How nice in a friendly team
Start the school year again.
Let it be positive
It will bring a lot of impressions.

Dear dear colleagues,
Cheerfulness, health and strength to you,
Creative spirit, mood.
The work of teachers is invaluable!

Congratulations colleagues
Happy New Year,
Congratulations on being again
We share knowledge with others.

I wish you health
Nerves forged - steel,
Lots of money and luck
Well, simple joys!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish that responsiveness and understanding are met more often in our work, that difficulties are bypassed, and educational process walked easily and effortlessly. May every day please you with success and achievements, both your own and our wards. Health to you, strength, good mood and great prospects!

Have a good start
Another year
Let there be a lot of strength
financial freedom.
And so that there is a return
From all efforts, zeal.
Good luck to you, good luck
Colleagues, and patience.
Love your calling
Learn, grow. The Day of Knowledge!

Dear colleagues,
Congratulations on Knowledge Day!
Patience and perseverance
I wish with all my heart.
Let this year be academic
Won't bring any trouble.
Let there be mood
Excellent. without worries
And without worries in vain
I want you all to live.
Happy Knowledge Day, dear ones.
Happy you be!

Happy Knowledge Day, colleagues!
Let the autumn mood inspire:
Let success come without counting
There will be great, lively joy.

Goals will become, dreams are achievable,
Those that knock in the heart secretly,
And let the determination not go out in the soul,
To teach and lead!

Here comes the new school year
Gave us crybaby-autumn,
Someone believes in him and waits
Some, to be honest, not so much.

The vacation is over, but we do not shed tears,
Let something sad sigh.
We all go to school anyway
Who is on a holiday, and who is at work!

Well, girls, congratulations,
More power in the new year!
I wish smart students
So that everyone catches on the fly!

Let the days fly by in circles
Good luck in your school affairs,
Let only large banknotes
Stored in your wallets!

Again the bells rang for the lesson,
Doors open in schools and universities
Happy holiday to you, dear colleagues,
New approaches, successful strategies.

So that work brings only joy,
So that fatigue does not creep up suddenly,
Cheerfulness of spirit, health, kindness,
It's time for new discoveries!

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge
My dear team,
I wish you all patience
To be positive in the soul.

More sincere smiles
Compliments and flowers
And control without errors,
To praise the students!

Knowledge Day is our holiday, dear colleagues,
You are kind, beautiful, dear,
We have been working together for many years, living together,
And the school for all of us is a dear home!

I wish you good luck every day
To easily solve all problems,
Hard work to bring joy,
Patience to you, colleagues, a lot of strength!

So that the children desperately love you,
And you taught them wisdom and reason,
To have health for a hundred years,
And joys came to you instead of troubles!

Dear teachers, congratulations on your start school year, the Day of Knowledge! We wish this year to be bright, eventful, fruitful and successful, so that every student awakens an irresistible desire to learn, so that there are many wonderful moments, unforgettable stories and bright colors of happiness in the picture of every day.

Dear teachers, we sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the academic year and the day of knowledge! We wish you patience in your work, wisdom, creative and scientific achievements, optimistic attitude! Good luck and let everything work out!

The academic year begins.
Let it be bread this time.
And it will bring results.
Let the pay go up.
You won't have any trouble with children.
You can learn easily
Get a lot of success.
Swim brightly across the sea of ​​knowledge
And get the love of a child.

Dear teachers, congratulations on the new academic year. Let it be light and bring only good things. Let there be many new discoveries in it, all moments will be pleasant, and happy occasions. Let each new lesson become a small cognitive journey through the world of knowledge. Be a captain for your students who goes on and on. Good luck to the new school year.

The school year has begun
Congratulations, teachers, from the bottom of our hearts!
Let there be very little bad
Only please let the students.

And let your health grow stronger
And love always follows.
Let inspiration not leave
You never in life.

Happy Knowledge Day, teachers, congratulations
And we wish you all the best!
Good, health, joy, patience,
Huge inspiration, of course.

Let the children always listen
Let them never upset you.
Let them have wonderful behavior,
Well, you're in a great mood.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. The academic year, to the start, attention, march - to victories and successes, to new knowledge and good grades. We wish you patience and strength, optimism and confidence that everything will work out. Let the students try and achieve high results with your help. Good luck to you all this year and good mood.

Started New Year training,
I send you congratulations today,
You chose by the call of the heart
Once a glorious path.

I wish you bright lessons
And curious children
Let every day in your favorite class
Makes you even better.

you with the beginning of the school year
We are very happy to congratulate you!
We want everything to work out
So that the heart is filled with goodness,
So that each of your school lessons
We were given a stream of new knowledge!
With your help, all the children at school
Everyone will be smarter in the world!

On the day of September, accept
Dear congratulations,
start again
Your "joy-torment".

We wish you patience
inspiration and kindness
So that your hearts are enough
Warm children dear.

Congratulations on the start of the school year should be both teachers and students. This year, the learning process begins with today, i.e. since September 3, 2018. Of course, this is an exciting day, and, in principle, the whole year for students in the first and final grades. After all, in next year graduates will no longer return to the walls of their native school, and for first-graders the whole process of gaining knowledge is just beginning.

The Day of Knowledge has arrived!
Started studying!
With what I congratulate you
And, of course, I wish
More courage, patience,
Happiness, school fun.
Keep the path always forward!
It's time to win!

Today is a holiday - back to school,
Bows joyfully rustling,
They go with a cheerful company
Girls from our yard!

And the boys are ready for school
Happy with flowers!
We hasten to congratulate - again in the collection,
All achievements and awards!

Bell, our dear friend,
He rested all summer
And today with renewed vigor
He called us all to knowledge.

So let's not be lazy
Happy to go to school
Great to learn
Lead a strong friendship!

We congratulate you today
All who appreciate the light of science.
Knowledge is not only power
Getting rid of boredom.

We wish you good luck
Endless patience
To make every day full
Joy and inspiration!

Congratulations on the start of the school year for teachers in prose

Our dear teachers, please accept our congratulations on the start of the school year! We wish you bright year rich, fruitful and successful. So that students only please you with the desire to acquire new knowledge, respecting and appreciating your work!

Dear teachers, we sincerely congratulate you on the start of the school year! We wish you patience, creative ups and downs, optimism and understanding among students. Good luck and inexhaustible energy.

Our dear teachers, congratulations on the new academic year! Let the days pass with ease and hope for the best. May this year bring many discoveries, and may all moments be unforgettable and enjoyable. Be for your students guides to the world of knowledge, which make it possible to move only forward.

Our wonderful teachers, congratulations on the start of the school year! Patience, strength, health and more bright positive working moments. Take your students on a journey into the world of knowledge in every lesson with joy. Fewer life barriers and more achievement of your goals.

Greeting cards on the theme of the beginning of the new year

Congratulations should be to all teachers who have already managed to transfer their knowledge to students.

Do not forget about the congratulations for the first teacher, who was in awe of his students throughout his studies in elementary school.

In addition to teachers, we can also congratulate kindergarten teachers.

It is also worth congratulating university teachers on the start of the academic year.

Parents who are raising a child in school can also be congratulated on the start of the school year. After all, they accompany their child to gain knowledge throughout the year.

On September 1, all schools in the country will host solemn assembly lines, where touching and beautiful congratulations the Day of Knowledge. The proposed congratulations in prose and poetry will help you choose the very words that will become a good parting word and wish for both students and teachers and parents.

Short SMS can be sent to your grown-up children, students of universities and colleges, because they also begin a new school year. You can send free postcards, pictures with congratulations to students and teachers via e-mail or through social networks.

Official congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in prose

Congratulations in prose are good because they can be supplemented in your own words, taking the proposed texts as a hint. They fit as official congratulations from the school leadership to open the ruler.

Dear children, dear adults! Today, September 1, we have gathered here all together - students, from first-graders to graduates, teachers and parents.
I sincerely congratulate everyone on the start of the new school year. First of all, I would like to say hello to the first graders. We gladly open our arms to you. You have entered the path of knowledge. Be curious, brave and kind. Let them wait for you amazing discoveries and new friends. And we teachers are always ready to help you. I would like to give a special message to the graduates. This school year will be a turning point for all of you. After finishing school, you will go into adulthood. Let the knowledge gained within the walls of our school help you achieve your goals! Teachers would like to wish wisdom, health, grateful students and that your creative potential and all your pedagogical ideas come true the best way. Dear Parents! I wish you health, patience, be aware of the events that happen to your children, take an interest in their success, children need your help. Let this new academic year be entertaining, informative, successful and fruitful for everyone!

Dear students, teachers and parents! Today, September 1, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish all students that natural curiosity always moves you to new knowledge and this academic year will be filled with many discoveries, joyful events and meetings! Dear teachers! Today, some of you accepted first-graders to the school, and the class teachers again saw the friendly faces of their students. Let the students reward the school with excellent academic performance for your painstaking work. Your wisdom and life experience will help students not only achieve victories in their studies, but also educate themselves wonderful people. I wish parents to keep up with their children, because modern world changes very quickly and requires constant updating of knowledge, keep up with your children and help them achieve their goals. Happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!

Pupils, teachers, parents, how nice to see your joyful faces on this first autumn day. Today is Knowledge Day and I sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday! First of all, I would like to say greetings to our smallest students - first-graders. We open the doors of our school wide for you and say to you: "Welcome!". From today you are full members of our family, this is how we consider our school. We will do our best to make it your second home. From you, we expect curiosity, a desire to learn, to participate in the life of our large team and to please teachers and parents with your successes. Our dear graduates! It seems that just recently you were first-graders, but you are already on the threshold of adulthood. We wish that this academic year was fruitful and memorable for you, so that the knowledge gained during these school years helped you make your dreams come true. To all students, from the first grade to the eleventh, we wish exciting lessons, bright changes, good friends, interesting events. Worthy pass the next path of knowledge, and your favorite teachers will be happy to help you with this. We wish teachers and parents health, wisdom, patience, the joy of communicating with children, creative success. Welcome to the new school year!

Our dear teachers, students and their parents, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish all students dedication and inspiration, great achievements in their studies and creativity, good and reliable friends, excellent health and Have a good mood. Our dear first graders, today you, with your first teacher, will go to the first grade for the first time! A long, difficult, but interesting and exciting path for knowledge will begin. Show curiosity, interest and do not be afraid if something does not work out for you. Here, within the walls of this school, you will always be helped. Good luck to you! Special wishes to future graduates. An important and responsible year is coming for you, you must finally decide for yourself what you want to achieve in life and make every effort to make your goals achievable. But the importance of this year should not prevent you from being big, but children. Enjoy this state. Let this academic year be remembered by interesting, bright events. Dear teachers! You are not only conductors of knowledge, but also educators of souls. Thanks to your passion, creativity You, starting from the first grade, instill in your students a love of knowledge! We wish you the realization of all your ideas, brilliant and grateful students, wisdom and health! Dear parents! Thank you for sharing with your children the joy of meeting with the school today! Remember that you are expected here not only on holidays, take an interest in the life of your children, help them. Health to you and be happy! Good luck, for knowledge! Happy holiday!

Dear children, dear adults! Today, at the porch of the school, students, teachers, parents gathered together. September 1 is the holiday of the first call, a holiday for those who take the next step along the wonderful road of knowledge. I sincerely congratulate everyone on the start of the new school year. Let it be for all students, from first-graders to graduates, entertaining and informative, successful and fruitful! We wish teachers diligent students, moral stability and strength, health and optimism. You are faithful keepers of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. May your work be valued and respected. Blessings to each of you. Dear parents, we sincerely wish that your relatives and beloved children will please you with their successes and victories. Let your relationship with children be built on love, mutual understanding and strong friendship. I wish everyone, both adults and children, development, personal growth, advancement and achievement of maximum results in all important matters! Good afternoon, Happy Knowledge Day!

Touching congratulations in verse to a first grader

Who is walking to school?
There is a briefcase and there is a bouquet.
Who is walking so cheerful?
There is my answer to this.
First graders at school
They stand in a friendly crowd.
Full of new expectations
Their uneven noisy build.
We wish the first-graders
Diligence and victories.
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
Productive school years!

New shoulder bag
And in the hands of a bouquet of flowers.
The school welcomes
In the first class of students.
You are at school today
The most important visitor
Looking forward to the lobby
Your very first teacher.
And now you'll go together
You are in the land of useful knowledge.
Let you be interested!
And brilliant beginnings!

Dolls, cars and bears have been put aside.
And stacked in bags notebooks and books.
Skirts, shirts and trousers ironed.
Rulers and pens are ready to go.

Today is Knowledge Day - a solemn day!
And we congratulate our beloved children,
That they go to school today in the first grade
And they will sit at their desks for the first time!

Congratulations to all schoolchildren, their fathers and mothers
We wish you success in your studies!
We will hand over bouquets to teachers,
Congratulating them on the first day of September!

The school bell chirps fervently,
Your first primer and your first lesson!
Kind teacher, large bright class,
School is waiting for you! Good time!
Study diligently and appreciate science,
Love school walls like a house.
Let the smiles of friends surround
And many happy days await you.

Dressy! Eyes are on fire!
In the hands of huge bouquets.
But no, not the kids are standing,
From now on, this is first-graders.
More kindergarteners yesterday
The students became
And the foliage quietly spreads
Under their timid steps.
We congratulate you, friends!
The school opens doors for you.
Will tell you everything from A to Z
And most true friend will become.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in verse for students

So the Knowledge Day has come,
And you are back at school.
We wish you well
Start a new year for you!
Let study give you
solid foundation,
To strive to know
Again the world and again!
May it never be
Bored in class
Starting September
Let everything be safe!

Congratulations on September 1
We hurry you today.
Already waiting for the native school
And all your teachers.
Let everything be like the first time:
Smile, sparkle of happy eyes.
And ahead - again study
And your cheerful friendly class.
I wish you not to know the difficulties
And it's easy to get up in the morning
Always willing to learn
And to know the subject of any "five"!

Today again September lit
Foliage of trees with red light.
The school threshold meets you,
It's time to say goodbye to the hot summer!
Happy Knowledge Day, we hasten to congratulate you,
And wish with all my heart
Correct the mistakes of the past
And learn a lot of new things
Joyfully strive for science
And study hard!

The first day of autumn in the sun
Boys are in suits, girls are in bows.
Joy sparkles all around now,
And bouquets are full of hundreds of children's hands.
Let smiles shine brighter than all lights
May the school give many bright days,
Every day passes, let it not be in vain.
Happy holiday guys! From September 1!

We meet a new autumn
We celebrate Knowledge Day!
The one who is small and who is older -
They are now under construction for marches.
Everyone greets each other:
A friend grew up, a friend in bows,
And with flowers and a smile
First-grader - like a postcard!
The school year will come again -
Congratulations! And let it be
He is successful and pleasant.
Interesting activities for everyone!

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day" for a graduate
This is no reason for fun
After all, in the status of a student
A lot to do in a year
Pass exams, pass books,
Decide on a profession
Learn without a break
And strive for something new!
good luck with this difficult task.
We sincerely wish you! Congratulations!
Love, reach your goals
And follow your dreams!

We don't say goodbye yet.
You have another year ahead of you.
And then a single exam
And another September will come.
Time you do not drive forward,
Don't rush to leave your class.
You will learn a little more
The last year to remember more than once.

11th grade - almost graduates,
School days go by fast!
And so as not to be late,
We want to wish today
In your studies, different successes to you,
More joy and laughter
Pass all exams without any problems
So that everything in your life is "five".

Eleventh grade! Hooray!
The last time you are on the line.
The final stage has begun for you,
Be able to pass it with dignity.
Succeed on the last bend
Strive for knowledge even more.
Understand that you are already adults.
And get older every day.
And every day that brings the hour closer,
When, having passed the exam barrier,
You will leave us all in the graduation waltz,
And take away the certificate - the reward of your work.
May your last school year be bright
Without failures, absenteeism and problems,
The way he will lead you to a new life.
Briefly speaking. Good luck! Good luck everyone!

Glad to see you, strong eaglets!
You are now in high school!
Congratulations, good luck guys
Replenish knowledge stock.

Ahead - hard study,
The last year is the hardest.
May it be the best year
Success will be golden!

Don't rush it,
He's already in his last year of school.
More school life live,
This time will not come again.

Years later, it will pull you to school,
Gather in a small flock,
Remembering the class, that fun time,
Laugh with a pure soul.

I wish you strong, long friendship,
Do not lose fire, do not bend your back,
I really believe in you and dream:
You will find the right path for yourself.

Good luck, my strong eaglets!
You are our elders today.
I hug you, go ahead, my guys,
Show everyone - you are the highest class!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day for teachers

A familiar road brought us together again
In the autumn, the first day of the calendar!
We are here again - at the school threshold,
We want to congratulate you, teachers!
We wish everyone health and patience,
Successful weekdays throughout the school year,
Let it pass in the power of inspiration
And bring good luck to everyone!

Today is the first of September
And again the day of knowledge has come to us:
Let not a red day of the calendar,
But it's time for new beginnings and tasks.

Our dear teacher, congratulations,
We want patience, good luck,
We appreciate, love and respect you,
And we'll try not to disappoint.

This day we celebrate not in vain,
Heading into golden autumn
And congratulate you, teachers,
We want when we bring flowers!
And for that, a big bow to you,
What is easy, no doubt,
You guide us with a firm hand
On the roads of knowledge and skills!

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.
There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.
They are in the fate of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."
We are all in his best hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder…
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!