Actor Igor Petrenko from the first roles showed the audience that he was able not only to exploit excellent external data, but also to play outstanding heroic roles. He emotionally and skillfully shows the depth of the character's character, regardless of his social status and the era in which he lives. Looking at the screen, you believe in the events taking place in the film, the characters performed by Petrenko react so sincerely to them.

Igor is the son of a serviceman, and one can feel a military bearing in him, because from childhood he watched his father and his colleagues. Perhaps that is why he is so suited to the form and is especially successful in the role of commanders of detachments and police officers. Petrenko looks reliable and confident. Such as he is able to withstand difficulties and hardships.

Igor Petrovich Petrenko was born on August 23, 1977 in Potsdam, where his father served. The boy’s mother is a translator from English and has taught her son and eldest daughter Irina foreign language. In Germany, Petrenko lived for 3 years, practically without leaving the territory of the garrison.

In 1980, the head of the family was assigned to Moscow, and Irina and Igor went to study at the capital's school. The boy preferred to study in sports sections. He was a member of the regional teams rhythmic gymnastics, judo and sambo.

He made progress mainly in the study in English and in literature lessons, when it was necessary to read a passage or a poem with expression. Often skipping classes, Igor composed colorful stories so that parents would not doubt that their son would attend school.

In the Petrenko family, for several generations, men went to military service. Due to unfortunate circumstances and lack of craving for exact sciences this career was not available to Igor, so out of pure curiosity he applied for an audition at the Higher Theater School. Shchepkin.

Having successfully passed the exams and passed the qualifying rounds, he was enrolled in the first year. From the very beginning of his studies, Igor went through auditions for TV shows and received episodic roles in them. He was invited to the main role after graduation, in 2001. Participation in the film Conditioned reflex”brought him neither critical praise nor fame, but the actor did not lose heart.

He served at the Maly Theater, where he did not play in the crowd, but was immediately introduced to several performances as minor characters. Continuing to audition for various projects, Petrenko received interesting filming offers.

The first creative successes

The role that attracted the attention of the audience, the actor played in the series directed by Alexander Aravin "Moscow windows" about the generation of the sixties.

The life story of several families, the interweaving of the fates of the main characters are shown in a lyrical way and evoke empathy. The picture interested the public, and it was followed by the shooting of several similar series. One of them was "The Thaw" by Valery Todorovsky.

Real success came to Igor Petrenko after the role of Lieutenant Travkin in the film "Star" in 2002. He received awards and prizes for it and was included in the list of "Cinema Discoveries of the Year". Subsequent work only strengthened his star status.

The filmography of the actor mainly consists of military and adventure dramas. His father and grandfather served in the army. Friends of the family were also military personnel, and Igor felt involved in their interests and aspirations from childhood.

The actor's parents have never been generous with praise, so it is not always possible to wait for them after the show of Petrenko's new tapes. However, the family certainly attends all the premieres, and Igor's mother is very worried if, according to the script, her son dies.


The tape "Star" tells about the events of 1944, when the turning point in the war had already come, and the Nazis were losing the lands they had previously occupied. Nevertheless, the enemy remained dangerous, and scouts were sent to his rear in order to defeat him with fewer losses.

The detachment of Lieutenant Travkin, whose role was played by Petrenko, just performed such tasks. He, along with the fighters, sent intelligence to the front line. In the final, unequal battle with the Germans, Travkin died, having managed to tell the most important information about the position of the enemy.

The heroic role, brilliantly played by Petrenko, forced film critics to note the debutant, and directors to take a closer look at the talented newcomer. After Lieutenant Travkin, the actor began to be considered the main candidate for the role of the military in Russian cinema.

"Driver for Faith"

In 2004, Pavel Chukhrai invited Petrenko to his project on the relationship between the general's daughter and his personal driver, Sergeant Viktor. Events unfold in the 60s at the General's dacha near Sevastopol.

His lame daughter Vera had an affair with a man who left her. She was expecting a child, and her father planned to marry her to a handsome driver, eager to make a career. Everything turns out to be not at all as simple as it seemed to these three at first.

At the end of the film, Victor makes a serious decision to take care of the child. dead girl, although it does not bode well for him.

The sad ending did not prevent the film from becoming one of the leaders of the 2004 box office in Russia. It was presented at festivals and received rave reviews.

"Sherlock Holmes"

It is difficult to compete with Western successful TV series, and also to remove the best Sherlock Holmes of all time, Vasily Livanov, from the podium. Actor Igor Petrenko tried to show his vision of a brilliant detective, but the opinion of the audience about his performance was divided.

Someone admired his game, others did not like it at all. The shooting took place mainly in St. Petersburg, and because of the constant traveling, the actor finally broke up with his wife Ekaterina Klimova. So the series became for him to some extent sacrificial and not particularly outstanding.


The most expensive Russian project of recent years shows the history of the formation of the power of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in the 10th century in Kyiv. The script is based on the ancient Tale of Bygone Years.

Often the Vikings, who in Rus' were called the Varangians, were part of the squad of princes. They, together with Vladimir, captured one city after another, approaching Kyiv.

Igor Petrenko played in the picture Varyazhko, the faithful governor of the treacherously murdered Prince Yaropolk. The events of the picture are developing rapidly and it is not completely clear how the confrontation between the princes and their associates will end.


The spy series went into production in 2017. Petrenko plays FSB colonel Rodionov in it, forced not only to find a connection between the events that took place in Russia and Libya, but also to expose the "sleeping" infiltrated agents of foreign special services.

The producer of the series was Fyodor Bondarchuk. He condemned the persecution of the director of the project by some of the audience and stressed that he would not refuse to continue to raise such topical issues.

In 2003, the actor received the State Prize in the field of literature and art for the film "Star". Also for his role in this film, Petrenko was awarded the Nika Prize and the prize of the XIV International Film Actors Festival Constellation - 2002.

For subsequent works, he became the winner of the Triumph Prize and the F.E. Dzerzhinsky in the field of cinema and television. He has prizes of the VI International Film Festival "Brigantina-2003" and the XVII Film Festival "Vivat, cinema of Russia!".

Personal life

At the theater school, Igor met Irina Leonova. In 2000, after the final exams, they registered a marriage, but could not maintain a relationship for a long time.

Both see the main problem in the meager salaries that they then received. The young spouses had to live in the apartment of Igor's parents, they could not afford to rent separate housing.

As a result, the tension from the constant joint stay in the theater and at home resulted in irritation and fatigue. In 2004, Igor and Irina divorced after Petrenko met the beautiful Ekaterina Klimova on the set.

At the time of filming in a joint military film, both actors were not free, and Catherine was still raising her daughter. Despite the resistance of relatives, the lovers decided to be together at all costs. The woman divorced her husband and moved to rented apartment to Igor.

He was already considered a fashion performer, having played iconic roles in The Star and Driver for Faith. Catherine also starred a lot. Together they managed to build a life anew, and a few years later the couple had two sons: Matvey - in 2006 and Korney - in 2008.

Their family was very happy. Klimova admitted in an interview that she and her husband love to drive around Moscow and talk about everything in the world. Thus, they solve any problems. Over time, tight filming schedules increasingly separated the spouses. After failed attempts maintain a relationship in 2014, they officially ended their marriage.

Often on set in St. Petersburg, Petrenko met aspiring actress Christina Brodskaya. In 2016 they got married. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Sofia Karolina, and in 2017, a second daughter, whose name the couple hides from the public. Currently, Igor and Kristina live in St. Petersburg and take part in the filming of films together. In one of them, the fantastic film "Frontier", Brodskaya's parents were also filmed.

Igor's sister Irina is a successful artist and fashion designer. She and her brother are very friendly. Petrenko's first wife, Irina Leonova, was the wife of actor Yevgeny Tsyganov and gave birth to 7 children in marriage. She continues to play at the Maly Theater.

The dashing 90s left a terrible imprint on the fate of the actor. In 1992, Igor Petrenko was arrested for complicity in the murder of a friend. A friend persuaded him to meet with the person who should be returned the borrowed money, and kill him. Igor at that time was only 15 years old, and he did not dare to refuse his older friend.

Petrenko went into the apartment of the future victim with him and was present at the murder. His companion shot the creditor with a sawn-off shotgun, robbed the apartment and forced the victim's friend to inform the police about the attack by unknown persons. He agreed to save his life, but told the police the truth.

The killer and Igor were arrested. The teenager spent a year in the pre-trial detention center of Matrosskaya Tishina, and after that he was released on bail and returned to school. In 1997, he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 8 years.

Contributed to a lenient sentence good performance from the place of residence and from the theater university. In 1996, Petrenko entered the theater school. Shchepkin, investing in a speech before admission committee all the pain you've experienced last years. This did not go unnoticed, and he was enrolled in the course on the first try.

To this day, detractors mention this story, outraged that the actor is actively filming and receiving cinematic awards and prizes.

The life and creative path of Petrenko proved that the judges made the right decision, allowing young man stay free. Unfortunately, the past cannot be fixed, but in the present, the actor has proven himself to be a talented and reliable performer. Unlike most of his colleagues, he is always collected and works hard and hard.

Igor Petrenko now - latest news

In 2018, at least 5 projects are in production, in which Igor Petrenko is involved. The most anticipated: "Chernobyl", "Playing with Fire" and "Pilgrim". In the cinema, the actor remains faithful to the once chosen role of the military, fighting with opponents and circumstances and gaining the upper hand over them.

In 1986, the actor's father was involved in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl reactor for a month. While working on the role, Igor recalled his stories and actually repeated the heroic experience of Petrenko Sr. on the screen.

Igor Petrenko became the father of two daughters, but he never misses the holidays and birthdays of his eldest sons. He devotes time to all the heirs and because of them he tries not to leave for a long time to shoot. Matvey and Korney are constantly in touch with dad and inform him about tricks at school, because he is sympathetic to their pranks.


Some people become actors because they dream of this profession since childhood and crave the attention of the public. Others come into the profession having experienced a lot and needing to throw out the accumulated emotions.

In our time, heroic ribbons are needed to keep people patriotic. Petrenko's characters not only demonstrate the exploits of fathers and grandfathers, but make them feel proud of their country and people.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

Igor Petrenko is an incredibly charming and talented theater and film actor, an active member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation.


Igor Petrovich Petrenko was born far outside of Russia - in the city of Potsdam, German Democratic Republic, where his father was sent on a business trip in 1977. The boy was born on August 23, 1977.

Igor's father was a military man, served as a lieutenant colonel in Soviet troops, after his resignation he took up scientific activity and received a PhD in Chemistry. Mom, Tatyana Anatolyevna, worked as a translator from English. Igor also had an older sister, Ira.

Igor Petrenko in childhood

The boy's family was far from acting, but parents instilled a love for the theater in their children from childhood. Mother, being an avid theater-goer, often took her children to the theater.

As a child, Igor had frequent quarrels with his older sister, now the actor is in great relationship with Irina. In an interview, Igor said admiringly that Ira is a wonderful artist and fashion designer, as well as an incredibly creative person.

When Igor was 3 years old, the Petrenko family returned to Russia, settling in the capital. As a child, the future actor was very fond of sports - he attended gymnastics, judo and sambo clubs.

Petrenko did not like to go to school. He considered school subjects boring, and only English lessons really interested the young man.

criminal record

As Igor's yard friends note, from childhood he was a very active and optimistic guy. Therefore, absolutely everyone was shocked by the news that at the age of 15 the guy was arrested for murder charges.

Igor got in touch with dysfunctional guys a couple of years older than him. His friend Alexander Kizimov owed a large sum to his friend. Sasha did not have the required amount, so he decided, together with his friends, to intimidate the creditor, for this purpose Kizilov got a hunting shotgun somewhere.

Then Alexander and Igor went to the creditor and demanded to forgive the debt. During the meeting, Sasha shot at the victim, then the guys staged a pogrom, thereby simulating a robbery.

The next day, the juvenile delinquents were arrested. For about a year, Igor was kept in custody in the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, then he was released into the wild until litigation. The final verdict was handed down in 1997, five years after the murders were committed.

The young man was sentenced to 8 years in prison, however, due to his young age at the time of the crime and positive characteristics from the place of study and work, Igor's sentence was commuted.

Petrenko was given 8 years of probation and three years of probation. Now the actor flatly refuses to talk about his conclusion.

Theatrical career

After graduation, the actor decided for a long time where he should do better. About acting career Igor did not even think at that time. The final decision to become an actor came to him by chance - having learned about the recruitment to the Shchukin school, Petrenko decided to pass the entrance exams as a joke.

As a result, out of several hundred applicants, it was he who got into the enrollment lists. After enrollment, the future actor took up his studies seriously. In 2000, Igor graduated from an educational institution and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Maly Theater.

However, he did not work there for long - he soon left the troupe, devoting himself entirely to filming a movie. The most famous role for a short time on the stage of the Maly Theater was the role of Marat in the play "Leningrad Romance".

Film career

Igor Petrenko made his film debut in 2001. His first film was the picture of Ildar Islamgulov "Conditioned reflex". Alas, the film did not receive due recognition.

The next role was more successful. In the same year, Alexander Aravin's television series "Moscow Windows" was released, which brought the first popularity to the young actor.

The real recognition of the public came to Petrenko after participating in the military drama Star by Nikolai Lebedev, released in 2002. Critics still consider his role as the heroic lieutenant Travkin one of the best of his acting career.

For this picture, Petrenko became a laureate in the nomination "Discovery of the Year" of the popular "Nika" award. After the film, job offers rained down on the actor.

In 2003, the film "Carmen" and the series " Best City land "with the participation of Petrenko, the following year was marked by the release of the films" Sins of the Fathers "," Cadets "," Cavaliers of the Starfish "," Name Day "and" Driver for Vera ", which made Igor one of the highest paid actors.

In 2006, the films "Voklodav" and "A Hero of Our Time" were released, in 2007 - the film "When You Don't Expect Her at All".

In 2009, the actor plays Ruslan Bulavin in the famous television series "Cream", and also starred in the films "And you are Brutus?" and Forbidden Reality. Particularly successful was the role of Andriy in the film adaptation of Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

In 2011, the films "Cedar Pierces the Sky", "Lucky Pashka", "Everyone Has Their Own War" are released, in next year viewers could see Igor in the film "Dreams from Plasticine".

Best of all, according to critics, the actor is given roles in military dramas. This is evidenced by the films “We are from the Future”, “Separation”, “Retired-2” and “Robinson”, released in the 2000s.

In 2013, Igor played the famous detective Sherlock Holmes in the series of the same name based on the stories of Conan Doyle.

Before the actors of the series stood difficult task- the audience was already accustomed to the traditional tandem of Vitaly Solomin and Vasily Livanov, and it was not known how the public would perceive Andrei Panin and Petrenko. However, the series was received warmly enough by critics and viewers, adding new admirers to Petrenko.

After that, the actor’s filmography was replenished with the films “The Last Janissary”, “How to Get a Woman”, “ star born"," The Secret of the Snow Queen.

In 2016, the film "Viking" was released, on television Igor appeared in the TV series "Black Cat". On this moment the actor continues to actively act in films and television series.

Personal life

With his first wife, actress Irina Leonova, Igor met in his student years. Irina was Igor's classmate. In 2000, the lovers decided to legalize their relationship.

However, their marriage did not last long - the couple often had quarrels, soon there were rumors that Igor was cheating on Irina.

The marriage finally broke up in 2004 after Igor's work in the series "The Best City on Earth". On the set of this film, Petrenko started an affair with his colleague Ekaterina Klimova, who had previously starred with him in the film Moscow Windows.

In the winter of 2004, Igor and Ekaterina got married. Many considered them beautiful couple Russian cinema. Ekaterina and Igor starred together in the films "Cancellation of all restrictions", "We are from the future 2" and the television series "Sins of the Fathers".

Igor with his second wife Ekaterina and children

For the first time, Igor became a father on November 21, 2006 - Catherine gave birth to his son Matvey, and in 2008 Korney was born. Igor also raised Catherine's daughter from her first marriage, Lisa.

In 2013, journalists began to spread a rumor that Igor and Ekaterina were on the verge of a divorce. In the spring of 2014, the couple divorced after living together for 10 years. Children spend most of their time with their mother country house in outskirts of Moscow.

In the same year, the audience was struck by the news - on December 24, 2014, Petrenko became a father for the third time. Actress Kristina Brodskaya gave birth to the actor's daughter Sophia-Carolina.

Igor spends all his free time with new family and is actively involved in raising her daughter.

Igor Petrenko spent the first three years of his life in Germany, and then his father was transferred to military service in Moscow, where he still lives today. The Petrenko family had nothing to do with art and culture.

In childhood future artist was fond of sports, namely, gymnastics and judo.

Difficult trials, unexpected decisions

At the age of 15, Igor Petrenko got into ambiguous situation, he was charged with murder. For about a year, he, along with his close friend, spent time in a pre-trial detention center., the court sentenced the future actor to a suspended sentence of up to 8 years.

It took into account the fact that the guy was a minor, had good recommendations from school, so the term was reduced to three years of probation.

Courageously going through all the hardships of life, Igor Petrenko decided not to tempt fate anymore. The young man argued with a friend that he would enter theater university , although he even thought about it and did not prepare for such a step. So, Igor became one of the best students course of the Shchepkinsky school.

Indistinct theatrical debut and film success

After graduating from higher educational institution, Petrenko received a referral for employment at the Maly Theater. However, he did not work there for long, because after his student debut in the cinema, he was actively invited to act in film directors from the capital.

Petrenko played his first major role in 2001. It was the drama "Conditioned Reflex". In it, the aspiring actor reincarnated as a young guy who was being pursued by someone. He decided to figure out this difficult matter on his own. The picture turned out tense, exciting.

The following year, Igor starred in two tapes: "Willis", "Star". In both, he played key characters.

The most outstanding and memorable work in the beginning creative way Petrenko became a role in the film "Driver for Vera". She became a box office, collected many cinematic awards, among them: "Kinotavr", Belarusian "Leaf Fall", "Big Golden Pegasus".

In 2009, Igor Petrenko appeared before the audience in an unusual image for himself - a Cossack, the youngest son of Taras Bulba in the film of the same name. A year later, Igor played in three films of a military theme: "We are from the future-2", "Retired-2", "Robinson".

The most intense year for the actor was 2013, during which he starred in a record number of films. In an unpredictable way, the legendary detective in the epic detective Sherlock Holmes has become.

Each subsequent year brought Igor at least three cinematographic works in which he played exclusively the main roles. In 2016, the actor starred in the emotional mini-series Black Cat., where the hard life after the war is fully disclosed and shown. At the beginning of October 2017, a dramatic, 8-episode series was released, where Petrenko played the main character Andrei Larionov.

In the new 2018, several films will be released with the participation of Igor: "Winter", "Playing with Fire", "Frontier", "Destruction of the Terrorist". All of them are shot in dramatic and melodramatic styles, but the brilliant performance of a talented actor will undoubtedly add originality and charm to them.

Favorite women

Igor's first wife was beautiful girl, his classmate is Irina Leonova. A stormy romance quickly developed into a serious relationship, and soon into an official marriage. Within a few years, their union completely fell apart, and the couple broke up.

The press reported that Petrenko had an affair with a colleague on the set Ekaterina Klimova. The rumors turned out to be true, and a year later the artists legalized their relationship.

For many years, Petrenko and Klimova were considered the most beautiful couple on domestic television. In 2006, Igor became a father for the first time, Ekaterina gave birth to their first child, the son of Matvey. In 2008, the second heir of the actor, Roots, was born.

Interesting Notes:

In 2014, the artists, without ostentatious quarrels and scandals, calmly filed for divorce, without telling anyone about the reasons for the separation.

Igor Petrenko did not grieve for long, and tied up romantic relationship With Russian actress, younger than him by 13 years - Christina Brodskaya. Soon their daughter Sophia-Carolina was born. In 2016, Igor and Kristina registered a marriage in one of the capital's registry offices.

Now the actor continues to actively act in films, and devotes all his free time to his beloved women - his daughter and wife.

Filmography of Igor Petrenko

Year Movie Role
2000 Conditioned reflex

Roman Zolotov, son of a famous politician


Black Room (series "Cleopatra")

2001 Moscow windows

Leonid Terekhov

2002 Star

Vladimir Travkin, lieutenant, reconnaissance platoon commander

2002 Jeeps Igor
2003 The best city in the world

Leonid Terekhov, secretary of the Komsomol organization

2003 Carmen

Sergei Nikitin, police officer

2004 Driver for Vera

Victor, driver

2004 Sins of the Fathers

Ivan Fomich Kalistratov, banker, fiance of Ekaterina Androsova

2004 Cadets

Dobrov, lieutenant

2004 name day Victor, artist
2004 Knights of the Starfish Igor
2006 Hero of our time

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

2006 wolfhound Luchezar, warrior
2007 When you don't expect it

Dmitry Klimov, owner of the real estate agency Buy and Live!

2009 Cream

Ruslan Anatolyevich Bulavin

2009 Taras Bulba

Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba

2009 forbidden reality

Matvey Sobolev, counterintelligence officer

2010 We are from the future 2

Sergei Filatov (Borman)

2010 Retiree-2: We do not abandon our own

Viktor Viktorovich Zimin (Kondrashov Igor Vasilyevich), Major of the Special Forces of the Armed Forces No. 3477, son of the combat commander Colonel Dedov (Viktor Germanovich Zimin)

2010 Robinson

Alexander Robertson ("Robinson"), submariner

2011 "Cedar" pierces the sky

Sergey Vladimirovich Lykov

2011 Lucky Pashka Pavel Golubev
2011 Everyone has their own war

Boris Krokhin, eldest son of Lyubov

2011 Separation

Igor Petrenko has long had an army of fans who know well not only him acting work but also a biography. Possessing talent and high work capacity, the Sleepers star has a very busy work schedule, which indicates that he is in demand among directors.

Over the years creative career he has starred in large-scale historical projects, detective stories, melodramas, action films, and now the actor dreams of getting a role in a fairy tale film that he will definitely show to his children.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born in 1977 in the city of Potsdam, East Germany. His birth on German soil happened at a time when his father, by the nature of his work, served there. The mother of the future actor was a translator. His parents were also involved in raising him older sister Irina, who chose in the future creative activity A: She works as a designer and fashion designer.

In the photo Igor Petrenko in childhood with his sister.

Three years later, the whole family moved to Moscow. In childhood, he was actively involved in sports, where he managed to distinguish himself and win first places in gymnastics competitions. In 1995, parents had to worry about the fate of their 15-year-old son. He was accused of murder as an accomplice, however, the court took into account that the young man was still a minor and had a positive reputation before that, as a result of which he was released and sentenced to a suspended sentence. After receiving a school certificate, Petrenko thought about choosing a profession. Accidentally hitting the theater school named after M.S. Shchepkin, he decided to try his luck and to his surprise, he was able to pass the competition and get into the number of applicants.

Best movie roles

In 2000, the aspiring actor received a diploma and soon began to serve at the Maly Theater. But at the same time, his film career began to develop, because of which he had to leave the stage. Having played several small roles, in 2002 he got on the set military drama"Star", where he reincarnated as Lieutenant Vladimir Travkin. This work of Igor was noted by the audience, as well as by harsh critics, thanks to which he was awarded the Nika Prize in the Discovery of the Year nomination.

It is not surprising that his career went uphill, and his filmography was replenished with new roles: Victor from the drama Driver for Vera, Pechorin from the historical film Pechorin. A Hero of Our Time”, Dmitry Klimov from the melodrama “When You Don’t Expect It at All”, the youngest son of Taras Bulba from the historical film “Taras Bulba”, Borman from the fantastic project “We are from the Future - 2” and others. His courageous heroes attracted the attention of many fans, who noted the excellent external data of the actor himself (height - 183 cm; weight - 78 kg).

Frame from the film “Pechorin. Hero of our time".

In 2014, he appeared on the screen in the image of the chemist Andrei Nevelsky in the mystical film “The Alchemist. Elixir of Faust”, which made a huge impression on the audience. Latest works screen stars became his roles in such projects as "Viking", " Black cat”, “Sleepers”, “Decision on liquidation” and others. In 2018, Petrenko is more in demand than ever, as a result of which several exciting films will soon appear in his acting piggy bank at once: “Playing with Fire”, “Chernobyl”, “Union of Salvation” and others.

Family unions and parenting

The audience has always been interested not only in creativity, but also in the personal life of the actor, in which there was a place for several marriages. As a student at the theater school, he met Irina Leonova. The wedding of the lovers took place after graduation, but a year later Igor fell in love with his partner in the Moscow Windows series, Ekaterina Klimova. Since the actors were not free, they hid their relationship, and then broke up with each other in order to save their families. However, when the lovers had to shoot together again, feelings flared up with new force. In 2004, Petrenko divorced his first wife and formalized relations with new sweetheart.

In their second marriage, they had two sons - Matvey and Roots. The family also grew up daughter Elizabeth, born in Klimova's first marriage. For a long time the audience considered this creative union the most beautiful and strong. But in 2013, problems arose in the relationship of the spouses, which caused rumors about their separation. The actors themselves denied this information, however, a year later their divorce still took place.

In the photo, Igor Petrenko with his wife Kristina and daughter Sophia-Carolina. Instagram

Through time former spouses were able to improve their personal lives. Igor in the same period had a daughter, Sophia-Carolina, who was presented to him by new darling- aspiring actress Christina Brodskaya. Acquaintance with future wife took place back in 2012 on the set of the Sherlock Holmes series, but the romance happened only two years later. In 2016, the couple played secret wedding and then got married. Two years later, replenishment happened again in their family: a second daughter was born. Now Petrenko enjoys family happiness and devotes all his free time to his wife and children. In his interviews, he tries to avoid the details of his life, preferring to discuss his work.

”, etc. Winner of several prestigious awards.

Igor Petrenko. Biography

Igor Petrovich Petrenko was born on August 23, 1977 in the German city of Potsdam. His father is a military man, a teacher at the Military Academy of Chemical Protection, his mother is an English translator. When Igor was three years old, the family returned to Moscow.

School Igor Petrenko did not complain too much, went to all sorts of tricks in order to skip her once again. From the lessons I liked English the most. In the 10th grade, a tragedy happened in the family - Igor was accused of complicity in the murder committed by his friend.

Igor spent a difficult year in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, after which he was given an eight-year suspended sentence with a three-year probationary period.

After leaving isolation Igor Petrenko passed the final exams at school. It was hard for the boy to choose who he wants to become. By chance, he learned about the recruitment to the Higher Theater School. MS Shchepkina and decided to try his hand. He was unexpectedly lucky - Igor entered, despite the great competition.

Igor Petrenko. creative path

While studying Igor Petrenko began working at the Maly Theatre. Soon, due to constant filming in films and TV shows, he had to leave the troupe. After several series, the young actor was offered the lead role in " star"- a film about the feat of the group Soviet intelligence officers During the Second World War. Picture director Nikolai Lebedev immediately remembered young actor, but decided to consider all options. Almost five thousand people applied for the role, but, in the end, Petrenko was approved.

Igor Petrenko: “In my experience, Zvezda is the first time a director defended a specific actor – me. Great amount people were against it. And he believed that there was something in me, so he fought. It cost him so much blood!

Before filming, the actors underwent serious training: they learned to crawl in a plastunsky way, ride a horse, handle weapons - like real scouts.

The film "Star" became really stellar for Igor Petrenko. For the role of Lieutenant Travkin, the actor was awarded the "Nika" award in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination and began to be called "Russian Tom Cruise" behind his back.

Two years later, in 2004, the film "Driver for Vera" was released. In addition to the recognition of the public, the picture received the main prize at the Kinotavr festival.

After these two roles Igor Petrenko became one of the most famous and popular Russian actors. Playing different characters, positive and negative, the artist is not afraid, but he notices that the emotions of his characters also affect him.

Igor Petrenko: “The more you love your partner at the time of work, the more likely it will be good result, so the profession involves frequent parting. Difficult to get out of film set, to return to your usual state, to understand that you do not love this person at all, but love another. If you look at Hollywood stars They have a wedding after every job.”

Actor in an interview Igor Petrenko often calls himself a philosopher. Says he finds common ground with every role he plays. This happened with the role in the film Taras Bulba by Vladimir Bortko (2009), where he played the son of Taras Andriy. This happened in the series Hero of our time» (2006). Shortly before the invitation to the casting, the actor admitted in an interview that he would like to play Pechorin. So Igor himself unexpectedly predicted his role.

Igor Petrenko: “There is some kind of nature that unites Pechorin and me, and I had a vivid example of this. When I arrived in Moscow during the filming of "A Hero of Our Time", I caught a car, and when we drove up to the place for three hundred meters, I said: "Stop, I'll go to the store," the driver began to get nervous that I could deceive him, I decided to play: he took out the entire amount that we agreed on, gave him a choice. When I got out, of course, there was no car, and I felt sorry for this man. These actions make up a person. It was not difficult for me to walk these three hundred meters, but he is a fool, he won fifty rubles for which he did not take me, but he will lose much more. I think that is how Pechorin played with people.”

Theater play for Igor Petrenko, according to him, is not in the first place in his career, but he does not refuse to participate in some productions. So, the actor performed with pleasure in the play "Leningrad Romance", respectfully remembering its director Anatoly Efros.

In the filmography of the actor, the main roles and in such projects as “ When you don’t expect it at all" (2007), " Forbidden reality" (2009), " We are from the future 2" (2010)," Robinson "(2010)," Cedar pierces sky "(2011)," Lucky Pashka"(2011)," Plasticine Dreams"(2012)," Darling"(2013)," Rent a Dad"(2013), as well as in the television version of Sir's novels Arthur Conan Doyle about the great detective - "Sherlock Holmes", where Dr. Watson was performed by Andrey Panin, and Inspector Leistred Mikhail Boyarsky.

Director Andrey Kavun initially saw only Andrey Panin as Dr. Watson. Petrenko also became the first candidate for the role of Sherlock Holmes. But the creators of the series decided to look at other actors. So, negotiations were conducted with Ivan Okhlobystin, Evgeny Mironov, Konstantin Khabensky - all of them, for various reasons, could not act in this project. Then the director conducted tests with Petrenko and made sure that his intuition did not fail him - it was Igor who was supposed to play this role.

In 2014-2015, the actor starred in the TV series The Alchemist. Elixir of Faust", "Cancellation of all restrictions", "Unjudicial", "Last Janissaries", "Starborn". In 2016, he played one of the central roles in the director's historical film Andrey Kravchuk"Viking", created on the basis of chronicle "Tales of Bygone Years", joined the team of the comedy series from the STS TV channel with Svetlana Khodchenkova “You all annoy me”, played a MUR employee in the detective project “Black Cat” from the director of “Vasilisa” and “Palm Sunday” Anton Sievers.

In addition, Petrenko was involved in the filming of the TV series Sleepers, Playing with Fire and the adventure drama with elements of fantasy Nevsky Piglet.

Igor Petrenko. Personal life

Still in drama school actor Igor Petrenko met Irina Leonova (“Children of the Arbat”, “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning”, “Kuprin. Pit”). After graduation, in 2000, they got married - acting marriages were not welcomed at the school, they believed that it distracted from work. The couple divorced in 2004.

About a year later, on the set of the Moscow Windows series, Petrenko met Ekaterina Klimova (“You all infuriate me”, “A gift with character”, “Angel Heart”). He liked the beautiful actress, but both she and he were not free at that time. Both did not dare to take any serious step towards each other. Meanwhile, family relations with Igor began to deteriorate. The marriage eventually fell apart. Then he called Catherine. She did not expect that a year after filming, the actor would decide on this. Just a month later, Petrenko and Ekaterina began to live together.

November 21, 2006 the couple had a son Matvey Petrenko, and in 2008 - Korney Petrenko. Igor also raised the daughter of the actress from her first marriage, Lisa. After the birth of the boys, Catherine and Igor were finally united by the bonds of Hymen. Six years later, the family union cracked. The actors made attempts to save the marriage, but in vain. As a result, in July 2014, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow issued a divorce. At the same time, Petrenko did not disappear from the life of the sons, the parents of Matvey and Korney maintained friendly relations for the sake of the children.

In December 2014, Igor became a father for the third time: his daughter was born Sofia Carolina from actress Christina Brodskaya. With a new lover, Petrenko got married in the summer of 2016, inviting only the closest people not to celebrate.

On January 30, 2017, the couple had their second daughter. On January 20, 2019, Brodskaya gave Petrenko a third daughter. For the actor, the girl became the fifth child.

Igor Petrenko. Filmography

  • Actor
  • 2017 Sleepers (Andrey, the main role)
    2017 Nevsky Piglet
    2017 Playing with fire (main role)
    2016 Black cat (Viktor Karatov, main role)