Eco-friendly homestead: The miniature device allows you to get excellent fertilizer at home.

Anyone who would like to grow a good crop has probably thought about a garden composter - a device that allows you to dispose of organic debris and waste and at the same time get excellent fertilizer. The household composter created by the designer from Poland Alya Serajka is also interesting.

Every day in any family is produced a large number of garbage. 30-50% is organic kitchen waste, which is obtained during the cooking process. Thrown into the trash can, they end up in landfills with household waste where they begin to rot and pollute nature. I set myself the goal - to create a compact and efficient device, primarily intended for use in an ordinary city apartment.

The designer, taking as a basis the principle of operation of the "dacha" composter, managed to make a desktop version designed for the production of small amounts of organic fertilizer. According to Ali, the composter will be useful for those who grow indoor plants or decide to set up a mini-garden on the balcony.

The device, outwardly resembling an enameled pan, is made of aluminum and stands on a stand machined on lathe from a cork piece.

On top of the composter is closed with a lid, in which hundreds of small holes are drilled to allow air to enter.

The bottom of the composter also has holes necessary for draining water into a special container.

To start the composter, the user needs to put sheets of newspaper on the bottom, fill in earth, then pour in some water, add cut paper and worms, and close the lid.

Worms help to process organic matter and, thereby, significantly speed up the processes of decomposition.

To feed the composter, put in it the cleaning left after cutting vegetables or fruits, you can also add crushed eggshells. Then we cover everything with a layer of cut paper.

To avoid rotting and unpleasant odors, meat and fish residues or dairy products should not be added to the compost.

After the compost is ready, Alya takes it out and uses it as a plant supplement.

The water that drains into the tank is also used to water the plants.

Composting is a fun process that does not require large investments or sophisticated equipment. I think that such a composter looks more interesting than ordinary plastic boxes, and this will attract home gardening large quantity people, which is especially true in metropolitan areas. published

The EM container is a mini-factory for the production of EM compost - an excellent fertilizer from kitchen waste, and an EM preparation in liquid form.

A family of 3-4 people can use this container to get about 500 kg of fertilizer per year, which is 40 times more efficient than rotted manure! In the container, due to the work of Effective Microorganisms, not putrefactive, but enzymatic decomposition of kitchen (organic) waste occurs with the formation nutrients necessary for normal growth plants. Already after 7-10 days, organic waste, on which EM settled, can be introduced into the aisles.

There are millions of EM containers in use around the world, and there is even a movement in the US to use EM containers for recycling. food waste in schools and food establishments.

As food (organic) waste is formed, it is laid on a slatted bottom with a layer of 2-3 cm and abundantly moistened with a solution of the EM1 preparation at a concentration of 1:100. 10 ml of the EM1 preparation is taken per liter of non-chlorinated (or settled tap) water. An inner cover made of EM plastic is placed on top of the moistened layer. The lid works as an informational stabilizer for the fermentation process. It is also used for compacting compostable waste and only partially cuts off air. Then an outer lid is put on the container, completely blocking the access of air to the container. As necessary, new portions of waste are stacked in layers and moistened with a solution of the EM1 preparation. It is advisable to fold the waste once a day to limit the access of air inside the container. Admissible appearance white plaque on the surface of the waste. Once every three days, it is necessary to drain the EM liquid that accumulates at the bottom of the container. When filling with kitchen waste, the container is emptied.

Waste fermented for 7-10 days can be immediately used as fertilizer, mixing with 20-40 parts of the earth. These wastes will be processed in the earth in 30 - 60 days. Can be fed fruit trees fresh EM compost, burying it along the tree crown border. after establishing the fermentation mode, you can already use the EM liquid, and use the EM preparation 1-2 times a month;

for processing organic waste (leaves, grass, manure). Waste is stored in layers of 15-25 cm and watered with a solution of EM liquid with a concentration of 1:100; in summer conditions, EM compost is processed into humus in 2 months;

for draining into sinks, bathtubs and toilet bowls, which will lead to the destruction of fatty plugs, the removal of urinary stone;

to eliminate odors and convert faeces from outdoor toilets into fertilizer. 250 ml is poured into one corner of the cesspool with a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters. The smell disappears in a week, after 3 months a fertilizer is obtained that does not contain not only pathogenic, but even conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Those. feces make an excellent environmentally friendly fertilizer.

add to water during wet cleaning of floors, tiles (concentration 1:100);

water houseplants once or twice a week with a solution of a concentration of 1:2000 - 1:1000 (a teaspoon - a tablespoon in a bucket of non-chlorinated water) and widely used in the country.

Fermented waste - EM compost can be stored in a separate area in layers, alternating layers of EM compost with a thickness of 10-15 cm and 2-3 cm layers of earth. In summer conditions, in 1.5 - 2 months it is completely processed into humus.

In winter conditions, fermented waste and EM liquid can be frozen. When heat comes, use it in the country. If you use four-liter EM buckets with a sealed lid, then you can store EM liquid in them for up to 7-14 days at room temperature. Kitchen organic residues can be accumulated in the EM bucket for the same period before they are load into an EM container. The resulting EM compost, after it has been removed from the EM container, can also be stored in an EM bucket for up to two weeks at room temperature. humus, enhanced by the waste products of the EM1 preparation and populated with effective microorganisms. The use of EM-liquid is similar to the use of the EM1 preparation itself. With one caveat. EM liquid must be used within two to three days

Note: recyclable organic waste refers to waste from peeling vegetables, fruits, various waste from cutting meat and fish, with the exception of bones and scales, leftovers bakery products, flour, cereals and cereals, bran, soaked paper and cardboard, sawdust of hardwood trees (coniferous sawdust needs a higher concentration and should be mixed with other organic matter for better processing). It is advisable to grind kitchen waste with a knife. Egg shells are not fermented, but can be added as fertilizer. Russian version of the use of the EM container. It can be seen from the design of the container that it can be successfully used for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, and sauerkraut. With this use of the EM container, the outer lid is removed, the inner lid is turned over and the load is placed on it. This design convenient in that as you remove the pickles from the bucket, you can drain the brine.

The bucket can also be used as a container for storing water. The presence of a tap makes it convenient to pour water.

The EM container consists of a cylindrical 15 liter container, the bottom of which is raised to a height of 9 cm, so that it is convenient to drain the EM liquid. A cutout is made in the wall at the base on one side, above which there is access to a tap screwed into the bottom. Inside, above the bottom is a grate. There are inner and outer covers.

For a long time we did not discuss what technology has reached.

Usually, food waste in the city either goes into ordinary garbage or into a food waste grinder, that is, into the sewer.

Loughborough University graduate Benjamin Cullis Watson developed dumpster, which quickly converts food waste into garden compost and liquid fertilizer for houseplants.

His work is based on bokashi, a Japanese method that uses fermentation to decompose debris without leaving a smell. The Taihi container automatically sprays the accelerator mixture to decompose the waste. As a result, a liquid is formed, which is stored in an airtight watering can and compost, which is fed into a separate container.

The double lid system and set of rubber seals prevent odor and the container itself has an easy to clean finish. Unlike other composting systems, waste does not need to be turned and maintained in the right storage conditions.

To start fermentation, you need to add the bokashi mixture.

Containers for processing food waste using live worms (for example, the Worm Cafe by the Australian company Tumbleweed and the American VermiHut), as well as the automatic NatureMill, have already found their connoisseurs on the market.

Based on the bokashi technology, SCD Probiotics K100 containers (the composter is designed for 19 kg of food waste) and Urban composter are based.

The fermentaor EM container is designed for making compost at home. Food waste is placed on a grate with a layer of 3–5 cm and treated with a solution of EM-1 with a concentration of 1:100. An inner lid is placed on the waste layer. It is designed to cut off air.

The top of the container is tightly closed with an outer lid. As waste is generated, new portions are stacked in layers and treated with a solution of the drug. After full filling, the container is emptied.

We offer a unique EM container made of plastic

The container is a cylindrical 15-liter container with two lids (inner and outer). There is a faucet at the bottom of the tank.

There is a grate inside the container at a height of 3 cm from the bottom. The inner EM lid is designed to cut off air and is an 8 Hz stabilizer for the fermentation process. The location of the grid at a distance from the bottom creates a volume where the EM liquid flows and accumulates.

The inner cover is made of EM plastic bearing 8 Hz vibration. due to this, stable work on the fermentation of kitchen waste is ensured when using various microbiological preparations: Vostok EM-1, Baikal EM-1, Radiance 3, OFEM, various microbiological starter cultures to speed up ensiling.

Waste fermented for 7-10 days can be immediately used as fertilizer, making foliar feeding of plants. The liquid formed during the fermentation process is also a valuable fertilizer.

Using an EM Solution

Collection of food waste in an EM container with subsequent treatment with an EM solution can significantly improve the sanitary and epidemiological condition of food blocks in schools, hospitals, and kindergartens. Fermented waste can be stored directly at the premises of kitchens, restaurants. They can not be taken to the landfill. After 40 - 60 days they turn into humus.

Using the EM Pickling Container

The design of the EM container makes it possible to successfully use the EM container for pickling and pickling vegetables. Since the body of the container is made of non-food plastic, the vegetables can be put into a food film insert, in which several holes must be cut, so that the brine level can be adjusted by draining it through a tap. With this use, the outer lid is removed, a layer of vegetables prepared for pickling is laid, an inverted inner lid with a weight is placed on the layer of vegetables. The quality of pickles is significantly increased due to the impact of 8Hz vibrations from the internal EM-lid. As vegetables are consumed, the liquid is drained through the tap.

Housewives who have already tried the pickling container are enthusiastic about the quality of the pickles.

Now you are throwing food waste in the trash, where it decomposes and spreads an unpleasant smell around the house. Also, when you clean vegetables in the sink, it gets clogged over time. Instead, in the kitchen, you can install a disposer or use a composter, or both.


How It Works small device, a kind of mill, food waste grinder. It is installed in the sink drain and grinds food leftovers into gruel, which is easily washed down the drain. This not only saves you from rotting bio-waste with a characteristic odor, but also significantly speeds up the recycling of waste. It is one thing to decompose bones and potato skins in a landfill, and another to dissolve gruel in the sewer.

That is, you simply throw food leftovers into the dispenser, open the water and turn it on - and when you hear the sound of an idle motor, turn it off. Everything is simple.

The disposer is quite omnivorous and grinds not only soft waste, such as vegetable peels or tea bags, but also relatively hard ones, such as chicken bones and eggshells.

The disposer is quite safe: firstly, it does not work with knives, but with special cams, and secondly, the grinding parts are located deep enough. In addition, it only works when it is turned on.

What not to do Large meat bones should not be thrown into the disposer - they are too hard. And no need to merge the threads there, long strands, plastic bags or film - they do not fray, but are wound on work surfaces and interfere with the operation of the dispenser.

In addition, if you have installed a waste chopper, it is better not to use household chemicals with alkalis (for example, Mole) or chlorine (for example, Tiret) in this sink. But since it does not clog anyway, it's okay.


How it works The composter recycles organic waste in the same way that it is recycled in nature: turning it into earth. This is essentially a small heated box with a weak agitation mechanism, in which ordinary bacteria, those that live in natural soil, turn food waste into fertile soil in 2 weeks. The longer the compost is in the device, the drier and more crumbly the earth becomes.

At first, ordinary earth can be poured into the composter - to supply the compost with earthen bacteria that will do all the work in it. It is worth adding a little water from time to time, especially when throwing away dry waste.

Many are worried that the composter spreads an unpleasant smell. But firstly, if you use it correctly, for example, do not throw away meat there, the compost heap emits a smell like that which comes from ordinary land that you buy for flowers or a garden. Secondly, it has a sealed lid.

Food waste Vegetable and fruit peelings, cores, leftovers and bones, the remains of bread and biscuits, and indeed almost everything half-eaten, tea and coffee, paper scraps and cork stoppers from bottles are thrown here. You can pour jams, jams, beer and wine.

Household waste Cotton swabs with a cardboard base, nails without varnish, pet hair and hair, for example, from a comb, can be thrown into the compost. You can throw dust from a vacuum cleaner, crumbs from the floor, leaves cut from house plants, roots, flowers and shoots. Old flowers after a birthday and a Christmas tree after the new year can also be composted. You can even throw away torn old clothes made of wool and cotton, having previously torn them into small pieces.

What not to do But meat and dairy products do not need to be thrown into the composter - when they rot, they spread an unpleasant odor and attract flies, cockroaches and similar pests. It is not yet necessary to throw out the litter of dogs and cats, as they feed on dairy and meat products.

No need to throw lemons and oranges or their peels into the compost - acidic items disrupt the acid-base balance, destroying compost-processing bacteria. There is no need to throw away food cooked in oil and sawdust yet. All this can be merged into the dispenser. That's why it's good to have both: the composter is closer to nature, the disposer is more omnivorous.

Large bones also will not go into the compost - they will not be able to rot.


This is a more exotic version of a regular composter: the main work in it is not done by bacteria, but by special worms like earthworms. This solution is also called vermiculture or worm factory. Of course, this idea is not for everyone, but if you have a garden or vegetable garden, and especially if you have children, it is worth a try. Children will be able to watch with interest how waste is processed in nature.

Despite loud name, this is a fairly capacious device. The worm factory is a box with several pallets that are filled with earth with special worms. These worms process food leftovers into high quality soil. High quality, because its yield is twice as high as that of ordinary land. In a word, garbage does not rot in a landfill, but is processed right at home into fertilizer.

Of course, the worm factory is not as omnivorous as the disposer - bones are too tough for worms. But with spoiled fruits, vegetables or cleanings, they will cope with a bang. On a day, 1 kilogram of worms processes about 500 grams of waste.