The bow in a dream is the embodiment negative emotions what the sleeper experiences. It can be hatred, envy or malice. In order to understand why the onion is dreaming, you should remember all the details of what you saw, your feelings and attitude towards this plant. All these components will help build a logical image and find out its meaning from the dream book.

As a rule, dream books believe that onions cause tears both in the world of dreams and in reality. However, there are other predictions that explain what this vegetable dreamed of. To accurately determine for yourself the interpretation of what you saw, analyze all the nuances of the dream. For instance, appearance vegetable, its condition and quantity, taste qualities plants and the actions that you performed with it.

The dream book of O. Smurov explains what the bow dreamed about. Such a dream portends a lawsuit in reality, litigation, quarrels over inheritance and other squabbles that can completely destroy relations between close and dear people.

According to the prediction of Miller's dream book, the bow portends a face-to-face meeting with human malice and duplicity. Sooner or later you will have to face all this on the way to the intended goal. If in a dream you had a chance to eat onions, then the enemies will not be able to interfere with you.

According to the English dream book, a bow seen in a dream promises a good find. Perhaps in reality you will find a treasure or find a large amount of money. According to another version, in reality an object will be found that has long been hopelessly lost for you.

Onion in a dream - eat onions- this is a sign of an early victory over your enemies or competitors.
If you dreamed of whole thickets of onions, then this- a portent of anger and envy, which you may soon encounter, but on the way to your success. You should stock up on patience, and then you will be able to withstand all the troubles, continuing your path to the intended goal.
If you dreamed of green onions- this is to tears, unpleasant meetings and conversations.
If in a dream you see a growing onion, this means that you are surrounded by envious people and two-faced people, flatterers. Each of them is waiting for the moment to trip you up. You bring on such an environment with your success and self-sufficiency.
If you have a vision of how an onion grows- this means that soon you will have rivals with whom you will fight, and this fight will bring sharpness to you and your experiences.
If a person in a dream cuts an onion or fries it, then any troubles will end happily, enemies will be defeated, and sad events will end happily.
have a bow- rivals will be weaker than you, do not attach importance to their petty dirty tricks. Enemies cannot harm you.
There is a bow in a dream- survive a few unpleasant moments in reality, you will be ridiculed or dishonored. The reason for everything, perhaps, will be your appearance or demeanor.
Fry or boil onions in a dream- a sign that friends want to take a break from your presence and constant instructions, family members are tired of your grumbling.
Fry or boil onions in a dream- chores around the house, worries related to children, daily fuss.
green onion to see in a dream portends changes, hope for the future, a calm life.
When you dream about frying onions- know it good sign, meaning that you will have a small profit in business and a serene life.
When you cut onions in a dream and cry for these things, such a dream is a sign that you can be defeated by your competitors or rivals.
When the dreamer eats onions, the vision predicts illness and the need to take care of one's immunity.
Onion in Russia was used to protect the home, and most likely it is not by chance that the subconscious, showing a dream in which you plant onions in the beds, indicates the need to take precautions from criminals.
Onions, as it was believed in antiquity, can save us from diseases and enemies.
To see a bow in a dream- to an unexpected visit of friends or neighbors in reality, to receive an unnecessary gift or an unpleasant surprise.
Buying onions can predict trouble with loved ones for whom you will worry, but do not forget that the plant is considered a symbol of purification and it is likely that those bitter events that will happen to your friends will benefit them in the future and help them acquire what is an important life experience.
Dreamed in a dream onion always promises the onset of a difficult life period. IN real life, peeling an onion causes tears, and a dream in which a person peels an onion predicts a streak of failures and disappointments. There are likely problems at work or in the family associated with betrayal and envy of people around.
Cut onions for salad- means soon to get a great chance to go on a trip.
Cutting an onion and crying from it promises the appearance in your life of a person who will destroy your family or friendship. There is a high probability of learning about the infidelity of a spouse or the commercialism of a friend.
onion- on the contrary, to pleasure.
Planting onions in the garden- you need to overcome your envy and get rid of negative emotions that prevent you from living in joy. Say goodbye to the grievances hidden in the heart, and you will feel happier.
A person growing a plant in a garden risks losing personal property, theft of things is quite likely.
Peeling or cutting onions in a dream portends a decrease in business profits in real life, a decrease family budget families and other financial difficulties. You may even have to get into huge debts.

It often happens that people see onions in a dream, but why does it dream, and what does such a dream portend? Dream books and interpreters of dreams, of which there are a lot in our time, will help us answer all these questions.

You dreamed of onions

All dream books agree in one general opinion that a dreamed onion does not carry favorable signs, and it mostly always dreams of tears. However, it is worth saying that shed tears can be caused by various factors and this cannot be guessed. Perhaps in the very near future something unpleasant awaits you, as a result of which you will cry. Perhaps it will be an incurable disease, theft or a break in relations with a loved one. We will not be able to predict all the situations that can cause tears, the dreamer himself must feel this, because he knows what awaits him. So, for example, Lynn's dream books, he claims that onions dream of suffering. And according to Grishina's dream book, such a dream portends an unpleasant meeting.

What is the dream of the bow

A dream in which you eat onions suggests that soon things will change for the worse at your work. But a dream in which you see yourself peeling onions means a quick deception.

Of great importance is the amount of dreamed onions. The more onions you saw, the more unpleasant events because of which you will cry and you will have to endure. Also remember if you saw other people in a dream, most likely this unpleasant event will connect you with this person, and you will shed tears together.

Although a dream in which onions are present and carries with it adverse effects, but people cannot decide for the Lord God what kind of dream they should have at night. Dreams are signs that are sent to us from heaven in order to warn us what to expect from life in the future. Only a competent decoding of our dreams depends on us.

A dream in which you are preparing to eat and putting onions in a dish indicates that you will lose to your opponent or rival, and this can be both a physical and mental duel between you. That is, some kind of struggle awaits you, as a result of which you will remain the loser. For a person who has his own business, frying onions in a dream means completely going broke in real life.

If you had a dream in which you cut onions and cried a lot at the same time, it means that your enemies will begin to act against you more actively and win in this matter. Also, such a dream portends tears for you. If you saw a dream in which there were many bunches of onions, then global life changes await you. A dream in which onions grow in the beds suggests that your success will become the reason why people around you will become angry at you. Planting onions on your own in a dream promises you success at work. But if you yourself cut onions, then expect big problems in the family and in relation to your soulmate. Buying a bow in a dream means wait long way, and it will be associated with a relationship with a loved one.

What does such a dream portend?

Finding out why onions are dreaming, we realized that such a dream does not bode well. Such a dream warns us that we need to prepare for some bad events that will bring melancholy and sadness. For example, according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, it is said that onions appear in a dream for a fight, however, fights are completely different, as well as the consequences arising from it. Therefore, there is no need to rejoice ahead of time. A terrible prediction of such a dream is in Miller's dream book. He claims that the more bow you saw in a dream, the more enemies you will find in real life. And even better if you do not cut the onion, otherwise an incurable disease awaits you.

Often, minor objects seen in a dream can be an omen. important event in life. The most ordinary things come into dreams: items of clothing, animals, acquaintances and strangers as well as fruits and vegetables. It happens that quite unexpectedly in a dream a person sees a bow and realizes that he did not think about him and did not see long time. To find out why onions are dreaming, you need to remember all the nuances of the dream. It is they who will become decisive in determining the nature of the predictions and the time of their execution.

It happens that quite unexpectedly in a dream a person sees a bow

  • malice;
  • impotence;
  • worries;
  • envy;
  • financial losses;
  • quarrels.

But this is only one side of such a dream. Upon closer examination, it can be found that a dream promises a find in the form of a large amount of money or jewelry. Perhaps the find will be only a conditionally valuable thing that was lost long ago and unexpectedly found.

Speaking about troubles, it is worth noting that the more onions, the more tears such a dream promises. Most often, one who sees bulbs in dreams tends to condemn others and blame them for their failures. A rotten vegetable only exacerbates the situation.

A dream can be a sign of major life changes if the bow in it is assembled in bundles. If they dream of a person related to agriculture, then he can expect profit from the main activity.

As with any other dream plot, the nuances are of paramount importance. After waking up, it is worth remembering all the little things associated with the bulbs seen in a dream.

Why green is dreaming (video)

Seeing a large onion in a dream

Large bulbs of bright color symbolize the dreamer's developed sexuality. Perhaps this dream means a lack of intimate relationships and a desire to diversify them.

Perhaps this dream means a lack of intimate relationships and a desire to diversify them.

Large beautiful bulbs, collected in a large bundle, speak of insatiability in sexual pleasures.

Collect, clean, buy, plant onions in a dream: what does it mean

Most often, with the object seen in a dream, they carry out some kind of manipulation. FROM onions also associated with many activities. It can be:

  • cut;
  • clean;
  • wash;
  • sell;
  • buy;
  • plant in the ground;
  • collect and so on.

Each of these actions carries its own sign to the dreamer.

Harvesting onions from the garden symbolizes the receipt of a significant reward for one's merits. Perhaps the sleeper did not count on encouragement and did not expect gifts of fate. Also during this period, good news should be expected.

If a man has to dig up an onion, then he will soon have to enter into rivalry. At the same time, previously planned events may not come true. Dream Interpretations advise you to pull yourself together and coordinate all your actions to achieve your goal. During this period, its achievement will be difficult, but possible.

Peeling onions in a dream - you can safely count on business success. Also, peeling onions promises sadness and tears, but they will be insignificant and short-lived. At this time, you should beware of lies.

Peeling onions in a dream - you can safely count on business success

If tears flowed while peeling onions, then a quarrel with relatives or other close people is coming. Dry eyes will let you gorge yourself on the fact that everything will work out.

Buying an onion has several different meanings at once. Perhaps during this period the dreamer should enlist the support of a lawyer. You can also expect recovery. loved one from a serious illness. At the same time, other acquaintances of the dreamer will face a number of unexpected problems.

Buying a cibula in a dream promises a close road associated with family affairs. At this time, you can get an unexpected reward.

Planting bulbs promises illness and other troubles that have become a consequence of the dreamer's addictions. If, after planting, you had to observe the growth of the plant, then soon there will be a gambling rivalry with competitors, which will add thrills to life. In case of loss and financial loss the dreamer will have to restore balance and avenge the failure.

According to other sources, planting onions promises:

  • chores;
  • success in business;
  • gaining the respect of loved ones;
  • losses;
  • health problems.

In order to find out for certain what planting an onion in a dream symbolizes, you need to remember how you feel during sleep and awakening. And also an urgent question that does not leave the dreamer's thoughts in last days. Most likely, such a dream refers specifically to the current problem.

Cutting raw onions in a dream: what is it for

In real life, the process of cutting raw onions is associated with tears for many. This analogy is carried out by most dream books. Cutting onions in a dream symbolizes tears, which will be retribution for previously received pleasures. At this time, it is worthwhile to assess the situation well before taking risky actions.

Cutting onions in a dream symbolizes tears that will be retribution for previously received pleasures.

If a young man sees himself chopping onions in a dream and feels tears appear in his eyes, then most likely in the near future he will receive disappointment from losing to his constant rival.

Many unpleasant consequences are associated with chopping onions in a dream:

  • tears of grief;
  • disappointment;
  • resentment;
  • anxiety;
  • regret;
  • fear.

After this dream, quarrels with relatives and close people should be expected. During this period, you should not enter into a fight with business competitors, as defeat will be inevitable. The result is the loss of large sums of money.

At the same time, you should not deviate from your principles. Fighting for them is always a right thing to do, and the dream simply states the fact of a long and difficult confrontation.

Why dream of onions in a bag

A dreaming big bag of onions promises a black streak in life. This stage will be full of bad luck and trouble. Difficulties will be related to financial issues. Important deals will fail, issues will not be resolved in favor of the dreamer. At this time, it is recommended to fight prejudices, as they will most often get in the way of making rational decisions. At the same time, you should not start new financial projects and participate in adventures.

For men, the period after such a dream will be marked by adverse business events. The expansion of the enterprise will be impossible.

Another interpretation of sleep, where there is a large number of onions in bags speak of the opposite situation: the period is so favorable for achieving success in life that it can lead to the appearance of envious people.

Red onion in a dream

Seeing a red onion in a dream means experiencing an obsessive sense of health-related anxiety. close friend or family member. Most likely, this feeling has no basis. But for personal peace of mind, you should be more attentive to changes in the mood and well-being of loved ones. This will help make sure everything is okay.

Seeing a red onion in a dream means experiencing an obsessive feeling of anxiety.

Interpretation of a bow seen in a dream by different sources

To find the answer to the question of what the onion dreamed of, it is recommended to study as many sources as possible and remember all the little things from the dream.

It is better to choose sources from the most popular:

  • children;
  • female;
  • old Russian;
  • Gypsy;
  • dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov;
  • Freud;
  • Wangi;
  • Small Velesov dream book;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Miller's dream book;
  • Medium Hosse and others.

A children's dream book promises great disappointment and frustration with upcoming events. The dreamer will cry a lot. The women's collection of interpretations speaks of malice and envy, which should be expected after a vision with big amount bow in it. Eating onions means the victory of the enemy, watching the growth - the emergence of new rivals. If you have to fry onions in a dream, then you can count on a small income and a smooth, trouble-free life.

According to an old Russian dream book, a bow means revealing secrets and mysteries that are unpleasant for the dreamer. Family dream book unambiguously interprets the bulb in a dream as tears of grief and disappointment. The Ukrainian collection of dreams says that someone will harbor evil against the dreamer. An unexpected prediction can be found in Freud's dream book. It involves a weakening of erection for a man, and for a woman - the fading of feelings in a relationship with a partner.

What is the dream of the bow (video)

The more interpretations you can find, the more accurate the prediction will be. Of these, you should choose those that are relevant to the current situation. The best indicator of the direction of the search is the dreamer's intuition.

Attention, only TODAY!

What does it mean if you saw a bow in a dream? Such a dream is explained in different ways in various dream books, it is important to remember as many details of sleep as possible.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a lot of onions in a dream - to the anger and envy that will arise upon the successful completion of the case.

To see in a dream how an onion grows - to the appearance of many rivals in your life, whose activities will sharpen your feelings.

If in a dream you ate onions, it means that in reality your ill-wishers will stumble from their idea.

Cut onions and cry in a dream - apply in reality swipe rivals.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Seeing a bow in a dream is a grueling, but very productive activity. The work done will be the key to future success and prosperity.

According to this dream book, a dream is interpreted differently depending on the details seen. If you dreamed of onion sets, you will face exhausting work, the completion of which will take a lot of time and effort.

A fried onion, dreamed at night, prophesies the receipt of material rewards. Also, such a dream may portend the appearance of rivals who will intrigue and interfere with the successful completion of affairs.

When in a dream you were peeling onions, in reality, expect quick success in your planned affairs. Such a dream can also prophesy receiving false news, so in reality you need to be more attentive to incoming information.

Cutting onions with tears in your eyes - you will be amazed by your enemies, who will be much stronger. In life, you need to be more careful and carefully monitor your actions and words.

Assembling a bow dreams of receiving a well-deserved reward.

Frying onions indicates that in reality you keep everything under your vigilant control, so the success of the business is guaranteed.

Buying an onion in a dream predicts a recovery for your friend who has been sick for a long time.

Modern dream book

A lot of onions dream of envy that will arise against the backdrop of your success in business.

Eating onions in a dream prophesies victory over ill-wishers.

An onion growing in the garden promises rivals who will bring a “zest” to your life and make it very interesting.

A cooked onion in a dream promises a serene life.

Green onions dream of tears.

If in a dream you ate onions, in reality expect an unpleasant secret to be revealed.

Peeling onions is a dream of success that awaits in a difficult undertaking.

If in a dream you planted onions in the garden - in reality, expect difficulties with finances or health, which will be caused by addictions.