Tatiana Botyakova

Theme: "Autumn at the edge of the paint bred."

Educational area: "Artistic creativity".

View: productive activity(drawing).

Integration educational areas: "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “ Physical Culture", "Music".

Target: to develop children's interest in fine arts, through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.



Learn to draw a landscape using sheet printing.


Develop an interest and positive attitude towards drawing.

Develop fine motor skills hands


Cultivate respect for wildlife.


Expand and clarify children's ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Reading fiction:

Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving the artistic word.


To instill in children the desire to communicate and play with the teacher.


Teach children how to exhale.

Physical Culture:

Develop the need for physical activity.

Cultivate interest in music.

Equipment: A4 tinted paper, yellow, red, brown gouache, tree leaves, brushes, cups of water, rags, reproductions of paintings, leaflets on strings, a tape recorder with an audio recording.

Vocabulary work: activate the words clear, sunny, cloudy, rainy in speech.

Preliminary work:

1. Cognitive conversations about the season - autumn.

2. Consideration of illustrations, reproductions of paintings, photographs on the topic.

3. Reading poems about autumn, solving riddles.

4. Watching beauty autumn nature during walks.

GCD progress:

Went to kindergarten today

To meet the guys there.

I see a letter in the box...

From whom did it come?

You guys don't yawn

Answer quickly!

Autumn Mystery.

What kind of paint sorceress took

I painted the leaves, swept away the branches,

Midges hid to sleep until spring,

“What kind of witch?” you ask.

Children: Autumn!

The teacher reads the text of the letter: Guys, I invite everyone to take a walk along autumn forest!

Play : Want to go for a walk in the autumn forest!

Play : And we will go to the forest on a train!

You guys don't yawn

Take your seats in the car!

Ready? Go!

(To the song "The Locomotive Bukashka" of the children's ensemble "Semitsvetik", children go and perform movements in accordance with the text).

Play : So we came to the forest!

(Children are met by Autumn).

Autumn: Hello guys! I'm glad you accepted my invitation! Look how beautiful it is around! What do you see?

Children: Trees.

Autumn: What color are the leaves on the trees?

Children: Red, yellow, orange, brown.

Autumn: Why do you think the trees are so beautiful? Who painted the leaves?

Children: Autumn.


Autumn at the edge of the paint bred

On the foliage quietly spent with a brush

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed.

In purple green only oak green.

Autumn consoles: do not feel sorry for summer!

Look, the grove is dressed in gold!

Z. Fedorovskaya

Autumn: What trees do you know? (Maple, birch, spruce, oak, etc.)

Exercise "Which leaf?".

If the leaf is from oak, then what is it - oak

If a leaf from a birch is birch

If a maple leaf is maple

If a leaf from a mountain ash is a mountain ash

It often rains in autumn, the sun is not so hot, the birds are going to fly to warmer climes.

What happens to trees in autumn?

What colors does autumn color the leaves of trees?

Let's take a look at the illustrations. The group organized an exhibition of works by famous artists, photographs on the theme of autumn.

(Children are viewing the exhibition).

Autumn has come, and the nature around us has changed. Trees, bushes and grasses are in autumn attire. The leaves on the trees in autumn are very diverse in color. They have green, red, yellow and other shades. No wonder autumn is called golden.


We are autumn leaves, we sat on a branch,

The wind blows - fly.

They flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came up again and picked up all the leaves,

He turned them around, circled them and laid them on the ground.

Autumn: At this time of the year, gusty winds often blow and leaves rustle on the trees.

“An autumn breeze blew, a leaf trembled.

Leaves fly in the wind and circle, circle, circle.

Now I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the leaves. (Hands out leaves on a string.) Do you know how to blow properly? We inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise the shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children take leaves on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the leaves swirling).

P / game: "Sun and rain."

The sun is shining in the morning. Vos-le shows the sun.

So it's time for us to walk

Good in the sun Children walk in a group

run and play

good under the sun

Walk in the yard

Drip-drip-drip! - along the path Children hide under an umbrella.

Will be able droplets - peas

Hide, children under an umbrella

Let's wait for the autumn rain.

Vosp: Thank you, autumn, for an interesting walk through the autumn forest. And it's time for us and the guys to return to the kindergarten.

(Children return by train back to the kindergarten.)

Vosp: Guys, did you like our walk? (Yes). And I really liked it!

Forest in autumn time year is especially beautiful! This kind sorceress Autumn painted everything around with bright colors. Today I invite you to become wizards too and draw a magical autumn picture.

(Showing the educator of the image method).

I'll smear a leaf from a tree

Red - yellow paint.

I'll turn it over, iron it -

A tree will come out, like in a fairy tale.

How to draw trees

Nothing is easier.

I can stamp

A small grove.

(Children work to the music of Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. Autumn."

After the drawings dry, the missing details can be completed). Edit: Look what beautiful landscapes you got it. You are real wizards.


Where have we been today?

What did you see interesting?

How do we draw trees?

What did you like?

A poem for memorization with older preschoolers.

Mnemonics is a way of memorizing a poem with the help of pictures and signs.

Complex words such as "purple", "blushed" are difficult to explain to children, but if you try and evoke a number of associations, then older preschoolers successfully learn the meanings of such words.

I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple. Only green oak.

Autumn consoles: "Do not regret the summer!"

Look - the grove is dressed in gold.

Z. Fedorovskaya

Poem coding.

1. - "AUTUMN" - the letter "O" is yellow, autumn leaf is a template designation of the word;

"On word; "Edge" - the edge of the forest with stumps; "PAINTS" - multi-colored paints; "DIRTED" - a brush with which paints are diluted.

2. On the foliage quietly spent with a brush- "ON THE LEAF" - "ON" - the word; branch with green leaves; "QUIETLY" - a butterfly, a flower, a cloud - the reasoning of children: the butterfly flies quietly, inaudibly; the cloud moves inaudibly, quietly; the flower grows quietly, slowly; "WITH A BRUSH" - the brush draws a line.

3.The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed- "POZHELTEL HAZELNIK" - a spot of yellow color, a hazel branch; "AND BURN" - the red flag glows, blushes, bright, juicy, like the sun, only red; "MAples" - maple leaf.

4. In autumn purple, only green oak- "IN PURPLE" - a red crown of children's reasoning: purple, royal, bright, elegant; "AUTUMN" - "O" - yellow, autumn leaf - template value; "ONLY" - a box with balls, only one ball is red, the rest are blue; "OAK" - an oak branch with an acorn; "GREEN" - a spot of green color.

5. Comforts autumn: "Don't feel sorry for summer"- "COMFORTS" - a face in tears, a handkerchief - the reasoning of children: when they console, they offer a handkerchief to wipe away tears; "AUTUMN" - template drawing; "DO NOT Pity" - a dried flower that no longer needs to be pitied - in the spring it will grow a new and beautiful one; "SUMMER" - a word, a chamomile flower - a template drawing.

6. Look - a grove - dressed in gold- "LOOK" - eyes; "GROVE" - birches, Birch Grove, identical trees; "GOLD" - a gold ring; "DRESSED" - an empty hanger - someone got dressed, took off clothes from the hanger.

In the morning we go to the yard
Leaves fall like rain
rustling underfoot,
And fly, fly, fly.

I walk, I'm sad alone:
Autumn is around.
Yellow leaf in the river
Summer is gone.

Autumn is golden
A. Yaranova

Autumn is golden
Walks along the paths.
She has knives
Yellow boots.

On her dress
colored leaves,
And in her basket
There are forest mushrooms.

Z. Fedorovskaya

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
On the foliage quietly brushed:
The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,
In autumn purple, only green oak.
Autumn comforts:
- Don't feel sorry for the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.
V. Nirovich


M. Khodyakova
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This season is called autumn.

autumn bouquet

Kindergarten, kindergarten
Will be happy on a walk -

Let's gather a bouquet
Oh, there are no leaves in it.

Here is the brown oak
Golden all maple.

yellow birch leaf,
And the willow is silver.

Red - at the mountain ash,
Brown - at the aspen.

The leaves are on fire.
In the palms of strong guys.

We will put the bouquet in a vase
And we'll fall in love right away.

Our feet won't get wet

Our feet won't get wet
The rain is the strongest.

After all, put on our boots
Our mothers in the morning.

We are very warm in jackets,
The umbrella covers

If from the sky flowed -
Autumn. It happens.

The rain won't let us walk

We don't go for a walk

Rain jumps outside the window.

A cloud is crying - in the puddles there is a trace,

The wind is spinning, there is no sun.

The group can draw

Build a house, play

But, but we want to walk,

Run, jump and jump

Rain, rain stop singing

Let us see autumn

Golden autumn. Poetry for children of the classics of Russian poetry and modern children's poets. Pictures and tasks for kids.

Autumn each person has his own with his own colors and his own mood. For some, autumn is a joyful artist with multi-colored paints, for others it is dull, weeping and dreary weather, for others, autumn is funny Games with rustling leaves and mushroom time, and for the fourth - harvesting. And it's all autumn! So different! And it is very important that the child is already in preschool age I saw how different people look at the same phenomenon! How in one and the same people feel a completely opposite mood! And poetry will help us with this! Indeed, in poetry, the main thing is not rhyme at all, but the image, the mood that it conveys!

These verses are not meant to be read one after the other on the same day. These are mood poems, and each of them requires its own situation of reading poetry to children so that the baby can catch, feel what the author of the poems wanted to convey to us.

  • Did you find yourself in the park with your baby and playing with colorful leaves? Read the lines from T. Gusarova's poem "Autumn Seamstress".
  • Rain outside the window and cold, a strong piercing wind blows and you can’t walk? Read A. Pleshcheev's poem "A Boring Picture" and look at the picture.
  • Gathered to draw autumn picture or do autumn application? Read the poem by Z. Fedorovskaya “Autumn on the edge of paint bred”, remember what color fruits, vegetables, fruits, autumn leaves different trees.
  • Do you try fresh lingonberries or cook delicious apple and lingonberry jam? Remember the lines of K. Balmont “Cowberries are ripening, the days have become colder ...”

In each poem, draw the child's attention to beautiful expressive words, to interesting comparisons- ask “With whom / with what does ... the poet compare? What an interesting idea he came up with! What would you compare it to..? What else does it look like ... ”(examples of such comparisons:“ birches unraveled their braids ”,“ mountain ash celebrates autumn, putting on red beads ”,“ hazel in silver ”, etc.). Helping the baby to see these bright figurative expressions in verse, you help him:

  • enrich vocabulary,
  • learn not only to look, but also to see the world through the eyes of a Human, to notice interesting and beautiful things in the environment,
  • listen to speech and notice figurative expressions,
  • use them in fairy tales and stories of your own composition,
  • develop Creative skills and the child's imagination.

Golden autumn: poems for children in pictures

1. AUTUMN LEAVES. Y. Kasparova

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning
And they lie like a bright carpet under my feet.
Like they're terribly busy
Green, red and gold...
maple leaves, oak leaves,
Purple, scarlet, even burgundy ...
I throw leaves up at random -
I, too, can arrange a leaf fall!

2. AUTUMN SEWER. T. Gusarova

So that the little earth winters without hassle,
Autumn sews a patchwork quilt for her.
The leaf is neatly sewn to the leaf,
The stitch adjusts with a pine needle.

Leaves to choose from - any will come in handy.
Here next to the crimson lilac lies down,
Although very golden to the taste of the seamstress,
Will fit and brown, and even spotted.

The thread of the web fastens them carefully.
More beautiful than this, you will not find pictures.

3. AUTUMN M. Sadovsky

Birch braids untwisted,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars flooded.

Willows drooped by the pond,
Aspens trembled
Oaks, always huge,
It's like they've gotten smaller.

Everything calmed down. Shrunk.
drooped. Turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is pretty
Better for winter

4. AUTUMN. Z. Fedorovskaya

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
On the foliage quietly brushed:
The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,
In autumn purple, only green oak.
Autumn comforts:
- Don't feel sorry for the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Assignment for children according to the poem: What are the colors of autumn? What is orange in autumn? Yellow? Purple? Green? Aloe? Brown? Blue? Gray? (You can list with your child not only the leaves of trees, but also fruits, vegetables and fruits).

5. BORING PICTURE. A. Pleshcheev

Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch…
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early
Autumn, come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!

Task for children:

  1. Why is autumn called dull? What mood is conveyed in this poem? How is it different from the previous verses?
  2. And for you, what is autumn - joyful or sad? Why? Do you like autumn? What do you like about it, and what do you not like about it?
  3. If you were a poet your poem What mood would you convey about autumn?

6. IN AUTUMN. A. Pleshcheev

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.
Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky
The sun does not shine;
The wind howls in the field;
The rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

7. SAD TIME, EYE CHARM… A.S. Pushkin

Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
In crimson and gold dressed forests,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

8. AUTUMN. K. Balmont

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

Task for children:

Usually kids ask when reading this poem, but how will autumn cry? After all, she's not human! Try to discuss with the children what tears look like (like raindrops). Admire how beautifully the poet said about the rain! Like it's autumn crying keyword here "as if" - it helps children understand the figurative meaning of this expression).


Between thinning tops
Blue appeared.
Noisy at the edges
Bright yellow foliage.
Birds are not heard. Crack small
broken knot,
And, with a flickering tail, a squirrel
Light makes a jump.
The spruce in the forest became more noticeable,
Protects deep shade.
Boletus last
He pushed his hat to one side.


Is in the autumn of the original
short but marvelous time
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…


The leaves in the field turned yellow
And spin and fly;
Only in the forest drooped spruce
Greenery is gloomy.
Under the overhanging rock
He no longer loves, between flowers,
Plowman rest sometimes
From midday labors.
Beast, brave, reluctantly
Hurry somewhere to hide.
At night the moon is dim and the field
Through the fog only silver.

12. AUTUMN MORNING O. Vysotskaya

The yellow maple looks out into the lake,
Waking up at dawn.
During the night the ground froze
All hazel in silver.

The belated ginger is squirming,
A broken branch is pressed.
On his chilled skin
Drops of light tremble.

Silence frightening disturbing
In a sensitively dormant forest
Moose roam cautious,
They gnaw at the bitter bark.

Various birds have flown
Silence their sonorous rehash
And the mountain ash celebrates autumn,
Wearing red beads.

13. AUTUMN V. Avdienko

Autumn walks along the path

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

Autumn is coming

Autumn wanders.

Wind with maple leaves

New carpet underfoot

Yellow-pink -


14. AUTUMN Y. Kapustina

In a golden carriage

What about the playful horse

Autumn galloped

Through forests and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

Surprised by a miracle

Everything around sparkles

Everything spills over.

15. GOLDEN RAIN M. Lesova

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

More about autumn, entertaining material for games and activities with children can be found in the articles:

Click on or on the course cover below for free subscription

Beautiful poems about autumn, written especially for children, are able to convey to the children autumn mood and tell them about certain natural phenomena. Poems will expand the horizons of the child, tell him what a romantic, golden autumn is.

We hope and believe that our unique collection of poems about autumn for children will appeal to all kids without exception. After all, even very young children are able to perceive a simple and intuitive syllable, which is also suitable for memorization.

    Autumn in the park

    Autumn is walking in our park,
    Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
    Pink apron - aspen,
    Red beads - rowanberry,
    Umbrella yellow - poplars,
    Autumn gives us fruits.

    September first

    A huge bouquet is walking along the road.
    In shoes - legs,
    Above - takes.
    Walking to school
    Bouquets of flowers -
    By the academic year

    Damp in the clouds -
    Shines even at noon
    Dull and timid.
    From the cold grove
    In field,
    on the path
    The hare blew -
    the first

    In the autumn garden
    By the track
    Aspen slams
    In the palms
    That's why
    That week
    her palms

    I walk, I'm sad alone:
    Autumn is around.
    Yellow leaf in the river
    Summer is gone.

    I throw him a circle -
    Your last wreath.
    Only summer can not be saved
    If the day is autumn.

    The sky was cloudy in the morning

    The sky was cloudy in the morning
    And everything seemed dull.
    Autumn loves to cry
    Rain on the ground.
    Likes to rustle leaves
    And pluck them from the trees.

    Rain, rain, drip, drip!

    Rain, rain, drip, drip!
    You wouldn't drip on dads
    You would not drip on moms -
    It would be better to come to us:
    Dads - damp, moms - dirty,
    You and I are great!

    Autumn on the fox

    See all: in all its glory
    Autumn rushes on the fox.
    And where the fox will wag its tail,
    Everything turns red in place:
    Paint with a red brush
    She is grass and leaves.
    And the bushes will turn red
    Paths, streets, bridges,
    Houses and late flowers...
    Look: you are not red-haired either!

    A hedgehog curled up under a bush
    Wet and prickly.
    And the rain falls over the forest,
    Dispersing clouds.
    Dressed in red leaves
    Smiling stump.
    Stayed dry all summer
    And now it's soaking wet.

    I decided to say goodbye to the summer

    I decided to say goodbye to the summer,
    Suddenly the river became cloudy
    Birds became a friendly flock
    Go on vacation.
    And so that everything becomes like in a fairy tale,
    Giving beauty to the earth
    Year spilled colors for autumn
    From the boxes of September!

    Autumn has come

    Autumn has come,
    Our garden turned yellow.
    Leaves on a birch
    They burn with gold.
    Don't hear merry
    Nightingale song.
    The birds have flown away
    To distant lands.

    Summer has passed

    Summer, giving away warmth,
    Bored and gone.
    The wind tore the leaves
    And scattered under my feet.
    The sun hid behind the clouds
    Gray day bored with rain.
    And for some reason crying, crying -
    Here's the problem.
    Let's ask him.
    The rain will answer: - Just autumn ...

    Summer flies away

    It suddenly became twice as bright,
    Yard as in the sun.
    This dress is golden
    At the birch on the shoulders ...
    In the morning we go to the yard -
    Leaves fall like rain
    Rustle underfoot
    And fly, fly, fly...
    Gossamer webs fly
    With spiders in the middle.
    And high from the ground
    The cranes flew by.
    Everyone is flying! It must be
    Our summer is flying by.

    leaf fall

    fallen leaves
    The conversation is barely audible.
    - We are from maples...
    - We are from apple trees ...
    - We are with cherries ...
    - From the aspen ...
    - From bird cherry...
    - From oak...
    - From the birch...
    Falling leaves everywhere
    On the threshold of frost!

  • Only the Christmas tree is pretty
    She got better for the winter.
  • Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
    On the foliage quietly brushed:
    The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,
    In autumn purple, only green oak.
    Autumn comforts:
    - Do not regret the summer!
    Look - the grove is dressed in gold!