Yeast dough for pies and pies are made not only on milk, whey, kefir, yogurt, water, but also on mineral water. The dough is light, airy and very tasty. Culinary portal Art-cooks offers a recipe for dough for pies with green onion and eggs on mineral water.


  • mineral water with gas 1 glass;
  • fresh yeast 20 gr;
  • vegetable oil odorless 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar 1 tablespoon;
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • flour 450 gr.

For stuffing with green onions and eggs

  • 3-4 eggs;
  • green onions;
  • vegetable oil 2-3 tablespoons.

Kitchen Gadgets:

  • oven.

Cooking time:

  • 2 hours.


1. Dissolve fresh yeast (can be replaced with dry) in mineral water, add salt, granulated sugar, mix.

2. Add flour, mix. Then add vegetable oil, knead the dough on mineral water, it should lag behind the walls of the cup. Cover with a towel and let rise for about an hour.

Stuffing for pies and pies from green onions and boiled eggs

3. Boil the eggs, as usual, for 10 minutes, pour over cold water, peel, grate on a coarse grater. green onion cut in small pieces.

4. Put green onions and boiled grated eggs into a bowl, mix, salt, add vegetable oil, mix again. One of my favorite pie fillings is ready.

5. When the dough has risen, transfer it to a floured table. Cut off two thirds of the dough, we will make a pie from this piece, 5-6 small pies will turn out from the remaining dough.

6. Roll out most of the dough into a 5 mm thick rectangle. Transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

7. Put the finished filling on the dough with a spoon, there should be a lot of filling.

8. Pinch the dough very well, you can put leaves cut from the rest of the dough on top.

8. Cut the remaining dough into 5-6 small parts, roll out each part. Put the filling on the rolled out circle.

9. Connect the edges of the pie, pinch well, put on a baking sheet with the seam down.

10. Lubricate the surface of the pie with a beaten egg, you can only take the yolk.

11. Put a baking sheet with a pie and pies in a heated oven, bake at a temperature of 200 degrees until done.

12. To make the crust soft, grease the surface of the pie and pies with a piece butter, cover with a kitchen towel, let stand.

13. Ready pie cut crosswise into portions.

you can make any filling for pies from yeast dough on mineral water, both sweet and unsweetened;

be sure to let the dough rise well, the rise time depends on the quality of the yeast and flour, the temperature in the kitchen, the density of the dough;

Buy flour from a familiar brand. If you had to take the weight, try to make a trial balloon. If the finished base does not float, feel free to get to work.

You can also try another a good option dough for dumplings - but mineral water is not added to it.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 4 cups;
  • mineral water - 200 milliliters;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • large salt- 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • fine-grained granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon.

How to make dough for dumplings

Release the egg into a convenient container, add the indicated amount of sugar and salt.

Stir the ingredients until dissolved and pour in the mineral water.

Lightly shake the liquid mass. Sift the flour through any fine sieve and immediately add in small parts to the mineral mixture. Mix ingredients with a spoon or fork until thickened. Pour in vegetable oil. Next, knead the viscous mass with your hands.

Try not to add flour without measure, because the dough for dumplings should be soft and elastic. Roll up the bun and wrap it with cling film.

If desired, you can simply lightly flour and transfer to a bag with a zipper or just cover from all sides. wet wipe. Leave the test mass for 20 minutes, let it rest. While you do the stuffing. After the time has elapsed, remove the elastic dough from the package, separate the desired part and roll it out as you like.

When offering ready-made dumplings, do not forget to serve sour cream or natural yogurt. Sauces, mayonnaise dressings will be very helpful. If you intend to serve dumplings in broth, be sure to reheat. Salt, spicy spices, vinegar has not been canceled.

Bon appetit!

Dumplings without haste - the dream of any housewife. Remember the ad in which the woman pretended to be tired after making dumplings for a long time? The trick was that they were purchased. Having tasted the dough for dumplings on mineral water, you will no longer want to buy semi-finished products.

These are the dumplings...

Since ancient times, any unleavened dough has been cooked in crystal clear spring water. It will not be possible to find a spring in the metropolis, so you have to adapt the recipes for preparing the base for baking to modern living conditions. The dough on mineral water for dumplings turns out to be surprisingly tasty, porous and tender.

There are many variations of kneading such a base, but all of them are united by the main ingredient - mineral water. The more playful bubbles in the liquid, the better. Such a dough will save you a lot of trouble: you will not be angry that it sticks to your hands, the edges of the blanks will stick together perfectly, and during cooking, not a single dumpling will release the filling.

Everything would be so simple, if not for some nuances:

  • choose only highly carbonated water;
  • during kneading, you will see how the mass is bubbling, which means we are going the right way;
  • salt, granulated sugar - obligatory companions of unleavened dough;
  • you can add milk, such a dough will turn out more tender;
  • refined vegetable oil will give the dough for dumplings additional elasticity;
  • dumplings from dough on mineral water perfectly tolerate freezing;

  • just a couple of tablespoons of sour cream will make the dough softer and tastier;
  • can be added to the base for dumplings tomato paste- not quite traditional, but very tasty;
  • the dough should rise, let it stand for 20 minutes in a warm place;
  • eggs are the cement for the dough, but you can do without them without compromising the quality and taste of the dish.

This recipe is rightly called universal. On the basis of such a test, you can cook not only your favorite dumplings. Dumplings, manti, cakes, rolls - all these dishes will conquer the hearts and stomachs of gourmets. Don't forget to stop by the supermarket along the way and buy a bottle of carbonated mineral water.

As for flour, in many recipes its exact amount is not indicated. Depending on the type and quality of white dust, the dough may take more or less product, so be guided by the situation. But always have a bag of flour handy in reserve.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.7 l of mineral water;
  • 0.3 l of milk;
  • ½ tsp medium grinding salts;
  • sifted flour.


  • Let's take our duty bowl and beat the eggs into it.

  • Stir the yolks and whites with a spoon or whisk until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is formed.

  • Now let's add table salt.

  • We are not lazy and once again stir everything well.

  • We start mixing everything.
  • See how the Brownian motion of the bubbles has already appeared on the surface of the liquid?
  • Now the culmination of our culinary action. We begin to add the sifted flour in portions. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • First, add one glass and mix.

  • Stir, do not stop, the dough is already becoming thick.

  • Next, add another portion of the sifted flour.

  • As soon as it becomes difficult for us to knead the dough with a whisk, put it on the table and continue kneading by hand.
  • The finished dough will turn out lush, moderately thick and elastic.
  • Now you can make dumplings.

Homemade dumplings: surprise your loved ones

Each housewife has her favorite recipe for dumplings in her arsenal. But I would like to cook this dish in such a way that they themselves jump into their mouths, as in the movie “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, so we will learn how to knead the dough on a mineral water for dumplings. The more bubbles there are in the water, the tastier the base will be.

A little tip: if you knead the dough a lot and fill it with flour, add more mineral water. After 20 minutes, the mass will become softer and more elastic, and the excess flour will melt like snow in the sun.


  • 4 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 4 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. mineral water;
  • ½ tsp medium grinding salts;
  • ½ tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg.


  • In order not to spoil such a wonderful and airy dough, use only refined oil.
  • Of course, non-deodorized oil has a pleasant and attractive aroma, but not in this case. We can only spoil the taste of dumplings with a pungent oily smell and taste.
  • Everything is very simple: the dough is prepared in a few steps.

Step number 1: mix the egg with mineral water. Without delay, add salt, granulated sugar and refined vegetable oil to the bowl.

Step 2: Start mixing everything. It is best to use a whisk. This simple manual mechanism will help us quickly bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency.

Step number 3: add the sifted flour, but only in portions. As far as possible, first knead the dough with a spoon or whisk in a bowl. As soon as this process has become difficult, we remove everything from the table, crush its surface with flour, spread the dough.

  • During this time, constantly knead the dough, do not stop for a second.
  • Let the dough rest a little while the filling is being prepared.

There are many variations in the preparation of dough based on mineral water. Choose a recipe to your liking. You will see how easy it is to prepare such a dough. And its taste, softness and airiness will conquer your heart and stomach. Some housewives use unleavened dough prepared according to the above recipes for lasagna. Take note of this information. Bon appetit!

Pelmeni have long been considered a dish of Russian cuisine. However, there is no exact information on its origin, some believe that the Chinese were the first to prepare them.

In stores you can find a wide selection of semi-finished products with a variety of fillings and shapes. But truly tasty and juicy dumplings are obtained only with their own hands in home environment. After all, you yourself control the composition of their contents and test.

A meat dish will suit all lovers of a tasty and satisfying meal, especially men. Many bachelors, as you know, prefer to boil a frozen product for dinner so as not to bother with cooking. If you want to win the heart of a man, then let him try dumplings of his own production. Just imagine how surprised he will be that his favorite and familiar dish can be especially tasty.

One of the main roles in the final result is played by the dough. There are many recipes for its preparation, up to the finished purchased product. The dough for homemade dumplings on mineral water is made simply and quickly. It turns out to be light, soft and not sticky, making dumplings from it is a pleasure.

We use highly carbonated mineral water, the dough on it can be used not only for dumplings, but also for dumplings, manti, you can even fry pasties.

Taste Info Vareniki, dumplings / Dough


  • For test:
  • Flour - 3.5 cups;
  • Mineral water with gas - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • For filling:
  • Minced meat - 500 g;
  • Bulb - 0.5 pieces;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook dumplings from mineral water dough

Break one egg into a container, add sugar to it and beat well with a whisk until foam forms. Then salt the mass and pour sunflower oil. We mix all the ingredients.

Add a glass of carbonated mineral water and stir again.

Take the whisk again and beat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. If there is a blender with such a nozzle, then you can use it. This will make it faster and more comfortable.

In order to avoid the formation of lumps, the flour should be introduced into the liquid component of the dough gradually. You need to pour it out in small portions, while stirring the mass.

We knead the dough for dumplings on mineral water. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands. Such a product is easy to mold, so the result is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Filling preparation method

Finely chop the onion and add to the minced meat. Salt and pepper.

To make dumplings delicious, always use homemade minced meat. Can be used as a mixture of pork, beef. You can also make dumplings from poultry meat.

All components are thoroughly mixed. The filling for dumplings on mineral water is ready.

Sculpting process

Roll out the dough into a layer, 0.3-0.5 mm thick. We are preparing the bases for the forms of the future dish. To do this, take a glass and cut out mugs with it. From the leftovers we make another sheet and continue to form blanks until the dough runs out. To get as many even figures as possible, it is necessary to use raw materials economically, starting cutting from its edges.

Spread the stuffing in the center of each circle. Try to correctly distribute the filling. A large number of will make it difficult to form dumplings, and a small one will make the product incomplete.

teaser network

We start sculpting. Fold the dough shape in half and crimp the edges. We take two ears and connect them together. You can choose any way to create dumpling shapes. To simplify the task, use a special tool for quick sculpting. However handmade nothing compares.

Alternatively, dumplings can be faster.

Put the water on the fire, salt and wait for it to boil. Then place required amount dumplings and boil them until tender.

Thus, we got ready-made homemade dumplings from mineral water dough.

Dumplings on a mineral water can not only be boiled, but also fried or steamed. Bon appetit!

The dough for dumplings on a mineral water turns out to be unusually elastic. And than stronger than cooking is more amazing. Every housewife wants the dough not to stick when cooking, and the filling does not have to be scooped out from the bottom of the pan. The kneading recipe is unusually simple, which we will tell you about now.

Mineral water dough for dumplings: what is the advantage of the method?

Since ancient times, it has been traditionally used by cooks to knead it in cold spring water. Over time, small changes were made to the cooking technology, but the quality of the water has always been the key to success. ready meal. Chefs love to experiment, and during one of the experiments it was noticed that the dough on mineral water for dumplings acquires extraordinary elasticity and suppleness. In addition, the problem of sticking the flour base to the hands has disappeared, which causes discomfort to many housewives.

The more bubbles the better

We found out that for our elastic dough it is necessary to take only highly carbonated water, because the more bubbles, the more airy, softer, and, therefore, tastier the finished product. Here is the complete list of required ingredients:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 700 g;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • mineral water with a high content of gases - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and sugar - 0.5 tsp. spoons.

Before you start kneading the dough for dumplings on a mineral water, pay attention to the amount of flour. It is usually recommended to use 3 cups of the product in recipes. However, keeping a small supply on hand would still be appropriate. Based on the quality and grade, you will never predict how the flour will behave, and how much it is needed in grams for the final formation of an elastic fresh lump.

First stage: kneading in a bowl

To begin with, in a deep bowl, combine all the liquid ingredients (carbonated water, egg and vegetable oil) and add salt and sugar to them. Mix the composition thoroughly and begin to add the sifted flour in small portions. It is enough to introduce one tablespoon of flour with a slide into the kneading container, and after each portion entered, gently grind the flour with a liquid mass. The dough for dumplings on mineral water, the recipe of which we give you, should not stick to your hands. Having introduced as much flour as we think is sufficient, we will check the state of the mass by touch.

Step 2: Lay the dough out on the table

If it seems that the composition is elastic enough, you can lay it out on the board and start kneading it simultaneously with both hands. We knead for 15 minutes. This is a long time, however, the components should adhere to each other as much as possible. Then there will be no problems in cutting the dough into portioned pieces and rolling out the base for dumplings. By the way, such a dough can also be successfully used for dumplings, unleavened pies and pasties.

We will not immediately form bundles and cut the dough into pieces, let the formed coma stand for at least 20 minutes while covering it with cellophane. In order for the finished lump not to dry out in places, you can cover it with a kitchen towel over the cellophane. And only after the dough for dumplings on the mineral water has finally adhered, you can begin to proceed to the stage of forming portioned pieces.

Foundation formation

Our recipe will be incomplete if we do not tell you how to properly roll out the base for dumplings. Let's start with the fact that it is better to cook dumplings in 4 hands, because together the monotonous process of rolling and sculpting can be completed much faster. In this case, you can also alternate actions if necessary.

First, cut off or pinch off a piece of dough of such a size from the formed coma that it fits comfortably in both hands. Then we form a thin long tourniquet, put it on the table and cut it with a knife into small portions. When the whole sausage from the dough is cut, sprinkle each lump with flour and squeeze a little inside palms. We lay out the blanks on the table in a chaotic manner, and a little flour will prevent the particles from sticking together later.

We make dumplings

We begin to roll out thin flat cakes from the resulting flattened pieces of dough using a large rolling pin. Now we put pre-cooked minced meat on each cake in the center, we use a teaspoon to determine the portion of the filling. Then we fasten the edges and place each formed dumpling on a lightly floured one. If it is not planned to cook dumplings right now, the board with semi-finished products is put into the freezer.


Why so popular? Because they are prepared from natural products with love and warmth. If you do not often cook such a dish, take our recipe into service and prepare the dough for dumplings on mineral water. Feedback from those who have already used this advice is very enthusiastic.