In Kyiv continues trial about the legacy of the football player and coach of Dynamo Kyiv Valentin Belkevich, who died on August 1 last year. With a claim to his widow Olesya turned ex-wife midfielder Anna Sedokova.

Belkevich's widow is sure that "Valentin would just laugh at this division of the inheritance."

Olesya told reporters in detail about the trial with the ex-VIA Groy.

“I’ll tell you honestly that I didn’t want to talk about this topic until the very end, it’s so disgusting for me to get into all this. But I can’t allow Valentin’s name to be slinged with mud. What Sedokova is now saying in her interviews goes beyond all limits. For some reason, Anna calls me Valentine's mistress, although before last day of his life, I was officially his wife and bear the surname Belkevich, she is indignant.

Olesya met Valentin before his marriage to Sedokova. In 1996, Andrey Shevchenko brought her and the football player together.

“Together with Valentin, we raised my son from my first marriage, Vladimir, who was one and a half years old at the time of our meeting. Valik insisted that he live with us from the first day. I gave Valentin my whole life. we had a misunderstanding in the form of Anna Sedokova, we still did not part for a long time. Their marriage was short-lived and, according to Valik, forced. Now Anna does not mention this, but after the divorce, Valentin bought her and her daughter an apartment in Kiev worth 100 thousand dollars " , Belkevich's widow said.

In a recent interview, the singer lamented that "all the money that was in Valentine's accounts mysteriously disappeared a week before his death."
However, Olesya Sedokova denied these words.

“The fact that Anna says about the disappearance of money from Valentine’s accounts is generally slander. I’m already silent about the fact that she calls me almost an alcoholic and a drug addict. My lawyers will protect my honor and dignity. Another lie is that I I don't get in touch. No one tried to contact me or my lawyer. And I actually learned about the first court session a day before the hearing. What's the point of me dragging out the process?- the widow of the athlete is perplexed.

For me, the sooner this is over, the better. Sometimes I think that if Valik got up now, he would just laugh at what is happening. But, alas, that is not possible."

Olesya also dotted the i's on the issue of Belkevich's property.

"In fact, the inheritance consists of only one apartment, which is located on Dmitrievskaya Street. The apartment was purchased by us in 2002, even before this girl. And I personally executed the privatization in 2012, when we were already married. Valentin's parents are citizens another country, Belarus.

In order to enter into an inheritance here in Ukraine, the father and mother, who are divorced, must pay each tax in the amount of 17%. There is not so much inheritance there, and if you pay these 17%, even less. As for the child whose rights Anna is talking about, I don’t understand how it was possible not to give the girl to her father for almost ten years? What was she afraid of? This whole story is unfair and just disgusting. Who knows me and her, and also remembers Valentine, will understand. It's almost a year since Valentine's is gone. I don't hear his voice, I don't look into his eyes, I can't hug him...

But this is how the world works: for some, the soul lives in thoughts, photographs, sports trophies, carefully stored on the shelf, and someone, even after the death of a person, measures the level of relations solely by the size of the inheritance, "Olesya finally threw a stone into Anna's garden.

14:09 01.08.2014

Today, August 1, Belarusian footballer Valentin Belkevich, the first husband of singer Anna Sedokova, died. Ivona invites you to discover the beautiful and sad story love of an athlete and an artist.

Anna and Valentin got married in 2004. The still young Sedokova wanted to quickly become an adult, and the 18-year-old girl plunged headlong into family life with the famous football player Valentin Belkevich, who was 10 years older than her. The wedding of Belkevich and Sedokova was held on a grand scale and became one of the most covered events of that time.

Anya left the stage and left the Ukrainian team VIA Gra, which at that time was at the peak of popularity. The girl doted on her husband, waited for him at home with a hot dinner and listened to every word of her beloved. Soon their union bore fruit - in December 2004, their daughter Alina was born.

True, happiness was not cloudless. After the birth of Alina, rumors began to appear in the press that a crack had formed in the marriage of Belkevich and Sedokova. Anna denied this information for a long time, but in early 2006 the union broke up and they officially divorced. As Anya admitted some time later, at the time of her marriage she felt like a 13-year-old girl, she was inexperienced and stupid, it seemed to her that marriage with Valentine was the first and only in her life. But fate had prepared a different path for her. Sedokova had to face betrayal and betrayal, and she dared to talk about this only some time after the divorce.

As it turned out, Valentine had another woman. Anna guessed this thanks to female intuition. The husband began to move away from her, linger after work, and then completely stopped coming to spend the night. The young woman could not tolerate such behavior of her husband, packed her suitcase, took the child and left. Belkevich did not insist that she stay, since he really had another woman. She existed in his life even before the appearance of Anna, he continued to communicate with her during his marriage, and after he broke up, he again got back together with his former mistress.

“At some point, I realized that my marriage had burst like a soap bubble. I probably invented it myself. And life is much tougher,” Anna admitted.

Anna was left alone two year old daughter on hands. According to her, she does not hold a grudge against the ex-spouse, as she now understands how different people they were: “I don’t blame him and don’t say who is bad. It’s just that one person feels good in one place, the second in another. his life. I respect his right. And my daughter and I are fine too. But for me it was a difficult story."

Anna and Valentin did not remain friends after the divorce, but the father took part in raising his daughter Alina and could see her when he wanted to. "I told myself that never - even if he was the most terrible person in my life - I will not say a bad word to my daughter about her father, "Sedokova said in one of her interviews.

After this story, Anna married a second time, and again unsuccessfully - her marriage to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky lasted only two years. But Valentine was waiting for a different story. After his divorce from Anna, he never married. In one of her interviews, Sedokova said: “I know that my daughter and I will always be the most beloved women in his life. I think Valentin will never marry again,” and she was right. Anna Sedokova was the only legal wife of the famous football player who gave birth to him only daughter Alina.

Today, August 1, 2014, it became known about the death of Valentin Belkevich. The man died from a rupture of a blood clot at the age of 42. Anna Sedokova has not yet commented on the death of the ex-spouse.

Recall that the nine-year-old daughter of Anya Sedokova Alina fell off the swing and badly injured her hand when the ex-VIA Gra went on tour to Ukraine.

December 16 marks the 35th anniversary of the Ukrainian actress, singer and TV presenter Anna Sedokova. The first husband of the participant of the "golden" composition of "VIA Gra" was the football player Valentin Belkevich, who died suddenly in 2014. Gazeta.Ru recalls the love story of a singer and an athlete.

Anna Sedokova was born in Kyiv on December 6, 1982 in a simple family. Mother was a teacher in English, and his father, who taught music, fled to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk from wealthy parents who opposed marriage.

The union of Sedokova's parents turned out to be fragile. After their divorce, the girl had to live with her mother, then with her father, or with her grandmother in Tomsk.

Sedokova has been studying music and dancing since the age of six. She started working with 15 - first as a model, then as a host in the club, and then on television.

In 2000, Sedokova successfully passed the casting for a new female pop group, which was later decided to be called VIA Gra. However, Sedokova did not immediately join the team - the girl was only 17, and the producers refused her because of her age.

The girl became part of the cult group only two years later. In 2002, VIA Gra turned into a trio, and Sedokova received the title of the first "red-haired" team, joining the blonde Alena Vinnitskaya and the brunette Tatyana Naynik.

However, the group reached its heyday in a different composition. Together with Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva, VIA Gra reached the peak of its popularity, thanks to which the journalists called this composition “golden”.

After just a couple of years, Sedokova wanted to live an adult life and at the age of 22 she married the famous football player Valentin Belkevich, who was ten years older than her.

Midfielder Valentin Belkevich at that time was almost a legend of Belarusian and Ukrainian football. Despite a one-year suspension for doping in 1994, the player spent several bright years in Dynamo Minsk, after which he moved to the Kiev club with the same name.

In Ukraine, Belkevich did not succeed immediately. It took about two years for the player to play at a high level. The athlete really revealed himself after the legendary coach Valery Lobanovsky returned to the club. Many fans remember the player's interactions with Sergei Rebrov and Andriy Shevchenko, who, together with Valentin, made up the "shock" triangle of Dynamo.

By the time he met Sedokova, Belkevich had won the championships of Belarus and Ukraine five times, had become the best player in the leagues of both countries once, and was even one step away from the Champions League final with a club from Kiev in 1999.

Sedokova and Belkevich got married in 2004. The wedding of two stars - sports and music - was held on an incredible scale and became one of the most covered events of that time.


December 8, 2004 they had a daughter, who was named Anna. However family idyll quickly collapsed.

A short time after the wedding, the media began to write that the football player and the singer had problems in their life together.

Sedokova for a long time denied this information, until in 2006 she admitted that the family had broken up completely - the couple divorced.

Later, Sedokova explained that during her marriage she felt like an inexperienced and stupid 13-year-old girl, and marriage to Valentin was her first and only in life. However famous singer had to face betrayal and betrayal.

The husband began to come back from training later, and then completely stopped spending the night at home. Sedokova could not stand such an attitude towards herself and left Belkevich with her child.

“I don’t judge him and I don’t say who is bad. It's just that one person feels good in one place, the second - in another. This is his life. I respect his right. And my daughter and I are fine too. But for me it was a difficult story, ”Anna later said.

Belkevich did not particularly resist the departure of his wife - he really had another woman. After the divorce, the football player met with his mistress.

Having broken up, the couple practically did not communicate, but Anna did not limit the communication of her daughter with her father.

Soon Sedokova married a second time, and again unsuccessfully - her marriage to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky lasted only two years. From this union, the singer had a daughter, Monica.

April 8, 2017 Sedokova had a third child - son Hector. The father of the child is businessman Artem Komarov, with whom Anna broke up shortly after giving birth.

The fate of Belkevich turned out to be completely different. Valentin ended his football career in 2009, after which he tried himself as a coach. However, he managed to lead only the youth team of Dynamo Kyiv.

On August 1, 2014, Belkevich died of thromboembolism - an acute blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus that broke away from the place of its formation and entered the circulating blood. He was only 41 years old.

“This is some kind of horror ... I don’t believe it ... He was a brilliant athlete, strategist and good man. He loved his daughter. He was loved and respected by millions. And especially one little girl… Thank you for your words of encouragement. Thank you, ”Sedokova wrote on her Instagram.

After the death of the player, Olesya Belkevich - the one to whom Valentin left after her divorce from Sedokova - gave several interviews and visited a talk show.

“We met Valentin in 1996, literally a week after he moved from Belarus to Ukraine. I was friends with Shevchenko, or rather, with his then girlfriend, so they introduced us. I never considered Sedokova a rival. I do not want to offend anyone, but we are completely different levels I was brought up differently.

When all this happened (the marriage of Belkevich and Sedokova in 2004. - Gazeta.Ru), Valik returned to me in just a couple of months, one might say, and did not leave. Anna herself said in her interviews that he loved the same woman before her, during her and after her, ”the footballer’s widow said in an interview“ Komsomolskaya Pravda».

The singer reacted to these words on one of the programs. Sedokova admitted that she did not understand why the football player decided to marry her at the moment when he had another woman.