skills.

The attention of the children is drawn to the grandmother cow, which is crawling along the road. To have a car on itdidn't run over , children are offered to color it with a red pencil.

Why did you paint the grandmother cow red?

6. Restoring the sequence of events.

On the board is a picture plan of the story about Bibishka's journey with the absence of some links. Children talk about Bibishka, finding a place for their picture in the general picture plan.

    Summary of the lesson.

As a memento, the children take the pictures they have painted.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten No. 26 "Fairy Tale".

Educational area: Speech development.

Abstract of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of speech in senior group for children with mental retardation.


Prepared by:

Speech therapist Shibanova I.V.

Galina Kuzina
Abstract speech therapy session"Differentiation of sounds (S-Sh)"

TARGET. Differentiation and consolidation correct pronunciation sounds(WITH, (W) in syllables, in words, in phrases.


Development of phonemic perception;

Development of general and fine motor skills, speech breathing;

Activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking;

Dictionary enrichment;

Formation of the child's skills of self-control over his own speech;

Skill building phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Encouraging children to verbal expression;

Upbringing good relations to each other.

Equipment: toys (cat, dog, pictures from sounds(S-Sh, manuals for breathing exercises

Course progress.

1. Organizing moment.


Imagine, children, that we are now in the forest. Show me how big the trees are.

(Children raise their hands).

A warm breeze blew: Sh-Sh-Sh, the leaves rustled.

(Children quickly and quickly bend and unbend their fingers)

blew cold wind : S-S-S, the pines swayed

(Children sway and wave their hands.)

The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches rustle anymore.

(Children relax)

The wind blew again.

(Children tense up again, shake and wave their arms, then relax again)

2. Post topic classes.

How rustled the leaves warm breeze? (SH-SH-SH)

How did the cold wind blow? (S-S-S)

Today we will repeat S-Sh sounds. Visitors came to us, guess Who:

“I won’t let a stranger into the house, I’m sad without a master” (Dog)

“Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs.” (Cat)

There are in these words sounds(WITH) And (W) and where are they located? (children's answers)

The dog and the cat want to play with you. Let's loosen up.

3. Articulation gymnastics:

Shalunishka - tongue,

Rotike lives in the house.

Opened the tongue window

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

Smiled broadly at us

And then he went for a walk

Harness your horse.

Then I saw the painter.

It's time to paint the ceiling.

Here is a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

Tired and sat down

Ride on the swing.

The turkeys walked by

They chatted, they spoke.

A woodpecker was chiseling a tree nearby.

He found bugs there.

Our tongue walked.

Learned a lot.

He got a little tired.

He returned to his house.

4. Breathing exercises

The game “We warm our hands”: blow on the palms, changing the strength of the exhalation.

The game “Breathing through the nose”: alternately inhaling and exhaling air, then with the right, then with the left nostril.

5. Pronunciation S-Sh sounds in syllables.

A game "Remember and Repeat"




6. Pronunciation S-Sh sounds in words

A game "Vice versa"





A game "Let's give pictures to a dog and a cat"

(A set of pictures from sounds(WITH) (W).)

7. Physical Minute "Cat"

“Here the window swung open, the cat came out on the ledge

The cat looked up, the cat looked down.

She turned to the left, looked at the flies.

She smiled, stretched and sat down on the ledge "

8. Pronunciation sounds in speeches

Let's remember the catchphrase about the cat.

“Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window.

And your little funny cat left the window"

Today we are going to learn a new idiom

“We bought boots for the cat for the holiday,

They combed her mustache, sewed new pants "

9. Word formation. Rhyming confusion.

The dog wanted to play a game with you - confusion, replacing "confusing" sounds and the correct words.

cat catches "bowl", firefighter wears "porridge",

mom washes "mouse". Sasha ate "helmet"

In front of the kids, Misha is dancing in "mashka"

"Rat" painters paint. They gave me candy "mask"

10 Pronunciation sounds from, w in sentences.

Answer the questions. Determine availability and location sounds in words.

1. Who is driving the train? driver

2. What shines during the day? Sun

3. What is the name of the person who tends the flock? shepherd boy

4. What is the body of a cat or dog covered with? wool

5. What is another word for small bagels? drying

6. The children listened to the story and laughed. What was the story? funny

7. What are the small specks on the face called? freckles

8. What is the name of the road on which cars drive? highway

11. Development of phonemic perception.

A game "Catch sound»

I will name the words, and you clap your hands if the word contains sound(S, raise your hand if you hear sound(W).

The words are called: bear, mask, son, saber. machine, boots, Misha, Masha, salt, sled, hat, fur coat, bus, table, checkers, bumps

12 Total classes

The guys, the cat and the dog really liked how you played with them, they will still come to visit you. What games did you enjoy playing? (children's answers)

Today you spoke syllables and words, picked up the right words to poems, taught tongue twisters, played different games.

Why did we do all this?

Children: We have learned to distinguish sounds C and W

All the guys did a great job.

Abstract speech therapy classes

« Differentiation of sounds [W] - [S] "


Correctional training - to teach children to distinguish sounds by acoustic and articulatory features, to coordinate words among themselves;

Correction and development - development of attention, thinking, spatial perception, phonemic representations, sound analysis, connected speech;

Correctional and educational - develop a love for animals.

    Org. moment

Guys, imagine that we are now in the forest. Show me how big the trees are. (Children raise their hands).

A warm breeze blew: sh-sh-sh, the leaves rustled, (Children move their fingers). A cold wind blew: ssss, the pines swayed. (Children sway and wave their hands). The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches move anymore (Children relax).

    Topic message .

How did the leaves rustle in the warm breeze? (sh-sh). How did the cold wind blow? (s-s) Today we will learn to distinguish between sounds [s] - [w].

    Comparison by articulatory and acoustic features.

How are these sounds similar? (consonants, deaf, hard)

And how do they differ from each other?

Where is the tongue located when pronouncing the sound [s]? (bottom) When pronouncing the sound [w]? (above).

What are our lips doing? (smile, rounded).

What kind of breeze blows when we pronounce the sound [w]? (warm). Bring your palm to your mouth, check, And now a cold breeze blew, what sound do we pronounce? [With]. Check with your palm.

    Pronunciation of sounds [w], [s] in syllables

"Game say a word"

I will say the beginning of the word, and you must complete it by adding syllablessha or sa so that the word sounds right.

Ka….(sha) Li….(sa)

Gru ... (sha) Flask ... (sa)

Paw ... (sha) Ko ... (sa)

Roof ... (sha) Polo ... (sa)

Ma ... (sha) Klyak ... (sa)

Sa ... (sha) Lari ... (sa)

And now you need to add a syllable to the wordshea or sy .

U ... (shi) Bu ... (sy)

Small ... (shi) But ... (sy)

Kamy ... (shi) Cha ... (sy)

Calo .... (shi) Ve ... (sy)

Gru ... (shi) Ko ... (sy)

    Pronunciation in words, development of attention, thinking (guessing riddles, pictures are displayed as they are guessed).

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is ... (fox).

Friendly with the owner

The house guards

Lives under the porch

Ring tail. (Dog)

Drinking milk from a bowl

Near the mink, the mouse is waiting. (Cat)

Front - patch

Behind - hook,

In the middle, the back

On the back there is a bristle. (Pig)

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the village. (Horse)

    Development of phonemic representations.

And now, guys, we will encrypt these words - riddles. Instead of a word with the sound [w], you put a circle, and instead of words with the sound [s] - a triangle.

How many words came out with sounds [s], [w]?

And now we will decipher these icons, but now you must come up with words with sounds [s] and [w] ....... Well done!

7. Physical Minute

We quietly all got up

We are tired at work

Hands raised to the sun

We got up on our toes.

Now squat down

We sat in silence

And they sat down together at the desks.

8 . Development of sound analysis.

And now we will play the game "Determine the place of the sound in the word"

I will give you cards with pictures, under which there are three cells for chips.

If in the word the sound [w] is at the beginning, then we put the chip in which cell? It is correct if the sound [w] in the middle of the word is in the middle, and if at the end - in the third. The same with the sound [s]. On one card we have words with the sound [w], on the other - words with the sound [s]. Now arrange the chips yourself, and then we will discuss whether you completed the task correctly.

9 . The pronunciation of sounds [s] - [w] in sentences.

Case management.

Guys, look at the screen. It contains sentences in which one word is missing, and instead it is drawn .... (picture). We need to read the sentence and change the "drawn" word so that the meaning of the sentence is not lost.

(pictures on the screen).

10. Reflected pronunciation in the text.

And now, guys, we will help Mishutka get ready for a walk. Look, I will show you various clothes on the screen, I will read a poem about it, and you must repeat it after me.

Daisies are embroidered on Misha's shirt,

Chamomiles, lilies of the valley and cereals are embroidered.

Good pants for our baby,

What daisies, straps and buckles!

The cap has earflaps with laces on the ears,

To tie hat ears up.

Masha knits a warm scarf for Mishutka - a baby,

He will tie a scarf around his neck, and thank Masha.

Let's put a warm coat on Mishutka.

In a fur coat, our baby is like a teddy bear.

Well done! What sound is heard in all these words? (Sh).

Now come up with the name of the clothes with the sound [s].

(sundress, socks, baseball cap, sweater, ...).

11. Development of coherent speech.

And now we will remember a fairy tale. To make it easier for you, I have prepared pictures for you - hints, look at the screen. I wanted to help you, but it is clear that you will have to help me. My pictures are all messed up, swapped. Who will say what fairy tale these pictures are for? (Teremok).

How does the fairy tale begin? (There is a tower in the field, it is not low, not high ....). Who was the first to run past the tower?

12. Development of fine motor skills.

Come on, guys, we will help the little animals, build them new teremok from constructor. There are 5 triangles in front of you, out of 4 we will build a house, and one will go to the roof. Here are some beautiful teremki you got! Well done!

13. Development of thinking, spatial perception.

And now, in order to make it beautiful and cozy inside the house, we will decorate them with rugs, but for this you need to patch them up, find a patch that matches the pattern. Look at the screen and choose the appropriate fragment.

That's how good you are. Do you think the animals will be happy?

14. The result of the lesson.

So our lesson has come to an end, we have managed to do a lot, let's remember what we did? (We learned to distinguish sounds [s] - [w]).

What did you like the most?

And what was the most difficult task?

What do you think, have we succeeded?

Next time we will continue to work, and today's lesson is over. Thank you very much. Goodbye.