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Part two

“Not everything between men
look for happy
Let's touch the women!” -
Our wanderers decided
And they began to question the women.
... They said how they cut it off:
“We don’t have such
And there is in the village of Klin:
Holmogory cow
Not a woman! wiser
And more ironically - there is no woman.
Ask Korchagina
Matryona Timofeevna,
She is the Governor...
Wanderers go and admire the bread, flax:
All garden vegetables
Ripe: children rush
Some with turnips, some with carrots,
sunflower peeling,
And the women are pulling beets,
Such a good beet!
Just like red boots
They lie on the strip.
Wanderers came across the estate. The gentlemen live abroad, the clerk is dying, and the yard roam like restless, looking for what they can steal: They caught all the crucians in the pond.
- The paths are so dirty,
What a shame! with stone girls
Broken noses!
Missing fruits and berries
Lost swan geese
Have a lackey in the goiter!
Wanderers went from the manor to the village. The strangers sighed lightly:
Them after the yard aching
seemed beautiful
Healthy, singing
A crowd of reapers and reapers,
They met with Matryona Timofeevna, for whose sake they had come a long way.
Matrena Timofeevna
stubborn woman,
Wide and dense
Thirty-eight years old.
Beautiful; gray hair,
The eyes are large, stern,
Eyelashes are the richest
Stern and swarthy
She has a white shirt on
Yes, the sundress is short,
Yes, a sickle over the shoulder.
“What do you guys need?”

Wanderers persuade a peasant woman to tell about her life. Matrena Timofeevna refuses:
“Our ears are already shedding,
Hands are missing, dear"
- And what are we, godfather?
Come on sickles! All seven
How will we become tomorrow - by evening
We will harvest all your rye!
Then she agreed:
“I won’t hide anything!”
While Matryona Timofeevna was in charge of the household, the peasants sat down near the self-assembled tablecloth.
The stars have set
Through the dark blue sky
The month has become high,
When the hostess came
And became our wanderers
“Open your whole soul...”

Chapter I

I was lucky in the girls:
We had a good
Non-drinking family.
Parents did not live their daughter, but not for long. At the age of five, they began to accustom them to cattle, and from the age of seven she herself went after a cow, brought lunch to her father in the field, grazed ducklings, went for mushrooms and berries, tedded hay ... There was enough work. She was a master of singing and dancing. Filipp Korchagin, a “Petersburg worker”, a stove-maker, got married.
Grieved, wept bitterly,
And the girl did the work:
On the betrothed sideways
Looked at.
Pretty-ruddy, broad-powerful,
Rus hair, quiet conversation -
Fell on the heart of Philip!
Matrena Timofeevna sings an old song, recalls her wedding.

Chapter II

The wanderers sing along to Matryona Timofeevna.
The family was big
Grumpy... I sniffed
From girlish holi to hell!
The husband went to work, and she ordered her sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law to endure. The husband returned and Matryona cheered up.
Philip on the Annunciation
He left, but on Kazanskaya
I gave birth to a son.
What a handsome son! And then the master's manager tortured me with his courtship. Matryona rushed to Grandfather Savely.
- What to do! Teach!
Of all her husband's relatives, one grandfather felt sorry for her.
- Well, something! special speech
It's a sin to keep silent about grandfather.
Lucky was also...

Chapter III

Saveliy, Holy Russian hero.
With a huge gray mane,
Tea, twenty years uncut,
With a big beard
Grandpa looked like a bear
Especially as in the forest,
Bending down, he left.
At first, she was afraid of him that if he straightened up, he would break through the ceiling with his head. But he could not straighten up; he was said to be a hundred years old. Grandfather lived in a special room
Didn't like family...
He didn’t let anyone in, and the family called him “branded, convict”. To which the grandfather cheerfully replied:
“Branded, but not a slave!”
Grandfather often played evil tricks on relatives. In summer, he hunted mushrooms and berries, birds and small animals in the forest, and in winter he talked to himself on the stove. Once Matrena Timofeevna asked why he was called a branded convict? “I was a convict,” he replied.
For the fact that the German Vogel, the offender of the peasant, was buried alive in the ground. He said that they lived freely among dense forests. Only the bears bothered them, but they coped with the bears. He, having lifted a bear on a horn, tore his back. In her youth, she was sick, and in old age she bent, that she could not unbend. The landowner called them to his city and forced them to pay dues. Under the rods, the peasants agreed to pay something. Every year the master called them that, tore mercilessly with rods, but had little. When the old landowner was killed near Varna, his heir sent a German steward to the peasants. The German was quiet at first. If you can’t pay, don’t pay, but work, for example, dig a swamp with a ditch, cut a clearing. The German brought his family, and ruined the peasants to the bone. For eighteen years they endured the steward. The German built a factory and ordered to dig a well. He came to dinner to scold the peasants, and they pushed him into a dug well and buried him. For this, Saveliy went to hard labor, fled; he was returned and beaten mercilessly. I was in hard labor for twenty years and twenty years in a settlement, I saved up money there. Came back home. When there was money, his relatives loved, and now they spit in the eyes.

Chapter IV

It is described how the tree burned, and with it the chicks in the nest. Birds yae was to save the chicks. When she arrived, everything had already burned down. One sobbed little bird,
Yes, the dead did not call
Until the white morning! ..
Matrena Timofeevna says that she carried her son to work, but her mother-in-law scolded her and ordered to leave her with his grandfather. While working in the field, she heard groans and saw her grandfather crawling:
Oh, poor young woman!
The daughter-in-law is the last in the house,
Last slave!
Endure the great storm
Take extra beatings
And from the eye of the unreasonable
Don't let the baby go!
The old man fell asleep in the sun
Feed the pigs Demidushka
Stupid grandfather!
My mother almost died of grief. Then the judges arrived and began to interrogate the attesting witnesses and Matryona, whether she was in connection with Savely:
I answered in a whisper:
- It's a shame, sir, joke!
I am an honest wife to my husband,
And old man Savely
One hundred years... Tea, you know.
They accused Matryona of having killed her son in collusion with the old man, and Matryona only asked that her son's body not be opened! Led without reproach
Honest burial
betray the child!
Going into the upper room, she saw her son Savely at the tomb, reading prayers, and drove him away, calling him a murderer. He also loved the baby. Grandfather reassured her that no matter how long a peasant lives, he suffers, and Demush her - in paradise.
“...Easy for him, light for him...”

Chapter V

Twenty years have passed since then. For a long time, the inconsolable mother suffered. Grandfather went to repentance in the monastery. Time passed, every year children were born, and three years later a new misfortune crept up - her parents died. Grandfather returned all white from repentance, and soon he died.
As ordered - performed:
Buried next to Demo...
He lived one hundred and seven years.
Her son Fedot was eight years old, they gave him as a shepherd. The shepherd left, and the she-wolf dragged the sheep away, Fedot first took the sheep from the weakened she-wolf, and then he saw that the sheep had already died, threw it again to the she-wolf. He came to the village and told everything himself. For this, they wanted to flog Fedot, but his mother did not give it back. Instead of a young son, they flogged her. After seeing off her son with the herd, Matryona cries, calls out to her dead parents, but she has no intercessors.

Chapter VI

There was hunger. The mother-in-law told the neighbors that she, Matryona, was to blame for everything. put on a clean shirt for Christmas.
For a husband, for an intercessor,
I got off cheap;
And one woman
Not for the same
Killed to death with stakes.
Don't mess with the hungry!
A little coped with lack of bread, recruitment came. But Matryona Timofeevna was not very afraid, a recruit had already been taken from the family. She was sitting at home, because. was pregnant and nursing last days. An upset father-in-law came and said that Philip was being recruited. Matrena Timofeevna realized that if her husband was taken as a soldier, she and her children would disappear. I got up from the stove and went into the night.

Chapter VII

On a frosty night, Matryona Timofeevna prays and goes to the city. Arriving at the governor's house, she asks the porter when she can come. The porter promises to help her. Learning that the governor's wife was coming, Matryona Timofeevna threw herself at her feet and told her misfortune.
I didn't know what I was doing
(Yes, apparently, I thought
Mistress! ..) How will I rush
At her feet: “Stand up!
Deception, not godly
Provider and parent
They take from children!”
The peasant woman lost consciousness, and when she woke up, she saw herself in rich chambers, next to the “pissed off child”.
Thank you Governor
Elena Alexandrovna,
I am so grateful to her
Like a mother!
She baptized the boy
And name: Liodorushka
Chose the baby...
Everything was found out, the husband was returned.

Chapter VIII

So what is next,
Glorified by the lucky one
Nicknamed the governor
Matryona since then.
Now she rules the house, raises children: she has five sons, one has already been recruited ... And then the peasant woman added: - And what you started
It's not a matter - between women
Happy looking!
- What else do you want?
Isn't it right to tell you
That we burned twice
That god anthrax
Visited us three times?
Horse pushes
We carried; I took a walk
Like a gelding in a harrow!..
My feet are not trampled,
Not tied with ropes
Not pierced with needles...
What else do you want?
For a mother that has been scolded,
Like a trampled snake,
The blood of the firstborn is gone,
And you - for happiness stuck your head!
It's a shame, well done!
Don't touch women
Here is God! pass with nothing
Before coffin board!
One pilgrim-wanderer said:
“The keys to female happiness,
From our free will
abandoned, lost
God himself!”

Composition Nekrasov N.A. - To whom in Rus' to live well?

Topic: - The fate of a Russian peasant woman.

Keys to female happiness
From our free will,
abandoned, lost
God himself!

Nekrasov was the first to write about peasant women, about their fate, life, happiness and misfortune. He wrote about the harsh. In his work, he describes a peasant woman as powerless, crushed by hard slave labor, but retaining her physical and spiritual beauty. Other writers, for example, Pushkin, Lermontov, wrote more about women of high society. These ladies, unaware of need, hunger, because they were very rich. And the writers did not even suspect how interesting, but at the same time difficult, the life of a peasant woman can be.

Since I consider this problem relevant for our time, I would like to show it on the example of Matryona Timofeevna, the heroine of Nekrasov's poem.

Matryona Timofeevna is a beautiful, portly woman, broad and thick, about thirty-eight.
Beautiful: gray hair,
The eyes are large, stern,
Eyelashes are the richest
Stern and swarthy.

Despite the fact that she had a very hard time in life, her character was persistent. She is patient with her family, where she is abused and forced to work like a slave.
Before marriage, Matryona Timofeevna lived happily. She had a good teetotal family. She lived for her pleasure. She did not hang herself on the guys, but she still found a groom.
She married Philip Korchagin. In this family, Matryona Timofeevna lived very poorly. Her husband kept her so that she would not quarrel with her father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law. Only one grandfather Savely treated her well.
Soon Matryona's first son Dyomushka was born. She loved him very much and went with him all the time in the field. where she worked. But once the mother-in-law opposed this, and then Matryona left Dema with her grandfather Savelich. When she returned from the field, her son was dead.
Matryona Timofeevna had a second son, Fedotushka. And a misfortune befell him, because of which his mother suffered:

Saved a minor.
By youth, by stupidity
Forgive: but a daring woman
About to punish!

But one misfortune was not enough. The husband was recruited. Without a husband, Matryona Timofeevna had even worse, she herself was starving, trying to feed her family. She had to go to the city to the governor's wife and ask her to return her husband from the recruits. And the governor helped her. The husband returned home.
There was much misfortune in the life of Matryona Timofeevna, but there was also happiness. All these events tempered her character and will.
It is difficult, very difficult, for a peasant woman to live. Lots of worries on her shoulders. And the house, and the children, and the husband, and work. It's hard for her to live. And there is no time for a peasant woman to think about happiness, and if there is time, the question involuntarily begs: So where are they, the keys to women's happiness? Do they not exist?

“Who should live well in Rus'” by Nekrasov is an epic poem, because in the center of its image is the whole of post-reform Russia. The poem covers the entire folk life. Nekrasov wanted to depict in his work all social strata from the peasant to the tsar, however, the life of the people remains the main subject of the narrative. From the very beginning of the poem, its main character is also defined - a man from the people. And yet the picture of peasant life would not be so vivid if it did not tell us about the share of a simple Russian woman. Arguing on this topic, one cannot help but turn to the main female image of the poem.

A special and very large place in the poem is occupied by the image of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna. In the exceptional female image of Matrena Timofeevna, Nekrasov showed the full severity of the "women's share." This theme can be traced throughout Nekrasov's work, but nowhere has the image of a Russian peasant woman been described with such tenderness and participation, so truthfully and subtly. And it is this heroine who will answer in the poem the eternal question about the female share, why “the keys to female happiness ... are abandoned, lost from God himself” ...

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina is a smart, selfless woman, the bearer of an "angry" heart, remembering "unpaid" grievances. The fate of Matryona Timofeevna is typical for a Russian peasant woman: after marriage, she ended up "from a girl's holy hell into hell", various sorrows fell upon her one after another. As a result, Matryona is forced to take on overwhelming male labor in order to feed her large family.

Being a "governor", Matryona still remains a man of the working peasant masses. She, smart and strong, the poet entrusted herself to tell about his fate. "Peasant Woman" is the only part in Nekrasov's poem, all written in the first person. However, this story is not only about Matryona's female share. Her voice is the voice of the people themselves. That is why Matrena Timofeevna sings more often, and “Peasant Woman” is a chapter permeated with folklore motifs, almost entirely built on folk poetic images. The fate of the Nekrasov heroine is constantly expanding to the limits of the all-Russian. Nekrasov managed to combine the personal fate of the heroine with mass life, without identifying them. Because, unlike most peasant women, whose marriage was determined by the will of their parents, Matryona Timofeevna marries her beloved.

Next, a picture of the traditional family life in a peasant environment, the whole common life. As soon as Matryona entered her husband's family, all household duties immediately fell on her shoulders. Like any other Russian peasant woman, Matrena Timofeevna was brought up in respect for the older generation, therefore, in new family she implicitly "obeyed" the will of her husband and his parents. The seemingly unbearable work in the harsh peasant life becomes her everyday business, and the women's business.

As you know, beatings in a peasant family were also quite common, however, the heroine of the play is by no means a downtrodden slave. For the rest of her life, the only case of a beating by her husband crashes into her memory. At the same time, a song was put into the heroine's mouth when telling about this, which, without distorting the heroine's individual biography, gives the phenomenon a broad typicality.

Let's also remember terrible tragedy the loss of a child experienced by Matrena Timofeevna. Matryona was very upset by the death of her child, despite the ignorant aristocratic convictions that the peasants do not care about their children, because there are at least a dozen of them in each family. However, to the simple Russian heart of Matrena, like any other woman, all her children are dear, she wishes each of them a better life, she cares about everyone equally.

Nekrasov constantly in his poem emphasizes the truly Christian humility of a simple Russian woman, who sometimes faces terrible, unbearable trials. However, Matryona Timofeevna relies on the will of God in everything, like thousands of other women with difficult fates. The heroine takes her life for granted, which is why she, with deep worldly wisdom, pronounces the answer to the question about the female share: "the keys to female happiness ... are lost from God himself." So, we have before us a collective image of the majority of Russian women, who are wholeheartedly devoted to their family, courageously carrying on their shoulders a huge burden of caring for their relatives and friends, and they carry their burden with incredible humility to fate, relying only on God and on themselves. Such is the female share of the Russian peasant woman, embodied in the person of Matryona Korchagina.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Why does Matrena Timofeevna claim that "the keys to female happiness ... are abandoned, lost from God himself"? (Based on the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who should live well in Rus'.")

  • Orthoepy

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 7

  • Spelling - Important Topics to repeat the exam in the Russian language

Characteristics of the hero

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina is a peasant woman. The third part of the poem is dedicated to this heroine.

M.T. - “A portly woman, Broad and thick, 38 years old. Beautiful; hair with gray hair, Big strict eyes, Eyelashes of the richest, Harsh and swarthy.

Among the people about M.T. the glory of the lucky woman is coming. She tells the strangers who come to her about her life. Her story is told in the form of folk laments and songs. This emphasizes the typical fate of M.T. for all Russian peasant women: “It’s not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women.”

In the parental home of M.T. life was good: she had a friendly non-drinking family. But, having married Philip Korchagin, she ended up "from a girl's will to hell." The youngest in her husband's family, she worked for everyone like a slave. The husband loved M.T., but often went to work and could not protect his wife. The heroine had one intercessor - grandfather Savely, her husband's grandfather. M.T. she has seen a lot of grief in her lifetime: she endured the harassment of the manager, survived the death of the first-born Demushka, who, due to Savely's oversight, was bitten by pigs. M.T. failed to retrieve the son's body and he was sent for an autopsy. Later, another son of the heroine, 8-year-old Fedot, was threatened terrible punishment because he fed someone else's sheep to a hungry she-wolf. Mother, without hesitation, lay down under the rod instead of her son. But in a lean year, M.T., pregnant and with children, is likened to a hungry she-wolf herself. In addition, the last breadwinner is taken away from her family - her husband is shaved into soldiers out of turn. In desperation, M.T. runs into the city and throws himself at the feet of the governor's wife. She helps the heroine and even becomes the godmother of the born son M.T. — Liodora. But the evil fate continued to haunt the heroine: one of the sons was taken to the soldiers, "they burned twice ... God anthrax ... visited three times." In the "Woman's Parable" M.T. sums up his sad story: “The keys to female happiness, From our free will, Abandoned, lost From God himself!”

“Who should live well in Rus'” by Nekrasov is an epic poem, because in the center of its image is the whole of post-reform Russia. The poem covers the entire life of the people in an unusually broad way. Nekrasov wanted to depict in his work all social strata from the peasant to the tsar, however, the life of the people remains the main subject of the narrative. From the very beginning of the poem, its main character is also defined - a man from the people. And yet the picture of peasant life would not be so vivid if it did not tell us about the share of a simple Russian woman. Arguing on this topic, one cannot help but turn to the main female image of the poem.

A special and very large place in the poem is occupied by the image of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna. In the exceptional female image of Matrena Timofeevna, Nekrasov showed the full severity of the "women's share." This theme can be traced throughout Nekrasov's work, but nowhere has the image of a Russian peasant woman been described with such tenderness and participation, so truthfully and subtly. And it is this heroine who will answer in the poem the eternal question about the female share, why “the keys to female happiness ... are abandoned, lost from God himself” ...

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina is a smart, selfless woman, the bearer of an "angry" heart, remembering "unpaid" grievances. The fate of Matryona Timofeevna is typical for a Russian peasant woman: after marriage, she ended up "from a girl's holy hell into hell", various sorrows fell upon her one after another. As a result, Matrena is forced to take on overwhelming male labor in order to feed her large family.

Being a "governor", Matryona still remains a man of the working peasant masses. She, smart and strong, the poet entrusted herself to tell about his fate. "Peasant Woman" is the only part in Nekrasov's poem, all written in the first person. However, this story is not only about Matryona's female share. Her voice is the voice of the people themselves. That is why Matrena Timofeevna sings more often, and “Peasant Woman” is a chapter permeated with folklore motifs, almost entirely built on folk poetic images. The fate of the Nekrasov heroine is constantly expanding to the limits of the all-Russian. Nekrasov managed to combine the personal fate of the heroine with mass life, without identifying them. Because, unlike most peasant women, whose marriage was determined by the will of their parents, Matryona Timofeevna marries her beloved.

Further, a picture of traditional family life in a peasant environment unfolds before us, the whole common life. As soon as Matryona entered her husband's family, all household duties immediately fell on her shoulders. Like any other Russian peasant woman, Matrena Timofeevna was brought up in respect for the older generation, so in the new family she unquestioningly “obeyed” the will of her husband and his parents. The seemingly unbearable work in the harsh peasant life becomes her everyday business, and the women's business.

As you know, beatings in a peasant family were also quite common, however, the heroine of the play is by no means a downtrodden slave. For the rest of her life, the only case of a beating by her husband crashes into her memory. At the same time, a song was put into the heroine's mouth when telling about this, which, without distorting the heroine's individual biography, gives the phenomenon a broad typicality.

Let us also recall the terrible tragedy of the loss of a child that Matryona Timofeevna experienced. Matryona was very upset by the death of her child, despite the ignorant aristocratic convictions that the peasants do not care about their children, because there are at least a dozen of them in each family. However, to the simple Russian heart of Matrena, like any other woman, all her children are dear, she wishes each of them a better life, she cares about everyone equally.

Nekrasov constantly in his poem emphasizes the truly Christian humility of a simple Russian woman, who sometimes faces terrible, unbearable trials. However, Matryona Timofeevna relies on the will of God in everything, like thousands of other women with difficult fates. The heroine takes her life for granted, which is why she, with deep worldly wisdom, pronounces the answer to the question about the female share: "the keys to female happiness ... are lost from God himself." So, we have before us a collective image of the majority of Russian women, who are wholeheartedly devoted to their family, courageously carrying on their shoulders a huge burden of caring for their relatives and friends, and they carry their burden with incredible humility to fate, relying only on God and on themselves. Such is the female share of the Russian peasant woman, embodied in the person of Matryona Korchagina.