Sergey Svetlakov is a comedian and actor known throughout the country. As many people know, the first glory came to him back in those days when he was a KVN player. After that, he became a screenwriter and began to come up with jokes for the major league of KVN and more famous comedians, like Garik Martirosyat. He became a host and then an actor.

Born back in school childhood, Svetlakov's comedic talent is really hard to underestimate. Thanks to his own versatility, Sergey was able to achieve these heights and become what he is now.

Due to his fame, Sergey was able to win a whole army of fans during his concert activity. Very many of them, as well as fans of any other artist, are interested in such facts about Svetlakov as his height, weight, age. How old Sergei Svetlakov is absolutely no secret - he is exactly forty.

With a height of 189 cm, Sergey's weight is 80 kg. And looking at Sergey Svetlakov's photo in his youth and now, we can safely say that he is very similar to his father.

Biography of Sergei Svetlakov

Sergei Yurievich Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977. The future star of the world of humor was born in Yekaterinburg. His parents were hereditary railroad workers. In fact, the Svetlakov family has been working on the railway tracks since the railroad tracks were laid in Yekaterinburg and trains were launched.

Father - Svetlakov Yuri Venediktovich - served as an assistant driver. And his mother, Svetlakova Galina Grigorievna, is a cargo transportation engineer in the management department of the Yekaterinburg railway. Sergey also had an older brother - Dmitry Svetlakov.

The biography of Sergei Svetlakov does not stand out as anything out of the ordinary. In the summer, the Svetlakovs went to the village in full force, where their father taught Sergei to fish. By the way, this passion from childhood remained with the artist. At the age of seven, as expected, Svetlakov entered the regular general education school. And quickly became the ringleader in the class. He could easily win over any person and lead him along.

Often the schoolboy Seryozha incited others to mischief and even absenteeism. In addition, already in childhood, he showed a real talent for telling jokes. Even the girls from the company of the older brother often paid attention to the cheerful first-grader. At the same time, despite his mischievous nature, Seryozha Svetlakov studied only "excellently", studying at school was quite easy for him. At school, the comedian decided to connect his future with sports. He loved football and basketball. He could even boast of the category of candidate master of sports in handball. But the parents, who saw him exclusively as an official, were against the wishes of their son. Therefore, they insisted on education in a “serious” university.

After graduating from school, Sergei did, as his parents wanted, in Ural University ways of communication. Already in the first year, the guy decided to take part in the competition "Knight of the Institute", and, to everyone's surprise, won a landslide victory in it. According to Svetlakov himself, this was the first impetus to a different path.

The victory in this competition instilled unprecedented confidence in the guy, and in the same year he became a member of the KVN university team called "Barabashki". And very soon he became its captain. In 1997, his team changed its name to "Park of the Current Period" and went to Sochi. It was the first serious performance within the real, serious KVN. It was not possible to win a victory, but they began to be recognized in hometown. After one of the next performances, Svetlakov was unexpectedly offered to become a screenwriter for the famous "Ural dumplings".

At the end of the university, the guy decided at first to listen to his parents and go to work at the railway customs. Where he filled out the declarations on the arrival of goods. After a few years of such a life, he was offered a place as a participant in the team for which he used to compose numbers. Sergei faced a serious choice: a stable job or KVN with a "floating" salary. Deciding to take the risk, Sergei Svetlakov decided to choose KVN. The present time shows that a risky decision made more than fifteen years ago turned out to be the right one.

Filmography: films starring Sergei Svetlakov

The filmography of Sergei Svetlakov takes its epic beginning back in 2009. From the time when the artist made his debut in a film associated with a comedy program created with his own assistance: “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny.

It is impossible not to mention that at the same time with this film, the already promising actor was able to master the parallel shooting in the New Year's film "Christmas Trees", which many probably remember. Svetlakov also starred in the following films: "Bedouin", "Bitter!", "Jungle", "Groom", "Stone", and "Southern Butovo".

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

It cannot be said that the personal life of Sergei Svetlakov is completely uninteresting. The artist had two novels, each of which ended with a wedding ceremony.

It is known that with his first wife, Julia, Sergey still maintains friendly relations, even despite the break. With his second wife, Antonina, he has been living in happy marriage. Moreover, it is impossible not to notice that the decision on the second marriage was made absolutely spontaneously. And, in fact, there were no magnificent festivities.

Family of Sergei Svetlakov

The family of Sergei Svetlakov is, first of all, his beloved wife Antonina, and two beloved children born in each of these marriages. The first-born of Sergei was the girl Anastasia, whom, by the way, the humorist's first wife gave birth to exactly on Svetlakov's birthday. And the second wife, just a year after her marriage, gave Sergei a beautiful son, whom it was decided to call Vanechka.

We must also not forget about the closest relatives - the parents of the artist, who remained in Yekaterinburg, and about his older brother - Dmitry Svetlakov.

Children of Sergei Svetlakov

As mentioned earlier, the artist has two children. The children of Sergei Svetlakov are his real pride. With his first wife, Yulia, it was not possible to conceive children for a long time. But, finally, little Nastenka was born, becoming a real birthday present for her father.

In the second marriage, everything turned out much more successfully, and baby Ivan Svetlakov was born just a year after the wedding of his parents. Sergey loves his children and tries to pay enough attention to them. Despite the divorce, Svetlakov takes an active part in raising his daughter.

The son of Sergei Svetlakov - Ivan

The son of Sergei Svetlakov - Ivan - was born in the second marriage of a humorist, on July 18, 2013. Now the first son of the artist is four years old.

Vanechka, to the delight of his parents, grows up as a smart and cheerful child, periodically showing artistry, like his famous father. Probably, when he goes to school, he will become the same ringleader as Sergei himself was in his time. Whether a humorous talent will be revealed in him is not yet clear. The boy grows up in a friendly, prosperous family, and this is the main thing in any case.

Daughter of Sergei Svetlakov - Anastasia

The daughter of Sergei Svetlakov - Anastasia - became the first child in the family, after her parents' long attempts to have children. She became a real gift for her father, having been born on his birthday - December 12, 2008. Now the girl is nine years old. It is impossible not to mention that little Nastya followed in the footsteps of her father and has already performed in Comedy Battle more than once, and on her debut she was able to impress the judges with a successful pantomime.

Nastya loves her father and enjoys spending time with him, even though her parents no longer live together.

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Malikova

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Malikova - became Svetlakov's first love. They met at the university. Julia for two years younger than Sergei. And she married him while still a freshman.

In the future, Julia, as the wife of the Decembrist, traveled with him on tours of KVN players. Together with him, she decided to move to Moscow, where she decided to start building her own career as a realtor. When they divorced, their common daughter Nastenka was only four when the couple divorced. The reason for the gap turned out to be banal - lack of time.

Sergei Svetlakov's wife - Antonina Chebatoreva

The wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Antonina Chebatoreva - became the second and so far last love artist. Sergei met her in Krasnodar, at the presentation of his new film "Stone", filmed in 2012.

According to Svetlakov, in Antonina he immediately saw his man. It is known that the lovers rested together in Riga, when both made a spontaneous decision to get married. They quietly signed at the Russian embassy. And they live happily to this day, raising their common son Vanechka, who was born just a year after they met.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergey Svetlakov

Many fans of this talented artist are interested in whether their idol has such popular pages on the Internet as Sergey Svetlakov's Instagram and Wikipedia. The answer is yes! He has them, of course.

Sergey has almost two million subscribers on his personal Instagram profile! All his photos are actively commented by users. And his Wikipedia page will tell you about his short biography, filmography, available awards, and very briefly - about the personal life and children of the former KVN worker.

Svetlakov Sergey Yurievich (12/12/1977) is a Russian showman, TV presenter and film actor. He became popular thanks to performances in KVN for the Ural Pelmeni team and participation in the Our Russia and ProjectorParisHilton programs.

“The rhythm in which I now live is not familiar to me. It's not mine at all. I am not a workaholic by nature. And very often you have to force yourself to do something. But then I see the reaction of people and I understand that all this is not in vain.


Sergey Svetlakov is from Yekaterinburg. He was born on December 12, 1977 in a family of hereditary railway workers. His father Yuri Venediktovich worked as an assistant driver. And mother Galina Grigorievna worked at Sverdlovsk railway freight engineer. And although the parents saw in their son, almost the future Minister of Transport, fate chose for young man quite a different path.

Also in school years Svetlakov was, as they say, "the soul of the company." Any mass event, both official and not, could not do without a young man. Moreover, Sergei often loved to play tricks. For example, with his easy filing, the whole class could run away from lessons, or arrange a five-minute disobedience. Svetlakov was in the forefront of those who hid behind the garages, tasting a cigarette or a glass of alcohol. And Sergey was remembered by his classmates, first of all, by the fact that he perfectly “poisoned” jokes.

At the same time, Sergei Svetlakov studied for one “five”. And after school, he easily entered the Ural University of Railways. True, the young man himself dreamed of becoming a professional athlete as a child. He loved to play football and basketball, and was a candidate master of sports in handball.

Studying at the institute was remembered, first of all, by the fact that after the first year the photograph of Svetlakov appeared on the honor roll. The young guy managed to win the prestigious competition, for which he was awarded the title of "Knight of the Institute".


“I graduated from the commercial faculty. At that time, all sorts of big words were fashionable. I even have “Kommersant” written in the profession column. It still amuses all my friends.”

A career in KVN for Svetlakov began with the Barabashki team. It was organized by the trade union committee of the institute where he studied. And for his artistic abilities, Svetlakov was immediately appointed captain of the new team. The guys did not go on the big stage, arranging performances “for their own” at the local Palace of Culture. This went on for two years, until the guys decided to try their hand at something more serious.

The first high-profile performance took place at the traditional KVN festival in Sochi. To do this, the team "Barabashki" was even renamed the "Park of the current period."

Acquaintance with the "Ural dumplings" happened after graduation. Sergey then worked at the enterprise, filled out customs declarations. And playing KVN was like a hobby. He wrote several sketches for a team already known at that time, and he was invited to perform together on stage.

At this time, Svetlakov faced a serious choice. "Ural dumplings" toured all over the country, and in order to join them, one had to leave work. The choice in favor of KVN predetermined the future success of Sergei Svetlakov. In 2000, together with the team, he became the champion of the Major League. And then he decided to move to Moscow and make humor his profession.


Massive popularity came to Svetlakov after the release of the Nasha Russia program. Together with Mikhail Galustyan, he played dozens of roles in this project, each of which immediately diverged into quotes.

After that, Sergei was invited to Channel One, where he was preparing for the release of ProjectorParisHilton. In this humorous program, Garik Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant and Alexander Tsikalo became Svetlakov's colleagues. Four witty people of different nationalities joked in such a way that every week they chained half the country to TV screens.

In parallel with this, Sergei Svetlakov decided to try himself in the cinema. First, he went along the already beaten path, starring in the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny. And then there were films separate from television - "Crack", "Stone" and "Jungle". But most often people see Svetlakov on the screen in advertising. In particular, he is the face of the Beeline company.

Sergey Svetlakov is also engaged in business. In his native Yekaterinburg, he opened a chain of exclusive gift shops, which, of course, are primarily entertaining. Also in St. Petersburg there is a network of pizzerias "Yamm Pizza", which also belongs to Svetlakov.

Sergei Svetlakov is a popular Russian comedian, presenter and actor. The showman began his career with KVN, like many of his other colleagues. Later, he joined the Ural dumplings team, but did not stay there for a long time. He decided that he needed something more, and he moved to Moscow.

Sergey Svetlakov with ex-wife

In the capital, our hero met Garik Martirosyan, Semyon Slepakov and others. The guys decided to create a team and play in the big leagues. Later, this idea grew into the Comedy Club project.

Later, Sergey assembled a team and began working on the Our Russia project, in which he and Mikhail Galustyan began to apply various humorous images to themselves. This mini-series immediately gained success among viewers.

Now Svetlakov not only shoots humorous programs, but also acts in films himself. So he managed to work in such films as "Christmas Trees", "Stone", "Jungle", as well as in the films "Ambulance: Moscow-Vladivostok" and "Bitter". Sergey is also one of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton program on Channel One.

Sergey Svetlakov with Yulia (wedding photo)

Also, the actor has long established his personal life. So while still a student, he met a girl, Yulia, whom he fell in love with at first sight. The couple soon got married. Julia has always supported her husband in his aspirations, she has always been by his side. After moving to Moscow, the girl was not a little worried, but she easily settled down and found herself a job as a realtor.

In 2008, Yulia gave birth to Sergey's daughter Nastya, she was born on the same day as her father. Sergey personally took care of his daughter and even got up at night and changed her diapers. For him it a big joy help his wife.

Sergei Svetlakov with his ex-wife and child

But in 2012, Svetlakov and Yulia divorced, which was the reason for the divorce is unknown. But now Sergey is married to Antonina Chebotareva. And in 2013, a son, Ivan, was born in their family. The couple are very happy together.

From the early childhood Sergei was very artistic, with his tales and anecdotes he could bewitch even high school students.

In addition to studying, which was given to Serezha well, and jokes, Sergey played football and basketball and even managed to become a candidate for master of sports in handball. I saw my future only in sports. But the parents insisted on continuing the "family" profession. Dad was an assistant driver, mom worked in the road department.

Star Trek comedian and actor

At the Ural University of Railways and Communications, the trade union committee organized a KVN team, and thanks to the victory in the Knight of the Institute competition, Sergey was appointed captain. The team was called “Barabashki”, Sergey played in it for 2 years and managed to understand that KVN was everything for him. Serious problems began to appear with studies, but they did not dare to expel the star from the university.

By the time of graduation from the university, "Ural dumplings" thundered with might and main. Sergey collaborated with the team as an author, and later he was invited to join the team. In 2000, "Ural dumplings" - champions of the Higher League of KVN.

Sergey finally moved to Moscow and started writing scripts for KVN teams along with other talented authors: Garik Martirosyan, Semyon Slepakov, Javid Kurbanov, Artur Tumasyan, Sergey Ershov. From this team, the Comedy Club was born.

Great success came to Sergey in 2008 with the release of the First Channel "ProjectorParisHilton", where Sergey's colleagues: Alexander Tsekalo, Garik Martirosyan,. The presenters claim that the name did not come from the name of the odious party girl, but from the name of the Norwegian playwright of the 17th century, Pere Schilton. The program received three "Tefi" and is one of the most successful projects of Channel One.

And in September 2009, another improvisational show was launched on Channel One - "South Butovo", the main actors which were Sergei Svetlakov and Dmitry Brekotkin.

The principle of Sergey Svetlakov is “Do less, but better”. “I do not accept offers to participate in feature films, projects on almost all channels” - Svetlakov completely concentrates on existing projects, in the creation of which he himself takes part.

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

While still at the university, Sergei fell in love with a classmate Yulia, she moved with him to Moscow and became his wife. On December 12, 2008, their daughter Nastya was born. In 2012, the couple divorced.

In 2013, Svetlakov married Antonina Chebotareva, who gave birth to his son Ivan.

Photo by Sergei Svetlakov: TNT

". The event turned out to be truly stellar: almost the entire Moscow beau monde was the first to see the final part of the New Year's franchise. There were no surprises either. So, for example, the relationship between which began about a year ago.

One more star couple, which attracted everyone's attention, became his wife Antonina Chebotareva. Spouses rarely go out together, but this time they made an exception. Svetlakov and Chebotareva happily posed for photographers on the red carpet. At some point, he joined them, just like Svetlakov, who performed key role in one of the stories.

Sergei Svetlakov for the first time for a long time went out with his wife

Ivan Urgant, Antonina Chebotareva and Sergei Svetlakov

Recall that this fall, Svetlakov first spoke about the fact that his third child was born. As it turned out, the couple managed to hide the birth of their second son for more than a year: the boy was born in July 2017. Svetlakov himself assured the press that he did not make a big secret out of the birth of his son, but simply did not advertise the event intentionally. So, when Antonina's rounded belly began to clearly betray her position, the couple left for Thailand for several months. Then the Svetlakov family rested in Spain and in Jurmala, and only recently returned to Moscow.

However, in mid-October, Svetlakov decided to show the first photo of his son,. “Find someone new in the photo,” he captioned the touching frame. Recall that Maxim is the third child of Sergei Svetlakov. The showman and his wife Antonina have another son, Ivan, who turned 5 years old in the summer. Also, the artist's wife quickly found a language with the nine-year-old daughter of Svetlakova Anastasia from first marriage to Yulia Voronchikhina.

Sergey Svetlakov with his parents, wife Antonina, sons Ivan and Maxim and daughter Anastasia

As for the film "Last Christmas Trees", the tape is traditionally released on New Year's Eve - December 27th. The project will complete the stories of long-loved and new characters in the series, and will also allow viewers to see the characters in action once again.