Canned tomatoes with garlic - just perfect cold appetizer. Juicy and spicy, slightly chilled tomatoes look great on a plate with other pickles. The only drawback of all pickled tomatoes is that they cannot be cut into portions due to their too soft and juicy texture. And if the pickled vegetable is large, then eating it without going beyond the bounds of decency at the table is very difficult. So many people refuse to put bright and tasty pickles on their plate. But a way out has been found - to prevent the tomatoes from spreading all over the plate, dripping onto clothes, etc. – they must be preserved in the correct size.
Ripe, red and yellow tomatoes canned garlic, slightly larger than cherry tomatoes, can be preserved without sterilization and can be stored for a long time. It is a pleasure to place such snack tomatoes on the table – they are pleasing to the eye and pleasant to eat.


  1. Tomatoes small size– 1.5 kg.
  2. Black peppercorns – 5 pcs.
  3. Horseradish root – 3 cm.
  4. Dill umbrella – 2-3 pcs.
  5. Currant leaves – 3-5 pcs.
  6. Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  7. Garlic – 2-3 cloves.

This amount of tomatoes yields approximately 2.5 liters of finished product; 2 liters of marinade are needed. Based on the number of tomatoes you plan to preserve, we make the marinade in appropriate proportions.

Marinade for 1 liter of water:

  1. Salt – 4 tsp.
  2. Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
  3. Vinegar – for 1 liter jar with tomatoes – 1 teaspoon 9% vinegar


  • Wash the tomatoes and let the water drain. Next, dry them by laying them out on a kitchen towel.
  • It’s better to take liter jars, it’s easier to roll up and store, and their contents are just enough for several meals. Scald the dishes for preservation with boiling water and dry.
  • Place in sterile jars clean leaves currants or cherries, peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves, dill umbrellas and chopped horseradish root. Horseradish can be replaced with horseradish leaves in small proportions.
  • We place clean and dry tomatoes on top of the spices; they should fill the jar two fingers deep, not reaching the neck, in other words, up to the shoulders.
  • Next, prepare the marinade from water, salt and sugar. Boil it, let the salt and sugar dissolve in hot water, and pour it into jars of tomatoes.
  • Let the tomatoes steep in the brine for 15 minutes and, using a special lid with holes, pour the marinade back into the pan. Bring to a boil again and pour in the tomatoes again, and then repeat the procedure once again. There should be three fills in total. The third time, after pouring the boiling marinade into jars, pour 1 teaspoon of 9% table vinegar into each liter jar, immediately roll them up with lids and turn them over and wrap them in towels for additional heat treatment.
  • After the jars of canned tomatoes have completely cooled down, we transfer them to a secluded place where there is no constant source of light and heat and leave them until cold weather or another serious reason to open the snack.

Bon appetit!

The most favorite ingredient in autumn preparations for the winter has always been tomato. They make delicious salads from it and wrap it in jars with delicious pickle. We decided to add to your cookbook and tell you how to make tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter. There are different recipes, we will describe some of them, the most delicious.

How to prepare jars for canning?

A well-processed jar is the guarantee that your product will be stored for a long time and will not open prematurely.

We need exactly the following dishes, how to prepare them:

  • One of the simplest and effective ways, which our grandmothers used, recommends placing a colander on a pan of bubbling water, and a jar on it. Keep it there for 10 minutes and remove it, then place it on a clean towel with the neck up. You can do the same with lids.
  • There is another proven method. An ordinary kettle is suitable for it, which needs to be boiled. We put the jar on the floating spout and hold it like that. Then the next one.
  • And the most modern method- processing dishes in microwave oven. But not every glass container will fit into the microwave; for small containers it is quite suitable. Place the jar and run the microwave in food heating mode for 2 minutes.

The lids can simply be boiled in a saucepan. Now you are ready to can.

Tomatoes for the winter with garlic inside

A classic, time-tested recipe. Take small tomatoes, they will be less crushed and choke when you put them in the jar. Set aside already rotten and cracked fruits. Cherry tomatoes performed well: small and strong, tasty. You will need about 2 heads of garlic. Clean it up.

  1. We make an incision in the hole where the stalk was attached.
  2. Push a clove of garlic inside. To make it pass through the tight skin more easily, you need to cut the clove in half and each half further diagonally. So that you get one pointed end.
  3. Place a few pieces of black pepper and 2 bay leaves in a jar.
  4. Now you can put the tomatoes in there. We stuff them to the very top.
  5. Pour boiling water for at least 5 minutes.
  6. Drain it and prepare the marinade.
  7. For the marinade you will need: water (1 liter), sand (5 tablespoons), salt (1 large spoon). We boil it all for 10 minutes, after which we send it to our containers.
  8. Now add 1 small spoon of vinegar to each jar.
  9. Roll up the lid.

To check whether the jar is hermetically sealed, turn it over and place it on the table.

Green tomatoes with garlic for the winter

Instead of the usual red tomatoes, green, unripe ones are often pickled. The recipe for their preparation with allspice garlic and bell pepper has already been appreciated by many housewives. So, let's prepare all the products:

  1. Wash bell peppers (4 pieces), clean them, remove everything inside. We cut into strips.
  2. Peel the garlic (about 200 g) and divide it into cloves.
  3. Pass the pepper and garlic through a meat grinder.
  4. Tomatoes (5 kg) cut into slices into 4 parts or more. It depends on the size of the fruit.
  5. Combine the pepper and garlic gruel together in a separate bowl. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
  6. We transfer our tomatoes into jars.

For brine you will need 2.5 liters of water, to which we add 110 grams of salt, 250 grams of sugar, a glass of vinegar.

  1. We boil all this and pour it into glass containers.
  2. Roll up the lids.
  3. We wrap our jars in a warm blanket and let them cool.
  4. Then you can put them away for storage.

Green tomatoes are strong and crispy. Housewives often prefer them for unusual look and spicy taste.

Horseradish recipe with tomatoes and garlic

This preparation is a universal helper for any housewife in the winter. It can also be eaten with meat dishes, as an addition to a side dish, and use as a dressing for borscht. For cooking you will need horseradish root, but you can only use hard horseradish. Soft and old will not work. It won't give the desired spice.

You will also need:

  • Red tomatoes - 2 kilograms.
  • Garlic - 2 or 3 heads.
  • Horseradish - about 2 roots.
  • Sugar and salt - 2 tbsp. spoons of each ingredient.

The cooking process itself:

  1. The roots must be kept in cold water; 20 minutes will be enough to soak them.
  2. We clean them and cut them so that it is convenient to grind them in a meat grinder.
  3. We also scroll through the tomatoes and garlic. You can grind everything separately, or together.
  4. Add salt and sugar to the mixture.

And one more piece of advice: when you grind horseradish in a meat grinder, put a bag around her neck. This way the root will fall straight into it, and your eyes will not sting from the spicy juice. The dish is ready. You can eat it right now, or you can put it in jars in the refrigerator.

It makes an excellent sauce and goes well with rice and pasta. You can pour it over meat and even just put it on bread. It is good to eat it when you have a cold, it helps get rid of a runny nose.

In this video, Zinaida Borisova will show how she prepares a quick spicy snack from tomatoes, horseradish and garlic:

Cold preparation with mustard and aspirin

Not everyone has time for long cooking. Here is a recipe that will not be inferior in quality to others, but will require less time and effort.

  1. Prepare the jars and place small, strong tomatoes in them.
  2. Separately drop into each jar:
  • Dry mustard - 1 teaspoon.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Chilli - small ring from the pod.
  • Salt and sugar - 1.5 tbsp each. spoons.
  • Regular aspirin - 2 tablets.

Fill the jars with cooled boiled water, roll it up and that’s it. We put it away for storage. Mustard and aspirin will prevent the product from going to waste and will replace vinegar and boiling water. It's really fast and convenient, but no less tasty.

Tomatoes in sweet apple marinade

Those who have their own garden may try to pickle incompatible products. For example, tomatoes and apples. It turns out that it turns out delicious and there will be something to surprise your friends.

The cooking process itself:

  1. At the very beginning, put garlic (5 cloves), black pepper (5-8 pieces), dill, currant or cherry leaves, parsley, hot peppers(ring).
  2. Then add a layer of apple slices (half a kilogram). Don't forget to peel them. It’s better to take Antonovka, they have a more pronounced taste.
  3. For apples, tomatoes, which need to be pierced with a toothpick.

For the marinade, take water (1.5 liters), salt and sugar (3 tablespoons each). Boil all this and put it in jars for about 10 minutes. Drain, boil and pour again. Now you can roll it up. The tomatoes taste sweetish with a slight apple tint. Our grandmothers used to cook them this way in barrels and eat them all winter.

So, we have prepared tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter. You can change these or other recipes to your taste and get new dishes. The main thing is to treat the utensils you use well. Then your efforts will definitely not be in vain.

Video tutorial: preparing tomatoes for the winter

In this video, Rita Denisova will show you the process of preparing canned tomatoes with a clove of garlic inside:

You can prepare tomatoes for the winter different ways. For example, a wonderful appetizer is made by marinating ripe tomatoes with garlic. Of course, you will have to work a little and spend a certain amount of time. But then they will disperse instantly, you just have to open the treasured jar.


for a 3 liter jar :

  • Tomatoes – 1 -1.5 kg
  • Onions - 200-300 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove for 3-4 tomatoes
  • Marinade :

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Bite 70% – 1 tsp
  • How to marinate tomatoes stuffed with garlic for the winter

    1 . Sort and wash the tomatoes; only whole, unspoilt fruits are suitable for pickling. Be sure to wait for the tomatoes to dry. Wet or cold tomatoes will burst their skin when marinated.

    2 . Onion peel, cut into rings and place in the bottom of pre-sterilized jars. You can conveniently and quickly sterilize jars in the microwave; see how to do this correctly.

    3 . Peel the garlic and cut along the clove into 3-4 pieces.

    4 . Cut the tomato where the stalk attaches. Or carefully cut out the mark from the stalk, being careful not to damage the tomato skin outside the hole (see photo).

    Stick a piece of garlic into the resulting depression.

    6 . Fill the jars with tomatoes stuffed with garlic.

    . Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and garlic, cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan, add 0.3 cups of boiling water (in case some of the marinade boils away). Add salt and sugar, wait until completely dissolved. When the water boils, pour in the vinegar. To calculate correctly required amount, pour boiling water into the pan after having filled it, for example, into a three-liter jar.

    . Pour the marinade into jars up to the neck, cover with lids (do not tighten). Place a cloth on the bottom of the pan. Place the jars so that they do not touch each other or the walls of the pan. Pour hot (brought to a boil) water to a level of 1.5-2 cm from the neck of the jar. It is important that the temperature of the marinade and the water in the pan are identical, then the jars will not burst during sterilization. Wait until the water in the pan boils for about 5 minutes. Remove the jars and screw on the lids.

    . Turn it upside down and send it under the fur coat until it cools completely. Then lower it to the underground.

    Delicious marinated tomatoes with garlic are ready

    Bon appetit!

    There are no special secrets or tricks in preparing pickled tomatoes. However, there are a number general principles, which do not depend on a specific recipe. And it is highly advisable to adhere to them.

    1. Only firm tomatoes are suitable for canning. It is very convenient to put tomatoes in jars that are not round, but oblong, reminiscent of plums. Do not prepare bruised, cracked or slightly spoiled vegetables.
    2. Tomatoes for harvesting must be washed and dried. Do not put cold vegetables in jars and pour marinade over them. In this case, their skin will probably crack. So let them sit at room temperature for a while.
    3. A few words about the number of tomatoes. It is considered optimal that they should be equal to half the volume of the desired number of cans for the preparation. For example: to fill one three-liter jar you will need to prepare 1.5 kg of tomatoes.
    4. Containers for canning tomatoes must be sterile. As well as the lids with which they will be rolled up. You need to place the tomatoes in the jars tightly enough, but so that they do not look out. You need to fill the marinade up to the very neck. If the prepared marinade is not enough to fill all the jars, then you should evenly distribute it among the prepared containers and top them up with boiling water.
    5. A few words about the marinade. As a rule, acetic acid is used as a preservative for pickling tomatoes. It does not have to be boiled along with the entire marinade, but can be added to canned goods already prepared for seaming. However, vinegar is not very healthy. Fortunately, it is quite possible to use another acid – citric acid – instead. Its amount in the marinade depends on the recipe. But it is worth remembering that the more acid, the better and longer the pickled tomatoes will be stored.
    6. You can only add regular salt to the tomato marinade. rock salt. Iodized or sea ​​salt not suitable for such purposes. Because of it, tomatoes can acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.
    7. In general, the taste of ready-made pickled tomatoes largely depends on the composition of the marinade and the spices. So my advice: if you are not sure that this or that seasoning is worth adding, then you should refuse it.

    That's all. It's time to move directly to the recipes.

    Recipe 1 Marinated tomatoes with garlic without sterilization

    First you need to prepare the marinade. Place in a saucepan (the amount of spices is indicated for 1 liter of water):

    • salt – 2 tablespoons;
    • sugar – 6 tablespoons;
    • cloves – 7 pcs.;
    • allspice – 7 peas;
    • dill - 2 umbrellas;
    • currant leaf – 2 pcs.

    Pour water over all ingredients and boil for 10 minutes. Accordingly, for a larger volume of water, this amount must be proportionally increased.

    Now you can proceed directly to canning. To do this, you need to peel the garlic and cut each clove lengthwise into 2-3 cloves. Wash the tomatoes, make a cross-shaped cut in the area of ​​the stalk and insert one clove of garlic there. The fruits prepared in this way should be placed in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes. After this, you can drain the water, fill in the marinade instead and pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) per 1 liter of liquid into each jar. Immediately roll up the jars with lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool. After 12-24 hours they can be removed to where they will be stored.

    Recipe 2 Tomatoes with garlic and basil for the winter

    To prepare the marinade for pickled tomatoes with garlic and basil you need to prepare (based on 1.5 kg of tomatoes):

    • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
    • allspice (peas) – 4 pcs.;
    • fresh basil - 5 sprigs;
    • sugar – 7-8 tablespoons;
    • salt – 2 tablespoons;
    • vinegar (9%) – 6 tablespoons;
    • water – 1.5 l.

    Peel the garlic, cut each clove lengthwise into two parts and place in the bottom of a sterilized jar. Put sweet peas in there too. Fill the jar with tomatoes, placing them with basil sprigs.

    Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and sugar. After they are completely dissolved, pour the resulting solution over the tomatoes, cover the jar with a lid and leave for 5-6 minutes. Then pour the liquid from the jar back into the pan, boil, add vinegar and again pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes. The jar should be immediately rolled up with a lid, turned over and, wrapped in a blanket, left to cool.

    Recipe 3 Marinated tomatoes with garlic and horseradish

    This recipe is suitable for preserving brown (under-ripe) tomatoes or fleshy tomatoes with dense pulp. The marinade for such preservation consists of the following ingredients (based on 2.5 kg of tomatoes):

    • horseradish - a piece of root weighing 25-30 g;
    • garlic – 1 head;
    • hot pepper – 1 pod;
    • red bell pepper– 1 pod;
    • salt – 1 tablespoon;
    • sugar – 6-7 tablespoons;
    • citric acid – 9 g;
    • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

    Peel the garlic, remove the seeds from both types of peppers, cut the bell pepper into pieces average size and grind it all together in a blender. Add finely grated horseradish to this mixture. By the way, before chopping it, you need to wash it and remove the skin with a sharp knife. Received spicy seasoning need to be mixed thoroughly.

    Wash the tomatoes, cut each one approximately to the middle, put a little prepared filling inside and put it in pre-sterilized jars.

    For the marinade you need to take 1 liter of water, add sugar, salt and boil. When this happens add it to the marinade. citric acid, immediately pour it over the tomatoes and roll the lids on the jars.

    Recipe 4. Tomatoes with garlic and carrots for the winter

    This recipe is very simple and does not require any special skills from the housewife. In addition to tomatoes (the calculation is made for 2 kg of fruit), for this type of canned food you will have to stock up for the winter:

    • carrots – 1 root vegetable (70-100 g);
    • garlic – 1 head;
    • sugar – 6 tablespoons;
    • salt – 3 tablespoons;
    • citric acid – 9 g;
    • bay leaf – 5 pcs.;
    • black pepper (peas) – 6 pcs.;
    • horseradish and currant leaves.

    Peel the carrots, cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces and place them in the bottom of a sterilized jar. Place peeled garlic cloves, pepper, horseradish and currant leaves there. Wash the tomatoes, pierce them in several places with a toothpick and put them in a jar. After this, the jar needs to be filled with boiling water, covered with a lid and left for 8-10 minutes.

    Then pour the water from the jar into a saucepan, put on fire, add salt, sugar, citric acid and bring to a boil. Pour the finished marinade into a jar and roll up. It is best to store such tomatoes in the refrigerator or cellar.

    Recipe 5 Marinated tomatoes with garlic in jelly

    Small and medium-sized tomatoes are best suited for this preservation. It is best to roll them into jars with a volume of no more than 0.5 liters. This way you can even prepare cherry tomatoes. This is done quite simply: (based on 500-600 g of tomatoes):

    • onion – 1 medium-sized head;
    • garlic – 1 head;
    • dill – 1 bunch of fresh herbs;
    • black pepper – 10 peas;
    • sugar – 5 tablespoons;
    • salt – 4 tablespoons;
    • vinegar (9%) – 30-50 ml;
    • gelatin – 35 g.

    Place dill, peppercorns and peeled garlic cloves at the bottom of sterilized jars. Wash the tomatoes and cut into 2 parts. Very small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes can be placed whole, but first prick them in several places with a toothpick. Cut the onion into rings. Place tomatoes and onions in jars in layers.

    Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. After this, add gelatin and stir the marinade until it is completely dissolved. Then pour vinegar into the saucepan, mix everything again and pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes.

    It is not advisable to immediately roll up the lids on this preservation. Better than banks cover with lids, place in a saucepan with water and sterilize for about 11-12 minutes. Then roll up the lids, turn them upside down, cover the jars with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Place in the basement, cellar or refrigerator.

    Recipe 6 Tomatoes with garlic and cinnamon for the winter

    • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
    • ground cinnamon – 9 g;
    • bay leaf – 8 leaves;
    • basil (dried) – 6 g;
    • dill (dried) – 7 g;
    • allspice – 4 peas;
    • salt – 3 teaspoons;
    • vinegar (9%) – 40 ml.

    Place basil, dill, bay leaf, pepper and peeled garlic cloves in dry but sterilized jars. Peel the tomatoes from the stems, make several punctures in the area where the stem was located and place tightly in jars.

    Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, add salt, cinnamon and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes. Add vinegar to the jar and immediately roll up the lids. After this, the jars must be turned up/down several times so that the marinade is evenly distributed. Now all that remains is to turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket or towel and leave them to cool. However, you should not immediately put cooled canned food into the cooler. Let them stand at room temperature for about a week, and only then send them to permanent place storage

    There are other recipes for making pickled tomatoes with garlic. But they differ little from those that have already been described. The main difference is the composition of the marinade. For example, some housewives use not vinegar or citric acid as a preservative, but Apple juice. True, we are not talking about store-bought juices, but natural ones and, of course, completely without sugar.

    Marinated tomatoes with garlic can be prepared not only for the winter. There are many ways to prepare such a snack for consumption within 1-3 weeks after preparation. But that's a completely different story...

    Video recipe “Tomatoes in the snow (with garlic)”

    There are so many ways to seal tomatoes for the winter that there’s no point in listing them all, I’ll forget something anyway. But this recipe is one of my favorites. I think you will like it too. Tomatoes with cloves of garlic inside are piquant, moderately spicy, aromatic and very tasty. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with preparing tomatoes this way, because you will need to insert a clove of garlic into each tomato. But this is where all the difficulties of preparing this incomparable snack for future use end. The brine is prepared simply; you can sterilize the jars in the most convenient way. In a word, you should try pickled tomatoes with garlic inside.

    Ingredients for a liter jar:

    - small tomatoes – 600-700 g;
    - garlic – a small head;
    - pure water– 400 ml;
    - table salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
    - sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
    - vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.;
    - dill – 1 small umbrella;
    - cloves – 2 pcs.;
    - black peppercorns – 2-3 pcs.;
    - currant leaves (optional) – 1 pc.

    1. Sterilize suitable jars for preservation over steam or in the oven, wash the lids (if you are using lids for a seaming machine) with soda and boil for 5-7 minutes, then dry. It is also advisable to dry the jars in the sun before adding tomatoes. Now get to the main ingredients. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly in large quantities cold water. For pickling in this way, it is better to use tomatoes that are small in size and elongated in shape so that more of them fit into the jar. You can prepare tomatoes with garlic in both liter and two-three liter jars, just increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

    2. Peel the garlic. For small tomatoes, it is, of course, better to use small cloves of garlic. For each tomato, cut off the blunt end that attaches the fruit to the stem and make a cross-shaped cut inward. Insert a clove of garlic into it.

    By the way, if you like “little blue ones,” we also suggest you try our wonderful recipe and prepare it, which is also easy to prepare.

    3. Place the tomatoes in dense layers in jars, at the bottom of which place dill umbrellas and currant leaves, cloves and black peppercorns. Then prepare the brine: boil water and add salt and sugar to it. Stir until dissolved and bring to a boil again. Spill hot pickle by banks. Sterilize them in the most convenient way for you for 10 (liter containers) or 15 minutes (three-liter containers). You can sterilize in an oven preheated to 150 degrees or in a large saucepan with boiling water, whichever is more convenient for you. After sterilization, add vinegar to the jars; if necessary, add a little hot boiled water to the very neck. If you don't like to sterilize jars of preserves, you can do it a little differently. Add all the ingredients except the tomatoes, garlic and vinegar to the marinade and boil for at least 10 minutes, then pour the brine into jars and add the vinegar.

    4. And then roll up or screw on with sterile caps. Cans rolled up using a machine must be turned upside down. Firstly, you will check the reliability of the blockage, whether the brine is leaking. And secondly, it will additionally sterilize the lids. The manufacturer does not recommend turning over jars with screw caps, as this may lead to loss of sealing properties.

    Cool the jars of pickled tomatoes with garlic inside under a thick, warm blanket. And then transfer to a cool, dark place suitable for long-term storage.

    We also invite you to prepare according to our recipe.

    Bon appetit and happy cooking!

    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    If you think that you have already tried all the flavors of pickled tomatoes, then I will tell you one very original recipe, and you can decide for yourself whether you are wrong or not. So, the preparation at first glance is quite simple, very similar to the classic one, but tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter turn out delicious. I prepared the recipe specifically so that all aspects of preservation would be clear.

    Ingredients for cooking tomatoes with garlic inside:
    - tomato fruit of pickling varieties – 2 kg,
    - garlic clove - one for each tomato fruit,
    - finely ground kitchen salt – 2 tbsp for every liter of water,
    - granulated sugar (white) – ¾ cup per 1 liter of water,
    - table vinegar 9% - 1/2 tbsp.,
    - dried laurel leaf,
    - peppercorns,
    - clove bud.

    Recipe with photos step by step:

    We sort through the tomato fruits, selecting the same small ones. We wash them and wipe them dry. Then, using a knife, we make a shallow cut at the place where the stalk is attached.
    Now we peel the garlic and rinse it.

    Dry the garlic cloves and stuff them into the tomatoes.

    We wash the dill greens.
    Then we put the greens in dry (pre-treated) jars (it is better to use small containers in order to eat the tomatoes in a couple of times). Add spices.

    We also lay out the tomatoes.

    Pour water into the pan, add salt and granulated sugar for each liter of water. Next, bring the liquid to a boil.
    We do the first filling for 15 minutes.

    Then drain the marinade, add table vinegar, boil to a boil and refill.
    We roll up the lids with a key, turn the jars over and be sure to cover them with a blanket to maintain warmth.

    After a couple of days, the tomatoes with garlic inside can be moved to a place convenient for further storage.
    Bon appetit!
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