English First uses the method total immersion V language environment

Flexible scheduling, effective teaching methods and a focus on results are the three components of the success of English First English courses for adults.

Flexible approach to everything

IN modern world with his deadlines and constant time pressure, finding time for learning is not so easy. At the same time, without knowledge of English, it is difficult not only to build successful career but also feel comfortable on vacation abroad. Not surprisingly, the idea of ​​filling gaps in knowledge foreign language visits even specialists who have taken place in their profession.

However, the start of training is constantly delayed - there is no time! Familiar? This problem has been solved language courses English first. The schedule changes every week, which allows you to build a lesson into the "window" even with the busiest schedule. There is no binding to any particular place - you can choose any of the three schools in Moscow and two in St. Petersburg. Do you often travel to Russia? Come to EF in Novosibirsk or Kazan. However, now many students have found the perfect balance between lessons in schools and online - this allows you to get the most out of both teaching methods and, of course, saves time.

But getting to the place of employment is half the battle: their effectiveness is much more important. In English First training program formed according to the needs of the student. Some people need English for business correspondence and communication with business partners, someone plans to actively use it when traveling abroad, and someone wants to watch foreign TV shows without translation. Depending on the objectives set, emphasis will be placed on the study business vocabulary, fluent communication or listening to the language.

Progress is clear

The most important thing in EF is to teach how to speak without fear of mistakes. For this purpose, the method “Study. Practice. Apply”, on the basis of which three types of classes are built. In mini-groups you get theory, at seminars you work it out with a partner, and life clubs imitate immersion in a real situation - you definitely won’t be able to keep silent. Now the maximum efficiency is shown by gaming methods, which are usually used in classes with children. But adults are also bored of sitting at a textbook, so EF teachers constantly offer students all kinds of activities - not only within the walls of the school, but also outside of it. Tours, various master classes and sports are conducted in English, which allows you to quickly get rid of the language barrier.

The student will be able to assess his progress not only by how much more confident he feels during communication, but also with the help of regular tests. If it seems to someone that he is stuck in one place, the issue can be resolved with a personal manager: change the program, revise the schedule, or set aside more time for independent work in the online application.

Full immersion

The majority of EF teachers are native speakers from the UK, Canada and the US. This gives students the opportunity not only to learn the subtleties of the language, but also to train in understanding different types accents. An indispensable skill in real life!

Decades of EF research and collaborations with the world's leading universities have shown that learning is best done in a natural setting. That is why schools imitate immersion in the language environment: communication in English begins with the reception, and all classes also exclude Russian speech. It helps expand lexicon, acquire fluency skills and, as a result, feel more confident in everyday communication in English.

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Language is a great blessing. But the harm from it can be no less. It can lead to both Heaven and Hell. Belief and unbelief are determined by what the tongue says. Language speaks either truth or lies. The sphere of activity of other organs of the body is narrower. The ear only hears, and the eyes only see.

The tongue is like a predatory animal, if released, it can tear its owner apart. The one who prefers silence will be spared such scourges of language as: lies, gossip, slander, self-satisfaction, empty talk. A person who talks a lot makes a lot of mistakes. Even the Sahaba, despite the fact that they spoke only good things, avoided verbosity.

It is reported that Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) put stones in his mouth, saying: "All disasters are due to language."

He who controls his tongue will save his faith. The most famous Ulama said to their disciples as a warning: “The signs of an ignorant person are the following: He is angry with everyone and everything; does not control his tongue and cannot keep secrets; trusts everyone and cannot distinguish friend from foe; and befriend bad people."

Control of language and not verbosity is a command of religion. So, for example, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

Silence is sheer wisdom and a beautiful quality. The silence of the tongue is the cause of the silence of the heart, and the silence of the heart is the cause of forgiveness. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever wants to find prosperity, let him be silent.”

Words are the scales of man. If there are many of them, this is harm, and if there are few of them, then this is dignity. He who speaks little will never be blamed, but rather will have authority. As for jokes, ridicule and empty talk, this leads to disaster.

If someone experiences a feeling of melancholy, fatigue and impotence, as well as exhaustion material resources, then you need to know that all this is happening because of idle talk. He who controls his tongue controls his entire body. Since the hadith says: “Every morning, all parts of the body turn to the tongue with the words: “Respect our rights, fear Allah, do not speak bad, and do not cause us to fall into the fire. You are the cause of our observance or non-observance of religion. If you are direct, then we will be direct. If you are crooked, then we will be crooked.”

Before you pronounce any word, you should remember that it will not remain suspended, it will certainly be written either by the angel sitting on the right or the angel sitting on the left.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Mansur ibn Ammar, who said: “If you want to get rid of problems, then stop striving for worldly life. If you want to get rid of constant apologies, then control your tongue.

Who talks a lot, does little.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "He who talks a lot, does little." in other dictionaries:

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