All miners sometimes want to feel like the strongest, most courageous and most authoritative. It is possible to implement this, for this you need download mod for minecraft superheroes. With this addition, you are automatically enrolled in the ranks of super heroes and those who can cope with the remarkable abilities of zombies or the destructive power of natural elements. The Minecraft game contains plots and heroes of other equally beloved toys, but only taking into account square reality.

Deciding download mod minecraft 1.7 10 for superheroes, more than 30 unique costumes will be added to your mobile device. What is cool is not only new external data, but also ultra powerful and modern weapons, allowing you to neutralize the criminal and the enemy as quickly as possible.

What super heroes will the super hero mod add?

Of course, players will be interested in the question of what kind of hero he can turn into. And the list is incredibly long. There is an opportunity to become Batman, Wolverine, Hulk, Captain America, Deadpool, Tutridium and Vibranium and many others. As you can see, Marvel comics have become so popular that their main characters have become in demand in the square world of Minecraft. The player will be able to use all the abilities and power that superheroes are endowed with.

Download mod for minecraft for superhero costumes means to completely change your entire gameplay. From now on, the player will not have a single free minute, all his time will be occupied by mega important things - battles with enemies, passing difficult tests and, of course, getting to know other super heroes. On servers, this feature is very relevant, which means that not only you, but also other miners will want to become real super heroes.

Some of the heroes will be able to generate themselves in your world, like emeralds. This is not only cool, but also very convenient.
For example, Batman is endowed with a special ability - he can use a boomerang, and Ant-Man is able to change in size. We advise immediately download mod for minecraft 1.8 for superheroes, as well as other versions, so that each crafter has the opportunity to evaluate the full power and strength of each of the added heroes. Fly there or use the 3D shields? No questions - everything is at your service.

Having made a decision download mod for minecraft superhero costumes, you will not only add three dozen unique characters to your world, but also become one of them for a while. As for me, an amazing opportunity to realize your most daring ideas and wishes.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the possible crafts in the Superheroes Unlimited mod:

21 sets of superhero armor. The mod will also add villains like the Joker and the Winter Soldier that you will need to defeat in order to unlock the new superhero armor.

Some of the new armor sets available include the Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman armors. Most of them have special abilities and special tools that can only be used with certain types of armor.

How to get superhero armor?

Start with crafting Start Something Epic and tap it on the ground to get a blank comic book. An empty comic book is used to craft a complete comic book.
  • Start Something Epic (id - 3499) - 1 book + 2 diamonds + 2 iron block+ 2 blocks of redstone
  • PocketWiki (id - 3498) - in the inventory of the creative mode
Now drop complete book comic books to the ground to fight your first villain boss (in our case, this is the enemy Captain America - Red Skull).

For each murdered villain you will be given new book. Second boss - Bucky. Kill him to get the third book: Captain America #3 - Civil War. In the third and final fight in order to get the armor Captain America you have to fight with a bunch of mobs, so we advise you to prepare well.

Mobs will also drop armor. Batman, his hook and a blank comic. Use the blank comic as above to create the next bosses that you can fight to get all 22 superhero costumes.

DC superheroes


put on a suit Batman and get an increase in speed, strength and jump. Fight crime day and night as you get access to night vision! Use a hook to move easily.

  • Batman Mask (id - 3500)
  • Batman Suit (id - 3501)
  • Batman Leggings (id - 3502)
  • Batman Boots (id - 3503)
  • Grappling Hook (id - 3700)


One of the most powerful superheroes Superman. With his suit, you can fly, deal incredible damage, walk through fire and run incredibly fast!

  • Superman's Suit (id - 3504)
  • Superman's Leggings (id - 3505)
  • Superman's Boots (id - 3506)
  • Grappling Hook (id - 3700)


Flash the most agile superhero of all. If you put on his costume, you will not only look cool, but also complete your tasks faster than other superheroes. You will also be very good in combat as you will have increased armor durability and speed.

  • Flash Mask (id - 3507)
  • Flash Suit (id - 3508)
  • Flash Leggings (id - 3509)
  • Flash Boots (id - 3510)


If you like ocean exploration, then Aquaman, will probably be your favorite superhero. As soon as you put on this costume, you will be able to breathe underwater, swim with increased speed and apply more strong blows, and also use Aqua Staff, which deals even more damage to the enemy.

  • Aquaman Mask (id - 3511)
  • Aquaman Suit (id - 3512)
  • Aquaman Leggings (id - 3513)
  • Aquaman Boots (id - 3514)
  • Aqua Staff (id - 3701)

Green light

Wearing a suit Green Lantern and picking up a ring of power, you can fly and shoot arrows by pressing the button on the right side of the screen.

  • Green Lantern Mask (id - 3515)
  • Green Lantern Suit (id - 3516)
  • Green Lantern Leggings (id - 3517)
  • Green Lantern Boots (id - 3518)
  • Green Ring (id - 3702)


Nightwing known to everyone for his super agility skills. He jumps very high and runs fast. Nightwing has its own weapon called Nightwing Stick. This is a very powerful item, as it adds 3 damage to the hit.

  • Nightwing Mask (id - 3519)
  • Nightwing Suit (id - 3520)
  • Nightwing Leggings (id - 3521)
  • Nightwing Boots (id - 3522)
  • Nightwing Stick (id - 3703)

Green Arrow

With a suit Green Arrow you will be able to use various effects such as increased speed, strength and jump, since the bow does not work yet.

  • Green Arrow Mask (3527)
  • Green Arrow Suit (3528)
  • Green Arrow Leggings (3529)
  • Green Arrow Boots (3530)
  • Green Arrow's Bow (3711)

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is the only girl in this mod. She is incredibly fast and strong. She can also jump high and her weapon is a lasso that deals 7 damage.

  • Wonder Woman Mask (id - 3523)
  • Wonder Woman Suit (id - 3524)
  • Wonder Woman Leggings (id - 3525)
  • Wonder Woman Boots (id - 3526)
  • Wonder Woman's Lasso (id - 3710)


Fast, fast, and fast again! With this suit you will be able to run very fast and your jumps will be increased. His bow also doesn't work yet.

  • Speedy Mask (id - 3531)
  • Speedy Suit (id - 3532)
  • Speedy Leggings (id - 3533)
  • Speedy Boots (id - 3534)
  • Speedy's Bow (id - 3712)


The mod developer has never heard of this superhero, and could not find much information about him. His skills are pretty common too: speed boost and night vision.

  • Bat Armor Helmet (id - 3535)
  • Bat Armor Suit (id - 3536)
  • Bat Armor Leggings (id - 3537)
  • Bat Armor Boots (id - 3538)

Marvel superheroes


Warrior does not have any superpowers. This is a regular armored suit that will make you stronger and faster while wearing it. You will also be able to shoot arrows using the special button on the right side of the screen.

  • War Machine Helmet (id - 3600)
  • War Machine Chestplate (id - 3601)
  • War Machine Leggings (id - 3602)
  • War Machine Boots (id - 3603)

Iron Man

No superhero mod is complete without Iron Man. This is one of the most popular superheroes. His suit has increased durability, and you can also breathe underwater, fly and run fast. You can use the button on the right side of the screen to shoot missiles. Sometimes rockets explode, sometimes they don't.

  • Iron Man Helmet (id - 3604)
  • Iron Man Chestplate (id - 3605)
  • Iron Man Leggings (id - 3606)
  • Iron Man Boots (id - 3607)


Turn into an angry and very strong green monster! Click on the special GUI button to make a strong kick!

  • Hulk Head (id - 3608)
  • Hulk Chestplate (id - 3609)
  • Hulk Leggings (id - 3610)
  • Hulk Boots (id - 3611)

Captain America

In my opinion one of the best costumes in this mod! At least this hero has a shield in the mod.

  • Captain America Mask (id - 3612)
  • Captain America Suit (id - 3613)
  • Captain America Leggings (id - 3614)
  • Captain America Boots (id - 3615)
  • Captain America's Shield (id - 3704)


TOR is the god of thunder and his possibilities are simply enormous. With the help of a hammer, you can summon lightning and start huge fires.

  • Thor Helmet (id - 3616)
  • Thor Chestplate (id - 3617)
  • Thor Leggings (id - 3618)
  • Thor Boots (id - 3619)
  • Thor's Hammer Mjolnir (id - 3705)


Shrink to the size of an ant, or grow to the size of a giant. These are two unusual abilities of Ant-Man.

It should be noted that sometimes the textures will not obey when you grow / shrink. This error is usually resolved by restarting the game.

Important: if you want to shrink down, then don't forget to put the view in 3rd person, otherwise the game will crash!

  • Ant-Man Helmet (3624)
  • Ant-Man Chestplate (3625)
  • Ant-Man Leggings (3626)
  • Ant-Man Boots (3627)

Black Panther

Black Panther has similar abilities to a cat. With this suit you will be able to run fast and see at night..

  • Black Panther Helmet (id - 3628)
  • Black Panther Chestplate (id - 3629)
  • Black Panther Leggings (id - 3630)
  • Black Panther Boots (id - 3631)
  • Black Panther Claws (id - 3707)


Spiderman has his own weapon - web shooter, which shoots webs. You can trap mobs or move around on your own like he does in the movies.

  • Spiderman Helmet (id - 3632)
  • Spiderman Chestplate (id - 3633)
  • Spiderman Leggings (id - 3634)
  • Spiderman Boots (id - 3635)
  • Web Shooter (id - 3706)


Wolverine can restore health by holding a special button. He also has special weapon- claws that deal 12 damage!

  • Wolverine Helmet (id - 3636)
  • Wolverine Chestplate (id - 3637)
  • Wolverine Leggings (id - 3638)
  • Wolverine Boots (id - 3639)
  • Wolverine Claws (id - 3708)


Deadpool is a very fast and quite mileage hero. By holding the button, you will automatically regenerate your health with this suit. Sword Deadpool-The most dangerous weapon of all, as it deals 29 damage!

  • Deadpool Helmet (id - 3640)
  • Deadpool Chestplate (id - 3641)
  • Deadpool Leggings (id - 3642)
  • Deadpool Boots (id - 3643)
  • Deadpool's Sword (id - 3709)


With this costume, you can shrink to the size of a wasp, or to the size of other mobs. When you are small you will be able to fly fast. You can also throw arrows with a special button.

Sometimes the character's costume is black. Try restarting the game to resolve this issue.

Important: set the view to 3rd person when you narrow down, otherwise the game crashes.

  • Wasp Helmet (id - 3644)
  • Wasp Chestplate (id - 3645)
  • Wasp Leggings (id - 3646)
  • Wasp Boots (id - 3647)

Installing the Pocket Heroes mod:

  • Download the archive with the mod from the link below and unpack.
  • Open BlockLauncher and go to settings
  • Select the ModPE script section and click on Add.
  • Find the script file and click on it to install.
  • The mod is installed, enjoy the game!

This mod adds heroes and villains from the Marvel movie universe and also allows you to become one of the Avengers.

Would you like to feel in the shoes of one of your superhero idols, become as strong as they are, even if not for long? Thanks to the mod for Marvel superheroes for Minecraft 1.0.5/1.0, everyone can become: Deadpool, Doctor Strange or Iron Man. To do this, you do not have to go through all the tests that your heroes do - just put on a suit and take up arms. For example, as Iron Man, you can shoot from his laser gauntlet, and as Captain America, throw his shield. But what kind of heroic everyday life is it if there are no enemies against whom you can fight? The addon will add such famous villains as: Loki and Venom, as well as a bunch of small henchmen - together they will give you a lot of trouble.

Of course, someone can say that these heroes are much worse than the domestic "Defenders", but this can only be verified in a real battle, and we do not have to wait for it. All these heroes, including Wolverine and Spider-Man, we will see on the screen this year, but for now you can pass the time playing for them in Minecraft. The mod will go on Android devices, Win 10 and iOS, which cannot but please the latter - the developers always deprive them.

Features of the mod for superheroes:

- Weapons and costumes

  • Iron Man Suit = Iron Armor
  • Iron Man Glove - Bow, fires laser beams that explode and ignite on impact
  • Spiderman Suit = Golden Armor
  • Spiderweb - Ender Pearl, shoots a web and moves instantly in that direction
  • Captain America Outfit = Diamond Armor
  • Cap Shield - Fishing rod, throws a shield, kills the enemy and returns to you
  • Deadpool Outfit = Mail Armor
  • Deadpool Sword - Iron sword, looks cooler than usual and deals more damage
  • Hammer of Thor - Snowball, strikes lightning at the specified location
  • Hawkeye Bow - Potion of Experience, shoots explosive arrows
  • Black Widow Pistol - Egg, deals massive damage

- Heroes and Villains

  • Chitauri (Pig Zombie) - aliens from the Avengers movie
  • Ultron Robot (Skeleton) - Ultron's minions from the movie
  • Improved Ultron Robot (Zymogor) - an improved version of Ultron's servants
  • Mystic (Wither Skeleton) - a mutant that can take the form of any person
  • Venom (Zombie) - main enemy spiderman
  • Loki (Husk) - the god Loki, a villain from Marvel films
  • Residents - Wolverine, Star-Lord, Thor, Black Widow, Cyclops and Doctor Strange


  • Download the mod to your device
  • Navigate to the Downloads folder using File Explorer
  • Click on the mod and it will start importing into Minecraft PE
  • Open the game, go to settings existing world or create a new one
  • Scroll to the Addons section and select the ones you want to enable

A unique superhero costume mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 from a developer with the nickname Fisk offers players to choose any of 30 characters known from Marvel and DC comics. They have superpowers, powerful armor and deadly weapon. Get ready to fight evil and use new powers: flight, speed and incredible physical strength.

The Fisk's Superheroes mod will allow you to turn a character from Minecraft into your favorite superhero and create an original weapon for him. Resources will appear in the game: Tutridium and Vibranium. They are independently generated in the world in the manner of an emerald. New ores will help create weapons and superhero costumes, but first you need download Fisk's Superheroes for Minecraft 1.7.10 and install the mod into the game.


  • 30 amazing costumes for heroes and villains, including Captain America, Iron Man, The Flash, Batman and more.
  • Canonical abilities and weapons. Batman can use boomerangs, Ant-Man is resizable, and iron Man shoots energy blasts.
  • 3D models of weapons and armor corresponding to the characters. For example, Fisk's Superheroes mod adds a realistic vibranium shield for Captain America.
  • Costume stands with crafting recipes.
  • Additional secret features for superheroes like The Flash and Ant-Man

Where to begin?

Go in search of Tutridium ore. It spawns naturally in the ground like any other ore in Minecraft. Superhero costume or weapon components may additionally require Vibranium.

To create a robe, players can create a special block. It will allow you to exchange tridium stones for a full set of armor and do without crafting recipes.

Various superhero costume accessories, guns, swords and gadgets use the normal crafting system. To find out recipes and create things, we recommend using the mod

If you are a fan of superheroes from the Marvel and DC Comics universes then Pocket Heroes is what you have been looking for. With it, you can add minecraft game PE great amount superheroes and supervillains, in total 22 characters will be available in this modification, ranging from Batman to Spider-Man.

Each superhero will have his own set of armor and unique abilities that will be unique to him. For example, if you craft a Spider-Man costume, then you can use the web, and if you put on the Ant-Man armor, then you will be able to shrink and become very tiny.

How to get a superhero costume?

The first thing you need to do, in order to get a superhero costume, you have to craft an empty comic book, from which you can later get complete history superheroes in comics.

  • Start Something Epic (ID 3499) – 1 book + 2 diamonds + 2 iron blocks + 2 redstone blocks
  • PocketWiki (ID 3498) - creative inventory
After you've crafted a complete comic book, pick it up and tap it on the ground. In our case, this is Captain America #1 - Red Skull.

For each villain you kill, you will receive a new book. The second boss is the Winter Soldier. Use the book that dropped after the death of the Red Skull to get the third book Captain America #3 - civil war. In the third and final fight to get the Captain America superhero armor, you will have to fight a huge number of superheroes, so make sure you are well prepared for this.

After you defeat all opponents, you should already have a Batman costume and hook and an empty comic book in your inventory. Dress up as Batman and use the comic book to face other bosses and collect all 22 superhero costumes.

Batman - Batman

Everyone has long known and loved by many a superhero who, using his knowledge of engineering and having a lot of money, stood up to protect the city called Gotham, which was swept by a wave of violence and crime.

After you put on the Batman costume, you will move faster, your strength will increase and you will be able to see at night. Also using the Hook cat to quickly move between buildings.

  • Batman Mask (ID 3500)
  • Batman Suit (ID 3501)
  • Batman Leggings (ID 3502)
  • Batman Boots (ID 3503)
  • Grappling Hook (ID 3700)

Superman - Superman

Another superhero from the DC Comocs universe, who arrived on earth in an escape pod as a child. It has incredible strength, can fly and is practically invulnerable. His goal in life, he made the protection of the city of Metropolis from a huge number of supervillains who decided to capture and enslave not only the city itself, but the entire planet.

Once you get and don the Superman suit, you will have the ability to fly, walk through fire without taking damage, deliver incredibly powerful punches, and of course, move incredibly fast.

  • Superman's Suit (ID 3504)
  • Superman's Leggings (ID 3505)
  • Superman's Boots (ID 3506)
  • Grappling Hook (ID 3700)

Flash - Flash

This superhero gained his powers from an explosion in a particle accelerator lab, which gave him the incredible ability to move at superhuman speeds.

Once you put on the Flash costume, you will have the ability to move incredibly fast, enhanced armor and superhuman strength that you can use to fight evil.

  • Flash Mask (ID 3507)
  • Flash Suit (ID 3508)
  • Flash Leggings (ID 3509)
  • Flash Boots (ID 3510)

Aquaman - Aquaman

This superhero is the son of the Queen of Atlantis, who was in exile and stings among ordinary people. When the truth was revealed, he turned to his father, who taught him to control all his abilities and thanks to whom, later, he would become twisted by everyone under the name Aquaman.

Wearing the Aquaman suit, you can breathe underwater and move under its surface faster than anyone else. In addition, you will be able to deal strong blows and use Aqua Staff - Water Staff, which deals +12 damage on impact.

  • Aquaman Mask (ID 3511)
  • Aquaman Suit (ID 3512)
  • Aquaman Leggings (ID 3513)
  • Aquaman Boots (ID 3514)
  • Aqua Staff (ID 3701)

Green Lantern - Green Lantern

This superhero, who received his abilities by swearing an oath to the lantern, became one of the members of the lantern corps, who stood guard over the entire galaxy using the power of courage and courage.

Wearing the Green Lantern costume, you will be able to use the power of the green ring, which will allow you to fly, gain super strength and use arrows by pressing a special button on the screen.

  • Green Lantern Mask (ID 3515)
  • Green Lantern Suit (ID 3516)
  • Green Lantern Leggings (ID 3517)
  • Green Lantern Boots (ID 3518)
  • Green Ring (ID 3702)

Nightwing - Night wing

A lesser known but still interesting character from the DC Comics universe who, along with his friend, was inspired by Batman and Robin, who had no superpowers and always relied only on their skills and intelligence. Subsequently, they made themselves a shelter in a cave and made something like a Batmobile.

Wearing the Nightwing Suit will give you the ability to move faster, hit hard, and use the Nightwing Stick, which deals an additional +3 attacks.

  • Nightwing Mask (ID 3519)
  • Nightwing Suit (ID 3520)
  • Nightwing Leggings (ID 3521)
  • Nightwing Boots (ID 3522)
  • Nightwing Stick (ID 3703)

Green Arrow - Green Arrow

This superhero got his powers after a yacht crash, which left him all alone on an unknown island, where he honed his archery skills for a month in order to survive.

Wearing the Green Arrow suit will give you improved speed, strength, and the ability to jump high. You will also have access to the bow, which unfortunately does not work correctly in this version.

  • Green Arrow Mask (ID 3527)
  • Green Arrow Suit (ID 3528)
  • Green Arrow Leggings (ID 3529)
  • Green Arrow Boots (ID 3530)
  • Green Arrow's Bow (ID 3711)

Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman

This is the first female superhero in this mod. According to legend, she is an Amazon princess who has superhuman strength, incredible speed, can communicate with animals and has indestructible bracelets that she uses as a shield.

Wearing the Wonder Woman costume will greatly increase your speed and strength, thanks to which you can make incredibly high jumps and you will have a lasso weapon in your arsenal that deals an additional 7 points of damage.

  • Wonder Woman Mask (ID 3523)
  • Wonder Woman Suit (ID 3524)
  • Wonder Woman Leggings (ID 3525)
  • Wonder Woman Boots (ID 3526)
  • Wonder Woman's Lasso (ID 3710)


He is a partner of the Green Arrow and in his arsenal has a huge number of arrows with various tips. Main Feature this superhero is the presence of an arrow tipped with boxing glove, which stuns opponents.

All of his Supers are similar to those of Green Arrow, so you can move faster, hit harder, and jump higher. Unfortunately, by analogy with the Green Arrow, the bow also does not work yet.

  • Speedy Mask (ID 3531)
  • Speedy Suit (ID 3532)
  • Speedy Leggings (ID 3533)
  • Speedy Boots (ID 3534)
  • Speedy's Bow (ID 3712)

Bat - Bath

We were unable to find any valuable information on this superhero, we can only say that this superhero is from the DC Comics universe.

If you put on the Bat suit, you will have a fairly common set of skills, namely increased durability and night vision.

  • Bat Armor Helmet (ID 3535)
  • Bat Armor Suit (ID 3536)
  • Bat Armor Leggings (ID 3537)
  • Bat Armor Boots (ID 3538)
Well, we have described all the superheroes from the DC Comics universe that are present in Fashion Pocket Heroes Mod for, as you can see, there are a lot of interesting characters here, which is worth only Superman.

Let's now move on to superheroes from the Marvel universe, there will be the same number, namely 11 pieces.

War Machine - Warrior

This superhero is also known as Rhodey. Rhodey is one of Iron Man's (Tony Stark's) few friends. He doesn't have any special abilities, but thanks to the fact that he managed to get one of the Iron Man suits, he now has almost all of his superpowers.

When you put on the Warrior costume, you will become faster, you will be able to fly, and your strength will increase significantly. In addition, a special button will appear on the screen, pressing which will activate the arrow launcher.

  • War Machine Helmet (ID 3600)
  • War Machine Chestplate (ID 3601)
  • War Machine Leggings (ID 3602)
  • War Machine Boots (ID 3603)

Iron Man - Iron Man

Iron Man is one of the most famous superheroes in the Marvel Universe. All of his superpowers lie in the presence of an iron suit that completely covers his body. The first prototype of this costume was made when Tony Stark was a prisoner of the radicals, after which the costume is constantly being improved.

Wearing the Iron Man suit, you will be able to move quickly, you will have incredible strength by human standards, you will be able to breathe underwater and, of course, the ability to shoot missiles.

  • Iron Man Helmet (ID 3604)
  • Iron Man Chestplate (ID 3605)
  • Iron Man Leggings (ID 3606)
  • Iron Man Boots (ID 3607)

The Hulk - Hulk

A terrible, green monster that appeared as a result of an accident in which Bruce Banner received a lethal dose of radiation, but due to a special genetic mutation, did not die and turned into the Hulk.

To activate the Hulk, put on his costume and press a special button on the interface, after which you will turn into a green monster that will destroy everything in its path.

  • Hulk Head (ID 3608)
  • Hulk Chestplate (ID 3609)
  • Hulk Leggings (ID 3610)
  • Hulk Boots (ID 3611)

Thor - Thor

Many of you also know this superhero, he arrived on earth from Asgard, where superhumans live and guard the entire galaxy, moving across it with the help of the Rainbow Bridge. Thor's main weapon is the hammer, Mjolnir, which allows him to fly and control lightning.

Wearing a Thor costume, you can pick up the Mjolnir hammer - Mjolnir, thanks to which you can control lightning and set fire to everything you see.

  • Thor Helmet (ID 3616)
  • Thor Chestplate (ID 3617)
  • Thor Leggings (ID 3618)
  • Thor Boots (ID 3619)
  • Thor's Hammer Mjolnir (3705)

Ant-Man - Ant-Man

Ant-Man's story begins with former thief and rogue Scott meeting Dr. Pym, who gives him a supersuit that allows him to shrink in size and become as strong as an elephant. With this costume, Scott will fight evil and help Dr. Hank Pym.

Reduce to the size of an ant or expand to the size of a giant. These are two of Ant-Man's possible abilities. In addition, you will get incredible strength, the ability to jump very high and super speed.

It should be noted that sometimes (as in our case) I can bug when you decrease or increase. You can solve this problem by rebooting.

Important: If you want to shrink be sure to turn on the third person view otherwise the game will crash.

  • Ant-Man Helmet (ID 3624)
  • Ant-Man Chestplate (ID 3625)
  • Ant-Man Leggings (ID 3626)
  • Ant-Man Boots (ID 3627)

Black Panther Helmet - Black panther

History black panther, begins in the jungles of Africa, when a meteorite was found near a tribe, which consisted almost entirely of vibranium. The local tribe learned how to process it, which attracted a lot of attention and the hunt for vibranium began, then it was decided that the village needed a protector, they became the leader of the tribe. From now on, each leader will protect his tribe in the guise of a Black Panther.

If you wear this costume, you will get all the abilities of a cat. You will be swift and strong, and you will also be able to see at night.

  • Black Panther Helmet (ID 3628)
  • Black Panther Chestplate (ID 3629)
  • Black Panther Leggings (ID 3630)
  • Black Panther Boots (ID 3631)
  • Black Panther Claws (ID 3707)

Spiderman - Spiderman

This superhero got his abilities after he was bitten by a radioactive spider, and due to the fact that his parents died in a car accident, and his beloved Uncle Ben was killed by criminals, he decides to fight crime using his superpowers.

If you put on the Spider-Man costume, you can use a special device called the Web Shooter. Thanks to him, you can shoot the web and catch mobs in it.

  • Spiderman Helmet (ID 3632)
  • Spiderman Chestplate (ID 3633)
  • Spiderman Leggings (ID 3634)
  • Spiderman Boots (ID 3635)
  • Web Shooter (ID 3706)

Wolverine - Wolverine

This superhero has an incredibly strong skeleton, which is completely made of adamantium, and his body allows you to instantly heal any wounds. In addition, due to the special standing of the skeleton, he has a mutation that allows him to get his claws out of his hands.

When you get the Wolverine suit, you can restore health by holding the special button on the screen. In addition, you can use the weapon Wolverine Claws - Wolverine Claws, which deal an additional +12 damage.

  • Wolverine Helmet (ID 3636)
    Wolverine Chestplate (ID 3637)
    Wolverine Leggings (ID 3638)
    Wolverine Boots (ID 3639)
    Wolverine Claws (ID 3708)

Deadpool - Deadpool

His abilities, he received because of the experiment, which he agreed to because of terrible disease. As a result, he received a mutilated body, but now he can heal any wound, even severed limbs are not a problem for Deadpool.

If you want to become as strong and fast as Deadpool, just put on his costume. After that, you can restore health by holding a special button on the screen, and you will also have at your disposal Deadpool's Sword - Deadpool's Sword, which deals 29 damage.

  • Deadpool Helmet (ID 3640)
  • Deadpool Chestplate (ID 3641)
  • Deadpool Leggings (ID 3642)
  • Deadpool Boots (ID 3643)
  • Deadpool's Sword (ID 3709)

Wasp - Wasp

The Wasp gained her superpowers by being exposed to Pym particles, the same particles used in Ant-Man's suit. Only unlike him, she herself became a "wasp", she had wings, she gained the ability to fly, as well as generate energy blasts, which are called "Wasp's Sting".

If you wear the Wasp costume, you will gain the ability to shrink in size, just like Ant-Man. When you are in this state, you are incredibly strong and fast. To decrease or increase, press the special button on the screen. Due to a bug, textures sometimes fly off of it, to fix this, just restart Blocklauncher.

Important: If you want to shrink, be sure to switch to the "third person" mode, otherwise the game will just crash.

  • Wasp Helmet (ID 3644)
  • Wasp Chestplate (ID 3645)
  • Wasp Leggings (ID 3646)
  • Wasp Boots (ID 3647)

1. Unpack the archive with the mod according to the instructions;
2. Download and install the addon through Blocklauncher;
3. Connect the script file Pocket Heroes v3 by elKurco "ENG".modpkg via and enable addon support.