
Our previous generations were so smart and quick-witted that they analyzed all their observations very well, thus, popular beliefs appeared, which not only they were guided by, but modern people began to use. Today, a broken mirror is popularly considered bad omen, which warns against various troubles, so educated and civilized people live in fear, expecting trouble.

In addition, mirrors have long been used by witches and sorcerers during various rituals. They claim that this item helps to establish a connection with another world and draw strength from there. According to experts and analysts, modern divination and rituals are not so harmless for a person, because at the time of its implementation, people program their future themselves, and it is very difficult to fix this.

Why is a broken product strong sign for trouble, why are people afraid to hurt it? Everything is quite simple, among the people the product is attributed to the objects of the other world, so if you break it, then trouble is nearby. As a rule, even a small crack can destroy the energy integrity of this item. But, if the mirror is broken completely by accident, the situation is easily remedied and will not entail trouble. But when the mirror cracks at rest, and there was no one near it, then no protection will help to avoid trouble.

According to folk beliefs, a crack on the product promises the death of one of the family members soon, if it shattered into fragments at the very moment when they looked at it, then the trouble will affect only this person who was standing in front of him. A bad harbinger is not only a cracked surface, but also its darkening or if a piece of material has broken off.

Researchers suggest that people are afraid to break or damage the mirror because otherworldly creatures enter the house through these violations, in addition, cracks or chips can destroy or distort the human biofield.

How to avoid trouble

Among the people there are not only bad beliefs, but also advice on how to avoid trouble if the mirror has already broken. For example:

  • Spit over your left shoulder and turn counterclockwise three times.
  • You can say 9 times such magic words: “Let the mirror break, the trouble will not touch me (name). Amen".

As for the fragments, they must be removed, following all the rules. Firstly, it is better to wet the broom with which the remains will be removed with holy water, collect everything in a pile not on a scoop, but on white paper. And it is better to wrap large glass parts in dark cloth or paper, then bury them in the ground.

If the fragments of the broken product are very large, then they should be washed with tap water, again wrapped in dark material and only then thrown into the trash, on the street in a tank, not at home in a bucket.

Important ! It is absolutely impossible for a person to look into a mirror that has broken, its fragments absorb human energy.

Causes of damage to the mirror

When the mirror surface cracks or breaks, this indicates that mortal danger is approaching, or bad events or misfortune will soon occur, a negative situation will form in the house. People believe that a mirror is able to absorb and attract negative energy, so you should not often quarrel with household members, look at it only with positive emotions.

In addition, the mirror surface should be wiped frequently to remove negative energy stains that a person sees as dirt or blackouts. The mirror serves not only as an object for reflecting our beauty, it is also a guide to the world of secrets and magic, therefore, in order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to carefully look after it, remembering the wise advice of our ancestors.

Popular beliefs

People say that a broken product portends seven years of misfortune, and in order to prevent trouble, it is necessary to throw the fragments into a stream or river, the main thing is not to take them with your hands, in order to collect them, you should use paper, polyethylene or unnecessary rags.

According to signs, a pregnant woman and girls should not look in the mirror during the menstrual cycle, this portends trouble, although modern people have little faith in such a belief.

They say that it is impossible to look not only at the mirror fragments, but also at a cracked product or even worse, a broken one, because a person’s life will split and his energy will go away.

You can’t even let a loved one look in your mirror, this can cause a quarrel.

You can not stand in front of him for a long time and look directly into his eyes, this leads to rapid aging, according to folk signs.

Beliefs also say that the mirror should be the size of a human height, maybe a little larger, higher, if you cut off the top of the head or the length of the legs, this will lead to the fact that the person will often get sick, since his energy is thus also disturbed.

In the bathroom or in the bedroom, mirrors should not be hung in such a way that they reflect a person who is bathing or sleeping. According to folk signs, such a mirror will attract misfortunes, failures and illnesses. If the object cannot be outweighed, then you should not install it above your head or bed, and before going to bed it is best to cover such a mirror altogether.

It is impossible for two girlfriends to look in one mirror, because this is fraught with troubles in terms of, one girl will take the guy away from the other, the groom or husband.

The product that hangs in the house should always be clean, it should be cleaned frequently, especially after the guests have left the house, otherwise the product attracts people's bad thoughts, such as envy, jealousy or other troubles.

There is another sign that when a person returns home, he needs to look in the mirror and say “Hi!” three times so that the road is successful and trouble does not happen.

People say you can't little child show the mirror until he is one year old, because the baby can become shy and start talking late.

In order not to violate the human energy field, mirrors should always be bought only in a frame.

When a person dies in a house, it is customary to cover mirror surfaces with a cloth to prevent the reflection of his soul or to prevent another death of a loved one.

It is considered a bad omen to give such an item as a present, but if such a gift is nevertheless made, then the glass surface must be wiped with a wet rag, and even better with holy water.

Folk signs say that a mirror is able to store the past in itself, accumulate not only negative energy, but also positive energy, while transmitting all this at the present time. Therefore, if an old product hangs in the house, and troubles, troubles, quarrels often occur, you should pay attention to this antique and find out its history, and best of all, take such a mirror out of the house altogether.

It is best to look in the mirror only with good mood, talk to yourself only positive words, because he tends to keep and pleasant moments.

But if the product fell and did not break, this indicates that a person has good health, this portends happiness and good luck to him. The church believes that when the mirror does not break during the fall, it means that the person is righteous and therefore he is not afraid of any misfortune. This is when viewed from the side. folk signs, but on the other hand, if the product remains intact after the fall, this is a sign that the item is of high quality.

Positive sides

There are not only bad beliefs, but there are also positive superstitions, for example, when a mirror breaks, it destroys and frees the entire space around from anger and negativity, from curses and troubles. At this moment, powerful negative energy is destroyed and dissipated without the possibility of doing harm. And here is another nice sign, when the mirror breaks, you need to count how many fragments, if the number is odd, then soon there will be wedding chores in this house.

Mirrors are a thing that is undeniably useful and necessary for every person. It is very uncomfortable to comb your hair, apply makeup or shave to the touch. Unfortunately, mirrors are very fragile and break quite often, and there will definitely be someone who will immediately tell you all the signs associated with a broken mirror. But few people can tell you what to do if the mirror breaks.

The signs of broken mirrors do not differ in variety and promise either one misfortune in the near future, or even seven years of failure.

Broken Mirror: Actions

  • If you do not believe in signs, and no one in your environment is disturbed by a broken mirror, then you can simply throw it away and buy a new one. However, you can make a disco ball out of it that will delight you or find other useful uses. The sign works as a psychological setting, knowing it and its consequences, you yourself will expect troubles or misfortunes and subconsciously look for them everywhere. Those who do not believe in omens live much calmer.
  • Don't look in a broken mirror. According to various sources, this will deprive you of youth, beauty or vital energy. In general, nothing good will come of this. And especially terrible beliefs promise that a broken mirror will become a door to the other world, dragging your soul there. This doesn't sound very rosy, so follow the further advice on "what to do if the mirror breaks."
  • Rinse the fragments with running water - according to beliefs, water washes away negative energy, so it can clean a broken mirror. So rinse the shards under the faucet. Be careful - wet mirror fragments can slip out, wash them very carefully so as not to get hurt. But even after that, it is better not to keep the fragments in the house.
  • Since the essence of a mirror is its reflective properties, you can cheat and paint over it with black paint so that these properties disappear. So the universe or otherworldly forces, which are responsible for the implementation of signs, will not be able to detect a broken mirror, since formally it is no longer it. Beliefs say that a painted mirror does not allow dark energy to pass out, which could harm you. So, if you have black paint - go ahead, carefully paint the fragments and try not to get hurt.
  • Light a candle where the mirror was broken. According to beliefs, a candle perfectly cleanses the space from negative energy so maybe it will help in this case too.
  • The fragments must be taken away from the house, while it is better to fold them with the reflective side to each other so that a matte back surface remains on the outside. Wrap the fragments in a cloth, preferably dark, tie a few knots, and take it outside. It is believed that it is better to bury them, but keep an eye on the situation, if, having cut yourself, you go to bury a dark bundle on the street with bloodied hands, a lot of interesting things can think about you.
  • Replace the mirror with a new one - hang it in the same place, or buy a new compact if it was a compact mirror. Buy it yourself and treat it with care.
  • And finally, for everyone: those who believe in omens and those who consider them nonsense - vacuum and wipe everything with a damp cloth so that small fragments do not cut or get into anyone's eyes. Glass dust is almost invisible, but dangerous, you can accidentally inhale it or earn a splinter. Clean especially carefully if there are animals and/or children in the house.

So, what to do if the mirror breaks: do not panic, thinking about all the misfortunes that you have brought on yourself. Be careful and attentive - do not look into it, carefully collect the fragments, wrap them in a cloth, take them out of the house, thoroughly clean the room in which the mirror has broken and replace it with a new one.

The sign of “breaking a mirror” has always been considered quite scary. She was associated with misfortunes, monetary losses, death, since the glass product itself was considered the door to the other world. Consider what it actually promises.

The people interpret the presented situation ambiguously. The following bad omens are associated with it:

  1. If glass breaks in an apartment, its inhabitants will be haunted by misfortune for the next seven years.
  2. If a person sees his own reflection in broken mirror, sickness awaits him.
  3. The smaller the fragments, the worse the omen for the family. Very small fragments indicate the approach of a serious illness, the death of a relative.

There are a number of positive signs associated with a broken mirror:

  1. If the glass shattered into an odd number of fragments, there will soon be a wedding in the house.
  2. If a sick person looked in the mirror for a long time, it must be broken. This will release the negativity and bring a long-awaited recovery.
  3. Broken glass indicates the release of the house from the accumulated negativity.

The size of the damaged item also plays a role. A small mirror does not promise serious problems to the owner, the average indicates monetary losses, troubles in the service. Damage to large glass is considered the most terrible sign - it indicates illness, death, major losses.

How did the mirror break?

Broken glass indicates the advent of trouble in the house. Its consequences for the family can be judged by how large the damaged mirror was, who exactly and under what circumstances broke it.

Break a mirror by accident

Bad sign. He says that problems in a person’s life will appear due to his inattention, negligence in the performance of duties, his own health, and family. It can be ignored if the glass was small, rarely looked into it, it was of no value to a person.

If by chance a large mirror fell from the wall, the incident was considered a sign of great trouble. In such a situation, it was recommended to immediately turn to a clairvoyant in order to protect the family.

Break a mirror intentionally

In the course of magical rites, mirrors are broken on purpose. They do this for the following purposes:

  1. Inducing damage, destruction of human energy. Shards of mirrors are placed in pads, buried with photographs.
  2. Eliminate negativity. The ritual destruction of a mirror that a sick person has been watching for a long time can lead to his recovery.
  3. Neutralization of the consequences of previous rituals. The glass is sealed, then destroyed.

The presented ritual actions pose a danger to ordinary people. They are conducted by magicians with extensive experience who know the intricacies of working with such things and can, if necessary, protect themselves and other participants in the ritual from possible dangers. In the cases presented, signs of broken mirrors do not work even with an eye to the size of the glass.

Where did the mirror break?

It is necessary to take into account the place in which such an unpleasant accident occurred. There will be different interpretations of the presented sign for your own residential building, offices, other people's apartments.

In the house

The sign “they broke the mirror in the house” is twofold:

  1. On the one hand, she points to a strong negative that affects the family, it can indicate the presence of a lining in the house. Often portends problems in the family, the death of livestock, financial difficulties.
  2. On the other hand, destroyed old glass may indicate the end of an unpleasant streak of life. Sometimes he is specially beaten in order to eliminate illnesses, quarrels.

To avoid problems in the family, you need to conduct a special ceremony to neutralize the negative and be sure to throw out the mirror, even if it was a family heirloom.

In the apartment

The presented incident should be interpreted as a warning: an unhealthy atmosphere reigns in the apartment, it can lead to problems for each family member. Worst of all, if a large mirror was broken, in which children and parents looked daily. Such a case is capable of provoking scandals, quarrels, moving.

At work

By analogy with a similar sign for residential premises, damage to mirrors at work speaks of problems in the team, the likelihood of the organization's barony, and mass layoffs. If spoiled big thing, hanging in the hall, it is worth waiting for changes, a change of bosses. If a small personal mirror - problems will befall only its owner.


The negative in the presented case refers to the residents of the house in which such an incident occurred. If you have witnessed him, perhaps the friendship with the person from the ill-fated apartment will end, the relationship will deteriorate. However, in most cases, for guests, such a sign does not really matter.

What to do if the mirror breaks?

It is not difficult for a person to figure out what to do if he broke a mirror at home. In this situation, you should:

  1. Drop panic. Fear will only exacerbate the problem.
  2. Remove the broken item.
  3. Go around the house with a lit candle - it will eliminate bad energy.
  4. Do a wet cleaning.

What to do with the mirror?

It is important to know what to do with the mirror itself. In order not to suffer from a bad omen, proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully collect the fragments, the remains of the frame, fold the fragments of the glass sheet with the mirror part to each other.
  2. Rinse large parts of the old mirror with water.
  3. Fill the glass with black paint, wrap in cloth or paper, bury it away from home.

During cleaning, do not look at the image in fragments. Such behavior is sure to hurt.

The mirror fell, but did not break - a sign

Such an incident must be taken as a warning: danger looms over the family, measures must be taken to protect against illness, loss of money, and other troubles. Contact a psychic, find out what is the source of negative energy, eliminate it if possible.

Mirrors that carry negativity

A broken mirror is a bad omen in all cases. But not everyone knows that whole mirrors in the house can also be dangerous. Such problematic items include:

  1. Antique things. It is difficult to determine what events they saw. If terrible scenes unfolded in front of such mirrors, such events will pass into the life of their new owner.
  2. Items taken from the crime scene that saw blood, scenes of violence. Such objects attract the disease of crime into a person's life.
  3. Samples in which the moon was reflected. Such objects accumulate specific energy. Used for magical practices.
  4. Mirrors opposite the beds. They negatively affect a person. Such products need to be rearranged or curtained with cloth for the duration of sleep.

Dangerous mirrors can be left in the house. They should be cleaned by reading the prayer “Our Father” several times over the glass. It neutralizes negative impact per person.

The question is why the mirror in the house is beating, especially if it happened by accident, almost every person asked himself at least once in his life. Let's try to answer it in detail and with different points vision.

Why it breaks: the main signs

  1. Seven years of failure. This is the most common sign of what the mirror in the house is beating towards. At least in the Western world. This superstition came to us from the Romans.
  2. According to a belief that exists mainly on the shores of Foggy Albion, the mirror breaks to the loss of a friend. True, it is not known exactly what kind of loss. Whether he dies, leaves, or just the end of the friendship.
  3. In our country, perhaps the most terrible sign is also very common. It is said that this fragile item is destroyed by the death of one of the family members. Not necessarily the one who broke it.
  4. Another explanation for what it means if a mirror is broken is "paranormal" or "witchcraft". And it says that from a destroyed object, especially if it was old, various inhabitants of the other world can crawl out and attack the person who broke this piece of furniture.

At the same time, the most dangerous is the mirror, which cracked in the house by accident without visible reasons, and was not frankly broken. They say that in this case so much negative energy accumulated in him that she was no longer able to stay inside and broke out. And if so, it may well damage the aura of people.

However, these days this sign is not very popular. Few from modern people ready to believe that someone will jump out of the looking glass on him now. But the thought that because of the damaged glass will die close person, seems to many less absurd.

The mirror is a special item. It is a symbol of the border between the worlds. It is used in magical rites, in divination. Many are associated with it. famous signs. No matter how skeptical you are, when the mirror slips out of your hands and breaks, you will be overcome with excitement. After all, immediately remember about 7 years of misfortunes, and about bad sign. And next to someone frightenedly throws up his hands: "That's it!" Living in anticipation of trouble is very hard. What to do? In people, fear sometimes just blows the roof:

I sleep this morning, and from the toilet the roar is wild. I run to the bathroom. There, the sister sits on the toilet and says: “The mirror is broken!” It was stuck on with double sided tape. And I knew that it could peel off! And a week before that, when I washed it, it almost fell off me too. My sister is hysterical. She says that if she fell, she will have misfortune.

Crap! My son broke a mirror. I thought I would go to the forum, read and calm down. Fuck there! How many scarecrows! My knees are shaking now. If it concerned me, then I would not even think about it, but my son is not even three years old. Now what to expect. Very creepy and annoying.

How a sign programs a person for troubles and misfortunes

The main danger of broken mirrors is the most powerful self-programming for failure and problems . Why does this subject scare us so much? Because the mirror for us is not just an everyday thing, but also a symbol of the boundaries between the worlds (ours and the other world). According to ancient beliefs, evil forces can penetrate through broken mirrors. But what are we to do? Everyone has a bunch of cheap Chinese mirrors: in the bathroom, corridor, wardrobe, on the table, in a cosmetic bag, on combs. They fight. Especially if there are cats, children, elderly people in the house, from whose clumsiness things suffer. Maybe the whole planet should refuse mirrors, since this is such a terrible thing? Broken mirrors bring people to such a panic that they start doing anything in horror.

Go to hell with your superstitions!!! I read the forum, and urgently ran to the trash in order to throw out the broken mirror as soon as possible. I left my daughter at home, she is only 1.8. She closed the house from the outside. Has returned. I can't get home! The daughter played and pushed the iron latch, locked herself from the inside. I'm in a panic! I started calling the emergency services. Well, my bunny herself figured out how to open the door.

You broke a mirror, anxiety arose, expectation of trouble. But being in such a state is difficult, because it is not known whether there will be troubles. Life is such that sooner or later everyone may have problems: you quarrel with someone, you lose something. But the wait is unbearable! And the psyche helps to find a solution: let's quickly do something bad for ourselves and live in peace. And the omen comes true!


This is a verbal formula that blocks the realization of negative expectations. A method proven over the centuries. After all, a thousand years ago, our psyche also worked, and people found a way not to create problems for themselves out of the blue. Conspiracies are good for especially anxious, suspicious people. Verbal pronunciation dissipates the energy of tension, eliminates the image of a negative development of events, thus healing a person.

"The mirror breaks, the trouble of the servant of God (name) does not concern."

“As a child, my grandmother said to me:“ Nothing that broke the mirror - it has seen a lot of things, you collect the pieces, but don’t look at them, you will throw them away - be silent. Then wash your face with water, saying: what broke, then broke and did not affect me.

“When a mirror is broken, you need to collect everything, go outside and throw it into a container with the following words: ‘I didn’t break the mirror, but my misfortune, I don’t throw away mirrors, but my misfortunes!

The ritual of collecting and disposing of fragments

Tradition prescribes to perform special ritual actions when you remove the fragments (ritual - symbolic actions, demonstrative, having a certain order). For example, sprinkle holy water on the fragments, quickly remove them by folding them into a dark rag, support them under running water before throwing them away, paint them over with dark paint.


Prayer to Higher powers. Try to return yourself to a state of peace, trust in the wisdom and love of God for you. There are texts that have been helping people for thousands of years to gain peace of mind in a situation of excitement. One of the most famous you will find below.

text of the 90th psalm in Russian

1 He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests under the shadow of the Almighty,
2 says to the Lord, "My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!"
3 He will deliver you from the snare of the hunter, from the deadly sore,
4 He will overshadow you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be secure; a shield and a fence are His truth.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid of terrors in the night, of an arrow flying by day,
6 A pestilence that walks in darkness, a plague that devastates at noon.
7 A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it won't come close to you
8 You will only look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you said, "The Lord is my hope"; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
10 Evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling.
11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways:
12 They will carry you in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
13 you will step on the asp and the basilisk; you will trample on the lion and the dragon.
14 “Because he loved me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
15 He will call to me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
16 with length of days I will satisfy him, and I will show him my salvation.”

Getting out of anxiety resonance

Join those who do not believe in this sign, do not worry and do not pay attention to such nonsense.

« She broke a mirror and not one. And there was NOTHING to follow.”

“I will reveal a straaaaaaaaaashny secret! Over the past six months, I have broken three large mirrors, in full height which are practically. Pfffff…. Do you know what is the scariest thing here? sweep all the fragments out of the apartment !!!

“A friend on the eve of the birth broke a huge mirror, it stood on the floor, because the apartment was being renovated. I did not notice in the dark and stumbled. She also gave birth to a wonderful son. No bad luck happened. Just don't set yourself up for the bad."

“For as long as I can remember, mirrors break CONSTANTLY. Both big and small. I don’t even always throw them away, but I look in a broken mirror, what’s the difference. And nothing ever followed.”

“I have them bit-killed. And she got married, and happiness in her personal life, and work, and everything in the world. And I didn’t care about mirrors, black cats and other rubbish.”

“I also hit mirrors from time to time. Never noticed any side effects. Smashed - then immediately collected - and scrapped. And seven years of misfortune - no, thank you. We are fine without them."

Most effective method: shape your own future!