Protocol for the examination of the child's speech (age from 4 to 5 years)

Full name of the child _____________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth __________________________ Date of examination __________________________

1. Conversation (sample questions)

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. When do you have breakfast? 4. When do you have lunch? 5. When do you have dinner? 6. What is a traffic light for? 7. What should I do if the red light is on? 8. What should I do if the green light is on? 9. What season is it now? 10. When do children go skiing, sledding and skating? 11. When do birds build nests and hatch chicks? 12. Who wishes the children a Happy New Year and gives them gifts?

Violation of the pronunciation of sounds of early ontogenesis. Specify which ________________________________

2. Phonemic hearing

Repeat syllables:

pa-ba, ba-na, ta-da, me-ma, na-ga, ta-na, ka-ga, ba-ma

Show on pictures:

table-chair, braids-goats, tooth-soup

"Clap if you hear 'R':

mouse, mosquito, board, window, frame, house, fish, table, ball

Performs without errors, performs with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

4. Syllabic structure of words

Repeat words:

house, snow, roof, bridge, porridge, bread, cat, cabbage, tomatoes, fly agaric, glass, frying pan

5. Vocabulary:

Name the pictures according to the main lexical topics:

"Toys", "Fruits", "Family", etc.

Name the baby animals in the pictures:

Duck, goose, cat, fox

Name the actions of the boy (pictures)

Washes, washes hands, sleeps, plays, draws, eats

Names all actions, does not know the names of some actions, does not know the names of most actions (underline as necessary)

Colors: white, black, blue, red, yellow, green

Knows and names all colors, does not know the names of some colors, does not know the names of most of the proposed colors (underline as necessary)

6. Grammar:

    Nouns in Ip. units and many others. numbers: table - tables, doll - ..., eye - ..., sleeve - ..., ear - ..., lion - ..., window -

Correctly forms the forms of all proposed nouns, makes mistakes in the formation of plural forms of 1-2 nouns, forms most forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Noun agreement with adjectives

Name a sign of objects: Car, ball, dress

    Prepositions: name the location of objects (in, on, under, behind)

Two brothers were playing with the car. They began to take each other's car. Mom came. Took the car and the car became a draw.


Protocol for the examination of the child's speech (age from 5 to 6 years)

1. Conversation (sample questions)

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What city do you live in now? 4. What days of the week do we rest? 5. What animals live in the forest? (3-5 words) 6. Who is congratulated on March 8th? 7. What holiday does Santa Claus congratulate us on? 8. When migratory birds fly south? 9. What floor do you live on? 10. What should you do if you are about to cross the street, but the yellow traffic light is on? 11. What month is it now? 12. What fairy tales do you know? (2-3 fairy tales)

Supports the conversation actively, inactively, responds adequately, inadequately, phrasal speech missing (underline as appropriate)

2. Sound pronunciation - naming pictures (underline as necessary)

C, C - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, change to hissing, change to "F", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Z, Zb - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with hissing, replacement with "B", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

C - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with "Ts", replacement with "S", replacement with "Tsh", replacement with "Tf", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Ш - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with whistling, no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation, labial pronunciation

Zh - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with whistling, no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation, lip pronunciation

Ch - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with "Ts", replacement with "Щ", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Ш - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, substitution for "Сь", substitution for "Ш", substitution for "Т", absence of sound, lateral pronunciation

L - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, change to "L", change to "j", change to "G", change to "V", change to "W", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

L - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, substitution for "V", substitution for "Gy", substitution for "j", absence of sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

P - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, coachman pronunciation, change to "B", change to "j", change to "L", change to "G", throat pronunciation, single-stress pronunciation, no sound, lateral pronunciation

Pb - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, coachman pronunciation, replacement with "V", replacement with "j", replacement with "L", replacement with "G", throat pronunciation, single-stress pronunciation, no sound, lateral pronunciation

G - normal pronunciation, replacement with "D", replacement with "K", no sound

K - normal pronunciation, replacement with "T", replacement with "G", no sound

X - normal pronunciation, replacement with "K", no sound

J - normal pronunciation, replacement with "L", no sound

2. Phonemic hearing

Repeat syllables: pa-ba, ba-na, ta-da, me-ma, na-ga, ta-na, ka-ga, wa-ta, ga-da, ba-ma

Repeats without errors, repeats with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

Show in pictures: bear-bowl, duck-rod, kidney-barrel, tooth-soup

Performs without errors, performs with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

3. Analysis of the sound composition of the word

Highlight the 1st vowel in the words: Anya, wasps, Ira, duck

Performs without errors, performs with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

4. Syllabic structure of words

Repeat words: tomatoes, draft, whistle, birdhouse, aquarium, temperature, frying pan

Correctly and accurately reproduces words at the presented tempo, distorts the sound-syllabic structure of all proposed words, distorts the sound-syllabic structure of only words with a confluence of consonants (underline as necessary)

5. Vocabulary:

    Name the pictures according to the main lexical topics: “Toys”, “Fruits”, “Family”, etc.

Names pictures according to all proposed lexical topics, does not know the names of some pictures, does not know the names of most pictures (underline as necessary)

    Parts of the subject: body: head, legs, arms, nose, chest, neck, abdomen; clothing: sleeve, collar, button; furniture: back, leg, seat; car: door, steering wheel, wheels, cabin

Knows the names of parts of the whole, does not know 1-2 names, does not know the names of parts of the whole (underline as necessary)

    Name the cubs of animals: hare, squirrel, wolf, bear

Knows the names of the cubs of all the proposed animals, does not know the names of some pictures, does not know the names of most of the proposed animals (underline as necessary)

    Verb Dictionary. Who is screaming? Who is moving?
    Colors: basic + short, roses, naked, orange.

Knows and names all colors, does not know the names of tint colors, does not know the names of all proposed colors (underline as necessary)

    Shape: round, square, triangular

Ideas about the shape of objects are formed, ideas about the shape of objects are not formed (underline as necessary)

6. Grammar:

    Nouns in Ip. units and many others. numbers: table - tables, doll - ..., eye - ..., sleeve - ..., ear - ..., lion - ..., window - ..., tree - ..., leaf - ...

Correctly forms the plural forms of all proposed nouns, makes mistakes in the formation of plural forms of 1-2 nouns, forms all forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Nouns in oblique cases without prepositions

Negotiating sentences with the word pencil in the right case

Correctly forms forms of indirect cases, makes 1-2 mistakes, forms all forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Agreement of nouns with adjectives. Name a sign of objects: Car, ball, dress

Correctly agrees nouns with adjectives, makes mistakes when agreeing on neuter nouns, forms all forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Prepositions: name the location of objects (in, on, under, behind, about, in front of, above)

Understands the meaning of prepositions and uses them correctly, makes mistakes when using prepositions (underline as necessary)

    Diminutive forms of nouns: table, doll, house, bed, nose, spoon

Knows how to correctly form diminutive forms of proposed nouns, makes a small number of mistakes in the formation of diminutive forms of proposed nouns, does not know how to form diminutive forms of nouns (underline as necessary)

7. Connected speech. Retelling of the story:

The jackdaw wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and the water in it was at the very bottom. Jackdaw can not get water. Then she began to throw stones at the jug. She threw, threw and threw so much that the water rose, and the jackdaw was able to get drunk.

The retelling is complete, corresponds to the situation; retells with leading questions; refuses to retell (underline as appropriate)



Protocol for examining the speech of a child (age from 6 to 7 years)

Full name of the child ________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth ____________________________ Date of examination _____________________________

1. Conversation (sample questions)

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What are the names of your parents (mother and father)? 4. What day of the week is it today? 5. What day of the week was yesterday? 6. What day of the week will it be tomorrow? 7. Name your favorites fairytale heroes. 8. Why do some birds fly south in autumn? 9. What cities do you know? 10. What trees grow in the forest? 11. What animals give us milk? 12. Why do we need a refrigerator? Why do we store some products in it? 13. When does it get dark earlier (becomes dark) outside: in summer or in winter? 14. What do we say to people who sit with us at the table before breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Supports the conversation actively, inactively, responds adequately, inadequately, phrasal speech is absent (underline as necessary)

2. Sound pronunciation - naming pictures (underline as necessary)

C, C - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, change to hissing, change to "F", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Z, Zb - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with hissing, replacement with "B", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

C - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with "Ts", replacement with "S", replacement with "Tsh", replacement with "Tf", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Ш - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with whistling, no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation, labial pronunciation

Zh - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with whistling, no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation, lip pronunciation

Ch - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with "Ts", replacement with "Щ", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

Ш - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, substitution for "Сь", substitution for "Ш", substitution for "Т", absence of sound, lateral pronunciation

L - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, change to "L", change to "j", change to "B", change to "G", change to "W", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

L - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, replacement with "B", replacement with "j", replacement with "G", no sound, lateral pronunciation, nasal pronunciation

P - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, coachman pronunciation, change to "B", change to "j", change to "L", change to "G", throat pronunciation, single-stress pronunciation, no sound, lateral pronunciation

Pb - normal pronunciation, interdental pronunciation, coachman pronunciation, replacement with "V", replacement with "j", replacement with "L", replacement with "G", throat pronunciation, single-stress pronunciation, no sound, lateral pronunciation

G - normal pronunciation, replacement with "D", replacement with "K", no sound

K - normal pronunciation, replacement with "T", replacement with "G", no sound

X - normal pronunciation, replacement with "K", no sound

J - normal pronunciation, replacement with "L", no sound

Violation of the pronunciation of sounds of early ontogenesis. Specify which ________________________________

2. Phonemic hearing

Repeat syllables: pa-ba, ta-da, ka-ga, sa-za, sa-sha, za-zha, tsa-cha, la-ra

Repeats without errors, repeats with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

Repeat chains of words: Bear-bowl-mouse, kidney-barrel-daughter-dot, house-tom-com

Performs without errors, performs with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

3. Analysis of the sound composition of the word

Highlight: 1st vowel sound in the words: Anya, wasps, Ira, duck; 1st consonant: house, fish, wolf;

last sound: soup, poppy, cat; sound composition: Cheese, house

Performs without errors, performs with errors, cannot perform (underline as necessary)

4. Syllabic structure of words

Repeat words and sentences: frying pan, policeman, astronaut, transport, aquarium, temperature. The plumber is fixing the plumbing. The policeman is standing at the crossroads.

Correctly and accurately reproduces words at the presented tempo, distorts the sound-syllabic structure of all proposed words, distorts the sound-syllabic structure of only words with a confluence of consonants (underline as necessary)

5. Vocabulary:

    Interpretation of the meanings of words: Flower bed, vacuum cleaner, scooter

Understands and can explain the meanings of all words, does not know the meanings of some, cannot complete the task (underline as necessary)

    Generalizing concepts on the main lexical topics (pictures)

Owns generalizing concepts, does not know several generalizing concepts, does not own generalizing concepts (underline as necessary)

    Item Parts: Bodies: All parts of the body. Clothing: sleeve, collar, button, cuff, loops. Furniture: seat, backrest, leg, door, shelf

Knows the names of parts of the whole, does not know 1-2 names, does not know most of the names of parts of the whole (underline as necessary)

    Name the baby animals: Hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, chicken, horse, cow, sheep

Knows the names of the cubs of all the proposed animals, does not know the names of some pictures, does not know the names of most of the proposed animals (underline as necessary)

    Names of professions (pictures): cook, teacher, artist, hairdresser, builder, policeman, firefighter, educator, salesman

Knows the names of all offered professions, does not know the names of some pictures, does not know the names of most of the offered professions (underline as necessary)

    Verb Dictionary. Knowing the names of actions by profession (answers to questions like “What does an artist do?”)

The verbal dictionary is normal, does not know the names of some actions, does not know the names of most actions (underline as necessary)

    Relative adjectives: Leather, glass, carrot, paper, chicken, wool

Knows and names all adjectives, does not know the names of some, forms all adjectives with errors (underline as necessary)

    Antonyms (pictures)

Owns, makes 1-2 mistakes, does not know most of the antonyms (underline as necessary)

6. Grammar:

    Nouns in Ip. units and many others. numbers: table - tables, doll - ..., eye - ..., sleeve - ..., ear - ..., lion - ..., window - ..., tree - ..., leaf - ..., feather - ..., bucket - ...

Correctly forms the plural forms of all proposed nouns, makes mistakes in the formation of plural forms of 1-2 nouns, forms most of the forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Nouns in oblique cases without prepositions

Negotiating sentences with the word pencil in the right case

Correctly forms forms of indirect cases, makes 1-2 mistakes, forms most forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Agreement of nouns with adjectives. Name the sign of objects: Chicken, apple, matryoshka

Correctly agrees nouns with adjectives, makes mistakes when agreeing on neuter nouns, forms all forms incorrectly (underline as necessary)

    Prepositions: name the location of objects: in, on, under, behind, over, in front of, about, because of, from under, between

Understands the meaning of prepositions and uses them correctly, makes mistakes when using prepositions (underline as necessary)

    Diminutive forms of nouns: table, doll, house, bed, nose, spoon

Knows how to correctly form diminutive forms of proposed nouns, makes a small number of mistakes in the formation of diminutive forms of proposed nouns, does not know how to form diminutive forms of nouns (underline as necessary)

    Formation of possessive adjectives

Mom's, dad's, grandmother's, fox, hare, bear, wolf

Knows how to form possessive adjectives, makes 1-2 mistakes, forms all forms with errors (underline as necessary)

7. Connected speech. Drawing up a story based on a series of paintings “Found a hedgehog”

Establishes causal relationships correctly, the story is complete, corresponds to the situation, slightly distorts the meaning of the story, the story is consistent, but not complete enough, does not establish causal relationships, the story is in the form of a list of objects or actions, refuses to complete the task (underline as necessary)


Date of examination __________________ Age at the time of examination ______________________

F.I. child ____________________________________________________________________________

1. Conversation: What is your name? How old are you?______________

Do you know your birthday? (what time of year is your birthday celebrated) ______________

Do you know your home address?________________________________________________________________

What do you get to kindergarten?_____________________________________________________

Do you know what city we live in?____________________________________________________________

2. Narration of a poetic text , difficulty level , correctness, expressiveness, loudness) _________________________________________________

General sound of speech: Tempo___________________ Voice__________________

Intelligibility ___________________ Breathing ____________________________


a) Narrative story

Tell us about how you went to the circus (zoo, rested in the summer, etc.) (the topic varies depending on the interests of the child) ____________________________________________________________________________


b) Story-description. What is your favorite toy (pet, dad's car, etc.) (subjects vary depending on the interests of the child)? Write a story about her.



3. (offered in case of unsuccessful implementation of paragraph 1)

Look at the picture and write a story


Look at the pictures, put them in order and write a story

V) Descriptive story (based on picture) . Come up with a riddle about one of the animals (Performed according to the model of a speech therapist) ____________________________________________________________-________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Retelling. Retell the tale

Once upon a time there were two brothers: a hare and a hare. Once, when spring came and it became quite warm, the hares went for a walk in the clearing and. . . saw a fox. One of the rabbits got scared and rushed home. It was a cowardly bunny! A Brave Bunny shouted: "Don't be afraid, I can protect you!" He said to the fox: “Get out of here, redhead, otherwise I’ll call the hunter!” The fox was frightened and backed away into the forest. And the brave hare went home. At home, mom praised the brave man, kissed him, and then told the hares a fairy tale and they fell asleep



(by pictures)

At consumption

Comprehension (tested for errors in usage)

1. Inflection.

R.p. What is there in the forest?

Where do the leaves fall from in autumn?

D.p. Who needs a fishing rod?

Who do you like to visit?

V.p. Who did you see at the zoo? Circus?

etc. What are they sweeping? What are they painting?

P.p. What do children ride in winter?

under the box

between the boxes

in front of the box

on the box-

behind the box

in the box-

from under the box

out of the box

because of the box

Where is the ladybug located?

Where does it look from?

Show me where the cow is...

yellow ball

yellow jersey

yellow apple

Red Rose

red armchair

Red flag

Name the object and say what color it is

What subject am I talking about?

Yellow... Yellow... Yellow...

Red... Red... Red...



2. Word formation.

The cat has

The dog has

At the she-bear

At the cow-

At the she-wolf

Name baby animals

Wooden spoon - wooden

glass aquarium -

Leather gloves -

Wool hat -

Rubber galoshes -

Fur coat -

Bear -

Whose tail? Whose head?

Mirror -

call me affectionately

pours -

Pours out -

Overflows -

Watering -

What is the boy doing?

"Inserts glass - glazier"

Putting the stove -

Repairs boots -

plays hockey -

Vasya is drawn by Mitya. Who is the artist?

Grandfather accompanies his grandson. Who is leaving?

The boy runs after the dog. Who is running ahead?

Petya lost the book he took from Olya. Whose book was it?

Petya went to the cinema after reading the book. What did he do before - went to the movies or read a book?

Use not tested

5. (By pictures).

Name these items. Call them in one word.

tools: saw __________ ax ___________ hammer ___________

scissors _________ needle __________ tongs ___________

transport: bus __________ car __________ trolley bus _________

tram _________ train _________ plane __________

Educational supplies: pencil case __________ briefcase _________ pencil

Pen _________ ruler __________ book ___________

Household appliances: vacuum cleaner _________ iron _________ TV __________

Telephone ___________ lamp _________ tape recorder __________

Professions: doctor______teacher_________salesman_________driver_________cook______painter

6. Action Dictionary (according to pictures).

What is he doing:

Dressmaker - Pilot -

Seller - Cook -

Artist - Postman -

3. Words-antonyms(according to pictures).

Say the opposite

big - sour -

high - wide -

long -

crying - arrived -

rises - enters -



2. Repeat sentences:

A cyclist rides a bicycle.

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle.

Larisa is watching TV.________________________________________________________________

There is a traffic controller at the intersection. _________________________________________________

The guide conducts the tour.__________________________________________________________

3. repeat words

Traffic light ___________ Bus ___________ Pistol ____________ Pencil ___________ Helicopter _________ Chicken _________ button ___________ Web ___________ Scooters __________ Turtle _________ _ Corn _ Caterpillar ___________ Mug _______ Candle __________ Buttons _________ Armchair _______ Star ________ Beetroot

Skipping rope__________Gloves________Toys________Tassel_________Swallow________Comb


Name the picture (if it is difficult to independently name the pictures, the reflected repetition of words is used):

Airplane titmouse

hare strawberry


apple boat lemon

chamomile radish pineapple

dinosaur train


4. Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds.

Repeat syllables: a) chains of three syllables:

yes-ta-da ta-ta-da


ba-pa-ba pa-ba-pa

sa - yes - ca ca - sa - ca

b) chains of two syllables (offered in case of unsuccessful repetition of chains of three syllables):

Da-ta ta-da pa-ka ka-pa

ma-na na-ma pa-ba ba-pa

2. Differentiation of sounds:

Choose a picture for sound:

Fence scarf clock boat

Scooter giraffe flowers shirt

dog beetle tongs cancer

chain brush kettle spoon

lock squirt cup fish

fur coat phone bow

Hat elephant chess robot

Airplane tongs chick


3. Clap your hands to the sound:

"C" - C, A, M, C, 3, C, C, W, C "Sh" - W, H, R, w, sch, h, w, w C, Shch. H, W, T, h



How many sounds are in a word? Name them in order.

wolf hat

6. Selection initial sound in a word What is the first sound you hear sh?

poppy wasp grass

duck bun needle


What sound do you hear at the end of a word?

house braid bow

feather finger poppies


Where is the sound "M" in words (at the beginning, end or middle)?

poppy. bag, house

lemon, catfish, fly

9. Analysis at the syllable level Divide the syllable into sounds

um, op, ik

wa, pi, doo

Structure articulation apparatus: lips _____________ teeth __________ bite _______ tongue_

Frenulum __________ hard and soft palate ____________________________________________

Mimic movements:

Baring movement ___________ cheek puffing ___________

Wrinkling _________ Frowning ______

Mobility of the articulatory apparatus:

lips : smile tube grin bagel tube - smile

language: spatula needle

stick your tongue out on your lower lip stick your tongue out on your upper lip

slide sail fungus cup watch rocker

"Click" around the lips with the tip_

soft palate: pronounce the sound "a" with your mouth wide open ___________________________________

Teacher speech therapist__________________________________________________________________________



Protocol speech therapy examination(6-7 years old)

Date of examination __________________ Age at the time of examination ______________________

F.I. child ____________________________________________________________________________


  1. Conversation: What is your name? How old are you?______________

Do you know your birthday? (what time of year is your birthday celebrated) ______________

Do you know your home address?________________________________________________________________

How do you get to kindergarten? _________________________________________________________

Do you know what city we live in?____________________________________________________________

  1. Narration of a poetic text(tells - does not tell, difficulty level, correctness, expressiveness, loudness) _________________________________________________

General sound of speech:Tempo___________________ Voice__________________

Intelligibility ___________________ Breathing ____________________________


  1. Compiling a story based on presentation

a) Narrative story

Tell us about how you went to the circus (zoo, rested in the summer, etc.) (the topic varies depending on the interests of the child) ____________________________________________________________________________

b) Story-description.What is your favorite toy (pet, daddy'scar, etc.) (topic varies depending on the interests of the child)? Write a story about her.



  1. Building a story with external supports(offered in case of unsuccessful implementation of paragraph 1)

a) Narrative story. Look at the picture and write a story



b) Story based on a series of plot pictures. Look at the pictures, put them in order and write a story

c) Descriptive story(based on picture). Come up with a riddle about one of the animals (Performed according to the model of a speech therapist) ____________________________________________________________-________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Retelling. Retell the tale

Once upon a time there were two brothers: a hare and a hare. Once, when spring came and it became quite warm, the hares went for a walk in the clearing and. . . saw a fox. One of the rabbits got scared and rushed home. It was a cowardly bunny! And the brave hare shouted: “Do not be afraid, I can protect you!” He said to the fox: “Get out of here, redhead, otherwise I’ll call the hunter!” The fox was frightened and backed away into the forest. And the brave hare went home. At home, mom praised the brave man, kissed him, and then told the hares a fairy tale and they fell asleep




(by pictures)

Do consumption

Comprehension (tested for errors in usage)

1. Inflection.





What is this? There is nothing (closing the picture with many objects)?

R.p. What is there in the forest?

Where do the leaves fall from in autumn?

D.p. Who needs a fishing rod?

Who do you like to visit?

V.p. Who did you see at the zoo? Circus?

etc. What are they sweeping? What are they painting?

P.p. What do children ride in winter?

c) Prepositional case constructions:

under the box

between the boxes

in front of the box

on the box-

behind the box

in the box-

from under the box

out of the box

because of the box

Where is the ladybug located?

Where does it look from?

Show me where the cow is...

yellow ball

yellow jersey

yellow apple

Red Rose

red armchair

Red flag

Name the object and say what color it is

What subject am I talking about?

Yellow... Yellow... Yellow...

Red... Red... Red...

e) agreement of nouns. with num.:

How many items are in each picture?




Understanding is not examined 1 2 5

2. Word formation.

a) the formation of the names of young animals:

The cat has

The dog has

At the she-bear

At the cow-

At the horse

At the she-wolf

Name baby animals

b) the formation of relative adjectives:

Wooden spoon - wooden

glass aquarium -

Leather gloves -

Wool hat -

Rubber galoshes -

Fur coat -

c) the formation of possessive adjectives:


Wolf -

Bear -

Cat -


Whose tail? Whose head?

d) the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:

Tree -

Window -


Mirror -

Dress -

Star -

call me affectionately

e) the formation of verbs with the help of prefixes:

pours -

Pours out -

Overflows -

Watering -

What is the boy doing?

f) the formation of words denoting a profession using suffixes:

"Inserts glass - glazier"

Putting the stove -

Repairs boots -

plays hockey -

3. Understanding syntactic constructions.

Vasya is drawn by Mitya. Who is the artist?

Grandfather accompanies his grandson. Who is leaving?

The boy runs after the dog. Who is running ahead?

Petya lost the book he took from Olya. Whose book was it?

Petya went to the cinema after reading the book. What did he do before - went to the movies or read a book?

Use not tested


  1. Specific nouns and generalizing words(according to pictures).

Name these items. Call them in one word.

tools : saw __________ ax ___________ hammer ___________

scissors _________ needle __________ tongs ___________

transport: bus __________ car __________ trolley bus _________

tram _________ train _________ plane __________

Educational supplies: pencil case __________ briefcase _________ pencil

Pen _________ ruler __________ book ___________

Household appliances: vacuum cleaner _________ iron _________ TV __________

Telephone ___________ lamp _________ tape recorder __________

Professions: doctor______teacher_________salesman_________driver_________cook______painter

  1. Action Dictionary(according to pictures).

What is he doing:

Dressmaker - Pilot -

Seller - Cook -

Artist - Postman -

3. Words-antonyms(according to pictures).

Say the opposite

big - sour -

high - wide -

long -

crying - arrived -

rises - enters -



  1. Repeat sentences:

A cyclist rides a bicycle.

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle.

Larisa is watching TV.________________________________________________________________

There is a traffic controller at the intersection. _________________________________________________

The guide conducts the tour.__________________________________________________________

  1. repeat words (based on pictures) (suggested if step 1 is not met.)

Traffic light ____________ Bus ___________ Pistol ____________ Pencil ____________ Helicopter _________ Chicken _________ P button ___________ Web ___________ Scooters __________ Turtle _________ _ Corn _ Caterpillar __________ Mug _______ Candle __________ Buttons _________ Armchair _______ Star _______ Beetroot

Jump rope __________ Gloves ________ Toys ________ Brush ________ Swallow ________ Comb


Name the picture (if it is difficult to independently name the pictures, the reflected repetition of words is used):

Airplane titmouse

hare strawberry


a cap




apple boat lemon

chamomile radish pineapple


dinosaur train






















vegetable marrow







lock squirt cup fish

fur coat phone bow

Hat elephant chess robot

Airplane tongs chick



3. Clap your hands to the sound:

"C" - C, A, M, C, 3, C, C, W, C "W" - W, H, R, w, w, h, w, w "H" - H, I, H, C, SHCH. H, W, Th, h


  1. Determining the number and sequence of sounds in words:

How many sounds are in a word? Name them in order.

poppy cotton

wolf hat

  1. Isolation of the initial sound in a word(points 2-5 are offered if point 1 is unsuccessful)What is the first sound you hear sh?

poppy wasp grass

duck bun needle

  1. Isolation of the final sound in a word:

What sound do you hear at the end of a word?

house braid bow

feather finger poppies

  1. Determining the place of sound in a word:

Where is the sound "M" in words (at the beginning, end or middle)?

poppy. bag, house

lemon, catfish, fly

  1. Analysis at the syllable level(performed according to the model of a speech therapist)Divide the syllable into sounds

um, op, ik

wa, pi, doo


The structure of the articulatory apparatus:lips ______ teeth __________ bite _______ tongue_

Frenulum __________ hard and soft palate ____________________________________________

Mimic movements:

Baring movement ___________ cheek puffing ___________

Wrinkling _________ Frowning ______

Mobility of the articulatory apparatus:

lips : smile tube grin bageltube - smile

language: spatula needle

stick out the tongue on the lower lipstick out the tongue on the upper lip

slide sail fungus cup watch rocker

"Click" around the lips with the tip_

soft sky: pronounce the sound "a" with your mouth wide open ___________________________________

Teacher speech therapist__________________________________________________________________________

I. Preliminary interview

1. What is your name? _________________________________________________________________

How old are you? _________________________________________________________________

What are your parents' names?_____________________________________________________________

What city do you live in?____________________________________________________________

What floor do you live on?____________________________________________________________

What days of the week do we rest?________________________________________________

What holiday does Santa Claus congratulate us on? __________________________________

What fairy tales do you know?

2. Album by Volodina

1) Forms (p.4) -__________________________________________________________________

Colors (p.4)-__

2) “The fourth extra” (p. 11) - __________________________________________________________

3) Seasons (p.12-13) -______________________________________________________________

4) Days of the week: today ______yesterday________________tomorrow_________________

5) Time of day (p. 14): morning __________ afternoon __________ evening __________ night ___________

II. Sound culture speeches

1. Sound pronunciation(Album Inshakova)
















R’/ j






RAIL ___ LOIN ___






Note: ___________________________________________________________________



2. Phonemic hearing


Note: ___________________________________________________________________



3. Syllabic structure of the word

SHIPSPIN ______________________________

Note: ___________________________________________________________________



III. Vocabulary (vocabulary) Inshakova's album

1. Parts of the body

15. Tools

2. Toys

16. Technique

17. School supplies

18. Sports equipment

19. Construction vehicles

9. Wild animals

10. Pets

24. Hats

11. Trees

25. Professions

26. Musical instruments

13. Products

27. Insects

14. Transport

28. Weapon

Note: ___________________________________________________________________



IV. The grammatical structure of speech(Album Volodina)

1. Understanding prepositions (p.18-21)_________________________________________________

2. Plural noun (p.22-23)_________________________________

3. Plural of the verb (p.24) _______________________________________________

4. Education prefixed verbs(p.25)____________________________________________

5. Formation of a diminutive form (p. 26-27) _________________________

6. Formation of adjectives from nouns (p.38-39) ________________________

7. Cases (p.40-46):





Genitive one. and plural numbers _______________________________________________

8. Agreement of a noun with a numeral (p.46-47) _____________________

9. Antonyms (p.56-57) _______________________________________________________________

10. The formation of possessive adjectives (p. 58-59) ________________________

11. Sound analysis of words (p. 69) ______________________________________________

Note: ___________________________________________________________________



v. Connected speech (Album Volodina)

1. Drawing up a story based on a picture (p. 72) _________________________________

2. Retelling (p. 74) ______________________________________________________________


3. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures (p. 77) _________________________________



Note: ___________________________________________________________________



Conclusion: __________________________________________________________________







Personal data

F.I. child ________________________________ Date of birth ___________________

Kindergarten attendance ____________________ at what age ____________________

Presence of other children in the family ___________________________________________________

Features of the speech of parents and close relatives in the family ________________________



Pregnancy (what number) _________________________________

The course of pregnancy (toxicosis: 1 half, 2 half; falls, injuries, psychoses, chronic somatic diseases, infections, intoxications, hemolytic disease) ____________________________________________________________


Childbirth (early, term, fast, rapid, dehydrated) __________________


Stimulation (mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation) ______________________

Anesthesia (local, general, epidural anesthesia) ____________________

When the child cried

The presence of asphyxia (white, blue) _________________________________________________

Weight and height at birth _____________________________________________________________

Breastfeeding until _________________________________________________________

Early development

He began to hold his head ____________ (N-1.5 months), began to sit ____________________ (N-6 months)

Began to walk ________________ (N-11/12 months), the first teeth appeared ___________ (N 6-8 months)

Used the pacifier until __________________________

Past illnesses

(severe somatic diseases, infections, bruises, injuries, convulsions during high temperature, fright)

Up to a year _________________________________________________________________________


From one to three years



Conclusion of the shark specialist ________________________________________________________________

The conclusion of the otolaryngologist ______________________________________________________________

Conclusion of a psychiatrist ________________________________________________________

Early speech development

Cooing ________________________________________________________________(N-2/3months)

Babble __________________________________________________________________(N-4/8months)

First words________________________________________________________________(N-12 months)

The first phrases ___________________________________________________________ (N-1.5-2g)

Replacing words with gestures

The attitude of the child to the speech defect __________________________________________

Engaged with a speech therapist at the age of _______________________During ________________

The results of speech therapy work __________________________________________________

The anatomical structure of the speech apparatus

Lips: N, procheilia (thick c.), cleft, scar
Teeth: N, outside the jaw lip, absence, absence, double row
Solid sky: N, cleft, scar, high
Soft sky: N, shortened, forked, sedentary, no small tongue
Bite: N, prognathia, progenia, lateral open (right-sided, left-sided)
Language: N, macroglassia, microglassia
Bridle: N, shortened, thickened, absent, undercut

The presented methods are aimed at checking the level of understanding of the semantic shades of words, awareness of their semantic relationships, accuracy of word usage, formation phonemic hearing, level of development vocabulary, the state of the syllabic structure, the ability to build coherent statements, arbitrarily and consciously select the necessary language tools, the level of formation grammatical structure speech, the state of sound pronunciation, the articulatory apparatus and the preservation of innervation.

Survey methods include 8 series of tasks.


The tasks are aimed at revealing the understanding of the semantic shades of significant words (nouns, verbs, adjectives), formed mainly in an affixal way (with the help of suffixes and prefixes).

1. FIND THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORDS. The task is aimed at revealing the ability to explain the meaning of words with a diminutive suffix.

Examination technique: the adult invites the child to listen to the words and explain how they differ:

mother - mother - mother,

brother - brother - brother

bunny - bunny - bunny - bunny,

house - house - house.

Fixed: explanation of the meanings of words with a diminutive suffix (house - small house, house - big house); explanation of the meanings of words with a disparaging or ironic connotation (zaychische).

2. EXPLAIN THE ACTION. The task is aimed at revealing the understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (with the help of prefixes that give words different shades).

Examination technique: the adult invites the child to listen to the words and explain their meanings:

run - run - run

write - sign - rewrite,

play - win - lose,

laugh - laugh - laugh,

went - left - entered.

Fixed: the child's understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs that depend on different prefixes (winning is good, losing is bad).

3. PICK A WORD. The task is aimed at revealing the understanding of the shades of the meanings of the synonyms of adjectives.

Examination technique: an adult invites the child to choose synonyms for adjectives, for example:

smart - thoughtful

weak - ...

timid - ...

old - ...

Fixed: the ability to make synonymous pairs.

4. EXPLAIN. The task is aimed at revealing the understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives.

Examination technique: The child is asked to explain the following phrases: evil winter, golden hands, golden hair, prickly wind, light breeze.

Fixed: the child's ability to explain the semantic side of phrases.

Tasks are aimed at identifying the state of phonemic hearing.

1. GAME "ECHO". The task is aimed at testing auditory perception and the ability to reproduce syllabic rows in a given sequence.

Examination technique: the child is offered to play the game "Echo". An adult pronounces the following syllable rows:

pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta, pa-ba-pa;

pa-ba, pa-ba, pa-ba, ka-ha-ka;

sa-za-sa, za-sa-za;

sa-sha-sa, sha-sa-sha.

Fixed: completing the task in accordance with the instructions.

2. REPEAT. Checked auditory attention, perception and ability to correctly reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence.

Examination technique: the adult invites the child to repeat a series of words:

roof - rat daughter - dot - bump

log - knee grandmother - tub - pillow

earth - snake bear - bowl - mouse

Fixed: performance of the task in accordance


3. BE CAREFUL. The task is aimed at verifying the level of formation of phonemic A.

Examination technique: adult offers r< поиграть: «Я буду называть слова, если услышиш] з, хлопни в ладоши». Затем называет слова: trees." ka, cornflower, river, basket, Zina, bush, ringing that child is offered certain sounds, with cat he must come up with the words: w, s, l. With difficulty, the adult himself calls a few words (hat, shu6\ enabling the child to participate in the task.

Fixed: the child's auditory attention, his ability to correctly allocate the indicated sounds clap to select words with a given sound.

4. GUESS HOW MANY SOUNDS. I will send the task to check the level of formation of phonemic ha and the ability to perform sound analysis words.

Examination technique: an adult calls the p * word, for example house, and offers to answer to > “How many sounds are in this word? Name the first sound, the second. In case of difficulty, the adult himself You) sounds, explaining to the child the place of each sound in it. ve. Then other words are suggested: vase, car, pencil case, book.

Fixed: the child's ability to produce sound analysis of words.

Tasks are aimed at identifying the mastery of SLS (the accuracy of word usage, the use of different: those of speech).

1. GUESS IT. The task is aimed at mastering generalizing words.

Examination technique: an adult offers p (guess riddles:

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps. (Ball.)

Different girlfriends are tall and look like each other. They all sit in each other, and only one game (Matryoshka.)

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench, They look at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog.)

It grows upside down, it does not grow in summer, but in winter< А солнце ее припечет, заплачет она и умрет. (Сосу

Fixed: the child's ability to use generalizing words in active speech; the ability to recognize an object by description.

2. WHO DOES WHAT. The task is aimed at revealing the child's ability to select action words for nouns.

Equipment: plot pictures.

Visual material: set No. 4, fig. 3§9-368.

Examination technique: The adult invites the child to answer the following questions:

"What's the hairdresser doing? (She cuts.) What is the driver doing? (Drives a car.) What is the artist doing? (Draws.) What is the dressmaker doing? (Sews.) What is the seller doing? (Sells.) What is the postman doing? (Brings letters and newspapers.) What is the pilot doing? (Flies.) What is the cook doing? (Preparing.) What is the hockey player doing? (Plays hockey.) What is the librarian doing? (Gives out books.)

Fixed: the child's ability to select action words for nouns, based on ideas about people's professions.

3. PICK A WORD. The task is aimed at identifying the child's ability to select synonyms for given words. different parts speech.

Examination technique: the adult calls the child a word and asks to pick up words close to it, for example:

big, huge, huge, bold, ... (brave, brave), mystery, ... (secret, riddle).

Fixed: accepting and understanding the task; level of vocabulary development.

4. SAY THE BACK. The task is aimed at revealing the ability to form words-actions with the help of prefixes.

Examination technique: the adult calls the child a word and offers to pick up a word-action with the opposite meaning to it. For example: pours - pours. The following words are suggested: enters - ... (leaves), flies in - ... (flies out), closes - ... (opens), sails - ... (sails), collects - ... (decomposes irraet), sticks - ... (unsticks).

Fixed: the child's ability to choose words-actions with opposite meaning.

5. PICK A SERIES OF WORDS. The task is aimed at the ability to select and name words-actions of animate and inanimate objects, objects and phenomena of nature.

Examination technique: an adult calls the child a word (in and asks to pick up words-actions for him. For example:

The girl (what is she doing?) plays, draws, dances, knits, cooks.

Boy ... (reads, writes, plays, fights, hides? whittling, naughty).

A dog ... (barks, bites, guards, guards, runs! caresses, serves).

Cat... (meows, runs, purrs, scratches, O(. lick, wash).

Chicken ... (pecks, cackles, drinks, lays eggs, sits)

The plane ... (hums, flies, takes off, lands).

Creek ... (runs, rings, murmurs, flows).

Leaf ... (appears, grows, turns green, fades, falls yellow, rustles).

Fixed: the ability of the child to select words-actions for the name with> noun.

Tasks are aimed at identifying the state of the syllable: the structure of words.

1. REPEAT AFTER ME. The task is aimed at testing the ability to pronounce words of various syllabic structures in sentences.

Examination technique: an adult invites the child to repeat the following sentences: “The store sells a floor polisher, a vacuum cleaner. Leaves fall - leaf fall comes. The motorcyclist rides a motorcycle. Photographer photographs children. Grandmother knits a collar for her granddaughter. Fish are caught by an angler. The bees are bred by the beekeeper. A dump truck arrived at the construction site.

Fixed: understanding instructions; the child's ability to perceive and reproduce words of a complex syllable structure.

Tasks are aimed at revealing the ability of self-reliance | effectively make coherent sentences.

| 1. TELL A TALE. The task is aimed at revealing | lowering the child's ability to make a coherent statement t; familiar literary work(the fairy tale "Kolo

side"). : Examination technique: The child is asked to tell:

fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", in case of difficulty, an adult helping 1

2. COUNT. The task is aimed at testing the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.

Examination technique: an adult invites the child to count up to ten apples (buttons), while each time naming numerals and nouns. For example, one apple two apples etc.

Fixed: understanding of the task; the ability to correctly coordinate a noun with a numeral in speech.

3. CALL IT CORRECTLY. The task is aimed at identifying the ability to coordinate pronouns and verbs in speech.

Examination technique: an adult invites the child to change the words-verbssew, sing, dance, paint, flyaccording to the pronouns. For example: "I go, we go, they go."

Fixed: understanding of the task; the ability to use verbs in the correct form, taking into account the person of the pronoun.

4. NAME. The task is aimed at identifying the ability to use nouns in the correct grammatical form.

Equipment: pictures depicting a forest in winter, summer, spring, autumn; zoo, circus.

Visual material: set No. 4, fig. 371-376.

Survey methodology: the child is offered to look at the pictures and answer the questions: “What is there in the forest? Where do the leaves fall from in autumn? (R. p.) Who do you like to visit? Who needs a fishing rod? (D. p.) Who did you see at the zoo (circus)? (V.p.) What are you looking at? What are you listening to? (Etc.) What do children ride in winter? (P. p.)

It is fixed: the child's ability to answer questions in the correct grammatical form.

Svetlana Yarotskaya
Logopedic examination protocol

Survey Protocol speech development

(6-7 YEARS)

Full name of the child

Date of Birth

Oral speech: General sound of speech

expressiveness: inexpressive, inexpressive, norm ___

Breath: upper thoracic, diaphragmatic, mixed

Tempo, rhythm: slow, with decelerations, fast,

Hesitation: clonic, tonic, clono-tonic

Diction: clear, blurry, ___

Speech understanding: complete; sufficient; understanding at the level of the word; full understanding simple instructions and sentences of 3-4 words; insufficient multi-step instructions, long phrases, age terminology; insufficient understanding of questions of cases, questions on the context of the sentence.

Connected speech survey:

1. Research condition dictionary:

1. Study of the state of the nominative dictionary:

Object and its parts

kettle machine

spout cover handle bottom

walls cabin body lights wheels

hood door steering wheel

Generalizing concepts

apple, pear, banana, plum birch, oak, aspen, spruce

deer, wolf, badger, bear pen, eraser, notebook, book

Name items related to



2. Exploring the Predicative Vocabulary (selection of actions for objects)

dog horse duck

rooster cat cow

Who moves how

dog worm horse

crow fish man

3. Exploring the Dictionary of Features (selection of signs for objects in 5-6 words)

autumn (which)

Friends (which)

evening (Which)

bucket (which)

Study of antonyms

the day is long walking dark

winter low talk away

cold wide quarrel fast

Synonym research

driver pilot

doctor Sadness (th)

4. Study of the grammatical structure of speech

1. research skills word formation:

Formation of words with the help of diminutive suffixes.

book mushroom bread

chair sparrow ax

bucket carpet cat

The formation of the names of the cubs

at the fox at the goat at the horse

at the cow at the dog at the bear

at the pig at the chicken at the wolf

Formation of verbs by prefix way:

went out passed passed came in found

poured poured poured poured poured poured

Formation of relative adjectives

wood cabinet - rubber doll -

paper notebook - fur coat -

leather boots - apple juice -

Formation of possessive adjectives (Whose tail? Whose ear? Whose head):

at the hare - at the goat -

in a pig - in a horse -

at the cow - at the bear -

2. Research skills inflections:

Formation of plural nouns numbers:


table - bucket -

book - tree -

Use pretexts:

ON FROM FOR between



case constructions:

V. p. - I see R. p. - no D. p. - I will give T. p. - I admire P. p. - I think about

Noun agreement with numerals:

Noun agreement with pronouns "mine, mine, mine"

sun glasses window

bear house spoon

pyramid pants apple

5. Phonemic perception : Repeat:

ba - pa - ba ta - yes - ta

ka - ka - ka Duck - fishing rod

The study of phonemic representations

Selection of words for a given sound:

study of the possibility of phonemic analysis

6. Syllabic structure

Investigation of the possibility of word reproduction

construction cyclist

watchmaker frying pan

scuba diver aquarium

motorcyclist excavator

Skill Research syllabic analysis.

whale cherry grapes

Inventing words from syllables in number:

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

Reproducibility Study proposals:

The traffic controller regulates traffic.

The plumber is fixing the plumbing.

A shoe cleaner cleans shoes.

6. Sound pronunciation:

In speech: _

Brief description of the child according to pedagogical observations: (independence, observation, performance, stability of attention, etc.) ___

CONCLUSION speech therapist: ___

date surveys: Signature specialist:___ Yarotskaya S. S.