Incredible Facts

It is cold and icy outside, and if you are sitting in a warm room in an armchair with a cup of tea, then in such a frost you can think of those places on our planet where it is now even colder and the temperature is much lower.

International Falls, Minnesota, USA: -40 Celsius

Falls International takes its status as the coldest place on the US mainland quite seriously, and are willing to prove it even in court.

Which they did in 2002 when they won their case against the city of Fraser, Colorado. Thus, the title of "Refrigerator of the Nation" remains with International Falls. They even celebrate the Freezer Days Festival every year.

Moreover, in the International Falls there is lowest average temperature in the country - 0-2 degrees Celsius.

Stanley, Idaho, USA: -47 Celsius

International Falls is not the coldest place in the continental United States: championship belongs to the city of Stanley in Idaho.

In addition to this, the city boasts the most big amount coldest days of the year from 1995 to 2005.

The city is located in the Rocky Mountain region and is surrounded by the White Cloud, Boulder and Sawtooth mountain ranges and three national forests.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA: -62.1 Celsius

Prospect Creek is a small town in Alaska where miners and oil pipeline builders lived.

Prospect Creek is home to the most low temperature in USA: in January 1971 it dropped to -62 degrees Celsius.

Despite this cold, the oil in the pipes does not freeze thanks to the thick thermal fiberglass coating.

Snow, Yukon Territory, Canada: -63.9 degrees Celsius

In the village of Sneg, located in the valley of the White River, was registered lowest temperature in the area North America: -63.9 degrees.

In 1947, when this temperature was recorded, 8-10 natives lived in the village, fur traders, meteorological station employees, radio operators and technicians.

The temperature was so low that meteorologists had to add a new division on the thermometer scale, and send it to the laboratory to determine the exact temperature.

Yakutsk, Siberia: -64.4 Celsius

Yakutsk is located on the northern bank of the Lena River.

The winters are so cold there the frozen river serves as a reliable road.

Almost all elements of Mendeleev's periodic table can be found in Yakutsk, and folk legends associate this with cold.

According to one legend, the god flew over the earth and distributed wealth and resources, but when he got to Yakutia, he froze so much that he dropped everything from his hands.

Verkhoyansk, Siberia: -69.8 degrees Celsius

Verkhoyansk is another Siberian town located near the Arctic Circle.

The city, which is a deer breeding center, was founded in 1638, and was a place of exile until 1917.

In addition to the fact that Verkhoyansk is considered one of the coldest places on earth, there there is a huge difference in temperatures of different seasons: for example, in January the average monthly temperature is -45.8 degrees Celsius, and in July +16.9 degrees.

Oymyakon, Siberia: -71.2 degrees Celsius

Oymyakon is considered the coldest permanently inhabited place on earth.

The village is located below 350 kilometers from the Arctic Circle. The school there only closes when the temperature drops below -52 degrees Celsius.

Along with Verkhoyansk and Yakutsk, Oymyakon was a place of exile for political prisoners.

East, Antarctica: -89.2 Celsius

Vostok Station, located near the Southern Geomagnetic Field in the center of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, is officially recognized as the coldest place on the planet. Here On July 21, 1983, a world record was recorded: -89.2 degrees Celsius.

Despite the fact that this Russian station, scientists from all over the world conduct research here. One of the main projects involves drilling of a 3700 meter ice sheet, which can provide information about the Earth's climate over the past 500,000 years.

Despite such low temperatures, very little snow falls in the station area - about 25 centimeters of precipitation per year.

At the end of last year, many of us yearned for winter and snow. However, it is unlikely that anyone would want this winter to be like winters in those parts of the earth where it is really cold. I suggest you find out the list of places where the scale of a standard thermometer is not even enough to measure the temperature in certain periods
Roger Pass, USA
The place, towering 1710 meters above sea level, is located in the US state of Montana. Roger Pass was the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States outside of Alaska. In January 1954, the thermometer dropped to -57 °C.

Fort Selkirk, Canada
The settlement was founded in 1848 as a trading post for the Hudson's Bay Company. Until the 20th century, people permanently lived here, until the last inhabitants left it in 1950 due to extreme weather conditions. The record temperature minimum of this place was -58.9 °C.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA
The site was inhabited during the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. After the completion of construction, most of the population moved. In January 1971, the lowest temperature in the United States was recorded here, which varied at around -62 ° C.

Snow, Canada
For a village located 25 km. south of Beaver Creek, winters are long and harsh. January is considered the coldest month. The temperature during this period can drop to -63°C.

Eismitte, Greenland
The area is completely covered with ice. Temperatures can drop as low as -64.9°C during the coldest months

Northeys, Greenland
The former polar research station of the British North Greenland Expedition is located on the Greenland Ice Sheet, at an altitude of 2345 m above sea level. In 1954, the station recorded the lowest temperature in North America - 66.1 °C.

Verkhoyansk, Russia
Despite one of the largest temperature differences between summer and winter on Earth, 1,173 people live permanently in Verkhoyansk. The place is also called the Pole of Cold of the northern hemisphere. The lowest temperature recorded in this place is -69.8 °C.

Oymyakon, Russia
According to a number of parameters, this village in Yakutia is considered the most severe place on Earth, in which people constantly live. The population is 462 people. The average January temperature is -46.4 °C. In 1924, the expedition of the geologist S.V. Obruchev recorded a temperature of −71.2 °C in Oymyakon.

Plateau, East Antarctica
US Science Station Plateau ceased operations in 1969. The lowest temperature recorded at the station is -73.2°C.

Vostok, Antarctica
In the area of ​​the only inland Antarctic scientific station used by Russia, one of the most difficult conditions on Earth. The polar night lasts 120 days a year, the average annual wind speed reaches 5 m/s, and only two months a year the average monthly air temperature exceeds -40 °C. In this place, an absolute temperature record was registered among the lowest temperatures on the planet from all meteorological stations in the 20th century: the thermometer recorded -89.2 ° C.

A certain area can be called the Pole of Cold the globe which has the lowest temperature ever recorded. In addition, regions that have recorded the lowest temperatures on the planet can also be considered cold poles.

On given time Several points are recognized as the coldest places on Earth, although recent studies have revealed record levels of sub-zero temperatures in three certain places our planet.

South and North Poles of Cold

There are two officially recognized regions that contain the coldest spots on the planet. These are the North and South Poles of Cold.

In the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, the poles of cold with a record temperature are the village of Oymyakon (with indicators of -67.7 ° C) and the city of Verkhoyansk (-67.8 ° C).

Station "Vostok", located in the expanses of East Antarctica, is considered the boundary point South Pole cold. Until recently, the lowest temperature recorded in this area was - 89.2 ° C. And recent research on the East Antarctic Plateau recorded a temperature of -92°C, which is considered the lowest of all time.

Methods for studying the poles of cold

Such information is contained in special maps compiled with the help of the direct work of meteorological services and satellites. The most accurate research has been conducted continuously for the past 32 years, while one of these meteorological satellites is the American brainchild of Landsat 8 - quality model Earth remote sensing apparatus. Such a unit is distinguished by a large set of measuring equipment and research functions, which makes it possible to use spacecraft the latest generation for a variety of purposes and tasks.

Thus, it was revealed that an entire area on the territory of modern Antarctica is much higher than the rest and has record levels of sub-zero temperatures. This is also due to the fact that for long periods of time there is no air circulation, and the release of heat in space carried out continuously.

In addition, it is worth noting that on our planet there are many isolated places where sub-zero temperatures border on record lows. Such places are located in different parts of the world.

The coldest places in the world

In addition to specific points with a minimum temperature indicated in Antarctica, there are many places on Earth that are constantly shackled by winter frosts. The coldest places in the world were recognized:

  • The South Pole of Cold is the Russian Antarctic station "Vostok"(East Antarctica - 78°28′ S 106°48′ E), at this point on July 21, 1983, a record low air temperature was recorded on the surface of the planet -89.2°C, this is the lowest temperature ever observed by meteorological scientists
  • The north pole of cold is a city Verkhoyansk in Yakutia - on January 15, 1885, a temperature was recorded in this settlement -67.8°C.
  • The village of Oymyakon competes with Verkhoyansk for the title of the northern pole of cold, so in February 1933 the temperature was recorded by Soviet meteorologists -67.7°C, which is 0.1 °C higher than the temperature record in Verkhoyansk.

It is worth noting that sometimes mountains are taken as cold poles, where the temperature also drops below 65 degrees Celsius, however, this technique is controversial, because scientists are interested in the temperature on the Earth's surface, and not at altitudes of several kilometers above sea level. For example, Americans consider Mount Denali (or McKinley) and its environs one of the coldest places on the planet, where the cold lasts as long as possible. Canadian meteorologists sometimes consider north poles cold Mount Logan (Canada), where in May 1991 a temperature of -77.5 ° C was recorded. But we must repeat ourselves - first of all, scientists are interested in the temperature on the surface of the planet, and according to this method, the championship belongs to three points - the Vostok Antarctic station, the city of Verkhoyansk and the village of Oymyakon.

People who live in cold temperatures no longer pay attention to thermometer data. They are accustomed to aggressive environment and radically changed their way of life.

After all, literally everything, namely, electronics, paints and even gasoline, completely freezes at low temperatures. However, people live in cold places on the planet. So what are the coldest cities in the world?

International Falls, Minnesota, USA

This city is located in the state of Minnesota, in the northern United States. International Falls is the county seat of Kuchiching County. About 7 thousand people live here. And the average air temperature in the city is only 2 degrees.

Experts call the settlement the coldest place in the continental United States. From this and the unofficial name of the city - "refrigerator of the nation." By the way, the nickname is used as a trademark, which is confirmed by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Barrow, Alaska, USA

Barrow is one of the coldest cities in Alaska. And the nearest city in the Arctic Circle in America. The average temperature here is minus 20.1 degrees.

But it also happened that the thermometers reached minus 53 degrees. By the way, quite often the northern lights appear in the night sky over the settlement.

Umiat, USA

And this city is on the list of the coldest in the world. In addition, it is one of the coldest cities in the US. This is because the average temperature in Umiet is minus 12 degrees. The village itself is located above the Arctic Circle, 140 miles southwest of Deadhorse.

America's coldest cities

The only way to get to this place is by river or by air. There are no railroad tracks or highways in the county.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA

In this place, the temperature record was set in the second half of the last century. The lowest temperature in the United States of America was recorded on January 23, 1971. Then the thermometers showed minus 62.1 degrees Celsius.

It is worth noting that Prospect Creek is located 25 miles southeast of Battles, this is Alaska.

Yakutsk, Russia

The capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a port on the notorious Lena River. Yakutsk is the largest city in the north-east of Russia in terms of the number of inhabitants. The population here is 250 thousand people.

Yakutsk is the coldest Big City in the world

Yakutsk is the coldest major city in the world. Here mean annual temperature air - minus 10 degrees. But the average temperature in January is minus 41 degrees. The absolute minimum is minus 64 degrees. By the way, even in forty-degree frosts, the inhabitants of the city do not cringe, maybe because such a temperature is not considered frost. Low temperatures are tolerated quite easily here.

Snedge, Yukon, Canada

In a small village in the Yukon, Canada, the coldest temperature in the history of North America was recorded. The record was set on February 3, 1947. The thermometers dropped to minus 63 degrees. By the way, the village of Snedge itself was formed not so long ago. The settlement appeared on the world map in the late 1800s, during the Klondike gold rush. The settlement is in a valley south of Beaver Creek.

North Station, Greenland

As you know, Greenland is the coldest place in the Western Hemisphere. The largest island in the world is located in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The area of ​​Greenland is more than 2 million square kilometers.

In February, the average temperature in the center of the island is minus 47 degrees. And the temperature record was set on January 9, 1954. North station. Then the thermometers showed minus 66 degrees. Readings were taken on ICE North at a research station in the middle of the Greenland Ice Sheet. By the way, the water reserves in the shield of the island are enough to raise the level of the world ocean by seven meters.

The coldest city in Russia

The city of Verkhoyansk is also in Yakutia, it lies outside the Northern polar circle. It was to this settlement that once political exiles were sent. The very first participant sent to Verkhoyansk Polish uprising poet Puzhitsky. Here, on January 15, 1885, the already exiled Kovalik registered on the equipment of the weather station minimum temperature air - minus 67.1 degrees. Later, this record was broken. The lowest temperature here was minus 69.8 degrees.

By the way, in Verkhoyansk thermometers, as a rule, show minus 40 degrees. Approximately 1400 people live in such conditions. The city itself is the third of the smallest in Russia. Residents even erected a plaque in honor of the discovery of the absolute temperature minimum in the northern hemisphere.

The coldest place in Russia

The village of Oymyakon is located in the Far East region, or rather, on the left bank of the Indigirka River, in the Oymyakon ulus of Yakutia. In the Sakha language, the name means "non-freezing water", this is because in this place there is a warm spring among the permafrost. The population of the village is about 600 people. And all people literally live in an ice village. The average temperature in the cold settlement is minus 40 degrees. And this is in the winter, which lasts about nine months.

By the way, Oymyakon is located between the mountains in the taiga, cold air is concentrated in this trap and, therefore, very low temperatures are recorded in the village. On January 26, 1926, the thermometers showed minus 71.2 degrees. By the way, experts are still arguing which of the settlements, Verkhoyansk or Oymyakon, considered the pole of cold in the Northern Hemisphere. So far, the dispute is leaning in favor of Verkhoyansk.

The coldest place in the world

The most cold spot of the world is Antarctica, Station Vostok. Only penguins and seals live comfortably there. And that's not all year round but only about six months. However, there are people in these places too. On July 21, 1983, the lowest air temperature on the planet was recorded at Vostok station - minus 89.2 degrees. The station itself is located 1260 kilometers from the nearest sea coast. The temperature in summer reaches a maximum of minus 21 degrees.

Therefore, this region received the well-founded name of the cold pole of the Earth. And getting to the East in the winter is almost impossible. The thickness of the ice under the station is about 4,000 meters. At the same time, the amount of precipitation is so small that the Vostok station area can be attributed to the largest desert on the planet. As a rule, at very low temperatures, a person cannot live normally, so only Yakutsk can boast of a population of 250 thousand people. We invite you to read about the most populated cities in the world.
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Scientists have discovered coldest place on earth- in Antarctica, where the temperature drops below -91 degrees Celsius. It is located on the Antarctic mountain range.

The discovery was made by American researchers National Snow and Ice Data Center using satellites and other methods of measuring temperature in Antarctica.

The place where the temperature reaches -91.2 degrees Celsius, located in the mountains fuji dome, the height of which reaches 3.7 km.

At this temperature, the eyes, nose and lungs of a person freeze in a matter of minutes. This is because the temperature is 13 degrees below the point (-78.5 degrees Celsius) at which carbon dioxide turns from gas to dry ice.

The coldest temperature on earth

So far, the record for the lowest air temperature on Earth -89.2 degrees Celsius was recorded in the winter of 1983 at the Vostok research station, also in Antarctica.

However, the researchers say there are probably even colder places, as satellites average temperatures over square kilometer. They also stressed that the lowest temperatures were recorded during clear, dry spells.

Kup Ol Fuji or Valkyrie Dome in Antarctica is the second highest peak and one of the coldest places on Earth on average. The temperature here is almost neverdoes not rise above -30 degrees Celsius even in summer.

The coldest places

However, the leader Russian Antarctic Expedition Vyacheslav Martyanov states that so far too early to talk about temperature record based on satellite data. The AVHRR and MODIS satellite instruments measure the so-called "brightness temperature", which is completely uncorrelated with true meteorological conditions, and must be confirmed by observations on land.

In addition, the Russian scientist believes that the 30-year record for the lowest temperature can be broken station "Kunlun", discovered by Chinese scientists in 2009.

It is located in the highest region of Antarctica - the Argus Dome. In winter, this place remains uninhabited, but if there was a meteorological station, then perhaps the temperature was recorded there lower than at Vostok station.

The station was opened on February 2, 2009, after the Chinese Antarctic Expedition traveled 1,200 km from sea to land, reaching the most inaccessible area, located at an altitude of 4,093 m above sea level. This is 600 m above the Vostok station, and scientists believe that the temperature here can fall to -102 degrees Celsius.

Pole of cold

Early this year the Russian village of Oymyakon became the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth where the average temperature in January reaches -50 degrees Celsius.

The lowest temperature at this so-called "pole of cold" reached -71.2 degrees Celsius. A little over 500 people live in Oymyakon.