Barron was born a year after the wedding of Melania and Donald, March 20, 2006. Parents refused the services of hired nannies. Melania herself prepares breakfast for him, collects him for school and meets after school, works with him in the evenings, and Donald is much more loyal to his son than he once was. own father, authoritarian and tough businessman Fred Trump.

Trump believes that a child should not be limited in his hobbies and scolded for the slightest infractions. He believes that he has a creative and creative son.

Donald Trump's family is large and surprisingly friendly, although all of his children were born from different wives. The eldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, work in the corporation of the head of the family. Daughter Ivanka Trump is also in business and produces her own line of jewelry. The girl is married to Jared Kushner and is friends with her younger sister from her father's second marriage, Tiffany Trump.

Barron himself shows friendly and family feelings for older brothers, sisters and nephews. For example, during the solemn signing of the first documents by his father as president, the boy played with the younger half a year old son Ivanka, which caused dissatisfaction with part of the audience.

Until 2016, no one in the press had any suggestion that Trump's youngest son was sick. However, the behavior of the boy during the celebrations dedicated to the entry of his father into the presidency seemed inadequate to many. One journalist even suggested that Barron is autistic, which caused an uproar from his parents and the public. Melania promised to sue the blogger who first started the rumor about her son's autism.

The reason for such statements was the strange behavior of the son of Donald Trump at the time of the presidential speech after winning the election. The boy desperately yawned and struggled with sleep (by the way, it was three in the morning in New York at that time). Another episode occurred at the inauguration: Barron swayed, smiled inappropriately and behaved rudely with his mother, which was again taken for illness.

However, such behavior can also be attributed to fatigue and the age of the child: how much can be expected from a ten-year-old boy, even if he were at least three times the president's son.

Best of the day

Melania Trump had another conflict with the press in August 2017. Appearing at the Morristown airport in a T-shirt with a children's slogan, Barron caused indignation among a number of members of the press, vigilantly following every step of the president and his family. Melania responded to criticism, who noted in her Twitter profile that interference in the internal affairs of any family is unacceptable. Trump's wife was also supported by Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton, who noted that a child has the right to do as he pleases. Monica Lewinsky also spoke out in defense of Barron. The girl urged reporters to be kinder.

After this incident, Barron became less likely to cause criticism from journalists, although the boy had previously been accused of unsmiling and stiffness. Trump Jr.'s favorite clothes are shorts, short jeans, bright T-shirts. Barron wears New Balance sneakers to school, the cost of which does not exceed $ 150. Only for official events, Barron, according to the rules of etiquette, wears business suits and ties.

Personal life

Prior to his father's presidential term, Barron attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York. At one time, Herman Melville, the author of the novel Moby Dick, or White whale and actress Sarah Michelle Gellar. The boy spent most of his free time in his father's Trump Tower mansion, where he had an entire floor at his disposal.

In an interview, the mother noted that the boy is similar to his father both in appearance and in character. He is just as stubborn, independent and purposeful, it is impossible to convince him, so his mother even gave him the nickname "little Donald".

So far, Barron's personal life is his mom, dad and numerous relatives. Barron's grandparents, Melania's parents Victor and Amalia Knavs, periodically become guests of the Trump family in the White House.

Barron Trump has an official Instagram profile, which was created in December 2016. Photos of the boy with his family and friends appear on the page.

IN free time Trump Jr. builds entire cities and skyscrapers with the help of a constructor. He quietly plays alone and likes to watch movies, which causes concern for Trump Sr. The President believes that in modern films there is a lot of violence, aggressive scenes that have a harmful effect on the psyche of the younger generation.

Unlike his father, who communicates with the people he needs, Barron is distinguished by friendliness. First of all, having moved to Washington, the boy called for an excursion to The White house school friends from New York. The party was fun, the guys were allowed to stay overnight.

Barron Trump now

As of early 2017, Barron was still living with his mother at his father's mansion, as the parents decided not to tire the child out of moving to the White House until the end of the school year. But in the summer, Barron had already settled in the White House and became the second boy after John F. Kennedy's son to live in this building. The boy received several rooms, as well as a swimming pool, a basketball court, and a home theater.

The place of study of the boy has also changed. His school was St. Andrew's Episcopal School, which costs $40,000. Classes at this private educational institution small - only 10-15 people. Before Barron Trump, presidential offspring traditionally studied at Sidwell Friends School. But Trump violated habitual move of things. The boy arrives at school in a government car with security guards. Barron moves around the city separately from his parents' car, which journalists have repeatedly noticed.

Now the boy is fluent in Slovenian, his mother's native language, is learning French, loves math and natural Sciences. Father thinks Barron is the future computer genius because he can easily understand modern programs. The boy shares his father's hobby of golf and often takes to the field with Donald Trump.

Barron is also interested in other sports. He is partial to baseball and tennis. Barron Trump is an Arsenal fan. The boy himself is not averse to kicking the ball. After an amateur game with the players of the American club DC United, the boy himself became a player in the youth team and participated in 24 matches during the 2017/2018 season.

Thanks to active preparation, Trump Jr. is getting taller every day and is about to catch up with his parents in terms of growth parameters. The boy's weight does not exceed the average: Barron does not suffer from the presence of extra pounds.

Donald Trump's 10 year old son Lately became the object of malicious ridicule of Internet users. To many, his behavior at public events seems strange, in connection with which some bloggers diagnosed autism in the boy in absentia.

Let's try to figure out what he really is, Barron Trump.

  1. Barron was born on March 20, 2006 to Donald and Melania Trump. By standard standards, he can be considered a late child. At the time of the boy's birth, his father was almost 60 years old, and his mother was 36.
  2. Trump's inner circle believes that of the president's five children, Barron is the most similar to him, not only in appearance, but also in habits.

  3. Trump's former butler recounted how he once served two-year-old Barron breakfast. The boy looked at him from the height of his chair and said sternly:

    "Sit down, Tony. We need to talk"

  4. Unlike many other rich people, Trump and his wife refused the services of nannies. Trump commented on it like this
  5. “When you have a lot of outside help, you hardly know your children”

    Melania is raising her son herself:

    “I am a full-time mom. That's mine main job. I make him breakfast, take him to school, pick him up and spend the rest of the day with him.”
  6. Melania Trump calls her son "Little Donald". She believes that Barron is as "strong in spirit", "independent", "stubborn", "who knows exactly what he wants" as his father.

  7. The boy is fluent in Slovenian, which is his mother's native language. Melania from the very birth of the boy spoke to him in her native language.
  8. Barron attends a prestigious New York school that costs $45,000 a year. However, for Trump, these are mere pennies.

  9. Barron hasn't moved to the White House yet. For at least another 6 months, he will stay with his mother in New York to finish academic year.
  10. Barron will cost New Yorkers $1 million a day. That's how much it costs to ensure the safety of the president's son. The taxpayers will, of course, pay for security.
  11. Barron is a computer genius. His ability delights his father: "He's so good with these's incredible!"

  12. In Trump's New York apartment, the boy has an entire floor at his disposal, where he can do whatever he wants, even paint the walls and floor. Melania Trump explains it this way:
  13. “We let him be creative, let his imagination fly… When he was younger, he started painting on the walls… One day he was playing bakery and he wrote on the wall with colored pencils: “Barron’s Bakery.” He is very creative. If a child is forbidden all the time, then how can his Creative skills
  14. Barron doesn't like sportswear. He prefers business suits and ties.

  15. From school subjects, the boy prefers mathematics and natural sciences..
  16. Barron enjoys dining alone with his father and playing golf with him. The boy is also partial to tennis and baseball. Trump proudly refers to his youngest son as an "athlete."
  17. The boy likes to play alone. He can spend hours assembling huge structures from the designer, approaching this matter thoroughly and thoroughly. He never complains about being bored and always finds something to do.

  18. He was subjected to severe public ridicule. Barron's "strange" behavior is being actively discussed on the Internet. So, it seemed abnormal to many that during the speech of his father after winning the election, the boy did not express joy at all, yawned and struggled with sleep (this was at 3 o'clock in the morning).

Barron Trump during his father's speech after winning the election

During Trump's inauguration, the child smiled inappropriately, swayed and behaved rudely with his mother.

Trump's son during the inauguration

When Trump signed his first presidential decrees in the presence of journalists, the boy, not paying attention to anyone, played with his six-month-old nephew, the son of Ivanka Trump, which also caused a heated discussion on social networks.

Barron Trump plays with Ivanka Trump's son during the signing of documents.

Barron got the first number: he was called both "autistic" and "school shooter on homeschooling”, and “vampire” (due to pallor), and Joffrey Baratheon (a negative character from the “Game of Thrones”), and “freak”, and even a future maniac. However, many were outraged by such a mockery of the child. Monica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton spoke in his defense.

Behind Last year what we just didn’t read about the Trump family - about himself, about his wife Melania, his beloved daughter Ivanka ... But there was almost no information about the youngest son Barron - after all, he is only ten years old and they are trying to protect him from the nosy media. However, Barron is of interest. What is it like to be the son of a billionaire and the President of the United States? What is it like when your family is in the center of everyone's attention? Here are some interesting facts that we managed to dig up.

15. Barron is bilingual

Barron has German and Scottish roots from his father, Slavic from his mother. So his pedigree is very "European". He is reported to be fluent in both English and Slovenian. According to Melania, already at the age of three he was fluent in Slovenian, as well as in French! It is not known whether he has much practice in French, but such remarkable linguistic abilities at such a young age speak volumes. Probably, these abilities help him a lot to study in a super-expensive preparatory school in Manhattan.

14. He has his own floor in Trump Tower

Some children have to share a bedroom with each other, and some have their own bedrooms. Some lucky ones even have their own game rooms. Barron Trump has always had everything imaginable and a little more - after all, he is spoiled almost like an only child (given the huge age difference between him and the rest of the Trump children). This young gentleman owns his own floor in Trump Tower, which, by the way, is quite expensive. And on this floor there are not only a bedroom, but also a lot of other rooms, and one can only imagine their number and purpose. But it is obvious that there is no shortage of space and luxury.

13. He attends Columbia Preparatory and Grammar School

This school has existed since 1764 and among its graduates there are many celebrities - for example, Herman Melville, author of "Moby Dick". Here they give better education one of those that can be bought with money, and this pleasure costs more than 37,000 dollars a year. Donald and Melania really like this school, as does Barron himself, so moving from New York to the White House in Washington is definitely not an option for him.

12. After bathing, he was rubbed with caviar cosmetics

Melania Trump used to have her own line of skin care products, and one of the most interesting and expensive products was caviar-infused body milk. Barron was usually smeared with this milk from head to toe after bathing. It is not known whether this tradition continues now, when the boy is almost 11 years old, but a few years ago everything was the same. Well, right - and what else to smear the son of a billionaire, if not black caviar?

11. Very similar to his father

According to Melania, Barron is exactly like his father. She describes him as very intelligent, but also quite headstrong and stubborn. Barron knows what he wants and also when and how he wants it. He has his own tastes and passions. He loves airplanes and clean white sheets on the bed. His mother calls him mini-Donald, who has always been a man of purpose and action. And the young Trump also has these qualities, so he will probably also become successful.

10 Loves golf

Golf has always been considered the game of gentlemen and the mighty of the world this. Donald Trump is known to be an avid golfer and owns several golf courses. Barron also loves this sport and is pretty good at it (of course, because he started playing at the age of three!) His father once shared his pride, saying that Barron is a born athlete. In addition to golf, he is good at tennis and baseball. And they often play golf together.

9. Wears a suit every day

Barron is not the type of teenager who doesn't get out of his sportswear. He prefers to wear classic suits, which makes him look like the movie Rich Richie. School uniform in his educational institution is quite strict and, apparently, Barron is completely used to classic style clothes. It is also obvious that he is always immaculately clean, neat and short-haired.

8. Political events bore him.

Barron is growing up and seems to be too cool to pay attention to all this hype around his father. He is the youngest in the family last child a person who is constantly in the spotlight. His life was always different from the lives of other people. When he is near his father and accidentally yawns - he is immediately photographed, if a grimace appears on his face - it is discussed for three days, etc. By the way, not on all important political activities he was present with his father - perhaps he is not too interested in politics - and this also did not go unnoticed.

7. Likes to play alone

Since the brothers and sisters are much older, Barron was brought up as the only child in the family, for whom parents are ready for anything. Of course, he has friends and the opportunity to play with them, but, to be honest, he likes to be alone and play alone just as much. For example, building huge skyscrapers out of Lego blocks (love of real estate is in his blood!). And he was also allowed to paint the walls of his rooms as he wanted as a child. Parents are happy to give him the opportunity to somehow create and express himself, because, in truth, his life is strictly ordered and regulated.

6. Looks much older than his years

Barron is only 10 years old, but he looks much older. Partly because of my height, partly because of the way I dress and carry myself. Please note: he has an adult hairstyle, always neat and styled. His clothes are still basic - they are just atypical for a ten-year-old.

5. First boy in the White House in over 50 years!

It's hard to believe, but all the children who lived in the White House after the Kennedy administration were girls. The last was John F. Kennedy, Jr. Barron is the first boy in the White House since then, although it remains unclear whether or how he will live there. It seems to be a step back for him, because at home, in Trump Tower, he has much more space and opportunities. And as mentioned above, in New York it is held by an elite school. So it is unlikely that the public will see photos of Barron galloping merrily in the Oval Office, where his father works (as in this picture from Kennedy).

4. He caused a big stir in Japan

The Japanese believe that Barron is charming and worthy of fame and honors. Shortly after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, Japanese manga artists began drawing Barron comics. Manga drawings are very popular in Japan and beyond. This manga obsession with Barron has made him something of a celebrity in Japan. Whether he knows that he has become a hero of Japanese comics or not, history is silent.

3. It takes a lot of money to protect him

The cost of protecting Barron and other members of the Trump family is about a million dollars a day! It is not known how much of this amount goes to the protection of Barron specifically, and it is possible that this includes the cost of protecting Trump himself. In any case, security costs double because the president is in the White House and the family is in Manhattan. And it takes the best of the best to provide adequate protection.

2. He was attacked on Twitter

Regardless of how his father behaves on Twitter, young Barron did nothing to get attacked on social media. Alas, this happens from time to time. He was recently ridiculed by Saturday Night Live writer Cathy Rich. She posted a joke about Barron on Twitter that smelled very bad. Saturday Night Live considered the employee's behavior inappropriate and immediately fired her. She deleted her Twitter post and even wrote an apology - but it was too late.

1. No walking by the handle

Barron is no more a little boy. He is almost eleven, a little more - and a teenage rebellion will begin, senseless and merciless. It will be difficult for him to experience all this at the sight of photo and video cameras, but there's nothing to be done - parents are not chosen. At the procession on the day of the inauguration, millions of people saw that Melania wanted to take Barron by the hand, and he quickly pulled her back. Normal behavior for a child his age! Which only reinforces the fact that Barron is an ordinary guy who no longer feels the need to cling to his mommy. Keep it up, Barron.

0 November 9, 2016, 19:45

Donald, Barron, Melania and Ivanka Trump

For a long time, the girl did not maintain contact with her father, as her mother took her to California, but now Donald and Tiffany have resumed communication.

Barron Trump

10 year old Barron William Trump The only son Melania and Donald. The boy today stood next to his father, who said his as the new president of the United States. Barron's behavior after the broadcast was discussed on social networks: the president's son struggled with sleep, and it looked extremely funny.

Somebody get Barron Trump to bed. Or give him an energy drink

— wrote Internet users. Trump's busy schedule seems to have taken its toll on even the youngest member of the family.

Brothers and sisters

Trump has two brothers and two sisters: Fred Jr. (deceased), Robert, Marianne and Elizabeth.

Donald Trump's older brother Fred, in 1981, at the age of 43, he died of alcoholism, after which the father of the family, Frederick Trump, disinherited the family of his eldest son.

Donald's sister Marianne Trump Barry is an experienced federal judge, and her son, David Desmond, is a prominent US neuropsychologist and writer.

67 year old billionaire Robert Trump does not like excessive media attention: after a divorce from his wife Blaine, he disappeared from the media radar and now little is known about him. According to some reports, the brother of the President of the United States now lives in New York with his lover and former secretary Ann Marie Pallan. Robert also holds a senior position in the Trump Organization.

Sister of the President of the United States Elizabeth Trump engaged in the banking business. She is not at all a public person, so the mention of her name in the media can be seen extremely rarely. Elizabeth Trump has been married to film producer James Grow since 1989.

Perhaps very soon we will see all the members of the large Trump family assembled - at the inauguration of the new US president, which is scheduled for January 20, 2017.


The youngest son of the new US President Donald Trump, Barron Trump, is the first boy to settle in the White House since the son of John F. Kennedy in the 1960s of the last century.

Barron - only child Donald Trump and his current spouse Melania.

The boy was born in 2006 and is closer in age to his 8 nieces than to his brothers and sisters. His age difference with his older brother Donald Trump Jr is 28 years.

"Little Donald" - such a name was assigned to the boy due to a very strong resemblance to his father.

Melania Trump, in an interview with ABC News in 2013, noted: “He is a very energetic, smart, special boy. He is independent and stubborn and knows exactly what he wants. Outwardly, he looks like both of us, but it is because of his character that I sometimes call him "Little Donald."

Barron studies at private school in New York (Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School), a year of study in which costs 45 thousand dollars. Among famous alumni school, founded back in 1764, - the author of the novel "Moby Dick, or the White Whale" Herman Melville, as well as the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar, famous for her image of the vampire slayer.

Barron spends his free time in his father's Trump Tower, where he has an entire floor at his disposal. According to Melania Trump, the boy loves order, but sometimes he indulges in what he draws on the walls. Since a separate floor was transferred to his use, he has not been forbidden to draw on the walls.

At 10, Barron Trump speaks English and Slovenian, his mother's mother tongue. Melania Trump, in an interview with ABC News, also mentioned the boy's passion for assembling large construction models.

Despite such a positive characterization, the youngest son of the President of the United States in recent months became the object of general attacks and ridicule in the Internet space.

The latest trigger was the boy's behavior at his father's inauguration last Friday, where he looked sleepy, absent and completely uninterested in what was happening.

NBC writer Kathy Rich published in her Twitter a post about Barron becoming the school's first homeschooled shooter. Later, she deleted the message, as subscribers began to accuse her of cruelty.

Critics returned to talk about Barron having autism and his parents hiding this fact. For the first time, such a possibility began to be discussed on the Web in November 2016, after Trump's victory in presidential elections. First Lady Melania Trump then promised to sue the blogger who first published a video on this topic.

The 36-year-old daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, stood up for the boy. On her Facebook page, she wrote: "Barron Trump deserves, like all children, the chance to just be a child." To this, Chelsea added a couple of lines with criticism of Donald Trump, calling his policies towards children harmful.

Also the day before, Monica Lewinsky spoke in defense of the boy. She tweeted under the hashtag #barrontrump: “All children must be protected from bullying and bullying. Let's be better."

However, this is not the first time Barron Trump has surprised the audience with his atypical behavior at major events. Last November, during Donald Trump's first speech after being elected, the boy almost fell asleep. It also did not escape the eyes of the audience. It is worth noting, however, that at the time when Trump delivered his speech, it was three in the morning in New York.

Among user comments social networks there are the following statements: “Somebody put Barron Trump to bed. Or give him a Red Bull"; "When your own son doesn't want you to become president"; "Don't worry, Barron Trump. I also dozed off during your father's speech."