Minecraft is a popular computer game. It was developed by Swedish programmer Mark Person. The game consists of four blocks. Game blocks: mobs, objects, landscapes, player. There are 4 game modes:

  • hardcore
  • creative
  • survival
  • adventure

Minecraft: how to make mobs

Mobs in computer game Minecraft is playable moving creatures in the exciting world of Minecraft. They are shaped like animals. When mobs die, they drop food. The player can call a mob at any time. From a distance of 16 blocks, mobs can spot the player.

In the game on this moment 4 types of mobs. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Friendly. These mobs lead a quiet life and do not attack when attacked. Friendly mobs are:
    • cow
    • pig
    • octopus
    • chicken
    • tamed wolf
    • country people
    • mushroom cow
    • cat
    • bat
    • ocelot
  • Neutral. They can attack another mob or the player himself if attacked first. Neutral mobs:
    • zombie pigman
    • end wanderer.
  • Hostile. They notice the player within a sixteen block radius and attack first. Hostile mobs are:
    • zombie - resident
    • zombie
    • skeleton - wither
    • skeleton
    • spider in the dark
    • skeleton rider
    • cave spider
    • slug
    • creeper
    • silverfish
    • lava cube
    • witch
    • ifrit
  • Created. These mobs can be created by yourself. Mobs created:
    • iron Golem
    • snow golem

How to make a mob spawner

In the Minecraft game, you can make two types of mobs. A mob spawner is a block (transparent) with a blue grid. Then mobs appear from it. So, in Minecraft, you can create a Snow and Iron Golem.

A snow golem (snowman) is a mob that you can create yourself. The snowman is always friendly to the player. On hostile mobs, he can throw snowballs. The Snow Golem has the ability to attract enemies. To do this, he makes special traps. If the player stands on the spot where the Snow Golem stood, they can see its true face. A snow golem can be created using snow blocks and a pumpkin.

So, to create a Snow Golem, you need:

  • put 2 snow blocks on top of each other
  • put a pumpkin on the blocks. It must be installed last. Instead of a pumpkin, you can also use a Jack O'Lantern.

Iron Golem is a craftable neutral mob. This is the strongest and largest mob. In the game, in terms of health, he is the third after the dragon of the Land and the Wither. It measures 2.9 blocks high and 1.4 blocks wide. Outwardly, this mob is very similar to a villager. An iron golem can also supply iron. When creating a golem, particles of iron blocks will fly off. The main purpose of the Iron Golem is to protect villagers and players from hostile mobs. When creating an Iron Golem, the pumpkin should be placed last.

To make an Iron Golem you need:

  • with the Russian letter "T" set 4 iron blocks
  • put pumpkin on top

Now you will know what Minecraft is, how to make a mob in Minecraf, what mobs are and what mobs you can create yourself. Have a great time!

This article is the second part of the manual on tactics for dealing with neutral and hostile mobs. Next, techniques and tricks for dealing with unusual Minecraft mobs will be described: with, with a skeleton rider and with a slug.

Let's start.

The Creeper is a kamikaze mob that, using its green coloring, disguises itself, quietly sneaks up and explodes! If you notice him in time, then it will become much easier to defeat him, otherwise he can seriously harm both you and your home (well, if, of course, you met him near the house). In addition, the creeper does not lose its activity during the day and does not burn out in the sun.

The easiest way to destroy it is with a bow. Just keep your distance and try not to go into a dead end.

In close combat, defeating the creeper is somewhat more difficult. The main thing is to keep your distance. If you hear a strange sound followed by a hiss, then the mob is ready to explode. After that, run to a safe distance. There was no explosion - you can continue the attack.

For both melee and ranged combat, it is worth luring the creeper into the water - there is less explosion and the mob's speed is low. When fighting big amount enemies should achieve an explosion so that it hits the opponents surrounding you.

Creeper drop: 0-2 gunpowder.

A skeleton rider is a skeleton sitting on top of a spider. It combines the properties of both. He can move quickly, jump and crawl along walls like a spider, and also shoot from a bow (if you want to quickly kill any mob - use it) like a skeleton. After the death of one of its “components”, the other will remain and will continue the fight as it should be alone (see the last article), so you first need to destroy one of the mobs, and only then the other.

Whom to destroy first depends on the choice of weapons. First, it is desirable to kill a spider with a sword, and a skeleton with a bow. I warn you that it is almost impossible not to take damage!

But the drop should please you: 0-2 threads from the spider, 0-2 bones and 0-2 arrows from the skeleton.

By the way, if the spider climbs the wall, the skeleton will begin to suffocate. As the sun rises, the "rider" will burn out, and the "horse" will become neutral.

The slug is a cube ranging in size from 2x2x2 to one block or even smaller. Damage is minimal, and some (the smallest) do not deal at all, only push.
You can meet slugs at great depths: in a mine or in a cave. They move slowly.

You can attack with any weapon, but if you hit a slug without a weapon, then after death it will fall apart into smaller ones.

No special tactics need to be applied (it is better to keep an eye on other enemies).

Drop: 0-2 slime.

In the next final article of this manual, I will write about the fight against mobs.
And in the comments to the entry "Minecraft mobs" you can add to my manual, from this everyone will only be grateful to you!

Hi all! Today we will look at a variety of mobs. For starters, what are mobs? These are living moving entities that run around the world of minecraft. Mobs are very similar to players, only they have no brains and act on their instincts. They, like an ordinary player, can also take damage from fire, falling, drowning and other types of damage. When a player kills a mob, various loot will be released from it. We must not forget about the experience that also falls out of them. With the help of experience, you can enchant yourself with some things in the enchantment table. Mobs can spawn most different ways. When you are in a dark room without light, then they will definitely appear. You can also call on your own to spawn mobs with the help of special summoning eggs. Mobs are dangerous creatures that can kill you. They spot the player 16 blocks away, so you need to be careful. But there is an exception. For example, a ghast can spot the player at a distance of 100 blocks, and an enderman at a distance of 64 blocks. So you have to be careful. Neutral mobs can simply disappear if the player does not notice them and is far away.

Let's get to the screenshots of the types of mobs.


Friendly mobs. Such mobs do not attack players, even if he attacked you.

Neutral mobs. They only attack when you attack first.

These mobs can be tamed.

Millions of people play Minecraft and never cease to be amazed at how brilliant this game is. It does not have a specific plot, it does not have great realistic graphics, but it is a perfect sandbox, that is, open world, in which the player is free to do what he wants, and the only goal for him is survival. The more fortunate quickly stop surviving and begin to live, build, mine, while the less efficient ones continue to fight back with difficulty from all the dangers of this world.

The scary world of Minecraft

When you are just starting to play Minecraft, it may seem to you that this is too difficult a game - the mobs in Minecraft very often come across aggressive, that is, they suddenly attack the player in order to harm him. And as you know, it’s very easy for a beginner to hurt, so often people quit the game without even feeling the whole essence of it. But you should not do this, because you can always learn to defend yourself from dangers, but otherwise it will only bring you pleasure. After all, mobs in Minecraft are also friendly, you can always make your own farm with sheep, pigs and chickens, cut wool, collect eggs and live for your own pleasure. Or you can wander around the neighborhood, looking for worthy opponents among all the mobs, but what can this lead to?

Mobs and their variety

A novice player can easily ask: "What are these mobs in Minecraft? What should I do with them?" And the answer to this question is very easy. After all, if you have played at least some kind of multiplayer game, then the word "mobs" should be very familiar to you - it means creatures that are not controlled by a person, but have a programmed line of behavior. There are non-aggressive mobs that will not attack the player even if he starts to beat them, and there are aggressive ones that attack as soon as they see you and will chase if you try to run away. In addition, there are semi-aggressive mobs - until a certain time they are absolutely harmless if you do not touch them, but if you hit them or violate their personal space, they will attack you. Moreover, in the latter case, most often they will not pursue you if you leave the disturbed territory, that is, as it becomes clear, the mobs are very diverse. And this diversity is perfectly displayed in Minecraft.

Fast and convenient

However, often mobs have to be searched all over the world, which is not very convenient. Mobs in Minecraft, like in any other online game, serve as a source of experience, as well as various materials that cannot be obtained in any other way. And most often it happens that you need this or that material that falls from a certain mob urgently, and this type is not found anywhere in the vicinity. In this case, you have two options: either painstakingly search the area, hoping to stumble upon a lost mob of the type you need, or make a special trap. Such traps are called spawners, that is, they do not catch existing monsters, but attract newly born ones. Therefore, if you wanted to know how to make mobs in Minecraft, then this is exactly the answer you were looking for - you will need traps. The spawner is fenced with a grate and has an icon of the desired mob and fire inside, since mobs spawn where there is light.

Administrator privileges

Spawners for mobs can also be set by the administrator. On basic level only one spawn command is available to him, thanks to which pigs appear. However, this is far from the only mob that players may need in the Minecraft game - a review of the mobs in it could take a very long time, since there are actually a huge number of them. Therefore, the administrator needs to download and install certain plugins on the server in order to be able to spawn any other mobs other than pigs. With this, he will be able to regulate the number of monsters in the world, add those that are not enough. Naturally, this is a huge plus, but still the players themselves would like to influence their own destiny, so it is worth considering the possibility of building a really impressive and effective spawner.

The best spawner ever

If you want to make a quality mob spawner in Minecraft, then you will have to tinker, as it requires a large number materials and a lot of patience. First of all, you should make sure that your inventory has everything you need to build a spawner. First of all, these are 8 buckets of water, as well as as many stones as you can find. And do not underestimate its importance, as stone will be the main material from which a spawner can be built. You will also need a chest, four loading funnels, four plates, as well as many, many torches - in Minecraft, the mob review advises looking for them where there is a lot of light. This has already been mentioned earlier, since this is a very important point, which in no case should be forgotten.

Spawner construction

Mobs in Minecraft 1. 5. 2 always spawn near the light, so it's best for you to pre-block all light sources around the place where the spawner will be built. The more efficiently this is done, the more pointwise the mobs will spawn. However, this aspect has not changed in later versions of the game - mobs in Minecraft 1. 7. 4 also love light, so this spawner will work for both old servers and new ones. To begin with, you will need to build an impressive tower from the stored stone - 25 blocks will be enough. In this case, in the middle of the tower there should be a void two by two blocks. Once you've dealt with that, you'll need to place a chest at the base of the tower, after which the base of the two-block tower itself will have to be demolished. Where an empty square two by two blocks is formed, you need to put four loading funnels that will occupy this void - this is where the mobs will fly. To make their fall as pleasant as possible, four plates must be placed on top of the funnels. After that, the most difficult part begins - you need to go up and make four long and narrow platforms with walls so that they all look in different directions and converge at the hole leading down. Pour two buckets of water into each of the formed depressions so that it flows to the central hole, but does not flow down. Then we close up the area between the depressions, creating a flat pedestal, we build walls above it with a height of at least two blocks, and then we cover the resulting structure with a roof. We install as many torches as possible on the roof so that the mobs are guaranteed to spawn in your trap. They will have nowhere to go, so they will head towards the hole, fall down, and you can collect what you need from them.

Small action conditions

For this spawner to work, you need to be close to it, otherwise the mobs can just walk around inside the trap, not trying to get out of it. If they know that you are nearby, they will have a goal to which they will strive, and will find their inevitable death, and you will get the necessary resources. Also, do not forget that spiders can get stuck in the passage, but this is a rather rare case. To be on the safe side, you can make tiny holes at the top to push the spiders down if necessary.

What is useful spawner

For the extraction of resources, you sometimes have to go the whole world, but if you can not get stones or plants to come to you, then the mobs are fine. And mobs drop very nice and useful ingredients, so do not neglect such a useful building as a spawner.