Nadezhda Permyakova
The role of didactic games in extracurricular activities of the I stage of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type

Play takes a huge place in a child's life. In the process of playing, the child lives, develops, improves like the people around him. In the game, he can perform role favorite hero of fairy tales or movies, to be a doctor, pilot, astronaut, etc. - if he wants. And this gives him great joy.

One of the types of play activities is didactic game... It allows you to introduce the child to life in accessible form of intellectual activity.

V didactic play creates such conditions in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation and with certain objects, acquiring his own real and sensitive experience. This is especially important for children with intellectual disabilities, for whom the experience of actions with objects is significantly depleted, not recorded and not generalized.

Usage didactic games on educational occupations can serve as a means of organizing and stimulating the mental activity of students with intellectual disabilities and play essential role when familiarizing with the objects of the surrounding world. Play, skillfully introduced into the educational process, allows the child I steps to experience the joy of mental stress, the joy of overcoming intellectual difficulties. Use on extracurricular activities play methods create favorable conditions for the formation in children of a positive attitude towards occupations, the desire to constantly expand their capabilities and abilities.

Mandatory use requirement didactic games of developmental and correctional character in primary grades special(corrective) schools of the VIII type dictated by the need to create a permanent supportive psychological "Background" for children, creating optimal psychological conditions for the successful development of the child's personality. For example, in play, such a quality of a child's personality is formed as self-regulation of actions, taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also restructures him in a significant way. intellectual sphere, since in a collective game there is an interaction of various meanings, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal.

One of the acute problems correction and development at the I stage is the problem of restraining the motor activity of a generative child and, conversely, the activation of sluggish and passive children. It is important to strengthen the student's psyche, develop his thinking and emotional-volitional sphere, remove acute neurotic reactions, and neutralize emotional negative experiences. Need to develop "Arbitrariness complex"- the ability to control oneself independently, to be attentive, capable of volitional and intellectual efforts.

The didactic game has two purposes: one of them is educational, which is pursued by an adult, and the other is play, for the sake of which the child acts. It is important that these two goals complement each other and ensure the assimilation of the program material.

Favorable conditions are created in the game when all pupils get the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation with or without certain objects, thus acquiring their own effective and sensory experience. For a child to master the methods of orientation in the world around him, to isolate and fix the properties and relationships of objects, to understand an action, multiple repetitions are required. Didactic the game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions for occupations using different materials while maintaining an emotionally positive attitude towards the task.

The game plot develops as an additional one in the study of topics educational program, helps to activate class, master a number of educational elements. Educators from their work experience know that without a well-organized, brightly conducted game or several games, any event is boring, monotonous, official, unattractive. Open extracurricular educational activities in many respects, it is remembered that in them the activity of pupils increases in the process didactic games.

When planning a game didactic the goal turns into a game task, the learning activity obeys the rules of the game, the learning material is used as a means for the game, the element of competition is introduced into the learning activity, which translates a didactic task into a game and successful execution didactic the task is associated with the game result.

Didactic play provides a zone of proximal development, has a developing effect on the formation of the psychological appearance of a mentally retarded child.

Main tasks of use didactic games in extracurricular activities:

1. Formation of a desire to speak out, to make suggestions on the topic under discussion; the ability to correlate with one's own experience or the experience of other people, as well as improvise (fantasize, make assumptions.

3. Fostering the ability to listen to each other and use the facts that we received from each other.

4. Development of the skills of choosing one's own decision, based on a moral assessment.

The search for answers to emerging game problems increases social competence, cognitive activity of children in real life. The progress of the child's mental development achieved in play significantly affects the possibilities of his systematic training in occupations, contributes to the improvement of his real position among peers and adults.

Developmental value didactic play consists not only in the realization of the possibilities of the diversified development of children, but also in the fact that it contributes to the expansion of the sphere of their interests, the emergence of a need for knowledge, the formation of a motive new activities- educational. Great and diagnostic role of play... It allows you to identify the level of development of many personality traits child, determine his status in the children's team.

It has been proven that in play, children get their first experience of collective thinking. Scientists believe that children's games spontaneously, but naturally arose as a reflection of labor and social activities adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not arise by automatically transferring into the game what has been learned in everyday life.

In the game, perception, thinking, memory, speech are formed - those fundamental mental processes, without a sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about the upbringing of a harmonious personality. The level of development of a child's thinking determines the nature of his activity, the intellectual level of its implementation.

The child gains experience in his own activities, learns a lot from educators, parents. Various knowledge and impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the game.

The solution of game problems with the help of objective actions takes the form of using more and more generalized game methods of cognizing reality. The child drinks the doll from a cup, then replaces it with a cube and then simply brings his hand to the doll's mouth. This means that the child solves game tasks at a higher intellectual level.

Didactic play is an activity in which children learn. As mentioned above, games are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but, at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of play activity is manifested in them. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in younger school age is determined by a number reasons:

Play activities as a leader have not lost their significance. L. S. Vygotsky wrote that “in school At age, the game does not die, but penetrates into relations with reality. It has its internal continuation in schooling and work". It follows that reliance on play activity, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way of involving children in educational work. The development of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it is slow.

A. V. Zaporozhets, evaluating role of didactic play, emphasized: “We need to ensure that didactic play was not only a form of mastering knowledge and skills, but would also contribute to the general development of the child. " For the younger ones schoolchildren cognitive needs are leading, and schoolboy will show maximum activity until the feeling of novelty, interest in subject knowledge disappears. Interest is the main driving force of the pupils' cognitive activity, which will help the constant use of didactic games.


1. Andryushchenko T. Yu., Karabekova N. V. « Correctional educational games for children 6-10 years old "- M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.

2. Bariaeva L.B., Gavrilushkina O. P. "Games- classes with natural and man-made material "- SPb .: NOU "Union", 2005.

3. Gurovets G. V. " Correctional-developmental games as a teaching method in special pedagogy". Defectology. - 1996. - No. 2. - S. 77-83.

4. Stepanova O. A. " Correctional-developing resources of the game in working with younger ones schoolchildren"Beginning. school: plus or minus. - 2001. - No. 4. - S. 3-7.

5. Usova A. P. Role games in organizing the life and activities of children « Preschool education » , 1965, №10.

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 9 compensating type

"The value of didactic games in correctional work with preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment"


teacher speech therapist

teacher speech therapist

teacher speech therapist


Chapter I. The meaning and types of games.

Chapter II. Didactic game as a means of speech underdevelopment correction.

Chapter III. The use of a variety of games in correctional work.




At present, in a large number of children with normal hearing and intelligence, the formation of each of the components of the language is sharply delayed: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. This violation was first identified and identified as OHR. All children with OHP have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

The combination of the listed gaps in the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of the child's speech is a serious obstacle to his mastering the kindergarten program general type, and in the future, and the program of the general education school.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the general development of a preschool child. Unlike all subsequent age stages, it is at this time that the foundation is laid for any special knowledge, skills, the child's attitude to the world around him.

In an organized children's group, play serves as a means of education and training. For preschool children suffering from various speech disorders, play activity retains its meaning and role as necessary condition all-round development of their personality and intelligence.

"For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education" - these words belong to a Russian teacher.

Play is the only form of a child's activity, which in all cases corresponds to his organization. She never makes him demands that he could not fulfill, and at the same time she requires from him some exertion of strength, is associated with a vigorous, cheerful state of health, and vigor and joy are the guarantee of health.

The game teaches a child to live and work in a team, fosters organizational skills, will, discipline, perseverance and initiative.

That is why the problem of children's play is relevant at the present time. For preschool children suffering from various speech disorders, play activity retains its significance and role as a necessary condition for the comprehensive development of their personality and intellect.

I... The meaning and types of games.

In speech therapy practice with preschoolers, we widely use the main type of child's activity - play. This is the source of his moral and mental development, a condition for the formation of personality, his speech and communication skills. It is in the game that you can most effectively carry out a corrective effect on the speech and personality of the child. How the little ones' eyes light up, what an impatient expectation of something pleasant, joyful shines in them when you say: "And now we are with you guys, we are going to play an interesting game!" Here you don't even need to be a subtle psychologist to understand what a huge and special place play occupies in a child's life.

Games are of great importance in the mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education of children. By lowering the lesson, the speech therapist communicates with him “on equal terms” in this form of activity, which is familiar and accessible to the child, wins his love and trust, overcomes his constraint and shyness. Various play situations, skillfully created by a speech therapist, induce the child to free speech communication, distract his attention from the speech defect, and provide rich opportunities for the implementation of targeted psychotherapy. The game itself has a beneficial effect on the general mental state of the child, causes him to counter activity, affecting his interests, fantasy, imagination. All this increases the efficiency of correctional work. At the same time, playful techniques free children from tiring, unnatural for their age, prolonged immobility on speech therapy lesson and help to alternate types of speech work.

Play occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler. Games are used in the classroom; in their free time, children enthusiastically play games they have invented. A child leads an active, exciting life in a game that he creates free of charge, or in games with rules in which the child creates, manifests himself with the greatest completeness. The game has a beneficial effect on the health of the child. She is the only form of his activity. Play never presents a child with requirements that he could not fulfill, and at the same time, it always requires him to exert some effort, which is associated with a cheerful, cheerful state of health, and vigor and joy are the guarantee of health. Play as a form of child's activity contributes to the harmonious development of his mental processes, personality traits, intelligence.

Games can be conditionally divided into two main groups: role-playing (creative) games and games with rules.

Role-playing - These are games on everyday topics, with industrial themes, building games, games with natural materials, theatrical games, fun games, entertainment.

TO games with rules include didactic games (games with objects and toys, verbal didactic, desktop-printed, musical

didactic games) and mobile (plot, plotless, with elements of sports).

Play methods involve the use of various components of play activity in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanations, instructions, questions. One of the main components of the method is an unfolded imaginary situation (plot, role, game action). The facts convince that in the course of role-playing games, favorable conditions are created for verbal communication of children, the activation and development of their speech. Play has a significant impact on the development of the meanings and functions of the word; the transfer of actions carried out in play serves as a genetic basis for the transfer of verbal meaning, and thus play activity is a powerful factor in the development of a child's verbal thinking. Play creates situations in which speech acquisition is much more varied and therefore more effective. In the course of games, not only the external, but also the semantic side of speech develops, there is an enrichment, an expansion of its meaning, as a result of which it acquires greater mobility.

The term " speech therapy games"Is quite unsuccessful, because there are no such games in the nomenclature of preschool pedagogy. There are role-playing, mobile, didactic games with building material, dramatization games, etc. The nomenclature of games is built depending on the form of their implementation, and not on the tasks they set. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about the use of well-known types of games in speech therapy work with children.

II... Didactic game as a means of speech underdevelopment correction.

A special kind of play activity is didactic play. It is created for adults specifically for educational purposes, when learning proceeds on the basis of a game and didactic task. In didactic play, the child not only gains new knowledge, but also generalizes and consolidates them.

The didactic game has a certain structure, regardless of the type, which distinguishes it from other types of games and exercises. The structure of the didactic game is formed by:

1) The main components are didactic and game tasks, game actions;

2) Additional components - plot, role.

The main goal of any didactic game is learning. Therefore, the leading component in it is the didactic task, which is hidden from the child by the play.

Rules are an essential element of the didactic game. Compliance with the rules ensures the implementation of the game content. Compliance with the rules is an indispensable condition for solving game and didactic tasks.

Game and didactic tasks are realized in game actions. Didactic material acts as a means of solving a didactic problem. The result of a didactic task is the solution of game and didactic tasks. The solution to both problems is an indicator of the effectiveness of the game. Didactic play acts simultaneously as a type of play activity and a form of organizing interaction between an adult and a child. This is its originality.

By the nature of the material used, didactic games are conventionally divided into games with objects, board games and word games.

1) Object games are games with mosaics, various natural materials (leaves, seeds, etc.). These games develop children's perception of color, size, shape.

2) Desktop-printed - aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing thought processes and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc.). Board-printed games can be divided into several types:

Paired pictures. The game task is to select pictures by similarity.

Lotto. They are built on the principle of pairing: identical images on small cards are matched to pictures on a large map. Lotto topics are very diverse: "toys", "dishes", "clothes", "plants", etc. Lotto games clarify the knowledge of children, enrich the vocabulary.

Dominoes. The principle of pairing is realized through the selection of cards - pictures during the next move. The game develops memory, intelligence, etc.

Cutting pictures and folding cubes. Games are aimed at developing attention, at clarifying ideas, at the relationship between the whole and the part.

Games like "Labyrinth" are intended for older preschool children. They develop spatial orientation, the ability to foresee the result of an action.

3) Word games. This group includes a large number of folk games such as "Paints", "Black and White", etc. Games develop attention, intelligence, quickness of reaction, coherent speech.

The content of didactic games is important. Both in kindergarten and at school there are great opportunities in the development, creation of new, varied old games. The structure of didactic games, which include, in addition to the didactic task, game rules and actions, makes it possible to complicate them as children develop mental processes: will, memory, voluntary attention, etc.

Regardless of the type, didactic game has a certain structure that distinguishes it from other types of games and exercises. The game used for teaching should contain, first of all, a teaching, didactic task. While playing, children solve this problem in an entertaining way, which is achieved by certain play actions. “Playful actions form the basis of didactic play, without them the play itself is impossible. They are like a drawing of the plot of the game. "

An obligatory component of the game is its rules, thanks to which the teacher during the game controls the behavior of children, the upbringing and educational process.

Thus, the obligatory structural elements of a didactic game are: an educational and upbringing task, game actions and rules.

Didactic task.

To choose a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of the pupils, since in the games they must operate with the already existing knowledge and ideas. In other words, when defining a didactic task, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind what knowledge, ideas of children (about nature, about the surrounding objects, about social phenomena) should be assimilated, consolidated by children, what mental operations should develop in connection with this, what personality traits of children can be formed by means of this game (for example, honesty, modesty, observation, persistence in achieving the set goal, activity, independence, etc.).

Each didactic game has its own educational task, which distinguishes one game from another. When defining a didactic task, repetitions in its content, stencil phrases should be avoided. As a rule, these tasks are solved in every game, but in some games more attention should be paid, for example, to the development of memory, in others - attention, and in the third - thinking. The educator must know this well in advance and, accordingly, determine the didactic task.

Experts advise to precisely define the didactic task for each game, emphasizing the most important and necessary in it. For example, if the main task of the game is to develop the speech activity of children, then, of course, aesthetic and moral tasks should not be overlooked. The game should be built in such a way that each child can realize his abilities and inclinations in it, find his interest; to enjoy collective communication, to realize self-confidence. Leading the didactic game, the teacher gives children more and more independence, which manifests itself at all stages of the game.

Game rules.

The main goal of the rules of the game is to organize the actions, behavior of children. The rules can prohibit, allow, prescribe something to children in the game, make the game entertaining, stressful. “The stricter the rules, the more intense the game becomes, the sharper ... the fact of creating an imaginary situation from the point of view of development can be considered as a path to the development of abstract thinking, the related rule, it seems to me, leads to the development of the child's actions, on the basis of which it becomes possible in general that division of play and labor, with which we meet at school age as a basic fact. " ...

Compliance with the rules in the game requires from children certain efforts of will, the ability to deal with peers, to overcome negative emotions that are manifested due to an unsuccessful result. It is important, when defining the rules of the game, to put children in such conditions under which they would receive the joy of completing the task.

Using the didactic game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children form correctness, benevolence, endurance.

Game actions.

A didactic game differs from game exercises in that the fulfillment of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions. The development of play actions depends on the invention of the educator or teacher. Sometimes children, preparing for the game, make their own suggestions: “Let us hide, and someone will look!”, “Let me choose the driver with a rhyme!”, “Remember when we played“ Hot - cold! ”, How interesting It was!".

So any game becomes didactic if there are its main components: a didactic task, rules, game actions.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its implementation and analysis.

The preparation for the didactic game includes:

The selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;

Establishing the correspondence of the selected game to the program requirements of the upbringing and education of children of a certain age group;

Determination of the most convenient time for the didactic game (in the process of organized training in the classroom or in free time from classes and other regime processes);

Choosing a play area where children can play peacefully without disturbing others.

Such a place is usually set aside in a group room or on a site; determination of the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);

Preparation of the necessary didactic material for the chosen game (toys, various objects, pictures, natural material);

Preparation of the teacher himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

Preparation for children's play: for children's play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, a necessary condition for solving a game problem.

Conducting didactic games include:

Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children about them are clarified);

Explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the educator pays attention to the behavior of children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict observance of the rules (what they prohibit, allow, prescribe);

Demonstration of game actions, in the process of which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, one of the children spies when it is necessary to close their eyes);

Determination of the role of the educator in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The measure of the teacher's direct participation in the game is determined by the age of the children, the level of their training, the complexity of the didactic task, and the game rules. By participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (advice, question, reminder);

Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in guiding it, since by the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used with interest in the children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game, and promises that next time you can play a new game, it will also be interesting. Children usually look forward to this day.

Analysis of the performed game is aimed at identifying techniques for its preparation and implementation, which techniques were effective in achieving the set goal, what did not work and why. This will help to improve both the preparation and the process of the game itself, to avoid mistakes later. In addition, the analysis will reveal individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them.

Techniques and methods of guiding didactic games.

A game becomes a teaching method and takes on a didactic form if the didactic task, game rules and actions are clearly defined in it. In such a game, the teacher acquaints children with the rules, game actions, teaches how to follow them. Children operate with existing knowledge, which during the game are assimilated, systematized and generalized. Before starting the game, it is necessary to arouse children's interest in it, the desire to play. This is achieved by various methods: using riddles, counting rhymes, surprises, an intriguing question, collusion for a game, a reminder of a game that children have willingly played before. The secret of the successful organization of play lies in the fact that the teacher, while teaching children, at the same time preserves play as an activity. The pace of the game set by the teacher is of great importance. A teacher who knows the peculiarities of the development of the game does not allow excessive slowness and premature acceleration. The explanation of the rules, the story about the content of the game is extremely short and clear, but clear to children. Therefore, in didactic games, it is advisable to use proverbs, sayings, riddles, which are distinguished by their expressiveness and brevity. From the very beginning to the end of the game, the teacher actively intervenes in its course: he notes the successful decisions of the children’s finding, supports a joke, encourages shy ones, instills in them confidence in their abilities. If the game is with elements of competition, then when summing up the results it is necessary to be especially careful and objective. To avoid mistakes, the teacher uses chips, with the help of which the correct decisions are evaluated. The presence of a large number of chips in one of the players makes it possible to determine him as a winner.

In some games, for a wrong solution to a problem, the player must make a fant, that is, any thing that is played out at the end of the game. Playing forfeits is an interesting game in which children are given a wide variety of tasks: to imitate the sounds of animals, to transform, to perform funny actions that require invention. The game of playing forfeits causes general fun, creates a cheerful mood among the children. The game does not tolerate coercion, boredom.

Analyzing the game, the teacher must emphasize that the children conscientiously followed the rules of the game, played together, rejoiced at the victory not only of their own, but also of others.

The peculiarities of the mental development of children of the seventh year of life are their increased abilities for more in-depth analysis and synthesis: the ability to distinguish both general and individual signs of objects and phenomena, compare them on various grounds, make generalizations, express judgments, inferences. Six-year-old children show a great interest in learning, a desire to study at school.

But in teaching and raising six-year-old children, the play method is still of great importance. This is evidenced by many years of experience working with six-year-old children, described in his interesting book "Hello, Children!", And scientific research in this area.

Supervising the didactic games of children of six years old, the teacher relies on their age characteristics. More often, games are selected in which children learn to coherently and consistently express their thoughts, expressively tell, in which mathematical representations, the ability to auditory analysis are developed oral speech, ingenuity, endurance and will. As a playful method of teaching, didactic play is used in all classes to master certain methods of mental actions, systematize, and clarify the knowledge of children. The initiative in choosing and conducting the game belongs to the teacher himself. The content of the game and its rules are subordinated to the educational and educational tasks put forward by the specific program requirements of a particular type of activity.

Focusing on this, one should select didactic games and exercises, introduce them into the structure of the lesson, repeat speech material, complicate it, and offer children a new one. Play methods involve the use of various components of play activity in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanations, instructions, questions. One of the main components of the method is an unfolded imaginary situation (plot, role, game action). The facts convince that in the course of role-playing games, favorable conditions are created for verbal communication of children, the activation and development of their speech. Play has a significant impact on the development of the meanings and functions of the word; the transfer of actions carried out in play serves as a genetic basis for the transfer of verbal meaning, and thus play activity is a powerful factor in the development of a child's verbal thinking. Play creates situations in which speech acquisition is much more varied and therefore more effective. In the course of games, not only the external, but also the semantic side of speech develops, there is an enrichment, an expansion of its meaning, as a result of which it acquires greater mobility.

III... The use of a variety of games in correctional work.

When working with children with OHP, great importance is attached to literacy training. Since the 2nd academic year, our kindergarten has been working under the program "Correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with OHP ".

A distinctive feature of the system of teaching literacy to preschoolers with GPA is that the educational process directly begins with the middle group (in the second quarter). According to the Beggar system, a child with OHP is already in middle group reads words consisting of two open syllables (note, mom), and in preparatory group a letter is added to reading in block letters.

Experience shows that the game can be carried out as an independent, as a preliminary or reinforcing activity, as well as as a rest.

We would like to offer didactic games from our experience, which are used to automate sounds, to develop phonemic hearing, to teach literacy and are simultaneously designed for the development of all higher mental functions (attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination). Games optimize the learning process, activate children and, from class to class, raise them to a new level of development. Every “mystery” solved for a child is a big victory. After all, it is more pleasant to unravel the mystery than to hear a ready-made answer, especially since the one who guessed it will receive praise.

To overcome instability of attention, poor switching from one type of activity to another, rapid fatigue and more effective correction speech development we have created a didactic manual that arouses the interest of children during the lesson. It is functional, flexible in terms of application, aesthetically pleasing to children and serves to solve many educational problems.

We want to offer this didactic guide, which is very easy to make by yourself: it is a ball - a lantern with transparent pockets on each side and a set of games. The manual is intended for the development of all components of speech (phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical, syllabic structure), as well as cognitive processes in children from 4 to 7 years old.

Ball - a lantern can be used both in frontal and in individual lessons throughout the lesson or as a surprise moment.

Game progress: 1st option: The presenter (speech therapist or educator) inserts pictures of the selected game into the pockets on the lantern.

Children sit in a circle on chairs, pass the ball from hand to hand, stop at the teacher's command and the child, depending on the side that fell out, performs the task.

The proposed games using a multifunctional ball - a lantern.

1. "Guess the sound, letter, pick the word."

Target: the formation of skills in phonemic analysis using visual symbols.

Content: A child, looking at a symbol dropped on a ball - a lantern, names a sound or letter, comes up with words with this sound, letter (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word). The task can be complicated depending on the age of the children. For example: divide words into syllables, determine the shock position, come up with monosyllabic, two-syllable, three-syllable words. Make a sentence with this word, etc.

2. "Give a pretext, come up with a sentence."

Target: to form the concept of a preposition as a separate word, to consolidate the skill of constructing a sentence with prepositions.

3. "Opposites"

Target: develops speech, attention, figurative and semantic memory, lays the foundations of logical thinking.

2nd option : The presenter inserts the names of the games into the pockets, and the children, passing the ball, choose the game from hand to hand.

Suggested games:

1. " Sound Lantern »

Target: Sound automation R in words and sentences; develop phonemic hearing; highlight the sound against the background of the word; determine the position of the sound in the word; select adjectives for a noun and make sentences with these phrases.

2. " Playing with sounds ».

Target: Automation and differentiation of sounds: s, w, l, p; developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme; enrichment of verbal memory and ensuring speech skills in children.

3. "Where is ringing and what is ringing?"

Target: The development of phonemic hearing, the accumulation of vocabulary, the development of phrasal speech and orientation in space.

4. "Who is doing what?"

Target: Differentiation of derivational forms of verbs, vocabulary activation.

5... "Who has who?"

Target: Exercise in the correct use of nouns denoting baby animals, the formation of word formation of nouns.

6. "What is superfluous?"

Target: Expansion of the volume of the dictionary in parallel with the expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality, the formation of cognitive activity (thinking, perception, ideas, attention, memory).

7. "What is made of what?"

Target: Consolidation of word formation of adjectives, development of attention, memory, logical thinking.

Content: Children have lotto cards with images of various objects. The speech therapist names the object and the material from which it is made. For example, a rubber ball. Children will find a picture of this object on cards. Anyone who has a picture of this object on the card must name the combination of an adjective and a noun, that is, answer the question: "What?", "What?", "What?", "What?" (rubber ball) and cover the picture with a chip. The winner is the one who was not mistaken and closed all the pictures earlier than others.

8. "Catch a fish"

Target: to enrich and clarify ideas about fish, the development of general and fine motor skills; develop imagination, logical thinking.

9. "Find by color"

Target: teach children to group familiar objects (by pictures) by color; consolidation of the agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

10 . "Postmen"

Target: an exercise in isolating the first sound from a word, consolidating the knowledge of the letters ОУ А И and the ability to find them among other letters. Development phonemic representations.

Material: houses (flat) with a window, in the window there is an image of the tenant (stork, turkey, donkey, snail), 4 letters in which, instead of the address, the letters A U O I.

What is the first sound in the word stork? (in the word stork the first sound is [a]).

What letter denotes the sound [a]?

(the sound [a] is denoted by the letter A).

Let's find the letter with the letter A and take it to the stork, etc.

11. "Living letters"

Target: learning to read and compose syllables and words. Development of phonemic representations. Development of visual attention and perception, prevention of speech disorders.

Material: badges with the image of letters.

Come on letters, stand in a row

Just as the sounds tell you.

12. "Find the mistake."

Target: consolidation of knowledge of letters, the ability to find incorrectly written letters. Development of visual attention, prevention of writing disorders.

Material: sheets of cardboard in files with letters written in a row, among the letters, there are misspelled letters, a marker.

I lost my landscape sheets.

I made a lot of mistakes.

We will help him together

And we will fix everything that is needed.

13. "Cure the letters"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of letters. Development of visual attention, prevention of writing disorders.

Material: sheets of cardboard (in files) with letters. Letters with unfinished elements, marker.

14. "Name the butterfly"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of letters. Improving reading skills. Development of visual gnosis, prevention of writing disorders.

Material: butterflies cut out of bright cardboard, pieces of contact tape on the wings, circles with letters, on back side pieces of contact tape.

15. "Magic meadow".

Target: consolidation of knowledge of letters, improvement of reading skills. Development of visual attention. The development of fine motor skills.

Material: large bright flat flowers with letters.

16. "The tree of consonants and consonants"

Target: differentiation of vowels and consonants.

Material: 1.5 m tree, blue and red Velcro leaves.

And we can't get around his guys.

This is a tree of consonants and vowels. And all the leaves are on the ground. Guess why the foliage is blue and red. Rather name the sound and attach the leaves. Give the tree its magic foliage.

17. "Sound Bus"


Material: flat bright bus with three windows-pockets.

18. "Sound House"

Target: teach how to determine the place of sound in a word.

Material: flat 3-storey house with dark window pockets, 3 flat bright yellow square inserts.

19. "Visiting Tim and Tom"

Target: learning to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

Material: panels with rounded cells for performing sound-letter analysis of words, circles made of cardboard, cardboard circles of red, blue, green.

20. "Stone, ball".

Target: differentiation of hard consonants, soft consonants.

Material: planar stones of blue color, a ball of green color, according to the number of children.

Option 2:

b) scattered the kittens at the grandmother's place, and now try to collect them. You name the soft consonants, and bring the balls to the basket as soon as possible.

21. "Bells".

Target: differentiation of consonants by voicing, deafness.

Material: flat silver, black bells according to the number of children.


In conclusion, we want to note that play is not an end in itself, but a means of influencing a child, a link in the general system of his upbringing. Therefore, a game conducted with a corrective purpose should always retain a positively influencing charge on all aspects of the child's psychophysical development.

A preschooler is a practitioner, not a theoretician. If the information that is presented to the child is not supported by action (in play, object activity, drawing, imitation, etc.), it will not become reliable, truly assimilated knowledge.

The speech therapist must remember that it is necessary to diversify the content of the chosen didactic game, constantly update the game plots.


1. Bolshakov's violations and their overcoming. - M., 2005

2. Gataullina work to overcome and prevent speech disorders in children of early and younger preschool age. - Kazan, 2005

3. Gromov's articles. Innovations in speech therapy practice. - M., 2008

4. and others. Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy. - M., 2006

5., Serebryakova vocabulary and grammatical structure for preschoolers with OHP. - SPb, 2001

6. Speech therapy: methodological traditions and innovation / ed. ,. - M., 2003

7., Tumakova playing. - M., 1983

8. Selivestrov in speech therapy work. - M., 1987

9. Shvaiko and game exercises for the development of speech. - M., 1988

10. Donika work in teaching literacy. // Primary School. - 1990. - No. 7.

11. Nischeva correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP. - SPb., 2007

The manual presents a system of didactic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting the cognitive activity of preschool children. Addressed to teachers-defectologists and educators of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type, parents with children with developmental problems, as well as students of preschool and defectological faculties of pedagogical universities. The manual is based on the publication of the authors A. A. Kataeva, E. A. Strebeleva, published in 2001, "Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities."

A series: Correctional pedagogy (Vlados)

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The role of didactic games in the correctional and educational process

The main form of influence on a child in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type is organized classes in which the leading role belongs to adults. Classes are conducted by a teacher-defectologist and educators who make up the teaching staff of the group. The content of the classes is determined by the program.

The assimilation of the program material depends on the correct choice of teaching methods. At the same time, each teacher should remember about the age characteristics of children, about developmental deviations characteristic of one or another category of problem children. It is necessary to apply such methodological techniques that attract attention, interest each child. Problem children are passive and do not show a desire to actively act with objects and toys. Adults need to constantly create in children a positive emotional attitude towards the proposed activity. This purpose is served by didactic games.

Didactic play is one of the forms of educational influence of an adult on a child. At the same time, play is the main activity of children. Thus, didactic play has two goals: one of them is educational, which is pursued by an adult, and the other is play, for the sake of which the child acts. It is important that these two goals complement each other and ensure the assimilation of the program material. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the child, without having mastered the program material, could not achieve the game goal. For example, in the game What rolls, what does not roll, the teaching goal is to teach children to distinguish objects by shape (cube and ball), drawing their attention to the properties of objects. The children are given only a game task - to roll the object to a certain line, while showing their dexterity. The goal can only be achieved by the child who learns to distinguish between the cube and the ball, and will understand that only the ball will reach the point. Consequently, the assimilation of the program content becomes a condition for achieving the game goal.

A didactic game is a teaching tool, therefore it can be used in the assimilation of any program material and is carried out in individual and group lessons by both a teacher-defectologist and an educator. In addition, the game is included in musical lessons, it is one of the entertaining elements during a walk.

In didactic play, conditions are created in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation or with certain objects, acquiring his own effective and sensory experience. This is especially important for problem children, whose experience of actions with objects is significantly depleted, not recorded and not generalized.

For a child to master the methods of orientation in the world around him, to isolate and fix the properties and relationships of objects, to understand an action, multiple repetitions are required. The didactic game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions for different material while maintaining an emotionally positive attitude to the task.

Thus, the special role of didactic play in the learning process is determined by the fact that play should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, and allow the child to receive own experience.

When selecting didactic games, we first of all pursued correctional goals and took into account the peculiarities of the development of problem children of early and preschool age.

When entering preschool institutions, children with developmental disabilities have difficulty in contact with adults, do not know how to communicate with their peers, do not know how to assimilate social experience. If normally developing preschoolers already perfectly act by imitation, by a model and by elementary verbal instruction, then problem children should learn this. We have highlighted a special section of didactic games, which was not previously highlighted in such textbooks: games aimed at developing cooperation with an adult.

Most problem children have impaired or underdeveloped fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.

They often do not distinguish the leading hand, the movements of their hands are awkward, inconsistent. Children sometimes are not able to use both hands at the same time. For example, such a child cannot hold the base of the pyramid with one hand, while stringing a ring onto a rod with the other, or hold an object in one hand, and with the other pick up an object, etc.

Insufficient development of visual-motor coordination leads to the fact that the child often misses when trying to take an object, since he incorrectly estimates the direction, cannot follow the movement of his hand visually.

Early and preschool age can be called the age of sensory cognition of the environment. During this period, the formation of all types of perception occurs in children - visual, tactile-motor, auditory; representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world are formed. Children acquire sensory experience in the process of broad orienting-research activities. A preschool child, cognizing the world, makes exploratory ways of orientation, i.e., the trial and error method takes the leading place in the early stages of a child's development, which is later replaced by perceptual methods - trying on and visual orientation. The trial method as a search method is based on what the child fixes correct actions and discards erroneous options. The trial method is a practical orientation, but it prepares the child for orientation that occurs in the inner plane, that is, perceptual orientation.

In problem children, sensory cognition develops slowly without special corrective action. It does not reach the level where it can become the basis of activity. Performing a particular task, the child cannot orientate himself in his conditions, does not know what properties and relationships of objects need to rely on, and therefore he is not able to achieve a positive result. The development of perception and ideas is hampered by the fact that children with developmental disabilities do not master search methods of orientation. They act either completely without taking into account the properties of objects, trying to achieve a result by force, or in the usual way learned in training, which is attributed only to a given familiar toy or a familiar everyday situation, without transferring knowledge and experience to a new toy and even to a similar situation. Sometimes it seems that the problem child also acts by trial. But in fact, this is an enumeration of options. Indeed, in the process of a search experience, the child discards unsuccessful, ineffective options and does not return to them anymore. He kind of fixes successful tests, trying to repeat them. In other words, tests are purposeful actions aimed at achieving a positive result. The enumeration of options that occurs in problem children is not purposeful, but random in nature and is not fixed in their experience. Therefore, one and the same child acts, as a rule, chaotically or forcefully with new objects and in other situations cannot immediately move to visual correlation on unfamiliar material. But just as the enumeration of options cannot be attributed to the method of tests, so the visual correlation performed by the child in most cases is not a truly visual correlation, since in this case the child cannot distinguish a sign that is essential for a given action. For example, when folding the pyramid, he is not able to visually assess the size of the rings and string them onto the rod as the size decreases. The child simply performs a memorized action - string rings in a row. He is not able to correct an accidentally noticed mistake. Therefore, memorizing actions with habitual didactic toys, with familiar counting material does not lead to the development of perception, thinking, and activities of a child with developmental disabilities.

The main correctional task of the teacher is to form search methods of orientation in the performance of the task in problem children of early and preschool age. On this basis, it is necessary to create interest in the properties and relationships of objects, to their use in activities and thus bring children to a genuine visual orientation. In this case, fitting is an intermediate way between probing and visual correlation. So, pushing geometric shapes into the slots of the box, the child does not go through all the holes in search of the one into which the triangular figure needs to be lowered, but brings it to a similar one - a semicircle; when approaching, he immediately sees the differences and transfers the figure to the triangular slot. Measuring is also carried out when the child accurately determines the desired slot, but cannot correctly unfold the figure, begins to rotate it, trying to find the desired position.

Games and exercises, in which the problem child acts by trial and fitting, develop his attention to the properties and relationships of objects, the ability to take these properties into account in practical situations. This further improves visual perception.

A holistic perception of an object, being an important condition for the correct orientation of a child in the surrounding objective world, underlies many types of activity - objective, play, work, visual. It really develops only when children already perceive their surroundings not approximately, globally, but see the form, size in the object, highlight the essential parts of the object necessary for action with them. Therefore, one should not confuse the holistic perception of an object with its recognition, since the recognition of an object is only the first step towards its full-fledged perception. In normally developing children, a holistic perception of objects begins to develop intensively already in early age... Preschoolers without special educational influence from adults freely perform various subject-game, labor actions, in particular, self-service. In addition, they are able to create an image of objects in drawing, modeling. In children with developmental disabilities, the formation of a holistic image is delayed, and without special corrective action, it actually does not occur until the end of preschool age. This, in turn, influences the emergence of self-service actions, object-game actions, which develop late and defectively. During this period, problem children are not able to create a subject drawing.

Games have a great impact on the formation of a holistic perception. Games can be conditionally divided into two stages in the development of holistic perception: first, recognition, in which children experience difficulties; the second is the creation of a full-fledged image that takes into account all the properties of objects (shape, color, size, presence and ratio of parts, etc.).

In order for the child's mental development to be fully developed, it is not enough to teach him to perceive the world around him correctly. It is necessary to consolidate the received images of perception, to form representations on their basis. This can be achieved by forcing the child to remember after a certain period of time (games with a delay) this or that object, its property. However, representations become truly clear, mobile only when they are combined with the word-name of a given object (quality, feature, action). Such a word can conjure up a familiar representation at any time. For example, when we say: “There is a girl. The girl has a round face, blue eyes, blonde hair. The girl is wearing a blue dress and a blue bow, "- then we can immediately mentally see this girl, because we know what the words" girl "," standing "," light "," round "," blue ", etc. mean. Children with developmental disabilities cannot do this, since in most cases they are familiar with and can cause an appropriate visual image only those words that denote objects: "girl", "dress", "bow"; less often - "face", "hair", "eyes". The words denoting parts of an object, its action and qualities, do not evoke a visual image in them. Although these words are a kind of “standards” that should be combined with images of perception. This is an important part of corrective work with problem children of preschool age. They often have visual images (if any) exist separately from the word, and the word - outside of connection with the visual image. Such a word does not evoke any idea in the child; it turns out to be "empty", unrelated. This happens because children are often offered verbal material in conditions in which the property or attitude itself has not yet been identified by them, has not become significant for them. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the correct organization of games and exercises aimed at combining the image of perception with the word, which further affects the formation of ideas and the formation of full-fledged speech. Here, work on the perception and development of speech merges into a single process.

For the correct and timely inclusion of speech in the communication process, it is necessary that at the first stages of acquaintance with the subject, its quality and property, teach the child to distinguish these properties from other objects, recognize and perceive them, and only then give the floor. Therefore, we invite the child to choose one of the two objects according to the model and tell him: "Give me this" - and show the sample ball, but do not say: "Give the ball" - which makes him look at the sample much more attentively. Now the teacher will be more confident that the word "ball" will be accurately related to the subject that it denotes. Here we must not miss the opportunity to give the right word in a form that reinforces the result of the child's own actions: “That's right, I showed the ball - and you gave me the ball. This is a ball. " The word-name is given as a result of the execution of the instruction, which develops perception, speech, and its semantic side in children. The correct combination of a word with what it denotes not only fixes the image of an object, a figurative representation of it in the child's mind, but also makes it possible to evoke a given object, property or relation in the child's memory. This is exactly what happens in the games "Lotto with the name", "What is gone", etc. further - and independent reading of books.

In the manual great attention is paid to the development of tactile-motor perception, which has much in common with the development of visual perception. It also begins with recognition and ends with the formation of ideas. Here, too, it is necessary to master the methods of orientation and measurements, sensory standards, which is impossible without consolidating the child's experience in the word. As in the formation of visual perception, the word should be based on the child's own experience, fix and generalize it, and not precede it.

Already in the very perception there are elements that ensure the development of logical thinking. So, the first form of generalization in a child is the transfer of one property of an object to others. But this transfer occurs only if the child carries out this process independently, without prompting. In the future, on the basis of perception, transitional, from perception to thinking, forms of operating with images in the mind arise, which we observe when folding a cut picture or, if necessary, make a whole from parts: assemble a collapsible toy, draw a whole object, looking at the parts scattered in a mess ; when compiling a series, when objects are located in accordance with a regular increase or decrease of any property (a number of objects arranged in length, width, height of sounds - pitch range, etc.); when grouping objects according to a given criterion, that is, the first form of classification. Such a grouping arises gradually: first, one object is matched to the model (selection according to the model), then several objects are matched to the same model. This is a grouping. At this stage, the formation of the first forms of analysis takes place. The child learns to independently highlight that feature, that property, which is essential when performing the desired task. So, in front of him there are several toys, and a typewriter and a doll are set as samples, he must guess himself (without verbal instructions) that all cars must be matched to one sample, and dolls, a clown, a matryoshka, i.e., to the other. classify toys. If, however, red and blue cards are given as samples, the toys must be distributed differently: put a red car, a doll in a red dress, a clown in a red overalls and a cap on the red card, and a blue car, a doll in a blue dress, to the blue card, clown in blue clothes. Here, the child is faced with the task of distracting himself from the classification of objects from their purpose and from all external signs to choose one common one - color. In the case when the teacher says: “Put all the red ones here, and all the blue objects here”, the child no longer solves the mental task - the selection of a feature that unites objects, but performs the task of perception - to select objects by color.

Correct development holistic perception also prepares some aspects of causal thinking. When a child correctly imagines an object with its parts, he can easily realize the reason if this whole is violated. For example, if a child has a good idea of ​​a car, knows that it has a cab, a body, wheels, he can quickly find the reason why the car does not move, rolls over to the side - the car does not have a wheel.

The influence of perception on the solution of verbal problems such as riddles is very important. Without a formed idea, children act only on the familiar, memorized material: on memory, and not on thinking, that is, they actually do not solve the proposed mental problem.

Thus, the path from perception to thinking influences the course of development of visual-figurative and elements of logical thinking.

In addition, the manual presents a variety of games for the development of visual-active thinking, in the process of which the child solves practical problem problems associated with the use of tools.

In children with normal development, visual-active thinking arises very early, at the end of the first - beginning of the second year of life, and improves throughout life, participating in all practical activities. Visual-effective thinking underlies the so-called technical thinking, provides the mastery of professional skills and abilities. At the same time, it underlies a creative approach to solving all problematic problems, helps a person to navigate in any unfamiliar situation.

The development of visual-active thinking is closely related to the development of orientation in the surrounding objective world, primarily with the mastery of the search method - the method of trial and error. At the same time, its development is impossible without assimilation and generalization of the experience gained. On the basis of this, children have the opportunity to solve problems of the same type in a visual-figurative, and then in a logical sense.

In children with developmental disabilities, visual-active thinking develops very slowly without corrective action. They poorly generalize social experience, are poorly oriented in the context of a practical task, and they are generally unable to solve problematic tasks.

Thanks to didactic games, it is possible to organize the child's activity in such a way that it will contribute to the formation of his ability to solve not only available practical, but also simple problem problems. And the experience gained at the same time will make it possible to understand and solve familiar problems in a visual-figurative and even verbal plan.

However, tactile-motor perception has its own specificity, therefore new tasks and conditions appear in games. If visual perception usually occurs without the help of other senses - touch, hearing, then tactile-motor perception in a person with normal vision, as a rule, is accompanied by visual perception and rarely occurs in a pure isolated form. In games, it is necessary to specially create conditions in order to highlight tactile-motor perception: close your eyes, put a screen, use a "wonderful bag", etc.

Tactile-motor perception is carried out different ways- by feeling the object, tracing it along the contour. In this case, a different image also arises: in the process of feeling - a volumetric one, which can be reproduced in modeling; when tracing - contour, planar, reproduced in the figure. In the games we offer, children must first recognize and perceive integral volumetric objects, and then their contours, that is, first they learn to feel, and then to trace along the contour.

It is known that with tactile-motor perception, the color of objects cannot be perceived. It is perceived only visually. At the same time, there are properties that are perceived only tactilely. These are temperature, weight, surface properties. But there are properties that are perceived both visually and tactile-motor. This is the form, size, spatial relationship of objects and their parts. It is during the perception of such properties that visual-motor coordination is developed.

The development of tactile-motor perception requires attention, special training in normally developing children, and work in this regard with problem children acquires special, corrective, significance. A child with developmental disabilities does not strive for tactile examination of objects, he does not independently master the touching movements. Having received the task to identify an object by touch, the child holds it motionless in his hand, without making any movements, and therefore cannot distinguish the shape, size, arrangement of parts, which prevents the development of visual-motor coordination. Games for the development of tactile-motor perception should help correct these defects.

No less important is the conduct of didactic games that contribute to the development of auditory perception, which helps the child to navigate in the space around him, creates the ability to act on a sound signal, distinguish many important objects, etc. Suffice it to recall that the sound can be used to determine the approach of transport, the direction of its movement, alarm signal, the approach of a thunderstorm or the noise of a stream; by voice, you can distinguish between your own people and strangers, recognize the voices of animals, and it immediately becomes clear how important auditory perception is. In problem children, the formation of auditory attention, discrimination of non-speech sounds and the ability to act in accordance with a sound signal is a great and e difficulties. And in didactic games, this side of development can be significantly corrected.

The other side of auditory perception is directly related to the development of speech, the so-called speech hearing. Difficulties here are associated primarily (provided that tonal hearing is preserved) with the state of phonemic hearing, with the child's ability to distinguish and perceive phonemes of the native language, with the assimilation of the phoneme system, which also serves as a sensory standard and without which it is impossible to master phonetic side speech.

In children with developmental disabilities, phonemic hearing impairments are so great that they are often mistaken for hearing impairments or they are mistakenly attributed to alalia (motor or even sensory). Therefore, games for the development of auditory perception are extremely important for them.

Developing auditory perception, one must also go from discrimination to perception, both in the differentiation of non-speech sounds, and when working with speech material. At the first stage, the child needs visual, or visual-motor, or just motor support to distinguish between non-speech sounds and speech material. Where the child has already acquired real perception, the necessary auditory image has been formed, he does not need additional sensory support.

Thus, games and exercises to develop auditory perception create necessary prerequisites to the formation of speech in problem children.

The formation of thinking is important in the mental development of a child. It is during this age period that not only the main forms of visual thinking arise - visual-effective and visual-figurative, but also the foundations of logical thinking are laid - the ability to transfer one property of an object to others (the first types of generalization), causal thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize and etc.

The correct and timely organization of work on the formation of all types of thinking for a problem child is of particular importance.

In games that contribute to the formation of thinking, two directions are distinguished: from perception to thinking and from visual-effective to visual-figurative and logical thinking.

The didactic games and exercises for the development of visual forms of thinking offered in the manual are presented in a gradually becoming more complex system that takes into account the child's experience.

Undoubtedly, the skillful pedagogical guidance of them contributes to the successful conduct of didactic games. For a problem child, the emotional side of the organization of the game is an important condition. The teacher, by his behavior, emotional mood, should cause him to have a positive attitude to the game.

The goodwill of an adult is necessary, thanks to which cooperation appears, ensuring the desire of the child to act together and achieve a positive result.

The role of an adult in didactic play is twofold: on the one hand, he guides the cognitive process, organizes the teaching of children, and on the other hand, he plays the role of a participant in the game, a partner, directs each child to perform play actions, and, if necessary, provides a pattern of behavior in play. While participating in the game, the adult at the same time monitors the implementation of the rules.

An important condition for the effective use of didactic games in teaching is the observance of the sequence in the selection of games. First of all, the following didactic principles should be taken into account: accessibility, repeatability, gradual performance of tasks. All these principles are provided for in the system of placing the games given in the manual.

The games of the first section - "Didactic games and exercises aimed at the formation of cooperation between a child and an adult and at mastering the methods of assimilating social experience" - are preparatory to all other sections and should be carried out in the first place.

Games presented in other sections should be played in parallel. However, this also has its own peculiarities. In each section, the games are arranged in increasing complexity, taking into account the sequence of skills formation, methods of orientation in the task, the level of generalization, etc. Therefore, first of all, games are held to perform tasks in practical orientation, then games based on visual orientation, and later - games in which children should rely on the sensory experience and experience gained in the process of didactic games, generalized in the word; be able to operate with images-representations caused by this word.

It should be noted that in the manual didactic games are roughly distributed according to the stages of assimilation. All games have been tested in working with children brought up in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type and in a family. Each teacher can pick up other games, which should also be arranged in the order of gradual complication.

Recall that didactic games can be included in any section of the program and serve both for the development of cognitive activity and for the formation of behavior in a team (the ability to act together, observe the actions of a friend, the ability to wait, strive for a joint goal, correlate one's actions with actions their peers).

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The given introductory fragment of the book Correctional and developmental education of children in the process of didactic games. A manual for a teacher-defectologist (E.A. Strebeleva, 2007) provided by our book partner -

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Use of the game in general and correctional pedagogy

1. General characteristics of didactic games

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing the impressions received from the world around them. In the game, the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, developing the need for communication are clearly manifested.

The development of ideas about children's play is a remarkable page in the history of Russian psychology. Delivered by L.S. Vygotsky, the task of creating a new game theory was detailed in the works of the most prominent Russian psychologists A.N. Leontyeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Halperin, in the research of their employees and students. A detailed and comprehensive presentation of the history of the creation of the domestic theory of the game, its basic concepts and experimental research is contained in the fundamental monograph by D.B. Elkonin.

Play is understood as "a special type of child's activity, embodying his relationship to the environment, primarily social reality, having its own specific content and structure, a special object and motives of activity, and a special system of actions."

One of the most important provisions of the domestic theory of children's play is the approach to play as a leading activity. This means that "in connection with the development of play, major changes take place in the child's psyche ... mental processes develop, preparing the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development."

Didactic games are a type of games with rules specially created by pedagogy in order to teach and educate children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of play activities is manifested in them.

Play activities, as leading in preschool childhood, have not yet lost their importance (it is no coincidence that many children bring toys to school). One can agree with L.S. Vygotsky, who wrote that “at school age, the game does not die, but penetrates into relations with reality. It has its own internal continuation in school education and work. " It follows from this that reliance on play activity, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way of involving children in educational work.

The development of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it is slow (many children do not know at all what “learning” is).

There are age-specific features of children associated with insufficient stability and voluntary attention, mainly involuntary development of memory, the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic games just contribute to the development of mental processes in children.

The main difficulty in the initial period of education lies in the fact that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of the activity that he must perform at school. The motive and content of educational activities do not correspond to each other. The content that the child is taught at school should encourage learning. There are significant difficulties in adaptation when a child enters school (mastering a new role - the role of a student, establishing relationships with peers and teachers). The didactic game largely contributes to overcoming these difficulties.

A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, emphasized: "We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the general development of the child." On the other hand, some teachers are inclined, on the contrary, it is wrong to consider didactic games only as a means of intellectual development, a means of developing cognitive mental processes. However, didactic games are also a game form of learning, which, as you know, is quite actively used at the initial stages of learning, i.e. in senior preschool and primary school age.

Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of an educator.

In various literary sources, more than 500 didactic games are indicated, but there is no clear classification of games by type. Games are often related to the content of training and education. In such a classification, the basis of which is the content of training and education, one can imagine the following types games:

Sensory education games;

Word games;

Games for acquaintance with nature;

On the formation of mathematical concepts;

Sometimes games are related to material:

Games with didactic toys;

Desktop - printed games;

Word games;

Pseudo-plot games.

By the nature of cognitive activity, didactic games can be classified into the following groups:

Games that require executive activity from children. With the help of these games, children follow the pattern;

Games requiring replay of action. They are aimed at developing computational and spelling skills;

Games with the help of which children change examples and tasks into others that are logically related to it;

Games that include elements of search and creativity.

This grouping of games emphasizes their focus on learning, the cognitive activity of children, but does not sufficiently reveal the foundations of didactic play - the features of the play activity of children, play tasks, play actions and rules, the organization of the life of children, the guidance of the educator.

Conventionally, several types of didactic games can be distinguished, grouped by the type of student activity.

Games are travel.

Games are errands.

Games are guesswork.

Games are riddles.

Games - conversations (games-dialogues).

Games - travels are similar to a fairy tale, its development, miracles. Game - travel reflects real facts or events, but the usual reveals through the unusual, the simple - through the mysterious, difficult - through the surmountable, the necessary - through the interesting. All this happens in the game, in the action, it becomes close to the child, pleases him.

The role of a teacher in such a game is complex, requires knowledge, a willingness to answer the questions of children, playing with them, to conduct the learning process unnoticed.

Play is a journey - a play of actions, thoughts, feelings of a child, a form of satisfying his needs for knowledge.

In the game - travel, many ways of disclosing cognitive content are used in combination with play activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve it, sometimes developing travel routes, step-by-step solution of problems, the joy of solving it, meaningful rest. The travel game sometimes includes a song, riddles, gifts, and more.

Mission games have the same structural elements as travel games, but they are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal assignments. The game task and game actions in them are based on a proposal to do something: "Check your homework with Dunno."

Games - assumptions "What would be.?" or "What would I do ...", "Who would you like to be and why?", "Who would you choose as a friend?" and others. Sometimes a picture can serve as the beginning of such a game.

The didactic content of the game lies in the fact that a task is set for the children and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. The game task is laid down in the very title "What would have happened.?" or "What would I do ...". Playful actions are determined by the task and require the children to act in an appropriate intended manner in accordance with the set conditions or the created circumstances.

These games require the ability to correlate knowledge with circumstances, to establish causal relationships. They also contain a competitive element: "Who will figure it out faster?"

Games are riddles. The emergence of mysteries goes back to the distant past. Riddles were created by the people themselves, were included in ceremonies, rituals, and were included in holidays. They were used to test knowledge, resourcefulness. This is the obvious pedagogical focus and popularity of riddles as smart entertainment.

Currently, riddles, guessing and guessing, are considered as a kind of educational game.

The main sign of a riddle is an intricate description that needs to be deciphered (guessed and proven). This description is laconic and often takes the form of a question or ends with it. The main feature of riddles is a logical task. The methods of constructing logical tasks are different, but they all activate the child's mental activity. Kids love puzzle games. The need to compare, remember, think, guess - gives the joy of mental labor. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions, inferences.

Games - conversations (dialogues). The game - conversation is based on the communication of a teacher with children, children with a teacher and children with each other. This communication has a special character of play learning and play activity of children. In a game - a conversation, the teacher often comes not from himself, but from a character close to the children, and thus not only preserves the game communication, but also enhances his joy, the desire to repeat the game. However, the game - conversation is fraught with the danger of enhancing the techniques of direct teaching.

The value of the game - conversation lies in the fact that it makes demands on the activation of emotional and mental processes: the unity of words, actions, thoughts and imaginations of children. Game - conversation fosters the ability to listen and hear the teacher's questions, questions and answers of children, the ability to focus on the content of the conversation, complement what has been said, express judgment. All this characterizes an active search for a solution to the problem posed by the game. The ability to participate in a conversation is of no small importance, which characterizes the level of upbringing.

The listed types of games, of course, do not exhaust the whole range of possible game techniques. However, in practice, in teaching and correctional and developmental work with children of primary school age, these games are most often used, either in a "pure" form, or in combination with other types of games: mobile, plot-role, etc.

Didactic play is at the same time a form of teaching children. Its origins are in folk pedagogy, which has created many educational games based on a combination of play with a song, with movements. The didactic game contains all the structural elements characteristic of the children's play activity: design, content, play actions, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a slightly different form and are due to the special role of didactic play in the upbringing and teaching of children.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the orientation of its content towards the development of the cognitive activity of children. In contrast to the direct formulation of a task in the classroom in didactic play, it also arises as a play task for the child himself. The importance of didactic play is that it develops the independence and activity of the thinking and speech of children.

Game actions are not always prominent. These are also mental actions, expressed in the processes of purposeful perception, observation, comparison, sometimes recalling what was previously learned, thinking. In terms of their complexity, they are different and are determined by the level of cognitive content and game tasks, age characteristics of children.

The scope of game actions is also different. V junior groups- this is most often one or two repetitive actions, in the older ones - already five or six. In games of a sporting nature, the play actions of older preschoolers from the very beginning are divided in time and are carried out sequentially. Having mastered them, children act purposefully, clearly, quickly, consistently and at the already worked out pace solve the game problem.

One of the elements of the didactic game are the rules. They are determined by the task of teaching and the content of the game and, in turn, determine the nature and method of play actions, organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and the educator. With the help of rules, he forms in children the ability to navigate in changed circumstances, the ability to restrain immediate desires, to show emotional and volitional effort. As a result, the ability to control the actions of other players develops. The rules of the game are educational, organizing and disciplining. Teaching rules help to reveal to children what to do and how: they correlate with play actions, strengthen their role, clarify the way of implementation, organizers determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in play; disciplining people warn about what and why not to do.

The teacher must carefully use the rules, not overload the game with them, apply only the necessary ones. The introduction of many rules, their implementation by coercion, lead to negative results. Excessive discipline reduces their interest in the game and even destroys it, and sometimes triggers cunning tricks to avoid following the rules.

The result of a didactic game is an indicator of the level of achievement of children in the assimilation of knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships, and it is not easy to win in any way.

Game tasks, actions, rules, the result of the game are interconnected, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity, reduces the educational impact.

So, didactic games contribute to the development of mental processes in children, adaptation when a child enters school. However, didactic games are also a form of teaching children, containing all the structural elements characteristic of children's play activities: design (play task), play actions, rules, result.

2 . The role of didactic games in the educational process of preschool children

preschool didactic game educational

The importance of play in raising a child is considered in many pedagogical systems of the past and present. Most teachers regard play as a serious and necessary activity for a child.

In the history of foreign and domestic pedagogical science, 2 directions of using play in raising children have developed: for all-round harmonious development and for narrowly didactic purposes.

A prominent representative of the first trend was the great Czech teacher J.A. Comenius. He considered play to be a necessary form of a child's activity, corresponding to his nature and inclinations: play is a serious mental activity in which all kinds of a child's abilities are developed; in the game, the circle of ideas about the surrounding world expands and enriches, speech develops; in joint games, the child becomes closer to peers.

The didactic direction of using the game was developed in the 18th century. among teachers - philanthropists (I.S.Bazedov, H.G. Zaltsman and others). They sought to make teaching children entertaining, appropriate for their age, philanthropists used a variety of games.

The didactic direction is presented with the greatest completeness in F. Frebel's pedagogy. “The process of play, F. Frebel argued, is the revelation and manifestation of what was originally inherent in a person by the deity. Through play, the child, according to F. Frebel, learns the divine principle, the laws of the universe and himself. F. Frebel attaches great educational value to play: play develops the child physically, enriches his speech, thinking, imagination; play is an active activity for preschool children. That is why Frebel considered play to be the main education of children in kindergarten. "

The didactic direction of using the game is also characteristic of modern English pedagogy. In children's institutions working according to the M. Montessori or F. Frebel system, as before, the main place is given to didactic games and exercises with various material, independent creative games children are not given importance.

In the works of K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kaptereva, P.F. Lesgaft and other scientists contain important thoughts about the role of play in the formation of a child.

K. D. Ushinsky noted the dependence of the content of children's games on the social environment. He argued that games do not pass without leaving a trace for a child: they can determine the character and behavior of a person in society. Thus, a child who is accustomed to commanding or obeying in play does not easily unlearn this direction in real life. K. D. Ushinsky attached great importance to joint games, since the first social relations were established in them. He appreciated the independence of children in play, saw in this the basis of the deep influence of play on the child, however, he considered it necessary to direct children's games, providing the moral content of children's impressions.

Of great interest are the views on the play of E.I. Tikheeva. She considers play as one of the forms of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten and at the same time as one of the most important means of educational influence on the child.

In a kindergarten run by E.I. Tikheeva, games of 2 types existed and were used: free games stimulated by the environment, and games organized by a teacher, games with rules. Special merit belongs to E.I. Tikheeva in revealing the role of didactic play. She rightly believed that didactic play makes it possible to develop the most diverse abilities of a child, his perception, speech, attention. She determined the special role of the educator in didactic play: he introduces children to the game, acquaints with its content and rules. E.I. Tikheeva developed many didactic games that are still used in kindergartens.

Each method has games that have been created over the centuries by adults for children, and some by children themselves. Russian folk games were first collected and processed by E.A. Pokrovsky. The richness of content, variety of forms, simplicity, amusement, humor are their characteristic features.

Play is a necessary form of child's activity. Play is a serious mental activity in which all types of child's abilities develop, in it the range of ideas about the world around them expands and enriches, speech develops. Didactic play makes it possible to develop the most diverse abilities of the child, his perception, speech, attention.

Many games with ready-made content and rules are currently being created by teachers.

Games with rules are designed to form and develop certain qualities of a child's personality. In preschool pedagogy, it is customary to divide games with ready-made content and rules into didactic, mobile and musical ones.

By the nature of the material used, didactic games are conventionally divided into games with objects, board games and word games.

Object games are games with folk didactic toys, mosaics with natural materials. The main game actions with them: stringing, laying out, rolling, collecting the whole from the parts, etc. These games develop colors, sizes, shapes.

Board-printed games are aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, stimulating knowledge, developing thought processes and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc.)

Desktop printed games are divided into several types: paired pictures, loto, dominoes, cut pictures and folding cubes, games like "Labyrinth" for older preschoolers

Word games. This group includes a large number of folk games such as "Paints", "Silence", "Black and White", etc. Games develop attention, intelligence, quick reaction, coherent speech.

The structure of a didactic game, its tasks, game rules, and game actions objectively contain the possibility of developing many qualities of social activity.

Thus, in didactic play, the child has the opportunity to construct his own behavior and actions.

Didactic play is conventionally divided into several stages. Each is characterized by certain manifestations of children's activity. Knowledge of these stages is necessary for the educator to correctly assess the effectiveness of the game.

O The first stage is characterized by the child's desire to play and actively act. Various techniques are possible in order to arouse interest in the game: conversation, riddles, counting rhymes, a reminder of the game you like.

O At the second stage, the child learns to perform the game task, the rules and actions of the game. During this period, the foundations of such important qualities, as honesty, purposefulness, perseverance, the ability to overcome the bitterness of failure, the ability to rejoice not only in your own success, but also in the success of your comrades.

O At the third stage, the child, already familiar with the rules of the game, shows creativity, is busy looking for independent actions. He must perform the actions contained in the game: guess, find, hide, depict, pick up. To successfully cope with them, you need to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, the ability to navigate the environment. A child who has mastered the game must become both its organizer and its active participant.

Certain pedagogical tasks correspond to each stage of the game. At the first stage, the teacher motivates children to play, creates a joyful expectation of a new interesting game, and makes them want to play. At the second stage, the educator acts not only as an observer, but also as an equal partner who knows how to come to the rescue in time, and fairly assess the behavior of children in the game. At the third stage, the role of the defectologist is to assess children's creativity in solving game problems.

In didactic play, children learn to think about things that they do not directly perceive at a given time. This game teaches you to rely in solving a problem on the idea of ​​previously perceived objects. The game requires the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. In these games, the child must independently solve various mental tasks: describe objects, guess by description, by signs of similarity and difference, group objects according to various properties, signs, find alogisms in judgments, come up with stories with the inclusion of fables, etc.

In domestic preschool pedagogy, N.K. Krupskaya, she repeatedly spoke about the importance of play as the most important means of all-round education of preschoolers: "... play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education." Calling folk games, N.K. Krupskaya noted their great importance in the upbringing of a number of qualities in children: resourcefulness, discipline, observation, and a sense of humor.

Games for children of younger and middle preschool age are mainly aimed at the development of speech, clarification and consolidation of the vocabulary, education of correct sound pronunciation, the ability to count, to navigate in space. Only a small part of the games is aimed at developing the thinking ability of children.

In older preschool age, when verbal-logical thinking begins to form in children, it is necessary to use games more precisely for the purpose of developing independent thinking, the formation of mental activity.

Particularly serious attention should be paid to the upbringing of independence and activity of thinking of children in the older groups of the kindergarten. Didactic game is an accessible, useful, effective method of fostering independent thinking in children. It does not require special material, certain conditions, but requires only the knowledge of the educator of the game itself. It should be borne in mind that the proposed games will contribute to the development of independent thinking only if they are carried out in a certain system using the necessary methodology.

Thus, didactic play is one of the forms of educational influence of an adult on a child. At the same time, play is the main activity of preschool children. Didactic play has two goals: one of them is educational, which is pursued by an adult, and the other is play, for the sake of which the child acts. It is important that these two goals complement each other and ensure the assimilation of the program material. The assimilation of the program content becomes a condition for achieving the game goal.

In didactic play, conditions are created in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation or with certain objects, acquiring his own effective and sensory experience.

For a child to master the methods of orientation in the world around him, to understand a particular action, multiple repetitions are required. The didactic game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions on different material while maintaining an emotionally positive attitude to the task.

Thus, the special role of didactic play in the learning process is determined by the fact that play should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, and allow the child to gain their own experience.

Early and preschool age can be called the age of sensory cognition of the environment. During this period, the formation of all types of perception takes place in children - visual, tactile-motor, auditory, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world are formed. Children acquire sensory experience in the process of broad orienting-research activities. A preschool child, cognizing the world, makes search methods of orientation, i.e. the leading place in the early stages of a child's development is taken by the trial and error method, which is later replaced by perceptual methods - trying on and visual orientation. The trial method as a search method is based on the fact that the child fixes the correct actions and rejects the erroneous options. The trial method is a practical orientation, however, it prepares the child for orientation that takes place in the inner plane, i.e. perceptual orientation. Thanks to didactic games, it is possible to organize the child's activity in such a way that it will contribute to the formation of his ability to solve not only available practical, but also simple problem problems. And the experience gained at the same time will make it possible to understand and solve familiar problems in a visual-figurative and even verbal plan.

Thus, the formation of thinking is important in the mental development of a child. It is in the preschool period that not only the main forms of visual thinking arise - visual-effective and visual-figurative, but also the foundations of logical thinking are laid - the ability to transfer one property of an object to others (the first types of generalization), causal thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize and dr.

Undoubtedly, the skillful pedagogical guidance of them contributes to the successful conduct of didactic games. The goodwill of an adult is necessary, thanks to which cooperation appears, ensuring the desire of the child to act together and achieve a positive result.

The role of an adult in didactic play is twofold: on the one hand, he guides the cognitive process, organizes the teaching of children, and on the other hand, he plays the role of a participant in the game, a partner, directs each child to perform play actions, and, if necessary, provides a pattern of behavior in play. While participating in the game, the adult at the same time monitors the implementation of the rules.

An important condition for the effective use of didactic games in teaching is the observance of the sequence in the selection of games. First of all, the following didactic principles should be taken into account: availability, repeatability, gradual performance of tasks.

Thus, one of the conditions for conducting didactic games is the benevolence of an adult. The teacher plays two roles in a didactic game: on the one hand, he is the leader of the cognitive process, and on the other, he is a participant in the game. Another important condition for the effectiveness of didactic games is the observance of the sequence in their selection, which is based on didactic principles.

3 . Characteristics of the state of speech activity in normally developing preschoolers and children with speech pathology

Numerous studies of domestic and foreign experts are devoted to the study of the speech development of children in health and speech pathology. In the special literature, several stages of the formation of speech in children are distinguished.

1. Pre-phonemic period (up to 1 year).

Newborns have no speech manifestations. Screaming is an innate vocal response to environmental influences and is of a reflex nature. In this period, the main pre-speech vocalizations:

* from 3 months - gukanye - short quiet screams, by nature reminiscent of posterior-lingual sounds, because lying down, the root of the tongue is pulled back);

* 3 months - humming - smooth lingering sounds;

* Later - expanded humming. A combination of 2-3 sounds: vowels and consonants. The consonants are close to reflex sounds by the end of the humming period, the expanded humming becomes more understandable and acquires certain intonations as a result of primitive emotional experiences.

* 4-5 months - babbling develops on the basis of the child's innate reactions (sucking, swallowing). At first, in babbling, you can hear many sounds similar in pronunciation to "adult" sounds. But articulatory vowels are pronounced almost the same, the main phonetic features of consonants are smoothed out: hard-soft, voiced-voiceless. As babbling develops, sounds begin to differ.

The question of the timing of the development of babble is controversial. Some say - 2-3 months, others - 6 months. This difference is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine the real boundaries that separate babbling from previous vocalization. These boundaries are largely individual, each child is displaced both in one and the other direction. In the development of babbling, not only the innate reaction of the speech motor apparatus plays, but the speech and hearing organs are very important. In the development of babbling is very important role echolalia plays - a child, hearing what adults say, repeats without understanding the meaning. Babbling is very important for the development of speech. There is a general exercise of the articulatory apparatus, this is the basis full development speech motor and speech hearing aids.

In the preparatory period of speech development, in the first year of life, in the process of direct emotional communication with an adult, the foundations of future coherent speech are laid.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express feelings (pleasure or displeasure), not thoughts. Gradually, the relationship between an adult and a child is enriched, the range of objects that he encounters expands, and words that previously expressed only emotions become for the baby designations of objects and actions. The child masters his vocal apparatus, acquires the ability to understand the speech of others. Understanding of speech is of great importance in all subsequent development of the child, it is the initial stage in the development of the communication function. A special type of communication develops, in which an adult speaks, and a child responds with facial expressions, gestures, and movement.

On the basis of understanding, at first very primitive, the active speech of children begins to develop. The child imitates the sounds and sound combinations that the adult pronounces, himself drawing the adult's attention to himself, to some object. All this is of exceptional importance for the development of verbal communication in children: the intention of the vocal reaction is born, its focus on another person, speech hearing, and the arbitrariness of pronunciation are formed.

2. Phonemic period (1 year - 6 years).

At this stage, the active development of independent speech of children takes place. In preschoolers, speech formation is carried out in accordance with the following principle: from simple to complex. In many ways, the sequence of the formation of sounds is determined by the development of the motor speech apparatus. In parallel, the lexical aspect of speech (vocabulary) is being developed. At first, this manifests itself in amorphous words-roots (dog-baka). Gestures and facial expressions are actively used. The vocabulary develops very quickly: the number of words and the deepening of their understanding. In a certain sequence, the learning of the parts of speech is going on:

Nouns: designation of familiar, frequently encountered objects;

Verbs: at the beginning the imperative form (give) and the indefinite form;

Adverbs and pronouns;



Service parts of speech;

The participles-participles - at school age.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers begins in the 2nd year of life.

The first sentence is an amorphous word, then 2, 3, 4 words are added. At first, the sentences of the children are formless (mom give porridge). Development of simple and complex sentences goes very fast. During this period, there is a transition from amorphous words to morphologically dismembered ones. The child takes possession of a number of endings with their characteristic meaning, separates them from the root. This transition is gradual, determined by the order of mastering the parts of speech. Service words are still absent in sentences; from complex sentences, non-union words are used. Gradually, with the development of speech, vocabulary, the parts of speech and their syntactic expressions are mastered, and after that a period of development of the morphological system of the language begins.

If we consider this period in more detail, then, according to the psychological and pedagogical literature, the development of speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is connected with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around. By the end of the first - the beginning of the second year of life, the first meaningful words appear, but they mainly express the desire and needs of the child. Only in the second half of the second year of life, words begin to serve as designations for objects for the baby. From this moment, the child begins to use words to address an adult and acquires the ability, through speech, to enter into conscious communication with an adult. The word for him has the meaning of a whole sentence. Gradually, the first sentences appear, first of two, and by two years of three and four words. By the end of the second year of a child's life, words begin to form grammatically. Children express their thoughts and desires more accurately and clearly. During this period, speech acts in two main functions: as a means of establishing contact and as a means of knowing the world. Despite the imperfection of sound pronunciation, limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, it is a means of communication and generalization.

In the third year of life, both understanding of speech and active speech are developing rapidly, and it increases sharply vocabulary, the structure of sentences becomes more complicated. Children use the simplest, natural and initial form of speech - dialogical, which is at first closely related to the child's practical activity and is used to establish cooperation within joint objective activity. It consists in a direct appeal to the interlocutor, contains the expression of requests and help, answers to the questions of an adult. Such a grammatically poorly formed speech of a small child is situational. Its semantic content is understandable only in connection with the situation.

In older preschool age, speech is separated from direct practical experience. The main feature of this age is the emergence of the planning function of speech. In the role-playing game, leading the activity of preschoolers, new types of speech arise: speech instructing the participants in the game, speech - a message telling an adult about impressions received outside of contact with him. Speech of both types takes on the form of monologue, contextual. Coherent speech develops.

As shown in the study by A.M. Leushina, the main line in the development of coherent speech is that from the exclusive dominance of situational speech, the child moves on to contextual speech. However, the situational nature of speech is not an absolute attribute of the child's age. For the same children, speech can be either more situational or more contextual. This is determined by the tasks and conditions of communication. Changes in the child's lifestyle, the complication of cognitive activity, new relationships with adults, the emergence of new types of activity require more detailed speech, and the means of situational speech do not provide completeness and clarity of expression. There is contextual speech. The transition from situational to contextual speech, according to D.B. Elkonin, occurs by the age of 4-5 years. At the same time, elements of a coherent monologue speech appear as early as 2-3 years old. The transition to contextual speech is closely related to the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the native language, with the development of the ability to freely use the means of the language. With the increasing complexity of the grammatical structure of speech, statements become more detailed and coherent.

Scientists have proven that the level of speech development depends on the level of communication development in children. The form of the statement depends on how the interlocutor understands the child. The speech behavior of the interlocutor affects the content and structure of the child's speech.

Children 4-5 years old actively engage in conversation, can participate in a collective conversation, retell fairy tales and short stories, and independently tell from toys and pictures. They do not have the correct formulation of questions, to supplement and correct the answers of their comrades. In most cases, their stories are copied - a model of an adult, contain violations of logic; sentences within a story are often connected only formally (with words more, then).

At preschool age, children are able to actively participate in a conversation, answer questions quite fully and accurately, supplement and correct the answers of others, give appropriate replies, and formulate questions. The nature of the children's dialogue depends on the complexity of the tasks solved in joint activities.

Monologue speech is also improving: children master different types of coherent statements (description, narration, partly reasoning) based on visual material and without support. The syntactic structure of children's stories is also becoming more complex, the number of complex and complex sentences increases. At the same time, in a significant part of children these skills are unstable. Children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, in their logically consistent arrangement, in the structuring of statements, in their language design. V.V. Vorobyova traces the genetic development of coherent speech, which is formed on the basis of situational communication and gradually moves from dialogue to the forms of monologue speech: narration, and then to description and reasoning. Higher form coherent speech - written speech... The prerequisites for its formation are created by the end of preschool childhood.

However, not in all cases these processes proceed well: in some children, the formation of all components of the language is sharply delayed. This violation was first established by R.E. Levina and is defined as a general speech underdevelopment.

General speech underdevelopment is a variety of complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to the sound and semantic side is impaired. General speech underdevelopment can manifest itself to varying degrees. Therefore, there are three levels of speech development.

The first level of speech development is characterized by an almost complete absence of verbal means of communication or their very limited development during this period, when normally developing children have speech already fully formed.

In children at the first level of speech development, the vocabulary is extremely poor, limited by individual distortions, grammatically unformed babbling sound combinations - word equivalents and a small number of spoken words.

One and the same sounding word can express completely different meanings for a child. At the same time, understanding of speech is broader than the possibilities of active use of it, but it is also limited by the situation.

A distinctive feature of the second level of speech development is the higher speech activity of children. They have phrasal speech, however, very distorted phonetically and grammatically. The dictionary is characterized by a large volume and variety, different lexical and grammatical categories of words are already noted. The use of words in independent speech is often incorrect: there are semantic substitutions of words. Grammatical meanings are formed, however, in spontaneous speech, grammatical changes in words are often transmitted in a distorted manner. Pronounced agrammatism is characteristic. Understanding of speech remains incomplete, as many grammatical forms do not differ enough.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the appearance of detailed everyday speech without gross lexical, grammatical and phonetic deviations. Against the background of a relatively detailed everyday speech, there is an inaccurate knowledge and use of many words and an insufficiently complete formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of the language. With a good understanding of everyday speech, there is an insufficiently complete understanding of the read text, due to individual gaps in the development of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Children cannot communicate their thoughts coherently. The greatest difficulties are observed in the construction of arbitrary coherent speech.

In order to have a clear idea of ​​the speech development of older preschoolers with OHP level 3, it is necessary to consider in more detail the lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonetic characteristics of the speech of children of this age.

At the third level of OHP, the speech of children is characterized by the presence of expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexicogrammatic and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly sibilant, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or similar phonetic group

For example, the soft sound c ", itself not yet clearly pronounced, replaces the sound with (" syapogi "), sh (" syuba "instead of a fur coat), q" sypylya "instead of a heron), h (" syaynik "instead of a teapot), u ( "Mesh" instead of a brush); substitutions of groups of sounds with simpler articulation. Unstable substitutions are noted when the sound in different words is pronounced differently; mixing of sounds, when the child in isolation pronounces certain sounds correctly, and in words and sentences replaces them.

Correctly repeating three or four-syllable words after the speech therapist, children often distort them in speech, reducing the number of syllables (Children blinded a snowman. - "Children hoarse a novice"). A lot of errors are observed in the transmission of sound filling of words: permutations and replacements of sounds and syllables, contractions when consonants in a word collapse.

Against the background of relatively detailed speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions. The inability to use word formation methods creates difficulties in using word variants, children do not always succeed in selecting single-root words, the formation of new words using suffixes and prefixes. Often they replace the name of a part of an object with the name of a whole object, the desired word with another, similar in meaning.

Simple common sentences predominate in free expressions, complex constructions are almost never used. In children with OHP level 3, mistakes remain in the use of plural forms with the use of unproductive endings (trees, nests). Mixing of declension forms is characteristic, especially there are many difficulties in mastering prepositional constructions. In active speech, only simple and well-developed prepositions (in, on, under) are correctly used.

Agrammatism is noted: errors in the coordination of numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case. A large number of mistakes are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

The comprehension of addressed speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. Insufficient understanding of changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes is noted; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements that express the meaning of number and gender, understanding the logical and grammatical structures that express cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships. Violations of the sentence model are noted: inversions, omission of the main or secondary member of the sentence; omitted, replaced, conjunctions and compound words are misused.

The quantitative range of words used in sentences is small. Children experience great difficulties in programming their statements.

The vocabulary of these children is lower than that of the children of the first group, both in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Thus, children have mastered the basic meanings of words expressed by their root part, but they do not sufficiently distinguish between the change in meanings caused by the use of different prefixes. For example: the car was driving near the house (instead of: drove around the house);

In a number of exercises, children cannot add the missing word, which is accurate in meaning: thunders ..., chirps ..., flutters ..., rings ... etc. Tasks for the selection of single-root words, synonyms, compilation compound words they are practically inaccessible.

Insufficiently mastered by senior preschoolers with OHR 3 levels generalizing words: transport, footwear, profession, etc. They often replace generic concepts with specific ones: herringbone trees, hats-cap; instead of unfamiliar words, phrases are used: hollow-squirrel lives here; a garden bed grows here; tap-here the handles are washed.

That is, speech disorders in OHP of level 3 in preschoolers affect all sides: both phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical.

OHP level 4 is characterized by separate gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure. At first glance, errors seem insignificant, but their combination puts the child in a difficult position when learning to write and read. Educational material it is perceived poorly, the degree of its assimilation is very low, the grammar rules are not assimilated.

In the speech of children with OHP of the fourth level, there are elisions, mainly consisting in the reduction of sounds, and rarely - omission of syllables. Paraphasias, permutations of sounds, rarely syllables are also observed.

Sluggish articulation and fuzzy diction leave the impression of general blurry speech. There are disadvantages of phonemic hearing.

When designating the actions and signs of objects, some children use the names of an approximate value: oval - round. Lexical errors are manifested in the replacement of words that are similar in the situation (the cat rolls the ball - instead of the "ball"), in the mixing of signs (high fence - long; old grandfather - an adult).

Having a stock of words denoting different professions, children poorly differentiate the designations of masculine and feminine persons.

Word formation using magnifying suffixes is very difficult. Mistakes in the use of diminutive nouns (strap - strap, etc.) and the formation of possessive adjectives (wolf - wolf; fox - fox) remain persistent.

At this stage, there are no mistakes in the use of simple prepositions in the speech of children, difficulties in agreeing adjectives with nouns are insignificant. But it is still difficult to use complex prepositions, in the coordination of numerals with nouns.

Coherent speech is very peculiar. When composing a story on a given topic, picture, series plot pictures the logical sequence is broken, there are omissions of the main events, the repetition of individual episodes. Talking about events from their lives, they use simple, uninformative sentences. Difficulties remain in the planning of their utterances and the selection of appropriate language means.

So, in preschoolers with OHP, in contrast to normally developing children, the formation of all speech components is delayed. Depending on the level of speech underdevelopment, we can talk about the safety of speech processes. Scientists have proven that the level of speech development depends on the level of communication development in children. The form of the statement depends on how the interlocutor understands the child. The speech behavior of the interlocutor affects the content and structure of the child's speech.

The first level of speech development is characterized by an almost complete absence of verbal means, when in normally developing children speech is already fully formed. A distinctive feature of the second level of speech development is the higher speech activity of children. They have phrasal speech, however, very distorted phonetically and grammatically. At the third level of OHP, the speech of children is characterized by the presence of expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexicogrammatic and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. OHP level 4 is characterized by separate gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

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Olga Larkina

One of the main tasks of preschool institutions, regardless of their profile, is to prepare children for school.

The characterological characteristics of children with OHP are manifested in the classroom, in play and everyday activities. They quickly get tired, stop taking the instructions of the speech therapist. In the process of communication with each other, some children show increased excitability, are excessively mobile, difficult to control. Others, on the contrary, are lethargic, apathetic, do not show interest in classes. Teachers are familiar with the manifestations of negativism, increased aggressiveness, or vulnerability, resentment of some kids. It is not easy for a speech therapist to simultaneously conduct correction work all components of speech activity and teach children the norms and requirements of communication in a team, without which their full-fledged upbringing is impossible.

In this regard, playful forms of education and upbringing of children are of particular importance. Play is the main activity of a preschool child, one of characteristic patterns child development. Play, as a form of child's activity, contributes to the development of his mental processes, personality traits, intelligence.

Recently, the number of children with speech disorders has increased. In addition to a direct violation of sound pronunciation, children are diagnosed with violations of the remaining components of speech process: poor vocabulary, agrammatical phrases, low level development of coherent speech, etc. The mental base also suffers speeches: attention, memory, thinking.

Good speech is the most important condition for the all-round development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

Among the tasks facing the preschool institution, an important place is occupied by the task of preparing children for school.

One of the main indicators of a child's readiness to successful learning is correct, good developed speech... Good speech is the most important condition for the full development of children. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children's speech, about its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations.

For preschool children suffering from various speech disorders, play activity retains its significance and role as a necessary condition for the comprehensive development of their personality and intellect.

However, the shortcomings of sound pronunciation, insufficiently clear perception of the sound image of words, limited vocabulary, complete or partial absence of grammatical forms, as well as changes in the tempo of speech, its smoothness - all this, to varying degrees, affects their playing activity, and gives rise to behavioral features in the game. ...

A didactic game is a game designed for training. These are games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children.

Didactic games are used for solving all problems of speech development.

V work with preschoolers having speech disorders teacher- the speech therapist sets himself the following tasks:

Wide use games in correctional work as a means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

With the help of the game, increase the child's need for communication, stimulate the accumulation and development of his speech skills and abilities.

When playing a game consider age and possible behavioral features of children with various speech disorders.

A speech therapy lesson should be in the nature of an educational and playful activity for a child. It should be emotionally colored, should attract the child, arouse his keen interest and generate a joyful expectation of new activities.

Play is the main activity of a preschooler. In an organized children's group, play serves as a means of education and training. Therefore, speech therapy Work requires a variety of game techniques corrections, taking into account individual characteristics of children with speech disorders.

The game improves the physical, mental and moral development of the child, deepens his cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking and speech.

Based on this, the problem of appropriate and adequate using didactic games, game techniques on different stages speech therapy work acquires great theoretical and practical importance.

Didactic games are a kind of game with rules specially created by pedagogy in order to educate children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of play activity is manifested in them.

A. V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role didactic game, emphasized: “We need to ensure that didactic play was not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but would also contribute to the general development of the child. " On the other hand, some teachers are inclined, on the contrary, to incorrectly consider didactic play only as a means of intellectual development, a means of developing cognitive mental processes. But, didactic games are also a playful form of learning, which, as you know, is quite actively used at the initial stages of learning, that is, in senior preschool and primary school age.

Didactic the game has a certain structure. Structure - these are the main elements that characterize play as a form of learning and play activity at the same time. The following structural components are distinguished didactic game:

1. didactic task;

2. game task;

3. game actions;

4. rules of the game;

5.result (summarizing)

Didactic the task is determined by the purpose of the teaching and educational impact. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activities. So, for example, in a number didactic games, in accordance with the program objectives of the corresponding academic subjects, the ability to compose words from letters is consolidated, counting skills are practiced, etc.

The game task is carried out by children. Didactic task in didactic the game is realized through a game task. It defines game actions. It becomes the task of the child himself. The most important thing - didactic the task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears to the children in the form of a game plan (tasks).

Game actions are the basis of the game. The more varied the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. This, for example, can be role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc. They are associated with the game concept and come from it. Game actions are the means of implementing the game concept, but they also include actions aimed at solving didactic task.

Rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of forming the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. The rules contain moral requirements for the relationship of children, for their compliance with the norms of behavior. V didactic the game, the rules are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules influence the decision too didactic tasks - imperceptibly restrict the actions of children, direct their attention to the implementation of a specific task.

Result (summarizing)- is carried out immediately after the end of the game. This could be scoring; identifying children who performed better game tasks; determination of the winning team, etc. It is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of the lagging children.

The most important thing - and this must be emphasized - didactic task in didactic the game is carried out through the game task. Didactic the task is hidden from children. The child's attention is drawn to the performance of play actions, but they are not aware of the task of teaching. This makes play a special form of playful learning, when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, abilities and skills. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by play. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. This condition is violated - and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

Thus, didactic the game is a game only for the child. For an adult, she is a way of learning. V didactic the game, the assimilation of knowledge acts as by-effect... Target didactic games and playful teaching techniques - to facilitate the transition to learning objectives, make it gradual.

While playing, children learn the program material better, perform complex tasks correctly, which increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

The task of the teacher is to make the transition of children from play to educational activities smooth, adequate, so that the joy of playing turns into the joy of learning.