Kirill Tereshin is a young man from Pyatigorsk, who not so long ago became famous for having artificially pumped up his muscles in his arms up to 64 cm. Now he is a star not only in Russian open spaces, but also outside them. Western media also regularly monitor news about synthol pitching from Pyatigorsk.

The most discussed topic over the past few months is the guy's Instagram page, where he shows off his huge biceps. And everything would be fine, but he only increased them with the help of the most dangerous chemical called synthol.

It turned out that the young man made this kind of decision after returning from the army, and after 10 days his biceps increased in volume by 26 centimeters. According to him, it immediately became clear to him that the dose with which he began this disastrous deed was not enough for him:

“In order to achieve impressive volumes, it is not enough to inject 250 milliliters into the biceps, so your “banks” will grow by a maximum of 3 centimeters. For such volumes as mine, you need to inject liters into your hands.

Kirill Tereshin dies

Kirill Tereshin does not hide the fact that Romario dos Santos Alves, who lives in Brazil, became an example for him. Nevertheless, apparently, Kirill Tereshin did not delve into the details of the life of his idol.

From the story of Romario dos Santos, it became known that he wanted to be like his favorite hero - the Hulk, but the dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder did not let him sleep at night. For this, the Brazilian visited Gym. But over time I realized what it takes great amount time and decided to take more radical measures - he began to inject synthol into the muscles. The result of such an event was almost an amputation of the hand. And his body was more like that of a monster. Later, a story happened to Romario. Since he was a believer, he often attended church. On one of these visits, a woman approached him and admitted that her daughter refused to attend church just because she was afraid of Romario, who reminds her of a monster. This incident had a profound effect on him. However, he managed to completely free himself from harmful addiction later.

Read also: Kirill Tereshin from Pyatigorsk had an operation - did the “hands-bazooka” burst?

Romario himself by that time already felt bad, both mentally and physically. His life was slowly going downhill: he lost his job, fell into depression and almost even committed suicide. In addition, he became aware that if he continued to be naughty with synthol, then his hands would be amputated. A little later, the understanding came to him that to achieve a dream it is not necessary to use drugs. And although it is still very far from its desired implementation, since synthol had a great effect on his well-being, he still continues to exercise in the gym, and categorically refused synthol back in 2013.

But, apparently, this side of the being of the idol Kirill Tereshin is mostly not interested. Not so long ago, a young man said that his hands were almost already inflated to the desired volume. Now he would like to pump synthol into his shoulders, legs, and even encroaches on his eyes. IN this moment It's time for Kirill Tereshin to think about how to step back from this harmful addiction before it's too late.


On the evening of February 20, 2017, the Great Elder of All Rus', Schema-Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), reposed in the Lord.

Humble, meek, kind, affectionate, delicate and loving of all... A faithful image... The confessor of all Rus', holding a prayer book... On it the words of the Holy Apostle Paul are fulfilled:

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; and now there is being prepared for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:7-8)

No one dares to dispute the sanctity of Father Cyril, and therefore in the Church of Heaven, triumphant, there is no doubt not grief, but a holiday. The sky was replenished with one more prayer book for Holy Rus'!

Elder Cyril himself, even during his lifetime, possessing the gift of clairvoyance, warned that after his death a war would begin. "The Mother of God came to him a second time, but only this time she warned him that after his death, war will start again in Russia ,and that the Russians should prepare for it with might and main."

Elder Jonah of Odessa, who reposed in the Lord on December 18, 2014, also spoke about this. After his death, according to the prediction, serious trials were to come within 2 years. And we know what overtook the territory in a year Little Rus'...

Now, in connection with the death of the All-Russian prayer book, especially in such a significant year for Russia, it is obvious that the Orthodox people need to turn to the Lord God even more zealously!

Kingdom of Heaven to you, our dear and dear Father Kirill!


tremble enemy, Russia rises!

The Tsar-Patriarch is coming to the throne!

Before the King of apostasy

It will petrify and freeze!

Monk Michael

Blessing of Elder Kirill (Pavlov) Fr. Rafail (Berestov)

About globalization About the Tsar


The elder went to the Lord, which means that the Antichrist has already come into the world

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) on the attitude towards ecumenism

What is a sense of life

Confessor of All Rus'

The last battle of Elder Cyril (Pavlov). Movie VI

The last battle of Elder Cyril (Pavlov). Movie VII

The last battle of Elder Cyril (Pavlov). Movie VIII


Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) "all-Russian confessor". One of the most revered elders of the Russian Orthodox Church. Eldership flourished in Rus' in ancient times. This is described in detail in the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon of 1051 - the source of various historical information about the first Orthodox ascetics.

The powerful influence of the elders was not only in Kyiv, but also in Northeast Rus', where the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was considered the heart of Orthodoxy. It was from here that the pious path of Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) - the Hero Soviet Union, holder of military orders and medals.

Among them was the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad", but more on that later. This great calling - to serve people and the Lord God - was determined long ago by the purity of his heart, high moral level and personal holiness. Possessing the gift of clairvoyance, he began to heal people from spiritual and physical illnesses, showing the righteous path of life, warning against dangers and revealing God's will.

Who are the elders. A person who wants to learn the basics of the true Orthodox faith may have questions about who the elders are, what role they play in the life of all church brethren and parishioners, why their authority is so great, and the memory of many of them is passed down from generation to generation. At all times of terrible upheavals, wars and revolutions, intercessors prayed for the people - people to whom God revealed his will.

The magnificent book Optina Hermitage and Her Time was written about eldership by the writer and theologian I. M. Kontsevich. The very first chapter of this book is devoted to the concept of eldership. It says that there are three church ministries, regardless of the hierarchy, and they are divided into apostolic, prophetic and, finally, teaching.

So, behind the apostles, disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, are the prophets, in other words, the wise elders, whose service is determined in exhortation, edification and consolation. They can warn against dangers and predict the future. For these people, as if there are no boundaries of time and space.

Biography of the Elder Archimandrite Cyril (Pavlov). IN worldly life Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov was born in the early autumn of 1919 into a peasant family in a small village in the Ryazan province. He was brought up and grew up in a family of believers. When Ivan turned 12, since they did not have a seven-year school in the village, his father took him to study with his brother in the city of Kasimov, where they fell under the godless course of that time.

In that difficult period, the atheistic frenzy of the Soviet five-year plans completely poisoned the consciousness of the people and practically destroyed their soul. In the thirties, or rather from 1934 to 1938, Ivan Pavlov studied at the Kasimov Industrial College, after which he was drafted into the army and sent to Far East. War as atonement for human sins The Great Patriotic War soon broke out.

According to the elder himself, at that fateful time, moral morality and lawlessness in society reached a serious decline, and the Lord did not tolerate this anymore, so they were allowed to go to war. It was during these cruel bloody years of war and violence that the people felt all the wild sorrow and tears of despair. And then he reached out to God and turned to him for help. This prayer reached the ears of God, and the Lord took pity and changed his anger to mercy.

The elder said that misfortunes and calamities will inevitably drag us like this because we ignore the path that the Savior showed us in the Gospel. Each of us should think about his words. After all, the lips of Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) always tirelessly pray for every Orthodox Christian.

How the war affected the life of Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov. Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov fell into the thick of hell: he fought on Finnish war, passed from Stalingrad to Romania, was in Austria and Hungary, and also participated in the war with Japan. In those terrible war years, he, like hundreds of thousands of other people, returned to the true Christian Orthodox faith. The constant death before his eyes and the harsh conditions of life in the war made him think about life and look for some kind of reasonable solution. He also had various kinds of doubts, and to all this he received answers in the Gospel.

He collected this divine book from leaflets in a destroyed house in the city of Stalingrad just after his release. The found Holy Book did not leave him indifferent and aroused genuine interest. The guy was so imbued with her that she became a kind of miraculous balm for his war-torn soul. From that moment on, he no longer parted with her and carried her in his pocket until the very end of the war, which he finished with the rank of lieutenant.

Desire to become a priest. The gospel in all its future life path always consoled and saved, and in 1946 he led me to the Moscow Theological Seminary at the Novodevichy Convent. A little later, he also graduated from the Theological Academy there. In 1954, brother Kirill took the path of monasticism in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where he was assigned the obedience of the confessor of the brethren of the Lavra. humility and big love to God and the Orthodox faith was soon marked by the highest monastic rank - archimandrite.

It is simply impossible to reread the list of all those who turned to Father Kirill for help. He filled the restless hearts of people with optimism and spiritual joy, which then spread further to different monasteries, dioceses and throughout Holy Rus'.

Elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) became the spiritual father of many bishops, superiors and abbesses of monasteries, monks and nuns, as well as a huge number of laity. When people talk about him or remember him, first of all they see before their eyes the peaceful and wrinkled face of a gray-haired old man, his affectionate mysterious smile and hear a kind voice. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was the confessor of the three most holy patriarchs: Alexy I, Pimen and Alexy II.

Secrets of the archimandrite At the Holy Trinity St. Sergeyev Lavra, parishioners often passed by word of mouth the incredible story that allegedly the elder archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) is the same defender of the legendary Pavlov's House, guard sergeant Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov. Although everywhere in official sources it is indicated that a certain sergeant Yakov Fedorovich Pavlov held the defense of Stalingrad under the fascist onslaught for 58 days together with his 29 comrades.

Reading the early stories about the defense of Pavlov's House, you constantly find various strange inconsistencies and inaccuracies in those historical events. As if someone is deliberately silent about some very important facts those terrible heroic days. And what is most interesting, the names of the people who heroically defended this house are hidden and confused. Say that I died The elder himself does not deny this fact, but does not confirm it either.

However, there are data that speak for themselves. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as the award order Patriotic War Guards Sergeant Pavlov Ivan received with an absolute unwillingness to join the Communist Party because of his religious beliefs. How was this possible at the time? But nevertheless, he received these awards precisely for his personal heroism and courage. Few were forgiven for this.

Almost immediately after the war, the fighter Pavlov decided to enter the seminary. However, the ubiquitous NKVD could not allow such a decision that the Red Army soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union, went to the monastery and became a priest. And so his documents were not accepted at the seminary for a long time.

Vow of silence. But one day, praying fervently in the church near the shrine St. Sergius Radonezhsky, a certain old man approached him, who for some reason already knew in advance all his desires and sorrows and that is why he advised Pavlov to take a vow of silence. This could only mean that he now vowed to keep his secret all his life and in conversations never to mention the topic of this secret anywhere else. And after that, in the future, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) never again talked about his front-line awards and exploits.

The date of acceptance of his monastic rank coincided with the date of the beginning of the war - June 22, but only in 1954. By this he imprinted himself as a defender of the Russian Orthodox people from all visible and invisible misfortunes. He once fought off some people from misfortunes with the help of the force of arms, and others - with the power of the Jesus Prayer. This is how Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) forever buried his military past in himself.

They even told a story about how once, just before the anniversary of the Victory Day over fascism, local high-ranking military officials came to the elder in Sergiev Posad to talk about the “Pavlovsk issue”, but the elder did not speak to them and ordered that the guests be told that spirit that Lieutenant Ivan Pavlov had died. Vision of the Virgin There is an amazing story about how Ivan Pavlov once ended up with his detachment in German captivity, where he was seized by wild horror.

And suddenly the heart remembered the mother's order - to pray. And Vanya began to pray intensely with tears to the Most Holy Theotokos. Suddenly her image appeared, and she turned to him with the words: "Stop and do not move." Ivan remained on the empty road and stood for a long time until the convoy of captured Russian soldiers, driven by SS men with machine guns and barking sheep dogs, disappeared from sight. It was then, on the day of his salvation, that he swore to the Mother of God that if he survived, he would become a monk and devote his life to serving God.

The Mother of God came to him for the second time, but only this time she warned him that after his death a war would begin in Russia again, and that the Russians should prepare for it with might and main. When one day the elder was asked about how to save Russia, he thought for a long time and answered that morality should be raised in Russia. And when they asked a question about the meaning of life, the elder saw him in faith in God.

His answers are always very simple and concise, but what a huge and wise meaning they contain. Where is the elder now Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) is always with us in his prayers. 2015 was the 96th year in his life. It is interesting that in infancy he was christened in honor of John the Theologian, who was the apostle of love.

After being tonsured a monk, he began to bear the name of Cyril Belozersky, where Cyril means "sun". And so, if we draw an analogy between these words, it turns out that love, like the sun, illuminates and warms the sinful and weak people of the entire Russian Orthodox world. Having front-line wounds, concussion and numerous surgical operations, the blessed archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) courageously overcomes the disease. Where is he now? This is the question many are interested in. However, the elder has long been bedridden. The stroke that happened left him immobilized forever.

To date, almost no contact with outside world monk Kirill (Pavlov). The archimandrite now sees and hears poorly. But he did not need consolation and felt sorry when his strength returned to him, he himself began to comfort and support us, his lips began to move in prayer for Russian Orthodoxy and the growing new strength Russia. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), whose health is rapidly deteriorating, is still fulfilling his special mission before God and before all believers.

For everyone, the works of the elder are available. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), whose sermons were published by his native Lavra, gives answers to the most exciting questions. Conclusion. The Greek bishop, visiting the sick elder, said: "Archimandrite Kirill is now crucified on a suffering cross - one for all of Russia."

So, the steadfast and strong-willed guard lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union in the world, Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov, and in monasticism, the good-natured fraternal confessor of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Kirill, repeats his Stalingrad feat again.

In 2012, the more than 400-page book Elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was published (edited by Priest Viktor Kuznetsov) - the most complete narrative, accompanied by testimonies and documents, containing the biography and biography of Elder Kirill, covering seven decades of his zealous service in the Lord's Vineyard

One of the famous elders, deeply spiritual people and caregivers of the flock, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), has died. Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen confessed to him. He was the confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, and he blessed Patriarch Kirill for patriarchal service. He was also the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

His biography before monasticism is little known. He came from a believing peasant family, and in his younger years he worked as a technologist at a metallurgical plant. In the late 1930s, he was drafted into the army and served in the infantry.

He was a member of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of lieutenant and participated in the defense of Stalingrad (commanded a platoon). And after - the battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary. He ended the war in Austria.

It was during the war that he converted to the faith. Carrying out guard duty in the destroyed Stalingrad in April 1943, among the ruins of the house he found the Gospel, which he never parted with.

I began to read ... and felt something so dear, sweet for the soul. It was the gospel. I found such a treasure for myself, such a consolation!.. I gathered all the leaves together - the book was broken, and that Gospel remained with me all the time, - the elder recalled. - Before that, there was such embarrassment: why the war? Why are we fighting? There was a lot of incomprehensible, because there was complete atheism in the country, lies, you don’t know the truth ... I walked with the Gospel and was not afraid. Never. It was such an inspiration!

His presence in the tragic and heroic Stalingrad in 1943, it became a reason to consider him the same Pavlov who organized the defense of the legendary non-surrendering house, which entered all history textbooks as "Pavlov's house" and became a symbol of the Stalingrad resistance. Movies have already been made about him.

Father Kirill himself never confirmed that he was the same Pavlov. He refused, saying that he was just a namesake. But the legend continued to hover over the elder, many believed that he simply humbled himself, did not want to accept worldly glory. In any case, there were many texts in which absolute certainty was expressed that this was he.

After the war, Lieutenant Pavlov entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, which was then located in the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow. Then he graduated from the Theological Academy, and forever connected his life with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

He was tonsured a monk in 1954, then was ordained a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk. He was a sexton, treasurer of the monastery. Since 1965 he has been the confessor of the Lavra brethren.

According to contemporaries, Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen confessed at his time. He was the confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, in connection with which he moved to the patriarchal residence in Peredelkino. He continued to spiritually nourish the monks of the Lavra, and received numerous believers.

When I was standing on the threshold of the Church, a young priest from a village church near Kimry told me: since you are a religious seeker, you need to meet truly spiritual people. “It would be good for you to get to Father Kirill in the Lavra, but you won’t get through, there are always too many people to see him. Go to Father Pavel Gruzdev.” Later I had a chance to see Father Cyril in the Lavra, and he was a special person, and his human appearance appealed to a different dimension than we are used to.

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