Synopsis of GCD in the senior speech therapy group.

Theme: "Journey to the Land of Sounds"

Purpose: Differentiation of the sounds "P", "Pi".

Correctional and educational:

  • fix the pronunciation of the sounds "P", "P" in isolation, in syllables, in words, sentences;
  • to form the ability to differentiate these sounds;
  • learn to determine the place of sound in a word.


  • develop the psychological base of speech (attention, memory, thinking, imagination);
  • develop auditory attention, phonemic perception;
  • develop general and fine motor skills;
  • develop motivation for gaming and learning activities;
  • develop the ability to focus on the performance of actions.

Correctional and educational:

  • nurture kindness, responsiveness.

Equipment: Theatrical screen, theatrical puppets - “Fairytale Bird” King Hardy and King Crumb, image of the sun, “Soundcastles” manual, letter, station names. Magnetic board, blue chips and green color, subject pictures, 2 boxes, didactic manual"Train". Plastic plates with plasticine coating, natural material(beans, bones). Musical accompaniment. Coloring picture "Sounds" (for each child).

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall to calm music, after the speech therapist addresses the children, an alarming melody sounds and appears from behind the screen “Fairytale Bird” with an envelope in its beak.

Speech therapist: Children, do you hear what an alarming melody sounds? Perhaps something happened? Look, the “Fairytale Bird” has flown to us, it is holding something in its beak. What do you think it is?

Children: Envelope.

Speech therapist: Do you want to know what is in this envelope?

(Answers of children).

The speech therapist comes up and takes Fairy bird" the envelope. He takes out a letter from it with photographs of the kings "Tough" and "Crumb", reads it:

“Dear children! We beg you, please help. When we were returning from your kindergarten to our castles, on the way the Evil Wizard stole our sounds "P", "P" and bewitched the road along which we got to you.

If you agree to help us, then be prepared for trials and difficult tasks that will meet you along the way. And if you overcome all the way, then the witchcraft of the Evil Wizard will stop working.

Your friends".

Speech therapist: Children, did you find out who is asking you for help?

Children: Yes, this is "Sturdy" and "Crumb"

Speech therapist: Who are they?

Children: The Kings of Sound Castles.

Speech therapist: In what castle does "Tverdysh" live?

Children: In blue.

Speech therapist: And who else lives with "Tverdysh" in his castle?

Children: All consonants are hard sounds.

Speech therapist: In which castle does "Makish" live?

Children: In green.

Speech therapist: And who lives with "Makish"?

Children: All consonants are soft sounds.

Speech therapist: Children, do you remember what sounds the Evil Wizard stole?

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: Remember and name what sounds “P”, “P”, their similarities and differences?

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: Children, are you ready to help our friends?

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: The path to the Fairyland of Sounds is not easy and long. Let's stand in a circle and ask for strength from our Sun, so that it warms us and protects us on the way.

Self-massage of fingers and facial muscles "Sun":

The palm is the sun, the fingers are the rays.

The sun, dear, (stroking circular motions right hand on the left palm).
Share your power! (stroking movements in reverse). Wake up rays! (alternate finger massage).
Warm up, little ones! The sun woke up, touched the forehead,
Rays held and stroked (stroking movements from the middle of the forehead to the upper part of the ears).
The sun woke up, touched the cheek! (stroking from the nose to the middle part of the ears).
The sun warmed her face, warmed up, warmed up. (stroking from the middle of the chin to the bottom of the ears).
Our little hands stretched, Our lips smiled!

Speech therapist: So the strength has increased! It's time to go to Fairyland. How are we going to fairyland?

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: Children, do not forget that the kings Hard and Soft live in Fairytale Castles. And the transport that we can use to get there should also be fabulous. And on what we will go on a journey, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Iron huts are attached to each other,
One of them with a pipe leads everyone along!

(Children's answers: train).

Speech therapist: What sound does the word "train" begin with? What is this sound?

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: Guys, stand up straight, beautifully, one after another, like a train with trailers. And so that we are not bored along the way, repeat the words:

Our small steam locomotive,
Our steam locomotive is not easy,
The wheels don't rattle
It is made up of guys.
We go, we go one after another,
We go through the forest, we go through the meadow.
Come on, come out together!

Speech therapist: We arrived at the TESTING station.

Game "Say the other way around":

pa-pya poo-pyu
po-pyo pi-pi

Game "Remember and repeat":

pa-po-poo po-po-pee po-po-pyo
pa-pa-pa poo-poo-poo

The game "The Fourth Extra":

stump, pencil case, stove, stick.

Speech therapist: Well done, you coped with the tasks. We are building a train with trailers, we go further (music sounds).

Speech therapist: We arrived at the SIGNAL station.

Game "Signals".

a) I will call the sounds "P - P", and when you hear a solid sound - signal with a blue chip, if soft - green:

P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P.

b) Now I will name the syllables, and you determine and signal with the appropriate chip:


c) Well done! Next task becomes more difficult: you must hear the sounds "P-P" in words and beep correctly.

Speech therapist: Well done, and at this station you coped with all the tasks. We are building a train with trailers, we go further (music sounds).

Speech therapist: We arrived at the FUNNY PICTURES station.

Children, these are the chests of Hardy and Crumb, it looks like they mixed up their things. Let's help them arrange the pictures in the chests.

(Children lay out the pictures in chests with the sounds "P" and "Pi"). Speech therapist: Children, look at our train on the way, and in order for it to let us through, we must spread the cargo into trailers:

Pictures will go in the first trailer, in the name of which the sound "P" or "P" is heard at the beginning of the word;

In the second trailer, pictures will go where the sounds “P”, “P” are heard in the middle of a word;

In the third trailer, pictures will go where the sounds "P", "P" are heard at the end of the word.

Speech therapist: Well done, and at this station you coped with all the tasks! We line up and go further (music sounds).

Speech therapist: We arrived at the SKILL HANDS station.

Children, you coped well with the difficulties and found the missing sounds "P" and "P", let's give them a letter.

(Children, accompanied by calm music, lay out the letter “P” from natural material on plastic plates with plasticine coating).

Speech therapist: Children, what is the difference between a letter and a sound.

(Answers of children).

Speech therapist: Well done, you coped with all the trials on our way, and therefore the witchcraft of the Evil Wizard stopped working.

Music sounds, the children quickly line up and go on their way

Speech therapist: We arrived at the station "FAIRY CASTLES". Here we are
We got to Fairy Castles. And here are our friends.

(King Hardy and King Crumple appear on the screen, and turn to the children with gratitude).

Stout King: Thank you children for responding to our request. King Crumb: We have returned the missing sounds to us and disenchanted the road. Now we can visit you again.

King Stout: Dear guys, as a token of our friendship, we give you
memory of the Zvukovichkov.

Both Kings: Goodbye, see you soon!

Speech therapist: Children, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we are building a train with trailers. Children say goodbye to kings, music sounds.

Tatyana Demina,
teacher speech therapist

Egorova O.V. Sounds P, Pb, B, B. speech material and games on automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5-7 years old.- M.:"Publishing house" Gnome and D", 2005. - 24 p.

This manual is addressed to speech therapists, educators of speech therapy groups, parents. Its main task is to help the child learn the correct pronunciation of the sounds P, Pb, B, B.

The manual offers practical material on the production, automation and differentiation of these sounds. The manual contains a variety of lexical material, descriptions of games and individual exercises.

Egorova Olga Vladimirovna

Speech therapist teacher GOU - kindergarten of combined type No. 1547


Sounds P, Pb, B, B

Speech material and gameson automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5-7 years old

Publisher - A. Kazakov

Editor - N. Ilyakova

Corrector - I. Maksimova

Cover - N. Zalipaeva

original layout - A. Komoloye

OOO Publishing house GNOM and D E-mail: gnome_ logoped@ newmail. en

Handed over to the set 08.09.04. Signed for publication on 20.11.04. Offset printing. Volume 1.5 p.l. Format 60x90/16. Circulation 2,000 copies. Order No. 1293.

Printed in accordance with the quality of the provided transparencies in the WPC of Rospatent, Domodedovo, Kashirskoye sh., 4, p. 1.

© Egorova O.V., 2004. ISBN 5-296-00535-Х © Design by Gnom i D Publishing House, 2005.


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In progress speech development higher mental processes and the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with peers and adults.

Disadvantages of sound pronunciation significantly distort the speech of the child. The child may experience omissions, substitutions, deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child's speech incomprehensible to others, limits the baby's speech activity.

Correction of deficiencies in sound pronunciation is one of the critical tasks teacher. The child must learn to pronounce all the sounds of his native language correctly. Recently, more and more children have appeared who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonors, but simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, P, B, etc.

Benefit Structure

Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

    Sound articulation.

    Sound setting.

    Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

Automation of any sound should begin with syllables. Only when the child learns to pronounce the sound correctly in syllables, you can move on to words and sentences. At

working with words, it is necessary to work out the sound in different positions: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word; in words with a confluence of consonants.

At the final stages of sound automation, children are offered tongue twisters, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, games. To pronounce pure tongues, proverbs at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. At first, tongue twisters should be pronounced slowly, clearly articulating sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can accurately pronounce the tongue twister, you can repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, invite children not only to guess them, but also to repeat, since an automated sound is found in the text of riddles. Poetry is desirable to learn. This contributes not only to fixing the sound, but also to the development of memory. Read the stories to the child calmly, expressively, so that he can remember and retell them. Play games in a lively manner, encouraging the correct answers of the baby.

When sounds that are similar in pronunciation are automated, it is necessary to work on their differentiation. The differentiation of sounds must begin with syllables, gradually moving on to words, sentences, poems, etc.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, educators of speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Sound articulation

The lips are at first calmly closed, then open with an instant exhalation of air. The distance between the incisors and the position of the tongue depends on the next vowel. The soft palate is raised, the vocal folds are open, the air jet is jerky.

Sound staging

    way: by imitation.

    way: the speech therapist asks the child to pronounce the syllable pa, blowing a ball of cotton wool or a strip of colored paper.

Practical material on audio automation P

1. Repeat the syllables.

Pa - pa - dad - on - pu - py Up - op - pack

By - on - by Py - on - pu - pa Pack - yp - up

Pu - pu - pu po - pa - pu - py Yp - up - op

Py - py - py Pu - py - on - pa Pack - op - up

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word: Pan, share, pass, page, spider, fall, package, paste, finger, Pavel, chamber, stick, tow, steam, park; dust, dusting, vacuum cleaner, fawn, donut; sing, sweat, floor, post, train, help, kidney, soil, mail, regiment, shelf, crawl, tomato, port, spanking; pud, fluff, path, pouf, ottoman, launch, cannon, bunch, bullet, scarecrow, powder.

Sound in the middle of a word: Anapa, fall, stomp, drip, dig, bathe, buy, attack, foot, paw, clap, crowd, tulips, hat, constipation, parka, scratch, croup, trail; trenches, hoof, spray; soot, boot, bast shoes, pressure.

Soundat the end of a word: Top, stage, tyap-blunder, sap, tsap, arap, snore, drape, ladder

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words: Pka, pna, mpa; pla, pla, plo, pl; right, right, about, right Firebox, hill, foot, mop, lamp; flame, planet, swim, swimming trunks, cry, plastic, plasticine; swim, quicksand; raft, fruit, bad, bad, hollow, nozzle, bowl; rogue, plow, stray; truth, rule; jump, jumper; just a sheet; rod, pond.

3. Repeat suggestions.

Pasha was tending sheep. The page raised a finger. The regiment goes to the port. Buds appeared on the trees in the park. The locomotive released steam. The post office light is on. Pavel went to Anapa. The crowd clapped. The vacuum cleaner swallows dust. Fluffy's paws got wet. Berries fell from the hollow. Paul teaches the rule. The scarecrow guards the fruits. The gun fires: poof. Dad buys cereal. Paul went on his way. There is dust on the floor, you need a vacuum cleaner.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Pa - pa - pa - small grits.

Pu - pu - pu - we bought cereals.

Py - py - py - no more cereals.

Pa - pa - pa - dad is coming.

Pu-pu-pu-I'm going to Anapa.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Got a finger in the sky.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Got up late - lost the day.

In his youth he did not study - he lost his life.

Recognition is half the correction.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

There is a pop on a shock, a cap on the priest, A shock under the priest, a pop under the cap.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered - Yes, and fluttered out.

The field is not weeded, The field is not watered, He asks for a field to drink - It is necessary to water the field.

7. Repeat the riddles.

Who grazes sheep and goats, A friend came out from under the snow,

Where the meadow is overgrown with grass? And suddenly it smelled like spring.

(Shepherd). (Snowdrop)

The golden sieve of black houses is full. (Sunflower) A hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest)

8. Learn poems.

Let's go, let's go, let's go The spider came to the market,

For ripe nuts, Muham spider brought goods.

For nuts, mushrooms, He hung it on an aspen:

What will be born under the oaks - Which of you wants cobwebs? That grow under the maples, Under the green lindens. (V. Orlov)

9. The game "Tell me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest the right phrase at the end of each poem.

And from the wind, and from the heat, I grow in a red cap

Will cover you from the rain. Among aspen roots.

And how sweet it is to sleep in it! You will see me a mile away -

What is it?.. (Tent). I'm called... (boletus).

The plane is ready

He will go to... (flight).

10. Game "One-Many".

An adult names an object in singular, child - plural.

A tomato - (tomatoes). A gun - (guns).

Spider - (spiders). Pillow - (pillows).

Shelf - (shelves). Tent - (tents).

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Styopa went on a hike. First, Styopa took the train to the forest. He went down the path into the forest. There he found a beautiful clearing and pitched a tent on it. A river flowed near the tent. Styopa swam in the river and lay down on the grass to sunbathe. What a good rest!

Sound articulation

Cm. sound P. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Pb, the lips are much more tense, and the tongue is arched, its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound staging

    way: by imitation.

    way: child pronounces a syllable pi. Gradually, the sound And is pronounced more briefly and deafly, do not stretch the lips much, the sound Pb is obtained.

Practical material on automation of sound Pb

Snezhana Valerievna Sirotkina
Sounds P-P, B-B. Differentiation. Wild animals

Topic: « Sounds P - P, b-b. Differentiation. Wild animals».

1. Psycho-gymnastics in a circle. Introduction to the topic.

Depict an angry Barmaley;

Good Doctor Aibolit;

Sick animals.

Reading by the educator letters: “Dear children, we are captured by Barmaley. Help out. Bim the elk and Peak the pig. Today we will rescue Peak and Bim from captivity, we will repeat p-p sounds, b-b.

The children sit down.

2. Finger gymnastics "Everyone has their own home"

A fox in a deaf forest has a hole - a reliable home.

Winter snowstorms are not terrible for a squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.

Under the bushes, the prickly hedgehog gathers leaves in a heap.

From the branches, roots, bark of the hut, beavers make.

The clubfoot sleeps in a den until spring and sucks its paw there.

Everyone has their own home - everyone is warm, comfortable in it!

3. Feature sounds based on the scheme, comparison sounds by article. signs.

4. Picture "Forest" song animal: pa-ba-pa; would-you-would; po-bo-po-bo; pi-bi-py-would.

Who is it? Squirrel. What is the name of the dwelling? Cubs? What is the first sound in a word?

Squirrel task: help play the game "4 is extra". For help, the squirrel prompted to turn to the chipmunk.

Chipmunk picture. He agrees to help find Barmaley if the children comply the task:

Replace sound B to sound P and name the words: beam ... barrel ... flea ... board ....

Pi to B: sang ... drink ...

1 sound in a word in Pi: ladder ... forest ... river ... laziness.

Well done. Done, listen carefully: “Go to the right, you will find a swamp - the hippo Plukh lives there, he will show the way.”

5. Exhibited hippopotamus (picture). He agrees to help on the condition that tasks: fix words:

Water runs in a cool stove ... a river.

Logs are blazing in the river! Stove.

We all sat down on a song and we sing a ladder together!

I click on the medals to be the first to get the pedals!

There is a warm forest on the beach, green sand in the distance!

Far go me a stump, I'd rather sit down on laziness!

A baker cures diseases, a skillful doctor bakes bread!

Well done. Go around the swamp, go right!

6.-Two doctors live there - Pilyulkin (heals animals, in the name of which are soft P - B) and Aibolit (solid sounds) . Determine who will heal whom and raise the desired square.

Puma, antelope, turtle, bison, panda, zebra, rooster, ram, bison, beaver, squirrel, hippopotamus, pony.

7. FM. "To the waterhole"

On a hot day, the animals went to the watering place along the forest path.

An elk stomped behind the moose mother.

A fox was stalking behind the mother fox.

A hedgehog rolled after mom,

The squirrels rode behind the mother squirrel, and the slanting hares followed the mother hare.

The she-wolf led the cubs.

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

8. Sound-letter analysis.

Aibolit and Pilyulkin are asked to make a word scheme "PONY" And "SQUIRREL".

The speech therapist on the board draws up a diagram with an intentional error. Joint analysis of the compiled schemes.

9. Pictures of rescued calf Bim and Pik pig.

Possessive use adjectives: elk and boar family, elk and boar hooves, elk and boar tail. Common and different data animals. Their characteristic.

10. Drawing up proposals according to these pictures, drawing up proposal schemes. Defining offer types by intonation:. ,? , !


Interaction between a teacher-speech therapist and a music director in the correctional educational process

speech therapist Babkina S.N.

If it's hard for you to speak,

music always helps!

When brought up in educational institution preschool children with handicapped health in without fail the section of the program “Content corrective work».

    identification of special educational needs of children with disabilities due to deficiencies in their physical and mental development;

    implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPK);

    the possibility of mastering the OS Program by children with disabilities and their integration in an educational institution.

It is planned to build a correctional and educational process in accordance with the complex-thematic principle, the implementation of which is impossible without interconnection with the principle of integration educational areas. Integration is more appropriate for the activation of speech, the development of cognitive processes and corresponds to children's psychophysical data, because. allows children to maximize their potential.

The scheduling and thematic planning of specialists who provide correctional education for children with disabilities is also undergoing significant changes. This fully applies to the planning approaches of the speech therapist and music director. The implementation of the principle of complexity contributes to higher rates of general and speech development of children and provides for high-quality joint work specialists.

The solution of correctional and developmental tasks is carried out in joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children not only within directly educational activities , but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics preschool education and in educational interaction with my family.

Correctional work is included in all areas of activity of an educational institution and is carried out by all specialists, its content is the psychological, medical and pedagogical support of children with disabilities, aimed at correcting and compensating for deviations in their physical and mental development.

The joint correctional and developmental activity of a speech therapist and a music director is a combination of a system of movements, musical background and vocabulary content. After all, in addition to correctional goals, an increase in efficiency in the development of non-speech and speech functions is achieved, which contributes to a more intensive adaptation of children.

During such integrated activities, the development there is talk through the synthesis of words, movement and music. Movement helps to comprehend the word. The word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates them. cognitive activity, emotional sphere helps to adapt to conditions external environment.

Joint correctional and developmental activity, on the one hand, eliminates disturbed speech functions, and on the other hand, it develops functional systems child: breathing, voice function, articulatory apparatus, voluntary attention in general, the processes of memorization and reproduction of speech and motor material.

The interaction of a speech therapist and a music director is carried out in three areas:



    information and advisory.

When interacting, you should:

    Consider the structure of the speech disorder;

    To carry out an individual approach against the background of collective activity;

    Take into account the level of formation of a common culture, the presence of qualities acquired in the process of correctional and developmental activities.

Both the speech therapist and the music director present uniform requirements to conduct integrated classes with children, guided by the following principles:

It is possible to single out the main tasks facing a speech therapist and a music director in carrying out correctional and educational work. These are health-improving, educational and correctional-developing tasks.




Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Develop breathing.

Develop coordination and motor functions.

Form the correct posture.

To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to feel rhythmic expressiveness in music, movements.

To form the ability to perceive musical images.

improve personal qualities, sense of collectivism.

Develop speech breathing.

Develop the articulatory apparatus.

Form prosodic components of speech.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.

The effectiveness of corrective work with children of speech therapy groups is determined by the clear organization of their stay in kindergarten, correct distribution loads during the day and continuity in the work of a speech therapist and others PEI specialists.

Forms and types of interaction between a teacher-speech therapist

with music director

    Planning the interaction of speech therapists with the music director at academic year.

    Joint selection of methodological literature, manuals and repertoire.

    Participation of teachers-speech therapists in the preparation and holding of thematic entertainment, holidays, open classes.

    Compilation of file cabinets speech games, word games, etc.

    Speech by the music director at pedagogical councils on topics related to corrective exercises, word games, singing, etc. for the prevention of speech disorders.

    The use of speech therapy chants, speech games, logorhythmic exercises, games with the word in music classes, holidays and entertainment, finger games, musical and rhythmic movements with singing, sayings, fables, counting rhymes, sayings, musical and didactic games with the word, nursery rhymes, ditties, riddles, poems, tongue twisters, dramatizations of fairy tales and songs, vocal and choral work.

Particular attention is paid to dance movements. This includes games with singing, dancing to singing, round dances.

Interesting for children are musical and didactic games that contribute to the development phonemic hearing and attention, rhythmic games with tasks for orientation in space, exercises for distinguishing musical sounds in height, to adjust voices to a certain sound, chants to automate those sounds that children learn on speech therapy classes.

There are games on children's musical instruments (percussion and noise). Rhythm plays an important role in speech, movement, and music. Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. Any rhythmic movement activates the activity of the human brain. According to Professor G. A. Volkova, “sounding rhythm serves as a means of educating and developing a sense of rhythm in movement and including it in speech.” Reading by syllables, rhythmic repetition of actions and sounds in songs and counting rhymes is priceless speech therapy exercise! Practicing rhythms develops correct, even breathing, prevents violations syllabic structure speech becomes smooth and beautiful.

Let's look at specific examples of how pedagogical tasks are solved in the process of conducting integrated classes:

Pedagogical tasks

Teacher speech therapist

Musical director

Development fine motor skills

Exercises with different didactic material.

finger games

Playing children's musical instruments.

Dance moves.

Theater with bibabo puppets.

The development of facial expressions

Facial massage.

Gymnastics of mimic muscles.

Arbitrary formation of certain facial postures.

Relationship of facial expressions with intonation

Development of expressiveness in singing and dancing

Development speech breathing

Tongue Twisters.

Blowing exercises.

Differentiation of oral and nasal breathing.

Development of lower diaphragmatic breathing.

The use of musical wind instruments.


Breathing exercises in dance.

Sound gymnastics.

Exercises to develop the flexibility of the soft palate

Choral singing.

Movement with speech

Development of articulation to music.

Use of characteristic roles.

Development of phonemic hearing

Reading poems with the allocation of phonemes. Distinguishing phonemes that are close in the method and place of formation and acoustic features. Education of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound. Formation of speech control through acoustic control.

The use of chants.

Choral and individual singing.

Musical-rhythmic movements.

Development of articulation

Mirror exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.


Massage articulation apparatus(individually)

Learning and singing songs.

Singing songs with onomatopoeia

Development grammatical structure speeches

Formation of word-formation and inflection skills.

Overcoming agrammatism

Learning lyrics.


Musical performances, dramatizations.

Puppet show.

Vocabulary Development

Development of understanding of various speech structures and grammatical forms.

Replenishment of the dictionary of musical terminology.

Enrichment of the vocabulary in the course of classes.

The development of monologue and dialogic speech

Development of nominative, predicative and adjective vocabulary

Formation of dialogue writing skills.

The development of the child's desire to speak.

Education of skills of mastering monologue speech.


Puppet theater and bibabo dolls.

musical performances

Learning lyrics.

Development of communication skills

Psychological studies and communication games

Participation of children in musical performances

The presented model of interaction between a speech therapist and a music director allows taking into account not only speech, but also individual typological characteristics of children, as well as their compensatory capabilities, creates the prerequisites for effective correction existing speech disorders, which helps the child to easily adapt to the preschool environment, successfully develop and learn in the future. It is always difficult to achieve a stable positive result in corrective work with children, but it is quite feasible if you change the form and content of directly educational activities, use integrated types of its organization and conduct.

Thus, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education creates unique opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the correctional and educational process in preschool educational institutions, and an integrated approach is one of the ways to achieve the quality of education, its renewal and effectiveness in the development of the child's personality, maintaining his health.

Municipal Preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 79 in Lipetsk


for the music director on the topic:

"Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and music director"

Teacher speech therapist

Lipetsk 2015

If it's hard for you to speak,
music always helps!

In corrective work with children suffering from various speech defects, positive role they play joint classes of a speech therapist and a music director, which are a combination of a system of movements, musical background and vocabulary content. After all, in addition to correctional goals, an increase in efficiency in the development of non-speech and speech functions is achieved, which contributes to a more intensive adaptation of children.

During such classes, the development of speech proceeds with the help of the synthesis of words, movement and music. Movement helps to comprehend the word. The word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity, the emotional sphere, and helps to adapt to environmental conditions.

Joint remedial classes, on the one hand, they eliminate impaired speech functions, and on the other hand, they develop the functional systems of the child: breathing, voice function, articulation apparatus, voluntary attention in general, the processes of memorizing and reproducing speech and motor material.

The interaction of a speech therapist and a music director is carried out in two directions:

Correction-developing; information and advisory.

In carrying out their work, both the speech therapist and the music director must take into account:

    the structure of the speech disorder; to carry out an individual approach against the background of collective activity; consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in speech therapy classes; comprehensively develop the personality of a preschooler.

Both the speech therapist and the music director have the same requirements for conducting joint classes with children.

Principles of building joint classes:

Lessons are based on general provisions corrective - pedagogical work with preschoolers with developmental disabilities Classes are conducted systematically, because only under this condition do preschoolers form and consolidate the correct motor dynamic stereotypes. The principle of comprehensive impact The principle of accessibility and individual approach. The content and didactic methods of conducting joint classes are selected and implemented differentially, according to the age of the children, the structure and composition speech disorders. The principle of visibility. The principle of gradual complication of motor, speech and musical tasks.

It is possible to single out the main tasks facing a speech therapist and a music director in carrying out correctional and educational work. These are health-improving, educational and correctional tasks.




Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
Develop breathing.
Develop coordination and motor skills.
Form the correct posture.

To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to feel rhythmic expressiveness in music, movements.
To form the ability to perceive musical images.
To improve personal qualities, a sense of collectivism.

Develop speech breathing.
Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Form prosodic components of speech.
Develop phonemic awareness.
Develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.

At the same time, each of the subjects of correctional and developmental work develops the following areas:

Teacher speech therapist:

    setting diaphragmatic speech breathing; strengthening the muscular apparatus of the speech organs by means of speech therapy massage; formation of an articulatory base to correct incorrectly pronounced sounds; correction of disturbed sounds, their automation and differentiation; development phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis; improvement of the lexical and grammatical side of speech; teaching the ability to coherently express one's thoughts; literacy training, prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia; development of the psychological base of speech; improvement of fine motor skills; speech therapy classes and regime moments.

Musical director:

Development and formation:

    auditory attention And auditory memory; optical-spatial representations; visual orientation to the interlocutor; coordination of movements; the ability to convey a simple musical rhythmic pattern.


    pace and rhythm of breathing and speech; oral praxis; prosody; phonemic hearing.

The effectiveness of corrective work with children of speech therapy groups is determined by the clear organization of their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day and the continuity in the work of a speech therapist and other specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Forms and types of interaction between a music director and speech therapists.

    The plan of interaction between speech therapists and the music director for the academic year. Interaction log. Joint selection of methodological literature, manuals and repertoire. Participation of teachers-speech therapists in the preparation and conduct of thematic entertainment, holidays, open classes. Drawing up card indexes of speech games, word games, etc. Speech by the music director at pedagogical councils on topics related to corrective exercises, word games, singing, etc. to prevent speech disorders. The use of speech therapy chants, speech games, logorhythmic exercises, word games, finger games, musical and rhythmic movements with singing, sayings, fables, counting rhymes, sayings, musical and didactic games with the word, nursery rhymes, ditties, riddles, poems, tongue twisters, dramatizations of fairy tales and songs, vocal and choral work.

Coordination plan for joint classes

Pedagogical tasks

Musical director

Development of fine motor skills

Exercises with various didactic material.
Finger games.

Playing children's musical instruments.
Dance moves.
Theater with bibabo puppets

The development of facial expressions

Facial massage.
Gymnastics of mimic muscles.
Arbitrary formation of certain facial postures.
Relationship of facial expressions with intonation

Development of expressiveness in singing and dancing

The development of speech breathing

Tongue Twisters. Blowing exercises. Differentiation of oral and nasal breathing. Development of lower diaphragmatic breathing

The use of musical wind instruments. Chants. Breathing exercises in dance.

Sound gymnastics. Exercises to develop the flexibility of the soft palate

Choral singing.
Movements with speech to music.
Use of characteristic roles.

Development of phonemic hearing

Reading poems with the allocation of phonemes. Distinguishing phonemes that are close in the method and place of formation and acoustic features. Education of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound. Formation of speech control through acoustic control.

The use of chants. Choral and individual singing. Musical-rhythmic movements.

Development of articulation

Mirror exercises.
Articulation gymnastics.
Massage of the articulatory apparatus (individually)

Learning and singing songs. Singing songs with onomatopoeia

The development of the grammatical structure of speech

Formation of word-formation and inflection skills.
Overcoming agrammatism

Learning lyrics. Dramatization.
Musical performances, dramatizations.
Puppet show.

Vocabulary Development

Development of understanding of various speech structures and grammatical forms.
Development of nominative, predicative and adjective vocabulary.

Replenishment of the dictionary of musical terminology.
Enrichment of the vocabulary in the course of classes.

Development of dialogic speech

Formation of dialogue writing skills

Puppet theater and bibabo dolls. musical performances.

The development of monologue speech

The development of the child's desire to speak.
Education of skills of mastering monologue speech.

Learning lyrics

Development of communication skills

Psychological studies and communication games

Participation of children in musical performances.