The SHIPwreck happened at night. A very large yacht hit the reefs near a small tropical island. None of the people survived. The night and the waves played their deadly role. Three living creatures reached the shore: a parrot, a dog and a cat. The cockatoo flew quickly and immediately, despite the fact that he spent his whole life in a cage. The captain managed to release it before the ship broke into pieces. The cat and the dog swam not because they were swimmers, but because the devil knows why. In the morning, three passengers who survived from the yacht were on the shore. And two of them fiercely hated each other. The cat and the dog hid in the corners all the way, and when they met, tufts of wool flew in all directions. And it would seem that here it is freedom. Run wherever you want. But they didn't run away. They sat a few meters apart and glanced at each other from time to time. Bright sun flooded a small island with a white sand beach and dense impenetrable forest. The parrot came down to them and sat down beside them. So he was calmer, after all, a couple of familiar faces. That is, muzzles. So they sat, looking at the waves. Until hunger drove the cockatoo into the trees. Quickly finding tasty and juicy fruits, he ate and returned to the two sufferers, still looking at each other in disbelief, and listening to their seething bellies demanding their own. The cockatoo raised its crest and spread its large wings to the side and attacked the crabs that crawled along the beach in abundance. With a beak as strong as iron, he pierced the shell and dragged one to the cat and dog. Yes, eat, eat already! - He shouted to them. Why are you sitting here. Food is full. What stupid creatures! The cat and the dog looked at him in surprise, not understanding what he wants from them. And the parrot ran along the beach and yelled with a good obscenity. He resented how stupid the two of them were. And yet, hunger is not an aunt. After a couple of minutes, the dog understood. She went up to the crab and gnawed its shell with strong teeth. After a couple of bites with claws, fluffy and shaggy understood what to do. And soon the cat, as the more dexterous of them, threw the crabs trying to escape into the air and turned them on their backs, and the dog gnawed them. So we ate. After that, still incredulous, but with ever-increasing interest, they began to get to know each other better. And then the trio rushed along the beach, playing and inspecting their new home. They explored the island, but always returned to the fine white sand beach. The hope of salvation never dies. And then one day, when a cat and a dog were sleeping near small stones, a flock of monkeys got out of the thickets on the shore. Do you know, ladies and gentlemen, that monkeys eat meat? Well, you know. The dog and the cat understood this too, when they began to bare their fangs angrily and, surrounding them in a semi-ring, come closer. Crawling into a corner formed by two large boulders, the cat and dog hissed, barked and spat, but death came closer and closer. And when until the very big monkey only a couple of steps left, they looked at each other and, having understood everything without words and signs, rushed forward. Dying, so with music! The dog and the cat managed to bite the monkey leader from both sides, and he, struck by such a rebuff, froze for a split second. That would have been the end of it, because everyone else would have lashed out and torn the fluffy babies apart. But from a high palm tree, watching what was happening, like a kite, fell in a steep dive of a cockatoo. Do you ladies and gentlemen know what a cockatoo beak is? If you don't know, then consider yourself lucky. He pierced the monkey's head with one blow, like Walnut. The leader fell dead on the white sand, filling it with blood. The dog and the cat, having looked at each other, rushed at the second, closest enemy to them and at once bit him. The parrot did not have time to fly high, he simply turned around in the air and walked with his beak along the very top of the monkey, tearing the skin. Not much, but apparently it was enough. The second monkey screamed in pain and from the fact that its face was flooded with blood from the head. Seeing nothing, she turned and ran. Monkeys are herd creatures. And it saved our friends. Shrieking wildly and waving their paws, the flock rushed into the forest. A cat, a dog and a parrot were left on the beach, which victoriously raised its crest and spread its wings and emitted a furious cry, announcing victory to everyone around. In short, the beach and the thickets adjacent to it remained at the complete disposal of the little trinity. From time to time, the parrot wore to his friends, for a change in diet, bananas plucked from palm trees and a cat with a dog boundlessly trusting their friend grimacingly ate them. And so they lived. And even got better on plentiful grubs. A few weeks later, a rescue team arrived on a boat. The captain still managed to turn on the SOS and the beacon. And their weak signal was picked up. People found only the wreckage left from the wreck of a large yacht. Having landed on the shore of the nearest island, they found a trinity of inseparable friends there. A parrot, a cat, and a dog sat on a beach of sparkling white sand. They sat pressed against each other and looked with wide eyes at the newcomers. My God, one of the sailors said, and these are the only survivors and held out his hands to them. A cat, a dog and a parrot took off and rushed to the people, announcing the beach with joyful cries.

Most impromptu fairy tales are invented for certain big events or holidays: New Year, wedding or anniversary. But there are many reasons to have fun! And sometimes amused adult company it is difficult to find a suitable musical fairy tale, the content of which would be simply cheerful and universal. New musical fairy tale "Love and the Goldfish" just like that, it is suitable for a party for any occasion and an adult company of any composition, including a small one, because actors only three. It is not necessary to dress up this one, the main thing is good mood and the desire of the participants to enjoy the game themselves and bring joy to the audience. Musical arrangement is attached, but the organizers can replace it with their own.


Ivan - husband

Tamara - wife

Gold fish

Presenter - reads the text


We do not know where and when, but Ivan and Tamara lived,

Everyone was talking about them, they say, a strange couple.

Ivan has a job, football on TV, a sofa,

On weekends - sauna with friends, beer, hookah.

Tamara's life is more complicated: manicure and makeup,

Cosmetologist, hairdresser, pedicure and massage.

Of course, Tamara looked like a model,

Beautiful, glamorous and pretty! (We meet!)

It turns out, dancing to the music, Tamara - track 1 sounds

And Ivan was a simple guy, with an open soul,

It seems not lazy, but not businesslike either. (We meet!)

It turns out, dancing to the music, Ivan - track 2 sounds

Once Ivan went fishing on the weekend,

We know the matter, alone, and not with a lawful wife.

Ivan pretends to go fishing - track 3 sounds

And while the wife was plucking her eyebrows, polishing her nails,

Ivan got hooked on the Goldfish! (We meet!)

Dancing, the Goldfish comes out - track 4 sounds

Ivan, I saw Rybka, and stood up, opening his mouth,

And Rybka is flirting, and leads a round dance with him.

The fish circles around Ivan - track 5 or 5a sounds

Ivan scratched his turnip, why do something with such luck,

He released the fish from sin and went home stunned.

Ivan and Rybka beat - track 6 sounds

At home, Ivan, gesticulating, told his wife everything.

I thought I wouldn’t believe it anyway, and suddenly I heard ..

So the wife announced her wishes and sent Ivan back,

And she herself sat down to dream of a pleasant life!

Ivan did not have time to reach the familiar bank,

How Rybka overtook him in three short jumps.

Ivan was intoxicated by a golden minx with a tail,

I forgot about Tamarina's desires ... escaped with difficulty.

And the wife, the fool, how did she know that there would be no miracle,

She began to scandal, threaten, and beat the dishes

Sounds track 10 or 10a

Here Ivan could not stand it: he slammed his fist on the table,

Sounds like track 11

V. Shebzukhov "Tales of the Golden Fish"

The fable of the fisherman and the fish
Vladimir Shebzukhov

According to folklore

"... So let's drink for a specific task!"
From toast

A smile shone with joy
When suddenly the network is finally
Got a goldfish
The limit of happiness is the crown!

You guess, fisherman, desire.
It is one in your consciousness.
Think and then say...
And untie the net from the boat!

Here, the fisherman did not think
And blurted out, but did not say
(Forgive me, since I write this -
did not fit) -

“For the dignity of a man - the floor is enough!”

Well - "blazed out" ... and what is the result -
All of a sudden, my legs got shorter!

That the fable is a lie, you, brother, don’t be angry ...
Hope for a miracle, but ... don't make a mistake yourself!

To spite the neighbor
Vladimir Shebzukhov

“People don't want to be rich;
people want to be richer than others. "
John Stuart Mill

Neptune's decree read as follows:
Whatever, whoever asks -
Accept the following condition:
Being with a neighbor is twice as much! ..
And strictly for the fish,
(Already, since the Lord has decided) -
To perform without error
Desire is just one!

The poor man, throwing a net into the sea ...
(And then the story - the tale was already),
For yourself, for joy, for sorrow,
Remembering his neighbor, he asked:

“If the condition changes,
Get your health back...
One wish remains...
But for a neighbor - too much!
What to wish, perhaps, I know.
(If in joy - know yourself dancing).
Come on, goldfish
You only deprive me of an eye!

No - the desire to give up
And release the fish into the sea:
A neighbor could have remained sighted,
Yes, the most crooked is not to be heard ...

Come on, understand why, who knows
A scorpion bites itself?!
But in a fairy tale they choose the truth ...

That evil blinds the eyes - not a dream! ..

Words words...
Vladimir Shebzukhov

Words, words... how often we confuse them
With a rearrangement of the places of the terms ...

The man caught a golden fish.
Oh, how overjoyed he was.
Desires accumulated enough ...
So on the catcher and ... "God's mercy"!

“Ask for one desire! --
The fish said to the man -
How can I help,
Kohl in our fairy tale is destined!

In the chapter of desires, a lot has surfaced.
But I remembered to ask for one thing.
“I want to have EVERYTHING!!!”
And with that, he released the fish.

That I let go, I thanked
But I felt sorry for the man.
“The poor fellow, after all ... EVERYTHING WAS!
The owner is a gentleman! I am a slave!”

I thought deep down...
But, sorry for the man and me!

Hey Pushkin! You're wrong...
Vladimir Shebzukhov

Four and a half years
It seemed like a few more years.
However, wisdom again,
Our Nastya cannot be taken away.

About the fisherman and the fish, a fairy tale,
She barely listened
Didn't really like the twist.
She was slightly annoyed.

Nastya has her own understanding.
And in a fairy tale there is a simple way out -
Ask a fish for gold
One fulfill only desire.

The end of that fairy tale, I don’t understand!
After all, it was worth gathering your courage,
Ask the fish for him
In desire - a new old woman!

worldly wisdom
Vladimir Shebzukhov

Grandfather caught a golden fish.
“Whatever you want, old man, wish!”
He gathered his brains into a fist.
The earthly paradise pecked.

He was known as a wise grandfather among people,
I didn’t go into my pocket for a word.
“I want from my pension
I immediately bought ... "Mercedes"!

That fish has already caught a cold and a trace.
I'm not lying here, trust me
So the cunning grandfather could give
Your own immortality!


Are you crazy, old man?


Get a gift grandma:
New trough.
Everything will be with us now
Clean and washed.

The grandmother sits at the TV, looks contemptuously at the grandfather.


You are behind the times.
I don't need this pelvis.
Dead, fun!


You are an old woman, do not grumble,
Sit down and read Pushkin. /hands her a book/
I do everything by text.
Here, read this place!


Grandpa, don't look in the book
And wipe your eyes.
It's another century in the yard!
Our horizons are large.

Today I'm not the same grandmother
She became smart.
I watch from the screen all day
foreign advertisements.

Grandfather (angrily)

TV is the root of evil
Doesn't do any good!


You listen, grandfather, first
I need a frying pan
So that she bakes pancakes
And with cabbage, and with jam,
To be envious of everyone!

Old stump, what are you looking at?
Do you not hear me?


I hear, I hear, I'm not deaf
You really have gone crazy!

grandma (menacing/)

Give me teflon here
coffee maker, vacuum cleaner
And a washing machine
All from Moidoslez.

Gotta live playfully
Under old age clover!


You, old woman, don't joke,
Everything costs a lot.
Where will I get money?
Where can I get dollars?

Today we have a course!
The pension is not enough.
You, old woman, have a glitch.
From hunger means!


Grandfather, run quickly to the sea,
Bow to the fish in the belt,
Ask for more money
Come back with the currency.

I don't want to be a Russian pensioner,
I want to be an overseas girl!

Demand, grandfather, and "Mercedes",
trips to Hawaii
Let him send visas too,
We won't be disturbed!

Look, you came up with an old stump,
Ask for a trough.
What is in this trough?
Reflection of life!

Require a video player, cream
From our wrinkles.
Send jeans too
For important walks.

I'm no worse than their old women
If I dress up.
Maybe in the competition I'll get along
"Miss Universe" I will be called!!! / the old woman stands, proudly raising her head.

Grandfather (horrified)

Grandma, grandma. What about me?
What can I do without you?
Come on, wake up soon
And get down on the ground.

grandma (proudly):

No, honey! Enough for me!
Now I want to live freely.
Stomp to the fish, old grandfather!
There is no time at all. /points to watch/


IN okay, grandma, you're right:
We need a different life.
I'll go to the sea to call a fish,
Need a new ransom!

Nomination: Kindergarten, Russian script folk tales, Preparatory group

The tale of the fisherman and the fish in a new way.
(Staging for children of the preparatory group.)



Gold fish.


Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman

By the very blue sea

They had a villa and a yacht

And they lived without knowing grief.

They didn't like to work.

But they ate and drank well.

After all, they have a goldfish

She served a rest without knowing.


"Lambada" danced.!

(Grandfather and woman in modern dresses appear to the music and dance Lambada. At the end of the dance, they sit down at the table.)


And the old woman says to the old man ...

Old woman:

Why are we hungry?!

We ate squid and sushi ....

Why did you hang your ears?

Click the fish, let him not sleep

And hurry with food!

And let him deliver lunch

To us at the villa at this moment!

(Grandfather, nodding his head, gets up, goes to the seashore)


The old man went to the blue sea,

He began to call goldfish.

Fish! Fish!

Gold fish!

Where are you, fish?

Wake up soon!

(A goldfish appears to the music, stretches, yawns)

Gold fish:

So why scream like that?

Don't let me sleep in the morning...

Why make noise at dawn?

The crisis is now in the yard.

What? Do you want to have lunch?

So pay money!

Where can you get them?

No money left…

Gold fish:

Everyone...your lunch is over.

Who will work hard

He will eat hunting!

Here are the things….


A fish swims into the sea...

(Grandfather, bowing his head, returns to his grandmother)


Grandma and grandpa sat next to each other

Not eating lunch.

Began to think and guess

Where can they get money.

Can we sell the yacht?

grandma: (indignantly)

And all the money will pass?

Let's think about how we can...

Can we open a company?

We haven't gone yet

All economy under the hammer?

Firm, you say, to open...?

Well, well, so be it!

Firm "New trough"

From today we are open!


I took a saw and a hammer,

Wooden took a bar,

(Grandfather takes tools and “makes” a trough)

The whole day I planed, sawed,

And he made a trough!

(Grandfather takes a finished trough and carries it to his grandmother)

Grandma went in the morning

And she sold the trough.

(Grandma takes a trough, approaches the audience and “sells” it)


Here is the money for once

Appeared with us!

While the lazy one warms up

And do not sleep, and do not be lazy!

Work is a matter of honor!

Be at work in the first place!

Grandfather and grandmother together:

And then day by day

We will survive the crisis!

Name: Dramatization "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish on new way»
Nomination: Kindergarten, old fairy tales in a modern way, fairy tale scenes

Job title: music director higher qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten combined type No. 40 "Droplet"
Location: city of Podolsk, Moscow region