Even as a child, Sergei Zverev Jr. was predicted the same stellar fate as his father, a hairdresser and singer. But, having matured, the young man suddenly disappeared from the front pages of newspapers and online publications, spoke with reporters reluctantly and rarely appeared on television. One of the notable public appearances was the program "", where they discussed the marriage of Serezha, which was objectionable to the famous pope. They started talking about Zverev Jr. again when he decided to sort out his family ties.

Childhood and youth

In the early 2000s, fans of Sergei Zverev were very surprised to learn that the outrageous fashion designer had a growing heir. The stylist began to appear in public in the company of a blond boy, saying that this was his son. Fans had little faith in the legend, but on family ties Seryozha's appearance indicated - he was very much like his father. Some have suggested that this is a nephew or even a younger brother.

Sergei Zverev Jr. and Sergei Zverev Sr.

Meanwhile, the stylist claimed that the child was born from a common-law wife, whose life was claimed by a car accident. Mom Valentina Timofeevna helped raise the boy, the family lived in Moscow. According to the sign of the zodiac, Zverev Jr. is Leo.

Grandmother instilled in her child the ideals of beauty and love for nature, often taking Seryozha to the picturesque village of Kultuk, where she spent her youth. In the village, of course, there was no trace of the capital's glamorous life. Sergey was friends with local guys, rode a bicycle for days on end, fished on the lake.

A few years ago, the son of stylist Sergei Zverev found out that he was adopted. After that, regular quarrels began to occur in the celebrity family. Zverev Jr. lied that he was attending the university, and completely got out of hand.

“Seryozha adopted him at the age of 3. He came to a charity event in the Irkutsk orphanage, saw him little, in a gnawed bed. He thought it was rats, but it was the children who gnawed, from hunger in the 90s. He took him in an armful and The mother of the boy was the mother of Sergei Sr., the youngest had asthma, choked at night, but they treated him, and his health improved, "said a source close to Zverev to StarHit.

The star father tried to get him on television with little employment and a decent salary, but this did not suit the young man either. The son of a stylist was then engaged in his personal life, but at the same time he continued to demand financial support from his father.

Soon Sergey Zverev - Jr. played a wedding with his beloved. The union of the newlyweds did not last long, and the guy divorced. Already in November last year, the stylist's son played a second wedding with a girl, Julia. The couple lives in the suburbs and seems to be experiencing financial difficulties.

Zverev himself refused to help his son after he began to attend various talk shows and talk nasty things about his father.

Zverev Sr. is now hard, unpleasantly terribly. Nothing is known about the parents of Sergei Jr., perhaps outcasts. In a recent message, he wrote: "If dad does not help, we will sue his apartment." Sergey Sr. helped until recently. "He handed over branded clothes to his son and money every season. But after all he stopped. He does not work, neither he nor his wife," said an acquaintance of Zverev Sr.

Now Sergey Zverev refuses to communicate with his son - he has blocked the phone and does not answer calls.

Sergei Zverev managed to break out of a simple village boy into a respected and popular stylist of the most famous stars Russian show business. Despite the fact that the hairdresser and designer stylist are not male profession, but, Sergey knew from childhood who he wants to become in the future.

The guy decided on his dream and confidently walked towards it step by step. Today, the name of Sergei Zverev is on everyone's lips. He made his own career, achieved success through his skill and talent, and is a shining example of how to work on yourself.

The popular and outrageous stylist has radically changed his appearance, millions of eyes are always riveted to him, which means that everyone wants to know how tall, weight, and age he is. How old is Sergei Zverev, each of us wonders, because he looks pretty young. Few people believe, but this year he has an anniversary - 55 years!

The growth of the famous hairdresser of the country is 187 cm, weight is 75 kg. Sergey is rather thin for his height, he rarely visits gyms. If anyone surprises with his appearance, then this is Sergey Zverev. Photos in my youth and now are very different. Now the designer has changed beyond recognition.

Biography of Sergei Zverev

The biography of Sergei Zverev is very interesting and significantly different from the standard life stories. The future popular stylist and hairdresser was born in a small town in the Irkutsk region. Father - Anatoly Andreevich Zverev, mother - Valentina Timofeevna Zvereva. Sergei's father worked as a mechanic at a nuclear enterprise, and his mother worked as a technologist at a meat processing plant. Unfortunately, his father died in a car accident, after almost two years Valentina Timofeevna got married a second time, so Sergei had a stepfather and half-brother. The family moved to Kazakhstan, and later returned to their native Irkutsk.

After receiving a secondary education, Sergei Zverev managed to enter a school where they did not want to take him, because then the art of makeup and hairdressing was considered a purely female specialty.

Even while studying at a vocational school, young Zverev won prizes in various competitions. According to Zverev himself, he went to study in the fashionable capital of the world - Paris, but no facts were found to confirm his words.

Few people believe, but a young man with such a rare calling (especially during the Soviet era) managed to serve his homeland in the ranks Soviet army. Sergei Zverev served in Poland, in the army air defense. Here Sergei succeeded, rising to the rank of sergeant.

After completing his military service, Sergei Zverev returned to improving his skills in fashion design, makeup and hair. At the same time, he worked as a model.

Thanks to the first star client Tatyana Vedeneeva, who was satisfied with the work of the young stylist and hairdresser, the most popular artists of the country began to have their hair cut by Sergey Zverev. The golden hands of the master were so in demand that a line of Russian stars lined up.

Meanwhile, Sergey continued to take part in international competitions, having managed to reach decent heights and titles.

Although Sergey Zverev (in his youth, the photos are very different from the current ones) has changed significantly in his face, which is noticeable to the naked eye, he himself speaks of the forced operations that he needed after the accident. But, it is hardly possible to call a change in the cheekbones and the shape of the lips - forced operations.

To date, Sergey Zverev has succeeded not only in hairdressing, but also began to sing, shoot videos, participate in television shows, and also acquired his own beauty salon in the capital of the country.

Personal life of Sergei Zverev

The personal life of Sergei Zverev is no less bright than his profession. The list of his girls included such famous people as a singer Vetlitskaya Natalya, Oksana Kabunina, Yulianna Lukashevich, Irina Bilyk.

According to some reports, he was married four times, but all marriages were not long-term. Zverev has a son, about whose origin there are discussions and many assumptions are made. Sergei Zverev himself claims to have adopted a boy. However, many facts from the personal life of the stylist are contradictory and confusing. The yellow press has not yet managed to get to the bottom of all the secrets of the country's popular hairdresser and makeup artist.

Family of Sergei Zverev

Initially, the family of Sergei Zverev is he and his parents. After the tragic death of his father, his family became his mother, stepfather and stepbrother. The stylist's mother grew up in an orphanage, so it was important for her that there was order and discipline at home. She raised her son in strictness, and taught to follow the rules. This is what helped Sergei Zverev achieve such success in life and career. He is very grateful to his mother for raising him and believes that without her he did not have such a future.

Today, the most close person singer and showman - his Foster-son. Coincidence or not, but he is somewhat similar to his father.

Children of Sergei Zverev

Are there any children of Sergei Zverev? Yes, I have. The stylist raised his adopted son alone. There was a lot of controversy about the boy's mother, but in the end, his identity was never established. Although, Sergei Zverev claims that he took his son from orphanage, but the public sees the guy's resemblance to his father, which means that Sergey simply does not want to reveal the name of his son's mother.

Today, Zverev's son is already an adult guy who managed to get married and divorced.

The popular presenter, singer, designer and makeup artist has many female fans, and most likely, many of them dream of giving Sergei an heir, but the stylist himself does not want to have a family or children yet.

The son of Sergei Zverev - Sergei Zverev Jr.

The only son of Sergei Zverev, Sergei Zverev Jr., was born in 1993. The child lived from birth in a baby house, and when he was three years old, the singer and presenter adopted him.

Despite the fact that Sergei Zverev planned the future of his son, was going to break his way to fame, wanted him to choose the same profession as his father, nevertheless, the son refused his father's privileges. He completely abandoned his father's idea and did not consider the profession of a stylist and hairdresser. He was more interested in music, now he works as a DJ.

In 2015, the son of Sergei Zverev got married (there is a photo from the wedding on the net), his father was not at the wedding, as he was against this marriage. Sergei Zverev believed that the girl was not suitable for his son, and he was not mistaken. A few months after the wedding, the young people divorced.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Natalya Vetlitskaya

First and former civil wife Sergei Zverev - Natalia Vetlitskaya. Roman Zverev and the popular pop singer did not last long. The initiator of the relationship was Zverev, he was so fascinated by the girl that he immediately offered cohabitation.

According to some reports, they broke up due to past passion. Other sources report the adventures of Vetlitskaya, who did not triple Sergei. Although the romance was not long, the couple managed to attract attention and make a lot of noise in the press. Today, the singer lives in Spain, she has a husband and a daughter.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project)

The former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev is Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project). Extravagant and bright girl immediately attracted the attention of Sergei. In their relationship there were beautiful courtship, violent passion, living together, which Zverev insisted on. The fact is that due to the busy schedules of both celebrities, young people saw each other very rarely.

But who would have known that this would be the beginning of the end of their love. There are few details about the breakup, everyone left annoying journalists and did not answer questions about the reasons for the breakup.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk

Another ex-civil wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk, famous singer Ukraine. This relationship was different. Here, rather, a passion flared up, entailing intimate relationship Irina and Zvereva.

According to journalists, the Ukrainian performer was delighted with the man. It is known that she was attracted extraordinary personalities. But, having lived together for more than a year, the couple also broke up. exact reasons former lovers are not called. But the press suspects that this was another fleeting romance of a popular fashionista and stylist.

Civil wife of Sergei Zverev - Elena Galitsyna

Sergei Zverev met Elena Galitsyna in one of the capital's nightclubs. A conversation began, and then meetings, dates. The couple has many common interests, and their communication is easy and not forced.

According to many, soon, the fourth common-law wife of Sergei Zverev, Elena Galitsyna, may acquire the status of the stylist's official wife. This is constantly written in the media, and the lovers themselves do not deny this fact. It is interesting that Sergey and Elena are even somewhat similar to each other, which others could not help but notice.

Discussions of photos of Sergei Zverev before and after plastic surgery cause great resonance. Obviously, the celebrity has repeatedly visited a plastic surgeon. According to the most sought-after hairdresser in the country, initially, he had to go under the scalpel due to an accident.

Sergei got into a car accident, as a result of which he was disfigured. Then, the plastic surgeon corrected the consequences of the accident. Then, Zverev corrected the consequences of plastic surgery that did not suit him. If you look at how Sergei Zverev looked before and after the operation, the photos differ dramatically.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergey Zverev

Many fans of the popular presenter, make-up artist and stylist draw information and photos of a celebrity by viewing the data that contains Sergey Zverev's Instagram and Wikipedia. Instagram is replete not only with fresh photos of the stylist, but also with videos from various events.

Sergei Zverev is often invited to the opening of elite nightclubs, restaurants, and various beauty contests. And he shares everything that happens with his fans. There are also quite detailed information celebrity on wikipedia.

Sergey Zverev Jr was born on August 25, 1997. Boy's mother, civil wife Zvereva, died in a car accident, so the upbringing of the child fell entirely on the shoulders of the star father and grandmother.

For a long time Sergey Zverev hid the existence of his son. So that the press does not torture. He married early for love, but then something did not work out. Family and work were completely incompatible. Sergey with his wife began to move away from each other. Acquaintances began to appear on the side, mutual betrayals, some traces of lipstick on collars, women's perfumes. Many did not know that Sergey generally married. They called, and my grandmother came up to the phone and heard: "Pusik! It's me!": It became unbearable, although at that time, according to him, more valuable than a person than he had no wife. After few years Sergey divorced.

Now Sergey Zverev with his son and mother live in Moscow in one large apartment. Mother of glamorous Sergey Zvereva Valentina Timofeevna and her grandson often travel to their historical homeland in the Irkutsk region. Grandmother is trying to educate Seryozha Jr. on the ideals of beauty and kindness, therefore summer holidays they spend in the village of Kultuk, where in her youth she worked as a technologist at a meat processing plant.

fifteen year old son Zvereva We found Sergei near a small lake near the aunt's house, where the boy was fishing. Then the whole day he rode a bicycle with many friends from Kultuk.

Looks like the son of Sergei Zvereva- an ordinary teenager. There is no trace of glamour. Plain black blouse, jeans and short haircut. All the children circled around him all day - he talked so interestingly about his busy life in the capital. Lively, cheerful, kind, without a Moscow accent and "stardom". However, when he found out that we were journalists, he took to his heels. Why does little Seryozha not want to communicate with journalists and, blushing, runs away from them? Maybe he still can't get over the grand celebration of his 14th birthday in one of the most popular and expensive nightclubs in Moscow? Then the stylist gave his little son... the real female striptease. The whole public was shocked, because all this nonsense was shown on TV! Of course, the ratings of the stylist then went off scale.

Here's what he says about his son Sergey Zverev elder: "My son Serezha is the most beloved person and the most devoted friend. We have a day of the week when we both go for a walk or eat at a candy cafe. He has such a sweet tooth, all in me! Although sometimes he takes me with everyone "lays": we come somewhere with Seryozha, and everyone thinks that this is my brother. And suddenly Seryozha says "Dad!" in front of everyone. He also likes to watch me dress somewhere. For example, for some show:"

It is good and calm in my heart that his grandmother, who comes from Baikal, is now engaged in the moral education of little Serezha.