A girl who was tortured for nine months spoke about her stay in sex captivity of the ISIS organization banned in Russia.

A 17-year-old girl was the victim of nine militants. She told the Daily Mail about the incident. She stated that she constantly planned suicide, but the constant control of terrorists did not allow her to take her own life.

“I tied a scarf around my neck and pulled on the ends. I pressed with such force that the blood vessels in my eyes burst, they burned. I felt dizzy. At that moment, a man came into the room, tore the scarf and hit me several times until I fell to the floor, ”the captive told the media.

The sex slave was constantly beaten after gang rapes. No medical care, despite her terrible condition, she did not receive any medical care.

“My friend put me in a salt water bath to heal my wounds. There I realized that the water began to darken until it became so red that I, in fact, bathed in a bathtub full of blood, ”recalls the girl.

In addition to all the horrors experienced by a minor, she had to have an abortion after she was raped by a 60-year-old militant.

The captive experienced a real shock when the rapists first took off their masks. She recognized her acquaintances, neighbors, teachers and a doctor in the brutal militants, who joined ISIS, an organization banned in the Russian Federation.

According to the Daily Mail, more than 7 thousand children and women became slaves of the organization. Nadya Murad, 21, was a sex slave for ISIS for three months. Later, the girl expressed solidarity with the victims of violence in Iraq and called for uniting the world against terrorists. At a UN meeting, the girl said that the extremists killed the whole family, and she was taken prisoner, reports The Independent. “For all the time I was raped by many men. In IS, a woman can be bought, donated, rented. So it was with me. My first attempt to escape failed, I was caught by a guard and after that, three other guards beat me and raped me. When I decided to run away for the second time, I was possessed by 2 militants at the checkpoint, then I ran out into the street, knocked on one of the old houses and immediately went in, as soon as the door opened, I didn’t know who it was, a terrorist or not, but I asked help me escape from there. A family lived in the house, they gave me mobile phone and I was able to call my brother, who works in a refugee camp in Kurdistan, and escaped, ”the girl said.

Samra, 17, and Sabina, 15, ran away from home in 2014, leaving notes for their families: "Don't look for us, we serve Allah and we will die for him." It is known that, having reached through Turkey to Raqqa, the so-called capital of ISIS, juvenile supporters of jihad married terrorists. The Mirror soon reported that at least one of the girls had become a sex slave for the jihadists. The second extremist girl Sabina, disillusioned with the Islamic State, wrote to her father about the horrors she faced daily, but soon she and her terrorist husband were killed in battles near Raqqa.

Also at the end of 2015, two girls who ran away from terrorist organization ISIS, told in an interview with CNN International about the bullying of terrorists - one of them was forcibly given an abortion. “They brought me back, covered in blood. I was in shock because of the pain and for a long time I couldn't speak," she said.

New shocking details about the crimes of ISIS in the occupied territories. The journalists managed to meet with three girls who had escaped from the captivity of the terrorists. They said that the militants were holding thousands of women as slaves.

Trucks loaded with explosives break through the defense line. ISIS fighters are moving the front, occupying new territories in Iraqi Kurdistan, devastating and destroying the cities and villages of the Isis, or raising black banners in the Eastern Golan region, where the Druze have lived since ancient times, or on the Syrian-Turkish border, on the outskirts of the Kurdish Stalingrad Kabani. Hundreds of thousands of refugees seek salvation in tent camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. They flee not only because of the fear of losing property and life. Relatives of many of them became captives, slaves of field commanders and militants of the Caliphate.

“We fled because we knew that they specifically hunt young women. For them, this is money. They sell our compatriots to each other, rape them, torture them, and then go for new prey,” the refugees say.

Sexual slavery was first mentioned a year ago, when the jihadists of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi massacred several villages of Kurds and Isis, whose ancient faith, which included elements of Islam and Judaism, was called by the ISIS imams nothing more than "serving the devil." Captured men and elderly women were beheaded in the square. Young girls and even girls from 9 years old were turned into concubines, into sexual goods.

“They said that we need to convert to Islam and forget our faith, since it is only suitable for animals. Older women who refused to do this were immediately beheaded,” says Bushra, who became a slave at the age of 20, to British journalists. After a year of hellish ordeals, she and her friends managed to leave Iraq and were taken by volunteers to Europe.

Another girl - Muneri - at the age of 15 was given to a 60-year-old field commander. It's okay. First, high-ranking Islamists choose slaves for themselves, then their subordinates are allowed to "analysis".

“He raped me when I was a virgin. Then he said that he was tired of me, and sold me to another for $ 500. And he resold me to the third owner,” recalls Muneri.

According to rough estimates, more than 5 thousand girls and women were in the hands of the militants of the caliphate. ISIS theologians have released a special document, which consistently explains in 27 paragraphs what can and cannot be done with slaves.

“We can dispose of the women we have captured after the imam distributes them among us. If the captive is a virgin, her owner can enter into contact with her immediately after he takes her prisoner. You can sell, buy or give captive women, for they are merely property to be disposed of,” the monstrous document says.

From the point of view of the Islamists, they can be considered infidels, which means they can take into slavery the Isis, Jews, Christians, Druze, Alawites, and in a special document it was explained that a girl who has reached 9 years old can become a militant's wife or concubine. Of course, neither her consent nor the consent of the parents is required for this.

International humanitarian organizations report that the ISIS administration has set up the Badush women's prison in Iraq's Masoul. Hundreds of prisoners driven there from Iraq and Syria were sold in marriage for 50-150 dollars. If the girls refused, the jailers mocked them.

Pushing the boundaries" Islamic State"does not only mean the spread of terror, monstrous in cruelty, to North Africa, the Sinai and the Lebanese coast, the countries of the Persian Gulf and even Europe - it introduces archaic and savage principles of relations between people, when for a jihadist a non-believer who does not deserve either mercy or respect is a slave , a commodity, but by no means a person.As if the flywheels of history unscrewed the hands of chronos back to the early Middle Ages.

Militants find "wives" for themselves in different ways. One of them - online dating and promises beautiful life. Girls who have fallen for the promises of pseudo-grooms are tied up with chains, taken to slave markets, raped, beaten, reports 365info.kz.

Confessions of an Escaped Slave

Tatyana spent in Syria, in one of the ISIS terrorist camps, for almost six months.

- Girls! Don't make my mistakes, nothing good awaits you there! There is no happiness there, only pain and suffering! —Tatyana begins the story.

Virtual romance on social network carried away Tanya very quickly, the girl plunged in pseudo-love with the head. Every evening she ran like a man possessed to the computer to start chatting and chatting virtual space with Amirkhan. The conversations sometimes continued until morning. The man wrote a lot about his family, respect for elders, attitude towards women. Svetlana realized that she was falling in love.

"Prince on a white horse" who corresponded with her on the Internet, Tatyana did not see upon arrival in Syria. She was told that he was already dead - he died in battle. The girl, along with other women, was settled in a women's hostel.

- There were a lot of girls there. They all roared, begged for mercy, prayed. There were both Russian girls and non-Russians. One of them said that we would most likely be taken into slavery. As it happened later. They tied me and several other girls with chains and took me somewhere. Later, when we arrived... The place was like an auction, but they only sold people. We were taken one by one to a room. There were many men in the room. And everyone offered a price for us, -says Tanya.

Tatyana explained that she will marry a Mujahid named Khairbek. He deserved a bride in battle. And she should be happy that she got such a faithful gentleman.

- The only thing that kept me from committing suicide was the hope that I could still get out, be able to return home, see my son and live as before,says the girl.

Tatyana managed to escape by a miracle. She had an asthma attack. The Russian woman was taken to the local infirmary. One of the nurses took pity and helped return the documents in order to get to Turkey.


- A 16-year-old girl, locked in a room where only the bed was furniture, learned to be afraid of the sunset, because when it got dark, she had to count down the time until the next rape,writes in The New York Times journalist Rukmini Kallimachi.

During the year spent in ISIS slavery, this girl was most afraid of get pregnant by a rapist.

“But something, something, and she shouldn’t have been afraid of that,writes Callimachi. Shortly after the gunman bought this young girl, he brought her a box of pills.

- Every day I had to take one pill in front of him. He gave me a box a month. When the pills ran out, he brought new ones. If one man resold me to another, the box of pills was passed along with me,the girl explained. Only a few months later she found out that she was given birth control pills.

ISIS leaders made sexual slavery an integral part of the group's activities and in the form in which, in their opinion, practiced during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They exploit girls and women from the Yazidi religious minority who are captured almost two years ago. To keep the sex-slave trade alive, militants aggressively force contraceptives on their victims in order to continue their abuse unhindered, passing women to each other.

In its official publications, ISIS claims that o a man can legally rape enslaved women in almost any circumstance. According to a pamphlet published by the group, even sexual intercourse with a child is allowed. Prohibition against rape of a pregnant slave in fact, the only protection for captives.

Sex slavery as a special infrastructure

Systematic rape and sale into slavery of women and girls (from 12 years old) from the Yezidi religious minority, a standard practice for ISIS militants, who announced back in 2014 that they were resurrecting slavery as an "institution". Almost every interview with girls who managed to escape b, confirmed that violent acts are enshrined in the official statute of ISIS, and a special infrastructure has been equipped for the sex slave trade. On territories controlled by terrorists have a network of warehouses, where victims are held, special facilities where girls are examined and labeled as a commodity, and bus depot used to transport slaves.

The Islamic State has turned sex slavery into a real bureaucracy, developing, among other things, standards for "trade contracts" for women certified by Islamic courts under the rule of terrorists. Yazidi slaves are very popular among men from deeply conservative Muslim communities where casual sex and dating women are taboo.

The Islamic State, ISIS or DAISH, is a quasi-state in Iraq and Syria with a Sharia form of government and headquarters (actually the capital) in the Syrian city of Raqqa.

In Kyrgyzstan, ISIS is recognized as a terrorist organization.

In addition to Syria and Iraq, ISIS or groups controlled by it are also involved in hostilities in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Algeria, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Nigeria, and carry out terrorist activities in some other countries.

In addition to terror, arms sales, warfare with government forces, hostage-taking and child trafficking, Islamists in this state are engaged in sexual slavery, in which, according to the UN, about 3.5 thousand women and children are currently involved.

The civil war in Syria began back in 2011, but in the first two years, religious military units were content with local women. Those who lost their fathers, husbands and brothers in the war were forced to marry militants in order to protect themselves and their loved ones. But as the territories covered by the war expand and the emergence of the Islamic State (IS) by 2013, jihadists begin to recruit girls from abroad, and also take captive Yezidis (representatives of the Kurdish confessional group).

One of these unfortunate victims was Shirin, a Yazidi girl. She stayed in sexual slavery for 9 months, after which she managed to escape from captivity. As Nur.kz writes with reference to The Daily Mail, 18-year-old Shirin, who studied law at the university, came to slave traders at the age of 17. The city where she lived with her family was occupied by the Islamists. She was the victim of regular violence by militants. Because of what, one day the girl had to have her own abortion. According to her, she became pregnant from a 60-year-old Islamist, after which she caused an abortion by a terrible method, she remembered these torments for the rest of her life.

The girl did not want to put up with her fate and even tried to commit suicide, but the people guarding her did not allow her to do this. She was severely beaten as punishment.

Fortunately, the girl managed to escape from the captivity of the terrorists. Now she lives in Germany, but she can no longer look at men with beards with confidence - she avoids such people.

But on this video, filmed in one of settlements Middle East, terrorists take women into sexual slavery.

The footage shows how a group of militants surrounded several frightened Kurdish families - representatives of the Yazidi religious movement - and dragged adult women and young girls away from men.

In parallel, in the "Islamic state" because of a large number fighting men and a small number of women who can satisfy their desires, they decide to recruit girls from foreign countries. Surprisingly, but enough a large share women who decided on sex jihad came from Europe. Today, several hundred women in sex captivity are natives of the UK, Sweden, France, Spain and many other countries. Girls also come from the USA, Africa and a number of Asian countries. In the past few years, the flow of women from the CIS countries, including Kazakhstan and Russia, has increased.

So why do girls come to ISIS? What drives them? According to a number of experts, only a small part of the girls consciously go to give their body to the joy of the militants. The main part naively believes that she will be the wife of a brave jihadist and their life will be bright and beautiful. In secular states, with the emergence of gender equality, the role of the male male is noticeably reduced. Thus, the girls are looking at a subconscious level for a male knight on a white horse. And they see such people in the form of Islamists. A man with a machine gun in his hands runs through the ruins, kills "villains", fights for justice and religion - a bright image of a brave hero. This is what pushes women to leave the country for Syria to join their new husbands.

Religious and simply single women, single mothers, as well as young girls at student age or having problems with their parents are the first to be at risk. Such girls are skillfully found by recruiters in in social networks. Experienced professionals monitor large forums not necessarily of a religious nature. They immediately see women who belong to this risk group. And then professional recruiters embark on the processing of a potential victim.

They usually operate from fake accounts. The girl is interested pleasant speech, beautiful photos a man who allegedly fights in Syria with pure thoughts and life advice. The victim involuntarily becomes attached to his interlocutor, who corresponds with her continuously for several months. And then most often she leaves for him, sometimes even with children, which puts them at risk.

Upon arrival in the "Islamic State", most often the girl will receive unpleasant news. She is told that her pen-pal husband has died and now she will be the wife of another militant. It is placed in a special distribution center, and then given or sold to some fighter. Further, it begins to pass from hand to hand, like a thing. new owner most often has the right to punish her by beating, rape, sell, give to other men. Such is the fate of many sex slaves in IS.

And here is the story of a 16-year-old girl who was able to escape from the terrorists. According to her, the man who owned her first gave her a pill every day and forced her to swallow it in such a way that he could make sure that the captive did not spit it out. Then he immediately gave her a pack, said that it was for a month, and ordered her to take one every day. Much later, the victim learned that it was a contraceptive.

According to him, the militants regulate the birth rate of their captives not at all out of philanthropy, but in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Then, having made fun of the unfortunate, they can be sold.

One of the victims of slavery tells the British media how she and more than 60 other girls and women were paraded to the militants in one of the Syrian mansions.

“We were very scared, we were afraid of death, because our men had been killed before. Armed people walked around us and chose those that they liked. Some of the militants chose one girl, and there were those who took six or more at once slaves. Some took one girl, others - half a dozen, "said the former slave Dalal.

Another victim of slavery in the Islamic State, Nadia Murad, became a prisoner after militants took over her village in 2014 and killed her brothers.

"It was a wild horror. I never thought that this could happen. The Islamists entered our village and, having gathered a bunch of men, shot them down. They spared neither the children nor the elderly. The next day, having killed all the old women in our village "They took women and girls, including me. We were taken to a slave market in Mosul. There I saw thousands of Yezidi women who were taken by slave owners," Nadia told The Daily Record.

"One of them abused me. I cried, asked him not to touch me, he was very huge and ugly. I begged him to give me to another man, who is smaller. And then they handed me over to a smaller man, which I later regretted "He turned out to be the worst person I have ever seen. He made me and other captives beg and then raped us," says Nadia Murad.

Experts suggest that jihadists use contraceptives based on their own interpretation of Islam. The militants believe that a slave can be raped if she does not become pregnant.

More than 300 Kazakhs are fighting in the ranks of the militants of the Islamic State terrorist group, half of them are women. This was stated by the Chairman of the Committee national security Kazakhstan Nurtai Abykaev.

A resident of Iraqi Kurdistan, Nadia Murad, was captured by the Islamists, who destroyed her village. The militants raped and tortured her for a long time. After the escape, the girl became a UN Goodwill Ambassador, was nominated for Nobel Prize and was included in the ratings of Time magazine. Nadia told her story in a book of memoirs, with the help of which she continues to fight ISIS, which is banned in Russia.

Nadia Murad grew up dreaming of her own beauty salon. As the youngest of 11 children, she tirelessly ran around with a camera and photographed all the brides she came across in a tiny Yazidi village in northwestern Iraq. Then she carefully studied the pictures, choosing best hairstyles and makeup.

Her dream was not destined to come true. In August 2014, the village was captured by militants of the terrorist organization ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation). Nadia was taken prisoner. She was resold, tortured and raped, but the 24-year-old girl managed to escape.

In The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity and My Fight Against the Islamic State, Nadya talks about how her serene youth in the Iraqi village of Kocho on the border with Syria turned into hell on earth with the arrival of the Islamists.

ISIS captured the village after a two-week siege. The terrorists rounded up all the residents in the schoolyard and asked if they wanted to renounce Yezidism and become Muslims.

Yezidism combines elements of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Yezidis believe in the existence of one God and his seven angels, the main of which is Malak Tavusa. Sharfadin (circa 6th-5th centuries BC) is considered to be the founder of the doctrine. According to Nadia's calculations, throughout history, opponents of Yezidism have tried 73 times to destroy this people. That day they came again for the heads of the Yezidis.

None of those present in the schoolyard betrayed their faith. Then the Islamists forced all the men to dig a mass grave for themselves, into which, after the mass execution, their bodies were dumped. The ISIS took the young women with them. Among them was 21-year-old Nadia. The invaders informed her that she was now the property of the Islamic State and would act as a sex slave, and one of the warlords burned her shoulder and stomach with a cigarette.

When Nadia was brought to other girls who suffered the same fate, she learned that most of the captives were ready to commit suicide so as not to end up in the Islamic State slave market. Sex slaves used for stimulation fighting spirit soldiers and rewards for those who especially distinguished themselves on the battlefields.

Nadia had never heard of ISIS before. And she could not know that her fate was predetermined by the terrorists long before the attack on the village. “They planned everything,” says Nadia. “When they attack, how many girls they will take with them, which of the soldiers will be awarded carnal pleasures for their services to the group, what price will be set for each captive, depending on her external data.”

A memo for ISIS fighters states that sex slaves can be donated or sold at the request of the owner. Sexual intercourse with a minor is permitted "if possible".

But, instead of contemplating suicide, Nadia agreed with her older sisters, who were taken prisoner with her, to escape at the first opportunity.

When a huge man entered the room and chose Nadia as his slave, she could not help crying out in despair. "He looked like a monster," the girl recalls. Later, she managed to persuade another fighter, who was much smaller, to take her to him.

Nadia was given a document certifying that she was a slave. Soon she went to live with her master, who turned out to be a man named Haji Salman, who held an authoritative post in ISIS as a judge. "You are my fourth slave," he told Nadia. "The previous three converted to Islam. We are doing this for you Yezidis. We help you find the true faith."

When they entered his house, Hadji asked Nadia to take a shower, apply depilatory cream all over her body and put on a dress that turned out to be much shorter than what she used to wear. “In bed, he screamed so loudly, as if he wanted all of Mosul to hear that he had a new slave,” says Nadia. “If I closed my eyes, he beat me.”

One day Nadia decided to run away. Having descended the rope from the window, she stumbled upon a guard, who called the owner. Haji Salman came home and ordered six fighters to take turns raping the girl as punishment for her misdeed.

She was raped and beaten for a week. In the end, she became the property of another man who decided to take her to Syria. Preparations for the move dragged on, and Nadya was left alone for some time. At the first opportunity, she tried to escape, and in the most unsophisticated way. Fortunately for her, for some unknown reason, one of the doors was open.

Nadia walked all day and all night. Dressed in a traditional Muslim dress covering her face, she did not arouse the suspicions of passers-by, although she trembled with fear all the way. Finally, the girl reached the poorest district of Mosul and, pleading for help, knocked on the door of a house that looked like her own. The door opened and hands pulled her inside.

Nadia was very lucky: the dwelling belonged to people who disagreed with the policy of ISIS. They developed an escape plan so that the girl could tell the whole world about how terrorists treat women. One of her rescuers, Nasser, volunteered to escort her to the borders of the Islamic State in his car. Forged documents were made for Nadia, and at every post where the car was stopped, Nasser said that the passenger was his wife.

Oddly enough, the plan worked, and Nadia made it to the refugee camp, where she met her brothers. Here, bad news awaited her. Nadia's mother was shot dead and buried in a common grave with other residents of their village. Five brothers were executed. The nephew was recruited by ISIS. The two sisters were still in captivity.

Nadia did not tell the surviving brothers about sex slavery, so that they would not become discouraged about the fate of their wives, captured by militants. But soon the reporters who worked in the camp persuaded her to tell her story on camera. A year later, she spoke at the UN with a report on violations of women's rights in the territories occupied by ISIS members. "It's up to you to decide how life will turn out for people like me," she turned to world leaders. "Whether we will live in peace or will be subjected to violence again and again."

Currently, more than three thousand women and children from the Yezidi clan are held captive by militants. 300 thousand of their fellow tribesmen were forced to leave their homes. Nadia's sisters, released from captivity, ended up in different worlds. One ended up in Kurdistan, the other, together with Nadia, lives near Stuttgart. They were among those Yezidis who were resettled from refugee camps in 2015 as part of a relevant humanitarian program.

In 2016, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime chose Nadya as a Goodwill Ambassador for her contribution to the dissemination of information about human trafficking. She was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and ranked among the most influential people 2016 according to Time magazine.

“I hope that the book I wrote will speed up the process of freeing my people from the yoke of ISIS,” says Nadya. “It’s not for nothing that God gave me a chance to escape from them. I devote every minute of my freedom to fighting this evil.”