Today I decided to cook beans with meat. All kinds of legumes have long been popular among people. Without cooking, legumes can hardly be eaten: the seeds are dry and hard, the green pods taste no better than roadside burdock.

But during the cooking process, green pods produce wonderful dishes, called lobio in the Caucasus. Boiled beans make excellent side dishes and stand-alone dishes. Bean dishes are healthy and recommended for many diets. For example, it’s easy to prepare and very tasty.

Legumes are well known to us in the form of beans, peas, beans, etc. Peas - first of all. Everything seems to be clear here. Beans are rarely used here. But beans are the most important legumes for us. No beans and no borscht.

Beans (Phaseolus) is the collective name for more than 150 species of the legume genus. Beans grow almost everywhere, with the exception of permafrost.

I remember in the village my grandmother didn’t even sit her down on purpose. I simply scattered bean seeds around the garden, and they grew on their own, didn’t take up space, but gave a good harvest. A bag for sure! In addition, beans are very decorative and bloom very beautifully.

The most famous bean is native to America; it is called “common bean” (Phaseolus vulgaris).

There are many bean dishes in all world cuisines. For example, Mexican cuisine is simply unthinkable without beans. Beans add nutritional value to dishes and also absorb the different flavors found in Mexican cuisine. True, in Mexico preference is given to red beans and black beans. Traditional refried beans (frijoles refritos) are a popular Mexican food option. Beans different types soaked, boiled until tender and kneaded, like boiled potatoes are kneaded for cooking mashed potatoes.

In Mediterranean cuisine, beans, both green and dry, are at the forefront of their use. Cooks readily use beans for cooking. Often, beans are added to risotto, mixed with pasta, or simply cooked with meat, pancetta, or sauces. Yes, and simply or very popular. Let's prepare regular white beans with ham - great option for a hearty lunch.

Beans with meat recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Beans (dry) 1 cup
  • Ham 150 g
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Parsley 5-6 sprigs
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Coriander, ground black pepper, salt Spices
  1. To prepare the dish, you need the most common beans, but white ones are better. In principle, it can be variegated or colored, but when cooked it becomes colored. And white beans are much easier to find. It’s almost possible to cook dry beans, but you shouldn’t try. This is both long and difficult. Many people advise adding a little soda to the water. It is impossible to eat beans that taste like soda.
  2. Before cooking, the beans should be soaked for several hours in cold water. Best at night. Then, when cooking, the beans will cook quickly and evenly. Sort through the beans, looking especially closely for the presence of bugs. They can be seen by small round spots under the skin of the grains. It is better to throw away such grains.
  3. Place the sorted beans in a container and fill with water. Place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, drain the water and pour in the beans. big amount cold water and cook over low heat until tender. If the beans are well wet, the cooking time is less than an hour. Usually 30-40 minutes. Drain a glass of liquid from the boiled beans into a separate bowl and discard the rest of the liquid. Transfer the boiled beans to a bowl and set aside.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into large cubes. Fry the onion in olive oil until soft, but do not overcook, otherwise the beans will have a burnt taste.
  5. Add diced ham. Strictly speaking, it is even better to cook beans with lightly smoked meat and a small amount of lard. Fry the ham with onions until browned. Season with salt and pepper, add 1-2 pinches of ground coriander.
  6. Continue frying the onions and ham until the smell of fried smoked meat appears. Add cooked beans.
  7. Mix thoroughly and add 100-150 ml of the broth left after cooking the beans.

It’s already autumn, it’s become quite cool and men are demanding a more satisfying dinner, and pork? I suggest you prepare a very tasty and satisfying dish today. stewed red beans with meat and vegetables. That's for sure, our men will be happy.

Preparing to cook the dish

Today I use red, fresh beans for cooking. It must first be sorted out, spoiled grains removed and washed thoroughly in several waters. Then we leave it for several hours to swell.

It’s convenient to soak it in the morning to cook it in the evening, and vice versa, soak it in the evening to whip it up in the morning.

How to cook delicious stewed pork

So, it increased in size several times. Drain off the remaining water and pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom. I cook all such dishes in a duck cooker, it’s just more convenient for me. Fill the beans with fresh water so that it covers them by two fingers, close the lid, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. We will cook over low heat. It's time to add a little salt.

While the beans are cooking, add the vegetables.

I have a fairly lean piece of pork, which is not very easy to cut due to the lack of fat. But it doesn’t matter, my kitchen knives are a whole arsenal for all occasions, which will always come to the rescue. One thing a cook should never skimp on is knives.

I average size, approximately 2-2.5 cm thick. Placed them in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Then I fried the meat over high heat for several minutes, stirring occasionally.

Rinse with water and chop into half rings. Place the onion in the frying pan with the meat.

Thoroughly wash the carrots to remove dirt, remove the skins with a vegetable peeler and rinse again with water. , put it in a frying pan. Mix vegetables with meat and simmer for about 5-7 minutes. You can add half bell pepper, but this time I didn’t have it.

Rinse the tomato with water and finely chop it, add it to the meat and vegetables, and then simmer for another 10 minutes. I decided not to, but to put more fresh tomatoes than usual.

A couple of minutes before cooking, salt the contents of the frying pan, add spices and a few bay leaves, which we distribute evenly over the frying pan.

The beans are cooked, at this point and... We put the contents of the pan into the roasting pan with the beans, and also add a few more chopped cloves of garlic. As a result, we mix everything in the duck pot several times.

If the dish turns out too dry, I advise you to add more hot water.

Cover with a lid and simmer for a few minutes. That's all, satisfying, autumn dish completely ready. I'm sure it turned out very tasty. Serve beans with meat, sprinkled with herbs rye bread and fresh onions. Agree, this is a real, masculine dinner. Bon appetit!

  • 1.5-2 cups – fresh red beans;
  • 600-700 grams – lean pork;
  • 2 pcs – onions;
  • 2 pcs – carrots;
  • 0.5 pcs – sweet bell pepper;
  • 3-4 pcs – tomatoes;
  • 4-5 cloves – fresh garlic;
  • Salt, spices (coriander, ground black pepper, mixture of herbs) - to taste;
  • 2-3 pcs – bay leaf.

At home, we often prepare meat with vegetables, cereals or legumes for dinner. Often, especially if there is a heavy workload, dishes for dinner are prepared in the morning in order to heat them up in the evening. Beef with beans is one of my favorite dishes, very filling and tasty. Even though beef takes a long time to cook, there is always enough time in the morning to prepare the stew and boil the beans.

Homemade beef stew does not require complex cooking techniques or exotic ingredients. It is noteworthy that such dishes are obtained completely differently from veal. Apparently, since veal cooks much faster, the dish does not have time to soak in the juices and flavor of the meat. And the nutritional and protein value of older meat is higher.

Usually, in order for meat to become soft, it must be stewed or boiled for a long time. You can cook it using the rib part of the carcass - excellent broth is guaranteed. Or make soup with rich broth. But meat stew with beans is not much more complicated, and takes the same amount of time to prepare if you take care in advance and soak the dry beans.

Beef and beans is similar to a traditional British stew - a type of stew made from meat stewed in a sauce, for example. Beans are often added to stew, and wine is used instead of water. Moreover, during the cooking process, tough meat becomes incredibly soft and tasty. As a result, all aromas and tastes simple products mix to form a delicious combination.

Beef and bean stew is cooked over low heat. The beans are soaked and then boiled separately. Boiled beans are mixed with almost ready beef stew, and the sauce is brought to a certain thickness.

To prepare a stew, you need to know that tough meat can simmer for up to two hours. It is worth being prepared in advance for long-term heat treatment. In Italian cuisine, the classic beef stew is used as a pasta sauce. This stew does not cook quickly; the meat must be soft. The addition of beans improves the taste and makes the stew a complete second course for have a nice lunch or dinner.

Beef with beans. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Beef 400 g
  • Beans 1 cup
  • White table wine 1 glass
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Celery (root) 1 piece
  • Hot pepper 1-2 pcs
  • Butter 50 g
  • Wheat flour 1-2 tsp.
  • Salt, black pepper, sweet paprika spices
  1. The beef should be old enough and tough enough; it makes an excellent stew. You can use any beans that cook well. The dish looks beautiful if the beans are dark - black or red. In advance, preferably in the evening, soak the beans in cold water. This will make the seeds softer and cook better. Before starting to cook the beef stew, boil the beans in large quantities water at a low boil - then the shell of the beans will not burst.

    Beef, red beans and vegetables for stew

  2. Melt butter in a frying pan. Clean the beef from bones, visible pieces of fat and films. Cut the meat into large pieces so that they can be easily pierced with a fork. ready dish. Place the pieces of meat in the heated oil and fry, turning occasionally, until golden brown.

    Fry the meat on butter

  3. Peel the carrots and celery root and cut into medium-sized strips. Add vegetables and 1-2 whole unpeeled pods to the fried meat hot pepper. Fry the meat and vegetables for 4-5 minutes until the carrots become a little soft.

    Add chopped carrots and celery

  4. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into large strips or cubes. Chop the garlic with a knife. Add the onion to the meat and fry for a few minutes over medium heat. After this, add garlic and spices. Season with salt and ground black pepper. Add 0.5 tsp. sweet red paprika and mix everything.

    Add onion and garlic, spices

  5. Pour a full glass of white table wine and a glass of hot water from the kettle into the meat and vegetables. Bring the liquid to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low, at which point you can still see a simmer. Leave the beef and vegetables to simmer. This is a long process, usually 1 hour is the minimum time. You need to taste the meat for toughness, and as soon as it has become acceptable, you can consider the meat ready.

    Add wine and water

  6. While the beef is stewing, the onion will combine with the liquid and form delicious sauce. The vegetables will remain in the same form as they were cut. Add boiled beans to the meat and stir. After the beans are added, the dish is simmered in an open frying pan over medium-high heat. To avoid damaging the bean shell, do not stir the stew too intensively.

At home, we often prepare meat with vegetables, cereals or legumes for dinner. Often, especially if there is a heavy workload, dishes for dinner are prepared in the morning in order to heat them up in the evening. Beef with beans is one of my favorite dishes, very filling and tasty. Even though beef takes a long time to cook, there is always enough time in the morning to prepare the stew and boil the beans.

Homemade beef stew does not require complex cooking techniques or exotic ingredients. It is noteworthy that such dishes are obtained completely differently from veal. Apparently, since veal cooks much faster, the dish does not have time to soak in the juices and flavor of the meat. And the nutritional and protein value of older meat is higher.

Usually, in order for meat to become soft, it must be stewed or boiled for a long time. You can cook it using the rib part of the carcass - excellent broth is guaranteed. Or make soup with rich broth. But meat stew with beans is not much more complicated, and takes the same amount of time to prepare if you take care in advance and soak the dry beans.

Beef and beans is similar to a traditional British stew - a type of stew made from meat stewed in a sauce, for example. Beans are often added to stew, and wine is used instead of water. Moreover, during the cooking process, tough meat becomes incredibly soft and tasty. As a result, all the aromas and flavors of simple foods are mixed to form a delicious combination.

Beef and bean stew is cooked over low heat. The beans are soaked and then boiled separately. The boiled beans are mixed with the almost finished stewed beef, and the sauce is brought to a certain thickness.

To prepare a stew, you need to know that tough meat can simmer for up to two hours. It is worth being prepared in advance for long-term heat treatment. In Italian cuisine, the classic beef stew is used as a pasta sauce. This stew does not cook quickly; the meat must be soft. The addition of beans improves the taste and makes the stew a complete second course for a good lunch or dinner.

Beef with beans. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Beef 400 g
  • Beans 1 cup
  • White table wine 1 glass
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Celery (root) 1 piece
  • Hot pepper 1-2 pcs
  • Butter 50 g
  • Wheat flour 1-2 tsp.
  • Salt, black pepper, sweet paprika spices
  1. The beef should be old enough and tough enough; it makes an excellent stew. You can use any beans that cook well. The dish looks beautiful if the beans are dark - black or red. In advance, preferably in the evening, soak the beans in cold water. This will make the seeds softer and cook better. Before you start cooking the beef stew, boil the beans in a large amount of water at a low boil - then the bean shell will not burst.

    Beef, red beans and vegetables for stew

  2. Melt butter in a frying pan. Clean the beef from bones, visible pieces of fat and films. Cut the meat into large pieces so that they can be easily pierced with a fork in the finished dish. Place the pieces of meat in the heated oil and fry, turning occasionally, until golden brown.

    Fry meat in butter

  3. Peel the carrots and celery root and cut into medium-sized strips. Add vegetables and 1-2 whole unpeeled hot peppers to the fried meat. Fry the meat and vegetables for 4-5 minutes until the carrots become a little soft.

    Add chopped carrots and celery

  4. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into large strips or cubes. Chop the garlic with a knife. Add the onion to the meat and fry for a few minutes over medium heat. After this, add garlic and spices. Season with salt and ground black pepper. Add 0.5 tsp. sweet red paprika and mix everything.

    Add onion and garlic, spices

  5. Pour a full glass of white table wine and a glass of hot water from the kettle into the meat and vegetables. Bring the liquid to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low, at which point you can still see a simmer. Leave the beef and vegetables to simmer. This is a long process, usually 1 hour is the minimum time. You need to taste the meat for toughness, and as soon as it has become acceptable, you can consider the meat ready.

    Add wine and water

  6. While the beef is stewing, the onions will combine with the liquid and form a delicious sauce. The vegetables will remain in the same form as they were cut. Add boiled beans to the meat and stir. After the beans are added, the dish is simmered in an open frying pan over medium-high heat. To avoid damaging the bean shell, do not stir the stew too intensely.

Step 1: Boil the beans.

Before cooking, any dry beans must be soaked in water. It is best to leave it for 6-8 hours or overnight in a fairly large container, because during the process the beans can increase in size by one and a half or two times. After soaking, the liquid is drained. Leave the ingredient prepared in this way in a colander for a while to give excess water drain.

Step 2: prepare the pork.

Frozen pork should be defrosted, but cooled pork can be cut immediately. First, cut off the meat. excess fat. It can be used for frying later or simply thrown away. After this procedure, the pork meat should be rinsed with cold water and dried with disposable paper towels. Cut the prepared pork into any pieces convenient for you, such as cubes. The main thing is that they are not very large.

Step 3: prepare the onion.

Be sure to peel the onion and cut off unnecessary ends. Divide the peeled vegetable into two halves and, using a knife soaked in cold water, chop it into thin half rings. Use your hands to separate the resulting slices to separate them from each other. As a result, you should get a kind of onion straw, as in the photo.

Step 4: prepare the carrots.

Rinse the carrots under running water, then, using a special knife, peel the skin off your orange beauty. Strip the peeled carrots again and chop into thin strips. For convenience, you can simply grate it on a coarse grater.

Step 5: simmer beans with meat.

In a frying pan with high brims and a thick bottom, heat sunflower oil. Place meat, onion half rings and carrots in it. Fry vegetables with pork for 3-5 minutes over low heat and stirring all the time.
The next step is to add the soaked beans to the meat stewed in vegetables. Stir. Pour the required amount of salt, ground black pepper into the pan and add tomato paste. Now pour purified water into the frying pan; it should almost cover the entire contents of the vessel. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it. And now, over low heat, continue cooking the beans and meat for 2 hours. During this time, all ingredients will soften and soak tomato paste and spices, and, accordingly, will be completely ready for serving.

Step 6: serve the stewed beans with meat.

Beans stewed with meat are served hot, you can do this immediately after cooking, or you can reheat the dish later. Simply divide the prepared lunch or dinner into portioned plates and serve. Usually I offer beans with meat as a complete independent dish, but sometimes you can add to it, for example, a side dish of boiled rice or pasta.
Bon appetit!

In some recipes, instead of vegetable oil It is recommended to use pork fat.

Instead of pork, you can also use chicken. The beef for this dish is too tough for my taste.

When soaking beans before cooking, be sure to change the water every 3-4 hours. If you do not have this opportunity, then you can add just a little, literally one teaspoon of soda.