Option 1.

  1. The body moves from a point with coordinates x 1 =1, y 1 =3 to a point with coordinates x 2 = 6, y 2 =4. Determine the module of the displacement vector and draw its projection on the OX axis.
  2. 1 \u003d 8-3t, x 2 =-2t. A) Indicate the initial coordinates of the movement and speed of these bodies. B) Determine the place (x V
  3. 1 2 =40 km/h. Determine the average ground speed.
  4. Motor ship moving uniformly accelerated from rest with an acceleration of 0.1 m/s 2 reaches a speed of 18 km/h. How long did it take?
  5. When the brake is applied, the acceleration of the car is 1.5 m/s 2 . At what distance from the obstacle should the driver start braking if he was driving at a speed of 72 km/h?
  6. What is the centripetal acceleration of the end of the minute hand if its length is 2 cm.

Test No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 2.

  1. The trajectory of movement from point 1 to point 2 is shown in fig. Find the modulus of the displacement vector and the path traveled by the body.
  1. Two bodies begin to move simultaneously in a straight line and uniformly. Equations of motion of bodies: x 1 \u003d -13 + 6t, x 2 =-7t. A) Indicate the initial coordinates of the movement and speed of these bodies. B) Determine the place (x V ) and the time (t) of the meeting of these bodies.
  2. For the first half of the time, the helicopter moved to the north at a speed v 1 \u003d 30 km / h, the second half of the time - to the east with a speed v 2 =40 km/h. Define average speed.
  3. Velocity projection at rectilinear motion varies according to the law: v x =4-2t (all values ​​are given in SI). Define v 0x, a x, v x (5s)?
  4. The speed of a carrier-based fighter on takeoff is 360 km/h. The catapult gives the fighter an initial speed of 50 m/s. What is the length of the runway if a fighter passes it in 4 seconds? How fast is he accelerating?
  5. What is the centripetal acceleration of the end of the hour hand if its length is 1 cm.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Forms and means of control

Structural element work program "Forms and means of control" includes a system of control materials (control and laboratory work) to assess the development of the planned content by schoolchildren. Texts of control and laboratory work attached.

Examination No. 1 on the topic "Fundamentals of Kinematics"

Option 1Level A

1. The movement of an elephant and a fly is being investigated. The material point model can be used to describe motion

1) only an elephant; 2) only flies; 3) both elephant and fly in different studies;

4) neither an elephant nor a fly, since these are living beings.

2. Mi-8 helicopter reaches 250 km/h. How long does it take him to fly between two settlements located at a distance of 100 km?

1) 0.25 s; 2) 0.4 s; 3) 2.5 s; 4) 1140 s.

3. The figures show graphs of coordinates versus time for four bodies moving along the OX axis. Which of the bodies moves with the greatest modulo speed?

1) x 2) x 3) x 4) x

4. The cyclist drives down the hill, moving in a straight line and uniformly accelerated. During the descent, the speed of the cyclist increased by 10 m/s. The acceleration of the cyclist is 0.5 m/s². How long did the descent take?

1) 0.05 s; 2) 2 s; 3) 5 s; 4) 20 s.

5. The skier drove down the hill in 6 s, moving with a constant acceleration of 0.5 m / s².

Determine the length of the slide if it is known that at the beginning of the descent the speed of the skier was 18 km/h.

1) 39 m; 2) 108 m; 3) 117 m; 4) 300 m.

6. A motor boat moves along the river at a speed of 5 m / s relative to the shore, and in still water - at a speed of 3 m / s. What is the speed of the river current?

1) 1 m/s; 2) 1.5 m/s; 3) 2 m/s; 4) 3.5 m/s.

Level B

7. Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and the formulas by which these quantities are determined.

to the table


A) Acceleration 1);

B) Speed ​​at uniform 2) ;

rectilinear motion 3) t;

C) Projection of displacement at 4) ;

uniformly accelerated rectilinear 5) .





Level C

8. On the path of 60 m, the speed of the body decreased by 3 times in 20 s. Determine the speed of the body at the end of the path, assuming that the acceleration is constant.

9. From settlements A and B, located along the highway at a distance of 3 km from each other, a cyclist and a pedestrian started moving in the same direction at the same time. A cyclist is moving from point A at a speed of 15 km/h, and a pedestrian is moving at a speed of 5 km/h. Determine how far from point A the cyclist will overtake the pedestrian.
Option 2Level A

1. Two bodies thrown vertically upward from the surface reached heights of 10 m and 20 m and fell to the ground. The paths traveled by these bodies differ by

1) 5 m; 2) 20 m; 3) 10 m; 4) 30 m.

2. For 6 minutes of uniform movement, the motorcyclist traveled 3.6 km. The motorcyclist's speed is

1) 0.6 m/s; 2) 10 m/s; 3) 15 m/s; 4) 600 m/s.

3. The figures show graphs of the dependence of the displacement projection on time for four bodies. Which of their bodies moves with the greatest modulo speed?

1)S 2)S 3)S 4)S

0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t
4. While climbing uphill, the speed of a cyclist moving in a straight line and uniformly accelerated changed in 8 s from 18 km/h to 10.8 km/h. In this case, the acceleration of the cyclist was

1) -0.25 m/s²; 2) 0.25 m/s²; 3) -0.9 m/s²; 4) 0.9 m/s²;

5. Emergency braking of the car took place within 4 s. Determine what was the braking distance if the initial speed of the car is 90 km/h.

1) 22.5 m; 2) 45 m; 3) 50 m; 4) 360 m.

6. A swimmer floats down the river. Determine the swimmer's speed relative to the shore if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 0.4 m/s and the speed of the river is 0.3 m/s.

1)0.5 m/s; 2) 0.1 m/s; 3) 0.5 m/s; 4) 0.7 m/s.

Level B

7. Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and their units of measurement in SI.

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down to the table selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


A) speed 1) min

B) acceleration 2) km/h

B) time 3) m/s

5) m/s².




Level C

8. The train starts uniformly accelerated movement from a state of rest and passes 7 m in the fourth second. What distance will the body cover in the first 10 s?

9. The boat, crossing a river 800 m wide, moved perpendicular to the river at a speed of 4 m / s in a reference frame associated with water. How much will the boat be carried by the current if the speed of the river is 1.5 m/s?
Examination No. 2 on the topic "Fundamentals of Dynamics"

Option 1 LevelA

1. The statement that a material point is at rest or moves uniformly and rectilinearly if no other bodies act on it or the action of other bodies on it is mutually balanced,

1) true under any conditions;

2) true in inertial frames of reference

3) true for non-inertial frames of reference

4) incorrect in any reference systems

2. Having descended from the hill, the sled with the boy slows down with an acceleration of 2 m / s. 2 Determine the value of the braking force if the total mass of the boy and the sled is 45 kg.

1) 22.5 N 2) 45 N 3) 47 N 4) 90 N

3. The earth attracts a thrown ball with a force of 3 N. With what force does this ball attract the Earth to itself?

1) 0.3 N 2) 3 N 3) 6 N 4) 0 N

4. The force of gravity between two bodies will increase by 2 times if the mass

1) increase each of the bodies by 2 times

2) reduce each of the bodies by 2 times

3) increase one of the bodies by 2 times

4) reduce one of the bodies by 2 times

5. The left figure shows the velocity and acceleration vectors of the body. Which of the four vectors in the right figure indicates the direction of the body's momentum?

4) 4 4 1
6. A boy with a mass of 30 kg, running at a speed of 3 m / s, jumps up from behind onto a platform with a mass of 15 kg. What is the speed of the platform with the boy?

1 m/s 2) 2 m/s 3) 6 m/s 4) 15 m/s

Level B

7. Match physical laws and their formulas.

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down to the table selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


A) law gravity 1)

B) Newton's second law 2) F=kx

C) Newton's third law 3)




Level C

8. A constant force of 60 N was applied to a motionless body weighing 20 kg. What distance will this body go in 12 s?

9. The radius of the planet Mars is 0.5 of the radius of the Earth, and the mass is 0.12 of the mass of the Earth. Knowing the acceleration of free fall on Earth, find the acceleration of free fall on Mars. "The acceleration of free fall on the surface of the Earth is 10 m/s 2 .

Option 2 Level A

1. The reference system is connected to the vehicle. It is inertial if the car

1) moving uniformly on a straight section of the highway

2) accelerates along a straight section of the highway

3) moves evenly on a winding road

4) by inertia rolls up the mountain

2. Which of the quantities (speed, force, acceleration, displacement) at mechanical movement always coincide in direction?

1) Force and acceleration

2) Strength and speed

3) Force and displacement

4) Acceleration and movement

3. The mass of the Moon is 81 times less than the mass of the Earth. Find the ratio of the gravitational force acting on the Moon from the side of the Earth and the gravitational force acting on the Earth from the side of the Moon.

1) 81 2) 9 3) 3 4) 1

4. With a 3-fold increase in the distance between the centers of spherical bodies, the force of gravitational attraction

1) increases by 3 times 3) increases by 9 times

2) decreases by 3 times 4) decreases by 9 times

5. Find the momentum of a car with a mass of 1.5 tons moving at a speed of 36 km/h.

1)15 kg. m/s 2)54 kg. m/s 3) 15000 kg.m/s 4) 54000 kg.m/s

6. Two inelastic balls with masses of 6 kg and 4 kg move towards each other with speeds of 8 m/s and 3 m/s, respectively, directed along one straight line. How fast will they move after a perfectly inelastic collision?

1) 3.6 m/s

Level B

7. Establish a correspondence between the types of movement and their main properties. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.




Free fall


Occurs due to separation from the body at a certain speed


Movement along

any part of it

circles with


Movement under the influence of gravity alone

modulo constant


A movement in which the acceleration at any instant of time


directed towards the center of the circle.


Jet propulsion


Movement occurs in two mutually opposite



Movement at a constant speed.




Level C

8. A car with a mass of 3 tons, moving from a state of rest along a horizontal path, after 10 s reaches a speed of 30 m / s. Determine the thrust force of the engine. Ignore the resistance to movement.

9. The mass of the Moon is 80 times less than the mass of the Earth, and its radius is 3.6 times less than the radius of the Earth. Determine the free fall acceleration on the moon. The free fall acceleration on the Earth is 10 m/s 2 .
Examination No. 3 on the topic “Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound". Option 1

Level A

1. When measuring a person's pulse, it was recorded 75 blood pulsations in 1 minute. Determine the period of contraction of the heart muscle.

  1. 0.8 s 3) 60 s

  2. 1.25 s 4) 75 s
2. Amplitude free vibrations body is 3 cm. What is the distance traveled by this body in 1/2 period of oscillation?

  1. 3 cm 3) 9 cm

  2. 6 cm 4) 12 cm

  1. 2.5 cm 3) 10 cm

  2. 5 cm 4) 20 cm

3. The figure shows the dependence of the coordinate of the center of a ball suspended on a spring from time. Determine the amplitude of oscillations.

  1. A wave with a frequency of 4 Hz propagates along the cord at a speed of 8 m/s. The wavelength is
1) 0.5 m 2) 2 m 3) 32 m 4) not enough data to solve

  1. What changes does a person notice in sound with an increase in the amplitude of oscillations in a sound wave?
1) pitch up 2) pitch down

2) volume up 4) volume down

  1. The hunter fired, being at a distance of 170 m from the forest. How long after the shot will the hunter hear the echo? The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.
1) 0.5 s 2) 1 s 3) 2 s 4) 4 s

1 option

1. Material point

a) a body taken as a reference point b) a body relative to which the position of another body is set

c) a body whose dimensions can be neglected d) a body whose mass can be neglected.

2. A physical quantity equal to the ratio of the change in coordinate to the time during which this change occurred

a) distance traveled b) movement c) acceleration d) speed.

3. The body in 4 seconds changed its coordinate from 2 to 18 meters. What is the speed of the body

a) 4 m/s b) 12 m/s c) 7 m/s d) 5 m/s.

4. Two cars are moving towards each other on parallel roads with speeds of 36 km/h and 12 m/s. What is the speed of one car relative to another

a) 22 m/s b) 48 m/s c) 24 m/s d) 3 m/s.

5. Using this equation υ \u003d 5 + 6t, determine what the acceleration of the body is

a) 12 m/s 2 b) 5 m/s 2 c) 11 m/s 2 d) 6 m/s 2.

6. Acceleration with which the free fall of the body occurs

a) the same for all bodies b) depends on the mass of the body c) depends on the height from which the body falls

d) depends on the speed with which the body was thrown.

7. How is the acceleration of the body when moving in a circle

a) tangent to this circle b) always from the center c) always towards the center d) there is no acceleration when moving along the circle.

8. A car is moving at a speed of 20 m/s along a curve of the road with a radius of 50 meters. What is the centripetal acceleration of the car

a) 8 m/s 2 b) 0.5 m/s 2 c) 2.5 m/s 2 d) 5 m/s. 2

9. What is the direction of the acceleration acting on a body thrown at an angle to the horizon

a) vertically up b) vertically down c) horizontally, in the direction of body movement

d) horizontally, against the movement of bodies.

a) the initial speed of the body and the speed after 10 s

after the start of the movement
b) acceleration of the body,
c) write down the equation for the speed of the body

11. A body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 60 m/s. After what time will its speed be 10m/s?

12. What is the radius of the circle along which the body moves making 12 revolutions in 3 seconds, if a centripetal acceleration of 4 m / s 2 acts on this body.

13. The dependence of speed on time has the form: υ ​​= 80 - 5t. Plot the speed graph and determine the movement of the body after 8 seconds.

14. Determine the average speed of the aircraft if the first half of the way it flew at a speed of 360 km/h, and the second half of the way at a speed of 720 km/h.

15. The car, moving with constant acceleration, covered a distance of 450 m in 30 s and acquired a speed of 18 m / s. What was its initial speed?

16. The ball moves uniformly along a circle with a radius of 2 m, making 30 complete revolutions in 5 minutes. Determine its speed, acceleration, frequency and period of rotation.

x(t) = 5 - 4t - 2t 2 . What are the initial coordinate, projections of the initial velocity and acceleration of the body? Determine the distance traveled and the coordinate of the body 10 s after the start of movement.

1 8. The angular velocity of the fan blades is 20 π rad/s. Find the number of revolutions in 10 minutes.

Test work "Kinematics"

Option 2

1. Which of the following is not included in the frame of reference

a) a body of reference b) a coordinate system c) a device for measuring time d) a material point.

2. Vector connecting the initial and final position of the body

a) radius vector b) path c) trajectory d) movement.

3. The body, having a coordinate of 3 meters, moves for 4 seconds at a speed of 1.2 m / s. What is the final coordinate of the body

a) 10 m b) 1 m c) 13.2 m d) 7.8 m.

4. Two cars move uniformly on parallel roads, in the same direction, with speeds

72 km/h and 15 m/s. What is the speed of one car relative to another

a) 35 m/s b) 5 m/s c) 57 m/s d) 87 m/s.

5. Using this equation x \u003d 8 - 2t, determine what the speed of the body is

a) 8 m/s b) 2 m/s c) 6 m/s d) -2 m/s.

6. A freely falling body is moving

b) with constant speed b) with increasing acceleration c) with constant acceleration d) with a speed equal to zero.

7. How is the speed of the body when moving in a circle

a) always to the center b) tangent to this circle c) along the chord d) along the arc of the circle.

8. With what speed does a body move along a circle with a radius of 20 meters, if the centripetal acceleration of the body is 3.2 m / s 2

a) 8 m/s 2 b) 1.6 m/s 2 c) 64 m/s 2 d) 0.8 m/s 2.

9. A body thrown horizontally will move

a) along a straight line b) along a parabola c) along a circle d) along any curve, depends on the speed with which the body was thrown.

10. According to the graph of the speed of a material point, determine:
a) the initial speed of the body and the speed after 20 s

after the start of the movement
b) acceleration of the body,
c) write down the equation for the velocity of the body.

11. What will be the speed of a body thrown vertically upwards at a speed of 40 m / s, 2 seconds after the start of movement.

12. Determine the centripetal acceleration and the radius of the circle, if moving at a speed

10 m/s the body makes one revolution in 1 minute.

13. The dependence of speed on time has the form: υ ​​= 9 + 3t. Plot the speed graph and determine the movement of the body after 10 seconds.

14. A bullet flying at a speed of 400 m / s pierced a wall 10 cm thick, as a result of which the bullet's speed decreased to 200 m / s. How long did the bullet move in the wall?

15. The ball moves uniformly along a circle with a radius of 3 m, making a complete revolution in 10 s. Determine its speed, acceleration, frequency and period of rotation.

16. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 50 m/s. After how many seconds will its speed be equal to 30 m/s and directed vertically downwards? At what height from the surface of the earth will the stone be at this moment? g \u003d 10 m / s 2.

17. The dependence of the coordinate of a moving body on time has the form x(t) = 100 - 20t + 5t 2 . What are the initial coordinate, projections of the initial velocity and acceleration of the body? Determine the distance traveled and the coordinate of the body 15 s after the start of movement.

18. The minute hand of a watch is 1.2 times longer than the second hand. How many times faster is the end of the second hand than the end of the minute hand?

MOU "Dubovskaya secondary school of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region with in-depth study individual items"

Physics teacher

Baryshenskaya Elena Nikolaevna

16 variants of control work in physics are offered, section "Kinematics". The tasks are not repeated in any version, which allows you to objectively assess the knowledge of students on this topic. The control work contains 5 tasks. The first three are for a basic level of, solving which the student receives a grade of "satisfactory".

Option 1

    The cyclist drove down the hill in 1 min, moving with an acceleration of 0.5 m / s 2. Determine the length of the slide if the cyclist's initial speed is 18 km/h.

    A football player hits the ball with a speed of 3 m/s. What is the speed of the ball after 5 seconds? if the acceleration is 0.25 m/s 2 .

    How long will it take for a car moving with an acceleration of 0.6 m/s 2 to increase its speed from 36 km/h to 108 km/h.

    The bullet in the barrel of the machine moves with an acceleration of 616 m/s 2 . What is the speed of the bullet if the barrel length is 41.5 cm?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 2

    The cyclist is moving downhill with an acceleration of 0.4 m/s 2 . What speed will the cyclist acquire after 10 seconds if his initial speed is 18 m/s.

    A cyclist is moving down a mountain from a state of rest. After what period of time will its speed become 3 m/s if the acceleration is 0.5 m/s.

    A train traveling at a speed of 54 km/h stops 2 minutes after braking. Determine the stopping distance if the acceleration is 0.5 m/s 2 .

    Ball. rolling down an inclined chute from a state of rest, in 1 s it traveled a distance of 10 cm. How far will it travel in 3s?

    A slope 100 m long was covered by a skier in 20 s, moving with an acceleration of 0.3 m/s 2 . What is the speed of the skier at the beginning and end of the slope?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 3

1. A skier descends a mountain with an initial speed of 6 m/s and an acceleration of 0.5 m/s 2 . What is the length of the mountain if the descent from it lasted 12 seconds?

2. The bus is moving at a speed of 54 km/h. At what distance from the stop should the driver start braking if, for the convenience of passengers, the acceleration should not exceed 1.2 m/s2?

3. The coordinate of a moving body changes over time according to the following law: X= - 1 + 3 t– t 2 . Determine the initial coordinate of the body, the projection of the initial velocity and the projection of the acceleration. Specify the nature of the movement of the body.

4. According to the velocity projection graph shown in the figure, determine the acceleration with which the body moved and the movement it made in time 8 With.


Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 4

1. At what speed can an airplane land on an 800 m long airfield runway when braking with an acceleration of 5 m/s2?

2. In how many seconds after departure from the station will the speed of the subway train reach 72 km/h if the acceleration during acceleration is 1 m/s 2 ?

3 . The coordinate of a moving body changes over time according to the following law: x \u003d 10 - t-2t2 . Determine the initial coordinate of the body, the projection of the initial velocity and the projection of the acceleration. Specify the nature of the movement of the body.

4. According to the velocity projection graph shown in the figure, determine the acceleration with which the body moved and the movement it made in 10 s.

5 . The bus, moving away from the stop, moves with uniform acceleration and passes 2.5 m in the third second. Determine the path traveled by the bus in the fifth second.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 5

1 . Determine the depth of the gorge if a stone of mass 4 kg reaches it in 6 s.2 . A ball of mass 500 g is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 18 m/s. How high will the body rise in 3 seconds?3 . The circus performer, when falling from the trapezoid onto the net, had a speed of 9 m/s. With what acceleration did the braking take place if the grid sagged by 1.5 m before it came to a complete stop?4 . A bullet in the barrel of a Kalashnikov assault rifle moves with an acceleration of 616 m/s. What is the speed of the bullet if the barrel length is 41.5 cm?5. With uniformly accelerated motion from a state of rest, the body covers a distance of 90 cm in the fifth second. Determine the path that the body will cover in the seventh second.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 6

1 . A rifle bullet pierced a wall 35 cm thick, and its speed decreased from 800 to 400 m/s. Determine the acceleration of the bullet.2. An arrow of mass 200 g is fired vertically upward at a speed of 30 m/s. How high will the arrow rise in 2 seconds?3. 4. With what speed did the train move before the start of braking, if during braking it moved with a constant acceleration of 0.5 m / s and to a stop.5 . The ball begins to roll down from the state of rest along the inclined chute and in the fourth second it travels a distance of 17.5 cm.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 7

1. What distance will the body cover in the eighth second of free fall?2. A body is thrown vertically downwards from a height of 20 m. How long will it fall and what will be its speed at the moment it hits the ground? (g taken equal to 10 m/s2)3. How long will it take for a car moving from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 to cover a distance of 50 m?4. 5 . The body, moving from a state of rest with an acceleration of 6 m/s 2 , reached a speed of 36 m/s, and then stopped after 5 s. Determine the distance traveled by the body during the entire movement?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 8

1. The cyclist is moving downhill with an acceleration of 0.3 m/s2. What speed will the cyclist acquire after 20 seconds if his initial speed is 4 m/s.2. During emergency braking, a car moving at a speed of 72 km/h stopped after 5 s. Find the stopping distance of the car.

3 .With what acceleration does the body move if in the sixth second of this movement it traveled a distance equal to 11 m? The initial speed of movement is zero.

4 . Two bodies are simultaneously launched in one direction from one point: one is uniformly accelerated with a speed of 98 m/s, the other is uniformly accelerated with an initial velocity equal to zero and an acceleration of 980 cm/s2. How long will it take for the second body to overtake the first?5. The motorcyclist started moving from a state of rest and moved with an acceleration of 2 m / s 2 for 5 s, then for 5 minutes he moved uniformly and, having started braking, stopped after 10 s. Can you tell me the whole path he has taken?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 9

1 .With what acceleration does the body move if in the sixth second of motion it has traveled a path equal to 11 m? The initial velocity of the body is zero.2. A stone falls freely from a height of 20 m. What distance will the stone travel in the last second of its fall?

3 . A train moving at a speed of 16 m/s after the start of braking to a stop travels a distance of 128 m. Find the time elapsed from the start of braking to a stop.

4 . The free fall time of the first body to the ground is 2 s, and the second - 4 s. What is the height from which the second body falls more height from which the first body falls? The initial velocities of the bodies are equal to zero. Ignore air resistance.

5. With whichA body moves with acceleration if it has traveled 30 m in the eighth second of its motion? Find the path traveled in 10 seconds. (Vo = 0).

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 10

1. The train is moving at a speed of 36 km/h. If the engines are turned off, then the train, moving uniformly slow, stops after 20 s.Find how far from the stop you should turn off the engine gates.

2. From what height does a body fall from rest if its velocity at the moment of impact with the ground is 20 m/s? Air resistance is ignored.

3. The body moves uniformly with an acceleration of 3 m/s 2 . The time of movement of the body from the moment of the beginning of the countdown to the stop is 1.5 s. Determine the initial speed of the body.

4. The car traveled the first 40 m of a 25 m distance in 10 s. What was its acceleration and what speed did it develop?5. The path traveled by the body during uniformly accelerated motion without an initial velocity in 4 s is 4.8 m. What is the path traveled by the body in the fourth second of motion?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 11

    A body falls from a height of 20 m. How long does it take for the body to cover the first and last meter of its path?

2. What distance does the car travel in the first two seconds of uniformly accelerated motion? The value of the car's acceleration is 2.5 m/s 2 . The initial speed is zero.

3. Starting off, the car moves uniformly accelerated and by the end of the second second acquires a speed of 3 m/s. Determine the modulus of the car's acceleration.

4. A stone falls freely from a height of 500 m. Which path will the kaMen in the penultimate second of his fall?

5. The figure shows the graphs of the velocities of two bodies.

Determine: a) the initial and final speeds of each of the bodies;

b) at what point in time both bodies had the same speed;

c) with what acceleration the bodies were moving;

d) write the equations of velocity and displacement for each body.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 12

    A stone falls freely from a height of 500 m. What path will the stone take in the last second of its fall?

    The body moves uniformly with an initial speed of 6 m/s and an acceleration of 2 m/s 2 . What distance will the body cover in 2 s after the start of the countdown?

    With uniformly slow motion, the speed of a body decreases from 5 m/s to 2 m/s in 2 s. Determine the modulus of acceleration of the body.

    During emergency braking, a car moving at a speed of 25 m/s stopped after 5 s. Find the stopping distance.

    The figure shows graphs of the velocities of two bodies.

Determine: a) the speed of the first body;

b) the initial and final velocities of the second body;

c) acceleration of the movement of the second body;

d) after how many seconds both bodies acquired the same speed;

e) write the equations of velocity and displacement for each body.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 13

    For 4 s of uniformly accelerated movement, the modulus of the body's velocity increased by 6 m/s. Determine the modulus of acceleration of the body.

2 .A car moving in a straight line at a speed of 20 m/s began to slow down with an acceleration of 4 m/s2. How far will the car travel from the moment it starts braking until it comes to a stop?

3 . The body moves uniformly with an acceleration of 1 m/s 2 and an initial speed of 4 m/s. What distance will the body cover by the moment when its speed becomes equal to 2 m/s?

4. The aircraft, when taking off from the ground, has a speed of 240 km / h and runs a distance of 790 m along a concrete path.did the run continue and with what acceleration?

5. The body, moving uniformly accelerated, within the fifth second from the beginning of the movement passed 45 m. With what acceleration was the body moving? What is its speed at the end of the fifth second? What is the distance traveled by the body in the first second?

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 14

    The speed of a car moving uniformly with an acceleration of 2 m/s 2 increased from 10 m/s to 14 m/s. Determine the distance traveled by the car during the specified change in speed.

    The body moves uniformly with an initial speed of 18 m/s. Determine the module of acceleration of the body, if in the first two seconds after the start of the countdown, the body traveled a distance of 24 m.

    The speed of a body thrown vertically upwards from the surface of the Earth is 30 m/s. Determine the height to which the body will rise 2 seconds after the throw. Ignore air resistance.

    Determine the initial speed and acceleration of the car, if moving uniformly accelerated, in the first 3 s it traveled 18 m, and in the first 5 s - 40 m.

    A body with uniformly accelerated motion covers a path equal to 24 m in the first 4 s. Determine the module of the initial velocity of the body if the body travels a distance of 64 m in the next 4 s.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 15

1 . 1. What speed does a trolleybus acquire in 10 s if it starts off with an acceleration of 1.2 m / s 2?2 . A train traveling at a speed of 18 km/h stops when braking for 10 s. Find its acceleration?3 . Determine the initial velocity of a body if it is thrown vertically down from a height of 125 m above the earth's surface and reaches it after 5 s?4 .What is the length of the landing run for an aircraft if its landing speed is 144 km/h and the deceleration time is 20 s?

5 With what acceleration does the body move if it has traveled 20 m in the third second of motion? Find his speed and path to the end of the 10th sekunds if the initial speed is zero.

Control work on the topic "Kinematics"

Option 16

1 .The skier starts downhill and travels 50 m in 20 seconds. Determine the skier's acceleration and speed at the end of the descent.2 . During emergency braking, the car stopped after 2 s. Find the stopping distance of the car if it started braking at a speed of 54 km/h.3. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from a height of 10 m above the ground with a speed of 20 m/s. How far from the ground will the ball be after 3 seconds?

4 . 3a, for the first 3 seconds, the body travels 9 m in a horizontal direction, starting at zero speed. How far will it travel in ten seconds?

5. In the fifth second of uniformly slow motion, the point travels 5 cm and stops. What distance does the point cover in the third second of this movement?

Examination No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics" Option 1

1. What speed does a trolleybus acquire in 10 s if it starts off with an acceleration of 1.2 m / s 2?

2. The train moves on a curve with a radius of 500 m at a speed of 36 km/h. What is its centripetal acceleration?

3. The skier starts down the mountain and travels 50 m in 20 seconds. Find the skier's acceleration and speed at the end of the descent.

4. During emergency braking, the car stopped after 2 seconds. Find the stopping distance of the car if it started braking at a speed of 54 km/h.

5. The body, moving from a state of rest with an acceleration of 6 m/s 2, reached a speed of 36 m/s, and then stopped after 5 s. Determine the distance traveled by the body during the entire movement?

Test No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics" Option 2

1. A train traveling at a speed of 18 km/h stops when braking for 10 seconds. Find its acceleration?

2. Find the centripetal acceleration of a bus moving along a convex bridge with a radius of curvature of 30 m at a speed of 54 km/h.

3. The car traveled the first 40 m of the 25 m distance in 10 s. With what acceleration did it move and what speed did it develop?

4. What is the length of the landing run for an aircraft if its landing speed is 144 km/h and the deceleration time is 20 s?

5. The motorcyclist started moving from a state of rest and moved with an acceleration of 2 m / s 2 for 5 s, then for 5 minutes he moved evenly and, having started braking, stopped after 10 s. Can you tell me the whole path he has taken?

Examination No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics" Option 1

1. What speed does a trolleybus acquire in 10 s if it starts off with an acceleration of 1.2 m / s 2?

2. The train moves on a curve with a radius of 500 m at a speed of 36 km/h. What is its centripetal acceleration?

3. The skier starts down the mountain and travels 50 m in 20 seconds. Find the skier's acceleration and speed at the end of the descent.

4. During emergency braking, the car stopped after 2 seconds. Find the stopping distance of the car if it started braking at a speed of 54 km/h.

5. The body, moving from a state of rest with an acceleration of 6 m/s 2, reached a speed of 36 m/s, and then stopped after 5 s. Determine the distance traveled by the body during the entire movement?

Test No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics" Option 2

1. A train traveling at a speed of 18 km/h stops when braking for 10 seconds. Find its acceleration?

2. Find the centripetal acceleration of a bus moving along a convex bridge with a radius of curvature of 30 m at a speed of 54 km/h.

3. The car traveled the first 40 m of the 25 m distance in 10 s. With what acceleration did it move and what speed did it develop?

4. What is the length of the landing run for an aircraft if its landing speed is 144 km/h and the deceleration time is 20 s?

5. The motorcyclist started moving from a state of rest and moved with an acceleration of 2 m / s 2 for 5 s, then for 5 minutes he moved evenly and, having started braking, stopped after 10 s. Can you tell me the whole path he has taken?