A versatile, feature rich technology mod for Minecraft originally released in 2011. IC2 introduces many features in various areas Minecraft, including resource processing, mining, farming, and the player's arsenal itself.

This is achieved through the use of a patented energy system power units or ECs and includes many generators and units to provide and store this energy and much more stable machines and tools to use this energy in your own way. Its prevalence is such that it can be seen on almost every Feed The Beast modpack since its launch, with only select modpacks based on a specific theme dropping it.

Screenshots (increase):


Now that you have downloaded and installed the mod and generated new map you really don't know where to start. Like all the other maps you start on, gather some wood, then some cobblestone and coal, and build a small house (or cave if you like) for your first night.

Here's mine with some colors. Availability beautiful home is always a plus, even if it's just for you, and I can easily extend it. Beware of mobs unless you are playing in peaceful mode; Creepers can blow up what you have built. If you want, use some torches to light up the area.

Keep in mind that you will need a lot of space for your industry. Try to find a good place With big amount places not too far away, like that sandy plain I can see from my roof (you'll also need a lot of sand for other uses). Don't forget to add chests and a bed to your little space. You can also start growing wheat and trees.

Nothing new here, but you have to start with a good base if you want to go further. The next part will introduce some new things.

First ingredients and machines

Now you have small base with four walls, a roof, a few chests, a bed, a stove, and a work table, but you want more of the new. First, let's plant some IC2-style crops.

Grab some soil near the water or dig a hole and fill it with a water block. So far, this is standard vanilla Minecraft.

Then take some sticks and create some stakes for the crops.

Take them and place one on each block of arable soil. Gather the wheat seeds by pulling out the grass and plant them. Now that your wheat is ready to be harvested, you can harvest it and the wheat seedlings will remain, saving you the hassle of using more seeds to replant! In IC2, you can do a lot more with crops, but it will help you survive.

Now you need to assemble the rubber. You will need a lot of lumber to build our first machine, and a basic generator: 34 logs exactly. However, you must collect more to use as fuel.

Use 5 wooden planks to create a tree. You will only need 5 Treetaps, one to extract the sticky resin and four to create an extractor, but wait until the other four save space.

Now extract 6 sticky resin from rubber trees. Rubber trees are somewhat random, but I can tell that they are most common in Swamp biomes and never grow in deserts.

In the meantime, put this in the chest and gather torches, pickaxes and food, because you will have to go to the center of the earth! The second thing you should collect is Redstone; the one next to the useless red powder you have in astronomical quantities is the basis of industrial electricity. Of course, you will need an iron pick to extract it, but you must have bad point appearance if you don't find it along the way. In addition, you should mine copper or tin, which you will see later.

Gold. Its value is much higher in IC, especially in dust form. He participates in many mid-level machines. You must mine it - it will become more useful in the future.

Jar. It is required for many things, but it is quite common.

Copper. Like tin, it is required for most things in ICs, such as cables, so you should stock up on a good supply first. Like Ting, there are many things in the world.

Iron. Every machine uses iron, so this will be the ore you should hunt the most. You will always lack iron.

Coal. Its value has been increased, so if you need burners or heating oil, use charcoal. Use Coal for other, more important things. Coal dust is used to create solar panels; it's a more efficient fuel, and many things like the nano suit use it. On other worlds, you may not care about coal, but in IC it is valuable.

Uranus. You will need it to power your future nuclear reactor or to create nuclear weapons to blow up the mountain. In addition, it does not participate in other recipes. It is rarer than other ores, but can be found on every layer. You will need an iron pickaxe to assemble it.

Redstone: Redstone is involved in most parts of IC crafting, especially the basic ones. We need some to build the first part of the car and then other things.

Diamond: Ha, diamond. Everyone runs after them. Try to get 3 of them and keep them in the chest; we will create something amazing with them. You should be aware that you can produce diamonds with coal. I'll show you later. You can do something else with them, other than spending them on tools or one-time armor.

Lapis lazuli: Not shown here, but you know it. Involved in more advanced machines, you need lapis BLOCKS to craft them, so if you find it now just save it until you need to use it.

Lava: I know it's not a mineable resource, but it's used to power one of the world's most powerful generators: the geothermal generator. Keep in mind where some lava lakes should come back later.

Management: not shown here. You won't need lead for a long time, and even then, only in small amounts. This is mainly used in nuclear reactors, but is also used in intermediate batteries.

Obsidian: You need some Obsidian to enter the Nether, because you will need some Glowstone Dust for mid-tier machines (alternatively, Glowstone Dust can be crafted using Gold Dust and Redstone Dust). Obsidian is also part of the process of producing diamonds from coal.

You know what you can collect below the surface. Keep collecting some resources and return to your base for the next step.

Now that you're safe in your base, you can smelt some of the ore you collected on the trip, but be patient and don't smelt more ore than you need. Soon you will be able to create an incredible machine: Macerator which will give you 2 ore dust from one ore and other things which I will explain later. However, before you build a Macerator you will need a Generator and you can also build an Extractor, but to build them you have to build multiple electrical circuits that require cables. Yes, it seems complicated, and it is. That's why I'm writing a little tutorial just for you.

iron furnace

One of the first IC2-related things you'll probably want to build is the Iron Furnace. This is an upgrade from the regular Vanilla Minecraft Furnace (known as Stone Furnace by IC2 users). It runs faster and uses fuel more efficiently. Click the link for details. But wait! You need to make a blacksmith hammer to create iron plates for an iron furnace.

Now the Iron Furnace itself:

Together you'll need ten iron ore, two sticks and two pieces of charcoal (or several pieces of wood) for fuel. Smelt ten iron ores into ingots in a normal stone furnace.

Take sticks and five iron ingots and make a blacksmith's hammer. Then place the blacksmith's hammer and the remaining five ingots on the crafting grid to create five iron plates. Now take your Furnace and use it to craft the Iron Furnace as shown above. The Iron Furnace is an important part of making the Electric Furnace later, so it can now be used until we get to this step.

Before proceeding, you will need to do cutting tool for making cables. Requires five ingots of iron. Make three of them into iron plates using the blacksmith's hammer.

Your first car

Optionally, you can trade the Extractor for the Macerator listed below if you have a few Rubber Trees nearby.

6 sticky resin
3 copper ingots
9 iron ingots
2 Redstone

Do you remember the sticky resin you kept in the chest? Take three copper ingots too. We will create some copper cables. You can see that it takes 6 rubber and 3 copper ingots for every 6 cables. You'll need a lot of them later, but first you'll want to create an extractor. When you have this, you can make Resin a lot more efficient.

Smelt your 6 sticky resin in any furnace to get 6 rubber.

Place the blacksmith hammer and three copper ingots on the crafting grate to get three copper plates. Then place the copper sheets on the crafting grate and replace the blacksmith hammer with cutters to cut them into wire. Finally combine your wire with rubber to create insulated copper cables.

Use the blacksmith's hammer to turn iron ingots into nine iron plates.
Now we will create our first electronic circuit. You need 6 cables, 2 redstones and one iron plate. Electronic circuits are the main industry used in every machine so you will be using them a lot.

Next, we must create a recipe for all machines: a base machine cover. Just take 8 iron plates and draw a box with them in the crafting interface.

Finally, we can make our first machine. We just need 4 more Treetaps. Take 20 planks and craft them. After that, put the 4 tree cards, machine body and electronic circuit on the fabrication table and TADA!

You can plant your extractor wherever you want. Be careful: you cannot delete any machine manually. It will be destroyed if you do so. You will need a special tool made from new metal. We will see this later.

Okay, you have an extractor, but to use it, you need ELECTRIC POWER, created by a GENERATOR. Now you know what we need to do next.


For this project you will need:

1 sticky resin (using an extractor)
5 tin ores
4 Redstone
8 iron ore

There are two ways to create a Generator, but both require the same amount of raw materials:

First, you can use the RE battery, base machine body and oven. Or you can use an RE battery, 3 iron plates and an iron furnace.

Both recipes generally cost the same amount of iron, so take your pick. Do not use your existing iron stove. You will need this later and you will need something to swim in the meantime.

I know you are asking yourself: how do I create an RE accumulator? Let's do it now! 1 cable, 4 tin sheaths and 2 redstones. Easy no?

To create a pewter body (or any material), simply use a blacksmith's hammer on a pewter (or appropriate material) plate.

You need to collect two rechargeable batteries. One is needed to assemble the generator, and the second is needed to power your extractor.

But wait! You have just used your last cable. It's time to create more, but this time we won't waste a large number of resins. Go back to your extractor, put 2 sticky resins in the top slot and place some redstone in the bottom slot (pure redstone is like a low efficiency 1-bit battery, but it works). With the extractor, you get 3 rubber for each sticky resin instead of 1. Now craft two tin cables.

Now you can build two RE batteries. Then follow one of the two recipes above to create Generator.

Do not place the generator next to anything; I'll explain why in the wiring section. Place the discharged battery in the top slot, and put some (Char) coal or other items that burn in the bottom slot. You will need 2.5 (Char) coal to fill one battery. I usually don't worry about getting the battery fully charged. Feel free to do more batteries RE. However, we will soon be adding a cable that will make batteries unnecessary.

Empty batteries can stack up to 16, but fully charged batteries cannot be stacked. It's a disadvantage reuse. You can place the chest right next to the generator and it will collect your fully charged batteries.

On this moment you can use a partially or fully charged battery to power the extractor. This will give you a lot more rubber to make cables, which in turn will make it easier to assemble other machines.

For this project you will need:

3 Flint
2 Cobblestone
9 iron ore

3 Copper ore
2 Redstone

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for: the incredible MACERATOR, which can double your mining performance. Create another electronic circuit, another machine base frame, and collect the necessary cobblestone and flint. In case you didn't already know, you sometimes get Flint when you break gravel blocks. After building Macerator, you can also grind gravel to get Flint faster.

Place the ore in the top slot and the battery in the bottom slot and wait until one ore magically no dust will appear, then put that dust in an electric furnace (next section!) or in fact any furnace and you have 2 ingots per ore. What, you don't know how to create an electric oven? This will be our next step in this long section.

You should be aware that Macerator can do more than create dust from ore. This can create dust from the coal too. Coal dust is used in many things. Macerator can make Flint out of Gravel. It may not seem like it, but it's really helpful. It can also make Cobblestone out of smooth (regular) Stone, and incredibly, make SAND out of Cobblestone. Cool, isn't it?

Note: ores and macerate are easier to store as needed since dust takes up half more space on the chest.

electric oven

For this project you will need:

1 iron furnace (existing)
2 Sticky Resin (using an extractor)
2 copper ore(using Macerator)
4 Redstone

An electric furnace will allow you to smelt using electricity instead of coal (charcoal). This is what you will use in your Iron Furnace for crafting.

I know this is another track, but I warned you that it will be everywhere.

As with other ovens, what you want to heat is placed in the upper part, and the battery is placed in the lower part. It is 12.5% ​​faster than iron furnace and there is no energy loss. If there is nothing left in the upper part, it immediately stops consuming energy.

You now have 1 extractor, 1 generator, 1 macerator and 1 electric oven. That's not a lot. If you think you can use more things, you are right.

Adding a BatBox will provide a much larger energy storage buffer for your generator and therefore make it easier to run. You will need three rechargeable batteries to build it.

Run a tin cable (copper if you want) from the BatBox exit face to your machines marked with a white dot. On the plus side, you get three tin cables per ingot instead of the two you made before. Do not make the cable longer than four or five segments, so as not to waste energy. Once you connect the machines to the BatBox via cable, you will no longer need batteries to run them. Place the generator on the opposite side of the BatBox from the exit. If you find that you need to change the direction of the BatBox's exit facing, you'll need to refer to the Power of Bronze section below for information on how to make a bronze key.

The BatBox can be connected in series to provide more storage space in the EU. They can also be used to break a length of cable to avoid energy loss. The maximum length of a tin cable is about four before it loses 1 euro/t. By placing the BatBox at the end of four segments of a tin cable, you can go four more segments without losing energy. Keep these ideas in mind as you expand.

In this image you can see the BatBox with the generator on the left and four squares of copper cable on the right. In the current version of IC2, the tin cable has taken the place where the copper cable used to be in the cable hierarchy, so think of it as a tin cable. After that, up to four machines can be placed directly in front of the cable. A four-square length cable rises from the BatBox, which is connected to the second BatBox and then from there to the solar panel or to some kind of wind generator using tin cables.

NOTE. Most of the textures in the images are outdated.
To provide a significant amount of solar energy, you will need a lot of solar panels.

You can see the inside of mine small house, 3 macerators, 3 electric ovens, 1 extractor, 1 generator in sight and 2 unknown machines. You can see that I put a chest in front of the generator to collect charged batteries when I go outside.

Power of Bronze

Now you have a small but fully functional base that allows you to get twice as many ingots for each mining cycle. Unfortunately, you can't move any of the machines, or you'll have to rebuild them from scrap.

Now we will create a friend-friend tool: the Bronze Key. The bronze key is made of bronze. I hear your little voice: “Did I find a new ore? How can it be so rare? YOU FUCK, bronze is made of COPPER + Tin.

You have to use the Macerator to grind copper and tin ingots (or ores) into dust, then take the dust from these two ores and mix them in a 3:1 ratio (location on the crafting grid doesn't matter). This gives you bronze dust. To melt bronze dust into ingots, place them in a furnace. You will need six Bronze Ingots to make a Bronze Wrench:

Using the bronze wrench is incredibly simple: just right-click on a car and its main side will rotate to that face; right click to rotate it to opposite side the one you clicked; right click on the same face a second time and the car will be deleted; be careful: if the car was not empty, you will lose everything that was in it.

And sometimes you can make a mistake (probability of error is about 20%) and you can't get the car you created; it's unlucky, but it happens (now 100% success in IC2 Experimental, so feel free to crank it up! But removing some machines will cause them to lose 20% of their accumulated power).

Only 4 machines can be retrieved safely each time: MFE block, HV Transformer, Terraformer and MINER. However, if you convert your wrench to an electric wrench and switch it to lossless mode (this mode is removed as of IC2 v2.3.222), you are guaranteed to get your machines back, no matter what, at a price of 9000 EU. for the operation.

Second steps

metal former

Tired of continuing to make cutters and blacksmith hammers? Think it's weird that you have all these machines and still have to use hand tools to shape metal? Maybe it's time to build the Metal Former.

It can make plates, sheaths, cables and some other miscellaneous things. You will need to make two sets of tools using a chest and five bronze shells each. You will also need to make three copper coils. Combine them with the electronic circuit and the car cover that you already know how to make, like this.

Metal Former has 3 modes: rolling, extruding and cutting. Rolling takes the place of the blacksmith's hammer; transformation of ingots into plates and plates into shells. Cutting replaces the cutting tool, although it has no real use, since the extrusion mode converts the ingots directly into 3-4 cables (instead of 2-3 from cutting inserts, the amount also depends on the material, materials are more high level make more cables). The Extruding mode also does most miscellaneous things, such as shafts for use in kinetic machines and iron fences from Iron Casings.
electric key

If you find that your bronze keys continue to wear out, I suggest converting your bronze key to an electric key.

The electric key works the same way. This big job, but its use does not reduce its durability. You just need to recharge it, which is easy enough. Just be careful not to drop it in the lava.

Mining drill and chainsaw

Tired of making pick after pick? How about an energy version? The Mining Drill uses EU instead of wear, so you just need to recharge it by placing it in any generator, BatBox or higher. The chainsaw provides an energy-based version of an axe, scissors and sword in one device. The Recipes and Resources page contains a list of all available power tools.


Remember that lava lake you found when you got back to the mines? Now it's time to take advantage of this with a pump. The pump will fill buckets or universal fluid cells for us and place them in the chest. Now we will do it! We need to make some generic fluid cells to create them:

Place the pump right above the lava lake and place the chest right next to it (it should be touching). Place some empty buckets or universal fluid cells in the chest and start the pump. It will start filling them up and placing them back in the chest so you can pick them up later.

geothermal energy

Once you have purchased a metal structure and a pump, you will have the option to make a geothermal generator. This option is not renewable like solar or wind, but it is a great alternative or addition to Coal/Charcoal. The geothermal generator generates energy from lava.

The construction of one of them is good option, if you are building your base deep underground, where lava lakes are most common, or if you happen to find a lava lake on the surface. They are omnipotent even in the Void. The Metal Former Machine is required to make the blank cells used in this recipe.

You will also need at least one lava bucket. IC2 allows you to craft them in both tin and vanilla iron.

CES unit

Now we have more machines and we can power them from solar panels. But what should we do when the BatBox runs out of energy at night? Let's apply our knowledge of bronze to increase storage capacity! There is a CES department for this work. A CES unit stores 300,000 EU, or 5 times more than a BatBox.

Before we begin, you will need at least three gunpowder. You may have to go hunt some Creepers to get some. Run three gunpowder through the extractor to get three sulfur dust. Pass three lead ingots through the Macerator to get three lead dust.

Collect three Advanced RE Batteries and then use them to build the CES module. Before we place the shiny new CES module, we need one more thing: a low voltage transformer. Don't worry, it's not hard to do.

The reason we need a transformer is because the CES unit is putting out too much power at the same time. Most machines only accept low voltage (32 EU-p) and the CES module outputs 128 EU-p. If you plug it in without a transformer, all your machines will be destroyed!

Position the CES module and low voltage transformer so that the output of the CES module connects to the five-point side of the transformer. From there, you can run the cable from either single point side of the transformer to your machine.



What is Industrial Craft 2?

Here it is. Future fashion IC - IC². Feel at home as you rediscover the elements of the game you loved from the first game.

In addition, once you start the mechanisms, you will immediately notice how smoothly and thoughtfully everything works.

Wiring is simpler, batteries are more useful, there are new cables, gears, recipes for rubber and MUCH more.

Create an obstacle course with metal poles and trampolines, explore the Nether with a jetpack, or blast the entire landscape with a nuke. Blow up your house and burn your hands as you explore the more complex mechanics of nuclear technology. Or put on a good old composite vest and start hunting for creepers, armed with a powerful nanosaber.

Mod Recipes:

  • Go to

How to install the Industrial Craft 2 mod:

Requirements:(you can use other versions of the game, but this may cause bugs)
  1. First install all of the above mods, then move the "industrialcraft-2.jar" file to the "mods" folder located in ".minecraft".

  2. Do not extract the contents of "minecraft.jar".

  3. Do not move the client or downloaded archive to "minecraft.jar".

  4. Don't forget to delete the META-INF folder if you didn't delete it before.

Industrial mod Industrial Craft 2 Experimental (also called IC 2) is designed to create machines, devices and objects necessary to automate the processing of resources and maintenance Agriculture in minecraft. It adds new resources and ways to extract energy. Players will be able to use electricity and run various industries.

The mod allows you to build watermills, solar panels and wind turbines to power homes and factories. Armor and weapons made from new types of materials with unusual properties will protect the character from aggressive external environment. Players will be able to fly an electric jetpack or explore nuclear power, but first you need to learn the basics of its use on the wiki or video reviews.


Due to the great popularity of IC 2 on Minecraft servers, great amount various addons that add new blocks, materials and items.

Consider the most interesting:

  • Advanced Machines- improved versions of the chopper, extractor and compressor.
  • Advanced Power Management- control and automation of electrical equipment charging.
  • Advanced Solar Panels- powerful solar panels.
  • CompactSolars- combined solar panels.
  • Compact Windmills- improvement and combination of windmills.
  • Gravitation Suite - addon for Industrial Craft 2 Experimental with very expensive things that will allow you to gain complete control over the world of Minecraft.
  • Gregtech- an add-on that complicates the gameplay by changing crafting recipes.
  • MFFS- protective fields.
  • nuclear control- a control and warning system for a nuclear reactor.

Add-on files will be added in the future.

Video review