Elena Yuryevna Ksenofontova - Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Tatyana Makarova Prize "For work in the theater and cinema during her studies at the institute", an actress beloved by millions. Popular fame brought her the role of Eleonora Andreevna from the series "Kitchen" and "Hotel Eleon".

Childhood and youth

Elena was born into the family of a mining engineer in the small Kazakh town of Khromtau. Mother broke up with Elena's father before her birth. In her childhood memories, her grandfather with a "Budenovsky" mustache and her grandmother, smelling of fresh milk, were clearly preserved.

Soon my mother married a second time. The family moved to the city of Serpukhov near Moscow. Lenin's sister Yulia was born there, and then his brother Vitaly. The stepfather turned out to be a real tyrant. Many years later, faced with domestic violence in her own family, Elena admitted that her stepfather beat her mother and children, while remaining unpunished, as she held a respectable post.

Despite difficult situation in the family, mother tried to give the children all the best. Elena studied well at school, was fond of history, literature and painting, played the piano, and achieved serious results in athletics.

The desire to become an actress arose at school, therefore, having received a secondary education, she went to Moscow, where she applied to the Shchepkin School and Theatre Institute named after Shchukin. Having failed the exams, the girl rented a room and got a job at the studio-theater "Time", where she played her first theatrical role in the play "The Snow Maiden".

However, a serious illness intervened in the plans of a talented girl. For three years, the future actress suffered from terrible headaches. The doctors were never able to diagnose her. Then she met her first husband Igor Lipatov, who supported Elena during this difficult period and insisted on her admission to VGIK. In 1994, Ksenofontova entered the course of Joseph Reichelgauz and soon became the teacher's favorite. The master was the artistic director of the theater "School of the modern play", so the young student very soon received notable roles in his theatre. She participated in performances with such stage masters as Lev Durov, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Albert Filozov, Irina Alferova.


After graduating from the institute, the graduate of VGIK was offered a job by six theaters at once. She stayed with Reichelgauz for a while until she moved to the Moscow Drama Theater in 2000 under the direction of Armen Dzhikharkhanyan. There she played her best theatrical roles: Vera Filipovna from the production of "The Heart is Not a Stone", the Countess from "The Marriage of Figaro", Natasha from "Three Sisters".

Why Elena Ksenofontova left the theater

Over time, Elena increasingly began to think about cinema. By this time, her filmography included only a small role in the comedy The Womanizer (1992). And the very first serious film work with her participation, the series "Taiga" by Valery Todorovsky, brought her wide popularity. Work in the cinema captivated the actress no less than the theater. Roles followed in the series "Heaven and Earth", " Best City Earth”, “Red Chapel”, “Cadets”. But the most memorable role was Eleanor Andreevna from the popular series "Kitchen". Popular with men, the self-confident owner of an elite boutique fell in love with the audience no less than the charismatic characters of Dmitry Nazarov, Viktor Khorinyak, Grigory Siyatvinda and Dmitry Nagiyev.

At the end of the Kitchen series, the creators decided to shoot a project with the same characters, but in a new setting. The scene of action was transferred to the Eleon Hotel, the owner of which was Eleanor.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova

With her first husband, Igor Lipatov, the actress divorced immediately after graduation. They lived together for eleven years, but the girl decided to move on. It should be noted that they remained close friends.

With her second husband, producer Ilya Neretin, Elena met on the set of Taiga. In 2003, the lovers got married, soon they had a son. But the family broke up due to the betrayal of the spouse. Nevertheless, Elena considers Ilya an excellent father and does not interfere with his communication with his son.

The actress had the most dramatic relationship with her third civil spouse Alexander. Having met him, Elena literally glowed with happiness. And when the couple had a long-awaited, "suffered" daughter, the actress finally believed that white stripe firmly established in her life.

Many heroines of Elena Ksenofontova have quite difficult fate, but the more interesting it is for the actress herself to play such roles. She does not like too positive or negative characters, moreover, Elena herself thinks through and endows them with ambiguity. In the acting profession, for the sake of a good frame, sometimes you have to do rather desperate things, but now she cannot risk herself, thinking first of all about her children. Today, Ksenofontova skillfully combines work and personal life. Despite the fact that she has already crossed the 40-year mark, the actress is still attractive and ready for fundamental changes in your destiny.

Elena was born in 1972 in Khromtau, Kazakh SSR. Her father worked at the mine as an engineer. Soon her parents divorced, and her mother remarried. After some time, the whole family moved to Serpukhov, where they began school years future actress. Thanks to her mother's participation, the girl was engaged in painting, went to a music school, and also went in for sports. Already at that time, she showed interest in the world of theater and cinema, but her parent advised the girl to get a serious profession.

After graduating from school, Ksenofontova intended to enter theater university, but soon a misfortune happened: the doctors put her terrible diagnosis- brain cancer. She had to spend almost three years in the hospital and forget about her studies for a while. In 1994, Elena finally coped with her illness and was able to successfully enter VGIK. Having received the long-awaited diploma of an actress, she began to work in the theater. Her film career began in 2002, when the actress starred in the TV series Taiga. Survival course. It was from this work that her professional take-off began, and the directors began to offer interesting roles. And now Ksenofontova is a rather sought-after and successful actress: she plays on stage and appears in various TV series, among which are such as “Woman not prone to adventures”, “Kitchen”, “ good hands"and others.

Elena's personal life changed as she struggled with her illness. At that time, the girl met real estate agent Igor Lipatov, who not only supported his beloved, but also married her. It was her husband who insisted that Ksenofontova fulfill her dream and enter the theater. But after a few years, the couple separated, as the actress devoted a lot of time to her work and family life she started to feel bored. Former spouses still communicate and maintain friendly relations.

In the photo Elena Ksenofontova with children: son Timothy and daughter Sofia

In 2002, while working on her first project, Elena became close to producer Ilya Neretin, who became her second husband. In 2003, the son Timofey appeared in the family, but when the boy was not even a year old, the actress decided to leave her husband. In one interview, Ksenofontova admitted that the reasons for the divorce were the spouses' different views on family life.

In the photo Elena Ksenofontova with civil husband Alexander

Soon in her personal life appeared new lover, which simply fascinated Elena. Alexander, a lawyer by profession, shone not only with his mind, but was also very caring and attentive. The lovers healed together and it soon became known that replenishment was expected in the family. Despite the fact that doctors did not advise the actress to give birth, in February 2011, daughter Sofia was born. Already in March, she again appeared on the stage, managing to combine her career and raising children. Ksenofontova comprehensively develops her children, but at the same time she takes into account their desire. She would not want her son to follow in her footsteps, as she believes that women adapt to creative world better than men. However, if Timofey chooses acting, she will not interfere.

IN last interview Elena admitted that there have been changes in her personal life, but she is not afraid to be a single mom.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 07/28/2016
January 26, 2017, 09:35

The popular artist left a lengthy post on her page in social network Instagram. "I was silent. For a long time. Too long. I was silent because I was protecting my family, my children. I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because I believed that justice would prevail (and how else). Because my brain refused to perceive such a reality ", - the actress began her confession.

Further, Ksenofontova said that a year ago her common-law husband filed a complaint against her with the police, accusing her of beating. Allegedly, Elena hit him on the head several times, after which she herself pretended to be a victim. However, the actress herself claims that everything was different.

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that it was not me, but he attacked me, and I only defended myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including the one who was at the moment conflict in the house and saw with my own eyes how he sat on me and twisted his arms, my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings, a district police report, etc. But in vain,” wrote Ksenofontova. At the end of December 2016, the actress was convicted and sentenced to a fine.

Elena is sure former lover specifically wrote a statement to her in order to take away the apartment and the child. "Everything is simple to the point of vulgarity. And vomiting ... Once, in a fit of unpredictable (now quite understandable) generosity, my common-law husband gave me an apartment by issuing a donation. An apartment that is under repair and burdened with a considerable debt for public utilities. At that time (and then throughout our life together) he had "difficulties at work".

"Sincerely wanting to save my beloved from unnecessary frustration, I took all the financial expenses on myself", - said Ksenofontova. Then she took on all the financial expenses. Realizing that she would not be able to maintain two apartments, she sold the old one, and made repairs in the new one.

Ksenofontova's family life was, according to her, not easy. “Now, when, after several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayals, numerous scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I suddenly voiced my intention to leave and asked to leave, he suddenly realized what a mistake made once. From that moment, the brain of a professional lawyer began to work seriously. And a solution was found, "the actress said, saying that Alexander decided to revoke the donation. Allegedly, this is why he staged the attack.

In early February, a meeting of the appeal commission will be held in the district court. The actress has little hope that they will endure the acquittal. Indeed, before that, she repeatedly tried to file a counterclaim against the ex-lover, turned to the Investigative Committee. However, she was constantly denied.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that their daughter Sonya is involved in the disassembly of the parents. According to the actress, a civil trial has been going on for more than six months. Ksenofontova claims that the ex-lover is looking for dirt on her. Only in this way can he take the child away from her.

“You can’t speak silently. I say. Because everything has been tried (much is left out of brackets). Because, finally, I understand that further silence is akin to suicide. Because, having taken one step, it is necessary to take the next one and go to the end. injustice. Because I'm just afraid of not holding out, "Elena Ksenofontova turned to the public for help

There is a petition on change.org in support of the actress.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova:

She met her first husband, Igor Lipatov, at the moment when she was struggling with her terrible disease also experienced dire need in money. He became her support and support. Igor older than Elena for 5 years, graduated from MIREA, was fond of architecture, worked as a real estate agent. It was the first husband who decided to make an actress out of Elena - he hardly forced her to enter VGIK for the course of Joseph Reichelgauz. True, exactly actor career Elena put an end to their marriage. Shortly after graduation, she decided to divorce her husband, telling him that their family life was too insipid and she lacked emotional outbursts. Interestingly, with his ex-mother-in-law Lipatov is still friends and communicates.

The first husband of Elena Ksenofontova Igor Lipatov

The second husband was the producer Ilya Neretin.

They met in 2002 on the set of the TV series Taiga. The couple had a son, Timothy, in 2003. Elena filed for divorce when her son was not even a year old after she found out about her husband's infidelities. “Of course, it’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse,” the actress said about her divorce from her second husband.

Elena Ksenofontova and Ilya Neretin

Elena Ksenofontova and son Timothy

Her next man was a lawyer named Alexander. They lived civil marriage. On February 10, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Elena's second birth was difficult - I had to do C-section. Doctors generally discouraged giving birth, but she insisted. The girl was born healthy. The actress tried not to show her husband, and very rarely appeared with him at social events.

Elena Ksenofontova with her husband Alexander

Something I did not understand. Is anyone aware of the situation?

For many years, Elena Ksenofontova has been at war with her former common-law husband Alexander Ryzhykh.

The man tried to take away from the actress and her minor children an apartment that he himself once gave.

Only now all court hearings have ended in Elena's favor and now she can breathe freely.

Theater and film actress Elena Ksenofontova sued her ex-civil husband for two and a half years, who wanted not only to take away her apartment, but also to get custody of their common daughter Sofia. Alexander Ryzhikh accused the actress of assault and threats.

The other day, the Presnensky Court of Moscow made a final decision in favor of Elena, about which the actress hastened to tell her subscribers.

“Of course, it was necessary to write yesterday, but the realization of what happened is only now coming. Three long, humiliating litigation within two and a half years. Several dozen court hearings, after seventy I stopped counting. A countless number of examinations, psychological, narcological, etc., requests, certificates, petitions, attempts to organize new processes in parallel, about the preparation of the murder, for example, accusations, testimonies, provocations. Not to mention the sea of ​​tears, lost health, lost time, huge debts due to numerous legal costs, and most importantly, an irretrievably broken mental health two minor children. As a result, my daughter is with me and her brother in a house that I hope no one else will ever want to take away from us. I’m not doomed to life-long payments of several tens of millions for something I didn’t do, ”said the actress.

Elena and Alexander met in 2011 and immediately began to live together. At first everything was perfect, Ryzhykh quickly found a common language with Ksenofontova's son from a previous relationship, Timothy. But four years later, the couple began to quarrel and, as a result, in 2016 officially announced their separation. Surrounded by the couple, they said that the cause of the conflicts was that Alexander did not want to officially legalize relations with the actress.

Conflicts former spouses became known throughout the country when they came to the showdown on a television talk show.

Ksenofontova was supported by numerous fans, relatives and family. Petitions were created to protect the rights of the artist. Now that the whole nightmare is over, Elena thanked all the people who were there during her difficult time.

“I have fantastic friends and family, both in joy and in sorrow, amazingly cordial and sympathetic colleagues, the most devoted fans and an ocean of support from people I just don’t know. How much is that!” Elena wrote.

At the same time, the actress is not sure that the former lover will stop there, she thinks that this is just a respite before the new litigation that Alexander will initiate.

Despite the fact that the actress does not have a soul in her 7-year-old son Timothy, she dreamed of a girl for a long time. And finally it happened! Screen life.


Elena protects from strangers, like a lioness of her babies. Fans were left to guess with whom their favorite had romances and from whom she had children. Express Gazeta conducted its own amorous investigation.

Elena once admitted that she has been turned on by "bad guys" for a long time. Like, life on the verge of a foul is so erotic, and emotional calm can lead anyone into a stupor. Even in high school, only notorious hooligans went to Ksenofontova's cavaliers. Such as Kolyan Kondrashin, from whose reckless antics not only the parents blushed, but also the headmaster, who was once again scolded at a meeting of the city administration. No less inveterate was the next school boyfriend of Lenochka-chants - Sashka Kuvshinchikov. The guy with a disgusting smile threw eggs at passers-by from the apartment window, smashed shop windows and could fearlessly go out to “wave” one against three. And Ksenofontova, who dried up on him, although she studied with excellent marks and went to the favorites of teachers, nevertheless adopted something from her boyfriend.

Diploma of graduation from VGIK in 1998 was presented to Lena by Alexei BATALOV

When in the 8th grade Lenka was rewarded for her excellent performance with a trip to Germany, she, as soon as she entered the department store and saw an indescribable variety of goods, immediately decided to steal a box of shadows. And after all, she stole it, and then excitedly told Kuvshinchikov about it, demonstrating the trophy.

The teachers predicted a great future for the girl in science, and she drove off to Moscow from Serpukhov, where she lived with her parents from the age of 14, eager to become an artist.
- Sasha really did not want Lenka to leave. Even in the hearts he began to suspect her of treason with some metropolitan rich man, - say the school girlfriends of the star. - Lena was also worried about separation, but she understood that nothing would shine for her in a small town near Moscow.

She failed the exams for both Pike and Sliver, but was in no hurry to return. She rented a room in a communal apartment and got a job at the Vremya theater-studio, where she danced and sang during the day, and sewed costumes at night, receiving 65 rubles a month and barely making ends meet.

Pregnant KSENOFONTOVA became the main decoration of last year's Amur Autumn Film Festival in Blagoveshchensk (pictured with actor Euclid KYURDZIDIS)

Unbearable pain

Waking up one day earlier than usual, Lena felt that her body seemed to be tearing something from the inside. A lump formed in his throat. The girl suddenly began to vomit up to bile, a wild pain split her head. The neighbor called an ambulance. After a thorough examination, the doctors made a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. Hearing this, Lena fainted. For three years, Ksenofontova was given droppers, injections, and tests. Oncology was either confirmed or not. As a result, the girl was told that she would have to get used to living with these unbearable headaches, because, they say, modern medicine cannot determine exactly what exactly she is ill with.

Then I pricked myself with needles in order to somehow kill one pain with another, - Elena recalls.

The main support in this difficult time was Igor Lipatov, whom the future actress married at the age of 21. Lena met a guy at the time when she bought lottery ticket hoping one day to win untold wealth. And he, a real estate agent, turned out to be a happy "ticket". Sensitive and sympathetic Igor was seen by Ksenofontova as an ideal man.

Lena always had a fad: the boyfriend must first of all be smart and savvy, ”said her then communal neighbor Tatiana. - Even the first school cavaliers of Ksenofontova, although they were interrupted from two to three, were very intelligent mischief-makers. The erudition of men has always acted on Lena, like a caress of the most cherished erogenous zone.

Lipatov was five years older, graduated from MIREA, was fond of architecture, was familiar with the basics of design and could surprise his beloved with a non-standard solution to any problem. Such was his desire to make an actress out of Lena. A neighbor brought the man an announcement about the recruitment of students at VGIK for the course of Joseph Raichelgauz, and he, firmly taking his young wife by the hand, almost by force took him to the master. Igor could not even think then that new life spouses put an end to their marriage.

Movie star's first husband is still friends with her mom

grand tantrum

- When Lena entered the audience, all the guys opened their mouths. And Reichelgauz himself looked at her with no less delight! - said a former student of VGIK Natalya Weiss. - And Ksenofontova experienced some kind of animal pleasure from the fact that she gave the thirsty lapel a turn. She was also married. I remember one guy who literally ran after her, but was afraid to confess his feelings, wrote Elena a bunch of love messages. True, he did not pass on any of them. Somehow, friends found a pile of these very letters under his mattress, and I must say, on paper, he turned out to be a true erotomaniac. And once this Lesha got drunk and began to tell everyone that he was having sex with his beloved in the dorm shower. Everyone rolled, and he described in great detail the moles on her body. Of course, we understood that this was a lie, although no one was holding a candle.

Last September, Timothy, Elena's son, went to first grade

Shortly after graduating from the institute, Lena divorced her husband, saying that their family life was too insipid and she lacked emotional outbursts. Having grieved a little, Lipatov married again. Four years ago, his daughter was born. By the way, he is still friends with Ksenofontova, and the mother of the former missus still calls him her beloved son-in-law.

Producer Ilya NERETIN fell in love with a beauty...

The complete opposite of the first marriage was living together Ksenofontova with producer Ilya Neretin (again, a great clever girl who had several higher education thanks to which he could call himself both an architect and a linguist). It was he who became the father of Timothy, Elena's first child, whom she gave birth to in 2003.

Being pregnant, Ksenofontova evoked Homeric laughter from her husband. She always wanted shrimp with raspberries. Once, having cooked two kilograms of crustaceans and filling them with raspberry jam, Lena pounced on the food like a hungry cat.

They say that the spouses broke up due to the fact that Ilya had another. Upon learning of this, Lena threw a huge tantrum, and then pointed the traitor to the door. Little Tim was not even a year old then.

Of course, it’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse, the actress explained the reason for the breakup.

Sex and toxicosis

And then a lawyer Alexander appeared in her life. The imposing gentleman pierced Ksenofontov in the very heart: not only is he smart, but also very caring. With him, the actress felt like a woman, weak and adored. Sasha gave her the unbearable lightness of being. She was talking about him:

Together we are pleased to walk around Moscow, holding hands, talking, visiting friends whom we have not seen for a hundred years, having sex, damn it!

As a result, Elena became pregnant and decided to give birth again. And this is despite the fact that her son was not easy for her: endless toxicosis, anesthesia, caesarean ...
This time, the doctors warned Ksenofontova: they say, you are no longer a girl, in a couple of years the fortieth year will hit, so it will not be easy to bear the baby. But this did not stop Lena - she wanted a daughter so much!

On February 10, Sofya Alexandrovna was born in one of the elite maternity hospitals in Moscow, weighing 2 kg 950 g and 51 cm tall. Elena does not stop looking at the girl, but she is not going to stay on the decree. Already at the end of March, she will again appear on the stage of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, where she has been serving for six years.
“Children should be proud of their parents, which means that there is still so much to do,” the star believes.

And there was another case

Once a mediocre young man came to the theater to see Reichelgauz. Ksenofontova was nearby at that moment. Hears, Iosif Leonidovich says to the guy:

I have only thieves on the course. You see (points to Lena), she is the wife of Yastrzhembsky himself!
The young man blushed, nodded understandingly, and, looking ingratiatingly at Ksenofontova, trotted off to the exit. Reichelgauz winked at the student at that moment.