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Letter OMTSOUOG. Moscow dated 19.112007 No. 559/1

Guidelines for teachers primary school and subject teachers of grades 1-11 on assessing the knowledge of students with speech therapy problems, and students, who do not speak Russian colloquial speech, at various stages of education

Checking and evaluating the achievements of schoolchildren is a very essential component of the learning process and one of the most important tasks pedagogical activity teachers. This component, along with other components of the educational process (content, methods, means, forms of organization) must comply with modern requirements society, pedagogical and methodological sciences, the main priorities and goals of education at school. The monitoring and evaluation system cannot be limited to a utilitarian goal - checking the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities in a specific subject. It poses a more important social task: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find errors and ways to eliminate them. The educational function of evaluation determines the result of comparing the expected effect with the actual one. On the part of the teacher, a statement of the quality of assimilation of educational material by students is carried out: the completeness and awareness of knowledge, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations, the ability to choose the most appropriate means for performing learning task: the dynamics of progress is established, the formation (unformedness) of personality traits necessary for both school life, and outside it, the degree of development of the main mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization): it becomes possible to identify problem areas in the work, fix successful methods and techniques, analyze which content of training is expedient to expand and which to exclude from the curriculum. On the part of the student, it is established what are the specific results of his learning activities; what is learned firmly, consciously, and what needs to be repeated, deepened; which aspects of learning activity have been formed, and which ones need to be formed. The educational function of assessment is expressed in considering the formation of positive motives for learning and readiness for self-control as a factor in overcoming students' low self-esteem and anxiety. Properly organized control and evaluation remove schoolchildren's fear of control work, reduce the level of anxiety, form the correct target settings, focus on independence, activity and self-control. The emotional function of evaluation is manifested in the fact that any type of evaluation (including marks) creates a certain emotional background and causes the corresponding emotional reaction of the student. Indeed, assessment can inspire, direct to overcome difficulties, provide support, but it can also upset, put one in the category of lagging behind, exacerbate low self-esteem, disrupt contact with adults and peers. The implementation of this most important function when checking learning outcomes is that the teacher's emotional reaction should correspond to the student's emotional reaction (rejoice with him, grieve with him) and orient him towards success, express confidence that these results can be changed for the better. This provision is related to one of the main laws of the pedagogy of primary education - junior school student must learn from success. The situation of success and emotional well-being is a prerequisite for the student to calmly accept the teacher's assessment, analyze the mistakes together with him and outline ways to eliminate them. (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998 No. 1561 / 14-15 “Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school"). In elementary school, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child's speech development become obvious. Any delay, any violation in the course of the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, on the formation of the personality as a whole. From the first grade, special work is needed to identify the initial level and dynamics speech development each student and the class as a whole. Based on the data obtained, the prospects for work on the development of children's speech are determined. Writing disorders are one of the most common forms of learning difficulties in elementary school students. secondary school. According to a number of authors, a particular writing disorder, dysgraphia, causes failure in 20-32% of primary school students. Many children experience serious difficulties when learning to write, which sharply reduces their school motivation, leading not only to school maladaptation, but also to academic failure. Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repetitive errors due to the unformed HMF (higher mental functions) involved in the writing process. speech therapy practice the study of the writing of primary school students is traditionally carried out by analyzing independent, verification and control works In Russian. The following types of specific errors are distinguished:"

phonemic errors


A mixture of letters denoting paired voiced and deaf consonants, hard and soft consonants, whistling and hissing consonants, affricates and their components; vowel confusion

Differentiation b-p, dt, 1 v-f, g-k, s-s, w-w. C-s differentiation, w-s, h-t, c-h, h-sh, w-sh, h-f, r-l, m-n, n-in. Difficulties in designating the softness of consonants (vowels of the 2nd row, letter b). Differentiation o-u, e-yu, o-a, e-i, e-i (under stress)


analysis and synthesis

Omissions of vowels, consonants and syllables; permutations, insertions, perseveration, anticipations of letters and syllables; violation of the selection of a word from a sentence ______

Sentence boundaries (capital letter, dot), word merging, word break, word skip, word repetition, continuous spelling excuse _____________



Mirror spelling of letters

Differentiation i-y, b-d, b-c, p-t, l-m, x-zh, n-p, w-shch, o-a (under stress); w-u, e-s

An important adaptation measure is the presentation of reduced requirements for children with dysgraphia. Measurement control and examinations are carried out specifically, with the replacement of examination papers with oral answers. One of essential conditions corrective work is the development of unity of requirements for the student by a speech therapist on the part of the teacher and the speech therapist. The teacher should very carefully and carefully evaluate the work of the speech pathologist student. The fact is that these students, with all their desire and diligence, are not able to complete assignments, especially written ones, in accordance with the norms adopted at school. The task of the speech therapist is, firstly, to draw the teacher's attention to the fact that errors of a logopathic nature should not be counted when evaluating the work of a student, as one of the options for evaluating the work of students with such disorders, it is proposed to introduce ungraded training, transferring students to a credit assessment system, and in secondly, to teach the teacher to distinguish between a logopathic error and an error due to the fact that the student did not learn this or that grammar rule. When evaluating reading skills in children with dyslexia disorders (reading disorder), it is necessary to be aware of specific errors, which also should not be taken into account. The speech therapy center enrolls students of a general educational institution who have violations in the development of oral and written speech in their native language ( general underdevelopment speech of varying severity; phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech - stuttering; pronunciation defects - a phonetic defect, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of organs speech apparatus(dysarthria, rhinolalia); violation of reading and writing, due to the general, phonetic- phonemic underdevelopment speech). First of all, students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech that prevent their successful development of general educational programs (children with general, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech) are enrolled in the speech therapy center. Graduation of students from speech therapy center carried out throughout school year after the elimination of their violations in the development of oral and written speech. Group classes are held: with students who have general underdevelopment of speech(impaired reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech) - at least three times a week; with students who have phonetic-phonemic orphonemic underdevelopment of speech,- at least two to three times a week; with students who have phonetic defect,- not less than one or two times a week; with stutterers students - at least three times a week. Individual classes are held at least three times a week with students who have a general speech underdevelopment of the second level according to R.E. Levina, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia). As these students develop pronunciation skills, classes are held with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be held in the same group with students who stutter and students with shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds. an institution for examination by specialist doctors (a neuropathologist, a child psychiatrist, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission. educational institution. A speech therapist provides advice to teachers of a general education institution and parents (legal representatives) of students in determining the causes of poor progress and gives recommendations on how to overcome them. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing and timely identifying students with primary speech pathology and for completing groups. Teacher speech therapist: a) conducts classes with students to correct various violations of oral and written speech. In the course of classes, work is carried out to prevent and overcome poor progress in the native language, due to primary speech impairment; b) interacts with teachers on the development of general educational programs by students (especially in the native language); c) keep in touch with preschool institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's clinics and psycho-medical-pedagogical commissions; d) participates in the work of Methodological associations of speech therapists; e) represents to the head of the general education institution, an annual report on the number of students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech in the general educational institution and the results of training in the speech therapy center in accordance with the form (Appendix 4). (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution” (Bulletin of Education. 2001. No. 2)). Memo for elementary school teachers on specific speech therapy errors1. Errors due to the lack of formation of phonemicprocesses and auditory perception: omissions of letters and syllables- "trva" (grass), "krodil" (crocodil), "pines" (brought); permutations of letters and syllables- “oako” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “put out” (came); omission of letters and syllables -"red" (red), "shovel" (shovel), "swollen" (swollen); building up words with extra letters or syllables -“tara-va” (grass), “katorae” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klukikva” (cranberry); word distortion- “Naotukh” (hunting), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “from pek” (from foam); continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division -“us tu-saw” (came), “Visitnastne” (hanging on the wall), “at the station” (tired). inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, fusedwriting sentences“My father is a driver. The job of a driver is difficult; a driver needs to do well. Know the car after school I do too. I will be a driver"; replacing one letter with another tuki" (beetles), "punk" (ban-ka), "telpan" (tulip)? "hats" (boots); violation softening of consonants -"vaselki" (cornflowers), "smali" (crumpled), "kon" (horse). 2. Errors due to the lack of formation of lexico-gramsthe math side of speech: agrammatism- “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks” (five little yellow chickens); confluent spelling of prepositions and separate spelling prist-wok- “in the pocket”, “when they flew”>, “in the green” (took), “on the way.” The speech therapist must convince the teacher that it is much more important than the normative assessment to create a favorable psychological climate for the speech pathologist student in the lesson. Bilingual children can be assessed according to the same criteria, taking into account the peculiarities of their native language. At the initial stage of mastering the Russian language, it is better to evaluate classes in the subject orally. Bilingual children, as one of the options, should be taught Russian as a foreign language in special groups for at least two years at the initial stage. written works students of grades 1-9 of non-Russian nationality, studying in mass schools according to programs and textbooks for Russian schools, may increase by 1-2 errors allowed for the corresponding assessment. This category includes children who do not speak Russian well. In addition, any educational institution has the right, by decision of the pedagogical council, to release for one or another period of study the student (student) who does not speak fluently) oral Russian colloquial speech, from marking the achievement of the student in any academic subject (subjects) at any stage (class) of education to language alignment (language adaptation).

Your child probably has dysgraphia. Such an assumption is increasingly heard from teachers by parents of schoolchildren who are not doing well in the Russian language. Let's take a closer look at what dysgraphia is and how you can deal with it.


This is a partial violation of the writing process, which manifests itself in repetitive and fairly persistent errors in the writing process, due to the immaturity of the higher mental functions involved in the writing process.

The definition is very similar to the concept of dyslexia, only reading is replaced with writing. Indeed, the processes of reading and writing have much in common, are strongly interconnected, but writing is a more complex process, so dysgraphia is more common than dyslexia.

Characteristics of dysgraphic errors

1. In dysgraphia, errors are persistent and repetitive, which makes it possible to distinguish them from errors that are normal when mastering writing and quickly disappear.

2. Errors are of a recurring typical nature, appear in similar situations, and especially appear when tasks become more complex.

3. Dysgraphic errors can only be in children of school age. In preschool children, such mistakes are natural due to insufficient development of higher mental functions.

Symptoms of dysgraphia

Many of the symptoms are similar to those found in dyslexia.

1. Delayed mastery of the skill of writing.

2. Slow writing process.

3. Handwriting disorders in children.

4. Specific dysgraphic errors are required.

The following groups of errors are distinguished.

1) Failure to assimilate letters

a) distortion of the visual image of the letter (mirror spelling, underwriting of any element, attribution of an extra element, distortion of any element of the letter, distortions in the spatial arrangement of letters);

b) replacing or mixing letters (mixing letters that differ in the spatial arrangement of elements ( w-t, v-d), letters that differ in the addition of elements (i-sh), letters that are similar in general graphic image (b-c)

Such errors can manifest themselves to varying degrees.

2) Sound distortion syllabic structure words.

As in the process of reading, this is the most common group of errors. It includes omissions of consonants during confluences, addition of vowels between confluences, permutation of letters in consonant confluences, perseveration (getting stuck on one sound), omissions of syllables, permutations, addition of extra syllables.

3) Violation of the sentence structure.

They appear in the continuous spelling of words (prepositions are often written together with words), in some cases part of the word is written separately (prefixes are separated from the root), the word is written in parts.

With such errors, the sentence may look like this (The cow chews hay. = Koro v azhu yotseno.) But this is the most rude version.

4) Replacement of letters denoting phonetically close sounds (S-Sh, R-L, P-B, etc.)

5) Agrammatisms in writing

a) morphological agrammatisms (violation of agreement, control, incorrect word formation in writing)

b) syntactic agrammatisms (incorrect reproduction of the sentence structure, which is reflected in oral speech children)


Dysgraphic errors should be distinguished from spelling errors. With dysgraphia, the phonetic principle of spelling is violated (we both hear and write).

Persistent breach of use spelling rules called dysorphography. In this case, the child knows the spelling rules, but cannot use them due to the underdevelopment of many speech functions.

In France, all writing disorders (dysgraphia and dysorphography) are called dysorphography. And in the US, all writing disorders are called dyslexia. In Russia, everything is quite clearly differentiated.

A speech therapist is also involved in the correction of dysorphography. If a child knows all the rules, but cannot apply them at all, do not look for a Russian language tutor. Most likely it won't help you. You need a speech pathologist!

Dysgraphia correction

Dysgraphia is corrected by a speech therapist. Before starting classes, the specialist will study the written work of the child in order to determine the nature and typicality of errors. The speech therapist examines the child's speech and the higher mental functions that take part in the writing process, he will definitely listen to how the child reads, even if you have no complaints about reading.

Only then can the specialist draw up a plan and proceed to remedial classes. At school logopoints, dysgraphia is corrected for group lessons, which is less effective than with individual work.

Therefore, in particularly complex and persistent cases of dysgraphia, it is advisable to work with a private speech therapist who can implement an individual approach.

In this article, I talked about such a violation of written speech as dysgraphia. If you have questions about this topic, write in the comments. I will definitely answer. If you found this information useful, please share with your friends.

A colleague from the city of Maloyaroslavets Kaluga region Vedel Julia Viktorovna prepared a presentation on the types of dysgraphia, which I present to your attention.


With dysgraphia, several groups of errors are noted, which are described in this material.






DISGRAPHY - this is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repetitive errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process.

With dysgraphia, the following are noted error groups:

1. Errors due to lack of formation phonemic processes, auditory perception and memory:

Omissions of letters and syllables (grass - "grass", brought - "pinos").

Permutations of letters and syllables (window - "onko", took - "zvyal", rewrote - "peperisal").

Missing letters and syllables (red - "red", shovel - "shovel").

Building words with new letters and syllables (grass - "tarava", grandmother - "grandmother").

Distortion of words (on the hunt - “out of breath”).

Replacing one letter with another (beetles - "bugs", a bank - "punk").

Violations of mitigation of consonants (cornflowers - “cornflowers”, crumpled - “smili”).

2. Errors due to violation language analysis and synthesis:

Continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division (stepped on - “stepped on”, hanging on the wall - “hanging on the wall”, tired - “at the steel”).

The inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, the continuous writing of sentences. (“My father is a chauffeur. The work of a chauffeur is difficult for him to do well. I also know the car after school. I will be a chauffeur.”).

3. Errors due to the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech:

Agrammatisms (“Sasha and Lena “gathers” flowers. The children sat on “big” chairs.”)

Continuous spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of prefixes (in the pocket - “in the pocket”, arrived - “when they flew”, along the road - “on the way”).

4. Errors due to the replacement on the principle of optical similarity of letters and their distorted spelling.

Replacements of the letters O-A ("bont", "dome", "hurricanes", "guzzles"),

Substitutions letters B-D(“people”, “rydolov”, “”ubacha”, “yadloki”).

Substitutions letters I-U(“pond”, “mikha village”, “on the shore”, “kukishka”, “green cyst”).

and etc.

Wish you success!

« Speech therapy errors in writing» .

A speech therapist, working in his classes with students, has a very specific approach to evaluating their activities. An assessment in such a lesson is given, first of all, according to the psychological and pedagogical parameters of the child's work, i.e., for attentiveness, activity, desire to work and for the number of errors independently discovered and corrected, and not made by him. A primary school teacher, when checking the work of such a student, should consider the knowledge and skills of the student from a different position.

Typical errors in dysgraphia, dyslexia:

1. Errors due to the lack of formation of phonemic processes and auditory perception:

Omissions of letters and syllables - “trva”, “krodil”, “pines” (brought);

Permutations of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal”


Missing letters and syllables - "red" (red), "shovel" (shovel);

Building up words with extra letters and syllables - “tarava” (grass), “katorae” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klukikva” (cranberry);

The distortion of the word is “naotukh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks);

The continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division - “we were stupid” (came), “hanging” (hanging on the wall). "U has become" (tired);

The inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, the continuous writing of sentences - “My father is a driver. The job of a driver is difficult; a driver needs to do well. Know the car after school I do too. I will be a driver";

Replacing one letter with another - "zuki" (beetles), "punk" (bank), "telpan" (tulip);

Violation of mitigation of consonants - “cornflowers” ​​(cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse);

2. Errors due to lack of formation lexico-grammatical sides of speech:

Agrammatism - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five zheltenki spilenachki. " (five yellow chickens);

Continuous spelling of prepositions and separate spelling of prefixes - “in the pocket”, “when they flew”, “in the zela” (took), “on the way”.

Dear teachers!

Be more attentive to a student who reads and writes with errors, does not master the elementary school curriculum, and perhaps from a naughty loser, you will get a diligent excellent student.

1. Accept the child as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

2. Be friendly and attentive to the child. Do not separate him from the children's team by putting him on the back desk.

3. Correctly evaluate the student's activities and make adequate demands on him. This increases the child's self-confidence.

4. At the beginning of the lesson and during physical education sessions, give development exercises phonemic hearing and education of correct phonemic representations.

5. With the help of gaming and didactic exercises lead the student to self-realization that speech can be divided into separate components: words, syllables and sounds.

6. When working with a first grader, give up the continuous writing of capital and capital letters, otherwise it may lead to the reproduction of the first letter twice in the word, for example: Aavgust, Rruchey.

7. From the first weeks of teaching children in the first grade, give up the “separate” writing of writing the first words, this leads to the student’s inability to differentiate subtle hand movements, as a result, the letter has an incorrect transfer of the number of homogeneous elements (y-i, p-g, i-sh). You can fix this without reducing or removing the element-by-element writing stage.

8. On good development reading aloud affects correct breathing. To do this, at physical education, during the lesson, spend breathing exercises which will help the child breathe properly while reading.

9. Include exercises for attention, memory, and most importantly thinking in the structure of the lesson, this is necessary to understand the content of the text and its meaning.

10. In the lessons and in the extended day group, let's do more exercises for the development of lexical and grammatical representations. This develops the ability to independently learn spelling rules for children.

11. In the lessons of the Russian language, develop auditory perception in children, this will help the child avoid mistakes in grammatical rules, such as unstressed sh-s, in the sound of consonants n and nn, s and ss.

12. To prevent errors in the structural construction of a phrase or sentence, it is recommended to pay more attention to the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, that is, the ability to correctly use grammatical connections words in the sentence: management and coordination.

13. Paying attention in the classroom to the intonation and semantic side of speech, the teacher helps the child learn how to correctly mark the boundary of the sentence in writing, which allows the student to correctly put dots at the end of the sentence and in writing capital letter at the beginning.

14. In order to avoid difficulties in retelling, writing a presentation, composing, the teacher needs to work in the lesson on expanding the vocabulary, building common sentences, understanding the connections in the text.

15. When reading and writing, pay attention to the full understanding of the meaning of the sentence, this will protect the student from the skill of jerky reading with pauses between words.

16. In order for children to master the skills of correct reading and writing, rely in your work on the help of parents and educators of extended day groups, through them consolidating the skills learned in the lesson.

17. It is very important to celebrate every, even insignificant success of the child, this stimulates his activity.

18. We must remember that the formation of the apparatus of written speech takes place on initial stage mastering reading and writing, and only after 1-2 years from the start of training, writing and reading can be considered as a mental action, since their technical side is automated and the semantic side of these processes comes to the fore.

19. Remember, students, with all their desire and diligence, are not able to complete written assignments in accordance with the norms adopted at school.

Material prepared:

speech pathologist TsPMPC

Balashova O.P.


A child with writing and/or reading disorders has difficulty during schooling. This can lead to school failure. How can parents and teachers assume that a child has writing disorders?

Currently registered a large number of speech disorders in children.
Child with speech disorders has difficulty mastering writing(writing and reading). Difficulties in mastering these skills can lead to school failure not only in the Russian language and literary reading but also in other subjects.
The task of teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists and parents is to assume that the child has speech disorders.
The task of a speech therapist is to correct speech disorders.

Writing disorders:

Dysgraphia - violations of the writing process
-Dyslexia - reading disorders
-Dysorphography - Difficulties in applying spelling rules

These violations are possible
in children with speech disorders by the time they enter school,
in children with speech impairments preschool age and corrected before entering the school,
in children whose oral speech developed without deviation from the norm.

By the start of school, children should:
Pronounce all the sounds of your native language correctly;
Produce the simplest sound analysis words;
Possess good vocabulary(up to 7 thousand words);
Build a sentence grammatically correctly. Use all conjunctions and prefixes that generalize words, subordinate clauses.
Be able to independently retell a familiar fairy tale and compose a story from pictures;
Communicate freely with adults and peers (answer questions, ask questions, be able to express your thoughts);
Convey different feelings with intonation.

Written speech is one of the forms of the existence of a language, opposed to oral speech. This is a secondary, later in time form of existence of the language.
Mastering written speech is the establishment of new connections between the word heard and spoken, the word visible and written, because. the process of writing is ensured by the coordinated work of four analyzers: speech-motor, speech-auditory, visual and motor.

Schoolchildren may experience the following violations of written speech:
1. Mixing and replacing letters
2. Distortions of the sound - syllabic structure of the word
3. Lexical disorders
4. Violations grammatical structure speeches
5. Violations of coherent speech

1. Mixing and replacing letters:
By articulatory-acoustic similarity;
By optical similarity
By kinetic similarity
By articulatory-acoustic similarity, the following phonemes are usually mixed:
Voiced and deaf paired consonants in a clear position (i.e., cases of stunning voiced and voicing of the deaf are excluded in accordance with orthoepic norms):
D - T - “tavno”, “shy”, “grandfather”, “rattling”.
3 - C - “koslik”, “vasilok”, “brings”.
B - P - "popeda", "bodar", "prosat", "pelio".
Zh - Sh - “shed”, “killed”, “snow was spinning”, “zhumno”.
G - K - “long”, “klavny”, “dosga”, “kokda”, “dog”.
V - F - "portvel", "collar", "kartovel", "vavli".
Labialized vowels:
O - U - "ringing roar", "according to fragile".
Yo - Yu - “crack”, “lobit”, “froze”, “stupid”.
Back lingual:
G - K - X - “cheryomuk”, “kolgoz”, “gorogovy”.
R - L - “good”, “dead”, “provelar”.
Y - L \" - "there was a salt here" - there is also a jay ...
Whistling and hissing:
S - W - “shiski”, “vos”, “shush”, “walked”.
3- F - “burned”, “said”, “exasperation”, “brought”.
S - Shch - “neshchet”, “hay”, “grid”.
Ch - Shch - “squealed”, “rocha”, “hichny”, “bonnets”.
Ch-Ts - “starling”, “grace”, “chaplya”, “procited”, “cyasty”.
Ch - T - “draws”, “utility”, “Creepy”, “together the player”,
C - T - nine. "Birds", "blooms", "Petsya" ...
Ts-S - “reltsy”, “kurisa”, “street” ...
Consider examples of mixing letters in writing by kinetic similarity:
o - a (in a shock position) - “bont”, “dome”, “uraki”.
b - d - “people”, “rydolovy”, “ugach”, “long”.
and - y - “nature”, “a fly sat down”, “on the shore”, “a cookie”.
t - l - “stasli”, “spantsiya”, “stashil”, “squeeze”.
x - f - “caught an ex”, “possessed”, “dorokhki”.
l - i - “February”, “kyayuch”, “veseyao”, “from Serykh”.
G - P - Gabota over mistakes, Rolova, Rolod, Gaki.
In these substitutions, attention is drawn to the coincidence of the style of the first element of interchangeable letters. Having written the first element, the child was unable to further differentiate the subtle movements of the hand in accordance with the plan: he either incorrectly conveyed the number of homogeneous elements (l - m, p - t, and - sh ...), or mistakenly chose the next element (y - and , G-R, b-d ..)
Substitutions of letters by optical similarity:
y – e – h
l - and
m– w

c - e
2. Distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word: omissions and substitutions of letters and syllables: kavarada (frying pan), akvari (aquarium), miciner (policeman);
3. Lexical disorders: the quantitative vocabulary is limited (words denoting specific objects and actions predominate, an insufficient number of generalizing words, as well as words denoting abstract concepts), but there is also insufficient understanding of the meanings of words.
4. Violations of the grammatical structure of speech, manifested both in erroneous agreement of words and in the wrong order of words in the sentence: "Lida and Zina are sitting on a chair near the desk"; “Girls were walking in the forest”; "The bear climbed into a large lair and lay down to sleep."
5. Violations of coherent speech: difficulties in compiling oral and written (composing and presenting) stories (“I went to the store with my mom and dad. And then I saw a bun. I went to my house. My dad is sitting there. Smoke was shining from the chimney. we had a good 2-storey house. I went out for a walk and it was raining towards us").
The study of the theory of the Russian language in children with speech disorders is in constant conflict with incorrect practice. Schoolchildren cannot fully apply spelling rules in practice due to phonetic and phonemic disorders, agrammatisms and low vocabulary. For example, a child who cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word will have difficulty writing from dictation; a child who does not know how to agree adjectives with nouns in oral speech will have difficulty learning them case endings, and a child with a narrow vocabulary will not be able to find the right word by checking an unstressed vowel.
The specific errors discussed above should be distinguished from the so-called evolutionary, or false, dysgraphia, which is a manifestation of the natural difficulties of children during primary education writing, which is associated with the complexity of this type of speech activity.

The mistakes of schoolchildren beginning to teach can be explained by the difficulty of dividing attention between the technical, spelling and mental operations of writing.
Signs of immature writing skills may include:
lack of designation of sentence boundaries;
confluent spelling of words;
inconsistent knowledge (forgetting) of letters, especially capital letters (a certain role is played by the factor of frequency of use of specific letters in the language);
uncharacteristic mixtures;
mirrored letters.
The presence of such errors does not prove the existence of dysgraphia if these errors are single and unstable. They usually disappear towards the end of the letter period.

Reading disorders:
Insertion and omission of individual letters;
Substitutions of letters and distortion of the sound structure;
Repetitions, additions, omissions of words;
Substitutions of letters by optical similarity
Replacing one word with another;
Slow reading rate;
Poor reading comprehension.