Elena Noskova
Educational institution: MADOU Ushakovsky kindergarten "Goldfish"
Brief description of work:

Date of publication: 2017-02-26 GCD summary for mathematical development preschoolers in preparatory group"Violet" Elena Noskova To form the ability of children to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, for addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity. Teach children to analyze tasks. Fix the account within 10 in forward and backward order.

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Abstract of the GCD for the mathematical development of preschoolers in the preparatory group "Violet"

Target:Form skillchildren to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, for addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity.

1. Teach children to analyze tasks.Fix the account within 10 in forward and backward order.

2. Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills hands, logical thinking children.

3. To educate personal qualities for every child: persistence of interest in mathematical knowledge and skills, dedication, concentration, curiosity.

Course of the lesson:

Children on the carpet.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, guests have come to our class today. Let's say hello to them. We will show what kind of adults we are, our knowledge, behavior.

2. Conversation.

- Today our old friend Peak Mouse is our guest. Tell us what he likes to do? The mouse loves to gain knowledge. How can you call the Mouse in one word? (inquisitive).

- Mouse Peak brought a lot of interesting tasks for you and me. I think you will cope with all the tasks. Is everyone ready? Everyone has good mood? Let's check it out now.

Children stand in a circle. “All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other! "

- First task: What time of year is it? Name three winter months. What month is it now? Name the days of the week. What day of the week is it today?

3. Mathematical warm-up "Happy counting".

- The second task is called "Happy Counting".

Let's count in chorus from 1 to 10. Countdown from 10 to 1.

Count in one number. Count in two numbers.

Count from 3 to 7, from 2 to 5. What number I missed: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10.

- The tasks are getting harder. The wind blew, and all the number cards flew.

We need to guess the riddle. "A multi-colored rocker hung over the river" (rainbow).

How many colors are there in the rainbow? (seven). Find the card with the number 7. What are the neighbors of the number 7. Find the cards with the numbers 6 and 8. Which number is greater than 6 or 8; smaller?

Guess which number I am guessing if it is 1 less than 5; 2 more than 7.

Give a number greater than 2 but less than 4.

- All numbers can be divided by ...? (even and odd). What are the even numbers; odd. Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 must be arranged so that in one hoop there are cards with even numbers, in the other odd ones.

- Well done!

Children sit down at tables.

3. New topic.

- Mouse Peak has brought another task, the most difficult one. To complete this task correctly, you need to be very careful.

A drawing for the problem hangs on the board: “There are 4 bullfinches and 2 titmouses sitting on a branch. How many birds are sitting on the branch? "

- What birds are sitting on the branch? (bullfinches and tits).

- How many bullfinches are sitting on a branch? (four). Place as many red sticks as bullfinches on the branch. Place as many yellow sticks as there are blue titmice on the branch.

- This is what we know, that is, the condition of the problem.

- Who will tell the question of the problem? What needs to be done to answer the question? (must be added, added). Connect sticks and count. We can answer the question of the problem: how many birds are there on the branch? (There are 6 birds on the branch).

- How to write down the solution and answer to a problem in a notebook?

One child works at the blackboard, explaining his actions: add 2 to 4 to make 6. Answer: There are 6 birds on the branch.

- In the upper left corner of the leaf, we found a cell and write down: 4 + 2 = 6.

4. Consolidation of a new topic.

Similarly, they compose and solve the subtraction problem.

- Well done. We coped well with these tasks. Peak the Mouse is very happy. He has one final assignment for you. A dot was put in the lower corner of the leaf. From this point we draw 2 cells up, 3 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell up, 1 cell to the right, 5 cells down, 3 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down, 6 cells to the left. What happened? (boat). On this boat, Peak Mouse sets out on a voyage around the world. Let's say thanks to him and bon voyage.

5. Outcome of the lesson.

- What new have you learned in class today? What did you like the most? Well done boys! I am very glad that everything worked out for you.

Abstract of a lesson on mathematical development in a preparatory group for school.

Educator: Cherkasova G.A.

Experimental station branch MBOU "Zamishevskaya secondary school"

Bryansk region, Novozybkovsky district, settlement Experimental station

Educational area:"Cognition"
Target: Repeat comparison of numbers, orientation on a sheet of paper, solution simple tasks, geometric figures. Develop memory, thinking, attention. To foster a culture of behavior, discipline, interest in mathematics, school.
Equipment: geometric shapes, sheets in a cage, pencils, a set of numbers 1-10, signs. For the teacher: easel, magnets, task cards, matryoshka matryoshka.

Course of the lesson

I. Introduction

Hello children! Today we have a mathematical development. We will go to a wonderful country of numbers, examples, tasks. To travel to this fascinating country, you need to solve the following tasks: (frontal survey)

1. There were 4 apples on the table. All apples were cut in half. How many apples are on the table?
2.What kind of dishes cannot be filled?
3.What can be seen with closed eyes?
4. How many paws do two cubs have?
5. Two potatoes were cooked in 2 minutes. How long does it take to cook 3 potatoes?
6. Today is Wednesday, in a week we will go to the theater. What day of the week will we go to the theater?
7. Today is Monday, three days later Sasha's birthday. What day of the week is Sasha's birthday
8 five baby bears
Mom put her to bed.
One cannot sleep in any way
How many have a good dream?
9 for a walk from the manger
Ten kids came out.
Five of them sat on the grass
The rest are on the swing.
How many guys are on the swing?
10 the mouse was gathering grain
She carried two grains.
I have brought it five times already.
What is her stock?
II. Main part

Work at the blackboard.
I have a sequence of numbers on my easel. Fill the gaps.
1,2, . ,4,5, . ,7,8, . ,10
2, 4, . , 8, .
10, . , 6, . , 2

(Children go to the easel)
Compare the numbers.
5 and 8 8 and 4 6 and 3 1 and 7 7 and 9 2 and 2

Drawing up and solving problems.
On the easel numeric expressions
7+ 2 10 - 2
Make a task on it ... (Frontal poll, we write down the one we liked the most and decide).
Visual dictation.
Now I will show you geometric shapes. Your task is to remember the order of their following and arrange them in your place as well.
Phys. Wait a minute.
One, go up
Two, bend over
Three, three claps in your hands,
Four arms wider
Wave five hands
Sit down quietly on the chair.

Graphic dictation.
We counted 8 cells from the edge of the leaf and put a point. From this point we begin to work. 3 cells down. 3 cells to the left. 1 cell down. 3 cells to the right. 3 cells down. One cell to the right. 3 cells up. 5 cells to the right. 2 cells up. 1 cell to the left. 1 cell down. 4 cells to the left. 3 cells up. 1 cell to the left. What happened? (Airplane)
Working with a matryoshka matryoshka. (Frontal poll)
- What is the biggest number?
- What is the smallest number?
- What is often found in fairy tales? In what?
- Which number represents the best grade in school?
III. Final part.

Solution of examples.
Solve the examples that match the letter and the answer:
6+3 10 - 3 5+3 4+6 9 - 7
What word did you get? SCHOOL.
So, soon you will all go to school and continue your exciting journey to the country whose name is mathematics.
You all worked great today, thanks. The lesson is over.


1.Mikhailova Z.A. "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers." - M .: Education, 1990.-94s

2. Shalaeva G. Mathematics for little geniuses at home and in kindergarten... - M .: AST, Slovo, 2009.

Burliyat Akhmedpashaeva
Abstract of the GCD "Mathematical Development" in the preparatory group.

Gcd « Mathematical development» v preparatory group.

Theme: "Journey into a fairy tale"


- Development of imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity, attention;

Learn to perceive information by ear.

Learning tasks:

1) Exercise in solving examples of addition and subtraction, in solving arithmetic problems.

2) Consolidate counting skills within 10.

4) To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

5) Consolidate knowledge of the seasons and months of the year.

Developmental tasks:

1)Development of attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking.

2) Facilitate the formation and expression of your thoughts.

3)Develop speech.

Educational tasks:

1) To educate independence, endurance, skill

listen to the teacher's question to the end.

2) Foster friendly relationships, the ability to work in a team.

Integrates with educational areas:






Simple pencils, notebooks, a set of numbers, play material"Cuizer's sticks", images of dolls, drawings with the image of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" for coloring, an easel for the teacher, a flannelgraph, a card with the image of Pinocchio and a card with the image of Karabas.

Course directly - educational activities

(Music from a fairy tale sounds "The Adventures of Pinocchio").

Educator: "Children, someone is knocking on the door!"(Opens the door, into group enters the postman with a bag on his shoulder).

Postman: “Children, I brought you a letter from the Fairytale City. Buratino writes to you. (The postman gives the letter to the teacher)... Goodbye, guys! (Postman leaves).

Educator: - Guys, have you watched the tale about Pinocchio? (Yes)

Let's read the letter from Pinocchio. The teacher opens the envelope and reads letter: "Dear Guys! Karabas - Barabas grabbed me. He does not want to let me go until I complete the tasks, and I find it difficult to complete them. Help me please. I really want to get into the new puppet theater ”.

Guys, do you agree to help Pinocchio and go to the Fairytale City? (Yes)

Educator: Our first assignment is called "Cheerful account".

1. Warm-up is carried out:

Direct and reverse counting within 10; (Children pass the ball to each other and call numbers from 1 to 10 and vice versa).

The teacher calls the numbers 5,6,7, and the children - "Neighbors of this number", show relevant numbers and explain your answer;

The teacher calls numbers from 1 to 8; from 1 to 5; from 1 to 6, and children count from this number to 10;

Compare numbers 4 and 6, 2 and 9, 7 and 7;

Children, you have done this task very quickly.

2. Orientation on a sheet of paper. "Graphic dictation".


Children, look! Girl with blue hair- Malvina. She ran away from

Karabas and got lost. She wants to get into a new puppet theater. Can we help her find her way?

Children open notebooks. From the marked point, children draw as directed educator: 1 cell to the right, 3 up, 1 to the right, 3 down, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, etc.

Well done, children! So we showed Malvina the way.

3. Third task. Solving simple arithmetic problems.

Images of Karabas dolls appear on the flannelgraph.


Guys, what was the name of the Karabas dolls?

Karabas had 7 dolls. He caught and took Buratino to him. Are there more or less dolls at Karabas? (children's answers) How much has become? What is the condition in this problem? What question? (children's answers)

4. Physical education


Guys, are you probably tired?

Well then, let's all stand together.

Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent down.

Two - bent down.

Hands to the side divorced.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

The key, apparently, did not find

(gesture of regret).

To make the key

(turns left - right)

Get us

(hands up)

You need to stand on your toes

(rise on toes).

5 task. Solve examples quickly and correctly (orally)

(Images of dolls appear on the flannelgraph. Children display the required number of dolls and solve examples).

Guys, how many dolls were there? (3) How much more should I take? (4) How much has become? and. etc.

We have coped with this task.

6 task.


And now, children, we are in the Theater of Geometric Figures. You need to look and tell from the drawing how many and what shapes you see.

7 task.


One more task we need to complete in the Theater of Geometric Figures. US

you need to guess riddles and make figures.

1. Three peaks are visible here

Three corners, three sides

Well, perhaps that's enough! -

What do you see? - (triangle).

2. We build a house from it.

And the window in the house is in that house.

We sit down for him at lunch,

We have fun in our leisure hour.

Everyone in the house is happy for him

Who is he? Our friend - (square).

3. Circle the brick with chalk

On the asphalt entirely

And you get a figure -

Of course you know her (rectangle)


Children, you need to compose these three shapes and name them.

8. "Workout"


Now we have eye training.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

One - to the left, two - to the right,

Three - up, four - down.

And now we look in a circle,

To see the world better.

By training the muscle of the eyes.

We'll see better soon

Make sure you now!

Now let's press a little

Points near their eyes.

We will give them a lot, a lot,

To amplify a hundred times!

(Look left. Look right.

Circular movements of the eyes: left - up - right - down - right - up - left - down.

Look up. Look down.

Blink quickly)

9 task.

Consolidate knowledge of the seasons and months of the year.


Now, children, guess the riddles.

1. The sun is baking, the linden is in bloom

Rye ripens when it happens? (summer).

2. Who whitens the glades with white.

And writes on the walls with chalk.

Sews down feather beds.

Decorated all the windows? (winter).

3. The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (in spring).

4. The fields are empty, the earth is wet,

The rain is pouring down

When does this happen? (in autumn).

Guys, what month does the year start from?

Which month ends?

What seasons do you know?

What months does autumn consist of (summer, spring, winter? (Answers of children)

Educator: Well done, children!

So we have completed the tasks. Pinocchio will be able to free himself from Karabas and get with his friends into the new puppet theater, which is located behind the cherished door, behind the hearth, because you all actively participated and did everything correctly.

Guys, let's tell this news to Pinocchio, write him a letter.

(The teacher together with the children write a letter and send it).

Guys, where have you been today? Did you like your trip? What was the most difficult for you? What did you find interesting? Next time you go to

travel to another fabulous city where others will meet you fairy-tale heroes... And who will meet us there is a secret.

Guys, what's your mood? If it is good, then raise the card with the image of Buratino, and if it is bad, then the card with the image of Karabas. (Children show cards)... I see that everyone is in a good mood.

A knock on the door. The teacher opens the door. Buratino appears.


Thanks a lot, guys, for your help! I got rid of Karabas - Barabas and hurry with my friends to the new puppet theater. As a keepsake, I want to give you pictures of my friends. Goodbye kids.

Target: Continue to form elementary mathematical concepts.


Educational: Improve counting skills within 10. Compare objects by length. Improve knowledge about geometric shapes Oh. Form the ability to navigate on a piece of paper. Consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week and parts of the day. To form the skills of cooperation in the classroom, to form the skills of self-assessment.

Developing: To develop children's attention, logical thinking, imagination, curiosity, mutual assistance.

Educational: Cultivate a cognitive interest in mathematics.

Integration of educational areas:Cognitive development,social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Preliminary work with children:Guessing riddles individual sessions didactic game"Week", play exercise"Finish".

Demo material:Petals of seven colors, wagons of different lengths, flower vases, flowers, a ball, a chest.

Handout:sets of geometric shapes, envelopes with a set of numbers, cards for graphic dictation, an envelope with a set of Flowers - Sevenflowers.

GCD move

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

The sun rose a long time ago

Looked into our window.

Gathered friends all in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We're going to the right now,

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's go travel.

Children perform exercises according to the text.

Educator: Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is a magic land, it grows there extraordinary flower, he can fulfill any desire. What do you think this flower is?

Children: This is the Seven-Flower Flower.

Educator: That's right, Flower-Seven-Flower. Once a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals of a magic flower. Would you like to have such a flower? (Answers of children).

Let us then set off with you and collect all the petals of the magic flower. But the path will not be easy. Are you ready (children's answers)

I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.

Mind, gain reason,

Find all the petals

To make a wish.

And where we go - guess the riddle.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

Hooked on each other

And they rushed on the road - far away,

They only left a dial tone.

Children: This is a train.

Educator: That's right, it's a train. Let's get our train ready and hit the road. Here are the cars in front of you, they need to be arranged from the shortest to the longest.

- How many cars does the train have?

- What is the order of the blue?

- The car, what color, is it between red and yellow?

- What is the order of the green carriage?

Educator: Well done, children! You have completed the task. Now it's time to hit the road.

Look left and right

What you see - name it!

Anything along the way can happen

You have to be careful.

We will succeed

It will be great!

Educator: Oh, look, here is the first petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is red.

Funny trailers

They run, they run, they run.

Their round wheels

Everything is fat, yes, yes, yes.

Breathing exercises.Children pronounce a sound - tu-tuuuuuuuuuuuu

Educator : Look what a beautiful flower meadow. I suggest that you pick three flowers and put in vases as many flowers as the number is written on the vase.

(Children pick flowers and put them in vases, notice an orange petal among the flowers)

Children: Look, here's another petal - Orange.

Educator: Great guys, we already have two petals.

Here's a swamp on the way

The guys can't get through here!

We need to build a bridge for us

So that we drove there.

Didactic game "Bridge of geometric shapes"

Children continue logical chain from geometric shapes. Each is given a set of geometric shapes that the children need to expand. Children place their narrow "bridges" side by side to make a wide "bridge". Each child has his own version of the logical chain.

Children build a bridge and find a third - yellow petal.

Educator: Children, the wind starts blowing again.

Wind, wind, blow harder to make it more fun

Come on, wind, don't yawn, you better play with us.

Ball game "Throw - catch, call quickly"

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks a question.

- We sleep at night, and do exercises .... (in the morning)

- The sun shines during the day. And the moon ... (at night)

- When do your mums and dads come home from work? (In the evening)

- We have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (at night)

- What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday)

- What day of the week was yesterday? (Tuesday)

- What is the name of the first working day? (Monday)

- What are the days off? (Saturday Sunday)

Educator: Children, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is green.

Educator: Oh, do you hear, someone is arguing. Yes, these are bunnies, each of them has a number and they need to be in order. They just can't figure it out.

Children, can you help them? (Answers of children)

Each child receives an envelope with a set of bunnies numbered from 1 to 10 and they are laid out in order on the table.

Get to work, guys, quickly -

Children find another petal in one of the envelopes. blue.

Educator: Children, who can count how many petals have we already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: And how many petals does Flower - Seven-flower have in total?

Children: Flower - Seven-flower has only seven petals.

Educator: So how many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

Educator: We leave on to a magical land.

See how fun this meadow is, how many animals, birds and insects there are.

Here are ideas and tasks, games, jokes, everything for you!

We wish you good luck - good luck to work!

Mathematical riddles.

With your nose held high

The hare carried six carrots,

Stumbled and fell -

I lost two carrots.

How many carrots does the hare have left? (4)

Nine bees arrive in the garden

One of them sat on a flower bed,

Everybody else through the garden

They hurry to their apiary.

So how many bees fly out of the garden?

Three hares, five hedgehogs

They go to kindergarten together.

How many kids are there in the garden? (8)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more flew to them,

Answer quickly, boldly:

How many of them flew in? (7)

Educator: And here is another petal. He flew to this clearing, what color he is.

Children: The petal is blue.

Educator: Children, how many petals are still missing.

Children: We are missing one petal, purple.

Educator: Children look, and there is still some kind of chest. How can we open it?

Children: We need to find the key and open the chest.

What kind of miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm!

And I will tell you without melting -

Everybody needs hands with friends.

Graphic dictation "Key"

8 cells to the right, 2 - up, 4 - right, 5 - down, 4 - left, 2 - up, 4 - left, 3 - down, 1 - left, 1 - up, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left, 3 - up, 1 - left, 1 - up.

Educator: So we found the key, we can open the chest.

Children open the chest and find the last one there. purple petal.

They combine all the petals of the Flower - Seven-flower.

Educator : So we have found all the petals. Look, here in the chest there is some other envelope, what could be there?

Children take out an envelope and find a magic flower for each child. Now each of you has a Flower - Seven-Flower, you can make your cherished desires.

Educator: Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Answers of children)

What did you enjoy the most during your trip? (Answers of children)

What was the most difficult task for you? (Answers of children)

Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, quick-witted, you helped each other, that is why you coped so well with all the tasks that we encountered during the trip. I think you will always try so hard.

Target: develop the mathematical abilities of children.



Teach children to correlate numbers with the number of objects;

Teach children to lay out the number 4 from sticks;

Exercise children to count up to 4;

Reinforce children's knowledge of geometric shapes

(square, circle, rectangle, oval);

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, about the seasons.


To intensify the mental activity of children;

Develop memory, thinking, mathematical abilities


Develop children's spatial imagination.


Induce a joyful, upbeat emotional in children


Encourage children to learn with interest and


To develop moral qualities in children:

The desire to help, the ability to cooperate with each other.

Demo material:round magnets (4pcs), numbers 1, 2, 3,

"Carpet" made of cardboard of large size with holes in the form of geometric

figures, pictures "seasons". Little Red Riding Hood, wolf (toy).

Handout:counting sticks (4 pcs. for each child).

Geometric shapes (for "carpet").

The course of the lesson.


A girl friend of mine asked me to ask you a riddle and said that if you guess it, she will come to visit you.

Grandma loved the girl very much,

I gave her the little red cap.

The girl forgot her name

Who will tell me what her name was?

- That's right, Little Red Riding Hood!

There is a knock at the door. The teacher leaves. Returns with the Wolf.


- Look, children, who came to us!

Wolf (tutor for him):

- Hello children! You were probably waiting for Little Red Riding Hood, and I was waiting for her

He kidnapped and took him to the forest. If you complete my assignments, I will let her go.

Agree to help Little Red Riding Hood?

Educator: Can we help Little Red Riding Hood?

Wolf (tutor for him):

Okay, listen to my assignments!

1 .Guess the riddles about the seasons:

She covered the park with a white blanket,

The water in the river has cooled,

All the roads were covered up -

She came to visit us(winter)

Snow and ice melt in the sun

Birds come from the south

And the bear has no time for sleep

So she came to us(Spring)

The meadows are turning green

In the sky, a rainbow-arc.

The lake is warmed by the sun,

Calls everyone to swim(summer)

Leaves from the branches fly around

Birds fly away to the south.

- What time of year? - we ask.

We know ourselves - this(autumn)

Display of pictures is possible. Children call the seasons from pictures.

2. Wolf (tutor for him):

- Well done, children! Lisa invited me to her birthday, but she did not say how old she is. She just gave a few pebbles and said that she would turn as many years old as I have stones (on a magnetic board wolf

attaches 4 circles). How old is she guys?(children answer)

I want to lay out the number 4 for Lisa from flowers, but I don’t know how to do it.

Tell me please!(The teacher shows, and the children lay out the number of 4 sticks)

3. Wolf (tutor for him):

You are good boys and girls, smart ones. For such smart children there is

I have more tasks. Decide if you want to help Little Red Riding Hood.

How many suns are there in the sky?

How many eyes does an owl have?

How many lights does a traffic light have?

How many fingers does the glove have?

An old elephant is walking in the jungle.

And he is lonely and sad,

But his son came up to him,

AND more elephant not alone.

How many elephants are there in the jungle? (2)

A peacock was walking in the garden,

Another came up.

And one peacock behind the bushes,

How many of them, consider yourself. (3)

4. Wolf (tutor for him):

- I found cones in the forest, and I want to give them to you. I will show the numbers, and you take for yourself as many cones as I will show the number.

Children call a number and take cones from the table.

Now let's tell and show a poem about teddy bears.

Physical education

The cubs lived in more often

They twisted their head

Like this, like this,

They twisted their head,

The cubs were looking for honey

They shook the tree together,

Like this, like this,

They shook the tree together,

Like this, like this,

They shook the tree together,

5. Wolf (tutor for him):

- Well done, boys and girls, I don't even want to part with you!

But I need help in one more matter. Gave me recently a bear

Carpet. I brought it home, and it turned out that the carpet was damaged by a moth.

I asked my friend the fox to sew up the carpet, and redhead cheat to me

In a bag, I don’t understand. Come on, children, let's figure it out together and repair

My carpet.

A large cardboard "carpet" with holes is laid on the table

In the form of geometric shapes. Children call geometric shapes

Which shows the wolf, and cover the holes in the "carpet" with them.

Wolf (tutor for him):

Well done, you guys!

You have guessed all the riddles!

And you kids are in the game

Very good too!

As I promised, let go of Little Red Riding Hood. Wait, now she's to you

Will come!



Now I will bring Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood:

- Hello! Thank you kids for helping me out!


Today in the lesson we remembered the names of geometric shapes.

The numbers are 1,2,3,4.

Learned to lay out the number 4 from sticks

We completed all the tasks of the wolf, helped Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood:

For the fact that you helped me out, I stay with you to play and dance.

The teacher includes Little Red Riding Hood's song.