When looking at some of the animals that live on the planet, there is no doubt about the excellent sense of humor of the creator nature. There is a lot of evidence - these are the funniest animals in the world.

angora rabbits

Sometimes the angora rabbit can be confused with a ball of wool, because these animals are particularly fluffy. Their wool is 90% down, so cute animals are bred mainly for this amazing wool.

One rodent allows you to get from 150 to 500 grams of angora wool, which can reach a length of 30 cm. Rabbits are bred differently - they differ in the shape of the body and the shape of the ears, they can have different shades.

Despite dangerous name, the toad looks cute and seems to smile all the time. This impression is created due to the wide mouth, which forever broke into a smile. But so smiling appearance very deceptive. A huge mouth and pseudo-teeth, which are located on the lower part of the jaw, help to hunt well. Shchitoshinki are very evil, they are inherent in cannibalism. Therefore, in terrariums it is never possible to meet the group keeping of individuals of this freshwater species.

Stryker's Rhinopithecus

Stryker's Rhinopithecus or the Burmese snub-nosed monkey has a tiny nose, which makes the muzzle of this animal very funny and at the same time incredibly cute. For the shape of the nose, the monkey is often called "Michael Jackson".

The special shape of the nose is not very comfortable for the monkey itself, because it causes discomfort to the animal during the rain. Drops easily enter the nose, which causes bouts of sneezing. To prevent this from happening, in bad weather, the snub-nosed monkey tries to wait out in the trees, hiding his head between his knees.

Snub-nosed monkeys are rare. They were discovered in northern Burma quite recently - only in 2010. The population of individuals is small - about 300.

On the territory of the basins of the Volga, Dnieper, Ural and Don rivers lives funny animal muskrat or, as the affectionate one is sometimes called, khokhulya. Look without a smile at this funny underground dweller does not work.

The appearance of the Khokhuli is tender - short legs on a round body, a sharp mouth with a tiny nose and half-blind eyes. The animal has beautiful fur, which expands from the base, and small sharp teeth. A funny little animal often becomes the main character of the videos that the Internet is full of today. After all, you can look at the funny walk and cheerful appearance of the muskrat for a long time.

Another primate that can be called one of the funniest animals in the world is the proboscis. A big nose monkey resembles a cucumber, it is he who causes laughter when looking at this species of primates. True, only males can boast of such a large nose.


A species of primate that is difficult to confuse with other species. Lori stands out thanks to her large and beautiful eyes, which seem to be deliberately summed up with a clear dark outline.

The animal is active at night, mostly sleeping during the day. Lori loves to hang upside down on branches, touching others with her appearance.

A primate living in Madagascar has long paws and tail. A funny muzzle of dark color with round blue eyes has a somewhat surprised expression. There is no fur on the muzzle, which covers the rest of the monkey's body. Special proportions give the impression of the clumsiness of a fluffy monkey.

Sifakas live in trees, love to eat flowers and leaves. This species of primates was discovered about 10 years ago.


Hungarian Shepherds are considered one of the oldest breeds. In past centuries, such dogs were often used to protect large cattle because the dog breed is very large.

The appearance of the dog makes it funny - peculiar “dreadlocks” are visible all over the body. But this is not a consequence of the work of a hairdresser, but a special cord-like coat that the dog inherited from nature. Despite the rather large dimensions and extravagant appearance, the dogs of this breed have a very affectionate character.

Armed Madagascar

This animal is also called Ai-ai, it is the only representative of the species of scabs. The animal is a semi-monkey, is small in size and has a fluffy, but very rare coat. The little animal has big round eyes and funny ears, as well as tiny paws with long fingers.

Imperial tamarin

And again, we return to primates, which are leaders in the list of the funniest animals. This time we will talk about the emperor tamarin, which lives in the forests of the Amazon.

A small monkey with cute eyes has a large white mustache that stands out noticeably against his dark coat. Thanks to such whiskers, tamarin won the title of the main "Cossack" among primates.


The good-natured quokka animal lives in Australia. The marsupial animal has a special appearance, so it seems that he is constantly smiling. Creatures are small and mobile, but not at all afraid of people. It is not uncommon to see a quokka that boldly takes sweets from a person’s hands. By the way, people use this to take funny photos with a funny animal.

Creation is more like plush toy- Luxurious reddish fur, a sharp nose, cute ears and black eyes give the animal charm. Despite the fact that scientists classify the red panda as a predator, the animal prefers to choose bamboo shoots for food.


These animals often become heroes of funny cartoons, which is facilitated by their cheerful appearance and special behavior. Sloths move little, which is due to the peculiarities of their metabolism. The fact is that the contents of the animal's stomach is 2/3 of the total body weight, and the metabolism is very slow and food is often digested for months. In addition, the animal's diet contains only plant shoots and leaves, which do not add much strength. So the animals have to save energy by refusing to move.

A tiny animal with a big head and huge eyes always brings a smile. The size of the animal is small - no more than 15 cm, so it seems that only the eyes are visible on the face of the little animal.

An amazing feature of this species of primates is communication on ultrasound. Moreover, they are able to hear at a frequency of up to 90 kHz.

Funny animals have long been liked by people. There was a period when they even tried to domesticate tarsiers. But nothing came of this idea, since in captivity the animals quickly died.


A mole with special tentacles around its nose has the characteristic name of a star-bearer. Its movable tentacles near the stigma help to determine by touch the food items needed for the mole. It is the pink tentacles, which are shaped like a star, that make the appearance of the animal so funny.

Near the coast of Tasmania and Australia, in the deep waters of the seas, a drop fish swims. Since the fish often dives to a depth of up to 3 thousand meters, its body is a jelly-like mass, thanks to which it manages to swim at the bottom without expending energy.

The fish has a funny face. A round, jelly-like mass with downturned mouth corners and a potato-like nose gives the impression that the fish is very upset about something. This sad “facial expression” does not change, which is why today the drop fish is recognized as the saddest fish on earth.

A black creature with small paws and lowered corners of the mouth is another sad creature of our planet. This is a black rain frog that is found on the coast of Africa.

The frog is like a small ball on which tiny eyes are visible. When threatened, the amphibian has the ability to puff up to increase in size.

Quokka, the funniest animal in the world (12 photos)

Quokka or short-tailed kangaroo (lat. Setonix brachyurus) is the only representative of the genus Setonix of the kangaroo family.

Quokka looks like a kangaroo or wallaby, but has a short tail, even relative to body size. The size of a quokka is about the size of a large domestic cat or medium dog.
Body length - about half a meter, tail - about 30 cm. Weight - from 2.5 to 5 kg. Quokka is a herbivore and is predominantly nocturnal.

The quokka is defenseless against predators, therefore it has been preserved on the small islands of Bald, Rottnest, Penguin and several isolated continental areas in the Albany region (Western Australia), where there are no foxes and cats. Prefers dry grassy areas, densely overgrown with shrubs, but during drought it is often found in marshy places.

After mating, one cub is born, but if it dies, another embryo develops without a new mating.

Quokka is a vulnerable species. The expansion of agricultural land has led to a decrease natural environment habitat and, as a result, the abundance of this species. The breeding of cats and dogs, as well as the drainage of swamps, exacerbate this problem.

ps Quokka is perhaps the most positive and very cool animal in the world;)

This can be said with confidence looking at some of her creations. But the man does not lag behind her in this matter, naming the newly discovered specimens of flora and fauna in such a way that a smile appears on the face by itself. For example, funny animal names, the list of which will be presented below, can safely claim to be the top most fun and entertaining. Of course, you can rearrange them however you like or just smile and get some positivity.

Desman and tuco-tuco

Our rating "Funny Animal Names" opens, of course, a muskrat. This cute animal of the order Shrews can be found in the basins of the Urals, Don, Volga and Dnieper. Something similar to a mole and a beaver at the same time, they have a pear-shaped tail, slightly resembling a turtle. The caudal part of the muskrat is covered with horny scales, and on top also with short stiff setae. Very similar to the tail of a turtle, only hairy. Under the tail of this animal there are special glands with a sharp, very specific smell. So, we can say that the muskrat is a Russian skunk, however, the smell of the glands is much less unpleasant and is even sometimes used in perfumery.

The second step in our ranking is occupied by a small rodent with the funny name tuko-tuko, living in South America. These animals live in small colonies of 100-200 individuals, while each rodent has its own "one-room mink". Own interesting name these little animals received for the fact that when danger approaches, they emit a loud characteristic sound “tuko-tuko”, warning their relatives.

Star-bearer and naked navvy

The third place in the rating "Funny Animal Names" can be given to the star-bearer. There is such a miracle in the northeastern United States and in southeastern Canada. hallmark starship is interesting structure"nose", or stigma, consisting of 22 tender fleshy tentacles-rays. When the star-nosed eats, then its nasal "fingers" gather into a soft compact "cam", and if it wants to drink, then the entire stigma has to be lowered into the water for a few seconds. Otherwise, the starship is very similar to an ordinary mole.

Another interesting animal that can dig many kilometers of passages is called a naked mole rat. This small rodent, which can fit entirely in the palm of an adult, most of all resembles a completely bald rat without ears. The digger lives in eastern Africa and prefers to be underground almost all the time. Their underground mansions can be up to 5 kilometers long. According to their lifestyle and behavioral algorithm naked diggers most of all they resemble ants: they live in colonies and love to stock up, which they place in their pantries and bedrooms connected by passages.

Kuzimanza and ah-ah (handle)

Listing the funniest names of animals, one cannot help but recall the animal called Kuzimanza. This long-nosed relative of the mongoose lives in West Africa and is fairly easy to tame and train. However, there is one interesting feature- the fact is that the kuzimanza does not have sexual deformity and it is almost impossible to distinguish where the female is and where the male is, therefore, it may be difficult to choose a nickname.

The next step in our impromptu ranking is the largest nocturnal primate with the funny name "ay-ay" that lives in Madagascar. This animal is also called the little arm, which is also quite fun. Ai-ai monkey is a rather rare animal, their entire population has only a few dozen individuals. The arm has a brown color with white specks and a large, about 15 centimeters, fluffy tail. It weighs about 2.5 kg, and feeds mainly on larvae and worms.

Fossa and margay

Further rating "Funny animal names" continues fossa. At first glance, we can say that this is an ordinary medium-sized animal belonging to the cat family. However, scientists have found that fossa has nothing to do with cats - it is the only representative of the genus Cryptoprocta. In appearance, this beast is a cross between a jaguarundi, a mongoose and a civet. This is the most large predator islands of Madagascar. Although the fossa has no enemies in nature, people disliked it very much, and today it needs protection.

Margai is an animal that looks like a small leopard. It has a very long tail and loves to climb trees. This beautiful representative of the cat family has huge expressive eyes. And the margay has a special structure of its paws, which allows it to go down head first even from a completely vertical tree. It is unlikely that any other representative of the cat family can do this.

"Oedipus complex" and the evil shield back

On the ninth step of our rating "Funny animal names" is the "Oedipus complex", which in Latin is written as Oedipus complex. No, this is not a term from a psychology course, but a small salamander. Based on what considerations she got her name - it is not known, it is unlikely that she was familiar with Dr. Freud or suffers from any complexes. True, a little later this type of salamander was isolated in separate view and "renamed" by arbitrarily changing a few letters. Now they are called Oedipina complex - which not only does not have a translation, but does not make any sense at all.

The honorary tenth step can be safely given to the evil shield-back, or the Bajit frog. At first glance, this is a cute and harmless creature, but, anticipating danger, the evil shield-back immediately ceases to seem cute. It swells to a huge size and becomes like a pimply soccer ball, making rather sharp and unpleasant sounds.

Madagascar sucker-foot and broad-eared fold-lip

And again we will return to the island of Madagascar - the birthplace of such animals, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that animals with funny names that live there occupy a large part of our rating. One of them - Madagascar sucker - bat in which the suction cups are located directly on the skin. This “mouse”, although it has as many as 38 teeth, feeds mainly on small insects and loves to wrap itself in palm leaves, hiding from enemies.

The wide-eared folded lip is another bat that lives in the south of Primorye and the Caucasus. A distinctive feature of the folded lip is that it can give several types of sound signals from which at times it adds up something like a song.

Okapi, dromedary and Tasmanian devil

Another animal with a funny name is the dromedary, or simply one-humped camel. Their distinctive feature is, as you know, that they can do absolutely without water for several months. But if they got to the watering place, they can “swallow” about a hundred liters in 10 minutes, and if the animals could hold the championship on the best “water drink”, the dromedary would certainly be among the champions.

Not only nature can boast of its quirks. Crossed animals with funny names are also not uncommon. For example, crossing a zebra and a giraffe resulted in a rather funny animal with the funny name okapi. Much like a giraffe, this cute animal has stripes on the limbs and "loin". Okapi also have small horns and long tongue, which helps them pick delicious leaves from trees. Unlike giraffes, okapis have a darker, chocolate-colored coat that allows them to better hide from predators.

Well, this completes our ranking. Tasmanian devil- the largest predator among modern marsupials. Outwardly, it is a bit like a small Himalayan bear - black with a white "tie" on his chest. The character of the animal is very severe, for which he received the nickname "devil". He is also the owner of strong jaws and sharp teeth, with which he is capable of not only biting a bone in one bite, but also crushing the spine of his prey.

Here is our top 15. Of course, this rating is far from complete, so anyone can expand it and tell what other funny names of animals and birds exist in nature.

angora rabbit- a breed of decorative rabbits, which is distinguished by "special fluffiness." They are bred for their long and soft coat, which is 90% down. From 150 to 500 grams of wool are obtained from one such rodent per year. Angora wool began to be obtained in the Turkish city of Ankara, hence the name. There are Angora rabbits with unprecedentedly long hair - up to 30 cm. various form ears and body.

Source: http://imworld.ru

Evil shieldback- belongs to the genus of tailless amphibians, the family of whistlers.
The shield backs live in the semi-arid region of southern Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia. They lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle (there are no swimming membranes on their front legs, so they are poor swimmers). Shield-speakers live in shrubs, temporary freshwater swamps, meadows and reservoirs. Due to the reduction of habitats, they are endangered.

Let the harmless appearance of the toad not deceive you, it has a formidable weapon - long cone-shaped outgrowths on the lower jaw - "pseudo-teeth". tadpoles evil shieldback very angry, they, without blinking an eye, eat their fellows, swallowing them whole (probably, for this they need such a big mouth). Shchitobacks are cannibals, and they are kept separately in terrariums.

Source: http://vk.com

Burmese snub-nosed monkey, or Stryker's Rhinopithecus- for their miniature nose, the monkeys received the nickname "Michael Jackson". The nose gives the monkeys inconvenience: during the rain, drops fall into the nose and they sneeze. Therefore, during bad weather, they are forced to sit in the trees, hiding their heads between their knees.
Snub-nosed monkeys live only in northern Burma, their population numbers up to 300 individuals. They were discovered quite recently - in 2010.

Source: http://vk.com

sea ​​bats- fish from the bat family of the anglerfish order, or sea devils. The maximum length of a bat can reach 35 cm. These fish have a very extravagant and original appearance: they have big head with a "fishing rod", a tubular outgrowth in which the bait is hidden - a special trapping organ. At sea bats plump lips, the body is narrow and tapers even more towards the tail, so the fish resemble the physique of a giant tadpole. Sea bats are similar to frogs due to the special pectoral and ventral fins, which consist of several skeletal elements. The pelvic fins are very large and look like frog legs. Completes the image - bare skin without scales. Red-lipped and coconut sea bats are more popular and known for their skillful make-up - well-chosen lip color. Sea bats are very clumsy and do not like to swim. Their favorite pastime is hiding at the bottom.

Source: http://www.lextours.com

Hungarian Shepherd Dog or Komondor- is considered one of the most ancient breeds. The ancestors of the Komondor were used to guard sheep and cattle. This is one of the most big dogsaverage height male 80 cm. In addition to their impressive size and affectionate nature, Komondors are distinguished by their extravagant appearance. Sheepdog hairstyle - long "dreadlocks": a special white, long corded coat.

Source: http://www.zoopicture.ru

Ay-ay, or Madagascar hand- the only species from the family of rukonozhkovyh. Ai-ai - semi-monkeys, with fluffy, but rare black-brown hair, a long tail, thin and long aristocratic fingers, big eyes and huge bald ears. Ai-ay lives in tropical forests Madagascar and is nocturnal. In length, the animal grows up to 45 cm, and its tail can reach 60 cm. It seems that Tolkien "copied" Gollum from this particular mammal.

Source: http://www.mirkrasiv.ru

Moon-fish, or fish-sun- this is really both the sun and the moon of the oceans, it is also called the "floating head". The fish moon is the largest in existence today bony fish: grows up to 3 m in length and weighs up to 1.5 tons. The body of the moon-fish, as if squeezed in a press, is flat, and the tail is very short. It lives in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Small sunfish swim like all normal fish, but the bigger they get, the harder it is for them to swim. Adult individuals are not able to fight the current. Moonfish can often be seen resting on their side on the surface of the water.