Stella Baranovskaya for a long time struggled with cancer, doctors diagnosed her with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The chemotherapy courses that the actress underwent briefly helped to stabilize her condition. But in early September 2017, cancer took the life of a young and beautiful actress, leaving her son Daniel an orphan, today the boy lives with Stella's mother.

Recall that when Baranovskaya was alive, some users social networks didn't believe her. They believed that she was feigning illness for selfish purposes. Only death proved the opposite - Baranovskaya really struggled with a serious illness and spent large sums on treatment.

“Stellin's son Danya now lives with his grandmother, Stella's mother. There was never any talk of establishing the boy; his grandmother is the official guardian. And she never gave up custody. In a domestic sense, I'm sure she takes good care of Dana. He goes to school and various clubs. All the hysteria around the adoption is over, Dani's father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized. But this is their choice, and a new circle karmic debts and workings. I dreamed of Stella only once in a strange dream, but she was very happy and contented! My little girl, so fragile and so strong at the same time. IN last days, experiencing incredible pain, she still continued to comfort her friends in their earthly problems and help with advice! More than anything in life, she needed love! Most often in life, she faced betrayal! Her life was like an action-packed dramatic novel. She wrote an autobiographical book, but all the manuscripts remained in the computer, which, by right of inheritance, went to her mother. I hope someday we will be able to publish what she managed to write,” shared Anfisa Chekhova.

Recall that Stella found out about the diagnosis while in America with her fiancé. Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at a hospital in Minnesota, where Baranovskaya turned, said that she had a very hard time undergoing chemotherapy. According to her, Stella's chosen one turned away from her after learning about a serious illness.

“When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stopped at my house… Stella has a very high pain threshold, she literally climbed the wall from pain during chemotherapy. She passed six steps, but the last one did not pass, she was in too much pain. At the same moment she experienced betrayal loved one. The groom did not even lift a finger to help her ... We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some do not experience in a hundred years, ”recalled an employee of a medical institution.

Stella would have turned 31 today. In honor of this day, Anfisa Chekhova published a poem dedicated to the departed and told what kind of friend she remembered. Baranovskaya was supported by Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara. They defended the honor of the actress on the air of the talk show, stating that Stella courageously fought cancer and did not appropriate other people's money.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has not become. Can't believe and find right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials fell on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl, ”Lera Kudryavtseva wrote at a mourning moment.

At 5 am on September 4, 30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya died of blood cancer. TV presenter Katya Gordon announced the death of Stella. She also learned the tragic news from the grandmother of the actress.

Stella Baranovskaya does not have star roles, information about her acting work is absent on the Web, although it is known that she starred in a lot of films - in television series and films, but mostly played episodic roles. For real famous girl fat because of his illness.

Stella Baranovskaya: biography, where, in what films was she filmed?

Having received acting education, Stella simply did not have time to realize her acting talent in the film industry, almost immediately after graduating from high school she fell ill with leukemia.

It is known that she played in the film "The Cosmonaut's Grandson", a film shot by Andrei Panin and a number of episodic roles in several films and TV shows.

Stella Baranovskaya: what did she become famous for, what was the cancer, what did she die of?

Stella was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia several years ago, in other words, severe form blood cancer. Stella was diagnosed at the end of 2015.

As soon as Stella found out that she had cancer, she began to collect money for treatment in social networks. She underwent only one course of polychemotherapy and felt better, which she told her fans about. She refused traditional treatment and tried to be treated with non-traditional methods.

After some time, Stella was accused of fraud. Stella herself said that she was miraculously healed. Social media users were indignant, accusing the girl of making up her diagnosis in order to get rich. Stella herself often posted photos from expensive resorts and looked happy and healthy.

Later it became known that Stella was quick to announce her recovery. On New Year's Eve 2016, the girl became ill. But Stella did not immediately turn to the doctors. In January, she was diagnosed with leukemia. She started chemotherapy courses, but then suddenly stopped them, as she was very hard emotionally. At that moment, she felt better again.

Stella went to Mexico, where she was given an injection that allegedly kills cancer cells.

All this time, the young actress was supported by her son. He went through all the stages of treatment with his mother. Also next to Stella were Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and singer Zara.

Stella was dying very hard. In recent days, she simply could not walk and experienced hellish pain. Stella's son at that time was with Katya Gordon. The 5-year-old boy was left with a grandmother and a father who did not take part in the upbringing of the boy.

Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella's mother, supported her daughter's choice in terms of methods and examination. “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy,” said a relative.

The team of the program "Live" contacted an American clinic where they are treated by the method of detoxification. There, people listen to peculiar lectures, attend yoga classes and an infrared sauna. According to a representative of the medical institution, three weeks must pass after chemotherapy in order to be able to come to the clinic.

IN recent months before the death of the actress, the child was taken by Katya Gordon, then the boy had to live for some time with the singer Zara. After Stella left, Danya showed a desire to take the girl's father, who lives in the USA, to him, but the main contender for guardianship was Lidia Petrovna Baranovskaya's grandmother.

About what happened to the boy, she wrote in her Instagram Anfisa Chekhova: “Danya lives with Stella's mom. Goes to kindergarten. Access to Stella's Instagram is lost, as she gave her phone to her mother, but she did not pick up the password to her Instagram. Who wants to remember our girl, she is buried at the Mashkinsky cemetery. To the left along the fence and run into her grave.

Anfisa reminded everyone how dear her friendship with Stella was for her, and how much she misses her: « I still remember every day we spent together! As before, I share my thoughts with you… just not out loud! It is still difficult to come to terms with the injustice of your departure ... For me, you are still alive, Baby! I hear your voice in my head, I keep you in my heart.

For a long time, Stella's illness was considered a farce, many reproached her for the fact that the actress was trying to extract money from kind people who donated decent sums for her treatment. However, when the serious condition of the actress became visible to the naked eye, the offenders decided to take their words back and wished Stella a speedy recovery.

The last months were the most difficult for the actress, her condition worsened every day, and the question of guardianship of her son remained in limbo. The last straw for the girl was that father Dani refused to take a paternity test.

Although the mother was against it, the child still stayed with the grandmother, and this the best option for a boy who had been living with Stella's friends and acquaintances for a long time. We wish Danya to grow up to be a strong and healthy boy, and most importantly, happy!

    Stella Baranovskaya struggled with oncology for more than two years and practiced, among other things, non-traditional methods of treatment, for which she was ganged up on in social networks.

    Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer

    Famous Russian actress Stella Baranovskaya has died after a long battle with cancer. The first information about the death of the artist was released on the Internet by her friend, radio host and lawyer Katya Gordon. She admitted that Stella was dying hard.

    “Stella died some kind of martyrdom ... in wild pain,” Gordon wrote on her blog. Along with this, the girl recorded a video message to all those who are not indifferent, in which, with tears in her eyes, she explained that she could not accept the news of the death of Baranovskaya, who had six year old son Danya.

    Separately, Gordon drew attention to those people who, in her opinion, did everything possible to make the death of the actress painful. In particular, she recalled that many accused Stella of quackery and raising money for the treatment of a non-existent illness, the Commander became aware. Allegedly Baranovskaya invented terrible diagnosis in order to get rich.

    “Anfisa [Chekhova], Zara helped as much as they could,” the human rights activist added. “Friends helped her ... and she lived in poverty ...” Gordon emphasized, who also defended the honest name of the actress for a long time.

    She stated that Baranovskaya did not refuse treatment, as some media reported. According to the woman, in the last days of her life, Baranovskaya "experienced hellish pain and could not walk." Nevertheless, the actress tried to fight, did not give up until the last. Currently, as Gordon explained, the process of paperwork and funeral arrangements is underway.

    Stella Baranovskaya died of oncology: how was the treatment

    Recall that American experts diagnosed Baranovskaya at the end of 2015. The press has repeatedly reported that the celebrity tried to use non-traditional methods of cancer treatment. The woman managed to find a hospital where oncology is treated by detoxification, infrared sauna and yoga classes.

    Stella visited Mexico. In this country, doctors promised to inject a drug that is supposedly capable of killing cancer cells. However, this did not bring results. From the updated data, it follows that Baranovskaya struggled with an oncological disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer: latest news

    Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova took up the adoption of the child of Stella Baranovskaya

    After the death of a friend, the singer and actress, who died of cancer, decide the fate of her son

    "MK" tried to contact Ekaterina Gordon to find out the details of what happened and information about the last days of Stella's life. However, now Katya does not communicate with the media, because, according to her director Ilya Dubrovsky, together with the actress and TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova, she solves all the necessary organizational problems related to the funeral, further actions, and most importantly, the fate of the six-year-old son Baranovskaya Dani.

    According to preliminary data, there is no one to look after the boy, so it is possible that Gordon and Chekhova will need to arrange custody of the child. MK is monitoring the development of the situation.

    Stella Baranovskaya biography

    Stella Baranovskaya was almost unknown to the general Russian film audience - the actress played mainly episodic roles in low-budget films and serials. The girl gained fame in 2015 after she began raising funds for cancer treatment in social networks. The actress was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia, but there was no money for treatment: she didn’t get along with work, and she also had a child whose father did not pay alimony. By the way, Maxim Kotin, from whom Stella gave birth to a son in 2011, did not acknowledge paternity. Recently it became known that Maxim married the daughter of an alcohol magnate Polina.

    Having accumulated a sufficient amount from donations, Stella underwent a course of polychemotherapy, after which she felt a little better.

    To prevent metastasis, Stella relied on non-traditional methods of treatment and left for one of the US clinics, where they promised to cure cancer patients with detoxification.

    Baranovskaya published photos from the beach owned by the clinic where she was treated, but netizens suspected that she was raising money not at all for recovery, but for vacations in fashionable resorts.

    The actress did not pay attention to the attacks, and at the beginning of last year she wrote: “Today, March 22, 2016, my main victory happened - I won Life!”. Haters still attacked the girl, so Stella took part in the live talk show, in which she said that she was indeed in remission.

    In December 2016, Baranovskaya suddenly became ill. After several courses of chemotherapy, she did not feel better, therefore, after consulting with her mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, she again decided to resort to non-traditional methods of treatment. Desperate, Stella went to Mexico to see a certain healer who promised to make a single injection that could kill all cancer cells. The injection did not help: the girl was getting worse.

    According to Katya Gordon, her close friend, the last days of her life Stella suffered from pain and could no longer walk.

    Next to her were close friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. All this time, Stella's son Danya was with Gordon.

    Before her death, Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit for paternity, Katya helped her in this. “I wrote requests for help to Stella so that she knew that her child, who is like two drops like Maxim, would not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered,” Gordon said. - Stella was never a charlatan and was dying in the wildest pains. And there has never been any sky-high money allegedly collected for pseudo-diseases. ” Due to the dire condition of the actress, they did not have time to file a lawsuit: she died in terrible pain.

    According to Katya, rich paternal grandparents don't even want to hear about the existence of a grandson. Dani was left with only her maternal grandmother.

    In contact with

    Published on 06.09.17 16:48

    Maxim Kotin, the father of Stella Baranovskaya's child, is in no hurry to adopt Daniel, the media found out.

    Recently it became known about the death Russian actress Stella Baranovskaya. The news of the death of a 30-year-old prosperous star left few people indifferent.

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    Her friend, TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova, shared her feelings of grief over Stella's departure.

    “We met Stella a year and a half ago! I wrote to her on Instagram when she was undergoing her first chemotherapy in America. We turned out to be kindred spirits, as if we knew intkbbee each other for a hundred years! I will not write about what and how I did for her! I have nothing to brag about and nothing to be proud of! I just did what I couldn't help but do! I could not help but love her, because love is not chosen, I could not help but support her, because it was important for me to go hand in hand with her, and not on the other side of the road, condemning and not accepting her path! V Instagram.

    It is known that subsequently Stella refused chemotherapy courses in order to turn to alternative medicine methods, but this did not help save her life.

    The late actress left a six-year-old son. His alleged father is called Maxim Kotin. According to representatives of Stella's entourage, the father is in no hurry to adopt the boy.

    Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin PHOTO

    It is known that shortly before her death, Stella turned to the law office of Katya Gordon and asked to make a will, as well as to establish paternity for a child whose birth certificate contains a dash in the column "father".

    Katya tried to contact Daniel's alleged biological father, Maxim Kotin, but he ignored her message. It is noteworthy that Maxim's father - Igor Kotin - used to be the head of the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. Currently, he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC, and his mother, Irina Vintur, is the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery.

    After the birth of the boy, Stella came to Maxim's family to show them the baby, but the child's grandfather asked the guards "to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in again," after which Baranovskaya no longer turned to them for help. However, having learned about the disease, she decided to officially establish paternity.

    The son of Stella Baranovskaya PHOTO

    Previously wrote that Lately the child lived in a family, and now his great-grandmother took him to her.

    Stella Baranovskaya: biography

    Stella Baranovskaya was born on July 27, 1987. She graduated from acting school, but her talent was not destined to be fully revealed: the actress learned about a dangerous diagnosis in 2015 - doctors diagnosed her with acute leukemia.

    In a short period, when the disease receded for a short time, Stella managed to star in the film "The Cosmonaut's Grandson", where she played a girl with a foreign car. The film was released in 2016. Baranovskaya also played episodic roles in some TV series and films.