Name: Galina Volchek

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Age: 85 years old

Height: 163 cm Weight: 65 kg

Activity: theater and film director, actress, teacher

Family status: divorced

Galina Volchek - biography

Galina Volchek - People's Artist of the USSR, a talented director and teacher, raised culture to such a level that she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Her film work has long been known outside of Russia, she is valued and loved, feared and respected, endlessly trusted and considered fair and enthusiastic.

Years of childhood, the family of Galina Volchek

Galina Borisovna was born in Moscow in the most cinematic family, so it is not surprising that she had to link her biography with the art of cinema. Maimin's mother Vera Soviet time worked as a screenwriter, and her father, Boris Izrailevich Volchek, is a famous director and cameraman. He owns many famous paintings, such as Lenin in October, for example.

The girl was very talented, constantly pleased her parents with her successes, for which she was awarded diplomas. Everyone considered her gray and inconspicuous. No one could have imagined that a strict and fair leader, a talented director and actress would grow out of a girl with eternal pigtails.

Volchek loved reading early childhood, so the father really wanted his daughter to enter the Literary Institute. In the Soviet Union such higher educational institution there was only one, it bore the name of the writer Maxim Gorky. Nobody knew that for Galina it was decided long ago that she would study at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Galina Volchek - chief director of the theater

Having successfully completed her studies, Volchek organized young actors and founded a studio for them. Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Igor Kvasha made up the acting troupe of the studio. The initiator of this idea, which the rest unanimously supported, was Oleg Efremov. This is how the Sovremennik theater was born. Galina was appointed chief director, and then artistic director.

Galina Volchek worked very little as an actress, her contribution to the history of Russian art as a director is invaluable. Her very first work based on Gibson's play Two on a Swing existed on the Sovremennik stage for more than thirty years. The choice that she had to make in her biography: actress or director, was made absolutely correctly.

Galina Volchek: Cultural Bridge

Everyone knows from the history of the state that the United States of America and the Soviet Union treated each other with distrust for a very long time. It was Volchek who managed to establish cultural relations between the USSR and the USA. Russian classics sounded from American stages, non-American theater was awarded a national award for the first time. In addition, Galina Borisovna shared and continues to share her directing experience with young foreign colleagues, lecturing at New York University.


In the late fifties, Galina Volchek starred quite successfully in many films. All her heroines were remembered for their power, brightness. And it does not matter at all if this role was only episodic, as in the movie "Beware of the car."

The talented actress was also successful in negative roles. She knew exactly how she needed to play a she-wolf or a sea witch. But this does not mean at all that in life these characters corresponded to Galina herself. Volchek's first films, as a director, were adaptations of theater productions that were played on the Sovremennik stage and had already won the recognition of the audience.

The activities of Galina Volchek for the benefit of the people

Galina Borisovna did an excellent job with the acting task and the task of the director. She decided to test her skills in public life in public office as a deputy in the Duma.

Volchek became a member of the Our Home is Russia movement. For four years she was a member of the Committee on Culture, but she decided to do only the thing that she truly loves - cinema plus theater.

Galina Volchek - biography of personal life

Galina Volchek got married twice. Nine years she lived with her first husband famous actor Evgeny Evstigneev. They have a common son, Denis, who works as a director. Her own mother speaks about her son with respect, she listens to his opinion, always consulting and discussing the next performance with him. She claims that Denis has a flair for the success or failure of productions.

The second husband of Volchek was the scientist Mark Abelev. He taught at the capital's engineering and construction university. Their marriage did not last long. In third civil marriage the actress lived for ten years, but considers this union a misunderstanding. She refuses to comment further.

Galina Volchek gives herself to work, to her favorite work. Thanks to her skill, talented acting stars appear. She easily discovers and finds new talents, working hard on their development. In her spare time, she, like a woman, loves beautiful clothes and creates elegant outfits herself. She has her own collection.

Awards Galina Volchek

Galina Borisovna has many well-deserved awards. There are three orders, several awards, she is an Honored and People's Artist. Galina Volchek - academician of "Niki". Under her leadership, more than 30 performances were staged. She is invited to the jury of KVN, she chaired the Kinotavr-2005. She is respectfully called the Iron Lady for her strength of character and for her ability to introduce any innovation without fear.

But everything that is done by a famous director is carefully weighed and considered. Galina cannot imagine her biography without theater and cinema, and she does not want to share her work with her family. She understands that something will still have to be sacrificed. If directing and acting work bring satisfaction and bring joy to the audience, which means there is happiness in life.

Name: Galina Volchek

Surname: Borisovna

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (characteristic)

Eastern horoscope: Rooster

Activity: theater and film actress, director

Galina Borisovna is the daughter of the famous, beloved director, Boris Izrailevich Volchek. Boris Izrailevich is also a fairly experienced cameraman, professor, teacher. He became the laureate of the State Prize 4 times for the films: “Pyshka”, “Thirteen”, “Lenin in October”, “Dream”, “Murder on Dante Street”. Galina Borisovna's mother Vera Isaakovna Maimina is a screenwriter.

Young Galina spent her childhood years reading books. She read a lot, learned to speak with intonation. In fact, it was a "gray" mouse. Galina had 2 permanent pigtails on her head. From school, she brought only diplomas. Her parents were proud of her. Especially mom. She boasted to everyone about how smart her daughter was. For this reason, a conflict was brewing with my mother. She did not quite realize or simply did not want to realize that the personality and essence of a person is formed much earlier.

That is why soon Galina Borisovna changed her last name, became Volchok. However, after many, many years, I realized that this is all nonsense and idiocy. She reverted back to her original name.

Of course, the childhood spent reading books gave its results in choosing a profession. Dad wanted Galina to study at the Literary Institute. But only Volchek herself knew that she wanted to be a student only of the Moscow Art Theater. Galina Borisovna nevertheless fulfilled her dream by graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School.

After graduation, she, together with Oleg Efremov, who proposed this idea, Igor Kvasha, Lilia Tolmacheva, Evgeny Evstigneev, founded their own theater, which was given the name Sovremennik. Volchek becomes the chief director of this theater, and later the artistic director.

"Two on a Swing" is Volchek's first work, which she puts as a director. This performance was doomed to success. For 30 years, the play has been included in the theater program, because it is very popular. great success at the viewer.

Next come the director's work: "At the Bottom", "The Cherry Orchard", "Three Sisters", "Steep Route", Pygmalion", " ordinary story", he would later be called one of the best performances directed by Volchek. For him, she was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. The work "Three Comrades" turned out to be a real breakthrough on the Russian stage.

There were excellent works: “The Princess and the Woodcutter”, “Own Island”, “Weather for Tomorrow”, “Blach”, “Stars in the Morning Sky”, “Death and the Maiden” and not only these, but also many other performances staged by the great Galina Borisovna Volchek.

Young director Galina Borisovna was the first to combine American culture and culture Soviet Union. She puts on the play "Echelon" in Houston. The premiere took place at the Alley Theatre.

When the Goodwill Games were held in Seattle, Volchek shows 2 performances: "The Steep Route", "Three Sisters".

Volchek tours the world with his performances. In America, the director spends a lot of time with his troupe. They show their work on Broadway. These tours of the theater proved to be the most prestigious awards in the field of drama theater Drama desk award. It is worth noting that this award has never been awarded to an American theater.

Galina Borisovna is especially popular abroad. Her name is to stage performances in theaters in Germany, Finland, USA, Hungary, Poland.

Volchek also taught, for many years, abroad.

Galina Borisovna is also offered to act in films. All her roles are secondary. She plays roles in the films: "Don Quixote", "Sinful Angel", "A bridge is being built", "The First Courier", "My Own", "King Lear", "My Destiny", "Unicum" and many other films.

In the life of Volchek Galina Borisovna there were 2 official husbands. First husband Evgeny Evstigneev. She gave birth to the actor's son Denis, who followed the path of a famous mother, choosing the profession of a film director. Volchek speaks of his son with special love:

“A son is a special topic for me,” notes Galina Borisovna. - This is how our relationship turned out, that he is my main adviser, the most strict spectator and judge. I can’t release the play until Denis sees it.”

The second husband of Volchek was a professor at the Construction Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences Mark Yuryevich Abelev.

“All my life I have led myself to the fact that the family has become impossible for me. This is the normal state of a person who sold himself into slavery to the theater. The theater has ground me in its meat grinder to such an extent that it would be unnatural to combine it with something else.

Galina Borisovna lives and works in Moscow.

Galina Borisovna has several orders: "For Merit to the Fatherland", "Friendship of Peoples", "Red Banner of Labor".

Volchek is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR, RSFSR. She received the USSR State Prize for the play "Ordinary History". She has the “Own Track” award, 2 “Olympia” awards, “Star of the Theater”. Volchek is an academic Russian Academy cinematographic arts "Nika".

Galina Borisovna staged over 30 performances.

The actress and director rolled into one, many times acted as a jury member of KVN, chairman of the jury of Kinotavr-2005.

These and many other questions are being answered by people who have noticed drastic changes, How appearance actress and artistic director, and her lifestyle. the site tried to understand the situation and will give an argumentative answer to the question "Why in a wheelchair."

The state of health of Galina Volchek

In fact, you should not panic, a woman feels quite self-sufficient. There are many health problems, but at her advanced age, this is normal. Yesterday, December 19, the artist turned 85 years old. She managed to survive the old-timer of Sovremennik, among whom we remember Oleg Efremov, Nina Doroshina, Oleg Tabakov ... Moreover, Galina Borisovna is older than all those who started with her acting career many years ago: Valentin Gaft, Lia Akhedzhakova, Marina Neelova…

Therefore, all my life, all my creative career Galina Volchek dedicated to the theater, opened in 1956. She was one of the founders of the cultural institution, and after the death of Oleg Efremov, she took his place, becoming the artistic director of Sovremennik.

62 years of faithful and devoted service for the benefit of the theater and the audience could not but affect the health of the People's Artist. IN Lately she moves in a wheelchair, but Galina did not give any information about why she ended up in it.

However, JointInfoMedia editors have become aware of the reasons why the artistic director spends most of his time in a vehicle. For the first time, Galina Borisovna was noticed in a wheelchair in 2017 in the Kremlin at an awards ceremony. At the same time, rumors of the “paralyzed” type began to emerge, but everything turned out to be completely different.

Galina Volchek can move freely with all her limbs. The only reason on which she moves in a wheelchair - these are back problems. She was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Given the weight of the body and the constant physical stress, it is extremely difficult for the artist to walk without support due to pain. At the same time, the theater noted that since 2014 the pain has been intensifying. For a long time she struggled with her condition, then decided to save herself and her health by moving into a wheelchair.

Usually such situations require prompt intervention. However, given that spinal surgery is considered one of the most dangerous, the artistic director refused it, especially since no one will give a 100% guarantee anyway. She also refused because of a sick heart, and the intense and stressful work in the theater for so many years also affected nervous system, because of which she also began to have problems with her lungs, and later led to hypertension.

Nevertheless, despite the entire "track record" of diseases, Galina Volchek, at the age of 85, continues to creative activity, she knows what the audience needs, and how to convey the idea to the actor, in which, undoubtedly, her experience as the main director helped her. And even skirmishes with Chulpan Khamatova did not unsettle one of the best Russian artists, both of the past and present century.

Cheating Chulpan Khamatova

The other day, Galina Volchek shared with the press a story that happened to her and Chulpan Khamatova. It turns out that in the play "Two on a Swing" Kristina Orbakaite plays one of the leading roles for a reason. She replaced the talented Chulpan Khamatova.

The performance, which was a success, almost closed due to one incident. Chulpan came to Galina Borisovna and said that she needed a creative break for six months. She can't rehearse, she can't perform, she can't play, nothing. Volchek entered the situation and, of course, as one of the best actresses of her theater, she allowed her to take a break. But with agreements that the actress with Tatar roots will not take part in productions anywhere for these six months. Meanwhile, the star of "Moon Dad" disobeyed her boss and simultaneously took up other work in other theaters.

As a result, on reflection, Galina Volchek decides to take on the role of Chulpan, whom she has loved since the release of the film Scarecrow. And according to the artistic director, she made the right decision, as Pugacheva's daughter is doing an excellent job with the new role.

It should be noted that Galina Borisovna does not hold a grudge against Chulpan, moreover, she continues to assert that Khamatova is a very talented artist, but, of course, this is not done.

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Party worker Slivko tried to seduce the artistic director of Sovremennik in the bathhouse, and she was madly in love with the artist Pechnikov

Colleagues, friends and fans are getting ready to congratulate the director of the Sovremennik Theater Galina VOLCHEK on her 80th birthday. Galina Borisovna once dropped to herself: “I had two husbands, several novels and one delusion.” But she did not name the names of the gentlemen. Friends did it for her, sharing with Express Newspaper very juicy details from the life of the famous director.

Galya's parents - film director and cameraman Boris Volchek and playwright Vera Maimina - separated when she was still a schoolgirl. The girl decided to stay with her father and quickly got out of control: she began to smear her lips brightly, and once lightened her hair with wool dye. The unrequited love of a 14-year-old Moscow girl for a man much older than her was to blame for everything.
To appear older, Galya began to smoke. Catching her with a cigarette, dad burst into tears, and, as it turned out, not in vain. To this day, Galina Borisovna has not been able to overcome the bad habit, and, not at all justifying herself, remarks:
- When I die, stick a cigarette in my mouth. This will be my truth!

In the same bed

Real serious feelings came to our heroine in the first year of the Moscow Art Theater School. Then she met her future first husband and father only son Denis - Evgeny Evstigneev.
- Gali always had a good appearance, - smiles Oleg Basilashvili, who studied a year younger. - Since my friend Zhenya Evstigneev married her, what kind of conversation can there be? Zhenya had excellent taste and always understood women better than many of us.
However, Volchek herself assured that she fell in love with the poorly dressed provincial Evstigneev out of a sense of protest. She wanted to prove to everyone that this "space character", always walking in a ridiculous raincoat and the same shirt, is a genius.
“Galya herself has always been a real woman,” notes the star of Sovremennik, Lyudmila Ivanova, Shurochka from “ office romance”, which at the same time studied at the Studio School. - When we had no money at all, Galya managed to get hold of incredibly fashionable dress. Then the staple came into fashion, and her mother sewed wonderfully. So I made my daughter a blue outfit with white branches.
Galya spent the first money she earned on new clothes for Evstigneev. I bought a French suit, shirt and boots from a secondhand shop. And Zhenya immediately changed. When he put it all on himself, those around him were stunned - it was as if he had been wearing such wonderful things all his life.

Well, now no one will pay attention to the fact that you have a kilogram of eyes, - Volchek was delighted. - You will also read “War and Peace”, and it will be quite good.
For her family, marriage to Zhenya seemed like a terrible misalliance. After another scandal, Galina took her lover away from her father's house. A couple of nights they turned over at the station, and then rented a room.
“When Evstigneev left Gali for his next wife, Lila Zhurkina, Volchek suffered a lot,” recalls Lyudmila Ivanova. - At this time, they starred in films together, where they played spouses and lay in the same bed in the frame. Despite everything, they managed to maintain friendly relations. Later, when Galina Borisovna staged the play “At the Bottom”, and Zhenya was already working not at Sovremennik, but at the Moscow Art Theater, nevertheless she invited him to this production, and he agreed.

Revenge on wife

After breaking up with Evstigneev, Volchek was not alone for long. The next man quickly entered her life - Mark Abelev, a professor at a construction institute.
- Mark is a wonderful scientist, - says Volchek's friend, Tatyana Putievskaya, the widow of Igor Kvasha. - Of course, their relationship is over different stages and gradually exhausted themselves, ending in an offensive divorce.
Muscovites Volchek and Abelev met in Murmansk. Galina Borisovna brought her Sovremennik there on tour, and Mark Yuryevich came on a business trip.
He turned out to be familiar with Kvasha, and he invited a friend to the play.
- The production is junk, but Tabakov played well, - Galina Borisovna accidentally heard the words of the commander and was very offended by him.

In the evening they met near the hotel, talked, and then Volchek realized that this large man with a subtle sense of humor was interesting to her.
- Mark always reminded me of Pierre Bezukhov, - says Lyudmila Ivanova. - In thick-rimmed glasses, with a clumsy gait. They said that he beautifully looked after Galina Borisovna: for all his savings - almost 1000 rubles! - I bought her a luxurious astrakhan fur coat. It was with him that she felt like a woman who is loved and tenderly cared for.

Abelev was wildly jealous of his wife, constantly checking where she went after work. And once he really caught Galina in a restaurant, having dinner with a distinguished colleague Georgy Tovstonogov. Whether there was a romance between the two directors, now no one will say for sure, but Mark did not make scenes. Through the maître d', he called the missus outside and took her home, where little Deniska was waiting for her.
When Galina Borisovna married a professor, the boy was only five years old. Denis even tried to call his stepfather dad, but Volchek cut him off:
- Dad, son, you can only have one!
According to her friends, Galina Borisovna dreamed of having more children (she adored babies), but, alas, it did not work out.
- These are already women's affairs, which did not work out for her there, - says Tatyana Putievskaya. - I know, at one time she was madly in love with the actor Gena Pechnikov and, probably, also dreamed of giving birth to him, but again nothing happened. How she liked Gena!
According to Lyudmila Ivanova, Volchek was always surrounded by male friends:
- Among them stood out Mikhail Ulyanov, Yuri Vizbor. In general, smart, educated gentlemen really liked her. When we rested with her in the south, she had no end to them. These were not novels, but coquetry. Galya loved this! Once, on tour in Tomsk, a local party official, it seems, by the name of Slivko, immediately began to court Volchek. He even organized a bath for us, the actors, but Galina Borisovna is a serious person, she did not allow him great liberties.

Well, who was the very “delusion” that our heroine spoke about, remembering her beloved men? And there was an answer to this!
- This is a married physicist named Volodya, whom Galya loved very much, - Putievskaya is sure. - She left Mark for Vladimir. True, the physicist's mother was very ill, so it was difficult to find time for meetings.
They say that Volchek suffered greatly because her lover did not dare to leave his wife for her sake. Now it’s clear what kind of beloved person, whom she still cannot forgive, Galina Borisovna recently mentioned in an interview:
- Once she told him: “You will never call here again and you will never see me!” He tried, but for me it was all over. The only thing I warned him about in the end: “You will take revenge on her (wife. -G. W.) for staying...” People who visit their house say that this is how it happened.

Published on 19.12.18 22:06

Putin came to Sovremennik to congratulate Galina Volchek on her anniversary.

Today, December 19, the legend of theater and cinema, Galina Volchek, celebrates her 85th birthday, 60 of which she gave to her beloved Sovremennik theater. Volchek personally congratulated on the anniversary among many friends and acquaintances, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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The Russian leader arrived at the historical building of the theater on Chistoprudny Boulevard, which is opening after reconstruction. Volchek replied to the president that congratulations were not needed, but he did not agree with her.

“Absolutely necessary, because this is an opportunity intkbbee and to sum up some results, and say thank you for your contribution to national culture, and to world culture as well,” the President said, handing her a bouquet of flowers, a picture and a book.

Putin also asked if there were any comments on the reconstruction of the building. The artistic director noted that so far there are no comments, but first you need to move and get comfortable. Volchek also invited Putin to watch a play at Sovremennik.

It should be noted that today in the play "Two on a Swing" at the Sovremennik Theater, Kirill Safonov plays with Kristina Orbakaite, who replaced Chulpan Khamatova. As Volchek shared, she was dumbfounded by the behavior of the actress, because of which the performance, which was gathering a full house, almost closed, Kommersant writes.

The thing is that some time ago Chulpan approached Volchek and said that she "had an accident" and she was temporarily unable to continue working in the theater for medical reasons for at least six months. At the same time, she vowed not to act anywhere, asking for permission only for concert activities in order to somehow live.

"But less than a month later, I found out that Chulpan was rehearsing in one theater in Moscow, then I found out that she was rehearsing in Riga at that time, and somewhere else ..." Volchek said.

From such deceit on the part famous actress the director was just dumbfounded.

“It didn’t just offend or hurt me. I realized that I had to say goodbye to this performance, and that’s all. Then I thought:“ No, I have no right, since the audience believed so and went like that ... And Cyril ... Well, how in general ... No, it's impossible. "But who will play? I understood that replacing Chulpan Khamatova is not just difficult, it's very difficult..." Volchek concluded.

It is noteworthy that, unexpectedly for everyone, the performer showed such a strong acting talent that Galina Borisovna herself, who had seen everything on stage, was moved to tears.

“It was the first time in my theater ... I suddenly burst into tears and I can’t stop,” admitted Volchek.