Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech "Winter fun"

Purpose: To teach children purposeful viewing of the picture (targeted perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of the image); develop the ability to compose a logical, emotional and meaningful story.

1. Generalize the concept of "Winter fun";

2. develop a speech statement;

3. Fixing whistling sounds Z-S;

4. Form an adjective from a noun;


Ball for the didactic game "Affectionate word".

Demo material- pictures depicting winter activities (children sledding, skiing, skating; children feeding birds; children building winter buildings)

Course progress.

Org. Moment: Children stand in front of the chairs. The teacher invites the children to play didactic game"Sweet Nothing". The one who calls me a lacquer word sits down on a chair. (A game is being played: snow-snowball, hill-hill, etc.).

Educator: Hello guys, today we will talk about winter fun, but first let's remember.

Teacher: What time of year do we have now? What is the month of winter? What is the weather like in winter? (Answers of children).

Educator: Invites the children to pronounce tongue twisters. To fix the whistling sounds Z-S.

OZY-OZY-OZY - frost outside the window.

ZI-ZI-ZI - take the sled.

OZA-OZA-OZA - an icy rose on the window.

OZE-OZE-OZE - you will get cold in the cold.

ISCO-ISCO-ISCO - in winter the sun is low.

ASKA-ASKA-ASKA - around from the snow a fairy tale.

HISTO-HISTO-HISTO - the snow hid everything cleanly.

Educator: Winter is a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Children do not want to go home from a walk, because the street is interesting.

Educator: Please tell us what interesting things you can do on the street in winter? (children's answers: you can ski and skate, play hockey, build fortresses from snow).

The teacher demonstrates a series of plot pictures on the topic: "Winter entertainment".


1. Who is in this picture? What are they doing?

2. What do the guys feed the birds with?

3. What birds flew to the feeder?

4. What are the other guys doing?

5. Who is sledding? Where do they ride?

Didactic exercise"Choose a word-definition."

Now I will show you pictures, and you pick up words-signs for them.

Pillow - soft, feather, light, square, white;

Children are funny, mischievous, dressed,

Let's assign the signs of a pillow and children to winter.
Why can winter be mild? Light, white, snowy?
What can the expression "mischievous winter" mean? playful?
And guys, the winter can be "smoking" (stoves are heated in winter, they smoke, that's why the winter is smoking)

zhah? Where do they ride?

7. What are the other guys doing?

8. What is the mood of the children during the walk?

9. What do you think, how will the walk with the guys end?

Mobile game: "Zimushka-winter".

Winter, winter, winter winter,

Gives us snow miracle towers,

Well, Grandfather Frost rolled a cart of gifts,

Well, Grandfather Frost rolled a cart of gifts

Frosts - crackling

Snow - loose

Winds are windy

Blizzards are friendly.

The children take their seats.

Educator: And now I will show you how to write a story for a series plot pictures. You will listen carefully and also try to compose a story yourself.

One winter day the children went for a walk. The mood of the children was joyful. Everyone found something to their liking. Masha, Sasha and Petya began to feed the birds with rowan berries, bread crumbs and seeds. Titmouse, bullfinches and sparrows flew to the feeder.

Tanya and Vanya were sledding down the hill. And the boy Nikita and Maxim went skiing on the track. The rest of the guys made a snowman. Sveta attached a broom to the snowman, and Kirill put a bucket on his head. It’s a pity that in winter you can’t walk for a long time and you need to go back to the group.

Educator: And now you guys try to tell me your story. (The teacher listens to the story of 4-5 children, helps if difficulties arise, achieves a complete and detailed answer, monitors the correct construction of sentences).

Summary of the lesson:

Educator for children: What did we talk about today in class? What new did you learn today? What did you like the most?

Dushkina Yulia Vyacheslavovna

Lesson on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group.

Subject: "Winter Fun".

Goals: reinforce the idea of ​​​​the signs of winter and the fun of children in winter. To teach children to guess riddle poems about winter and snowflakes. Activate and enrich lexicon nouns(winter, frost, snow, snowflake, snowfall, blizzard, ice, sled, skates, skis, snowman), verbs (freeze, warm, clean, rake, sculpt), adjectives(cold, snowy, frosty, sticky, cheerful, joyful, smiling).Develop grammar and connected speech: coordinate adjectives with nouns in speech; form a diminutive form of nouns; to develop the ability of children to tell in a picture and a diagram. Practice clear pronunciation of soundsy, xin sound imitations. Develop voice power, speech hearing(distinguishing similar-sounding words - “Wow!”, “Bang!”),attention, thinking, fine and general motor skills, imagination, fantasy. Cultivate a love for the winter season.

Equipment: the plot picture "In the winter for a walk"; scheme for storytelling; triangles, squares, circles different size, models of hands, nose, eyes, ears, hair for a snowman.

Course progress.

    Guys, guess the riddle:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

What time of year is this?(Winter). What words can you use to describe winter? It's cold in winter. So, we can say that winter ...(cold).There is a lot of snow in the winter. So, we can say that winter ...(snow).If there are big frosts in winter, then we can say that winter ...(frosty).

What about in question in this riddle?

A star circled in the air a little,

Sat and melted on my palm!

What kind of stars are we talking about in these poems? What do snowflakes look like? Why do they melt in your hand? What is the name of this phenomenon when many, many snowflakes fall to the ground?(Snowfall).And if snowing and blowing strong wind how can it be called?(Snowstorm).Let's imagine how a blizzard howls. At first she howls softly:woo,then intensifies, howls louder.(Children pronounce onomatopoeia in chorus and individually).

Although it is cold outside in winter, you can come up with a lot different games, fun and entertainment. What can you do when it snows?(Look at snowflakes on a fur coat, catch snowflakes, shovel snow with a spatula, clean paths, etc.)What can you do when the snow is wet?(Play snowballs, build a fortress, fences, make a snowman, etc.)What can you do when it's cold and you need to warm up?(Run along the paths, ride each other on a sled, go skiing, etc.)And what games can you come up with with snow?(Bake pies, build houses, paint snow and decorate snowdrifts, pour snow from one bucket to another, etc.)

Sledding game.

Which one of you went sledding down the hill? I once also rode a sled down a steep hill: fast, fast - wow!(Straighten your back, put your hands on your knees).And then the sled overturned, and I fell into the snow - bang!(Wrap up your hands and bend your head to your knees, covering it with your hands).Listen carefully and imitate fast sledding or falling into the snow according to the lines.

The teacher, without showing movement, says the following remarks:Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Want to see how the kids have fun in winter?

The teacher demonstrates the picture "In the winter for a walk."

Let's tell from the picture about the entertainment of children in the winter.(Children sled down the hill. An older boy is carrying a baby on a sled. A girl is skating on ice. Several children are making a Snowman).

What do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking?(White, clean, sticky). Why do you think it's sticky?(Because they make a snowman) . Was the frost strong?(No).What are the children's faces like?(Cheerful, joyful, smiling). Are the kids cold?(No, everyone's cheeks are red, the children move a lot). What is the mood of the children?(Good, cheerful, pleasant, joyful). How do they laugh?(Ha ha ha)

Fizkultminutka "We are not afraid of frost."

Do you get cold outside? Let's depict what needs to be done so that no frost is terrible.

We warm up a little

And clap your hands:



We will also warm the legs,

And let's go faster:



Now let's warm up the parts of the face.

To keep warm - look(Rub palms together).

Everything, as it should, rub:

Cheeks,(Rub your cheeks with your palms,

spout, nose wing,

Ears ears,

Lips… lips from top to bottom).

Steam went even from a fur coat.(Spread your arms to the sides, slightly stretch your lips and exhale a stream of warm air through them).

And if our hands are cold, how do we warm them?(Children exhale into their hands, pronouncing the sound “x”).

- And who wants to tell from a picture about children?(Children's stories according to the scheme: the time of year, what the weather was like, who went for a walk, what fun they came up with, what mood the children had).

Well done guys, you made a very interesting story about winter fun for children.

Guys, do you like winter? let's all winter words that you hear, you will remake into affectionate:sled-sled, mountain-mountain, winter-zimushka, fur coat-fur coat, cap-hat, snow-snow, ice-ice.

When we go for a walk, we will make a snowman out of the snow. But now there is no snow, let's model a snowman on the board. I forgot something, what kind of snowman is he? What shape does it look like?(Offer children of various sizes triangles, squares, circles. Children lay out circles on the board - large, medium, small).That's great, already a little similar, but something is missing. What other details can be added?(Hands, nose, eyes, ears, hair, etc.)

The teacher offers various options hands, nose, eyes.

What a wonderful snowman we have! Why is it called Snowman?(Because it is molded from snow).

That's how fun the guys are on a walk in the winter. There will always be a fun game or entertainment. No frost, the wind is not terrible for the guys, because from fun game children have a joyful mood and good, good health.

KGKOU "Altai Regional comprehensive school№1"

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech "Winter fun"

(grade 2)

Prepared and

spent the teacher

primary school

Mosievskaya L.S.

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech (grade 2).

Subject: Winter fun. Drawing up a story based on a picture based on a question plan.

Target: Formation of the ability to compose a story based on a picture based on a question plan.


    Didactic: to continue work on the formation of the ability to make sentences, a coherent text based on questions, a picture.

    Correction-developing: to develop coherent speech of students, to form the ability to build logical statements, to activate the vocabulary of students, to use self-control techniques in sound pronunciation.

    Educational: to cultivate observation, interest in the material being studied, the need for verbal communication.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: Picture "Winter Fun", signs, loose text.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

(check the readiness of children for the lesson, emotional mood).

A) Phonetic charging

[ IN ]

wow wow wow


vna-vpa-hwa praised

Vika praised Vadim.

b ) Speech warm-up.

Target setting: We will answer questions, speak well

    Name the seasons. (slide 1)

    What season is missing?

    What do children do in winter? Listen: skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs, building a snowman.

(present behind the screen for auditory perception). (slide 2,3).

II . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today, guys, we will make a story from a picture.

The story is called "Winter Fun". (slide 4)

Target setting. We will answer questions.

Consider the picture. (slide 5)

2) Conversation on the picture.

* What season is in the picture?

    What's the weather outside?

    Where is the snow?

    What are the boys doing?

    What's on the snowman's head?

    What are the eyes of a snowman?

    What is a snowman's nose made of?

    Who is sledding down the mountain?

    What is Vova riding?

    What is Tanya riding?

    Who is playing snowballs?

Children read together one question at a time. Build speech units based on the proposed speech material(one by one, together)

vocabulary work

Autumn, winter, frost, on the ground, on the trees, on the roofs, making a snowman

bucket, black coals, from carrots, Yura and Lena are rolling, on

skiing, skating, the guys play.

Fizminutka(relaxation exercises, exercises for the eyes)

3). Working with loose text.

Each student has a loose text (3-4 sentences each)

Target setting: We will carefully look at the picture, choose and read the offer.

Students choose and read a sentence that matches the teacher's picture.

The teacher puts one sentence on the board, the children read in chorus, a deformed text is obtained

4) Working with the outline of the text

Write on the board:


1. Weather.

    What season is in the picture?

    What's the weather outside?

    Where is the snow?

2. Fun for kids in winter.

    Who is sledding down the mountain?

    What is Vova riding?

    What is Tanya riding?

    Who is playing snowballs?

3. Snowman.

* What are the boys doing?

    What's on the snowman's head?

    What are the eyes of a snowman?

    What is a snowman's nose made of?

Target setting: Let's plan the story.

a) Reading together the outline of part 1 on the board.

Select weather suggestions.

At the blackboard, the first student makes sentences according to the plan of part 1 (Weather)

After the student has compiled the text of part 1, we read together


b) Reading together the plan for part 2 on the board.

Select suggestions for children's fun.

At the blackboard, the second student makes proposals according to the plan of part 2 (Fun for children in winter)

After the student has compiled the text of part 2, we read together


c) Reading together the 3 part plan on the board.

Select the snowman sentences.

At the blackboard, the third student makes sentences according to the plan for part 3 (Snowman)

After the student has compiled the text of part 3, we read together


5). Individual retelling of 2-3 students of the text according to the question plan.

Winter fun.

Winter came. It's frosty outside. Snow lies on the ground, on the trees, on the roofs. Yura and Lena are sledding down the mountain. Vova is skiing. Tanya is skating. The kids are playing in the snow. The boys are making a snowman. There is a bucket on the snowman's head. His eyes are black coals. The snowman has a carrot nose.

6). Play "Listen and repeat".

Target setting A: Let's listen.

The teacher names words, phrases, sentences from the compiled story,

Students name the words, phrases, sentences they hear.

7). Writing a story in a notebook.

III . Summary of the lesson.

    What was the lesson?

    What did they do in class?

    What is the name of the story?

IV . Homework.

Retelling of the story "Winter Fun".

Annex 1.

Loose text.

Winter fun.

Winter came.

It's frosty outside.

Snow lies on the ground, on the trees, on the roofs.

The boys are making a snowman.

There is a bucket on the snowman's head.

His eyes are black coals.

The snowman has a carrot nose.

Yura and Lena are sledding down the mountain.

Vova is skiing.

Tanya is skating.

The kids are playing in the snow.

This abstract is aimed at teaching how to compose a narrative story based on the plot picture "Winter Fun". Designed for practicing speech therapists working with children with general underdevelopment speeches of senior preschool and primary school age. The abstract is accompanied by a presentation for use in class.

Lesson topic: "Winter fun and entertainment for children"

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Learn to compose a narrative story based on the plot picture "Winter Fun".

Tasks :

1. Educational:

  • To teach children the correct construction of a story-narrative based on a plot picture;
  • Strengthen the ability to form nouns plural Prepositional case;

2. Corrective:

  • Learn to work with a deformed proposal;
  • Expand and enrich children's vocabulary lexical topic"Winter fun and entertainment for children";
  • To develop coherent monologue speech of children;

3. Developing:

  • Develop verbal and logical thinking;
  • Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.


  • multimedia projector, computer, screen, PowerPoint presentation to the lesson, cards No. 1 and No. 2 for each child.

Lexical and grammatical material:

  • words that are complex in semantics: severe frosts.
  • words are complex syllabic structure: snowman, rides, glides.

During the classes:

I. Organizational stage.

Speech therapist: Hello, children! (children stand near their seats). We start our work. Sit down.

II. Introductory conversation.

Speech therapist: Listen to the poem:

Like on a hill, on a mountain.
In the wide yard
Who is on the sled
Who is skiing
Who is taller
Who is lower
Who is quieter
Who on the run
Who's on the ice
And who in the snow.
From the hill - wow
Up the hill - wow
Captures the Spirit!

L: What is this poem about?

D: This is a poem about winter games, fun that children love very much in winter.

L .: What time of the year can you ski down the mountain?

D: You can ski down the mountain in winter.

L: What do you like to play in winter?

D: I like to play snowballs. I love to skate. I love sledding down the mountain..

III. Examining the picture.

The speech therapist shows slide 1.

L: Look at the picture. What season is shown?

D: The picture shows winter.

L: What is the day like?

D .: The day is clear, winter, frosty, cold

L: Who is in the picture?

D: There are children in the picture.

L: What are the children doing? Tell me.

D .: Children sculpt a snowman, sledding, skiing, skating, playing snowballs

L .: What do you think about the mood of the children?

D .: The mood of children is cheerful, provocative, joyful.

L .: And how did the artist depict it?

D .: Children smile, frolic. They have fun playing together.

IV. Statement of the educational task.

L .: So, today in the lesson we will compose a story based on this picture (on slide 1 is the plot picture “winter fun”).

L .: Look at the title of our story (SLIDE 2). It will be called "Winter Fun".

L: What is fun? How to say differently?

D: Games, entertainment.

V. Compiling a narrative story.

L: How do you think the story should begin?

Children offer their versions.

L .: Now take card number 1 (the speech therapist distributes to everyone) and read the sentences with which you can start the story.

Children read aloud according to the sentence.

Card 1.

The sun came out on a winter morning.
The winter holidays have arrived.
The whole of January was bitterly cold.
Fluffy snow fell overnight.

L .: What does "severe frost" mean?

D: “Severe frosts” means very strong, unbearable.

L: Which sentence is NOT suitable for the beginning of this essay?

D .: "The whole of January there were severe frosts."

L: Why?

D: Because the children went out to play in the yard. So it wasn't very cold outside.

L: Cross it out. Choose from the three remaining sentences the one with which we will begin our story.

D: It's winter break.

L .: Put the number 1 next to this sentence. What would be the meaning of the second sentence?

D .: "A fluffy snow fell at night."

L .: Put the number 2 next to this sentence. Name the third sentence.

D: The sun came out on a winter morning.

L .: Put the number 3 next to this sentence. Read them in right order(children read sentences in right order). Set the card aside.

VI. Fizkultminutka.

L: Now stand up. We repeat after me only the movements.

1) "Winter fun".

We run skiing with you (Children pretend to ski.)
Snow cold skis licks.
And then on skates. (Depict skating.)
But we fell. Oh! (They sit down.)

And then they made snowballs, (They stand, squeezing an imaginary snowball with their palms.)
And then the snowballs rolled, (They roll an imaginary lump.)
And then they fell down without strength (They squat.)
And we ran home. (Run in place)

2) "Starfish".

L .: At the expense of ONE - arms to the sides, legs together, at the expense of TWO - arms down, legs apart. One, two, one, two. Repeat several times.

VII. Compilation of a narrative story (Continued).

L: What do you think we will talk about next?

D .: We need to talk about what the children are doing.

L .: (speech therapist includes SLIDE 3 with the words: the guys went out to the yard during the day). Read the words that are written.

L .: Can they be called a proposal? Why?

D: This is not a sentence, because the words are in the wrong order, the beginning of the sentence is not written with capital letter, the required sign is not at the end,

L: What do you need to do to make a proposal?

D .: To make a sentence, you need to change the places of the words.

L .: Say the first word, the second ... The children name the correct sentence: in the afternoon the guys went out into the yard). SLIDE 4 appears

L: Is the sentence written correctly now? What rules of the proposal are not observed here?

D: The first word is not capitalized, there is no dot at the end.

L .: Right (SLIDE 4. The proposal has been corrected).

L .: And now let's think about what the children are doing in the yard. Pictures will help us (SLIDE 5).

L .: Make a sentence for the first picture.

D: Misha and Petya are playing snowballs.

L .: (names are signed on slide 5). Remember this suggestion.

L .: Make a sentence for the second picture (SLIDE 6).

D: Katya and Tanya are making a snowman.

L .: (names are signed on slide 6). Remember this suggestion.

L .: Make a sentence for the third picture (SLIDE 7).

D: Lena is skating.

L .: (name is signed on slide 7). Remember this suggestion.

L .: Make a sentence on the fourth picture (SLIDE 8).

D: Kolya is skiing.

L .: (name is signed on slide 8). Remember this suggestion.

L .: Make a sentence on the fifth picture (SLIDE 9).

D .: Nastya is sledding down the mountain.

L .: (name is signed on slide 9). Remember this suggestion.

L .: Attention, I will now repeat the sentences that we made on the last three pictures. And you listen and say which word is repeated in all three sentences. Lena is skating. Kolya is skiing. Nastya is sledding

D .: In all three sentences, the word rides is repeated.

L: Let's, so that the word "rides" does not repeat itself in the story, let's replace it with other words (SLIDE 10). Read the words.

D .: goes, rides from the mountain, slides on the ice.

L .: About which of these children can you say “going” (showing SLIDE 11)?

D: Kolya is skiing.

L .: About which of the children can you say “goes down the mountain”?

D: Nastya is sledding down the mountain.

L .: About whom can you say “slides on ice”?

D: Lena is skating on the ice.

L .: Tell us what suggestions we made on these three pictures.

D: List 3 sentences.

L .: How many sentences did we make from the pictures?

D: We made five proposals.

L .: How do you think, how should we end our story?

D.: It is necessary to write about the mood of the children.

L .: (speech therapist gives each card number 2). Read the sentences on card #2.

Card 2.

Fun for kids in winter.

Do you guys have fun in winter?

Have fun guys in the winter!

L: How are these proposals different?

D .: At the end of sentences are different signs. The sentences differ in intonation.

L .: The signs tell you with what intonation you need to read the sentence. Read now with the correct intonation the first (second, third sentence)

Children read sentences with different intonation.

L .: And now read only the sentence that is suitable in order to complete our story.

D .: Have fun guys in the winter!

L: Why is this proposal suitable?

D: This sentence conveys the joy of children.

VII. Repeated storytelling based on picture material.

L .: We made a story with you. We were helped in this by cards and pictures (SLIDE 12). Retell it in full (speech therapist asks several children).

L .: Did you manage to convey the content of the picture?

The children answer.

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

L: What did you learn in class?

D .: We learned to compose a story from a picture.

L: What are we talking about?

D .: We made a story about the winter fun of children.

L: Well done.

Presentation "Winter Fun"

Saymanina Maria Alexandrovna,
speech therapist,
GKUZ Moscow city scientific and practical
Tuberculosis Control Center DZM Branch Children's Department,

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 47 "Ladushki"


educational activities

according to the NGO "Speech development"

in the second junior group

general developmental orientation No. 12

theme "Winter fun"

Compiled by: teacher

Gafina M.A.

Zavolzhye, 2015

Program content: Pin view about the signs of winter and amusements of children in winter. To teach children to guess riddle poems about winter and snowflakes.

Activate and enrich vocabulary with nouns (winter, frost, snow, snowflake, snowfall, blizzard, ice, sled, skates, skis, snowman), verbs (freeze, bask, clean, rake, sculpt), adjectives (cold, snowy, frosty, sticky, cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Develop grammar and communication speech, coordinate adjectives with nouns in speech, form a diminutive form of nouns to develop the ability of children to tell in a picture and a diagram. Practice clear pronunciation of sounds y, x in sound imitations. Develop voice power, speech hearing (distinguishing similar-sounding words - “Wow!”, “Bang!”), attention, thinking, fine and general motor skills, imagination, fantasy. Cultivate a love for the winter season.

Material and equipment: multimedia screen,scheme for storytelling, triangles, squares, circles of different sizes, models of hands, nose, eyes, ears, hair for a snowman.

The course of educational activities

Children with a teacher enter the group.


Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

What time of year is this riddle talking about?

Children: Winter

Educator:Guys, what words can you say about winter?

It's cold in winter. So, we can say that winter ... (cold).

There is a lot of snow in the winter. So, we can say that winter ... (snow).

If there are big frosts in winter, then we can say that winter ... (frosty).

Educator:A star circled in the air a little,

Sat and melted on my palm!

What kind of stars are we talking about in these poems?

Children: About snowflakes

Educator: What do snowflakes look like?

Why do they melt in your hand? (children's answers)

Educator: What is the name of this phenomenon when many, many snowflakes fall to the ground?

Children: Snowfall

Educator:And if it snows and a strong wind blows, what can you call it?

Children: Snowstorm

Educator:Let's imagine how a blizzard howls. At first she howls softly: woo,then intensifies, howls louder. (Children pronounce onomatopoeia in chorus and individually).

Educator: Although it is cold outside in winter, you can come up with many different games, fun and entertainment. What can you do when it snows?

Children:Examine snowflakes on a fur coat, catch snowflakes, shovel snow with a shovel, clean paths, etc.

Educator:Guys, what can you do when it snows?

Children:Play snowballs, build a fortress, fences, make a snowman, etc.

Educator:What can you do when it's cold and you need to warm up?

Children:Run along the paths, ride each other on a sled, go skiing, etc.

Educator:And what games can you come up with with snow?

Children:Bake pies, build houses, paint snow and decorate snowdrifts, pour snow from one bucket to another, etc.

Educator:I suggest you play. Want to? (children's answers)

Which one of you went sledding down the hill? I once also rode a sled down a steep hill: fast, fast - wow! (Straighten your back, put your hands on your knees). And then the sled overturned, and I fell into the snow - bang! (Wrap up your hands and bend your head to your knees, covering it with your hands). Listen carefully and imitate fast sledding or falling into the snow according to the lines.

The teacher, without showing movement, says the following remarks: Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Educator:Well done, do you want to see how children have fun in winter?

Children: Yes

Educator:Then I propose to look at the screen

On the screen appears the picture "In the winter for a walk"

Educator:Guys, look what the guys are doing on a walk in the winter? (children's answers)

Educator:What do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking?

Children:White, clean, sticky

Educator:Why do you think the snow was sticky?

Children:Because the children are building a snowman

Educator:Was it frosty?

Children: No

Educator:What are the children's faces like?

Children:Cheerful, joyful.

Educator: Are the kids cold?

Children:No, everyone's cheeks are red, the kids move a lot

Educator:What is the mood of the children?

Children:Cheerful, joyful

Educator:Do you get cold outside? Let's depict what needs to be done so that no frost is terrible.

We warm up a little

And clap your hands:



We will also warm the legs,

And let's go faster:



Now let's warm up our face.

To keep warm - look (Rub palms together).

Everything, as it should, rub:

Cheeks,(Rub your cheeks with your palms,

spout, nose wing,

Ears ears,

Lips…lips from top to bottom).

Steam went even from a fur coat. (Spread your arms to the sides, slightly stretch your lips and exhale a stream of warm air through them).

- And if our hands are cold, how do we warm them? (Children exhale into their hands, pronouncing the sound “x”).

Educator:Guys, who wants to talk about the picture that you saw on the screen?

Children's stories according to the scheme: the season, what the weather was like, who went for a walk, what fun they came up with, what mood the children had

Educator:Well done guys, you have made an interesting story about the winter fun of children.

- Guys, do you like winter? (children's answers) Let's get all the winter words you'll hear turn into affectionate: sled-sled, mountain-mountain, winter-zimushka, fur coat-fur coat, cap-hat, snow-snow, ice-ice.

Educator: When you and I go for a walk, we will mold from snowman snow. But now there is no snow, let's model a snowman On the desk. I forgot something, what kind of snowman is he? What shape does it look like? (children's answers)

(Offer children of various sizes triangles, squares, circles. Children lay out circles on the board - large, medium, small).

Educator: That's great, just a little similar but missing something. What other details can be added?

Children:Hands, nose, eyes, ears, hair, etc.

The teacher offers various options for hands, nose, eyes.

Educator: What a wonderful snowman we have! Why is it called Snowman?

Children:Because it is made from snow.

- That's how fun the guys are on a walk in the winter. There will always be a fun game or entertainment. No frost, wind the guys are not afraid since from a fun game in children happy mood and good, strong health.