The young are dear to us, the old people are honored everywhere. If this happens, then there is a chance that new moods will appear, new hopes. This is very good, this is a chance. Those who are in the "island", the elders, just need to give way to us, the young ones.

Young people are drawn to rhythm not only musical (as some experts often want to present), but also geopolitical, and religious, and social. Of course, you can answer: “They will,” but only if the fathers oppose specifics to “not their own” trends.

Young - everywhere we have a road, / Old people - everywhere we have honor

There would be more rounds and Chinese athletes, for example, born in 2005 or 2010 - you can move them to the gold medal. Not to mention the triggers that start the process - hey, you will be the first.

Among them are Boribai Zheksembin, Bakytzhan Ordabaev, Zautbek Turisbekov

It is used both literally and ironically, according to the situation. Today, in the Muslim Ummah, voices are increasingly heard about certain problems between the older and younger generations. Many tend to blame what is happening on the “foreign trail” in the person of graduates of Islamic institutions, incl. the most prestigious and quoted throughout the world.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Wouldn't it be the same today? While we will look for the culprits of certain problems in graduates foreign universities, it turns out that society is not only plunging into stagnation, but also does not want to look for a way out. Analytics. Does this "if" turn into practice? Why does this or that geopolitical jet break through in a certain period? And who is to blame for this? At the same time, immigrants from the CIS countries, due to the proximity of language and religion, the general experience of living in the Russian imperial and Soviet space, are the preferred option.

In turn, this leads to the poverty of citizens, the growth among them of a sense of disadvantage and radical sentiments. Fairs in Itil, Sarai, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod were once the most important barometer of the development of the Eurasian economy. I do not get tired of repeating: if it were not for the active rejection of religion ... This was the most painful issue that remained insurmountable, perhaps because socialism originated from Christianity.

Sometimes the words sea and ocean in the names of the seas and oceans are omitted, but the article remains: the Atlantic, the Baltic. Is it not possible to resolve the issue as in the song “Broad is my native land”? But when we have last year's story with a mechanical repetition of the "knixen" to the side international federation table tennis, it is already impossible not to notice.

How does a child imagine in diapers, but in a hat and tie - like, already an adult. The project is a business portal informing about events in the economy, business and finance in Kazakhstan and abroad. But our President and the United States warned about the danger of getting into a conflict. People, in general, do not know much, but they can smell very well if someone is being crucified somewhere and someone is being lynched.

Students should also be shown that ordinary words and syntactic constructions can be used as a means of expression in texts. It is necessary to offer tasks that will teach them to distinguish between cases of using linguistic units in the proper nominative and figurative-expressive functions. A figure in which, in the form of an appeal to inanimate objects, phenomena, concepts, etc.

A turn of speech, consisting in the fact that the sentence (or phrase) remains unsaid, the speech that has been started suddenly breaks off. Good luck to you and new achievements. On the eve of the Congress of the Union of Cinematographers, we are talking about the problems of cinema and animators with the famous producer Gali MYRZASHEV. What problems do they see and how to solve them. He turned to Vovnyanko with a letter, asked to convene a meeting of the Board, but he ran to Kazakhfilm, and retold the words of the authors of that letter.

Chorus: My native country is wide, There are many forests, fields and rivers in it! I don't know another country like this, Where a person breathes so freely. The spring wind blows over the country, Every day it is more joyful to live, And no one in the world knows how to laugh and love us better! In this perspective we are talking not about disobedience in the family (traditions, in general, are preserved here), but, as it were, about an “ideological” watershed. And this indicates that the path of finding the perpetrators of this or that situation in citizens “not from our region” (the terminology of the unforgettable comrade Saakhov) remained the most digestible.

Yes, we can agree that in the conditions of the modernization of life, its impetuous flight at an incredible pace, the elders do not always catch the trends (or maybe they don’t want to?). Leaf through the world wide web and get confused in its networks. Here you have both advisers and defendants.

Generalizing information about language means of expression

Where is our powerful intellectual nourishment in the form of portals and print media? Is it possible to say at all that a strong analytics function in the Muslim environment? What lies ahead for her, how to build relations with neighboring and distant countries? What will the blatant bloody orgy, systematically gaining acceleration on a planetary scale, lead to? Who is its inspirer, organizer and sponsor?

How will it affect us and the next generations, which are not indifferent to us, if only because of our offspring being among them? Or maybe the ship just moored at one of the shores and the crew is sunbathing? And they will begin to learn not mermaids on the branches, but some settlers on unknown paths.

So, probably, the point here is far from graduates of foreign universities carrying a storehouse of "non-traditional forms of beliefs." The new site should become a guide in the Muslim space of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Young generations with an open road ahead and many choices need to set realistic goals, achieve them, grow spiritually and professionally. What to do? The other day I learned that young people were hastily accepted as members of the union.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Young - everywhere we have a road, / Old people - everywhere we have honor

Young - everywhere we have a road, / Old people- everywhere we have respect

From the "Song of the Motherland", written by the composer Isaak Dunaevsky (1900-1955) to the words of the poet Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach(1898-1949) for the film "Circus" (1936, directed by Grigory Alexandrov). It is used both literally and ironically, according to the situation.

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The Road to Paradise The path of life is like a razor blade. On the other side of the underworld, and on this side of the underworld, and the path of life lies between them. Hasidic saying Everyone wants to get heavenly bliss at the cheapest price possible. Charles Montesquieu (1689–1755),

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Who was the youngest Nobel laureate? In the history of the Nobel Prize, the youngest Nobel Prize winner was the outstanding English physicist William Lawrence Bragg (1890–1971). Nobel Prize he received in 1915 for researching the structure of crystals using X-rays

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Who was the youngest member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Central Committee of the party and the youngest Soviet people's commissar (minister)? In this regard, Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (1895–1978) was the “record holder” among Soviet state and party leaders. He first became People's Commissar in 1926 (in

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the road is an exit to a combat raid on military equipment (for example, on armored personnel carriers) But all four of us were rushing “on the road”, although we knew that anything could happen. How long did I persuade my captain to take me on this "road"? sit on ~y - block the road ... if we

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Yol Road 1981 - Türkiye (111 min) Prod. Edie Hubschmid · Dir. SERIF GOREN (led by Yilmaz Güney) Scene. Yilmaz Güney Oper. Erdogan Engin Music. Sebastian Argol, Kendal Starring Tarik Akan (Seyit Ali), Seri Sezer (Zin), Khalil Ergun (Mehmet Salih), Meral Orhonsai (Emin),


Wide is my native land,

From Moscow to the very outskirts,
WITH southern mountains to the northern seas
Man passes like a master
His immense Motherland!
Everywhere life is free and wide,
Like the Volga is full, flowing.
Young - everywhere we have a road,
Old people are honored everywhere.

Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this
Where does a man breathe so freely!
You can't search our fields with your eyes,
Do not remember our cities
Our word is proud "comrade"
We love all beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
There are no blacks or coloreds for us,
This word is familiar to everyone
With him everywhere we find relatives.

Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this
Where does a man breathe so freely!
At the table, no one is superfluous,
Everyone is rewarded according to merit.
We write in golden letters
National Stalinist Law.
These words are greatness and glory
No years will erase:
- Man always has the right
For learning, rest and work!

Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this
Where does a man breathe so freely!
The spring wind blows over the country,
Every day more and more joyful to live,
And no one in the world can
Better to laugh and love us.
But we frown severely,
If the enemy wants to break us, -
Like a bride, we love our homeland,
We take care, like an affectionate mother!

Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this
Where does a man breathe so freely!

Translation of the text of the song Soviet songs - Shiroka My Native Land


Broad is my native land,
I no other country I know
From Moscow to the suburbs
From southern mountains to northern seas
man held as owner
His vast country!
Throughout life and freely and widely,
Exactly Volga full, flowing.
Young everywhere we road
Old people everywhere we honor.

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
Our fields are not searched the eye,
I don't remember our cities
Our proud word "comrade"
Dearer to us than all the beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
No for us no black no color
It's a word everyone knows,
It finds us relatives.

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
At the table none of us is unnecessary
On the merit of each award recipient.
In golden letters we write
Nationwide Stalin-Era Law.
That said, the greatness and glory of
No years will not erase:
- Man always has the right
The drill, rest and to work!

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
over the country the spring wind blows,
Every day more and more joyful to live
And no one in the world knows how
Better to laugh and to love.
But severely eyebrow we will nasuem,
If the enemy wants to break us, -
As a bride, the Home we love
Cherish, like a tender mother!

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!