Canada is considered one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area. Unusual and wonderful nature attracts many tourists who want to enjoy the wild nature of Canada.

The natural complexes of the country have been preserved in their original natural state, despite the fact that they are very close to modern large settlements. Approximately 10 part of the country's area is wild untouched nature. Local residents are very proud of their natural complexes and protect them in every possible way. Here you can meet many rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Animal world of Canada

The most famous animal of Canada is the beaver. This animal is the symbol of the country. Thanks to these animals, a large area of ​​Canada was previously explored and developed.

The largest and most dangerous among Canadian animals is the bear. Several varieties of bears live in Canada:

  1. Grizzly bears. These representatives of bears are dangerous and aggressive representatives of the bear family. They live in the northwestern part of the country.
  2. Brown bear. The animal is smaller than its fellow grizzly bears. They live near the Pacific coast.
  3. White polar bears. This type protected by the state, because it is a very rare animal.
  4. The black bear lives throughout the country.

Fauna of Canada very rich and varied. IN wild forests you can meet many representatives of fur. Among the representatives of predators found in nature, wolves, foxes, lynxes and coyotes can be noted. Pronghorn antelopes, a variety of deer, live in the south. In the territories of the northern and western parts of the country bison, elks, caribou, musk oxen live. Visiting the area of ​​British Canada, you can get acquainted with bighorns, also called bighorn sheep, as well as see gray wild cats. The latter are considered unique animals of the country.

Porcupines, raccoons and skunks can be found in urban parks in Canada. Canada offers a variety of entertainment for tourists. One such entertainment is watching the behavior of whales off the coast of the oceans.

Lives about half a thousand families of birds. The most popular representatives of birds are:

  • The loon is beautiful
  • Great blue heron
  • wild canadian goose

The waters of the country are filled various fish. For the beautiful wild world Canada can be seen in national parks. There are many such parks in the country. The most famous and largest is Wood Buffalo Park.

Flora of Canada

The vegetation of Canada is directly tied to the local climate. The largest natural areas flora Canada - taiga and tundra. The northern part of the mainland is under snow cover almost all year round.

In the north of Canada, vegetation characteristic of the tundra zone is observed. In the south of the country there is a taiga with rocks. On the coasts of the oceans, coniferous forests sprout. East End The country is famous for its deciduous forests. In the west of Canada stretch steppe zones- prairie.

Tundra. It is located in the north of the country. Dwarf plant species are common here: willows, birches. In summer, various flowers grow on the lawns: dryads, lupins and buttercups. In the tundra, you can find such plants as rosemary, primrose, various cereals and sedges, cranberries, fireweed.

Taiga. It is a zone of coniferous forest and runs through the entire area of ​​the country. Black spruces and aspens grow here. Also on the territory of the taiga sprout and spruce forests. In the taiga you can find maples, oaks, larches, poplars, white birches, cedars, mountain ash, aspens.

Great Lakes. Mixed forests can be found in this area. They grow: maple, birch, hemlock, beech, Weymouth pine, spruce and aspen. Also on the territory of this zone fir, maple, chestnut, tulip tree, magnolias, hickory, forest nisses sprout.

Acadian forests. Conifers dominate here. Canadian plants in this zone include black spruce, balsam fir, red spruce, cedar, American beech, larch, maples and yellow birch. In short-grass areas, keleria, feather grass and buteloua sprout.

British Columbia. In this zone grow: various types of pines, spruces, American larch, hemlock. Can be found various varieties pine, douglas, Oregon oak, aspen. Due to the low rainfall, cacti can be found in some places.

Canadian flora and fauna are rich in unique animals and plants. Thousands of tourists visit the country every year to admire the wild, untouched nature of Canada. Canadians protect their rich nature. Canada is the world's leading country in terms of the number of untouched territories. Canadians create national natural parks which are protected at the government level.

Wildlife Canada video

Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American continent. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. That is why the climate and the nature of Canada are much varied.

The northern parts lie in the subarctic and arctic climatic zones. Most of the northern islands are covered with ice. The bays between them are covered with ice for 9-10 months a year. This territory has a climate with very cold winters and short, cool summers. The average winter temperature is about 35 degrees below zero. The average summer temperature is about 4 degrees above zero.

It contrasts with the rest of the territory, where the climate is moderate. This part gets enough of rainfall and heat. In the south there are large areas of fertile soils. The west of the country has a mild and humid climate thanks to a warm Pacific current. The average winter temperature is about 4 degrees above zero there. The average summer temperature is 21 degrees above zero.

The region of the Cordilleras is famous for its beautiful forests. Canadian west is the most attractive part of the country. The snow-capped mountains and ocean bays create a surprisingly beautiful atmosphere. Besides, Canadian south is known for its changeable weather. Sometimes it is too humid, and sometimes it is too dry: the weather can change very quickly. The Niagara Falls located in that part of the country attracts people from all over the world by its unusual beauty.

Climate and nature of Canada

Canada is located in the northern part of the North American continent. She washes Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. Therefore, the climate and nature of Canada are very diverse.

The northern parts of the country lie in the subarctic and arctic climatic zones. Majority northern islands covered with ice. The bays between them are covered with ice for 9-10 months of the year. This area has a climate with very cold winters and short, cool summers. average temperature in winter about 35 degrees below zero. The average summer temperature is about 4 degrees above zero. This contrasts with the rest of the territory where the climate is temperate. This part receives sufficient rainfall and high temperatures. In the south there are large areas of fertile soils. The west of the country has a soft and humid climate due to the warmth of the Pacific Current. The average temperature in winter is about 4 degrees above zero. The average summer temperature is 21 degrees above zero.

The Cordillera region is famous for its beautiful forests. Western Canada is the most attractive part of the country. Snow-capped mountains and ocean bays create an amazingly beautiful setting. In addition, the Canadian south is known for its changeable weather. Sometimes it's too humid and sometimes too dry: the weather can change very quickly. Niagara Falls, located in this part of the country, attracts people from all over the world with its extraordinary beauty.

Canada is an independent federative state.It is one of the most developed countries.Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories.It is located on the North American continent.In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia.Its area is almost 10 million km².The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa River.It is famous for its beautiful parks.It is also known as the city of bridges.Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur -bearing animals.It holds the first place in the world in the amount of forests.It is rich in the following natural resources: non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas, coal.Canadian industries produce cars, airliners, locomotives, sea ​​vessels, snow-removal machines, and agricultural equipment.The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries.Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit.Fishing is also one of the prosperous industries.Official languages ​​of Canada are English and French.Nearly 60 per cent of the population speaks English and 27 per cent speaks French.The rest speaks other languages, such as Eskimo, Indian, German, Ukrainian and Italian.Canada is a founding member of the United Nations. It has been active in a number of major UN agencies.

Geographical Position of Canada

Canada occupies the northern part of the North American continent and some islands.It borders on the USA.The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north .The Canadian north remains one of the least settled and least exploited parts of the world.About 2 per cent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains.The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras.They stretch from the American border to the Arctic Ocean.The Cordillera region is composed of numerous mountain groups: the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains and others.The main Canadian islands are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others.There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada. the Great Bear Lake, the Great Slave Lake and the Great Lakes District.The largest rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon.The population of Canada is about 25 million people.It is mainly concentrated in large cities.The economically significant area of ​​the country is its western part.Canada is rich in mineral resources, such as non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas and coal.It is also exceptionally rich in forests and fur-bearing animals.All these factors led Canada to the position of a highly developed country.

Climate and nature of Canada

Canada is located in the northern part of the North American continent.It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north.That is why the climate and the nature of Canada are much varied.The northern parts lie in the subarctic and arctic climatic zones.Most of the northern islands are covered with ice.The bays between them are covered with ice for 9-10 months a year.This territory has a climate with very cold winters and short, cool summers.The average winter temperature is about 35 degrees below zero.The average summer temperature is about 4 degrees above zero.It contrasts with the rest of the territory, where the climate is moderate.This part gets enough amount of rainfall and heat.In the south there are large areas of fertile soils.The west of the country has a mild and humid climate thanks to a warm Pacific current.The average winter temperature is about 4 degrees above zero there.The average summer temperature is 21 degrees above zero.The region of the Cordilleras is famous for its beautiful forests.Canadian west is the most attractive part of the country.The snow-capped mountains and ocean bays create a surprisingly beautiful atmosphere.Besides, Canadian south is known for its changeable weather.Sometimes it is too humid, and some-times it is too dry: the weather can change very quickly.The Niagara Falls located in that part of the country attracts people from all over the world by its unusual beauty.

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural beauty. Canada has the longest coastline. Seventy-five percent of Canada's coastline is in the Arctic Ocean, with the rest in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. While most of Canada is forested, it also has many lakes, mountains, prairies, and sparsely populated Arctic regions. Canada is known for its vast, unspoiled landscape and its multicultural heritage.

Canada - general information

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural beauty. Canada has the longest coastline. Seventy-five percent of Canada's coastline is on the Arctic ocean, with the remainder on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Although most of Canada consists of forests, it also has many lakes, mountains, prairies and sparsely populated arctic areas. Canada is known for its vast, untouched landscape, and its multicultural heritage.

Canada is only 150 years old, but it is the most livable country

Despite the fact that Canada has become a country only 150 years ago, it has earned respect on the international stage and is considered to be one of the wealthiest, least corrupt and most livable country on earth.

Despite the fact that Canada became a country only 150 years ago, it has earned respect on international arena and is considered one of the richest, least corrupt and most livable countries on earth.


Canada has the population of about 34 million, most of them living within 200 km of the US-Canada border. Large areas further north are quite sparsely populated and some are nearly uninhabited wilderness.

About 34 million people live in Canada, most of whom live within 200 km of the US-Canada border. Large areas in the north are quite sparsely populated, and some are almost uninhabited wilderness.


Queen Elizabeth remains the nominal head of state. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but the roles of the Queen and her representatives are largely ceremonial. The Canadian parliament is based on the British Westminster system, with a lower House of Commons, and an upper Senate. The head of government is the Prime Minister. Each province has its own government.

Queen Elizabeth remains the nominal head of state. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but the role of the Queen and her representatives is mostly ceremonial. The Canadian Parliament is based on the British Westminster system, with a lower house of commons and an upper senate. The head of government is the prime minister. Each province has its own government.


English and French are the two official languages ​​in Canada. Over 20% of Canadians (mostly in Quebec) speak French as a first language.
Although many immigrants and Canada's native peoples can speak their own languages. All services are required by law to be available in both official languages.
Canada is very much a multicultural country, especially in the main cities. Immigrants have come from all over the world, and many cities have whole districts dominated by specific immigrant groups, such as Chinatown, Little Italy and so on.

English and French are the two official languages ​​in Canada. Over 20% of Canadians (mostly in Quebec) speak their native French. Although many of Canada's immigrants and indigenous peoples can speak their own languages. All services are required by law to be available in both official languages.
Canada is a very multiethnic country, especially in the main cities. Immigrants have come from all over the world, and many cities have entire neighborhoods dominated by specific immigrant groups, such as Chinatown, Little Italy, and so on.

Capital of Canada

There are many beautiful modern cities in Canada, each of them is special and attractive to tourists. Ottawa is a Canada’s capital, this city has many national government monuments like Parliament Hill, many major museums like the National Gallery, cool urban districts like the ByWard Market, and great old architecture.

There are many beautiful modern cities in Canada, each of which is special and attractive for tourists. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. This city has many national government monuments such as Parliament Hill, many major museums such as the National Gallery, cool city blocks such as Byward Market and old architecture.