Singer Anna Sedokova is catastrophically unlucky in her personal life. Although, it would seem, what problems can the soloist of the "golden" composition of the group "VIA-Gra" have. By the age of 35, the woman was officially married twice, in addition, she had two more serious novels. However, the artist could not find the chosen one of her whole life.

From her first marriage, Anna has a daughter, Alina, from the second - with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky - a daughter, Monica, and a little over a year ago, Sedokova gave birth to a son. True, she soon broke up with the father of the child. Anna would have been happy to work and happily raise three children, but that was not the case.

Monica's father is a US citizen, the girl was born in America, which means she also became a citizen of this country. When the parents divorced, Maxim took the girl away from Anna. Another conflict over the daughter of the ex-spouses happened when Monica's dad's relatives did not let her mother to shoot in Los Angeles. And Sedokova herself was allowed to see the girl only in the presence of a representative of the guardianship authorities.

Publication from ANNA SEDOKOVA(@annasedokova) May 13, 2018 at 12:22pm PDT

Singer Anna Sedokova admitted that over the past eight months she has been seeing youngest daughter Monica only in the presence of guards and can't even call her. The ex-husband of the artist, businessman Maxim Chernyavsky intends to deprive her parental rights.

Her father, a man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I absolutely do not understand why ... Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court. The main witness against me was his grandmother, with whom my daughter now lives. They said that I’m dangerous for the child, I can take her to Russia, and since there is no pact on the Hague Convention between our country and America, there is a risk for Monica as an American citizen that I won’t give her up, ”Sedokova said in an interview with the magazine "Antenna".

Sedokova is suing her ex-husband and spends, according to her, 50-60 thousand dollars a month on lawyers.

Now I can meet with the child, go to the cinema with her only in the presence of the warden, I must speak with my daughter exclusively in English, and Monica does not know him well, does not understand why my mother behaves like this, why we are not together, but I don’t want her explain this. My daughter's phone was taken away a long time ago. Only recently I got the opportunity to call the number of Maxim's grandmother, she gives the phone to Monica, and we talk, - said the singer.

Escaped from under the crown

Sedokova admitted that last summer a wedding was to take place with the father of her son Hector. The singer does not name the name of this man, but earlier journalists found out that we are talking O Russian businessman.

Based on my previous painful relationships, I break and crush the next, blowing on the water, afraid that everything will be bad again. I'm running away from the crown. Last summer I was supposed to have a wedding, big and beautiful. With the father of my son Hector. But at some point I got scared. And she ran away. With the words: I'm strong, I can handle it, I don't need anything from you. But he, fortunately, has enough wisdom not to put pressure on me, not to shout. He is wise, smart, somehow arranges everything correctly. Is there a chance to return everything? I do not know what will happen tomorrow. You can change everything while you are alive. But I know - I am grateful to the relationship and the people with whom fate brought me together. And especially if there are children, - said Sedokova.

The singer has three children. She gave birth to her eldest daughter Alina in her first marriage to football player Valentin Belkevich. In the second marriage with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, a daughter, Monica, appeared. She gave birth to her son Hector Sedokova on April 8, 2017, without disclosing the name of the father of the child.

Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I want mothers who, like me, are left alone with children in their arms, do not despair and do not give up. This is not a catastrophe, not a tragedy. We must be strong, because we have the main thing for which it is worth living and developing - children. And that's why we are not alone. Yes, it's great when a woman has a man and he supports her. But in our country, about 70 percent of women have gone through a divorce, and I do not want us all to give up on ourselves. If you continue to develop, move forward, you will definitely have a man. But he is not the main and only thing that can make you happy. Happiness is in you. The fact that you have children, work, realization! #everything will be fine ❤️

Anna Sedokova

(36) became a guest of the program "Live" by Andrei Malakhov (46), in which she spoke about the struggle for her daughter, who was taken to the USA by the second husband of the singer, Maxim Chernyavsky (32). Recall that in early May, the artist finally decided what was happening in her life: they took her child away from her and wanted to deprive her of parental rights. They also said that Maxim wants to make sure that his ex pays alimony.

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But in July it became known that Sedokova and Chernyavsky came to the world. This was announced on her Instagram by the businessman's mother Marina. “There is happiness and I am also very happy, the settlement agreement is SIGNED! Monica is already on the plane, flying to Cyprus, to me, and on July 19 there will be a big holiday, Monet is 7 years old and her mother is preparing to celebrate. I'm sure it will be something great for Manyuni, her mother knows how to do it. I think you will see all this on her page. Thanks to everyone who helped me, supported me, however, it was very hard for me, thank you very much, good to you, ”wrote Chernyavskaya (The spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Note ed.). After Anna went to rest with all her children on the island of Mykonos.

Visiting Malakhov, Sedokova told the story from the very beginning. “At some point, I was waiting for my daughter, that she would come to me and we would be together. My relatives were supposed to bring her, but I could not get through to them, and it turned out that my daughter is now in Los Angeles. I was uttered the phrase: "From now on, I'm suing you." Then my life was divided into "before" and "after". Hector was 4 or 5 months old. I just ended up in hell, ”Anna shared.

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

During the singer's story, photographs from personal archive. True, Monica (7) was not there. The artist explained that she simply cannot show pictures of her daughter and post them on the Web. “As soon as I show Monica somewhere, there is a chance that I will be deprived of maternal rights,” Anna admitted.

Well, when ex-husband the singer called her to court, she did not understand what was happening. “I didn't understand what happened. I know for a fact that he thought it would be better that way. He went to court and said that I was dangerous for my daughter, ”the star shared. She also said that the court to which she was summoned took place the next day, and it was decided there that Sedokova was really dangerous for her own daughter.

Since then, Anna could only see the child in the presence of a warden and communicate with her in English. The singer admitted that Monica during the meetings did not understand why her mother was not talking to her in her native language.

“We struggled with such a situation that a pact of the Hague Convention was not concluded between Russia and America. At some point, I said that I no longer want my child to suffer. I called and said that I want to sign a peace treaty. Therefore, in this moment we signed an agreement under which Monichka studies in America, she can never come here, but this is until America and Russia sign this pact, ”Anna said, adding that she was silent about the scandal for 8 months.

Anna with Alina and Monika

Sedokova also suggested that the problems she faced in her personal life come from childhood. “My parents fought and hated each other all their lives. First they loved, then they fought. And this lump of hatred, he inflicted an incredible wound on me as a woman. Perhaps the mistakes that many accuse me of, I might have avoided them. Adults should be able to negotiate,” shared Anna.

35-year-old singer Anna Sedokova has three children from different men. Son Hector was born in April 2017. The boy's father is businessman Artem Komarov, with whom the singer was not officially married and broke up shortly after the birth of the child. As she herself admitted in an interview, she did not want to marry Komarov.

Based on my previous painful relationships, I break and crush the next, blowing on the water, afraid that everything will be bad again. I'm running away from the crown. Last summer I was supposed to have a wedding, big and beautiful. With the father of my son Hector. But at some point I got scared. And she ran away. With the words: I'm strong, I can handle it, I don't need anything from you. But he, fortunately, has enough wisdom not to put pressure on me, not to shout. He is wise, smart, somehow arranges everything correctly, - she shared.

The artist gave birth to her eldest daughter Alina in 2004 from the captain of the Kyiv Dynamo football club Valentin Belkevich. The athlete tragically passed away in 2014: he suddenly had a blood clot.

The second daughter of the singer Monica appeared with Sedokova married to American businessman Maxim Chernyavsky in 2011. Soon after the birth of the girl, the couple broke up: according to rumors, because of Sedokova's betrayal. Chernyavsky spoke about this in the show "The Bachelor", the main character of which he was in 2014.

True, in The Bachelor, Maxim also said that he and Anna managed to maintain neutral relations for the sake of Monica. The girl lived alternately with her father, then with her mother. However, apparently, something has changed, because the other day Sedokova admitted that Chernyavsky wants to sue her daughter and take Monica to America, depriving Anna of parental rights. As it turned out, for almost a year Sedokova has been fighting for her daughter.

For eight months now I have not had the opportunity to communicate with her normally, just to be there. Her father, a man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I have absolutely no idea why. I never forbade him to see my daughter, to take her. Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court, Sedokova said.


The singer also said that the main witness against her was the grandmother of her ex-husband, who is convinced that Sedokova can take the child away for good. Monica is a US citizen.

“They said that I’m dangerous for the child, I can take her to Russia, and since there is no pact on the Hague Convention between our country and America, there is a risk for Monica as an American citizen that I won’t give her up,” says Sedokova.


Anna does not intend to give up and hired good lawyers.

Everything I earn now I spend on lawyers. I'm fighting against the system, against hundreds of thousands of dollars. I've been doing my best since September. I will fight for Monica. But in order to pay for lawyers, I have to earn. A lot of. Hundreds of thousands are being spent on Maxim's side. And I have to pay too. I have bills to lawyers for 50-60 thousand dollars. A lawyer's hour costs $600. Therefore, I work, earn money, sing funny songs and fight for my child, - Anya said.

By the way, to Sedokova already new man. She is dating model and photographer Daniil Velichko. The couple met on the set of the singer's new music video "In the wild". Sedokova admitted that a spark immediately jumped between them. Who knows, maybe Anna will soon become a mother for the fourth time?

Singer for a long time fought for custody own child. Now the situation has been successfully resolved. Anna Sedokova got the opportunity to communicate without interference with her daughter Monica. Some details of the settlement agreement were revealed by the grandmother of the ex-wife of the artist, Maxim Chernyavsky.

Anna Sedokova with her daughter Monika
Photo: Instagram

This spring, the former soloist of the group " VIA Gra” unexpectedly spoke about a difficult period in her life. It turned out that since the fall of 2017 she has been fighting for the right to be with her daughter Monica. She gave birth to a girl from businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Many thought that the baby lives in two countries - the USA and Russia. However, it turned out that the ex-husband plans to raise a child alone. And according to American law, the truth was on his side.

The singer bitterly told what she had to go for rare encounters with 6 year old Monica. Every visit of the artist was closely monitored by American social workers. Even the joint dream of mother and baby took place under the watchful eye of the warden.

But now the situation seems to be resolved. The good news was the settlement agreement. The fact that such a document was signed by both mom and dad of Monica was told by the grandmother of Maxim Chernyavsky - Marina Petrovna:

“There is happiness, and I am also very happy, the settlement agreement has been signed! Monica is already on the plane, flying to Cyprus, to me, and on July 19 there will be a big holiday. Monet is 7 years old and mom is getting ready to celebrate. I'm sure it will be something big for Manyuni, her mother knows how to do it."

So far, there is no information on this subject on the page of Anna Sedokova. Perhaps the happy mother is afraid of upsetting the delicate balance that has been established after almost a year of litigation with her ex-husband.

Monica will celebrate her 7th birthday with her mom
Photo: Instagram

However, Marina Chernyavskaya, joyful for her great-granddaughter, revealed some details of the document. According to her, the parents received equal custody of their daughter - 50/50. Monica, who will turn seven in July, will study in the States - with her dad. But the girl will spend the holidays with her mother. Meetings under the watchful eye of third-party observers will also become a thing of the past. Anna Sedokova will be able to see her daughter whenever she wants.